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Sr.Kg 2nd Unit Test 200______-200____.

Allocation of Marks and Paper pattern.

English: Written Total Marks =30

1. Fill in the articles (a, an, the) in the given blanks below :-( Marks 5)

E.g.:__________ bat. __________ Umbrella. ________ Earth.

2. Fill in the vowels (a, e, i, o, u, y) according to the pictures given below:

(Marks: 10)


b___ t n___ t t____ n b____ x c___ p

3. Write the plural form of the word by adding‘s’:-(Marks:5 )

E.g.: Ball__________ Bat___________

4. Write sentences by using (This/These/That/Those) by observing the pictures:


E.g.: : This is a ball.

5. Tick and Cross the Prepositions in the box given below: (Marks:2)
Eg. In\Out On\Under Near\Far Front\Behind.
Same manner as it is in English work book

English: Written Total Marks =20

1. Poetry Recitation (any 1) =5 marks.

2. Phonic Reader: Chapter for exam is (6, 7, 8, 9). =5 marks.

3. Story Narration =5 marks.

4. Conversation =5 marks.
Math’s: Written Total Marks =30

1. Put greater than (>), smaller than (<) or equal (=) sign in the given box

E.g. 12 15 43 34 24 24

2. Write the Tables of (0, 1) (Marks 5). Eg. 0 x 1 =

3. Write Number Names given below: E.g. 51 =___________________

(Marks 5).

4. Skip counting in 1’s, 2’s, 3’s (Marks 6).

5. Add the objects vertically. (Marks 4). E.g. 2


6. Simple addition of 2 numbers: (Marks 2).E.g. 2 + 3 =

7. Simple addition of 3 numbers: (Marks 2).E.g. 2 + 2 + 1 =

Math’s: Oral Total Marks 20:

1. Tables of 1x1=1 and 2x1=2 (10 marks each)

Drawing: Grades

1. To color the House.

Craft: Grades

1. To make purse.

E.V.S Written: Total 30 Marks

1. Color the Indoor and Outdoor games ion yellow and red color (Marks 10)
2. In the class room tick the box related to the class room objects and cross the
odd (Marks 11)
3. Match the action’s with their spellings. (Marks 9)
E.V.S Oral: Total 20 Marks

To identify the objects related to the topics in E.V.S text books.

1. Kitchen (Marks 5)
2. Dining table (Marks 5)
3. Bathroom (Marks 5)
4. Drawing room (Marks 5)

Hindi Written: Total 30 Marks

Recognizing Hindi alphabets
Matching letter to picture
Missing letters
Drawing pictures related to letters
Cross the odd letter

Hindi orals: Total 20 Marks.

1. Story (Marks 10)

2. Rhymes (Marks 10) [two Rhymes asked]

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