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(1 Thessalonians 4:17-18)
“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be
with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these
These verses are said to all the churches of all the times and specially
were delivered to the church of Thessalonica. Those who don’t believe
in Jesus Christ and thus they have no hope about the eternal life in him
and even thus, these study doesn’t mean for them! But if they turn their
minds to…
Why these verses were given? The first reason is clearly seen that these
were for encouragement. Who needed encouragement in that first
century church?
One who needs encouragement whose hope is sinking.
The One who needs encouragement is the one caught up in impurities.
The one who needs encouragement in Christ Jesus is the one who needs
to be sanctified.
If wine can become strong encouragement for sexual passions in us then
think about the holy word of God which can so thoroughly provide
encouragement to the heart of a believer!
Therefore it is needed to believe in their effectiveness.
Some believer would say, “alright, you told us from the scriptures about
our sorrow to be changed into joy and it happened too for us but then
that sorrow again came up to us!’
In such case, real encouragement would be needed but, before we show
the needy life of Job, we should try showing the death of Jesus on the
cross to which Job’s life was nothing in compare to that extreme
And therefore, we can give encouragement by showing the example of
Jesus by saying, “Look, how painful death the Lord of Job suffered but,
like Job he wasn’t raised up in carnal happiness and he was resurrected
in the eternal life! That new life of Job wasn’t the end of all the sorrows,
pain and tears forever but, new life in Christ Jesus will surely end all of
them forever, because the death has been won by him forever!”
Here, these verses are given as encouragement to the believers of Jesus
so that they shall live in order to please God. That doesn’t mean that
those who will be alive as believers of Jesus at the coming of their Lord
are not going to be caught up in the air. Labor without hope destroys the
faith. They needed to labor for incredibly hard work of sanctification!
Why is it needed to be sanctified?
“For we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.”
Such clear and cut hope is given to relax the believers in the end time.
But relaxation from what?
We have seen in former studies that in the end times, we are going to
see sinful days more severe than those were in Sodom and Gomorrah. It
would be an out of strength experience for common believers to remain
sanctified in those days! If they are not built up with hope in Jesus then
they may join their current sinful world!
The second reason to show encouragement here was to teach brotherly
love, which they had learned from God. If we start looking all the
creations with the eyes of God then we will never have any hate towards
any of them. Instead, true love for them will immerge in us.
The Love of many will grow cold in the end times because of the
multiplication of wickedness! In such times, believers will need to keep
brotherly love among them for hundred percent! Therefore, Galatians
6:2 clearly teaches us, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you
will fulfill the law of Christ.”
There would be need to take extreme care of our soul in the end times.
Temptations will be everywhere. We have to cut that sin before it grows
from bitterness to rigid behavior.
What is the law of Christ?
In fact, there is no law of Christ at all! The reason behind this writing was
to point out reformation to the church where brotherly love is not found
but instead of it, they are having separatism, rough-and-tumble,
corruption and sometimes, adultery among them and all these they do
in name of the law!
We believe in the Lord who is not currently visibly present on the earth
but trust this: Today in your life, you can far more experience him in glory
and in power than those who could see him visibly in his body in the past!
And his coming in the clouds is going to be countless far more glorious
than that ascension of him in the heaven!
You can give encouragement to others but not preparation. They have
to prepare themselves. They have to overcome the kingdom of flesh and
kingdom of Satan.
“In this hateful world, we have to bring light of Christ in us.”
So on…
Do love all more and more…
Do encourage them more and more…
Do pray more and more…
Do study the scriptures more and more…

If I was to be some new believer, I would have given this sermon on basis
of some dream of caught up alive in the air as a rich presentation of
incredible talks and debatable message which bases on various
arguments. But after years of faith, it has become my duty in Christ Jesus
to deliver message of truth while understanding my responsibility of
brotherly love!
Still, I have to accept that the words of this earth can never be enough to
express the glory of that coming glorious day! Those who will be lifted
up will never need encouragement again because, all those people of
their Lord will become like their Lord!
“To be caught up” in twinkling of an eye is quite incredible looking thing.
Will those left behind see those caught up?
The answer can be, “will it make any difference?”
Would your souls have any difference if the world do not look at your
sacrifices which you have given for Jesus? It doesn’t make any difference
if others do not look at what you gave up for being sanctified and for
expressing brotherly love and even if your biography is not written as
The transformed immortal bodies will have no difference from such
things. They will have thoughts like Jesus! They will be the people who
will come performing duties of being sanctified and expressing brotherly
Rather making it gluttonous for donations, make your church rich of
prayers. Rather tattling inside the church, teach them carrying each
other burdens. It will be needed in the end times.
When one soul is won, the whole heaven rejoices with angels in it, and
when that won soul grows in holiness and brotherly love and becomes a
complete believer having burdens full of prayers then his or her name
becomes written in the heaven!
Now, let’s talk something about study of these verse.
“…for dust you are and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19.
Who can prove the promise of Jehovah to be failed? He had given above
promise to Adam, which was a curse, thus every people who takes birth
from dust will return to dust when dies. Does it meant that “caught up in
the air” will be failing this verse which was given from the same God?
Would God become fail in his own command?
If we take a look in the scriptures, this verse has been failed two times
when Elijah and Enoch were caught up alive in the heaven.
And if we look again to that verse from Genesis then we will find out that
Adam was given curse to eat his bread after making a hard work behind
it. That meant, before Adam sinned against God, he was provided by God
for everything! And when Adam did sin, the ground was cursed because
of him and not only that but he remained returning to that ground of
dust that means death ruled over us.
We die because, we cannot make our own resurrection. The verse from
Genesis uttered by Jehovah brings us down in the dust. Not just that but
also the salvation of us becomes impossible because of the cursed
ground through the blind imitation of Adam and rebelling blood of Abel.
And thus, our souls cannot reach to the heaven by ourselves.
Now, there must be entry of the last Adam. Who was the last Adam?
Lord Jesus Christ!
“So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last
Adam, a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first, but the natural,
and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth;
the second man is of heaven. As was the earthly man, so are those who
are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are
of heaven. And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so
shall we bear the image of the heavenly man.” 1 Corinthians 15:45-49.
That means, the command of Jehovah for mortal world is not failed! It is
therefore, whatever Jehovah commanded Adam remains true in the
mortal realm but it doesn’t carry or remain active in the spiritual realm.
And so on, those who are mortal in their faith can never take
participation in Christ’s resurrection!
A Pharisee called Nicodemus questioned Jesus about new birth. Jesus in
answering that question told him about impossible it is to enter in the
heaven without two encouragements of sanctification and brotherly
love. These are, water and spirit.
We should take sanctification as the first commandment given by Jesus.
We should obey that commandment with whole heart, whole mind and
whole of truth. Why? Because, our Lord is holy himself!
We should take brotherly love as second commandment given by Jesus.
We should love others like we love ourselves and that is truth but also
we need to understand the love first!
It is not like a “customer” came when someone comes before you crying
for a help! Such person has built a hope in mind that he or she will
definitely get a right answer. Those who take brotherly advantages are
not going to enter in the Kingdom of God.
And lastly…
Your every labor as a child of first Adam will come to dust but after
becoming a children of last Adam, your hard seeming labor like
sanctification and brotherly love will come with you and will give you
rewards in the heaven!
It is possible that you may have thought of achieving sanctification and
brotherly love with your own but, these things preparing you for the end
times if they are not among you today then your spiritual life is in danger
for each and every moment!
“Don’t utter word like you have completed,
It was completed from Jesus, not yours!”
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