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Julie: when one panics one feels so stupid and clumsy .. because of the fear ..

then feel its necessary to carry forward the image of being 'stupid' .. or people will
think you were 'acting ' when in panic.. its subconscious.. but it happens..

Robin: this would NOT happen very much longer if you took the exposure practice
if you MADE yourself feel panic EVERY DAY
to practice through it
but you aren’t doing that
so u only practice on panic when it pops up now and then
which is very small exposures
too far apart

Julie: yes i will

Robin: so your learning is weakened

can u see this?

Julie: yes

Robin: can u see if u FORCED yourself to go through this every day to small degrees
u WOULD HAVE TO learn something
u would be FORCED to memorise the practice statements
can u see how vital that IS
u have gone out yes - but you hardly ever panic because you stay ‘safe’

Julie: so many variables are at work. .. yes i know.. i am just trying to see the
obstacles that come in the way of exposure and practice

Robin: so the big bad panic is still a fear for you

Julie: how to stick to the decision..

Robin: u come back from exposure and say - "it was so great - i didn't panic”

Julie: how to have discipline

Robin: and that was a wasted exposure

Julie: all these things are important to address

Robin: yes

Julie: as the panic does break your will so badly

Robin: that's why CBT is SO effective

Julie: ok

Robin: because exposure is a big part of the treatment

and exposure is THE most effective treatment for panic

Julie: my brain feels tired today .. still feeling jittery . .. words are looking blur now.

Robin: practice NOW on that

Julie: yes

Robin: let go all over

let your stomach relax
breathe properly
feel feet on floor
come back into room

Julie: sitting on the floor

Robin: lol
listen to sounds
its ok
u are in NO danger at all
it’s JUST feelings

Julie: yes

Robin: that's all

it only ever WILL be just feelings
its just fight or flight

Julie: i am able to immediately tune when you say it.. but i cannot say it myself.

Robin: and guess why


Julie: because i am constantly adding second fear

Robin: but what else

in answer to your statement
WHY cant u say it yourself

Julie: my mind not working right now

Robin:: ok - if u practiced on actual anxiety everyday for two weeks

do u think u would know the practice better

Julie: yes
i will do exposure every day

Robin: we have only really done proper practice a few times in two months
Julie: yes

Robin: not much chance of u being an expert

Julie: yes

Robin: that's why the longer u spread it out the longer u HAVE panic

Julie: ok
i will do a crash course

Robin: its a simple equation

Julie: yes

Robin: the more practice you put in the faster you recover

Julie: and wont i get so exhausted doing it and die?

Robin: Practice where u faced SOME real anxiety


Julie: i am so tired today

feel so sick

Robin: ok
but that's ok
i am tired too
VERY tired

Julie: oh?

Robin: I also get days when i feel sick - it doesn't mean anything 'bad'
Julie: yes

Robin: keep that in mind

Julie: ok

Robin: everyone feels all this at some time or other

Julie: i will do practice

Robin: don't build it up

not today

Julie: yes

Robin: u have done it for today

Julie: ok

Robin: although keep practicing on how u feel

Julie: ok

Robin: write out the flashcard

Julie: yes

Robin: good
then EVERY time your script writing mind kicks in
read that instead

Julie: yes
Robin: let panic happen
its ok

Julie: yes

Robin: its ok if it has affected your life

so what
that's just life
why add worry more to that

Julie: :-)

Robin: just get back to practice

Julie: yes

Robin: now is now

get on with it

Julie: yes

Robin: tell Julie to shut up


Julie: thank you so much


Robin: imagine melanie was going through this

Julie: NO

Robin: and u KNEW that practice would clear it if she did it diligently

Julie: never - she wont

Robin:: but she went on and on about how it ruins her life

Julie: don't even want to imagine that

Robin: lol

Julie: yes

Robin: its just an analogy

Julie: i know .. i will ask her to shut up and do practice

i know

Robin: good
so go do the practice

Julie: yes
thank YOU

Robin: when u catch yourself 'wandering' off into catastrophe-land

bring it back to PRACTICE

Julie: thank you. .. ok

Robin: ok chat later

DIALOGUE number 7
In this dialogue Julie had been feeling ok for some time and then suddenly had
a panic attack out of the blue. Even though we had talked about ‘setbacks’ she
was still very surprised and was trying to find a reason why it happened.

Robin: hi

Julie: hi

Robin: so u got triggered huh

Julie: i was so surprised at today's panic. it came so suddenly .. i am trying to think..

what happened.

Robin: don't

Julie: don't know why


Robin: Analysing yourself is a waste of time - and causes more anxiety

Then your body tries to help - more adrenaline - etc
that's WHY people panic

Julie: and because i don't know why it happened... i am finding it hard to convince
myself that its just adrenaline

Robin: because it happens WITHOUT reason

panic can even be triggered in one’s sleep
we can wake up with strange sensations which triggers us into panic

Julie: really? because i used to wake up in panic ..

Robin: yes
so what 'reason' can there be when we are unconscious

Julie: i am feeling so shaken up today .. yes

Robin: u had BIG BIG stress day yesterday

u were down then up etc

Julie: yes

Robin: probably u were on edge

then slightest thing can then trigger the fight or flight
and THEN u panic
its JUST sensations
you are in no danger whatsoever

Julie: yes

Robin: MILLIONS worldwide right now have these same feelings

same fears
they ALL think 'the worst'

Julie: my hands and legs shaking.. i was sweating.. could not utter a word.

Robin: u were thinking it couldn't be just Adrenaline

yes because you added a LOT more fear

Julie: and right now my mouth is dry and feel this strange feeling in stomach

Robin: dry mouth is fight or flight

so is the feeling in your stomach
adrenaline surge
causes both symptoms
Julie: and headache

Robin: that too

it is ALL same thing
nothing wrong
how many times over how many YEARS u had this
nothing ever came of it

Julie: yes

Robin:: nothing ever will

except feeling frightened
its just like 'movement' in your body
nothing 'bad' 'happening'
adrenaline is surging

Julie: ok

Robin: this is causing physical reactions

for YOUR benefit

Julie: yes

Robin: to fight or run

poor body mistaken

Julie: yes

Robin: so all these processes are taking place - to help u

but as they take place they feel 'weird' - ‘out of place’

Julie: yes

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