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Stress-Corrosion Cracking of AISI 4340 Steel in Aqueous


Stress corrosion cracking of the high-strength martensitic steel AISI 4340 (yield
stress = 1503 MPa) in NaCl aqueous solutions of different concentrations was studied exper-
imentally using compact tension specimens in free corroding conditions. The experiments were
conducted under the controls of constant load, constant crack opening displacement (COD),
constant loading rate, and constant COD rate. Despite the differences in controlling conditions,
the experiments yielded similar results for the threshold stress intensity factor and the plateau
velocity in the 3.5 wt pct NaCl solution. Dependence of the plateau velocity on the NaCl
concentration was observed, whereas the values of the threshold stress intensity factors seem to
be independent of the NaCl concentration in distilled water.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0335-y
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2010

I. INTRODUCTION function of the microstructure and loading rate. In

materials with a higher segregation of impurities at the
ENVIRONMENTALLY assisted crack growth or grain boundaries, intergtanular hydrogen-assistsed
stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is one of the major cracking prevails as a result of hydrogen trapping at
sources of failure in engineering structures and machine the grain boundaries. However, hydrogen embrittlement
components and has been studied for several decades. A by dislocation motion (plastic strain controlled process)
significant amount of research including experimental can be achieved in materials with a decreased amount of
work and modeling efforts has been done on the subject hydrogen traps along the grain boundaries and can lead
of interaction of the stress and the corrosive environ- to transgranular cracking.[15]
ments in metallic materials. It has been established[1–4] Low-alloy high-strength steels have been known to
that SCC occurs under the influence of tensile stresses develop SCC in water and saline solutions. A significant
and corrosive environments. Despite the generally amount of work has been directed toward the investi-
accepted notion that the tensile stress is a necessary gation of SCC in aqueous environments with sodium
condition for SCC to evolve, it has been shown that chloride[2–4,20–28] as well as other dissolved spe-
SCC also can occur under compressive loads in 7075 cies.[1,29,30] In aqueous environments, the hydrogen
aluminum alloy.[5] The mechanism of SCC depends on atoms become available as a result of electrochemical
the material, environment state (gaseous or liquid) and reactions at the crack tip and are absorbed into the
the environmental species. It has been established that material by the diffusion process.[4,22,31] The crack-tip
high-strength steels with martensitic structures are reactions are rather complex and generally consist of
susceptible to hydrogen-assisted cracking,[6–14] which is anodic and cathodic reactions and the hydrolysis of
related to embrittlement caused by hydrogen diffusion. metal ions.[4,11,22,26,32] The subsequent hydrogen diffu-
Experiments with H2 gas charging revealed the depen- sion occurs under the hydrostatic stress condition. The
dence of the cracking mechanism on the processes of crack-tip processes depend on a variety of factors that
hydrogen diffusion into the crack tip and the distribu- complicate the development of standard testing proce-
tion of hydrogen among microstructural sites.[4,7,15–18] It dures in stress corrosion cracking experiments.[33]
was shown that the temperature and pressure of
It should be mentioned that from the historical
supplied dry hydrogen and H2S gas have a significant
retrospective, the experimental work on environmen-
effect on the threshold stress intensity of cracking
tally assisted failure started with using smooth dog-
(KISCC).[14,19] It was determined that KISCC increased
bone-shaped specimens subjected to static load in
with a decrease in hydrogen pressure. With an increase
corrosive environments. Later, the concepts of fracture
in the threshold stress intensity, the fracture mode
mechanics and the use of fatigue precracked specimens
shifted from intergranular cracking to the microvoid
were introduced into practice to facilitate the SCC
coalescence.[19] Hydrogen embrittlement seems to be a
process.[34] The first experimental observations of SCC
of high-strength steels using fatigue precracked speci-
mens revealed the crack growth curves containing the
SERGIY KALNAUS, Ph.D., JIXI ZHANG, Research Fellow, and plateau region where the crack extension velocity was
YANYAO JIANG, Professor, are with the Department of Mechanical virtually independent of the applied stress intensity
Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557. Contact e-mail:
factor and introduced the concept of threshold stress
Manuscript submitted November 1, 2009. intensity for stress corrosion cracking.[34–37] A variety of
Article published online June 24, 2010 specimen configurations was used in the experiments,


including standard compact tension (CT), cantilever Anodic dissolution plays an important role in the
beam (CB), and wedge-opening load (WOL) specimens. SCC process by dissolving the metal generally along a
Crack extension typically was detected by potential specific path, which coincides with the prior austenite
drop, variation in crack opening displacement (COD), grain boundaries for high-strength steels.[25] Therefore,
or acoustic emission techniques.[38,39] Each specimen the effect of prior austenite grain size on the SCC rate
configuration enabled testing under a control of con- has been a subject of study.[24,60,61] It was shown
stant load or constant displacement, thus adding more experimentally that the prior austenite grain size has
variables into the experimental practice.[40] In addition, no effect on KISCC when cracking occurred in the 3.5 pct
the effect of loading history (precracking stress intensity, aqueous NaCl solution and in distilled water.[24,25] At
in particular) became evident and resulted in significant the same time, it was observed that a decrease in prior
experimental research.[41–44] Of particular interest is the austenite grain size led to a decrease in the crack growth
result produced by Rieck et al.,[44] who showed the rate.
possibility of a complete inhibition of SCC by intro- Apparently, the SCC growth is influenced by the
ducing creep in a dry noncorrosive environment prior to concentration of the chloride ions in the solution. It was
stress corrosion testing. Fracture mechanics aspects[45] shown that an increase in the NaCl concentration in
as well as material–stress–electrochemistry coupling saline solutions decreased the crack growth rate[22,62]
effects[46–50] were investigated and considered in the under otherwise identical conditions. Although chloride
experimental programs. Among the multitude of factors ions did not enter the hydrolysis process and were
affecting the environmentally assisted cracking in aque- irrelevant to the hydrogen reduction, they degraded
ous environments, the effect of polarization received passive films on the crack flanks during SCC.[26] It
significant attention. It was determined that the appli- should be mentioned that to the best knowledge of the
cation of anodic potential significantly reduced the crack authors, the effect of the concentration of Cl on SCC in
growth rate as compared with the application of the high-strength steels has not been investigated in
cathodic potential.[50] An X-ray analysis of residual detail and deserves additional consideration. Most
stresses near the SCC fracture surfaces revealed the available experimental work was done either in distilled
existence of tensile residual stresses under an applied water or in simulated seawater with a 3.5 pct NaCl
cathodic potential, whereas compressive residual stresses concentration.
were found in the specimens to which anodic potential The current investigation is an experimental study of
was applied.[47] the environmentally assisted cracking in AISI 4340 steel
The strain rate at the crack tip is associated with the in aqueous solutions of different NaCl concentrations.
dislocation motion and influences the transport of the A series of experiments were designed and conducted
hydrogen into the metal matrix.[15] When cracking using the CT specimens in an effort to understand the
occurs in water, the only source of hydrogen is the effect of NaCl concentration on the threshold stress
cathodic reduction. Because the cathodic reduction is a intensity factor and the plateau crack growth velocity.
function of the anodic dissolution, which in turn, is a Experiments with different loading rates were conducted
crack-tip strain-controlled process, the hydrogen diffu- to study the loading rate effect on the SCC of the
sion and hydrogen embrittlement seem to be a strain- material under investigation. The experimental setup
rate-dependent process.[25] It was observed that under was designed such that a real-time in situ observation of
very high strain rates at the crack tip, SCC did not occur the crack extension can be made to produce accurate
because of insufficient time for electrochemical reactions first-hand data.
to develop.[51] At the same time, very low strain rates
allowed for the complete formation of the passive film at
the crack tip, which restricts the SCC process.[2] There- II. EXPERIMENT
fore, a balance between the development of fresh crack
and the corrosion processes needs to be maintained for The material under investigation is AISI 4340 steel,
the crack to grow. Such a balance was one of the which has been used in aeronautic applications includ-
primary subjects of investigation with the introduction ing landing gears and reductors. The chemical compo-
of rising load and rising displacement conditions into sition of the material is shown in Table I. Prior to the
experimental practice.[52–55] A significant amount of final machining of the testing specimen, the material was
work on loading-rate-related processes in SCC of high- heat treated at 1133 K (860 C) for 1 hour, quenched in
strength steels has been done by Dietzel and col- agitated warm oil, tempered at 573 K (300 C) for
leagues[16,27,56–58] in an effort to develop a new technique 2 hours, and then air cooled.
for a faster determination of the threshold stress To determine the static material properties, one
intensity factor (KISCC). It was shown that the displace- smooth dog-bone-shaped specimen was tested under
ment rate- and the loading rate-controlled experiments monotonic tension. The gage length of the specimen was
yielded the same values of KISCC as the one traditionally
obtained from the constant load experiments.[20,56] The
extensive experimental work on fatigue precracked SCC Table I. Chemical Composition of AISI 4340 Wt Pct
specimens under loading rate conditions led to a new
ISO standard in 2003 governing the use of rising load or C Cr Mn Mo Ni Fe
rising displacement controls in the SCC experiments for 0.37 0.70 0.70 0.20 1.83 Balance
various materials.[59]


2000 1200

Engineering Stress, MPa

τ, Shear Stress, MPa


1000 600

AISI 4340 AISI 4340
Monotonic Tension Monotonic Torsion
0 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
Engineering Strain γ, Shear Strain
(a) (b)

Fig. 1—Stress–strain curves obtained from experiments for (a) monotonic tension and (b) monotonic torsion.

Table II. Static Material Properties of AISI 4340

Elasticity modulus E (GPa) 207 Ultimate strength Su (MPa) 1754

Shear modulus G (GPa) 80.86 Engineering fracture stress (MPa) 2183
Poisson’s ratio l 0.28 Engineering fracture strain ef 0.257
Yield stress ry (MPa) 1503 Reduction in area RA (pct) 44.1

12.7 mm, and the diameter was 8.0 mm. The stress– R20.64
strain curve obtained from the monotonic tension test is P
shown in Figure 1(a). Another smooth dog-bone-shaped
specimen was subjected to pure monotonic torsion
loading. The gage length was 25.4 mm, and the diameter
within the gage length was 12.0 mm. The surface strain
was measured by using an extensometer with 3 pct shear
strain range. The extensometer was removed from the
specimen after the surface strain reached its range. The 10.0 17.0
surface shear strain greater than 3 pct was determined by an
the measuring rotational angle of the actuator through a a
relationship between the surface shear strain and the
rotational angle established before the removal of the
extensometer from the specimen. The surface shear stress
was determined following Nadai’s formula.[63] The shear P
stress–shear strain curve obtained from monotonic
torsion is shown in Figure 1(b). All static material W=30.95
properties of the 4340 steel are listed in Table II. It is 39.64
noticed that the monotonic torsion experiment is advan-
tageous to monotonic tension because it eliminates the Thickness=3.8
process of necking and enables the true fracture stress
and strain of the material to be obtained. Fig. 2—CT specimen used in the SCC experiments (all dimensions
Round CT specimens, as shown in Figure 2, were are in millimeters).
machined from commercially obtained 4340 steel round
bar with a diameter of 44.44 mm in the transversal specimens was 3.8 mm. Notches were cut using the
direction (circumferential orientation[21]). The heat- electrodischarge machine process to eliminate cold work
treatment procedure described previously was done to associated with the traditional saw cutting and drilling.
the specimens prior to testing. The thickness of the One side of the specimens was polished to facilitate the


observation of crack growth. The specimens were placed applied load is kept constant, the stress intensity factor
into ultrasonic cleaner prior to testing to remove the increases with the crack extension. When the COD is
residual materials from machining and polishing. fixed, the K value decreases with increasing crack length.
The crack growth experiments were conducted using Therefore, the crack growth curve can be obtained in
an Instron 8870 (Instron Worldwide Headquarters, several steps using a single specimen with different
Norwood, MA) material testing machine with a 25-kN controlled loading conditions. The approach is illus-
capacity load cell. The schematics of the experimental trated in Figure 4 using the results from Specimen
setup are shown in Figure 3. The specimen was placed HT-40 tested in 0.0035 pct NaCl solution. It is shown
into a transparent acrylic chamber containing the solu- that the combination of two controls, constant COD
tion, and the crack extension was measured with help of and constant load, can yield a crack growth curve
a long-distance optical microscope QM100 (Questar covering all three stages typically observed in the SCC
Corporation, New Hope, PA) (working distance from experiments as illustrated in the insert in Figure 4.
150 mm to 380 mm). The volume of the chamber was The multistep experiments under loading rate control
6 L, and the specimen was installed in such a way that were designed to maximize the experimental data that
the solution covered approximately 2/3 of the specimen can be obtained from a single specimen. The details of
(Figure 3). The chamber remained naturally aerated this type of experiment are summarized in Table AIV.
during the experiment. The microscope was mounted on When the same specimen was tested in several loading
a stage allowing for horizontal and vertical motions. The steps under different loading rates, fatigue precracking
microscope was equipped with a charge-coupled device with decreasing amplitude was performed between two
(CCD) camera and a direct real-time observation of the loading steps to produce a fresh fatigue crack tip each
crack was done using the computer output and position time before the SCC test. The same was done when the
digital display. A modified clip-on gage was attached to experiments were conducted with different NaCl con-
the knife edges of the specimen (Figure 2) and connected centrations. Using the loading rate control, the whole
to the Instron electronic control channel, which allowed crack growth rate curve can be obtained starting from
for the acquisition of the data and the control of the the threshold stress intensity value.
COD. All experiments were conducted at a free
potential. In all experiments in saline solution, the bulk
pH value of the solution was equal to 7 and all 2
da/dt, Crack Growth Rate, mm/sec
experiments were conducted at room temperature. Constant COD
Constant Load
With the configuration of the setup described, several 0.01
Decreasing K
types of experiments were conducted with different 6
controlled variables. The experiments were performed 4 Increasing K

under the following controlling conditions: constant

load (P), constant COD (d), constant displacement of 2

the loading point of the specimen (D), loading rate

control (dP/dt), and COD rate control (dd/dt). The 8
details of the experiments are arranged in Tables AI
through AV in the Appendix. Precracking with a
decreasing loading amplitude was performed on all 2
6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
specimens prior to SCC testing in the solution with the 10
maximum stress intensity factor in a loading cycle being K, Stress Intensity Factor, MPa m

less than 7.0 MPa m1/2.

As is shown in Tables AI through AV, most speci- Fig. 4—Multiple-step experiment with constant load and constant
mens were tested in multiple-step experiments. When the COD control.

Fig. 3—Schematics of the experimental setup for SCC experiments.



KISCC (MPa m )
This section describes the experimentally obtained

results of the SCC growth of the 4340 steel. The section
is arranged into subsections with an emphasis on a 10
particular phenomenon being investigated. The presen-
3.5wt% NaCl Aqueous Solution
tation of the crack growth curves is made after the 5
COD Rate Control
accepted format of the crack growth rate vs the stress Load Rate Control
intensity factor on a log-log scale. The stress intensity 0
factor was calculated using the following formula[64] for 2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8

the round CT specimen: dK/dt (MPa m /s)

> K ¼ P  C  FðaÞ; (a)
< C ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi1 ; a ¼ a ; dP/dt (N/s)
0.01 0.1 1 10
WB W 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
>   0.01
> ð2 þ aÞ 0:76 þ 4:8a  11:58a2 þ 11:43a3  4:08a4

(da/dt)avg, (mm/s)
: FðaÞ ¼ 4

ð1  aÞ3=2 2

3.5wt% NaCl Aqueous Solution

where a is the crack length measured from the line 2 COD Rate Control
Load Rate Control
of externally applied load P and W and B are the 0.0001
width and the thickness of the specimen, respectively -5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 10 10
(Figure 2). Equation [1] was obtained by the boundary dδ/dt (mm/s)
collocation method and has an accuracy of 0.3 pct when
0.2 £ a £ 1.0.[64]
The primary data collected as a result of the exper-
Fig. 5—Effect of loading rate on (a) threshold stress intensity KISCC
iment were the crack length and the elapsed time. A and (b) average plateau crack growth velocity.
parabolic curve was adopted to best fit a set of seven
successive data points in the experimentally obtained
relationship between the crack length and the time. The
K, Stress Intensity Factor(MPa m )

crack growth rate at the middle point was determined


60 3.5%NaCl COD Rate (mm/s)

from the derivative of the parabola. 10

50 2X10

40 10
A. Effect of Loading Rate
The effect of the loading rate on SCC for the 4340
steel was investigated in 3.5 pct NaCl aqueous solution. 10

Two types of experiments were employed: load rate 0

controlled and COD rate controlled. In all experiments, 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
the rate of controlling variable was kept constant. The a, Crack Length (mm)
details of the experiments are summarized in Table-
s AIV through AV. The primary interest was the effect Fig. 6—Variation of stress intensity factor in COD rate-controlled
of the loading rate (crack-tip strain rate) on the average experiments.
plateau velocity and the threshold stress intensity factor.
The results are shown in Figure 5. The first plot
(Figure 5(a)) represents the dependence of the SCC not influenced practically by the loading rate nor the
threshold stress intensity factor on the rates of COD and controlled loading mode (load vs COD). This obser-
the applied load. The loading and COD rates at the vation confirms the results previously obtained by
onset of cracking are represented as the rate of stress Dietzel and colleagues[16,27,58]
intensity factor on the horizontal axis in Figure 5(a). It should be mentioned that a complete SCC crack
Figure 5(b) shows the average plateau velocities corre- growth curve can be obtained only with certain values of
sponding to different values of applied dP/dt and dd/dt. COD rates. The variation of the stress intensity factor
The markers in Figure 5 represent the experimentally with the crack length in a constant COD rate-controlled
obtained data points, and the thick dotted lines are experiment in 3.5 pct NaCl aqueous solution is shown in
placed on the graphs to indicate the mean value of the Figure 6. It is shown that under very low rates of COD,
measured quantity. the stress intensity factor remains practically constant
It is shown in Figure 5 that within the range of the with the crack extension. In such a case, only the
applied COD and loading rates used in the experi- threshold value of the stress intensity factor can be
ments, the values of the SCC threshold intensity determined from the experiment, and the rest of the
factors and the plateau crack growth velocities are crack growth curve cannot be obtained.


0.30 3.0 0.1
4340HT-38, 0.0228% wt NaCl 8
Load rate-controlled AISI 4340 SCC Experiments in Aqueous NaCl Solution
0.25 2.5 6
P 4

COD (mm)
0.20 2.0

Load (kN)
0.15 1.5 2

da/dt, Crack Growth Rate, mm/s

0.10 1.0 0.01
0.05 0.5 NaCl<0.011%

0.00 0.0 4 NaCl>0.011%

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

2 wt% of NaCl:
Time (s) 0
0.001 0.0105
Fig. 7—Variation of COD with time in an experiment with constant 8
load rate control. 0.015
2 0.35
The experiment with a linearly increasing applied 3.5

load, however, results in a continuously increasing K, 0.0001

6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
which allows for the determination of all stages in the 10

crack growth curve within one experiment. Figure 7 K, Stress Intensity Factor, MPa m
shows the variation of the applied load and the
corresponding COD as a function of time in a load Fig. 8—SCC experiments in aqueous NaCl solution of different con-
rate-controlled experiment. The experiment was per-
formed at a constant loading rate (linearly increasing
load) of dP/dt = 0.1 N/s and produced a complete crack
growth curve for the material. It is shown in Figure 7 values of the stress intensity factor and the near-
that although the load is changing linearly with time, the threshold crack growth. At the same time, it is shown
COD-vs-time relationship is similar to a parabolic curve. that an addition of NaCl to the solution slows the
Therefore, to obtain the results corresponding to a plateau crack growth as observed earlier.[22,62] The
constant loading rate experiment, the COD rate should highest values of da/dt are reached in pure distilled
not be constant. water. With the addition of sodium and chloride ions,
the crack growth rate within the plateau region
decreases. It should be noticed that the crack growth
B. Effect of NaCl Concentration rate curve in pure water is distinguishable from the SCC
Nine different concentrations of sodium chloride growth curves in saline solutions by the absence of the
(NaCl) in water solution were used in the current pronounced plateau in stage II. In other words, the
investigation. The NaCl concentration ranged from velocity of crack extension in pure water is dependent on
0 pct (distilled water) to 3.5 pct (simulated seawater). the stress intensity in all three stages of crack growth.
The values of the threshold stress intensity factors were One particular phenomenon in regard to plateau
determined from the load rate-controlled experiments crack propagation velocity can be observed in Figure 8.
and correspond to a first observed crack extension of A decrease in the plateau crack growth rate does not
0.01 mm from the crack tip formed by fatigue precrack- occur continuously with an increasing NaCl concentra-
ing prior to the SCC test. All results for the effect of tion. Two groups of crack growth curves, one corre-
NaCl concentration are shown in Figure 8. Experiments sponding to the NaCl concentration lower than
were conducted with constant load, constant COD, and 0.011 pct and one with the NaCl concentrations higher
constant load rate controls. All experiments were than 0.011 pct can be distinguished in Figure 8. A
performed at free potential and at room temperature further illustration of this phenomenon is shown in
without aeration. Figure 9, which depicts the average plateau velocity of
The crack growth results in Figure 8 display typical crack growth as a function of the NaCl concentration. It
SCC behavior with the crack growth curve consisting of is shown in Figure 9 that the NaCl concentration of
three stages, as depicted schematically in the insert in 0.011 pct can be viewed as a ‘‘critical concentration’’
Figure 4. Stage I is the near threshold (subcritical) crack that separates two groups of crack growth curves
growth where the velocity of crack propagation strongly (dashed vertical line in Figure 9). The first group with
depends on the stress intensity factor K . Stage II often is NaCl concentrations lower than the critical number
called a plateau crack growth, and within this range, the behaves close to the SCC in pure water. If the NaCl
rate of crack extension is nearly independent of K. content is increased by 1.5 9 103 wt pct, then the
Finally, the third stage represents the catastrophic plateau velocity decreases to the values characteristic for
failure of the specimen and is not represented in the SCC in the 3.5 pct saline solution.
Figure 8 because most specimens in the current inves- Figure 10 is a plot of KISCC vs the NaCl concentration
tigation were not loaded until complete separation. in the distilled water solution. As was stated earlier, the
It is shown in Figure 8 that the change in the NaCl NaCl concentration has no practical influence on the
concentration has practically no effect on the threshold threshold stress intensity factor. The KISCC values are


(da/dt)avg, Plateau Crack Growth Rate, mm/s 0.01
9 Distilled Water

Distribution of Average Plateau

Crack Growth Velocity
Material: AISI 4340

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10
NaCl Concentration (wt%)
Fig. 11—SEM photograph illustrating intergranular SCC in AISI
Fig. 9—Average plateau crack growth velocity as function of NaCl 4340 steel.




Distilled Water

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10
NaCl Concentration (wt%)
Fig. 12—Photograph of a propagating SCC crack (specimen HT-43,
Fig. 10—Dependence of KISCC on NaCl concentration. dP/dt = 0.1 N/s).

confined within the range of 9:4  13:0 MPa m; as dependent on the segregation of impurities, which
indicated by the dashed lines in Figure 10. The KISCC serves as hydrogen-trapping sites, along the grain
distribution has no correlation with the NaCl concen-
pffiffiffiffi boundaries.[15] At the same time, experimental observa-
tration. The average KISCC value was 11:07 MPa m tions point to a connection between hydrogen-induced
(thick blue line in Figure 10). cracking and plastic deformation by slip on the {110}
planes.[4,15] Such a deformation mechanism leads to
transgranular cracking induced by a local process of
C. Microscopic Observations and Crack Morphology plastic strain as a result of the motion of dislocations.
An examination of the fracture surfaces under the Both mechanisms can be activated during the SCC, and
scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed the inter- the final fracture mode depends on the hydrogen
granular cracking mechanism typical for heat-treated distribution among the trapping sites.
4340 steel[65,66] in all specimens subjected to environ- In the current investigation, in situ observation of the
mentally assisted cracking (Figure 11). The mechanism SCC crack extension through the optical microscope
is not influenced by the loading rate or the NaCl allowed for the acquisition of rather peculiar cracking
concentration and no significant differences were behavior of AISI 4340. Figure 12 shows the photograph
observed in fracture morphologies of the specimens of a growing SCC crack captured with the CCD camera
tested under different loading conditions. attached to the microscope. It is shown that the crack
It has been generally accepted that the yield strength propagation consists of several small steps (‘‘cells’’) in
influences the threshold value of the stress corrosion which the crack is separated in two branches that later
and hydrogen-assisted cracking,[4,7,25,62] whereas the tend to merge together. Although the overall plateau
plateau velocity is not significantly dependent on the velocity remains constant, the crack propagation is
strength of an alloy.[25] The particular microstructural slower when the new ‘‘cell’’ is being formed by crack
cracking mechanism, however, is a function of a rate- deviation in two branches. Once the ‘‘cell’’ has started to
limiting process (i.e., anodic dissolution or hydrogen form, the crack extension becomes faster until the
embrittlement). For hydrogen-assisted cracking, the branches come together, and the new step is starting to
transgranular or intergranular path of a crack is emerge. The schematic representation of the crack


4340HT SCC in 0.012 wt% NaCl
Loading Rate Control, dP/dt = 0.1N/sec

da/dt, Crack Growth Rate, mm/s

Start of Crack Branching


0.0001 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 100
K, Stress Intensity Factor, MPa m

Fig. 14—Effect of branching on crack growth rate.

Fig. 13—Branching of the stress corrosion crack (dP/dt = 0.1 N/s,

0.012 wt pct NaCl).
equal to 2.5 times KISCC. With pffiffiffiffi the average threshold
stress intensity of 11:07 MPa m determined in current
growth process is shown in the drawing in Figure 12. investigation, p
ffiffiffiffi onset of branching can be expected at
The average vertical distance between the two branches K = 28 MPa m; which is close to the observed range
forming a cell is approximately 30 lm, which is compa- indicated.
rable with the size of two grains of the preeutectoid
austenite. Such a mechanism was observed in all
specimens regardless of the NaCl content and loading IV. DISCUSSION
control mode. It should be mentioned that fatigue
cracking of the material under investigation was also SCC of metallic materials is a rather complex phe-
intergranular. However, one clearly distinguishable nomenon involving processes of both metallurgical–
main crack was observed in fatigue cracking. Therefore, electrochemical interactions as well as stresses and
the ‘‘cellular’’ structure of SCC can be attributed to the strains in the material. The real difficulty is presented
combined effect of the environment and the static load. when the characterization of the interaction mechanism
Of the 27 specimens tested in the current investiga- between the environment and the mechanical processes
tion, seven specimens developed branching of the main is required. The rate and mechanism of environmentally
crack during the stress corrosion experiments. Multiple assisted cracking for a given material depends on many
macroscopic branches were observed as illustrated by parameters, including not only the chemical species in
the photograph in Figure 13 (dP/dt = 0.1 N/s, the environment but also the physical state of the
0.012 wt pct NaCl). The branching features were not media and the temperature.[26] Therefore, it has been
dependent on the NaCl concentration in distilled water accepted[21] that the formulation of a general model for
and were observed in specimens subjected to constant the mechanism of SCC is a rather unreasonable goal
load as well as to linearly increasing load conditions. because the specific processes operate depending on the
Crack branching has been previously observed in high- details of the environmental and metallurgical condi-
strength steels subjected to stress corrosion crack- tions. In aqueous environments, a general statement can
ing.[30,67–70] It should be mentioned that the propagation be made that the SCC is influenced by the crack-tip slip
mechanism described earlier (Figure 12) can be consid- processes, the anodic dissolution, the electrochemical
ered microscopic branching because the main crack reduction, and the subsequent hydrogen absorption
essentially consists of two propagating branches forming leading to hydrogen embrittlement.[7,21,22,26,48,71] The
the ‘‘cells’’ and separated by 30 lm vertically. The critical combination of these processes leading to SCC
formation of such ‘‘cells’’ on the microscopic level, can be considered as a mechanism of environmentally
however, does not influence the overall plateau velocity assisted crack growth.[3,21]
of SCC. When the macroscopic branching occurs, the The first systematic collaborative experimental stud-
propagation rate of the main horizontal crack signifi- ies of the SCC behavior of the ‘ steel probably started
cantly slows as illustrated in Figure 14. It should be with the Round Robin test program using the WOL
mentioned that the onset of macroscopic branching specimens initiated in 1974[20,72] and involved 20 par-
occurred at specific values pffiffiffiffiof the stress intensity
pffiffiffiffi factor ticipating laboratories. The objective of this research
ranging from 29:4 MPa m to 34:7 MPa m. Previous was to develop a standard test procedure for the
work on SCC of 4340 steel with yield stress equal to determination of the threshold stress intensity factor
1530 MPa in 0.1N H2SO4 solution[30] showed occur- using the WOL specimens. A large amount of data from
rence of branching at stress intensity approximately the experiments on 4340 steel with ry = 1254 MPa


(da/dt)avg, Crack Growth Rate, mm/s
100 Literature
8 -1
Present Work
6 10 Average Plateau Velocity:

4 -2 Present Work


2 -3
10 10
6 -5
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
σy, Yield Stress, MPa 10
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
σy, Yield Stress, MPa
Fig. 15—KISCC as a function of yield stress for AISI 4340 steel.
Fig. 16—Plateau velocity as a function of yield stress for AISI 4340
showed values
pffiffiffiffi of KISCC ranging from 23:3 MPa m to
26:8 MPa m: Experiments conducted by the researchers
employing the WOL and CTpspecimensffiffiffiffi later yielded the precracking is done with a low Kmax and crack growth is
range of K ffiffiffiffi from 9:7 MPa m[74]
pISCC (ry = 1682 MPa)[73] to observed directly at a microscopic level (Table AI).
116 MPa m (ry = 985 MPa). Resent research by Previous investigations on 4340 steel with yield strength
Raman et al.[75,76] using circumferential notch tensile ry = 1654 MPa,[66] however, demonstrated the exis-
(CNT) specimens as a substitute for traditional p CT
ffiffiffiffi tence of rather prolonged incubation times (from
geometry produced values of KISCC close to 15 MPa m 11 minutes to 3000 minutes) even when the fatigue
(ry ¼ 1470 MPa). In the current work, the average value precracking was done with maximum stress intensities
of KISCC for AISI 4340 with pffiffiffiffiry = 1503 MPa was lower than the initial values of K in stress corrosion
determined to bep11:07 ffiffiffiffi MPa m; which is close to cracking. The difference most likely can be explained by
KISCC ¼ 11:9 MPa m determined by Hirose et al. for different definitions of the incubation time concept.
the AISI 4340 steel with the yield stress equal to Although in the current investigation, the incubation
1530 MPa.[46] The values of threshold stress intensity time is defined as a time required for a crack to extend
and plateau crack growth velocity available from the by 0.01 mm, the incubation time in Reference 66 was
research results reported in the literature are arranged in treated as time when the crack growth rate reaches the
Table AVI. In addition to yield stress values, the plateau regime.
controlling conditions during the experiment and the The constant COD experiments used for the threshold
specimen types are specified in Table AVI. The values of intensity factor determination can take a very long time
threshold stress intensity factors obtained in the current (up to 7000 hours) when the low initial values of K are
investigation are compared with the data from the applied.[20] Therefore, efforts were directed toward
literature in Figure 15. The results taken from the developing techniques to accelerate the determination
literature are represented by open circles, and the results of the threshold.[52–55] Three fracture-mechanics-based
of the current experiments are shown with filled mark- testing approaches (constant load, constant displace-
ers. The solid line represents the reference exponential fit ment, and constant displacement rate) were applied and
of the data, and the dashed lines show the 100 pct compared by Dietzel et al.[56] in the experiments on 2024
spread from the reference line. A significant amount of aluminum alloy. The resulted values of KISCC and the
scatter can be observed in Figure 15 and a rather large plateau crack growth velocities were very similar in all
variation is noted in KISCC values for an identical yield three applied testing techniques.[56] The applicability of
stress. An overall tendency of decreasing threshold rising COD control to the SCC experiments was
stress intensity with increase in ry can be observed despite investigated further with other metallic materials includ-
the scatter. It is shown that the data obtained in the ing AISI 4340,[16,27,54,57,58] and the results confirmed
current investigation fall within the scattering band in that the experiments with faster constant displacement
Figure 15. rates can be used in place of time-consuming constant
The average plateau velocity as a function of the yield load tests. It should be mentioned that the degree of
stress is shown in Figure 16 for the 4340 steel. The influence of the loading rate on the threshold stress
detailed values of the plateau velocities are listed in intensity, however, depends on the manufacturing pro-
Table AVI under the column Vavg. The open circles cess applied to the material. Research on Ti alloys[77,78]
represent the results from the literature, and the solid demonstrated that within the same range of dK/dt, age-
markers are the results obtained from the current study. hardened and cold-worked materials exhibit different
It is clear that, as a general tendency, a higher yield behavior of KISCC as a function of loading rate.
stress results in a higher plateau velocity. In the current investigation, independence of both the
In addition to the threshold values, the constant load threshold stress intensity factor and the plateau velocity
experiments provide information in regard to the crack of AISI 4340 of the testing technique was confirmed
incubation time. In the current investigation, the exper- with the experiments in the 3.5 wt pct NaCl solution.
iments under constant load control revealed that the It was observed, however, that the linearly increas-
incubation time is practically zero when K > KISCC if ing COD-controlled experiments may not provide a


complete crack growth curve because of the nature of boundary decohesion as a result of hydrogen trap-
variation of the stress intensity factor in such experi- ping.[15,80–82] Most likely, both mechanisms are present
ments. In the experiments with low rates of COD, the in the SCC of the high-strength steels, but the domi-
value of K stays almost constant with the crack nance of one depends primarily on the amount of
extension, which restricts the results to the region of hydrogen traps at the grain boundaries (i.e., the degree
stage I in the crack growth curve. Under higher values of of phosphorus or sulfur segregation).[80] Experiments on
displacement rates, stage I is missed, and the experiment double vacuum arc-melted Aermet 100 alloy, which is
can yield growth data starting from the plateau regime, free of grain boundary impurities, revealed the trans-
which may give an erroneous estimation of the threshold granular fracture mode.[7,83] In addition, unlike air-
stress intensity. To maintain an increasing K with time, melted 4340 steel, Aermet 100 displayed sensitivity of
the crack opening displacement should be increased KISCC to the chloride concentration.[83] Intergranular
parabolically (Figure 7). Based on the results obtained cracking in 4340 steel together with rather high crack
in the current investigation, it can be stated that the growth velocities observed in the current experiments
experiments under linearly increasing loading are pref- suggest that the stress-controlled and brittle cracking
erable when the complete description of the three stages mode resulting from reduced inergranular cohesion
of crack growth curve is required. dictate the fracture in the material under investigation.
It has been observed that, in general, the addition of For the geometry of the specimen (Figure 2) with 2R/
NaCl to solution decreases the stage II crack growth W = 1.33, the following formula[84] can be used to
rate in high-strength steels.[22,62] This conclusion is based determine theoretically the crack opening displacement
on the results of a vast amount of experiments con- (d):
ducted in distilled water and in seawater substitute  
(3.5 pct NaCl concentration). To the best of the authors’ BEd
ln ¼ 1:742  0:495a þ 14:71a2  22:06a3 þ 14:44a4
knowledge, a comprehensive research of the chloride 2P
ions concentration influence on the SCC growth had not a
been explored. In the current investigation, it was a¼ ½2
determined that a minor difference in sodium chloride
concentration can cause a sudden change in the plateau where E is the modulus of elasticity, a is the crack length
crack growth rate. The experimental results obtained measured from the line of externally applied load P, and
from nine different NaCl concentrations in distilled W and B are the width and thickness of the specimen,
water reveal that the crack growth curves can be divided respectively. In experimental practice, the crack length
into two major groups, with each group having a similar can be obtained from Eq. [2] when the COD and applied
stage II crack growth velocity (Figure 8). The first group load are recorded during the experiment.
behaves close to SCC in distilled water and corresponds A comparison between measured and calculated crack
to the concentrations lower than 0.011 wt pct NaCl. length is made in Figure 17 using data from the two
The SCC behavior of the second group with concentra- specimens tested under dP/dt = 0.1 N/s control. Mark-
tions higher than 0.011 wt pct is similar to that in ers represent the experimentally measured crack exten-
seawater. Therefore, the 0.011 NaCl wt pct concentra- sion using the optical microscope, and the lines
tion can be considered a critical concentration that represent the solution of Eq. [2] based on the recorded
influences the plateau crack growth rate in the high- values of the applied load and the measured COD. It is
strength 4340 steel under investigation. The mechanism shown that overall the crack length calculated based on
of such an influence remains unclear, as it is known that the stress intensity factor using Eq. [2] is in good
an increase in the chloride content in aqueous solutions agreement with the values obtained by direct observa-
enhances the growth rates in steels with a yield stress less tion using a reading microscope, especially in the
than 1241 MPa.[79] Therefore, the effect of the chloride plateau region. However, Eq. [2] is based on the
ions concentration depends on the strength and/or heat assumption of a single main crack in the specimen.
treatment of the material. The chloride ions in the
solution do not enter the hydrolysis reaction and are not
responsible for hydrogen reduction.[26] As a result, the
amount of hydrogen available for absorption is depen-
dent on the metal ions from the electrochemical reaction 20 Crack Length:
at the crack tip and not on the chloride content. The From Eq(2)
critical concentration phenomenon observed in the 15
current work requires further investigations with a
a, mm

Crack Initiation
possible physical explanation. 10
Although the plateau velocity depends on the chloride
concentration, the intergranular fracture mechanism
was observed to be independent of both the NaCl
content and the loading mode. It is known that the high- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
strength steels are susceptible to hydrogen-assisted Time, sec
cracking.[6–10,15,80] The following possible mechanisms
of hydrogen embrittlement have been suggested: the Fig. 17—Crack length measured during the experiment and obtained
influence of hydrogen on crack-tip plasticity and grain from Eq. [2].


When the crack extension is deduced from Eq. [2], the 5. Although the threshold stress intensity is not influ-
phenomenon of branching can be overlooked, and enced by the NaCl concentration, the plateau crack
rather erroneous results are obtained (Figure 17). An growth velocity depends on the concentration of
optical in situ measurement of crack growth provides chloride ions; a critical concentration of 0.011 pct
unique and valuable information allowing the registra- was a demarcation line between plateau velocities
tion of every minor detail in crack growth behavior and close to distilled water and plateau behavior similar
thus providing accurate results. These arguments also to that in 3.5 pct saline solution.
can be extended to the potential drop technique. 6. The cracking mechanism was intergranular and
does not depend on loading type or NaCl concen-

Based on the experimental results of the SCC exper-
iments on the AISI 4340 steel (yield stress = 1503 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
MPa), the following conclusions can be drawn:
The work was supported financially by the Office of
1. KISCC and the plateau velocity are not significantly Naval Research (N00014-08-1-0646). The authors
influenced by the loading rate. gratefully acknowledge the inspiring suggestions made
2. Stage I crack growth can be obtained only when by Dr. Asuri K. Vasudevan in the course of the
the loading rate is low. research.
3. Constant COD rate control does not provide an
avenue for the experimental determination of a
complete stress corrosion (da/dt  K) curve. APPENDIX
4. For 4340 steel, a load-control experiment can pro-
vide reasonable stress corrosion results. Tables AI through AVI

Table AI. Constant Load Experiments

Spec. Number NaCl Pct Step Number P kN Kpr MPa m1/2 Kin MPa m1/2 Kf MPa m1/2 ai mm af mm tinc s
HT-24 0 — 3.40 25.70 25.70 90.80 8.004 19.846 203
HT-26 0 — 3.00 25.80 22.80 76.13 8.006 19.473 631
HT-36 3.5 1 2.80 4.91 18.00 19.90 6.276 7.338 180
HT-27 3.5 1 1.80 5.48 15.00 15.70 9.140 10.153 83
3 1.00 — 14.20 61.13 14.562 24.277 —
HT-33 0 1 2.97 5.22 20.00 22.70 6.807 7.818 127
3 0.80 — 14.80 72.60 16.952 25.700 —
HT-34 0.35 1 2.36 5.48 18.00 19.00 7.996 8.559 246
3 1.10 — 16.80 59.27 15.187 23.755 —
HT-40 0.0035 1 2.25 5.98 14.20 15.08 6.245 6.826 159
3 1.00 — 12.60 58.77 13.405 24.125 —
HT-39 0.0105 1 2.20 5.25 13.60 21.37 6.064 10.154 171
3 1.10 — 24.80 42.90 18.621 22.163 —
ABBREVIATIONS: P – Applied load; Kpr – Maximum stress intensity factor at the end of fatigue precracking; Kin – Stress intensity factor at the
beginning of the experiment; Kf – Stress intensity factor at the termination of the experiment; ai – Crack length at the beginning of the experiment
measured from the line of applied load; af – Crack length at the termination of the experiment measured from the line of applied load; tinc – Crack
incubation time based on 0.5 mm crack length.

Table AII. Constant COD Experiments

Spec. Number NaCl Pct Step Number d mm Kin MPa m1/2 Kf MPa m1/2 ai mm af mm
HT-27 3.5 2 0.042 15.70 11.80 10.153 14.325
HT-33 0 2 0.062 23.90 13.40 7.994 16.953
HT-34 0.35 2 0.070 18.33 12.39 8.586 15.188
HT-40 0.0035 2 0.051 16.93 11.12 7.223 13.267
HT-39 0.0105 2 0.063 21.38 11.83 10.155 18.517
HT-37 0.015 2 0.240 39.17 17.29 18.881 28.138
ABBREVIATION: d – Displacement of the notch flanks at the edge of the specimen (COD displacement).


Table AIII. Constant Displacement at Loading Point Experiments

Spec. Number NaCl Pct Step Number D mm Kpr MPa m1/2 Kin MPa m1/2 Kf MPa m1/2 ai mm af mm tinc s
HT-29 0 — 0.191 26.2 26.20 14.58 8.048 28.557 245
HT-30 3.5 — 0.141 19.75 21.60 13.50 8.000 26.753 265
HT-31 3.5 — 0.122 19.82 18.05 14.96 8.009 27.659 288
HT-28 3.5 5 0.121 — 17.44 11.85 9.715 26.272 —
HT-36 3.5 2 0.150 — 16.02 12.30 8.041 25.231 —
ABBREVIATION: D – Displacement of the actuator at the point of load application.

Table AIV. Loading Rate-Controlled Experiments

Spec. Step dP/dt Kpr Kin Kf KISCC

Number NaCl Pct Number N/s MPa m1/2 MPa m1/2 MPa m1/2 ai mm af mm MPa m1/2
HT-38 0.0228 — 0.278 5.54 8.33 57.31 6.018 18.325 9.48
HT-37 0.015 1 0.100 5.22 8.34 39.17 6.036 18.691 10.9
HT-43 0.012 — 0.100 4.80 7.9 41.21 5.936 18.194 9.75
HT-42 0.0 — 0.100 4.73 8.0 58.0 6.2185 20.163 9.41
HT-41 3.5 — 0.100 4.73 7.97 32.94 5.957 16.048 10.9
HT-44 0.0 1 0.100 4.28 9.17 12.95 5.954 8.0295 10.35
0.0035 2 0.100 5.07 8.56 19.37 8.2895 13.853 9.9
0.035 3 0.037 8.51 10.11 18.12 14.131 18.315 10.27
HT-47 0.35 1 0.100 4.08 8.14 20.32 6.052 13.61 8.3
2 0.044 6.78 8.14 58.45 14.322 24.441 9.59
HT-51 3.5 — 0.0325 3.60 8.97 64.35 6.2815 20.429 12.83
HT-52 3.5 2 1.000 6.60 3.10 53.69 8.1905 14.847 10.84
HT-54 3.5 1 0.050 5.37 6.33 22.20 6.1765 11.764 12.18
2 3.000 6.04 7.09 90.95 13.594 18.021 11.58
HT-55 3.5 1 3.300 5.20 0.61 30.08 5.9565 7.8575 11.55
2 7.100 6.77 0.85 44.28 9.1355 10.509 12.99
3 7.500 7.12 1.06 52.22 11.551 12.61 12.64
4 0.680 7.96 6.54 32.58 14.784 18.549 9.83
ABBREVIATION: dP/dt – Rate of applied external load.

Table AV. Experiments Under COD Rate Control

Spec. Number NaCl Pct dd/dt mm/s Kpr MPa m1/2 Kin MPa m1/2 Kf MPa m1/2 ai mm af mm KISCC MPa m1/2
HT-45 3.5 1E-04 4.90 6.97 51.49 5.9245 14.009 9.96
HT-48 3.5 2E-05 4.36 4.37 19.56 6.0055 18.2445 12.06
HT-49 3.5 2E-04 3.56 1.94 53.94 6.4110 7.6110 12.91
HT-50 3.5 1E-05 4.49 4.49 13.89 6.321 16.244 11.54
ABBREVIATION: dd/dt – Rate of crack opening displacement.

Table AVI.Summary of Existing Results on SCC of AISI 4340 in Aqueous Environments

ry MPa KISCC MPa  m Vavg mm/s Testing Method Specimen Type NaCl Pct Ref.
1530 11.9 4.0 9 10 CL, CD CT 3.5 46
1330 20.6 1.5 9 1002
1201 21.0 — RD CT SS 45
1700 — 8.0 9 1002 CL DCB 0 44
1240 21.7 ~34.5 — CD WOL 3.5 20
1240 27.9 ~33.4 1.01 9 1003 CL, CD CB, WOL 3.5 40
~ 1.35 9 1003
1379 27.47 1.35 9 1003 CL CB 3.5 36
~ 4.66 9 1003
1103, 1240 95.6, 40.7 — CD WOL SS 52


Table AVI. Continued
ry MPa KISCC MPa  m Vavg mm/s Testing Method Specimen Type NaCl Pct Ref.
1379 ~1682 9.7~ 33 — CD WOL 3.5 73
1312 ~ 1475 16 ~ 22 8.1 9 1003 CL SEN 3.5 31
1388 ~ 1554 21.14 ~ 29.1 1.33 9 1003 CL — 3.5 52
~ 3.8 9 1003
970 — 3.4 9 1002 CD DCB 0 25
1700 ~ 1.0 9 1001
1034, 1379 12.1 ~ 60.4 — CL CB 3.5 49
1420 — 2.5 9 1002 CD WOL 0, 3.5 22
1.4 9 1002
1163 35, 37.5 1.1 9 1006 RD CT SS 58
1095 83~89 6.7 9 1006 RL CT SS 55
~ 1.4 9 1005
1027 ~ 1573 8.57 ~58.10 — RL, CD CT, WOL 3.5 53
1689 ~1827 15.38 ~ 17.58 — CL CB 3.5 60
1470 15 — CL CNT 3.5 75
1612 16.6 6.0 9 1003 CL CT 0 23
1498 1.6 9 1002
ABBREVIATIONS: Vavg – Average plateau crack growth rate; CD – Constant displacement (decreasing K) control during the experiment; CL –
Constant load (increasing K) control during the experiment; CK – Constant K control; RL – Rising load experiment; RD – Rising displacement
(constant rate of COD) control; SS – Simulated seawater; SEN – Single edge-notched specimen.

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