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A. Basic Logic Operation

There a 5 basic logic operation representing the digital electronic circuits.
1. NOT

Figure 1. NOT

2. AND

Figure 2. AND

3. OR

Figure 3. OR


Figure 4. AND-NOT

Figure 5. NAND

5. NOR

Figure 6. OR-NOT

Figure 7. NOR
B. Digital Logic Circuits-States
1. For all digital circuits, a variable can only have two states, 0 and 1. Such variable is
called Binary variable.
2. Considering voltage as a variable, Binary 0 state representing low voltage and
binary 1 state representing high voltage.

C. Digital Logic Circuits-Inverter

1. If the input voltage is low, the output voltage will be high and vice versa.
2. Sicne this device performs logical NOT operation, this devices is also called NOT

Figure 8. Digital Logic Circuits-Inverter

3. It makes no difference if the inverting circle is at the input or output.

D. Digital Logic Circuits-Non-Inverter

1. Non-Inverting devices are also termed as buffers.
2. Buffers are used to regenerate voltage levels.
3. Buffers adjust degraded high levels to higher and degraded low levels to lower.

Figure 9. Digital Logic Circuits-Non-Inverter

E. Ideal Logic Inverter

1. A typical operating voltage of many logic families in 5 .
2. Ideal power dissipasion of all lolgic families is zero. In actual case, the power
dissipasion is minimized for optimum design.
a. Ideally, the logical 1 output voltage is at the power supply voltage .
b. Ideally, the logical 0 output voltage is at ground (0 ).

Figure 10. Ideal Logic Inverter

F. Ideal Logic-Static & Power Characteristic

Ideally, teh transition between output logic states occurs abruptly at an input of /2.
1. Logical input 0 is represented by the voltage range 0 ≤ ≤ /2.
2. Logical input 1 is represented by the voltage range /2 ≤ ≤ ..
3. = /2 has an undefined output and gives unpredictable results.
Figure 11. Ideal Logic-Static & Power Characteristic

G. Ideal Logic-Transient Characteristic

1. Upon transition of the input from logical 0 to logical 1, the output instantaneously
switches from logical 1 to logical 0 without any delay.
2. In actual case, the transition between states in not instantaneous and a delay
between the output and input transitions is present.

Figure 12. Ideal Logic-Transient Characteristic

H. Ideal Logic-Input & Output Impedance

1. Transient response and driving ability (fan-out) of logic gates are directly defendent
upon the gate's input and output impedance
2. The input capacitance of load gates must be charged through the output
resistance of the driving inverter. Thus, a smaller output resistance will provide a
larger charging current for the load capacitance and a faster switching time.
3. Ideally, the output resistance must be zero.
4. A samller input capacitance can also speed up the switching time of the load
Figure 13. Ideal Logic-Input & Output Impedance

I. Inverter-Voltage Transfer Characteristic

1. Voltage Transfer Characteristic (VTC) for logic inverters have been standardized.
2. VTC is the graph between and .
3. On vertical axis, and correspond to output high and output low voltage
levels respectively.
4. On the horizontal axis, is inout low voltage and is teh input high voltage.
5. As the input voltage is increased from 0 , is the maximum input voltage that
provides a high output voltage (logical 1 output).
6. is the minimum input voltage that provides a low output voltage (logical 0
7. , , and are refered to as the critical voltages of the VTC.

Figure 14. Inverter-Voltage Transfer Characteristic

8. > & > .
9. Midpoint Voltage:
a. Sometimes refered as threshold voltage ( ).
b. The voltage at which = on VTC is refered as midpoint voltage.
c. Midpoint voltage can be found graphically by superimposing (the unity slope)
− and finding its with the VTC.

J. Logic Swing and Transition Width

1. Logic swing (LS)
The magnitude of voltage difference between the output high and low voltage
= −
2. Transition width (TW)
The amount of voltage change that is required of the input voltage to cause a
change in the output voltage from the high to the low level (and vice versa).
= −

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