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Job Analysis

Job analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the
content and the human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are
performed. This process is used to determine placement of jobs. To meet high quality
standard/performance we need to match job requirements people. This requires job


i. In HRM Job Analysis refers to the process of identifying and determining the duties,
responsibilities, and specifications of a given job.
ii. Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the
operations and responsibility of a specific job.

Job:- A group of related activities, tasks and duties.

Analysis:- Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.

Need of Job analysis:-

A Job analysis is used to gather information about knowledge, skills,

abilities, and other characteristics that are needed upon entry in the position.

Components of Job analysis:-

There are two components in job analysis:-

i. Job Description
ii. Job Specification

Job Analysis

Job Description Job Specification

Job Description:-

The minimum skills, education, and experience necessary for an individual

to perform a job. It is a list of TDR’s:-

 Tasks
 Duties
 Responsibilities
Job Specification:-

Job specification is a statement of minimum acceptable human qualities

necessary to perform a job properly. A written summary of tasks, duties and responsibilities
of a job. These are activities involved in carrying out a job and looking at qualities
requirements for performing a job. It is a list of KSAO’s:-

 Knowledge
 Skills
 Abilities
 Other Characteristics

Knowledge is factual or procedural information needed to perform a task. e.g. In
car we know that what is steering, clutch, brake. This basic information is called knowledge.
Proficiency of an individual is called skill. e.g. Reading a road sign is called skill.
Capabilities to perform a job. e.g. How to respond after seeing a road sign is called
Other Characteristics:-
Any type of certificates, awards or achievements.

Importance of Job Analysis:-

Importance of job analysis is explained as followed:-

i. It is building block of any task/job an employee performs.

ii. It is required by HR to extract all information of the job.

Who, when, what and how a task is

being performed.
Job analysis helps us in the following:-

 Work design
 HR planning
 Selection
 Training
 Performance appraisal
 Career planning
 Job evaluation
 Helps managers/supervisors
Work Design:-

It is the process of deciding on the content of a job in terms of its duties and
responsibilities in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as
the social and personal requirements of the job holder or the employee.

HR Planning:-

Human resource planning is a process that identifies current and future human
resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals. e.g. We assigned a task to anyone.
We conducted Job Analysis and concluded that people are not enough to perform this kind
of job. The result we concluded was number of human resources and skill required both are


Selection is the process of interviewing and evaluating the candidates for a specific
job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria (qualifications,
skills, and experience). e.g. We are hiring employees for new task, but we have set a certain
criteria for that certain task. That criterion comes from job analysis.


Training is the process for providing required skills to the employee for doing the
job effectively, skilfully, and qualitatively. e.g. We assigned a task to an employee and did a
job analysis and found that employee needs some sort of training to perform that task more

Performance appraisal:-

Performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee’s job

performance and overall contribution to a company. e.g. We evaluate our employee’s
performance and we reward them like car etc.

Career Planning:-

Employee A is performing a task X. We did a job analysis and concluded

that we should give him more training or expand the job which employee A is doing, in this
way career growth of employee A is being done. e.g. A finance officer is making salary slips
but he is also good in finance, he’ll say that give me some training and I will also do financial

Job Evaluation:-

It is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job in relation to

other jobs in an organization. It tries to make a systematic comparison between jobs to
assess their relative worth for the purpose of establishing a rational pay structure.

Helps managers/supervisors:-

It helps managers/supervisors to carry their duty.


I’m finance manager and I have four employees A,B,C,D.

 A ___ Salary calculations

 B ___ Accounts
 C ___ Petty cash
 D ___ Bank related

Tasks of these employees come to finance manager and it is job of finance manager to
allocate each job to a specific person.

Process Flow:-

To divide a task into different steps is called process flow.

e.g. Trip plan

 Number of guests
 Boarding and lodging
 Transport

Here task i.e. Trip is break down into different parts.

HR Decisions:-

HR department on the basis of Job Analysis decides promotions, rewards and

other incentives.
Competency in Job Analysis:-
The combination of observable and measurable
knowledge, skills, abilities and personal attributes that contribute to enhance employee’s
performance and ultimately results in achieving organization goal.

 Competencies are demonstrable characteristics of a person that enable performance

of a job. Some of the important competencies that an employee must have are listed
as follows:-
a) Personal attributes
 Discipline
These all are personal
 Peer to peer relationship
attributes of an individual
 Dress code
within the organization
 On time performance
b) Trait
c) Knowledge
d) Skill
e) Attitude
f) Social Role
g) Character
h) Ability

Types of Competencies:-

Types of competencies are explained as follows:-

1. General competencies:-
 Reading
 Writing
 Mathematical reasoning
2. Leadership competencies:-
 Leadership
 Strategic thinking
 Teaching
3. Technical competencies:-
 Specific job-related competencies

Importance of Competencies:-

Importance of competencies is as follows:-

 It can help reach high performance system

 Competencies can determine that either the hired person is competent/suitable for
the job or not.

Consider the job Sales, for this job one should have the following competencies to
meet the job requirement in order to meet different challenges:-

Skills Closing
7. listening
Negotiation Preparation skills
6. 1.

Sales Contact Interpersonal
Objections Initiation
5. 2.

Product /
Knowledge of 4. 3.
business industry
1. If we want to sale a product we have to prepare, that which type of customer we are
2. How we contact with the customer so that we can convince him.
3. To sale any product we have to do some analysis.
4. We must have knowledge about the product.
5. If we are selling sim cards and we say that we are selling sim card for Rs 50. But
customer objects that on TV advertisement showed that sim card is free. We have
that ability to counter these objections.
6. After handling objection we do some negotiation with customer to meet our desired
7. After successful negotiation now we can finally break our deal.

¤ These things are related to HRM because they follow the basic principles of HRM i.e.
Planning, organizing, staffing etc.
Trends in Job Analysis:-
There are following trends in Job Analysis:-
1. Stability:-
We have to adapt job specification according to the market situation.
2. Competitive pressure and Economic downturn:-
In every business we see a
competitor. One of the major pressures is economic instability. If country’s economy
can’t remain stable we will to do downsizing to keep our organization running. If our
organization is not stable then we haven’t done successful downsizing.
3. Flexibility in JD’s and JS’s and Inflexible legalities:-
JD’s should be flexible, so we can
mould them with time to time. Legal procedures remain same. Once a policy is made
it should be implemented nor compromised. HR manager combines flexibility and
inflexibility to make a job design.

Job Design:-
Job design involves systemic attempt to organize tasks, duties and
responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives.
 HR manager must know through knowledge:-
1. Scope of work
2. Plan for growth and new units
3. Improve quality and efficiency through job review
4. How a task will be done
5. Who will perform the task
6. What skills are required to perform a certain task

Components of Job Design:-

Components of job design are as follows:-
1. Job Effectiveness:-
“Job effectiveness means to achieve organizational goals by different means”.
 Purpose of job effectiveness is to gain maximum gain by minimum effort
 We can make job effective through:-
a) Hiring skilled labour
b) Through motivation (If employees are not motivated then they will not
work by heart)
 We can motivate by financial benefits, but there are other ways of motivation.
i. Motivation:-
“Motivation is the inner drive that directs a person’s behaviour toward
Motivation can be done by the following processes:-

a) Job Enlargement:-
By enlarging job domain employee can get
motivated. Job enlargement can be done by setting new goals or
by deploying fewer people competent.
e.g. Consider a sale stall of sim cards. If we reduce the price of
balance cards and sim cards and give a sale target to employee, by
doing so employee can sell more cards and can gain more
commission. This will arise motivation.

b) Job Extension:-
Giving multiple tasks of different domain to one
person is called job extension. An employee can get motivated by
job extension.
e.g. Consider a department in which there is Clerk whose pay is
10000, a Receptionist whose pay is 10000 and a Photocopier
whose pay is 8000. If we do downsizing and give the tasks of
receptionist and photocopier to clerk and we give him a new
designation of Admin Assistant and set his pay to 18000. This will
motivate the employee because his pay increased and stamp of
clerk is also removed.

c) Job Rotation:-
“Job rotation is a management approach where employees are
shifted between two or more assignments or jobs at regular
intervals of time in order to expose them to all verticals of an
By doing job rotation we are doing career planning of an
employee, this motivates the employee. Job rotation can only be
done in intra-department it’s not done in inter-department.

d) Self Managing Working Teams:-

“Autonomy to the employees by dividing them into groups,
headed by a group leader”.
Employees can work more effectively and deliberately if they
knew that they are independent and they can work freely without
any interruption. Employees are given free will to complete a
given task.
e) Flexibility working schedules:-
To give easy working slots to
employees so they can work by heart.
f) Job Sharing:-
Job sharing is sharing of a particular job by two or
more part time employees. This reduces work load and keep them

g) Telework:-
Working for an organization without going to the office,
rather working from home by using information and
communication technology is called telework or telecommuting.
 If we put pressure on employee then its performance gets
 If employee doesn’t come to office for any personal
reason, then he has the facility to work in his house in a
comfortable environment, so employees doesn’t get
 This facility motivates the employee to work more
Process of Human Resourcing Planning:-

“Human Resource Planning is a three step process that analyses forecasts, future
requirements (Goal setting), identifies areas where there are gaps and then implements a
plan (Strategies) to tighten up those gaps.”


“Human Resource Planning is the process of forecasting an organization’s future demand

for, and supply of, the right type of people in the right number”.

Purpose of HR planning:-
The purpose of HR planning is to meet business objectives and gain
competitive advantage over competitors.

Process of Human Resource Planning:-

The processes of Human Resource Planning are as

1. Forecasting:-
The organization must aware of its strengths and weakness to compete in
the market. We analyse our strengths and weakness by judging our employees
according to their qualification, skills etc.
On the basis of the compatibility of our employees we can compete in the
2. Goal Setting:-
HR planning is comparing present state/situation with future goals and
milestones. We have to compare our present situation with future and review
decisive actions needed to achieve goal or milestone of the organization.
3. Strategies:-
Identification of changes i.e. downsizing, training existing employees,
hiring new employees. After planning we conclude what changes we have to make
to keep our organization up to the mark. We can do this by training our current
employees or by hiring new one.
Stages of HR Planning:-
The HR planning consists of three stages:-

 Forecasting
 Goal setting and strategic planning
 Program Implementation

Forecasting is the process of estimating the future quantity and quality of
people required. E.g. Forecasting of Labour demand, labour supplies, labour surplus or

Goal setting and Strategic Planning:-

Forecasting of Forecasting of
Labour Demands Labour Supplies

Forecasting of
Labour Surplus or Shortage

Goal setting and strategic Planning

Program implementation
And evaluation

 We set a goal or target and make some strategies to achieve that target.
 We have to do evaluation because we have to know that whether we achieved or
not that we have planned.

In strategies we break our task into small parts. After making strategy we
implement our plan and do evaluation to find out that whether our plan was successful or
Providing Equal Employment opportunities and Safe work place:-
Providing equal
employment opportunities and safe work places are the basic necessities which must be
provided by the organization. Some of the highlighted issues are explained as follows:-

1. Gender Inequality/discrimination:-
If an organization gives the employment it must
be irrespective of cast, religion, colour, creed and gender. Any job which is
announced it must be for men and women it should not be gender biased.
Promotions should be based on merit not on favouritism.
2. Minorities inferiority:-
Job should not be based on religion or cast biased. It must be
free from all these anomalies. Every human has equal right.
3. Physically challenged/special people:-
Handicapped people must have special quota.
If they are not treated equally then they may suffer depression, superiority disorder
4. Harassment at work place:-
There should be no harassment at the work place. Special
care should be taken regarding harassment and proper sessions should be given in
the organization about organization.

Safe workplace:-
A safe environment should be given to the employees, which is safe for the
workers, employees. So that employees could work in a comfortable environment. Safe
precautions should be adhered. Some of them are explained as follows:-
 Placement of warning/hazard signs

 Identifying fire exits

 Mock emergency drills
 Fire extinguishers training and maintenance
 CCTV monitoring/recording
 Ensuring security of workers
 Ensuring safety of workers and providing facilities in case of unforeseen
 Providing facilities to the physically challenged people
Recruitment Sources:-

 Recruitment is a search for appropriate human resource required by a company
from time to time.
The searching of suitable candidates and informing them about the openings
in the organization is most important aspect of recruitment process.
The candidates may be available inside or outside the organization. Basically there
are two sources of recruitment which are explained as follows:-

 Internal sources
 External sources

Internal Sources:-
Best employees can be found within the organization. When a vacancy
arises in the organization, it may be given to an employee who is already on the pay-roll.
Internal sources include promotion, transfer etc. When a higher post is given to a deserving
employee, it motivates all other employees of the organization to work hard. The
employees can be informed of such vacancy by internal advertisement. Some internal
sources are as follows:-

i. Present Employees:-
Where positions are few and are required to be filled
up promptly, then recruitment is made from the existing employees in
the form of promotions and transfers. Promotion refers to upgrading of
an employee to a higher position carrying higher status, pay and
responsibilities. Transfer refers to shifting an employee from one job to
another without any change in position, pay, status, and responsibilities.
ii. Employee References:-
The existing employees are advised to refer the
names of their relatives, friends and persons from known circles.
iii. Former Employees:-
The retired employees willing to work in the company
are contacted. Another source is retrenchment caused by earlier courses
or downsizing. Such employees, if they are interested can be tapped.
iv. Backlog of past applications:-
This refers to the list of applicants who have
shown interest in the company but who were not selected for some
reasons. Such applicants are referred and are advised to face the
recruitment process once again if they are interested.
External Sources:-
All organizations have to use external sources for recruitment to higher
positions when existing employees are not suitable. It is a costly process but opens up a
chance to tap best talent in the field. Some popular external sources are as follows:-
i. Direct applicants and Referrals:-
Direct applicants are those people who
apply for a vacancy without prompting from an organization. Referrals
are those people who are prompted to apply for a vacancy by someone
within the organization.
ii. Electronic Recruiting:-
The E-Recruitment also called as online recruitment
is the process of hiring the potential candidates for the vacant job
positions using the electronic resources, particularly the internet.
iii. Newspaper and Magazines:-
Job advertisement is given in the newspapers
and weekly magazines for vacant positions.
iv. Public and Private Recruitment Agencies:-
Private and Public recruitment
agencies provide their services for recruitment process. Fees may be paid
by the employer to these agencies. E.g. OTS, NTS are private recruitment
agencies where as PPSC, FPSC are public recruitment agencies.
v. Colleges and Universities:-
Colleges and Universities may be an important
source for entry level professionals. To increase effectiveness,
organizations offers internships programs to get early access to potential
applications and to assess their capabilities directly.

Selection Process:-

 Selection is the process by which qualified applicant are selected by mean of various
test in pre-determined numbers, out of large number of applicants.

There are different stages of selection process. Some important steps which are generally
included in selection process are as follows:-
1. Screening Applications and Resume:-
After giving advertisement a pool of
applications arrive at HR department from which scrutiny is done and
desired applications are considered.
2. Testing and Reviews:-
After scrutiny aspirants appear for test and testing
been done. Some of the common interviewing tests are as follows:-
 Intelligence test
 Aptitude test
 Personality test
 Interest test
After testing reviews been generated against candidates which further
proceeds for interview.
3. Interviewing Candidates:-
Selected candidates call for the final interview in
which interviewer asks many types of questions to judge the candidate
for that job. Interviewer matches the information obtained about the
candidate through various means to the job requirement and to the
information obtained through his own observations during the interview.
4. Checking References and Backgrounds:-
The candidates are generally asked
to provide two or three references with name, designation, address and
contact numbers. Background is checked to verify that whether candidate
clear his tests without bribing someone.
5. Making a selection:-
After successfully clearing background and reference
check, job offer is given to the selected candidate. For the job offer,
appointment letter is handed over. After the acceptance of job offer by a
selected candidate, he become an employee of the organization.


1. Training is the process for providing required skills to the employee for doing the job
effectively, skilfully and qualitatively.
2. Training is a planned programme designed to improve performance and bring about
measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behaviour of

Need of Training:-
Most employees have weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training
program allows the organization to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to
improve. A developed program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar
skills and knowledge.
The need of training of employees arises due to the following factors:-

1. Quality Improvement:-
The customers have become quality conscious and their
requirement keep on changing. To satisfy customers, quality of products must be
continuously improved through training of workers.
2. Reduction in learning time:-
Systematic training through trained instructors is
essential to reduce the training period. If the workers learn through trial and error,
they will take a longer time and even may not be able to learn right methods of
doing work.
3. Industrial safety:-
Trained workers can handle the machines safely. They also know
the use of various safety devices in thee factory. Thus, they are less prone to
industrial accidents.
4. Technology update:-
Technology is changing at a fast pace. The workers must learn
new techniques to make use of advance technology. Thus, training should be treated
as a continuous process to update the employees in the new methods and
5. Effective Management:-
Training can be used as an effective tool of planning and
control. It develops skills among workers and prepares them for handling present
and future jobs. It helps in reducing the costs of supervision, wastages and industrial
accidents. It also helps productivity and quality which are the most important goals
of any organization.

Planning Training Program:-

Planning a training program comprises of three steps which are
as follows:-
 Objective:-
Objective of training should be cleared that why need of
training occurred.
 Trainers:-
After defining objectives of training, trainers come into play.
Trainers play important part, because they are the one who are
responsible to inculcate new skills and methods.
 Method:- Method of training is very important because different
methods are available for different types of training program.
Types of Training:-
There are basically two types of training:-
 Inhouse Training:-
An organization has training department which has its
own trainers and they train their own employees.
 Outsourced Training:-
An organization seeks services from outside training
provider who train their employees.

Various methods of training programs are available some of them are explained
as follows:-

 Classroom instructions
 Audio-Visual training
 Computer based training
 On-the-job training
 Simulations
 Business games and case studies
 Behaviour modelling
 Team training
 Experiential training

1. Classroom Instructions:-
In an organization there is setup which is simulated like a
classroom in which trainer directly interacts with trainee.
2. Audio-Visual Training:-
It is not necessary that training must be through slides it can
be in the form of audio or video. Audio-Video training demonstrates the live concept
about what training is about. E.g. For the operation of Walkie-talkie audio training is
3. Computer Based Training:-
Computer-Based training (CBT) is any course of instruction
whose primary means of delivery is a computer. E.g. A new software is launched in
the organization. A link is given to us and we get whole information via that link
about the installation of that software. We don’t have to attend any training session
for this purpose because every information is provided on that link.
4. On-The-Job Training:-
On-The-Job training is provided when the workers are taught
relevant knowledge, skills and abilities at the actual work place. In this method an
employee receives training whilst remaining in the workspace.
5. Simulations:-
In this type of method, we involve an employee in a real life test e.g.
Flight simulator. Same type of environment is provided.
6. Business games and Case studies:-
In this type of training participants learn how to
deal with variety of issues in a simulated business environment. Employee is tested
from games i.e. Online analytical tests, mathematical tests etc.
A particular case is given to the trainees on a specific topic. The trainees are
asked to study the topic and bring forth the suggestions etc.
7. Behaviour Modelling:-
Training is not about giving employees new skills. Training is
also about moulding employee’s behaviour into positive manner. For this purpose
different character building sessions are organized.
8. Team Training:-
Team training in any organization is very important. Some people
can’t work alone but they can work better in the form of teams.
9. Experiential Training:-
We do different experiments on our employees and from these
experiments our employees gain experience. E.g. Experiments are like scenarios. We
give different scenarios to our employees.

Advantages and Disadvantages of training:-

The advantages and disadvantages of training
are as follows:-

Advantages Disadvantages
 Improves the job knowledge and  Training can be a financial drain on
skills at all levels of the organizations. resources.
 Improve morale of the workforce.  It is expensive to operate.
 Helps people identify with  Often takes people away from their
organizational goals. job for varying period of time.
 Helps create better corporate image.  Equips staff to leave for a better job.
 Improves the relationship between
employers and subordinate.
 Aids in organizational development.
 Helps prepare guidelines for work.
Creating and Maintaining High-Performance Organizations:-

“The ability of any organization to create a combination of expert people, advanced

technology and organizational structure to make full use of resources and opportunities to
achieve organizational goals, refers to High Performance Organizations”.


“High performance organizations are those who are competing with

target market furthermore they have high result of productivity”.

 High performance is a two system between organization and its employees

Organization Employees

 Organization have expectations from its employees and organization want positive
outcome/result from its employees. Similarly employees have also some
expectations from its organization. If organization come up to the mark of its
employees they will also give their best for the betterment of organization.

Organization Expectation Employee Expectation

 Satisfied worker  Good salary
 Satisfied customer  On time payment
 Lower absentee  Financial Aid (Pension, monthly fund)
 Low turnover (lower downsizing)  Job satisfaction
 High sales
 Lower costs (Effective human mgt, advanced technology)

 Higher profits
 There are certain steps by which organizational goals could be achieved which
results in high performance. These processes are explained as follows:-

1. Reward System:-
Giving discount tokens to customers, this will embark a positive
impression of the organization.
2. Information System:-
Maintaining good management information system
3. Organizational structure:-
Structure of organization is given as:-
 Top level
 Middle level
 Lower level

In above levels some factors should be adhered:-

 Are they are right people

 Are they working properly
 Are they have proper training and development
4. Task Design:-
Task should be designed in such a way that a person who is performing
a task must achieve high result. If he achieves that result he will be rewarded.
5. People Selection:-
Whether the selected people are suitable for the desired job or not.


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