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Class: College Career Awareness Date: 9/16 - 9/24

Unit: Cooking Lesson Title: Utah’s Own - Smoothie PBL

Content Standard Alignment:

Strand 1 Standard 1: Assess and apply personal interests, skills, aptitudes, and abilities to
education planning and future career decisions.

Strand 2 Standard 3: Explore different methods of communication.

Strand 2 Standard 4: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques.

Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional


Outline the concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate upon lesson completion. This may be the same as
or very similar to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives may be stated in the form of
critical questions students should be able to answer.

Students will explore different careers as they create their own business.

Explain how academic content knowledge and technical skills are used in various careers.

Students will create a design as they explore and come up with logos and marketing for their
own smoothie business.

Students will recognize the importance of staying safe while in the kitchen and using proper
technique with cleaning and washing safety rules.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

How does this lesson support the unit goals / enduring understandings? How does this lesson build on the previous lesson in this
instructional sequence? How does this lesson support the next lesson in this instructional sequence?

We are going to be doing something new as we start a new unit. However, there are a few
things that have been doing already that can be incorporated into what we have already been
doing. You have had experience with working with working with others, and experience
Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper
based materials such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

- Grouping sticks
- Utah’s own packet
- Recipe form
- Chrome books
- Power point
- Lab instruction/safety

Methods and Instructional Strategies

(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)

Anticipated Student Misconceptions:

- Certain rules on the kitchen safety quiz would be correct.

- Clean blender with your sponge on the inside by the blade.

Concept Prerequisites:

List all key concepts and terminology necessary for students to understand the concepts as well as meet the standards, goals
and objectives of the lesson.

Entrepreneur: the process of starting a business or other organization. They develop a

business model, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible to
take responsibility for its success or failure.

Manufacturing: to make things in factories or with machines

Manufacturing Process: process that references the type of materials (and sometimes raw)
used to create various products.

Kitchen lab rules/lab safety

How to clean a blender

Basic cooking skills

Introduction- Today we will be talking about starting a business. Who has
heard of Utah’s Own?
Anticipatory Set:

Instructional Activities: Day 1: Intro to project - (40 min classes)

Includes questioning techniques, ● What is utah’s own

grouping strategies, pedagogical
approaches. ○ Problem with buying food not in our own state vs
buying from people in utah. It helps trucking
companies not having to travel so far, and
keeping things in our own community. Big
companies get their products from other countries
which can add more to the environment and in
some cases cost more. We need to have those
products from elsewhere, but we need to have
those fresh products!
● Show video
● Slide show
● Explain Utah’s Own Paket
○ What is each person going to be doing? Is one
person going to come up with the recipe, while
another does the design or marketing.
● Show examples of other students
○ 4-5 examples of student slides
○ 2nd got a couple seconds looking in the kitchens
and assorted in their groups.
○ Have something to show for the time you’ve been
working in class.

Day 2: Examples of Projects - Early out (32 min classes)

● Show physical examples today!

● Get in groups and work on project/packet

Day 3: Entrepreneurs - Assembly (40 min)

● Show videos
○ - tedx talk
about how a girl created her own business.
○ What would you do with your own business?
○ Talk in groups or pairs about what things made
this girl want to pursue a business so young?
○ What were some of her fears? What helped her
succeed and keep going even when she was
scared or didn’t want to? How many of you want
to own your own business?
■ She went after her dreams
■ She was the only one
● Get in groups
○ Fill out recipe sheets and packets
● Careers associated with creating a business. Examples,
Graphic designer, social media marketer, management
consultant (in charge of gathering reports of what the
business looks like), nutritionist, farmer
● Work on project

Day 4: Kitchen safety/Lab Rules and Quiz - Regular Schedule

(45 Min)

● Show blendtec cleaning

● Explain job sheet
● Go over the rules and safety procedures when going into
the lab
● How to clean the blender
● Remember to fill out job sheet
● Let students take the Lab Quiz until they pass

Day 5: Lab - Regular Class Schedule (45 Min)

● Remind the students of how to clean the blender.

● Remind the students about double not dipping when
measuring and to use a different measuring cup for the
frozen fruit. Also use the scooper for the ice, the liquid
measuring cups for the milk, and can bring up your
blenders to put it in.
● Have only 2 students come up to the front to measure so
we don’t have a big crowd up front.
● Students will use the plastic cups up front when they are
done with their smoothies to save on time for clean up.
● When students are cooking, check on measuring, they
are filling out their lab jobs, and doing things correctly.

Day 6: Work on Project - 40 min Classes

Day 7: Present - Regular Class Schedule (45 Min)

Students needs one more day to work on projects in both

classes. But we also had a crazy schedule in general so for next
time you can keep it seven but it may also end up with 8 days as

Wrap Up- If you want to start your own business, it is possible and you
can! What are some things you might need to have in order to
Synthesis/Closure: do so if you would want to create your own business?

- Education
- Passion
- Find what you love doing!

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of


Address diverse student needs including students with an IEP or 504, cultural linguistic needs.

To mix up groups, student will pick sticks that has colors, numbers, and shapes. After
students have picked the sticks, I will say one of them in which they can get into, and for this
time, they will get into groups by color.

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio
guidelines or rubrics if available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

Their project will be a form of formative assessment. The students will also be taking a
kitchen safety test before they are allowed in the kitchen to make sure they stay safe.

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