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My sources as of now for my literature:

“Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. ERIC Digest., Bonwell, Charles C.; Eison,
James A.” Accessed March 6, 2017. ​​.

Maulding, Wanda S., and Edward E. Leonard. “Leadership Begins at the Bottom.” ​IUP Journal of
Soft Skills​ 10, no. 1 (March 2016): 7–13.

“Multiple Intelligences Test.” ​​. Accessed February 10, 2017.​.

Schussler, Deborah L. “Beyond Content: How Teachers Manage Classrooms to Facilitate

Intellectual Engagement for Disengaged Students.” ​Theory Into Practice​ 48, no. 2 (Spring
2009): 114–21.

Simplicio, Joseph S.c. “Teaching Classroom Educators How to Be More Effective and Creative...”
Education​ 120, no. 4 (Summer 2000): 675–630.

Tsarfati, Debbie. “Bringing Excitement to the Classroom.” ​Expedition​ 50, no. 1 (Spring 2008): 42–43.

My interview stuff as well:

1.) Has been teaching some topics in your classroom been more difficult than other
topics? Why?
a.) Mr. Rollins’ answer:​ Topics of death and a student’s possible relation to a loss
of a loved one, and being sensitive to that but at the same time being able to still
teach a lesson.
b.) Mr. Allen’s answer: ​Some topics are more engaging than others for students.
i.) Biases (politically)
ii.) Playing light pranks on each other to keep the mood light
iii.) Taking breaks with them (Simon Says)
iv.) Improvement of attitude
v.) “Hug of the Day”
c.) Mr. Smith’s answer: ​Government, Bills, and Laws are hard to teach because its
the literal process of government.
i.) Can’t do too much physically
(1) Videos
(2) Pictures
ii.) Has to be a tangible thing, and government is a touchy topic, and biases
are hard to keep out sometimes.
2.) How do you get students who may not be “interested” in what you are teaching
still engaged with your class?
a.) Rollins’ answer: ​Have to have a “hook”!
i.) Hook: movie, song, picture, media
ii.) Stories and experiences you’ve had
b.) Allen’s answer: ​pretty much same stuff off of the first answer with him. He’s big
on physical activity, and keeping the openness of the classroom flowing.
c.) Smith’s answer: ​Visuals!
i.) Constantly moving, and getting things done
ii.) Moving around!
iii.) No sit and get technique
iv.) Use of art to gain creativity in the classroom
v.) Idea of if you are not personally interested making it interesting so that
you are now
3.) Have you positively impacted students’ desires to learn in your classes over the
course of your career? How so?
a.) Rollins’ answer: ​Actually teaching the students
i.) Comprehension
ii.) The feeling of wanting to succeed
iii.) Fun Lecturing
iv.) Not your friend
v.) Teacher’s personality is a major factor
vi.) Transferring of energy from the teacher to the students learning
b.) Allen’s answer: ​Relationships
i.) Being able to make meaningful relationships in the classroom, and turning
that into something productive when teaching
c.) Smith’s answer: ​More excited vibe
i.) Superhero thing
ii.) Small details
iii.) Energy behind classes
(1) Don’t be afraid to freelance
(2) Be spontaneous

Possible Google Forum Questions:

1. Which course do you like the most?
a. US History
b. Government
c. World History
d. Psychology
2. Why do you like this topic?
a. Short answer box
3. What don’t you like about this topic?
a. Short answer box
4. What specific topics about your course are hard to get engaged with as a student?
a. Short answer box

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