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1. What is Engineering management?

 Engineering management is the discipline where engineers combine management skills with
technical expertise to coordinate work in various technical fields such as product design,
development, and manufacturing. A person working in engineering management usually has an
undergraduate degree in an engineering field, as well as a master's degree in engineering
management. The aim of the field is to combine practical knowledge of the business side of
engineered things — including the financial side of the business, as well as human resource
management, communications, and other things that impact the overall success of the product as
a commercial entity — with technical knowledge of design and engineering.
2. What are the 3 main categories of Engineering management?
 Interpersonal roles cover the relationships that a manager has to have with others. The three roles
within this category are figurehead, leader and liaison. Managers have to act as figureheads
because of their formal authority and symbolic position, representing their organizations.
 Informational roles:
i. Monitor Role: Collects information about internal operations and external events.
ii. Disseminator Role: Transforms information internally to everybody in organization (like a
telephone switchboard)
iii. Spokesman Role: Public relations
 Decision Role:
i.Entrepreneurial Role: Initiates changes, assumes risks, transforms ideas into useful products.
ii. Disturbance Handler Role: Deals with unforeseen problems and crisis.
iii.Resource Allocator Role: Distributing resources.
iv.Negotiator Role: Bargains with suppliers, customers etc. in favor of enterprise.
3. What are the basic functions of management? Define each of the function.
 Planning: Selecting missions and objectives. Requires decision making.
 Organizing: Establishing the structure for the objective.
 Staffing: Keeping filled the organization structure.
 Leading: Influencing people to achieve the objective.
 Controlling: Measuring and correcting the activities.
4. What is/are the difference between Tactical and Operational Plan?
 Tactical planning is short range planning emphasizing the current operations of various parts of
the organization. Short Range is generally defined as a period of time extending about one year or
less in the future. While, operational planning is the process of linking strategic goals and
objectives to tactical goals and objectives. It describes milestones, conditions for success and
explains how, or what portion of, a strategic plan will be put into operation during a given
operational period.
5. Give 3 levels of Corporate Hierarchy? Define and give example/scenario in each level.
 Top-level managers determine broad strategic strokes for the organization in general and focus on
the big picture. Under this are the CEO and Executive Team.
 Middle management is the intermediate management level accountable to top management and
responsible for leading lower level managers. Middle managers are accountable to top
management for their department’s function.
 Frontline management balances functional expertise with strong interpersonal skills to optimize
specific operational processes. A front-line manager is best positioned when they focus on
controlling and directing specific employees (think in terms of supervisors, team leaders, line
managers, and project managers).
6. What are the characteristics of a high EQ learners/managers?
 High level managers tend to have a substantial amount of experience, ideally across a wide variety
of functions. They are also often industry experts, having a close association with the long-term
trajectory of the businesses they operate in. They often benefit from being charismatic, powerful
communicators with a strong sense of accountability, confidence, integrity, and a comfort with
7. Define the following categories of leadership: Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-Faire
 An autocratic leader is someone with the behavior of a dictator. They use fear and control to gain
total power over their people.
 Democratic leaders also known as Participative Leadership, emphasize collaboration and the free
flow of ideas.
 Laissez faire leaders try to give the least possible guidance to subordinates and try to achieve
control through less obvious means. They believe that people excel when they are left alone to
respond to their responsibilities and obligations in their own ways.
8. Briefly discuss the “control cycle” involves in basic managerial function.
 The control cycle is the iterative process of planning, monitoring outcomes, assessing results, and
making revisions. The control cycle is commonly applied to the ongoing revision of corporate
budgets and process flows.
9. Give and briefly discuss the basic management skills.
 Technical skills involve skills that give the managers the ability and the knowledge to use a variety
of techniques to achieve their objectives.
 Conceptual Skill involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for
abstract thinking and formulating ideas.
 Interpersonal skills are the skills that present the managers’ ability to interact, work or relate
effectively with people.

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