A Case For Space Exploration in Developing Countries (Shanti Swaroop)

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TEST 2019


How space exploration is a worthwhile proposition for

developing countries?

NAME: Harshit Agarwal

SCHOOL No. 572-O
HOUSE: Oberoi

1 Abstract 2

2 Introduction 2

3 Space Exploration benefits to developing countries 4

3.1 Solutions to depleting natural resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.2 Growth of economic infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.3 Growth of social infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.4 Globalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 India - A Case Study 10

5 Conclusion 12
1 Abstract

The purpose of this essay is to show how space exploration is a worthwhile

proposition for developing countries. Elucidating the right approach towards
economic development, this essay shows how space exploration can confer multi-
dimensional benefits upon a developing country. The major lines of arguments
present space exploration as a means to—

a) Solve rapid natural resources depletion problem

b) Support the growth of economic infrastructure

c) Support the growth of social infrastructure

d) Attain globalization

A case study of India’s approach towards space exploration is performed and the
reciprocal benefits received has also been shown, keeping in mind that it is a
developing country.

2 Introduction

“ “If I get eight hours to cut a tree, I would spend

the first six sharpening the axe”—Abraham Lincoln

This proverb by one of the great American presidents can be applied in the
context of developing countries. Here, ‘cutting a tree’ would be analogous to
developing a nation. ‘The axe’ would be analogous to the infrastructure of a
country, both economic and social. At any given point of time, a nation has

a choice to either spend in social welfare or on infrastructure. Expenditure in
social welfare would include subsidies to the poor, tax rebates, floor price levels,
etc. However, such a choice would not create a permanent cycle of economic
development. On the other hand, expenditure on infrastructure would include
the establishment of basic and key industries, transportation and communica-
tion network, etc. Although. this can be criticized as neglecting the immediate
needs of the poor, on careful examination, one would see that nations have al-
ways resorted to the creation of infrastructure as a means to accelerate economic

Figure 1 – Self-made illustration to depict tradeoff between investment in

short-term and long-term objectives.

Kessides, Christine. "The Contributions Of Infrastructure To Economic Develop-
ment : A Review Of Experience And Policy Implications". Documents.Worldbank.Org,
2019, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/569671468764675127/The-contributions-

Figure 2 – Data validating that investment in long-term infrastructure has pos-
sitive correlation with growth in GPD. (Source - IMF World Bank)

3 Space Exploration benefits to developing coun-


3.1 Solutions to depleting natural resources

In the light of depleting natural resources, developing countries have to find

alternative sources of energy. Without energy, life itself would become impossi-
ble on earth, let alone economic development. An excellent alternative is solar
energy. According to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,

3.2 Growth of economic infrastructure

“ “even if 1% of India’s land area were harvested of

solar energy, the yield would be nearly 1000 gi-
gawatts, or 10 times more than current consumption.”a

Najam, Prof. Adil. Bu.Edu, 2019, https://www.bu.edu/pardee/files/


Unfortunately, solar flux is available on earth for not more than 6-8 hours per
day. This is because a space solar power station will escape the cycles of rotation
of the earth and will perpetually receive direct sunlight. Therefore, incident
radiations on a space solar power station would be available throughout the 24
hours each day.2 This would lead to the generation of a perennial source of
power supply. An increased and regular power supply would vastly enhance the
capacity of developing nations to establish heavy industries. This would lead to
increased employment levels, self-reliance, creation of capital goods, etc. Besides
this, solar energy will also be the source for the large energy requirements for
space expeditions and desalination of sea water by reverse osmosis. (The latter
requires attention, given the growing scarcity of freshwater). It is evident that
space exploration promises solutions to the problem of energy scarcity.

3.2 Growth of economic infrastructure

The greatest asset of space exploration is that in many cases what is perfected
as a space technology becomes a technology that enhances the quality of life on

Najam, Prof. Adil. Bu.Edu, 2019, https://www.bu.edu/pardee/files/documents/PP-001-

3.2 Growth of economic infrastructure

earth.3 Overcoming the challenges of working in space has led to many techno-
logical and scientific advances that have provided benefits to society on Earth.
Significant areas include navigation and communication.4 A very popular off-
spring of space exploration is Google maps, which has found world-wide usage.
Space-based technologies have enabled sharing information via mobile phones,
personal computers and other electronic communication devices. While earth-
based alternatives exist, space exploration has reduced technology requirements
and offer more cost effective delivery options.5 For example, instead of con-
structing a series of transmission and relay towers to broadcast television pro-
grammes to far-to-reach places, one satellite dish could be provided to a remote
community to pick up broadcast signals sent from a satellite.6 A well-established
communications network accelerates economic development. Significant ben-
eficiaries to this are the education and corporate sector. Improved education
helps in the creation of efficient human capital. Fluid communications in the
corporate sector improves quality of work and removes delays, both of which
are positives for a country.

Najam, Prof. Adil. Bu.Edu, 2019, https://www.bu.edu/pardee/files/documents/PP-001-
Nasa.Gov, 2019, https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/Benefits-Stemming-from-
"Benefits Of Space: Communication". Unoosa.Org, 2019,
"Benefits Of Space: Communication". Unoosa.Org, 2019,

3.3 Growth of social infrastructure

3.3 Growth of social infrastructure

Economic development calls for growth of skilled manpower in the STEM (sci-
ence, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields.7 One of the lessons
learnt from the Apollo Moon exploration programme in the 1960s was that
having a visible space exploration programme attracts students to pursue STEM
fields. A 2009 survey found that fifty percent of the internationally renowned
scientists who published in the prestigious journal Nature during the previous
three years had been inspired by Apollo to become scientists; 89 percent of the
respondents also agreed that human spaceflight inspires younger generations to
study science.8

Figure 3 – Space Exploration’s Impact on Educational Achievement.

A larger and more competent manpower can provide innovative solutions to

Nasa.Gov, 2019, https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/Benefits-Stemming-from-
Nature 460, 314-315 (2009); www.nature.com/news/2009/090715/full/460314a.html.

3.4 Globalisation

Figure 4 – Survey Results validating impact by Apollo space mission.

social problems that plague a developing country. On a broader perspective,

by investing in space exploration, the government would send a message to its
country that it values creativity and innovation. This will result in larger num-
ber of people pursuing entrepreneurship, having the reassurance that govern-
ment support can be availed whenever required. It goes without saying that
entrepreneurship is one of the strongest drivers of economic development.9

3.4 Globalisation

The economic development that is gained because of the increased intercon-

nectedness amongst countries usually results in a better standard of living, and
an overall improved quality of life.10 The successful economic development of

Audretsch, David & Keilbach, Max & Lehmann, Erik. (2006). Entrepreneurship and Eco-
nomic Growth. 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195183511.001.0001.
Levy, Brandon, The Role of Globalization in Economic Development (September 14,
2012). https://ssrn.com/abstract=2233648 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2233648

3.4 Globalisation

a nation hinges on its ability to globalize.11 Developing countries have a major

opportunity to build international relations through space exploration. Space
exploration demands extensive resources, which include finance, technology and
managerial competence. It would not be feasible for a single developing nation
to carry out an independent space program. However, through international
collaboration, a developing nation can avail the benefits of space exploration. A
supreme example of international collaboration is the establishment of the Inter-
national Space Station (ISS). The International Space Station Program’s greatest
accomplishment is as much a human achievement as it is a technological one.12 It
is so because it acted as an incubator for improved relations between individuals
and governments across the nations, thus integrating the globe as a whole. Major
participants in the project include the space agencies of the United States, Rus-
sia, Europe, Japan, and Canada13 The ISS has been the most politically complex
space exploration program ever undertaken.14 The argument being proposed is
that collaborating for space exploration will lay a foundation for collaboration
in several different spheres. This will build international relations of a develop-
ing country and open doors for globalization. As stated earlier, globalization
will stimulate economic development.

Levy, Brandon, The Role of Globalization in Economic Development (September 14,
2012). https://ssrn.com/abstract=2233648 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2233648
"International Cooperation". NASA, 2019, https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/
"International Cooperation". NASA, 2019, https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/
"International Cooperation". NASA, 2019, https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/

Figure 5 – Effect of trade expansion on per-captia income.

4 India - A Case Study

India has been a developing economy since its independence in 1947. According
to the World Bank, India has been the fastest growing economy in the world in
the year 2018-19.15 It would be worthwhile to examine India’s approach towards
space exploration post its independence, while it was still an underdeveloped

In 1962, India formed Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR),
followed by the establishment of its space agency by the name of ISRO (Indian
Space Research Organization) in 1969. It is very important to note the vision
statement of ISRO -“Harness space technology for national development, while
pursuing space science research and planetary exploration.”16 It will be made
clear with the following evidences that it has indeed lived up to the former half
of its vision, i.e, “harness space technology for national development.”

"GDP Growth (Annual %) | Data". Data.Worldbank.Org, 2019,
"Vision And Mission Statements - ISRO". Isro.Gov.In, 2019,

• • About 1400 Satellite Earth Stations are operational for a long list of In-
dian public companies, including BSNL, ONGC, GAIL, Coal India Ltd.,
NTPC, Indian Railway Project Management unit, etc.

• • The VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminals) are designed to support

video, voice and data with a wide range of data rates from few kilobits per
second (kbps) to 8 megabits per seconds (mbps).

• • In an effort to find sources of renewable energy, Geostationary satellites

like INSAT 3D & 3DR assess solar energy. Besides this, Scatterometer data
is used to assess ocean wind energy.

• • Bhuvan, a national Geo-portal developed by ISRO is used by Central

and State governments as an aid to governance.

• • EDUSAT, India’s first thematic satellite, is used to provide educational

services. Some objectives include imparting effective curriculum-based
teaching and teacher training.17

It is evident that space technology has led to development of communication in-

frastructure. It has also aided the working of government and private companies
which provide a vital contribution to the nation’s GDP. Space technology also
promises to enhance the human capital through improved education facilities.
It also facilitates the government to make effective decision. Besides this, space
technology also gives India an edge over many countries when it comes to man-
agement and discovery of alternative sources of energy. In the current global
scenario, relevance of energy management will only increase with time. India’s
approach can be linked to Abraham Lincoln approach wherein ‘sharpening

"Tele-Education - ISRO". Isro.Gov.In, 2019, https://www.isro.gov.in/applications/tele-

Figure 6 – Contribitions of space technology to India’s National Development.

the axe’, which refers to infrastructure development, has assumed greater

significance. It is on these lines that space exploration has augmented India’s
economic development.

5 Conclusion

In a nutshell, space exploration has can offer solutions to depleting natural re-
sources, provide spin-offs and lead economic infrastructural development, drive
the growth of STEM pursuants and open doors for globalization. All of these
are significant achievements for a country pursuing economic development. Al-
though list of space technology benefits is inexhaustible, it still has a lot more
to offer. The Republic of India has shown the world that investment in space
technology is not a drain, rather an important ingredient to become the fastest
growing economy on the planet. In the light of the threatening climate change,
space exploration gives humans an opportunity to explore the possibilities be-
yond earth. Such an exploration requires joint efforts, and requires contribution

from the developing economies as well. Besides its own economic development,
space exploration is a worthwhile proposition for developing countries consid-
ering the perennial need to ensure existence of the human race in the long run.
In the current global context, survival is the most important pre-requisite to
thriving, which is what the developing countries need to keep in mind.


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