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Personal Achievement

My personal achievement is a fundraising event that my soccer team and I are doing to raise
enough money for our last tournament of our soccer career, in Florida. We have done many
activities and events to raise money and make sure each player only has to pay half of the travel
fees. Some of the fundraising events that we have done are, car washes, bottle drives, 50/50 at
hockey games, paint nights and such. The hope is to go to the Disneyworld cup and to
participate, this will be happening June 2020. This is a very important thing to me because
everyone in our soccer team has put in so much effort throughout the years, at games and
practices. We have created a bond and we rely on each other for many things. You can say we
are like sisters. So with this event it will conclude our soccer career and we will also have a great
last team bonding experience in Florida. We have currently raised around $13,000 which is half
of our goal, we have a long way to go but we are very proud of the progress we have made. This
has taught me that things are never handed to you, we have to work hard/put in the work and skip
events with friends to make it to the fundraisers. I have learned that sometimes you will have to
sacrifice things you love for a greater cause. I think that the skills that I have developed during
this whole process have helped humbled me and I will definitely be using them in the future, to
make sure I work hard and not take things for granted nor take the easy way out. Some of the
things that I have learned with this fundraising experience is to have good time management
because a lot of the time, I have plans and they have to be cancelled because of the fundraising
event that may take place that day. I think something that I disliked and frustrates me is that,
some of my teammates complain about how little money we have collected and all the events
that we have done. When in reality they can not be complaining because they have not put in the
time and effort to help raise money for the team but expect more from others. I also have to have
more patience when it comes to things like this. I get irritated easily when the parents are the
ones going to the meetings and events and the daughters do not put in any work and rely on their
parents. I genuinely think that, that goes against my beliefs and values. I think that you should
not rely and expect others to do the very exhausting work that you are supposed to be doing,
while you are at home relaxing. Teamwork makes the dream work, no matter what situation you
are in. That means that everyone has to do their part so that the whole team can have the end
result we have been dreaming of and finally achieve our goal. The overall thing that I have
learned is to work for your goals. A lot of the things in life that I would love to achieve will take
time. For example, getting a degree will take time and dedication, and it does not mean that I can
give up. Same goes for my dream job of working for the Vancouver Police Department.
Everything takes time and patience. I feel like this lesson applies to anything in life, whether it
be a goal to lose weight, or to get a good grade in a certain subject area it will take time and you
should not give up when it gets difficult.

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