Biochemistry - C9 Enzymes Regulation of Activities

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BIOCHEMISTRY are continuously synthesized and degraded –

Chapter 9: Enzymes: Regulation of Protein Turnover

 Constitutive Proteins – whose concentrations
remain essentially constant over time

 Claude Bernard – conceptual basis for
 Inducers – promotes synthesis of certain
metabolic regulation
enzymes; substrates that stimulate the
 Walter Cannon – coined the term
transcription of the gene that encodes them
 An excess of a metabolite may curtail synthesis
 Vibrio cholera – causes Cholera; disables
of its cognate enzyme via Repression
sensor response pathways in intestinal epithelial
 Both induction and repression involve cis
cells by ADP-ribosylating the GTP-binding
elements, specific DNA sequences and trans-
proteins that link cell surface receptors to
acting regulatory proteins
adenylyl cyclase
 Transcription factors – synthesize other
 Yersinia pestis – causes Plague; elaborates a
enzymes; is controlled by the interaction of
protein-tyrosine phosphatase that hydrolyzes
hormones and other extracellular signals with
phosphoryl groups on key cytoskeletal proteins
specific cell-surface receptors
 Epigenetic – DNA-independent information
 Aaron Ciechanover
Avram Hershko
 Responses to Substrate changes is through
Irwin Rose – earned a Nobel prize for the
Passive means
Ubiquitin-proteasome Pathway
 Regulate Enzyme efficiency is in an Active
 26S Proteasome where degradation takes
place; a large macromolecular subunits
 Metabolite flow tends to be Unidirectional; so
arranged in a form of a hollow cylinder
as many reversible reactions occur this way
 Proteins are targeted to the interior of the
proteasome by Ubiquination – covalent
attachment of one or more ubiquitin molecules
 Ensures metabolic efficiency and simplifies
 Ubiquitin – 8.5 kDa protein that is highly
conserved among eukaryotes
 Rate Limiting Reaction – decreasing the
 Ubiquination – catalyzed by a large family of
catalytic efficiency or the quantity of the
enzymes called E3 ligases, which attach
catalyst responsible for the “bottleneck;”
ubiquitin to the side-chain amino group lysyl
reduces metabolic flux through the entire
 Conversely increasing in quantity or catalytic
efficiency will enhance flux through the pathway
 Responsible for the regulated degradation of
 Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase – catalyzes the
selected cellular proteins and for removal of
synthesis of malonyl-CoA, the 1st committed
defective or aberrant proteins
reaction of fatty acid biosynthesis
 Key to the versatility and selectivity resides in
 Statin Drugs – synthesis of cholesterol by
the variety of intracellular E3 ligases and their
inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, catalyst of the
ability to discriminate between the different
rate-limiting reaction of Cholesterogenesis
physical and conformational states of target
 Catalytic capacity can be controlled by
changing the quantity of enzymes present;
 Allosteric Regulation – changes in intrinsic
altering its intrinsic catalytic efficiency or
catalytic efficiency effected by binding of
combination of both
dissociable ligands
 Schoenheimer – Proteins exist in a state of
 Covalent Modification- also involved in
“Dynamic Equilibrium” in the body where they
ALLOSTERIC EFFECTORS - Includes Insulin, pepsin, trypsin,
 Negative Allosteric Effector – its ability to bind chymotrypsin, several blood clotting factors
and inhibit an enzyme an collagen
 Allosteric Site – where a Negative Allosteric  Proenzymes/Zymogens – enzymes formed by
effector binds; proposed by Jacques Monod proproteins
 Cooperative Feedback Inhibition – where the  Proteolytic activation of proproteins constitutes a
effect of an excess of two or more end products physiologically irreversible modification
may be strictly additive, greater than their because reunification of the 2 portions of a
individual effect protein produced by hydrolysis of a peptide bond
 Effectors are not isosteric since they are not is entropically disfavored
structurally the same with substrates but rather  Proteases as catalytically inactive proenzyme;
Allosteric protect tissue of origin from autodigestion,
 Allosteric enzymes – catalysis at the active site such as can occur in pancreatitis
may be modulated by the presence of effectors
 Phosphorylation-Dephosphorylation &
ASPARTATE TRANSCARBAMOYLASE – catalyst for Acetylation-Deacetylation – most common
1st reaction to pyrimidine biosynthesis among the covalent modification
 Target of feedback regulation by 2 nucleotide  Protein kinase- phosphorylate proteins by
triphosphates, cytidine triphosphate and ADP catalyzing transfer of the terminal phosphoryl
 CTP inhibits ATCase, whereas ATP activates it group of ATP
 High levels of ATP overcome inhibition of CTP  Protein Phosphatase – unmodified form of the
enabling synthesis of pyrimidine to proceed protein can be regenerate by hydrolytic removal
when purine levels are elevated of phosphoryl groups


 Feedback Regulation – phenomenologic term  Associated with histones and other nuclear
devoid of mechanistic implications proteins
 Feedback Inhibition – mechanism for  Lysine acetyltransferase – catalyze the
regulation of enzyme activity; may be transfer of the acetyl group of acetyl-CoA to the
competitive, noncompetitive, partially E-amino groups of lysil residues, forming N-
competitive or mixed. acetyl lysine
2 Classes of Protein Deacetylases
SECOND MESSENGERS o Histone Deacetylase – removal by
 Specialized allosteric effectors that elicit hydrolysis of acetyl groups
changes in the rate of enzyme-catalyzed o Sirtuins – use NAD+ as substrate
reaction within target cells through nerve
impulses and the binding of many hormones to PROTEIN PHOSPHORYLATION
cell surface receptors  Highly versatile and selective process
 Many protein kinase and most protein
REGULATORY COVALENT MODIFICATIONS phosphatases act on more than one protein and
 Partial Proteolysis & Phosphorylation – are interconverted between active and inactive
frequently employed to regulate catalytic forms by the binding of second messengers or
activity of enzymes by covalent modification by Phosphorylation
 Provide the basis for regulatory networks
HISTONE CODE that integrate multiple environmental input
 Represents a classical example of Epigenetics, signals to evoke appropriate coordinated
hereditary transmission of information by means cellular response
other than the sequence of nucleotides that
comprise the genome CHECKPOINTS
 Elaborate monitoring systems asses as key
PROTEASES indicators of progress to ensure that no phase of
 Secreted as catalytically inactive proenzymes the cycle is initiated until the prior phase is
 Proproteins – inactive precursor proteins complete

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