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meaning definition Nature of learning

Importance of Characterstics of Principles of learning

learning learning
Educational point of
• The process of modification of
behaviour is termed as learning.
Psychological point of
• Learning implies making the most
appropriate response to stimulus.
 Learning is not acuquiring knowledge or skill by mere
mechanical repetitions -skinner
 Learning is the process by which an organism in
satisfying its motivation adopts and adjusts its
behavior in order to overcome abstracts or barriers -
kingly & gray
 Learning is shown by a change in behavior as a result
of experience -j.p.Guilford
 Learning is shown by a change in behavior as
a result of experiences -Cronback
 Learning is a modification of both behaviour
and the way of perceiving -Murphy
 Learning
is the name given to a small number
of demonstrable relationship between
environmental factors and behavioural
changes -E. C. Tolman
 Learning occupies a very important place in
our life.
 Learning is the process of change which
enables an organism itself to the
environment, it is therfore a process of
development and growth and it is
characterized by flexibility because the
individual has to adapt itself constantly to
the circumstances of the environment.
 Learning produces changes is behavior.
 Learning produces change in behavior.
 Learning is often defined as the modification
of behavior.
 Learning involves problem solvinng, it helps
to understand and discover relations
between different contents in situation.
 Learning is an automatic process.
 It takes place when the child becomes
 Learning creates motivation to learn or gain
 It develops our knowledge.
 It creates our curiosity to know something.
 It creates the ability to the sense of
discrimination ability to use symbols.
 Learning helps to solve any problem in ones
 W.R.McCaw in his book “educational
Psychology” has given the detail of the
characteristics of learning process. They are
 Learning is a continuous change in behavior.
 It is a life long process
 Learning is physically, mentally and
cognitively attached with the whole of the
 Learning brings changes in the discipline of
 Readiness
 Exercise
 Effect
 Primacy
 Recency
 Intensity
 Reqirement
 freedom
 Readiness: readiness implies a degree of
concentration and eagerness. individuals
learn best when they are physically, mentally
and emotionally read to learn, and do not
learn well it they see no reason for learning.
 Exercise: the principle of effect is based on
the emotional reaction of the student. It has
direct relationship to motivation.
 Effect: the principle of effect is based in the
emotional reaction of the student. It has a
direct relationship to motivation.
 Primacy: the state of being first often creates a
strong, almost unshakable, impression. Things
learned first create a strong impression. Means that is
difficult to erase. This means that what is taught
must be right the first time.
 Recency: the principle of recency states that things
most recently learners are best remembered.
Conversely, the further a student is removed time
wise from a new fact or understanding, the more
difficult it is to remember.
 Intensity: the principle of intensity implies that a
student will learn the real thing than from a
substitute. For example a student can get more
understanding and appreciation of a movie by
watching it than by reading the script.
 Requirement: the law of requirement states
that” we must have something to obntain or
do something.
 Freedom:
 Fredom of choice
 Freedom of action
 Freedom of bear result of action
 The principle of freedom states that things
freely are best learned.
 Since learning is an active process is an
active process, students must have freedom:
 Freedom of choice, freedom of action,
freedom to bear the results of action- these
are the three great freedoms that constitute
personal responsibility. If no freedom is
granted, students may have little interest in

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