Healthy Food Checklist and Tips

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3 Step to Your Health

By Hanna Kluss

Copyright 2017
Healthy food


Green leaves

Green vegetables


Seaweed brown algae

Meat of venison
Wild fish

Organic eggs


Natural rice
Almonds milk

Sweet potato


Hemp milk
Natural salt

These do not eat so often:


Courgette or zucchini


No food for humans

Rasped sugar
Milk, milk products



Sweet corn
Fried Foods

Flea seeds

Chia seeds

flax seeds
Watch this!!!
Flea seeds

chia seeds

Flax seeds

Flea seeds, chia seeds, linseeds and cereals together with water form a tough, sticky
mucus that restricts communication and exchange between ALL cells.

Nowadays, modern analytical methods are used to determine which nutrients,

vitamins and minerals a food contains. However, this does not take into account
whether our digestive system is able to process the plant as a whole.

A piece of wood is also rich in nutrients, but can we digest wood with our digestive

Do we ever ask how much waste this so-called food leaves behind when we digest it?

With good marketing we are sold a lot, but this is not really good for our digestion as
a whole and therefore does not promote our health, but has the opposite effect.
If you need an aid for faster digestion, this is a clear sign that the intestine is
damaged and affected by wrong so-called food.

Under what circumstances does the bowel accelerate bowel movement?

But always when he has to get rid of something poisonous or unpleasant quickly,
because otherwise it would disrupt the metabolism.

If I follow my diet according to WildFit I have fast and sufficient bowel movements.
Now I was in Frankfurt for a week, had breakfast at the hostel and lunch at the hotel
and no green smoothie and the digestion has slowed down drastically. Back home -
all homemade - a wonderful digestion again.

Seeds are actually meant to form new plants, therefore they have a digestive
protection and do not taste good.

If you want to know whether a foodstuff is good for us, you should ask yourself two

Was it like that a million years ago in nature? Did we find this food in these
quantities? For example, psyllium husks - didn't exist at all. There were only very
small quantities of flea seeds.

The body has no enzymes for this mucus, cannot process and use it, it seeps through
the intestine and sails through the entire tissue,
thicken the blood and lymphatic fluid.

With me this slime caused back pain, foot pain and I couldn't sit long and didn't stand
still for long and always had the urge to move. It also slows down wound healing.
(that at a quantity of 2 tablespoons flea seeds per day)

And quite often it is said that elderly people (aged 70,80 or 90 years) have to take
blood thinners because the blood is viscous. I'd rather leave out the flax, chia and
flea seeds and the grain.

Example: when I drove home with my bike for 2 hours against the storm, full power,
my wound in my nose and the bruises disappeared the next day, which had been
running around for 2 weeks and didn't want to heal. So much muscle activity was
necessary to move the viscous lymphatic fluid sufficiently that healing could take

After 12 months 2 tablespoons of psyllium husks per day, I could not stand still any
longer - otherwise my legs became bluish up to the knee. When I moved, my skin
returned to normal color. The skin was very sticky when I was sweating and the soles
of my feet were always sticky when I had no socks on.

I had already removed everything from the menu: grain, flax and chia seeds - but not
flea seeds.

I threw the psyllium husks in the garbage and never took them again.

 Within 1 week, the legs didn't turn blue,

 within 3 weeks the feet didn't hurt anymore in the morning,
 within 6 weeks I can lie back on the side at night without pain and no more
back pain.
 Within 3 months the leathery skin under the feet becomes soft and sensitive
The body has a way to eliminate unwanted parts it does not know:

over the feet

over intestine + kidney

over the skin

Fit and full of energy in 3 steps

1. Nutrition by Wildfit by Eric Edmeades

2. intestinal cleansing best cleanmeout from the USA

3. Continue to feed on WildFit and support body cleansing.

1. Nutrition by WildFit according to Eric Edmeades

It is very easy to adjust one's own attitude towards eating with the WildFit training and the
body also needs time to change. Therefore, coaching is planned for 90 days.

Imagine waking up in the morning and being fit and it's easy to get up.

Imagine, you don't have a slack anymore during the day and are full of energy.

Imagine you're out of lunchtime fatigue.

Imagine you get your dream figure without any hard sport.

Watch this free video course:

2. intestinal cleansing with the cleanmeout program

Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, was die Verdauung verlangsamt oder Dauerdurchfall

Das sind Alarmzeichen!

Durch was wird das verursacht?

Mit unserer industriellen Ernährung und falsche Lebensmittel kommt so viel Müll in den
Verdauungstrakt, dass er nicht gut arbeiten kann.
Erst wenn man die Ernährung umgestellt hat, dann macht es Sinn, den Darm zu reinigen.
Nur der Ernährungsfahrplan von Wildfit hält den Darm sauber.

Ist der Darm von alten klebrigen Massen gereinigt, dann kann er besser verdauen und auch
wieder besser Blut bilden. Denn die Blutherstellung findet im Dünndarm statt, wenn der
Darm gesund ist.

Und du erhältst noch mehr Frische und Energie und Ausdauer und dein Immunsystem
strotzt nur so vor Widerstandskraft.

Unser Immunsystem wird zu 80 % von der Darmflora (lebende Bakterien) ausgeübt.

Was denkst du, wann arbeitet das Immunsystem besser mit viel Müll und Giftstoffen oder
mit frischer, gesunder und passenden Lebensmitteln?


Das Cleanmeout Programm verwendet Flohsamen – diese bitte nicht verwenden. Eine gute
Alternative sind Akazienballaststoffe, die sind preislich auch günstiger.

3. continue to eat according to the WildFit program

The body will start to clean himself and you can support him visiting the sauna and clean
the feets every day or have a footbath.

Foot bath

Every now and then fasting

My list of successes with good nutrition and cleansing in the last 25 years:

1. Through less sugar and less milk a better skin.

2. Through a lot of raw food my body had more nutrients and energy and I was able to
carry out my pregnancy, here I took an enzyme extract from fruits and vegetables in
addition to help. They were super Ohtaka enzymes from Japan. 
3. By enemas and fasting the colds shortened or averted.

4. Fasting makes the skin smoother.

5. Sauna also makes the skin smoother and cleaner.

6. Cleaning with patches - walking with high-heeled shoes was possible again.

7. Less bread and I had better digestion

8. No sugar and the inflammation of the teeth stopped and no new holes in the teeth.
Unfortunately, I lost eight teeth before.

9. These gains didn't last because I had too many slimy foods on my menu.

10.With a diet plan for diabetics, I increased my energy.

11.With a different diet for the metabolism, the muscles became more efficient again.

12.My body got a deep and fitter again with fasting and raw food, but because I still use
flea seeds and flax seeds, the energy did not come back fully.

Breakthrough with WildFit Coaching at the age of 62:

13.The chair comes easily in the morning and I don't need any more toilet paper if I do
everything right?

14.My tongue is no longer as well covered as it used to be and has hardly any furrows.

15.Muscles back very good performance - I recently managed 47 women's recliners: D

16.The body odor is very good.

17.I discovered through the training of WildFit Coaching what most disturbed the
metabolism - flea seed mucus.
18.After not taking any more mucous food, I coughed for 2 months or sweated it out in
the sauna.

19.Then my skin was smoothed all over my body and face. This is just the beginning!

20.I can go jogging again, which was not possible for more than 10 years, when I tried it
once, I got very severe muscle aches, although I cycle every day for 40 minutes.

21.I jogged the first time after 4 years again for 30 minutes and had no muscle ache (6
months after the 90 days WildFit Coaching and 2 months without slime)

22.I can go back to the third floor and take two stairs at once after jogging.

23.No new tartar will appear and the prosthesis I have upstairs will always remain clean
and cleaning with water and a toothbrush is sufficient.

24.In the morning fresh and well rested, I sleep through the night and am full of energy.

And what goals do you want to achieve for yourself?

Stay away from this chemical stuff which we find in industrial

Artificial sweeteners
Names of artificial sweeteners:

AminoSweet (but not in US)
Aspartyl-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester
Canderel (not in US)
Equal Classic
NatraTaste Blue

TwinSweet (Europe only)

Not in US as per FDA
Calcium cyclamate
Cologran = cyclamate and saccharin; not in US
Sugar alcohol


Sugar alcohol

Sugar alcohol
ClearCut Isomalt
DiabetiSweet (also contains Acesulfame-K)
Hydrogenated Isomaltulose

Sugar alcohol

Sugar alcohol
Maltitol Syrup
Maltitol Powder
Hydrogenated High Maltose Content Glucose Syrup
Hydrogenated Maltose
MaltiSweet (hard to find online to buy)

Sugar alcohol

Sugar alcohol
(Derived from glucose and sorbitol)

Acid saccharin
Equal Saccharin
Necta Sweet
Sodium Saccharin
Sweet N Low
Sweet Twin

Sugar alcohol
D-glucitol syrup

Equal Sucralose
NatraTaste Gold


Artificial Flavors
From Wikipedia:
Chemical Odor

Diacetyl, acetylpropionyl, acetoin Buttery

Isoamyl acetate Banana

Benzaldehyde Bitter almond, cherry

Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamon

Ethyl propionate Fruity

Methyl anthranilate Grape

Limonene Orange

Ethyl decadienoate Pear

Allyl hexanoate Pineapple

Ethyl maltol Sugar, cotton candy

Ethylvanillin Vanilla

Methyl salicylate Wintergreen

Manzanate Apple

Genetically modified foods

All artificial additives such as preservatives, etc.
Chemical additives such as
glutamate and E100 & Co

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