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Exam tips Straight to Advanced

Reading and Use of English

Part 1: Multiple-choice cloze Part 4: Key word transformation

• This part of the Reading and Use of English • Remember the given word must not be
paper is primarily a test of vocabulary. changed in any way. Think about what area of
Questions typically focus on fixed phrases, grammar, phrasal verb or expression the given
collocations, idioms and phrasal verbs. word could relate to.
• Look at the choice of words and select the • Pay close attention to tenses, verb patterns
one which best fits in terms of meaning and and prepositions as you rewrite the sentence.
grammar. • Re-read both sentences to make sure you
• Once you have completed the task, skim read have not left out or added any information.
the text with your answers to check that it
makes sense.
Part 5: Multiple choice
• For each question, identify and underline the
Part 2: Open cloze key information to look for.
• Read the text first, ignoring the gaps, to get a • Highlight the part of the text that relates to
general idea of what it is about. each question. Compare the four options
• You may be able to fill in some gaps just by carefully to the part you highlighted.
looking at the words immediately before • Make sure your answer is true according
and after them. For others, you will need to to the text, not because of what else you
understand a longer passage or the whole text. personally know about the subject or what
• Fill in each gap with one word only. your opinions are.
Contracted words, e.g. isn’t, count as two • Remember the questions will follow the order
words so will not be an answer in this part of of the text, although the last question may
the exam. be about the text in general, e.g. the writer’s
• Think about what type of word the answer is opinion.
likely to be, e.g. a preposition, a linking word, • Identify the writer’s attitude by noting any
etc. evaluative language which is used. Try to
• If you are uncertain, guess. Marks are not categorise this as positive or negative, and
deducted for incorrect answers. then think of a term to describe their attitude
in general, e.g. optimistic, critical.

Part 3: Word formation Part 6: Cross-text multiple matching

• Quickly read the text to get an overview of • Read the rubric, title and subtitle carefully to
the topic. find out what the central theme is.
• Getting an overview helps you to establish the • For each question, identify the key information
context, the direction of the argument, and the to look for.
writer’s viewpoint. • Skim read the four extracts quickly to get a
• Use the context to decide whether to use general idea of what it is about.
singular or plural forms, as well as positives or • Locate the information you need to answer
negatives. each question in the text.
• Read your completed text to check that it • Identify each writer’s opinion and compare it
makes sense. to that of the other writers.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Exam tips Straight to Advanced

Part 7: Gapped text Part 8: Multiple matching

• Summarise each paragraph in the main text in • Read the questions first and highlight any key
a few words. Try to predict what the writer will words. This will help you scan the texts for the
say next. information you need. If you start by reading
• Read all the missing paragraphs and try the texts first you may waste time trying to
to identify the purpose of them. Are they understand part of the text or some vocabulary
explaining a point, illustrating an example or that is not being tested. Remember you do
showing contrast? NOT need to understand every word.
• Grammatical clues can also help you decide • Skim read text A and mark ‘A’ in pencil next
where the missing paragraphs fit. Look at time to any of the questions you think it answers.
expressions, linking words, pronouns or verb Do this for each of the texts. If you have
tenses. Read the information before and after two answers for one the questions, read the
the gaps to help you identify any reference appropriate part of each text more closely.
links, e.g. Them ➙ People. • Beware of choosing an answer just because
• Check your answers by reading the whole you notice a word in the question that is a
article again to ensure that it makes sense. synonym for a word in the text. There are
Check that the extra paragraph does not fit often distractors in the text.
any of the gaps.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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