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Simple (and dirty) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) With 555 Timer
by Chein on June 23, 2008

Table of Contents

Simple (and dirty) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) With 555 Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Intro: Simple (and dirty) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) With 555 Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Step 1: Part List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Step 2: How it works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Step 3: That's it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Related Instructables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Intro: Simple (and dirty) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) With 555 Timer
Simple circuit for DC Motor speed control (fan speed control, light / LED dimming and etc) using the 555 timer.

Also a good starting point for novices wanting to get their hands dirty with the 555 timer IC. Some would argue that this is not the most efficient approach, but hey (read
the title), it's simple, and it works.

Check the video out.

More images and description here.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

Put simply PWM is the process of switching power ON and OFF to a device in pulses at a specific frequency. Same approach used in commercial light dimmers, DC
motor speed controller, CPU fan speed controllers and etc.

That's what we seek to achieve here.

Step 1: Part List

Part list

1) 555 timer IC - 1
2) 100K variable resistor - 1
3) 1N4148 Diode - 2
4) 100nF capacitor - 2

The 555 Timer IC

The 555 timer is arguably one of the most popular IC ever made. There are thousands of resources online if you're interested to delve deeper into the subject. I'm just
going to give the simple description directly relevant to the build

PIN 1 - Ground
DC Ground

PIN 2 - Trigger
When LOW, it causes the Output pin to go HIGH. Activated when voltage fall
below 1/3 of +V.

PIN 3 - Output
Output is HIGH when Trigger pin is LOW. Output is LOW when Threshold pin is
HIGH. Output is LOW when reset pin is LOW.Output pin is able to source or sink

PIN 4 - Reset
Short to +V when not in use.
PIN 5 - Control Voltage
Grounded through a capacitor when not in use.

PIN 6 - Threshold
When voltage reaches 2/3 of +V, this pin will cause Output to be driven LOW.

PIN 7 - Discharge
Grounded when Output pin goes HIGH.

PIN 8 - +V
DC Power

Step 2: How it works.

How it works

When the circuit is powered up, the C1 capacitor will initially be in a discharged state. Thus, the Trigger (pin 2) will be LOW, driving the Output (pin 3) to go HIGH.
Discharge (pin 7) goes HIGH and goes ground. The cycle begins.

The HIGH Output will cause C1 capacitor to be charged through the R1 and D1 path. Upon C1 voltage reaching 2/3 of +V, the Threshold (pin 6) will be activated and
drive the Output (pin 3) LOW. Discharge (pin 7) goes LOW. The time it takes for C1 to charge depends on the position of R1.

Since Output (pin 3) is now LOW, capacitor C1 will start to discharge through the D2 and R1 path. When the voltage of C1 drops below 1/3 of +V, Trigger (pin 2) will be
LOW, driving Output (pin 3) to go HIGH, and Discharge (pin 7) to go HIGH and shorts to ground. The cycle repeats itself.

You've probably noticed by now that the circuit is using Discharge (pin 7) to drive the motor, simply by going ground in each cycle. You can add some amount of
protection if you're concerned about back EMF from the motor.
Pin 4 and 5 are not used, and pin 1 is simply tied to ground. The circuit can take between +3v to +18v. The Frequency is around 144Hz. Do note that, doubling the value
of C1 will reduce frequency to half, tripling will will reduce frequency to 1/3, and so on.

Step 3: That's it
Happy tinkering. Feel free to browse my blog for other stuff

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50 comments Add Comment view all 73 comments

zs says: Mar 15, 2011. 11:08 PM REPLY

if i made 2 of these, and instead of a motor i used a speaker, would it be similar to a extremely basic droning machine like the Grendel drone commander?

mnova says: Mar 3, 2011. 12:37 PM REPLY

I only have a 20K pot but the circuit still works if I give the motor an initial spin.

How can i increase the power output on this circuit?

robot1398 says: Feb 22, 2011. 7:51 AM REPLY

good project.
works great

dannyces says: Jun 16, 2010. 4:32 PM REPLY

ok so i just tried this and i get nothing.... i mean i get the led to light up but i get no change when i turn the pot??????

1loloo says: Apr 6, 2010. 10:51 PM REPLY

How can I add to this circuit thermistor for fan control?

Jodex says: Apr 7, 2010. 12:30 PM REPLY

Replace the pot with the thermistor and then it will run slower or faster in different temperatuers depending on your thermistor.

girrrrrrr2 says: Feb 8, 2009. 8:27 PM REPLY

is there a way i could get you to add a pic of the chip with the wires on it because this is just a little confusing to me... (my first try with a 555)

deepanjan91 says: Feb 16, 2010. 4:50 AM REPLY

@girrrrrr2 : count/number the pins of the IC in ascending order and counterclockwise from the notch. There must be a notch on the IC. Hope this helps

girrrrrrr2 says: Mar 7, 2010. 11:01 AM REPLY

true true...
i was just kinda wanting a pic with it all hooked up so i could see this is what i want to achieve.

livehybrid says: Mar 2, 2010. 4:56 PM REPLY

Hi there,
Thanks for this - I have made 3 of them.
I am hoping you may be able to help with my problem.
I have numerous RGB LEDs which I will be connecting in parallel.
They have a common -ve, therefore instead of using pin 7 to control the brightness I use pin 3.
This works fine at the moment for one RGB LED with 3 of these PWM however I want to add a number of other LEDs...
Can you suggest how I might do this? Would I need to add an amplifier or transistor? if so, how would I go about this? Obviously it needs to cope with the

Many thanks!!

alienmeatsack says: Feb 10, 2010. 11:50 AM REPLY

This simple PWM looks like it should be capable of something I've been asked to investigate by my brother.

He wants to take an old video camera and hack the motor that drives the playback/record, adding a pot so he can change the speed.

I think this looks like it could do that. I assume I will probably need to add some kind of switch to turn it off/bypass it for normal speeds. And something to
keep anything from getting fried.

The only real thing I would be concerned about is burning out the motor. It's not like it would be something I could just easily replace. Ya know?

Anyone have any suggestions/recommendations in regards to this particular use?
shams says: Dec 12, 2008. 10:59 PM REPLY
Hey any one don't hook up a motor with this circuit it will fry the chip.use a transistor

cdousley says: Jan 16, 2010. 8:03 PM REPLY

i keep thinking your picture is edward cullen im glad its not. twilight isnt that cool really.

shams says: Jan 25, 2010. 4:13 AM REPLY

nope bro IT's chris redfield

Resident Expolsives Expert says: Jan 4, 2009. 6:32 PM

(removed by author or community request)

shams says: Jan 6, 2009. 2:25 AM REPLY

any one!low power power tip31/32.high power 2n3055 or any mosfet with driver

stefannasehi says: Jun 18, 2009. 10:54 AM REPLY

how much power is low, medium, or high? is low 1.5v, medium 9v, high 12v? where would you put it?

shams says: Jul 20, 2009. 2:14 AM REPLY

nope I'm talking about current rating not voltage !

Derin says: Jun 19, 2009. 11:11 PM REPLY

No,it's the amount of watts it can switch.

fallenspirit123 says: Dec 16, 2008. 2:02 PM REPLY

Oh... and by the way, how do u use a transistor for this circuit?(i might know some ways but making sure)

fallenspirit123 says: Dec 16, 2008. 2:02 PM REPLY

actually it depends on the motor and voltage

jamesjamesjames says: Jul 26, 2009. 6:43 AM REPLY

what is the advantage of this over just a motor and a pot?

pauls_boat says: Jan 13, 2010. 6:50 AM REPLY

using a motor and a pot when you slow down the motor the extra power is just turned into hear in the pot using this when you slow the motor you are just
turning it off and on very fast and dont wast the extra power

12V says: Jun 19, 2009. 2:28 PM REPLY

i have made 2 of these and they worked (c1 was 220nf) but they died when i connected them to my 12v battery it is supposed to be for up to 18v?

GorillazMiko says: Jun 23, 2008. 8:41 PM REPLY

Nice Instructable. I hope I can try this out, looks a bit complicated for me though. +5/5 stars.

thermoelectric says: Sep 2, 2008. 11:43 PM REPLY

You can do it, just buy the parts and follow thw instructable, thats what it's there for isn't it

Resident Expolsives Expert says: Jan 4, 2009. 6:34 PM

(removed by author or community request)
thermoelectric says: Jan 4, 2009. 7:01 PM REPLY
You got something from Maxim?!?!?!?!?! How? Whenever I try, all I get is an automated email, Nothing else

Resident Expolsives Expert says: Jan 5, 2009. 6:55 PM

(removed by author or community request)

thermoelectric says: May 1, 2009. 3:24 AM REPLY

I got some from Texas Instruments...

thermoelectric says: Jan 5, 2009. 10:14 PM REPLY

Tell me if you get them.

Chein says: Jun 23, 2008. 10:59 PM REPLY

It may looks a bit intimidating, but it's actually quite simple. Thanks for the stars :)

cdousley says: Jan 5, 2010. 3:06 PM REPLY

breadboards make everything easy'

asa-tech says: Feb 12, 2009. 10:45 AM REPLY


Design an 555 timer whose dutey cycle 35% ?

how to answer this question and steps to solve it , will be given dutey cycle only>

Ans Ans

amando96 says: Feb 11, 2009. 10:56 AM REPLY

i've done something like this but i used a very small micro-motor, because i was scared the IC would go bleeww but that guy gave the trasistor idea... how
didnt i think of that???? great instructable, try to mod it or at least give the warning that the IC might go bleeeewww and by blewww i mean gone...

Xellers says: Dec 31, 2008. 8:30 AM REPLY

Could I connect the output wires of this to a high power transistor to make a flyback driver? Would I be able to use some sort of voltage controlled resistor to
modulate audio into it? I can't afford to get a TL494 at this point...

revhead says: Oct 18, 2008. 10:16 PM REPLY

Hi, I am trying to put this circuit together, I know how to follow this schematic and easily wired up the 555 timer but I'm having some trouble with the circuit bit
at the bottom, the part with the diodes and POT. I know that the POT works by having a connection on the middle connector and one of the side connectors,
but I don't understand how to connect it to the diodes and pin 3 of the 555 timer???????? Am I meant to connect the outer connectors of the POT to the
diodes and the middle connector to pin 3 of 555 timer or what?? any help would be great, Thank You.

fallenspirit123 says: Oct 20, 2008. 5:33 PM REPLY

Hey revhead, you connect the diodes to the outer connecters of the pot. and pin 3 goes to the center connector

revhead says: Oct 20, 2008. 9:55 PM REPLY

Thanks mate, I just got it working, it operates just like the video. This is perfect because I get precise motor control. I eventually plan on making three
of these and combine them together to make a laser spirograph, I will make an Instructable when I'm finished. Thanks again for the help.

Chein says: Oct 23, 2008. 9:03 PM REPLY

If you're already making 3 of these, you can also try hooking up Red, Green, Blue LEDs to each circuit; and have an RGB mood light :)

fallenspirit123 says: Oct 26, 2008. 4:34 PM REPLY

hmm not bad You should make an instructable on that I might do it once I get the $$$
Resident Expolsives Expert says: Dec 13, 2008. 9:02 PM
(removed by author or community request)

fallenspirit123 says: Dec 15, 2008. 1:58 PM REPLY

oh yeah!

Resident Expolsives Expert says: Dec 15, 2008. 5:47 PM

(removed by author or community request)

fallenspirit123 says: Dec 16, 2008. 2:01 PM REPLY

k thanks but try not to do that too often I might do that not sure though

Resident Expolsives Expert says: Dec 16, 2008. 6:16 PM

(removed by author or community request)

fallenspirit123 says: Dec 17, 2008. 1:44 PM REPLY

true.. :) yay!

fallenspirit123 says: Oct 22, 2008. 1:57 PM REPLY

I bet that would be a really cool instructable, if you make it. I plan on making a little car using this as the speed control and a joule thief

revhead says: Oct 17, 2008. 3:09 AM REPLY

Hi, looking for parts to put this together, just wondering, what voltage are your 100nF/0.1uF capacitors rated at? I found a seller that has 0.1uF capacitors
rated at 100Volts, will this work, or doesn't it matter what the voltage rating is? Any help would be great. Thank You

fallenspirit123 says: Dec 16, 2008. 2:13 PM REPLY

I know you got it to work but still ... yeah the voltage doesn't matter

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