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Parent Handbook

Crystal Toves-Licensed Owner/Operator

313 W Lena St, Lena, IL, 61048
815-990-6152 (Cell)
Mission Statement
Little Cub’s Daycare believes that children learn best through play while being
surrounded by a safe and nurturing environment. The most important goal for my
daycare is to help children become enthusiastic learners and feel safe. I provide care to
children ages six weeks to twelve years without discrimination based on gender,
religion, race, ethnic origin, or nationality. I operate by standards set by the state of
Illinois for child care homes and constantly strive to achieve the best possible quality.

General Policies of the Provider

In compliance with the State Licensing Standards, each child must have on file: a
physical form, informational sheet, and permission slips prior to acception of a child for
child care. Full time hours consist of no more than 10 hours per day of care-DCFS/State
Law (9 hour work day plus ½ hour travel to work and ½ hour travel from work.

Dropping off and picking up children

I am open from 5:30 am to 7 pm to serve are families while they work. All fees are due
on Mondays for that week of service, checks may be postdated for Friday of that same
week. There is a 10 hour limit of care per day per family. There will be no service if
there is no payment.

It is necessary that you sign you child in/out each day with the time on the provider
sheet. This is extremely important. If there were an emergency the authorities will want
my list in order to account for each child in care at that time to be sure everyone is
accounted for and safe.

You must have at least 2 people on file authorized by you to pick up your child in the
event of an emergency. Keep in mind; they must live within 30 minutes of the daycare.
Anyone other than the parents picking up your child will be required to provide a picture

Please update your list of authorized persons to pick up your child periodically. If they’re
not on the list, I cannot release your child even with a phone call or verbal OK from you.
Divorce Records/ Custody Agreements
Divorced parents are required to provide a copy of the custody papers. These will be
kept in the child’s file at the daycare home. Without custody papers, I have no legal way
of preventing the child’s non-custodial parent from removing the child from my home. If I
have copies of the papers, I can call the police if the non-custodial parent tries to
remove your child. All information is kept confidential. If there is a court order keeping
one parent away from the child, I must have a copy.

Vacations, Holidays, Sick Days

I get paid for all major holidays, 7 vacation days per year, and 2 professional
development days per year. I will give you advance notice of vacation time in order for
you to find alternate care

There will be no charges related to provider illness or emergencies

Unexcused Absences
If a child has more than two unexcused absences per month or more than two
consecutive unexcused absences the daycare provider may give the daycare spot to
another family. If you know your child is not going to be here please let me know as
soon as possible.

Payment Schedule

The following rates are in effect as of 1/20/15 for up to 10 hours of care per day. The
fees are charged whether the child is in attendance or not unless they are full time and
then they are allowed 2 no charge days a month when the child is absent. There will be
no charge for family vacations (2 days or more) when the child is not here as long as a
two week notice is given and it is not the same time as my already scheduled vacation
Fees for Full Time Child Care

 A child up to the age of 5 who is not in school is $130.00 per week or

$26.00 a day.

 A child age 3 to 5 attending 5 day am or pm preschool is $100.00 per

week or $20.00 a day.

 A child attending Jr. Kindergarten is $80.00 per week or $16.00 a day.

 A child age 6 to 12 is $120.00 per week or $24.00 per day for summer
care, and $60.00 per week or $12.00 per day during the school year with
an additional $5.00 on no school days or ½ days when lunch is served.

Discounted Rate for Two Children

 The discounted rate for two children full time is $225.00 per week or
$45.00 per day.

 The discounted rate for one full time child and one child age 6 to 12 is
$150.00 per week or $30.00 per day will an additional $5.00 on no school
days or ½ days when lunch is served.
Fees for Part Time Child Care with Fixed Schedule

 1 day of child care is $30.00 per week w/ fixed schedule

 2 days of child care is $60.00 per week w/ fixed schedule

 3 days of child care is $90.00 per week w/ fixed schedule

Note: If parents schedule varies the child may not be eligible for part time child care
because a daycare slot must be held whether the child is here or not.

Overtime and Saturday Fees

I am available for overtime hours during the week up to 10 pm. I am also available to
watch children on Saturday by appointment only.

Overtime consists of any time after 7:00 pm and will be charged an additional $5

Saturday hours will be billed $5 an hour with a maximum of 8 hours or $40 dollars

YWCA Child Care Assistance Program

Parents who have already been accepted by the YWCA will be expected to pay their
normal co-pay during the Change of Provider Process

Parents who are applying for child care assistance for the first time may negotiate lower
rates with me as long as we complete the application together, and will be responsible
for paying full rates if they are denied for any reason
Please do not bring your child if they are sick. The Health Department regulations state
children will not be allowed to attend daycare if they exhibit the following symptoms:
Fever, rash, excessive cough, vomiting, diarrhea, lice or nits, discharge from eyes or
ears, unusual drowsiness, persistent or excessive crying, communicable diseases
(Chicken pox, pink eye, influenza, etc.). Children who display any of the above
symptoms while in my care must be picked up upon notification within 30 minutes.
When the parent cannot be contacted, an emergency contact person will be called.

While in my care, your child will be kept away from the other children to keep from
spreading infection. The child must not have had the above mentioned symptoms for a
24 hour period before returning to daycare. Anything contagious must have a doctor’s
note to return to daycare. Please show consideration and respect for the other children,
parents, and myself by not brining you child to daycare knowing your child is ill. Missed
work by me due to illness affects everyone. As does spreading infection to other

I will work very hard to keep my Daycare home infection fee to avoid these situations
by: frequent hand washing, frequent toy washing, keeping my home clean and sanitized
throughout the day and teaching the children good health practices.

For minor injuries like bumps and bruises, I will provide home first aid. If the injury is
more serious the parent will be notified immediately. Parents will be responsible for all
costs involved in emergency treatment, including emergency transportation. I can
administer medication, if needed only if the medical consent form has been signed. All
medications must be in original containers with the child’s name, dosage, and times to

If Crystal Toves/Daycare Provider is injured beyond ability or becomes too ill to care for
children during daycare hours she will immediately call and inform all parents of her
inability to provider care and of when she will be able to re-open the Daycare. If children
are in her care during this period parents or a designated pick up person must pick up
the children within 30 minutes of being notified of the emergency.
Dress Code

Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. For your child’s
comfort, play clothes are the best. All clothing must fit appropriately. Parents are
expected to leave an extra pair of clothing at all times for their child in case of accidents.
Parent are to provide all diapers and wipers for their child and keep supplies on hand

Summer Accessories: hat, sunscreen, bug spray

Winter Accessories: hat, gloves, boots

Daily Schedule

6:00-8:00 am: Children arrive, quiet free play, breakfast

8:00-9:00 am: Circle time, reading, singing, music
9:00-9:15 am: Diaper changes, potty time, hand washing
9:15-10:15 am: Free play, may include outdoor activity
10:15-10:45 am: Art or science activity, math
10:45-11:00 am: Clean up
11:00-11:30 am: Lunch
11:30-11:45 am: Diaper changes, potty time, hand washing
11:45-12:00 pm: Reading/Story time
12:00-2:30 pm: Nap Time
2:30-2:45 pm: Diaper changes, potty time, hand washing
2:45-3:00 pm: Afternoon snack
3:00-3:15 pm: Story Time
3:15-5:00 pm: Free play, cleanup, departure
We try to keep on this schedule but if the children are involved in something and are
learning through their play we do not make them stop because it is time to do something

All children under 5 years old are expected to nap, or at least rest quietly. If your child
has a favorite nap friend feel free to bring it with them to make them more comfortable
during naps. If you are dropping off/picking up your child during naptime please be as
quiet as possible so the children’s rest time is not disturbed.

Parents are welcome to visit with us at any time, without notice. You are also welcome
to stay and participate it you like.

I participate in the USDA Child and Adult Food Program. A federally funded nutrition
program, and follow the guidelines for healthy meal requirements. Your child must arrive
within 15 minutes of a meal to be included in that meal/snack time. Do not bring snacks
or meals from home unless you arrange with me ahead of time for special occasions.
This is against USDA Food Program policy. Also, eating snacks from home in front of
thither children at daycare creates conflict.

Behavioral Policy for School Age Children

The behavioral expectations of the school age children are the same as the
expectations of the public school
 Respect the staff
 Respect other children
 Respect toys and equipment
 Respect the personal belongings of the other children
 Take responsibilities for their actions
 Use appropriate manners
 Respect the property of the provider
SIDS Policy
Infants under 12 months are placed on their backs to sleep. No toys, pillows soft
objects, bumpers, or bottles are allowed in the cribs of a sleeping infant. A blanket
may be used if tucked under the mattress to prevent the infant from pulling it up over
their face. Please discourage special blankets for the child to sleep with until they
are 1 year of age.

Disruptive Child Policy

A child that takes the total attention of the daycare provider for more than 30 minutes
will be asked to be picked up. This may include tantrums, crying to be held
constantly, or a child that is having behavior issues showing aggression or disruptive
behavior. If you know your child is not going to have a good day, stay home with
them. One child having a bad day means everyone will not get to do their projects,
get to read, or be on the schedule they are used to.

Educational Policy
Little Cub’s Daycare has established curriculum objectives to be used in our daily
routine. The atmosphere is created to provide experiences and opportunities which
enable and nurture each child to develop self-esteem, positive self-image social
interaction, self-expression, communication skills, creative expression, intellectual
growth, and large and small motor development.

My program provides a balance of activities and quiet time, indoor and outdoor
activities, group and individual activities, and protection from excess fatigue and
over-stimulation. Continuity of care establishes a sense of comfort in routine. Each
child is offered both free and guided selection of activities and encourages to
develop to their fullest potential. Each child has the opportunity to choose activities,
equipment, and experiences to encourage development in the following areas:

1. Self Esteem- providing experiences that enhance each child’s sense of identity
and support his group identification. Examples include:
 Dramatic play
 Singing songs
 Stories
 Show and Tell
2. Social Interaction- providing opportunities for each child to interact with both
peers and adults including those who are different from herself, in order to
perpetuate acceptance of individual differences. Examples include:
 Art experiences
 Discussion time
 Pictures of people and places of display
 Books available about similarity and differences in people
3. Self-Expression and Communication Skills- Activities which enhance and
develop language skills. Opportunities for children to express themselves through
language and other non-directive experiences. Examples include:
 Reading activities
 Art experiences
 Discussion time, rhymes, stories, jokes
 Dramatic play
 Free play and social activities

4. Creative Expressions- Providing opportunities for each child to be original and to

make use of equipment and materials in ways not prescribed by other. Examples
 Dramatic play areas
 Art experiences
 Manipulative materials- cooking, play dough, blocks
 Building
 Dancing
5. Large and small muscle development- providing opportunities for each child to
participate in activities and utilize equipment to enhance his/her small and large motor
development according to his/her own ability. Examples include:
 Blocks, puzzles, tying shoes
 Moving to music, dancing, exercise
 Opportunities to exercise large muscles on play ground
 Manipulative- Legos and play dough
 Coloring, writing, cutting
6. Intellectual Growth- providing opportunities and resources for each child to develop
cognitive skills for more effective communication and interaction. Examples include:
 Study topic for discussion- animals, manners, jobs etc.
 Pre-reading activities, stories, songs, finger plays
 Math concepts
 Science activities, experiments

Guidance Policy
Discipline is not a punishment. Discipline is a means of teaching. Functions of the daily
routine will develop children’s self-esteem, self-control, and respect for others. We use
prevention, redirection, positive reinforcement, set clear limits, appropriate behavior is
modeled, discuss and explain, and if necessary a time out (one minute for each year in

Terms for Discontinuing Care

The contract may be terminated by parents by giving a written 2 week notice to provider in
advance along with the tuition due for those two weeks. Tuition fees are due for the notice
period, whether or not the child is in my care. Failure by the provider to enforce one or more of
the terms in the contract does not waive the rights of the provider to enforce any other terms of
the contract. The provider may terminate the contract at any time deemed necessary in order to
maintain the safety and well-being of the daycare atmosphere. The contract can be added to
and subtracted from at any time. I will provide you a written notice if this occurs. The parents
agree to pay any and all attorney fees, court fees, collection fees, and lost wages by provider
closing the daycare in the event of any court dispute.

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