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Staff ID Card – Conditions of Use

The Staff ID card serves as a:

• Faculty/Department door access card;

• Library card;

• A form of identification.

The Staff ID Card is issued to you for your own personal use and is not transferable; it
replaces all other cards that may have been used for identifying staff within the University. It
must not be loaned or given to anyone else. Impersonation of another member of staff by
the use of their identity card, including gaining access to University by the use of such a card
would be considered a disciplinary matter. The Staff ID card remains the property of the
University and must be returned to the University when requested.

To assist with security and as a deterrent to crime, you must carry the Staff ID card with you
at all times when on University premises, unless there is an approved Health & Safety
requirement that indicates otherwise You must produce this card when requested to do so by
any member of staff, including but not limited to the University's Security Staff or other
authorised persons and surrender the card to them if so required. Failure, upon request, to
disclose name and other relevant details, or to produce a University Staff ID card to an officer
or employee of the University when it is reasonable to require that such information be given
and the officer or employee has identified themselves would be considered a disciplinary

The University will routinely collect data on swipe access to buildings and this may be used
for security or disciplinary purposes. Data will only be obtained from the software with
approval from one of the following:

The Director of Human Resources or the Deputy Director of Human Resources (for
any staff issues);

The Academic Registrar (for any student issues);

The Director of Campus and Management Services or the Security Manager (for any
security issues);

The Director of Estates (for issues relating to building use).

You are personally responsible for the safety of your card. If the card is lost or stolen you
must inform your manager immediately. To obtain a replacement card or replace a lost or
damaged/faulty card, you should contact your manager who will ensure that the access
rights associated with the current Staff ID card are cancelled with immediate effect by
contacting Human Resources department.

You should then complete the Staff ID Replacement Card Form. The form can be obtained
from the following link:

Once the manager has countersigned the Staff ID Replacement Card Form, you should go to
a staff printing station to have your replacement card produced. Staff printing stations are as

Perry Barr : Reception, Human Resources

Seacole : Reception
Gosta Green : Faculty Office
TEE : Faculty Office
Margaret Street : Faculty Office
Bournville : Faculty Office
BSA : Reception

In the interim the only way for you to have access to University premises is for you to be
allowed in by appropriate colleagues. Clearly this places an additional burden on colleagues
which is why you are required to take appropriate care of the Staff ID card. In the event that
the card is not produced 6 times during the year, it will be revoked and you will be required to
obtain a replacement.

The University will charge a fee replacement card (currently £10) for each lost or damaged
card. This charge will only be waived in exceptional circumstances for example the card has
been stolen and there is a crime number to demonstrate that the crime has been reported.
The charge relates to the reprinting of the card and associated administration.

The photograph that forms part of the card has to be produced to a standard acceptable to
the University. The University standard is as in accordance with UK passport photo rules,
which requires that photographs provided should be as follows:

In colour taken against a light plain background so that the features are clearly
distinguishable against the background;
Face filling as much of the frame as possible.
Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera;
The full face without sunglasses and normally without any head covering, unless one
is worn for religious beliefs.

A copy of the photograph will be retained in the appropriate University IT systems. The
University will routinely include the photograph as part of your electronic staff record. This
means that the image may be visible, on a need-to-know basis only, to members of staff
using the University IT systems. Under the Data Protection Act (1998) you have the right to
object to the use of data if you can show that it might cause you damage or distress.

The University's Data Protection Officer should be contacted for any data protection
enquiries and can be emailed at
Where either a member of staff or manager believes that there has been a significant change
in the appearance of an employee, a replacement card can be provided. Where there is a
card issued under such circumstances no replacement fee will be charged.

The University would not normally expect a replacement card to be required in

circumstances like, for example, the change of hairstyle or hair colour or the requirement to
wear glasses. Where there is a card issued under such circumstances a replacement fee will
be charged.

The card must be returned to your manager when you leave the University

Students employed via the OpportUnity project

You will be issued with a student ID card and there is no need for a staff ID card to be
obtained. If, however, the Student ID card does not provide you with appropriate access,
you should ask your manager to advise Human Resources department of the access
required and arrangements will be made to allow the appropriate access for the duration of
the employment.

A breach of these Conditions of Use may lead to disciplinary action.

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