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I’m going in the international panel of reproductive health where I meet Awa my former classmate. It’s
unbelievable! She makes a presentation about reproductive health because she is doctor and her specialty is
health of reproduction. After her presentation, she comes to meet me to discuss…

Doctor: Hello Sidy… great is my surprise to meet you here in Canada. It has been a long time about twenty
years. What is the motif of your presence in this panel?

SEE: Your surprise is sharing. Really! I can’t imagine this moment, to meet you after a so long time! I come to
represent our company. I’m Statistician and Economist Engineer (SEE) and as an actor we are associated with
this event. I watch your presentation which is very interesting and instructive. I guess you are doctor…

Doctor: Yes, of course I’m doctor in principal hospital of Dakar and I am invited as a specialist of reproductive
health. Think you for your compliments. Would you like telling what your job option consist exactly.

SEE: Don’t mention it! I’m very happy to answer this question. Statistician and Economist Engineer consists of
collecting quantitative information (Current or past), processing these, and drawing conclusions to help make a
decision. This information can concern many sectors (economic, education, health, agriculture…) in general
economic particularly. Statistician and Economist Engineer can work in government (ANSD, in the statistics of
departments, in the great enterprise, in international company and institution… Can you tell me what about
your job consists?

Doctor: Yes altogether SEE is very interesting job. It is known by all, the doctor treats patients (Laugh…). But the
difference resides in the manner which we give the treatment. In my specialty, I help women before, during
and after pregnancy by advices and treatments. I resent much passion in your speech when you describe me
your job option, can I know what are your motivations and what are the challenges of SEE?

SEE: Indeed I am passionate but I will be objective. Engineer Statistician and Economist is important and
necessary job in the world because he helps to make a decision. So without the work of Statistician and
Economist we can’t to take a good decision and this can retard the development of world. There are the
reasons why I choose to become SEE and this job require many competences such are have a skill on statistic’s
tools, have a general culture in economy, have a control in informatics’ software (Word, Excel, Power Point,
SPSS, R…), have a control in French and English, being credible, Fieldwork (constant displacement), Constant
evolution (news methods, news perspectives like big data) and capability of working under the pressure. What
about you?

Doctor: Indeed our motivations are different but we share many challenges. I’m Doctor today because my idol
who is my mother is it. I have inherited it. Whatever today I’m very passionate. Without the Doctors many
women going to die giving life. This is enough to show our importance and the challenges are be rigorous, have
a strong mentality, have a skill on the treatment and Drugs and fieldwork like SEE. What are advantages?

SEE: Statistician and Economist Engineer have several advantaged such are travelling round the

World, interacting with high personalities (national and international), descent (High Salary) , security Social (A
very demanding Job), have a pleasure to describe a phenomenon and to help the leaders to make a good
decisions; can have a great responsibilities in government or international institution, fascinating (Make
analysis in several sectors by several methods). But this job has few drawbacks like Corruption (give inexact
conclusions), do not have a family life (Constant displacement and many hours of working), bad perception of
society in general (they not understand the work of statistician), a lot of pressure (should give your result in a
few time and afraid mistakes).

It’s constraining, but we serve with love.


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