18 Deferral Request

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Our Reference : ecocentric/pt/B1819/18

Date : 9th September 2019

UMW Advantech Sdn Bhd

Jalan Utas 15/7,
P.O. Box 7052
40915 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Dear sir,


I am writing to request a 1-month deferral of my compulsory on-job training (OJT) period with the UMW Advantech
Sdn. Bhd. The earliest I can start my training is by the early of November. I have been elected to join a university
solar car project as the Assistant Director of Creative Team and also as Competent Solar Car Driver of UiTM Eco
Photon Solar Racing Team on 27th December 2017 and my service will be completed on 28th October 2019. This
project was started by UiTM Profesional Sports Team, EcoPhoton Solar Racing Team. The mission of this project
is to build our own solar car and to participate in the world race competition, Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in
Australia. The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge was inaugurated in 1987 with pioneer sponsor, the South
Australian Tourism Commission. The event continues to showcase the development of advanced automotive
technology and promote alternatives to conventional vehicle engines.
In the competition, all teams will depart from Darwin aiming to be the first to arrive in Adelaide, approximately 3020
km to the south. UiTM Eco Photon Solar Racing Team has been representing Malaysia for 2 times a row and this
upcoming BWSC 2019 will be the third time for the team to join the race as the only representative from Malaysia.
Our team was awarded an international award (David Fewchuk Spirit of The Event Award) in 2015 with the solar
car named Stingray and successfully completed the race with a new solar car, Tuah in 2017. Stingray was launched
by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad during his service as the Prime Minister in 2015. In the upcoming BWSC 2019, our
team targets to finish the race in Top 5 among all the countries participated. A big acknowledgement for our
marketing team for our team’s involvement in media and newspaper including Berita Harian on 4 October 2018,
New Straits Times on 26 September 2018, Majalah Sains on 2 August, My Berita Hokaloh News on 3 August and
in Bridgestone World Solar Challenge facebook post which helped a lot in attract the sponsors.
In 2017, UiTM Holding was the main sponsor for this team, the platinum Sponsor was Persatuan Pengimport dan
Penjual Kenderaan Melayu Malaysia (PEKEMA), Ranhill Holdings Berhad, PROTON Holdings, Z Composite,
Yayasan Sultan Ibrahim (YSI), and Malakoff Corporation Berhad. Meanwhile, the gold sponsors were Altair
Engineer, JAKEL Malaysia, Chicken Rice Guy, and Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, (KPT). For the race in 2019,
the platinum sponsors for this are Malaysia Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute (MARii), Serba Dinamik Holdings
Berhad. The bronze sponsors are Synar Setara Resources Sdn. Bhd., Permintex, Carbon Global Tech, and
Bridgestone Malaysia.
During preparation for this competition, we develop, design and fabricate the solar car to compete with 52 teams
from 24 countries around the world. I will be representing Malaysia and my university along with other students
from various faculty including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Applied Science Faculty. Our
team was separated into various departments which are handling, composite, electrical, aerodynamic, marketing,
strategy, logistics, and sponsorship. It is to be noted that this solar car are design and fabricated by the student and
supervised by the lecturers and industries experts.
Along the time working in the organization, I developed various skills that will benefit me and also the manufacturing
industries. As the assistant director of creative team, I am responsible for assisting the director to manage the
department. We develop and design a website and social media platform that is able to enhance the attraction and
engagement of public towards our solar car project and in order to us convince the potential sponsor by showing
they how well manage are we to promote their company. I am also taking this as opportunity to boost my networking
skill by looking for organization to join to help myself to build my relationships and connections.
As the team member, I am assisting the head of electrical department for the whole process of the solar
encapsulation process to produce the solar panel for our solar car. The experience I gain by joining this team has
contributed to my character development and interpersonal skills, time management, critical thinking, and
engineering problem-solving skills.
The competition starts on 13 October 2019 and ends on 20 October 2019. However, the team has to undergo solar
car testing and inspection before the race start. Therefore, my team and I will depart to Australia on 28th September
2019 and will return to Malaysia on 24th October 2019. Our team will be facing a harsh desert environment
approximately 4 to 7 days during the 3020-kilometer race.
Upon the completion of the project, I expect myself to be ready and mature to handle the engineering work in
manufacturing industries. I sincerely hope you will grant my deferral request and welcome me as the new members
of manufacturing industries once I completed the solar car project.

Best regards and thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Student ID: 2016229862
Solar Car Driver
UiTM Eco Photon Solar Racing Team

cc: 1. Advisor UiTM Eco Photon

2. Secretary UiTM Eco Photon

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