Kashmir and The Abrogation of Article 370: An Indian Perspective

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December 2014 20 August 2019

Kashmir and the Abrogation of Article 370: An Indian

Ali Ahmed
FDI Associate

Key Points

 The BJP government’s motives for its recent moves in Kashmir lie less in
the reasons professed – governance and development – than they do in
the ideological direction it is taking the country.

 The likelihood of war with Pakistan that is inherent in the Kashmiri

situation will depend on India’s response to the civil unrest that is likely to
break out in Kashmir when the restrictive conditions, such as curfews, are

 The impending civilian unrest, prospects of renewed insurgency and

Pakistan-sponsored asymmetrical warfare ended India’s hopes of
returning stability to Kashmir soon. It appears that India’s constitutional
initiative was based on a flawed security analysis.

 The right-wing BJP government would not be averse to a deterioration in

the security situation since that would enable it to continue its hardline
policies of “Othering” that are part of its wider majoritarian project of
embedding Hindutva into India’s polity.


Prime Minister Modi’s recent decision to scrap Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian
Constitution, which gave Jammu and Kashmir special status, has stirred controversy across
the political spectrum. While supporters of the initiative emphasise that the move fulfils a
campaign promise of the Bharatiya Janata Party, which was returned for a second term with
an increased vote share of six per cent, critics see it as the prelude to a shift to
majoritarianism. On the external front, the move is being commended for taking advantage
of Pakistan’s focus on its western flank and the end game in Afghanistan, and for changing
the issue of Kashmir from being a dispute with Pakistan to an internal matter. To critics,
however, the reduction of the state of Jammu and Kashmir to the status of a union territory
– truncated by the slicing off of Ladakh – does not end the issue of Kashmir being the source
of an international dispute and that it is only a matter of time before Pakistan makes its
presence felt, possibly through renewed conflict, either directly or through proxies.

This article makes the case that Pakistan, which has underplayed the changes effected by
India, will, over time, reactivate the proxy war and upset India’s calculation that its move will
end the problem of Kashmir. It argues that since this is a somewhat obvious conclusion, the
sources of India’s action are not to be found in strategic calculus as much as in the current
administration’s ideological underpinnings. The BJP’s strategy, informed as it is by Hindutva
ideology, is not about restoring stability to Kashmir as it claims, but to heighten the
instability inherent in the situation, thereby inducing Pakistan into a proxy war. If that were
to happen, it could pay an internal political dividend by allowing the BJP to reshape secular
India into its aspirational Hindutva-based form and, externally, place Pakistan in a corner,
forcing it, once again, to prosecute a war.


A Situational Update

Kashmir is in lockdown at this time, with around fifty thousand additional paramilitary
troops deployed to the union territory to prevent unrest. Communication networks have
been disabled in order to mute anticipated adverse reactions of Kashmiris. The centrally-

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appointed authorities, in office since central rule began over a year ago, have correctly
assessed that some Kashmiris are liable to revolt after being deprived of the limited
autonomy they enjoyed until now. This is particularly the case as they were neither
consulted on nor endorsed the political re-engineering of their relationship with the rest of
India. Sensibly, the authorities have taken around five hundred mainstream political leaders
and separatists into preventive custody, including three former chief ministers, who are
being held incommunicado and without charge.

The authorities would be relieved that those measures have resulted in minor stray incidents
of stone throwing after prayers on Friday. That resulted in a further clamp-down during the
Eid festival, with the traditional prayers at the historic Jamia Mosque in Srinagar being
disallowed in favour of prayers at smaller, local mosques. While information is scarce, there
are reports of dozens of people being injured by pellet guns fired to put down incidents after
prayers on both days.

The state has had a public run-in with international media, initially disputing its reporting on
such incidents, but admitting later to one that involved around two thousand protestors at
Soura, Srinagar. In a video of the incident, automatic gunfire can be heard in the
background, indicating ham-handed, if not high-handed, crowd control measures being
enacted. The government correctly anticipated the delicate situation would last until the
end of the week, with the independence days of Pakistan, which Islamabad is observing as
one of solidarity with Kashmiris, and India being observed on 14 and 15 August, respectively.

India’s Security Preparations

Those actions are indicative of the government’s security imperatives. Clearly, the
government was aware of a possible backlash within Kashmir as also of a possible response
from Pakistan. The manner in which the clampdown was organised indicates the
government’s prior formulation of a realistic threat perception.

The government terminated a major pilgrimage, the Amarnath Yatra, at the beginning of
August, citing the discovery of a terror plot to target Hindu pilgrims. It pointed to a burst of
hostile Pakistani activity along the Line of Control (LoC), including an unsuccessful action in
which five members of a Pakistani border action team were killed. That resulted in pilgrims,
tourists and migrant workers leaving the then-state post haste, assisted by the government.
To further control the information trickling out of the union territory, India increased the
number of paramilitary troops in it. An infantry brigade had already been positioned there
earlier. The increased strength of the security forces was over and above that already
deployed in Kashmir for overseeing the national elections in early summer and for securing
the pilgrimage. The build-up would suggest that India was well aware of the potential fall-
out of its then-impending action in parliament.

The government’s caution is best evidenced by the fact that Mr Ajit Doval, the national
security adviser, camped in Kashmir to oversee the security arrangements personally. Those
arrangements have apparently succeeded, at least for the moment, since there has been no
major incident with large scale loss of lives or injuries caused by pellet guns. That, however,
could be the lull before the storm.

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India has underlined the need for development and ending the insurgency as reason for
ridding Kashmir of its special status. It holds that the special status allowed the state to be
controlled by corrupt political parties, prevented its political integration with the rest of
India and allowed an insurgent sentiment to proliferate in it. The special status included a
separate constitution for the state, which has now been scrapped. The test of India’s success
in Kashmir, therefore, would be in Kashmiris forging an emotional and political bond with
the rest of the country and the degree of successful development in the union territory.
India is liable to be surprised on both counts.

India’s Strategic Calculus

India’s surprising action, it may be inferred, was its response to regional developments,
principally the emerging agreement between the Taliban, with Pakistan’s tacit support, and
the Americans, which would enable the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan. In that
event, India anticipated a strengthened Pakistan. Pakistan had been out of favour for most
of the Trump presidency, with Mr Trump periodically belabouring Pakistan for its delay in
implementing his Afghanistan policy. Islamabad’s influence over the Taliban and its positive
response to US concerns more recently has resulted in the US opening up to Pakistan yet
again. This turn of events has worried India all the more, since it was not part of the
decision-making process on Afghanistan. Its action appears to have been stampeded,
furthermore, by President Trump offering to mediate on the Kashmir issue during Pakistani
Prime Minister Imran Khan’s end-July visit to the White House.

In Kashmir, India has been proactively engaged in countering the insurgency since its latest
outbreak, which dates to the killing of Hizbul Mujahedeen commander, Burhan Wani, in July
2016. It has killed over seven hundred militants since then, with the proportion of Pakistani
proxy fighters registering a decline lately, from a full third of those killed to less than a
quarter. This indicates that Pakistan has been withholding its usual military support for the
insurgency, hard pressed as it is on its alleged support of terrorism. It figures on the radar of
the financial action task force, with a review from that body due in October. With
heightened counter insurgency operations ongoing and with Pakistan on the back-foot
temporarily, India perceived a window of political opportunity. The question is whether the
window is wide enough for it to tide over the backlash from Pakistan and from within

The India-Pak Strategic Tryst

Pakistan has initiated diplomatic moves to counter India’s actions. It has written to the UN
Secretary- General and drawn the attention of the Security Council to the events in Kashmir.
It has downgraded its diplomatic ties to India, reduced bilateral trade and terminated train
and bus services between the two countries. However, stowing away it’s tried and tested
proxy war option now would be untimely.

Its Foreign Minister, returning from his trip to China, visited Pakistan-administered Kashmir,
where he dampened expectations of any more vigorous Pakistani action, thereby hinting
that the international environment was averse to harsher steps by Pakistan. Since Pakistan is
compelled to be restrained in its reaction, it needs to divert the energy of anti-India proxy

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groups towards Kashmir. Pakistan cannot risk inaction, since the anger of the jihadi proxies,
who are otherwise “good terrorists”, being anti-India, would likely be turned inwards.
Pakistan would not like to reprise its operations against the “bad terrorists” since 2014. It
would prefer to direct such energy outwards. While Indian troops are on the alert for now,
how this situation will play out will be known by the onset of the northern winter.

Since the insurgency has been waning lately owing to India’s suppressive template, Pakistan
would have to infuse it with both fighters and materiél soon if it is to be kept going. That
may entail the creation of a crisis along the LoC, under cover of which Pakistan could
infiltrate reinforcements. That manner of infiltration will likely prove expensive, if not
altogether disastrous, since Indian counter-infiltration measures have been strengthened.
The paramilitary forces that have been re-located to Kashmir have likely removed the
protective tasks that were imposed on the Indian military, enabling its own redeployment
forward. Therefore, an attempt to cast a lifeline to the insurgency may be in the offing.

Such a crisis could likely be created after the annual face-off between the two countries at
the UN General Assembly meeting, that this year is being addressed by India’s Prime
Minister. By then the financial action task force meeting would be behind it. Pakistan would
also by then have the alibi of having tried the diplomatic route and found it wanting. In case
the prospects of a return to peace in Afghanistan brighten, some of the jihadists released in
anticipation of the return to peace could be redirected towards the worsening situation in

India’s Internal Security Challenge in Kashmir

The intervening period could well see outbreaks of unrest in Kashmir rival the period at the
onset of the insurgency in the early 1990s. Such levels of disaffection were witnessed most
recently in late 2016, when close to 100 rioters were killed. That figure was just short of the
lower estimate reached in 2010, when Kashmiris agitated over the killings of three of their
people by security forces at Machhil on the LoC. This time round the angst may be higher.
The firmer the clamp-down by the state, the more anger would likely be visible on the
street. The current curfews will have to be partially lifted some day and those held in
preventive detention will have to be progressively released, whereupon it would be clearer
as to whether India has bargained sensibly.

India has incentivised stability by promising a reversion to statehood in the future. The levels
of distrust its action has generated will unlikely be placated by its promises of development
and security. Although the Modi Administration was expected to trifurcate the state if it did
anything at all in that regard, Kashmir has been yoked yet again with Jammu region, but
without the autonomy it previously enjoyed. This has enabled the government to use the
Jammu region and its Hindu majority to offset the political clout of the majority Kashmiris.
The government is also looking to progress a delimitation of constituencies in order to rejig
the assembly of the union territory in such a manner as to whittle the political power of the
Kashmiris that derives from their numerical majority.

Anticipating the political fallout brought about by the setback to their political clout,
Kashmiris are unlikely to acquiesce to New Delhi’s moves and would use agitation and

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insurgency against it. India would be hard put to organise elections, as announced by the
Prime Minister. The resulting assembly would be dominated by Hindus from Jammu, with
Kashmiris likely boycotting the vote. It is difficult to visualise how such an outcome could be
described as a ‘political solution’. In other words, the ‘permanent solution’ – as the Defence
Minister described it – foisted by the Indian Government on the Kashmiri people will hardly
gain traction, and any new local government would lack legitimacy. The assumption that, as
a union territory, better governance could replace the will of the people is questionable.

Even so, the attractiveness of the move would depend on development being successful. An
investor summit has been announced for October. India’s largest corporate house has
stepped up, offering to invest in Kashmir. An increase in investment in Kashmir is envisaged
now that the land ownership, previously restricted to state subjects, has been thrown open.
This is yet again wishful thinking, since no investment is likely in an insecure setting. Besides,
India’s economic climate is deteriorating. The unrest and insurgency would need to be
tackled first. Absent meaningful political action, development is no substitute. What has
transpired so far in Kashmir cannot constitute a political solution since it serves more to
aggravate than assuage.

Searching for the Wellsprings of the Indian Surprise

From the foregoing analysis, it is clear that instability will persist. On the other hand, the
government is not self-delusional. It has surely arrived at its conclusions rationally. That, if
correct, begs the question, what was the government’s intent? It would be naive to
unquestioningly accept its word that a speedy end to insurgency in the union territory
prompted its action. Its motives are, thus, open to conjecture. Since analysis does not
vindicate the government’s decision as advertised, its ideology, Hindutva, must be its

Hindutva is religious majoritarianism with “Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan” as its motif. Its ascent
has seen an Othering of India’s Muslims and conflating them, along with Kashmiris, with
Pakistan. A continuing insurgency – as the analysis indicates – is in the interest of Hindutva
in order to turn secular India saffron. The action in Kashmir, lacking the strategic rationale
put forward by the Modi Administration, instead has ideological underpinnings. Therefore, it
cannot be rationally approached through a strategic lens alone, but requires factoring in the
ideological project underway in India.

By that reasoning, the government would be well-prepared to countenance a renewed, if

temporary, bout of insurgency for its internal political purposes and engage in a faceoff with
Pakistan. It believes it has deterred Pakistan through its surgical strikes of late 2016 and its
aerial strike of February 2019. With Pakistan suitably deterred, the insurgency levels in
Kashmir appear to India’s security planners to be eminently manageable. The military
engagement to India’s north will continue to provide domestic political dividend over the
second term of this government, in which its Kashmir project is set to culminate.

Externally, unrest in Kashmir will force Pakistan’s hand, with attendant multiple benefits for
India. It would enable New Delhi to corner Islamabad once again on its support for terror,
provide India with a legitimate reason to involve itself in Afghanistan and strain Pakistan

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economically and make it weak. A continuing proxy war would give India an excuse not to
address the Kashmir issue bilaterally with Pakistan, as it is committed to do.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has tweeted his suspicions that India’s motives are rooted in
revivalism. He is apprehensive of the impact that a successful makeover of India in the
Hindutva image could have for Pakistan, in particular, the implication of the doctrine of
Akhand Bharat, which visualises a unified Indian subcontinent under a Hindu aegis.
Consequently, Pakistan would be wary of India’s game-changing play in Kashmir. This may
impel a preventive Pakistani counter, leading to a more energetic response. Even though
Pakistan has settled for now on seeing the change as irrelevant to the disputed status of
Kashmir, as the situation unfolds more nuance will manifest, potentially transforming the
situation rapidly and comprehensively.


About the Author: Ali Ahmed is visiting professor at Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and
Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia, a central university in New Delhi. His doctorate in
international politics is from Jawaharlal Nehru University. He has been a UN political affairs
officer, an academic and an infantryman. He is author of ‘India's Doctrine Puzzle: Limiting
War in South Asia’ (Routledge, 2014) and blogs at www.ali-writings.blogspot.in.


Any opinions or views expressed in this paper are those of the individual author, unless stated to be those of
Future Directions International.

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