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69 ‘Onis Act 13 oF 1996 THE ORISSA FIRE-WORKS AND LOUD SPEAKERS (REGULATION) AMENDMENT ACT, 1996 [Received the assent of the President on the 29th November 1996, first published in an extraordinary issue ‘of the Orissa Gazette, dated the 27th December 1996} AN ACT FURTHER TO AMEND THE ORISSA FIUE-WORKS AND LOUD SPEAKERS (RegULATION) Acr, 1958. Bu ic enacted by the Lepistture of the State of Orisa inthe Foityseventh Year of the Republic of India. a8 follows:— Short tte A. (I) This Act may be called the Orissa Fire-works and Loud Speakers (Regulation) sad com Amendment Act, 1996, (2) 1t spall come into force on such date as the Stote Government may, by natification, appoint. . ‘Amengoent 2. In the Orissa Fire-works, and Loud Speakers (Regulation) Act, 1958, for Qrss Aa SeeeGS section 7 the folowing seeion stall be outed, nasoyt Se forsee +. 2) Any Police Officer aot below the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspector of Rates” who detects a person dleplyiag aay explosive reworks o easy and playiog 1 loud speaker in contravention of any of the provisions of section 3 or section 3-A, may— (@ acrest such person witbout warra i) seize the ex fire-works found with, or in the custody, of, the person to displaying or, tthe case may be, the loud speaker iaoluding its accessories so used and played. (@) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 shall apply to every 2g Selene made under sub-section (1). ™ PY to SHEN aot 191 ) An offence under this Act shall be bailabie.” '* For the bill, See Orisza Gazete, Ertraordicary, daled the 2nd Jaly 199% (Wo. 675) and

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