Harvard University CARAT Undergraduate Application: Student Information

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Application ID: 107810

Harvard University
CARAT Undergraduate Application
Name: ID #: Degree: Year
Lopes, Weslley C aa03zqmp A.B./S.B.
Sex: DOB: Nationality: Ethnicity: Permanent Resident (US)?: Visa Type:
9/06/1995 BRA Not Specified No N/A
Phone: Email: Address:
+5511930715717 weslley.camargo.lopes@hotmail.com Rua Canal da Mancha, nº 266, Jardim
Barueri , São Paulo 06412-130
Program: Department: School: Expected Date of Graduation:
Coastal and Port Civil School of Engineering Universidade Federal do Rio December 2019
Engineering Grande - FURG (Federal
University of Rio Grande)

Funding Source applied:
Crossroads Emerging Leaders Program - Round One

By my electronic signature consisting of my Harvard University ID in the box below, I affirm that the foregoing statements and attached
materials are true and accurate representations to the best of my understanding, in accordance with the Harvard College Honor Code,
and that I have read and understand Harvard's policy regarding travel restrictions based on State Department travel warnings.

Signature: Date:
Weslley Lopes (aa03zqmp) 08/07/2019 08:27 PM EDT
Application ID: 107810
Harvard University
CARAT Undergraduate Application

Link to your Facebook profile


Link to your Instagram


Link to your LinkedIn


Link to your Twitter

Are you the first member of your family or the first generation within your family to attend university?


What is your father\'s highest level of education?

8th grade

What is your father\'s profession?


What is your mother\'s highest level of education?

5th grade

What is your mother\'s profession?

She is unemployed.

What is your annual household income (USD)?


How did you hear about the Crossroads Program?

I heard about the Crossroads Program in my University.

Have you applied to the Crossroads Program before?


Applicants to the Crossroads Program adhere to the highest standards of integrity. By entering my full name here, I hereby
confirm that I am the first in my family or among the first generation of my family, to attend university and I understand that any
misrepresentation in my profile will automatically disqualify me from the Program.

Weslley Camargo Lopes

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