Fish 1

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What is a fish? What type of fish is an eel?

A fish is a limbless ectothermic (cold-blood) vertebrae animal that can be found in nearly all aquatic
regions. What they lack in limbs, they gain in fins and gills.

What is fish locomotion? Different modes, and which does the eel fall under?

Fish locomotion is an interesting piece of discussion that engineers have looked into in order to figure
out methods of improving streamlined designs for submarines, ships, swimsuits/swim gears etc. By
understanding how fishes move in their aquatic habitat, we can design and build more efficient
machines that can move and function faster and better underwater.

Fish locomotion is the movement adopted by fishes and other aquatic animals to transport themselves
to and fro in aquatic environments. It usually takes the form of swimming. There are different modes
of fish locomotion in which the fish propels itself through the use of its fins, body or tail.

= Wavelike (undulate) movement of the body and tail and/or the movement of the fins. The waves are
in the shape of an S, with the muscles contraction located at the side and rear regions, which push
against the water, causing the water to push back, propelling the fish forward.

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