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Robin: don't pile pressure on yourself by saying you are totally fine

remember - no tricks
don't pressure yourself
go for the middle path

Julie: yes

Robin: ok - well done

Julie: thank you

Robin: more proof that this is the cycle of fear

adrenaline cycle

Julie: yes.

Robin: that your body is trying to HELP

God help it
such a friend it is
and you are terrified of it lol

Julie: are you sure about that? i feel there must be some trick that nothing would go
wrong.. because it feels so horrible..

Robin: how many times have u felt better JUST after reading the booklet / practicing
/ talking to me about it

Julie: and i really worry about my brain.. because i can see that the people on the
road are normally going about their business.. and i am feeling this strange

Robin: that is called MISINTERPRETATION

you misinterpret the symptoms
because you can’t see any clear ‘reason’ for how you feel - so you try to come up
with other explanations which make you anxious

Julie: now when i type i am sweating. .but i should say whatever i am thinking right?
how ever crazy it is? you wont judge me because of that. .. ok. thank you.

Robin: so - right now - breathe deeply and when u breath out - let that go

Julie: yes

Robin: back to practice

Julie: ok

Robin: do it now

Julie: yes

Robin: let go all over

feet on floor
wiggle toes

Julie: no.. sitting down.


Robin: tell your kind body that all is ok

Julie: all is ok

Robin: r..e..l..a..x..

Julie: when you say that.. i start yawning.. its so crazy.. lol

Robin: come back into room

Julie: relax.. smile


Julie: yes
i am

Robin: feel at peace in life

Julie: again yawn.

Robin: let go into it's arms

and remember it's like a big BLUFF
you create your OWN panic lol
you panic about your own panic lol
like a dog chasing it's tail

Julie: yawn. again.. my god.. this is really crazy.. in the morning same happened.. i
yawned constantly after talking to you.

Robin: good that is your body relaxing

Julie: relax
Robin: getting more air

Julie: yawn

Robin: lol

Julie: feel so much better.

Robin: so - your ONLY task is to STOP STIRRING

Julie: yes
wow. life is ok .

Robin: forget about relaxing or thinking or worrying

Julie: yes

Robin: just stop stirring

Julie: just yawn

Robin: take out the stick

Julie: yes

Robin: lol
now - finally
very important

Julie: yes

Robin: you don't have to stay this way

Julie: i am feeling SO relaxed


Robin: because panic is no threat EVER

so even if u panic in the future

Julie: yes

Robin: SO WHAT
it's STILL just adrenaline
it's STILL exactly this now
just a matter of practice and it will come down
no need to fear it in the slightest
so if u DON’T panic - ok
if you DO panic - ok
no problemo

Julie: yes
no problemo ... i could actually smile.

Robin: so you can TOTALLY relax and not even have to hang on to feeling peaceful

Julie: yes

Robin: u can even relax into ALLOWING panic to exist

because it's JUST adrenaline

Julie: yes

Robin: so what

Julie: absolutely.
so what

Robin: no one in history has EVER been caused any REAL damage by a panic attack
except being scared

Julie: yawn

Robin: lol
ok - see if u can go home

Julie: ok . yes.
i will . i want to get over this stupidity

Robin: if u can't that's ok too - keep practicing

Julie: thanks for saying this.

thank you so much - now i will go

Robin: u have been stirred up so it may not calm down for quite a while physically
so allow some sensations to come up now and then
that’s perfectly normal

Julie: no.. when you say .. i can not go... that makes it very easy for me to go.

Robin: ok

Julie: ok

Robin: will chat later

Julie: yes - bye

DIALOGUE number 10
In this dialogue Julie hasn’t had a panic attack for several days but - as she
says herself - she has “been desperately for last four days... ‘trying’ to be calm and
stable“ Clearly there is still a lot of fear about panic which can only be cleared
through repeated exposure practice.

Robin: hi

Julie: hi

Robin: feeling any better

Julie: may be

Robin: still feel panic

Julie: yes. a little

Robin: have u tried to practice with it

Julie: yes
just doing that

Robin: did u read the panic booklet

Julie: no.. but practiced sincerely

i am caught between ... my old ways of making me feel good .. and practice..
because i want to work etc. i am tempted to use my old ways and correct things...
and because of this new way of looking at life ...... i cannot use ANY of my earlier
logics and so i feel terrified.
i am so confused
i don't know what to do .. what to think
Robin: maybe you are thinking that this panic u feel is different than the panic u felt
in the big store
it's NOT
all panic is same
but we interpret it differently

Julie: ok.. so this too will not harm me.

Robin: not in a million years

u need to understand that this requires REPEATED practice
this is THE top problem i encounter with all people

Julie: i am sorry. .. whenever i try to throw everything i am used to away... makes

me so scared..

Robin: some how or other i knew years ago i needed to repeat this practice until it
finally worked
but most people give up
or slow up
or ease off the practice
and then they feel it doesn't work
like expecting to learn piano with 5 lessons
and play brilliantly
and when it doesn't work they give up
you KNOW EXACTLY NOW what panic is
so WHY waste your time seeing it in your old way??

Julie: i don't want to give up... but my mind is trying every trick to make me stick to
old pattern right now

Robin: it's up to YOU to override YOUR mind

i think u have TWO things going on at minute
physical panic feelings
and mental worry and usual fear
you need to balance how u are using your mind right now
you are stressed with script
u need to GO OUT - walk
watch a comedy
then practice with the mental activity

Julie: yes.. i don't want to give up..

the biggest trap that my mind can create for me.. is putting in front of me the self
image i am scared of.. .. and push me into panic..
and i am most scared thinking that people will declare me mad and push me
away...or out of their way... this is the greatest fear i have... (this is my scared mind
seeing.. not me.) .. yes

Robin: observe how the mind adds fear to the fear and gets caught in it’s own trap

Julie: yes

Robin: for next few hours try to OBSERVE the mind catatsrophising
and the EXACT panic thoughts

Julie: yes


Julie: ok

Robin: but also do something LIGHT HEARTED

Julie: yes. i need that.

Robin: watch TV - go out for walk

make a face in the mirror
tell melanie to tickle u
just try to practice with whatever

Julie: yes

Therapist: that's all

Julie: i will

Therapist: if you TRY to be calm u get tense


Julie: yes

Therapist: just remind yourself of all the truth about anxiety

Julie: i will remember.. that's what i have been desperately doing.. for last four
days... ‘trying’ to be calm and stable :-)

Therapist: i know - everyone falls into that trap

Recovery is NOTHING to do with that
it's getting to point where u tell panic to DO IT"S WORST
because you KNOW it's JUST adrenaline

Julie: yes

Therapist: why would you need to calm yourself down if it's just adrenaline

Julie: yes

Therapist: u are in no danger so why worry about being calm

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