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To everlasting life

(Daniel 12:1-2)
“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will
arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from
the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—
everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to
everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Before we start another sermon over end time series let us pray: “Jesus
Christ you are King of the kings and Lord of the lords, prince of peace,
owner of our hearts, origin of the everlasting life and the only one
salvation of mankind. All the respect, honor, praise, worship, authority,
kingdoms, glory be yours. Your name shall be called holy and your
kingdom shall come! Take control over our understanding, wisdom and
hearts which are fields, Amen.”
There are four prime angels among countless all the angels. One of them
is here mentioned as Michael. He is called the great prince. The one who
protects his people is called prince. He will arise. It doesn’t mean that he
is sited somewhere and then he will arise but, you will get surprise
knowing that many historical turning points have been happened with
arising of the angels!
That arising will not be for suddenly stop movements afterwards! It will
be like an arrow firmed targeted to its goal. Michael is told to be stood
in the side of his people, which meant he will arise to protect them.
Christian fantasy stories have promoted angels with mere carnal
weapons but, we cannot just imaging the real spiritual weapons which
will be armed by that great prince Michael. Still, Michael will not be with
a lantern of some watchman. He has to protect his people, not to guard
them! You can read from Genesis 3:24 about guarding angels as well,
“After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of
Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the
way to the tree of life.”
Let’s examine the past of the beginning of nations.
“These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent,
within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth
after the flood.” Genesis 10:32.
That means, all recognized nations nowadays have come from the lines
of descent of Noah’s sons! Everything have come up from the almighty!
The Lord had given promise that he would never again destroy the whole
mankind with flood and he has remained true in his promise since from
then to now. Wars came, nations became somewhat desolate, many got
ruined but he has never ever destroyed the whole human race since from
But Daniel here was told about a time of distress in the future which
hasn’t come yet since from the very destroying flood came in Noah’s
Who are called the people of Daniel? Just Israelis? As according to the
New Testament, they are those who have faith in Jesus and who have
started following Jesus.
Here, what kind a time of distress is talked about?
If we look at Jesus’s words in Matthew 24:7,
“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…”
We have seen a hast in nations about rising up for third world war a year
back but, I think they have postponed it as not having enough
economical reach for it. Jesus has told us to see to it that we are not
alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Why?
So those whose names are written in the book can be delivered!
Now, those whose names are not written in the book are those to whom
we can fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah 51:25,
“I am against you, you destroying mountain, you who destroy the whole
earth,” declares the LORD. “I will stretch out my hand against you, roll
you off the cliffs, and make you a burned-out mountain.”
This prophecy was told against the ancient Babylon and it is also going to
be fulfilled against the modern Babylon. From then after, we will see the
beginning of a time of distress written in the book of Daniel…
Who is this modern Babylon?
Many people tries arguments with their somewhat scriptural knowledge
and it is good, though do you know that a real servant or a believer of
Jesus can identify in his or her heart the hidden purpose or sense behind
those arguments with applied biblical verses in them?
It is therefore,
“Important to figure out with what sense biblical verses are applied!”
Like we cannot differentiate lies or demons from our carnal eyes, the
same way we cannot easily figure out the sense of inner defense tactics
with our own.
That destroying mountain, that sting of the Babylon have proud on its
stones, on its rocks as it has been succeeded in spreading temptations of
wicked desires in the world. If we introduce a “tech word” here then we
can say that, it has posted “hashtags” so severe in the world to reside
inside the deep of people’s mind. It is the same as that, “the worms that
eat them do not die” Mark 9:48. These hashtags have built home inside
them forever.
But, that mountain of nonsense will surely get erupted causing magma
rolling down on its stones and it will be so much that all its claims of
building houses, churches and donations in the name of the Lord will
come to be ended! Its stones will become useless.
End of that harlot sited on many waters has come near! Revelation
This will be the beginning of a time of distress written in the book of
It is possible for you to make someone believe in the Bible but, the
spiritual life of an individual will depend upon how he or she uses the
Bible in his or her life.
Your name will be written on the bases of how you lived your life.
“We just believe” type faith hardly can deliver.
Those who are going to be delivered, even though their bodies will be
dead but they are called here in Daniel verses to be slept in the dust.
They will have completed their running in their faith and their dying will
be proved of opening doors of many other things in the design of the
Lord. It was quite sorrowful event when Billy Graham like servant of the
Lord departed from among us but, he has been slept in the dust as
accordingly to the design of the Lord and he will get awaken at that time
of distress!
Some of you may put argument here that, I am giving special favor to
Billy Graham but let me clear first that it is mentioned as an example like
thing. Trees concerning “who is going to be awaken into the eternal life
and who is going to be put in shame and everlasting contempt” are open
to all! And these trees can be recognized by their fruits!
Where is that book?
How to know if my name is written in that book or not?
“Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will
continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those
who are wise will understand.” Daniel 12:10.
It is not final to be a wicked or to be a sinner. Many will grow in faith of
Jesus and they will get purified, spotless and refined. They will use true
sense because they will have completely abandoned their wickedness.
Simon Peter had a sword which he had hided, John 18:10. He also
refused Jesus three times. This was his last wickedness and after then,
on the day of Pentecost, he was completely a different person!
“He had changed his party!”
And then the knowledge and understanding of Prophet Joel’s prophecy
from the Old Testament was started out from him like a fountain!
You can claim to be with the Lord, and you can say that his words are in
your heart but if they are squeezed under some wickedness inside you
then these words like seeds will get wrecked more early or late before.
They will not get arise.
Now think on when a great prince comes to our protection and
What special the Lord watches in me that the prime angel will come to
me protecting and delivering?
You will say Jesus!
Definitely, true. As according to Exodus 12:22, we may have believed on
Jesus and his blood and we may have adjusted ourselves inside the house
of Jesus and even we may have been waiting for the second coming of
our Lord until now.
The believers of Jesus are commanded not to go out of the door of their
house (in the wickedness of the world) until morning (until the day of the
great deliverance)! Death is everywhere out there!
Judas Iscariot went out of the door for a while and brought thirty peace
of coins with him and he got into shame and everlasting contempt!
Wife of Lot turned back and she became a pillar of salt at once!
Ananias and Sapphira kept some wickedness for their own use and that
couple died at once!
King Saul tried contacting a demon and he lost the anointing of the Lord
as well as his life after!
Many are examples in the Bible for whom no angel came up as protecting
them but in spite of it, destruction came up to them swallowing easily
their souls in eternal contempt.
And also there are examples when true people of the Lord were not only
protected by an angel but they got delivered by him.
Who will get to shame and everlasting contempt?
Those who will try to prevent the will, the design of the Lord!
Pharaoh by ordering to kill first born children of the Israelites had gone
against the will of the Lord and the promise of the Lord but, what
happened to him? He himself got to shame and his people and lastly his
own first born child died with the hand of that destroying angel came in
his kingdom.
Those who will stand for Jesus against worldly Pharaohs will get
protected by angels!
Those who will deny Jesus will get to shame and everlasting contempt.
Bible has clearly stated the whole design to the end time. In more, the
book of Daniel says, “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished
and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290
These will be days of Antichrist.
Then the people of the Lord have to wait for coming of Jesus till reaches
the end of the 1,335 days.
And Lastly…
Stars of Jesus are those who lead many to righteousness.
Paul and Silas were two stars of Jesus who said to the jailer of the prison
in Acts 16:31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and
your household.” They had followed the will of their Lord in doing that.
Their Lord not only protected them but also He had used them to fulfil
His will in them.
Let us pray.
“I cannot say that the death is confirmed after believing in Jesus. It may
happen that Jesus will lift me up alive in the heaven in future. Who
knows? Even it may happen that His angel will come protecting me from
coming death. Let all whose name are written in the book shall arise into
everlasting life! Let Jesus be proved firstborn among those resurrected.
And let the kingdom of Antichrist and that Babylonian harlot come to
shame and everlasting contempt, Amen.”

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