Eeuo Part3 Part3

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 

 
 Vγ 
 K  =1
 γ 
 ρ γ 

i) Aerodynamic testing where velocity exceeds speed of sound.
Eg: Flow of airplane at supersonic speed.
ii) Water hammer problems.

5. Weber’s Model Law:

If surface tension forces are predominant with inertia force, similarity can be
established by equating Weber number of model and prototype.
Wm = Wγ
   
 V   V 
  = 
 σ   σ 
 ρL  m  ρL  p

 
 V 
  =1
 ω 
 ρ L r

i) Flow over wires with low heads.
ii) Flow of very thin sheet of liquid over a surface.
iii) Capillary flows.
• Problem 1: A pipe of diameter 1.5 m is required to transmit an oil of S = 0.9 and
viscosity 3 x 10-2 poise at 3000 lps. Tests were conducted on 15 cm diameter pipe
using water at 20oC. Find velocity and rate of flow of model if µ water at 20oC is
0.01 poise.

Dp = 1.5 m
• Solution Sp = 0.9
µp = 3 x 10-2 poise = 3 x 10-3 Ns/m2
Qp = 3000 lps = 3000 x 10-3 m3/s = 3 m3/s
Dm = 0.15 m
Sm = 1
Vm = ?
Qm = ?
Ap Vp = Qp
Vp = 1.698 m/s
µm = 0.01 poise
= 0.001 poise
ρm = 1000 kg/m3
ρp = 0.9 x 1000 = 900 kg/m3

(Re)m = (Re)p
ρ m Vm D m ρ p Vp D p
µm µp

1000 x Vm x 0.15 900 x 1.698 x 1.5

0.001 3 x 10 −3
Vm = 5.094 m/s
Q = AmVm

Q= (0.15)2 (5.094)
Q = 0.09 m3/s
Q = 90 lps.

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