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Where is our home?

(Luke 17:31-32)

“On that day no one who is on the housetop, with

possessions inside, should go down to get them.
Likewise, no one in the field should go back for

From previous sermon, we remembered Lot’s wife. For she

couldn’t leave her unbelief, she destroyed in her old life.
Now, moving ahead we will start sermon with verses from
its previous verses. It would be quite awkward going
upward from the bottom in scriptures but, let’s pray that
the things which are going to come out from this sermon
shall bless you as its reader in the name of Jesus.
Although, it should be cleared up that sermons aren’t for a
mocking purpose, or for playing some mind games with
someone, or even they aren’t written while keeping
someone in mind. True and clean purpose of sharing these
sermons is to encourage you in Jesus Christ our Lord and it
is to distribute Manna like thing captured with the
knowledge of above and with fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Verses in this sermon are having their first word: “On that
day”, so we will take it as “in the light of that day”. Second
word is “housetop”. Then the meaning shall point towards
the days when sins of people will sound in universal
loudspeaker at their housetop. Then these “high class”
sinners have their possessions inside their house (means
their hearts), they will go down for getting them (means,
they will put themselves in more sins either way).
But the word of the Lord says, just quiet that inner house!
Quiet that heart which is the most deceiving part of the
body! Quiet that old life which will totally destroy you!
It will be something like calling bull to hit us. It will be a
foolishness like a rat going inside burrow of a snake. It will
be an act like throwing some penny before some true
servant of Jesus who would be stood picking a warning
about the end times mentioning him to be some beggar.
Then they will think, “O Lord, you are coming. Let us bring
that possession, that deceit from my home, my heart, and
let us wear clothes of hypocrisy, and by doing so and so,
we can easily cover our sins which have been exposed to
our housetop, and thus it will make us looking righteous
among many.”
You have been totally exposed! The Lord from the heaven
have seen you! Now, if you try to go down for bringing
some possessions with you and then allow yourselves to be
deceived then nothing of such acts will work!
Then what should we do?
Accept and confess to the Lord again and again that, “I am
a sinner”, Romans 3:23 and just get reed with all unbelieves
against Jesus in you.
Lot’s wife was relative of Abraham, still she was destroyed.
Judah Iscariot used to walk with Jesus, eat with him and
learned much from him, still he did suicide. Solomon the
king was greatly blessed with knowledge so and so that he
was able to bring future talks from the housetop of the
whole world, and he was able to response all question while
giving do this and that kind of suggestions, but then his
own inner house (his heart) deceived him! He again brought
those possessions from his old life which he had totally left!
It was an act like, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools
repeat their folly.” Proverbs 26:11.
It is natural for people to take refuge under their housetop
when some disasters are happening like rain of fire and
brimstones. They would like to take refuge inside their
homes. But here, the inner home, the heart too has got a
fire. You can try tears, like tears of crocodile and deceive
yourselves, but not God! The coming of the Son of Man is
the coming of the judge of this world, the day of removal
of grace among people and the final moment of the Holy
Spirit on the earth.
Some are used to make their own biopics and they write
books based on their lives, so while doing so, they can
easily show glitters of their sinful life for playing with
feelings of common people. You confess your sins as these
people, but that doesn’t mean that your sins are forgiven!
Mercy without mediator cannot save our soul. Nobody is
given authority except Christ Jesus to forgive our sins. He
is Jesus who has given his undefiled and innocent sacrifice
for the forgiveness of our sins and thus, he has pleased God
and intermediate us to Him.
In the end times, hearts will be filled with fire. Openly, in
roads, in nightclubs you will find sins. But also, there will be
some daytime full of light people, who can be believers or
even ministers of the Lord but they all will get into such
sinning; they will have brought possessions of sins from
their homes (their hearts).
Also, there will be believers who will not understand the
scriptures and thus, they will run here and there, Ephesians
4:14. While, instead of becoming mature body of their head
who is Jesus, they will be bringing themselves down into
sinning. They will make their own bibles based on their
Some people in America have built bunkers as we can say
them inner house. They have made them to use as refuge
in times of Atomic war. This was an attempt of saving
ourselves materialistically and it isn’t bad either. Some have
ran upward in mountains so they could fulfil the verses
which Jesus said in the Bible and thus they could be saved
from the coming end which can be raining with fire and
brimstones like it was in Sodom. Some rich parties who
claimed to reach anywhere have booked their plots on the
Mars and on the Moon!
This was for saving our lives. But what about soul?
Keep remember that in the end times, those people who
will live according to their hearts, will surely get destructed.
But those who will keep Jesus’s heart in them will save
themselves. Who is in your home? You or Jesus?
All things were got cursed in Sodom. To go down for taking
such cursed possessions would be counted as breaking the
commandment of God. It is totally foolishness to give your
life after, to fill your heart with sympathies after, or to go
saving after things and people on whom God has crossed
out and totally has forsaken.
In Galatians 5:19-21, we have been given warning over the
acts of the flesh. Sodom was having tremendous amounts
of such acts of the flesh, and in the end times, such sins
will take their ways inside the houses of people. And then,
they will thing to take last drink before dying out in the
destructive world! And thus they will try to live!
Lot’s wife too wanted to live Sodom in her!!!
And this will be just a daytime!
““Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will
gather.” 17:37. Wicked will come for drinking wine, for
adultery, for quarrels and to act whatever they like when
they see shop of sins open for them. “The hunter goes on
where he found out hunting.”
In the end times, dead bodies of unbelieves will be seen
everywhere. So those vultures came in dress of the light
will try their own interpretations, false teachings, cults, false
prophecies and false verses just to tear down believers and
eat them. Such vultures effectively know how to take
advantage of caprices of wicked people.
Now, we have completed housetop and possession story
and let’s just move on to the field.
The field shows the place of work. If we think spiritually
then it is a work of spreading gospel, pastoral work, or any
kind of ministry. We have been commanded to stay inside
our field in the end times. Jesus said in John 15:5, “apart
from me you can do nothing.” And therefore, if you are
willing to collect too much of money in the end times, want
to become as rich as someone can become and if you want
to go behind a blind race after money then think again. It
would be totally wrong as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
You want to stay in the field because, “sky is falling” and
the financial system is going to be crashed in the end times!
“I am late. Nowadays, businesses are hard to be run.”
Many will get tears in their eyes just before the end would
come! Lot went in rich and pleasure giving city of Sodom,
whose people were so much advance. Minds of people of
Sodom were so much so opened that they had become
some hub of wicked knowledge and information. And they
were having some confidence in them that there was no
God either in the universe!
Why it is necessary to stay in the field?
It is the field of Christ where real treasure is found! The
word of God is that treasure! The word of God are light to
your feet and they will certain save you from darkness
wherever you go but…
In the end times, you will find the darkness spread all over
the earth. Such darkness will be found in the daytime also
and then, it will be very difficult to walk as according to the
word of God.
Bible is getting banned in one by one countries, because
the scriptures inside them are condemning their free lives.
What kind of this free life is? In fact, the one who fingers
out to that life is called criminal nowadays!
As according to the dream of Daniel, the earth have seen
three major kingdoms rose and fall but now a fourth one is
coming which will be the kingdom of the Antichrist.
Again, God has trapped us the believers. We find red sea
before us and then behind us is ferocious army of Pharaoh.
In the end times, we will have sea of temptations before us
and in our back will be persecutors with their strongest
moves. We will sing, “Where we should go, Lord?”
Many aren’t able to decide whether to go home or to stay
in the field.
Then you have to ask them…
Where is our home?


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