How To Talk To Girls - Paresh Tambe

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Don't Be Shy, Say Hi!


Copyright © 2019 by Paresh Tambe

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any

I would like to dedicate this book to all the worldwide young boys and


- Paresh Tambe




You will be able to find information on how to deal with common fears when

talking to a girl.

How to act:

You will be able to find a step-by-step guide on actions you can take, to get to

know a girl and her process.

End of the meeting:

Here you can find some tips to know what to do after you have finished talking

to a girl

Things to avoid:

Advice on situations or actions to avoid at all costs

Extra Information and Tips:

Other extra tips to improve yourself

About The Author


Hi, I hope you're having an excellent day and welcome to my book. If you

are here, is because surely on more than one occasion you have had trouble

talking to a girl and it is completely normal, haha even I have gone

through that problem, but today I will help and guide you so that you do

not suffer that problem again.

This book is made so that you can clarify all your doubts and read quickly

to act as soon as possible.

So, get your pen and paper to note down the step by step tips and advices.

Are you ready? Yes, you are Ready. Let’s start.


I would like to thank my family and friends for their support. I would like

to thank God for giving me this opportunity and way to add value to my

The fear

The first point to face will be our own fear of addressing a girl, because the

most common thoughts in our head are some like “What if I look bored?

Am I that attractive? What should I do to impress her? what if she rejects

me?”, all this far from “saving us”, subtracts us points as people, having so

many insecurities could make us look less valuable but… How do we get

rid of fear?

Simple, our task will not be to get rid of fear but rather to pass it or face it.

Normally people think that fear is something we should erase from our

head but it is not, being afraid will make you give up on yourself, in this

case will make you act like a person who despite being afraid, or will face

them to get what you want.

Honestly the worst thing that can happen when talking to a girl is that she

tells you that she is not interested, beyond that it does not happen, your

soul will not be swallowed or anything like that. Remember that to achieve

your goal sometimes it takes more if you try, so don't be afraid of

- If what you're afraid of is not looking "handsome" then let me tell you

that you waste your time with junk thoughts because sometimes it really

doesn't matter and I swear I've seen not very attractive people with girls

who look like models, but why? While appearance matters, it will matter

more than what you get to connect with her as a person, so stop thinking

about whether or not you're handsome, just come closer trusting that you're

enough to get her attention because if you believe it, she'll believe it too

and that will certainly put you one step ahead.

- If what you have is fear of looking boring, again you waste time with

garbage thoughts because nobody is really boring, we are all a set of

stories of walking and we have a lot to express to act as you commonly do,

tell her your adventures, your desires and your fears, tell her what

motivates you every day and have a conversation in which you talk about

today, not tomorrow, not yesterday, but today, the moment in which you

are with her. Nobody gets bored and you are definitely interesting, it's just

a matter of looking at yourself with everything that makes you be and once

it's achieved, that you see yourself with that value, you can show yourself

and others that interesting value hidden in you.

- If when you see a girl somewhere, you see that nobody speaks to her, but

you are afraid to speak to her then come closer, but do not think about
what you will tell her. Why? Because I assure you, there is at least one

other guy who thinks about talking to her but in that process, she surely

got bored because she thinks that nobody is interested so if you are the first

to approach her, you will surely have an advantage because she will smile

at you and will be interested in meeting you, once say her Hello, how are

you? - The conversation will go out alone.

- If what you have is fear of how you dress, badly or properly, I can tell

you that it is enough that you have a good bathroom and clean clothes,

there is no more. Well as I said, you must act as you usually do, this

applies to how you dress, you do not have to get extravagant to get her

attention just try to have clean clothes and in good condition.

- Perhaps you are afraid of “Not being enough” but the reality is that that

does not exist because as long as you give your best, you will be enough

for one person since you will be delivering the best version of yourself.

There is no "I am not enough", you should look in the mirror and value

every thing that makes you be, from your body to your way of life, if you

believe in yourself, others will too.

Very well, we have already talked a little about those fears that may arise

when talking to a girl and how to face them, although at first it may seem

complicated believe me that when you record each instruction you will
really be able to speak without any problem, but now you ask what is the

next step? And this is:

How to Act?

While it is true that we already saw a little of this in the fear part, it is also

true that few things are missing and those may be the most important

because we must show who we really are in the most natural way possible,

if you act coarse or forced believe me it won't look good, but if you show

yourself light and natural, who could say no? After all, naturally, you will

conquer with your crush/girl without generating false expectations or


Let's get started!

- Whenever you want to get close to a girl, smile naturally and of course,

forcing your smile may not look so good. Why? As human beings we have

a neuron known as "Mirror" that allows us to reflect some actions such as

a smile, if we see a person smile, the most likely is that we will also smile,

but this will be so that when you approach the girl she associates that

feeling of happiness with you. A kind and sincere smile will give you a

point in your favor because remember that she must feel comfortable with

you and if she is happy she will probably want to talk to you more, so

smile because she is beautiful and you are about to talk to her.
- When you see her, don't think of her as an object, but as the person she is,

someone who likes to be heard and understood. What do I mean? When

you start the conversation with her, don't boast or brag about your abilities

only to "surprise" her and by this I don't mean that you don't tell her about

yourself, but that you give her space to talk about herself, about what her

activities are, about what music she hears, about her studies or her age

(just kidding, don’t ask her age), even about what her dreams or goals are

to achieve, about being passionate and that if in any of those parties she

agrees with some of your ideas, then what is better than this opportunity,

there you can make a conversation for hours. Let her express herself to you

and feel comfortable doing so because if you just talk about yourself or

presume that you're so good at something, she’ll probably get bored and

feel like you're just another one.

- Show yourself really interested in knowing who she is, make your eyes

say that she is unique, even if it does not seem like it, interest is also a

form of praise to know her, but keep in mind that even if you want to

know everything about her, you should go calmly and slowly so that she

trusts you. Girls like to feel wanted by someone, that is a fact that you

should never forget because it is a simple but very powerful letter.

- However, make sure you don't trust her that much, as if you've known

her all your life, because far from attracting her attention, you might make

her think you've gone mad. The right thing is that you act naturally, trust

yourself but remember that you are knowing a person, you do not know

who she is and there are things you must limit, otherwise it will be very

uncomfortable and could think that you are a stalker or something similar.

So it's better to avoid problems.

- Be charismatic, girls are fascinated by a man who makes them laugh

because that means you're a person they can have fun with, if you get

nervous or something like that, calm down, that's not why you'll look less

interesting but, on the contrary, she'll find it tender and look at you even

more. An example of this I saw some time ago in a film in which the

protagonist tells the girl he likes - I have a band, but we play horrible... Do

you want to see us tomorrow? - That mix between trying to impress and

sincerity or clumsiness makes it seem tender because you're not a perfect

person, but you accept it, and you're still determined to try it with her, I'm

sure it will make her love you more.

- Don't be too insistent, if the girl has told you that she wants to be alone or

you just don't care about her, don't harass her because far from convincing

her you will be able to bother her and she will leave. With this I do not say
that you surrender to the first but that there are girls who are not to mess

with those things but if you make the forte, this is what you can do:

* Ask her for a moment of her time to see if you can convince her

otherwise, if in the end you can't convince her then leave her alone and

give her some space.

It's a simple and practical trick because at that moment when you try to

relate to her you'll be able to click, she'll undoubtedly see it tender and she

will surely give you a longer opportunity.

- Don't talk about your body, some guys have the habit of talking about

their members to impress a girl and I don't say that I don't find those who

are interested in that but for this occasion keep making comments because

more than one girl will feel uncomfortable, if she is interested in knowing

it, she will tell you but if not, let's talk about something other than the body

and that clearly includes not showing your marked abs, let her discover it.

- If you think about giving a compliment to a girl, don't tell her things that

could sound “Vulgars” try something more natural, like:

* I like your smile, it's very natural-

* I like the way you act, it's awesome-

* I like how that blouse looks-

* Cute hair tone-

*You have beautiful lips-

That kind of flattery will certainly sound good and I assure you that she

will blush with each one of them and when she smiles after a compliment

like those mentioned, you can say something like -Yes, I like your smile,

you look cute- this will be a very good point in your favor.

Remember that, girls like to be interested, to know that they are beautiful.

- When you talk to a girl, vaguely remember that the first sixty seconds of

the conversation are the most important to show that she is interested, but

why do I say "vaguely" because if you push yourself thinking only those

sixty seconds, you probably won't make a good impression, but now you'll

wonder, "Well, how can I use those sixty seconds? - Simple, here are some


* A little magic trick, if you search on the Internet you can find very good

tricks with relatively simple things and from experience I can tell you that

you will conquer more than one girl because they will be curious to know

you more.

* Have a simple but elegant praise like some of the ones I explained before

and if you want an extra you can say something like -sincerely you are the

most beautiful here and I want to have the opportunity to know you- that

will be a nice detail.

* Normally girls wear something that characterizes their tastes, like a

game necklace, a band shirt or a bracelet, so if you recognize an emblem

on the things she wears don't hesitate to tell her your opinion about it, as

long as it's not negative. However, if you see an emblem or something

characteristic and you don't know it, don't hesitate to ask about it, by the

time you know it, you'll already be talking about UFOs.

- And finally, make her feel comfortable with you and with that I mean

that she is happy with you, that she talks to you something without

prejudice, make it feel good to be by your side so she wants to be with you

again and again. Once again, let her know that in you, she will always find

a space to be, after all we always look for a space to belong to, right?

If you have reached this point, I really hope you are serving everything I

just explained and especially that you take that data into account when you

are with a girl because they will really be useful, and I want you to achieve

the goal of this book. Well, we have already talked about how to remove

our fear and some advice when acting, now we will see some other

examples at the end of the meeting.

End of The Meeting

Some people get nervous when it's time to say goodbye because they think

too much about the right way to do it. Again this is very common and what

happens is that many times no one wants to leave because if you've

followed the steps above carefully I'm pretty sure your date has been really

nice, I don't think it's a fantasy but if you've accomplished things that

others haven't, but let's move on:

- Say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek or a hug because this will make

you feel that you have formed a bond with her, it will be good for her and

she certainly offers to accompany you home, this request should always

have a "If you leave me, of course" because perhaps the girl does not

consider it appropriate to accompany her but you always have to try to be

polite, manners make the man Hahahaha, well, but the fact that you show

concern for his welfare will be a good gesture, I assure you.

- Ask for an upcoming appointment in a friendly way or propose an outing

with something like -I will go to a museum last amaña Do you like to

accompany me? - This will undoubtedly facilitate the pressure of where to

go and she will take it as a nice gesture since you are inviting her to be part
of your life, to share a moment that is valuable to you, I will give you a

couple more examples if you still have doubts:

* There is a very good coffee or bar around here. Would there be a

problem if I invite you these days?

* Tomorrow there will be an event in (Here depends the event) Would you

like to accompany me?

*I walk down this street every day Could I come with you when I pass by?

- Asking for a network to continue knowing her, showing interest beyond a

date will make her feel happy and will surely give it to you but try to

choose the network because not everyone feels comfortable talking on the

same social networks, once you have some of their networks try not to

react to absolutely all their photos because you will be a harasser, look at

some and tell her which one has perished best, accompany the text with a


- Finally, tell her that you liked being with her and smile, say that you

hope to go out with her again and you can't wait for a second meeting, that

you really find interesting and hopefully you will share more moments,

now see you later.

This is a plus because this situation can and can't happen but... What is it?

Well, if you have offered to accompany her to her house and she has left
you, maybe being at the door provides the opportunity to give her a kiss

and... How do you know if this situation occurred? Well here I'll give you

a couple of clues:

* If she's nervous with some tremors and lengthens the conversation too

much. To the point of just saying words on the air to keep you there.

*If she looks at you too much without going into her house.

* If she plays with her hands or lips, maybe even with her hair.

* If she stares at your lips.

How to approach to give a kiss?

This part is simple but can be complicated and this is done by looking

innocently at the lips, walk gradually towards her so that she feels that

both are attracted, if she responds to these actions on your part then take

her from the waist with both hands and slowly approach her lips, have her

to feel suspense and desire to kiss you, that her lips tremble to touch yours,

this is also achieved by looking at her eyes with a certain desire, with a

certain love.

If she does not give any of these signals or does not respond to your

actions is better to leave it for the next exit because there are girls who

take four exits, just give you the hand, but you always calm and do not

show anxious, give her time.

And... Is that all? No, there's more but don't be anxious my friend, little by


So now it's our next point and that's it:

Things to Avoid

We've talked about things we should do and some advice but... What

things should we avoid? There are always things that are better not to do or

avoid at all costs for a good impact on people, in this case the girl we like.

- To presume our abilities or aspects of us will not be a good idea because

in reality the girl will feel uncomfortable and will not want to know about

us since infinity of boys does that and believe me it is nothing new nor

unique, the best thing will be to mention only one aspect and to let her be

interested in asking more.

- It is not always necessary to use perfume, but if there is something that

should be vital it is to use deodorant because if we start to smell badly in

the middle of the appointment, it will cause us a very bad impression

because even if you do not have to run or make a great effort that make

you sweat, sooner or later you will start to smell bad, so from now on your

indispensable friend and that you must always have at all times, will be the

deodorant and clearly, we must be well bathed in the measure. Even where

the light doesn't give you.

-You don't have to wear too much perfume, it's okay to want to smell

good, but sometimes getting too much is bad because you could make the

girl dizzy and I think we don't want that. Especially if you're going to wear

perfume choose a good one, one that really enchants because it works as

an attraction of men, choose something that relates to your personality

because it will give firmer when it comes to being with someone, it will be

something like your support.

- Pretending our personality could be perhaps the worst of our mistakes

because sooner or later the girl would realize this and believe me it won't

make her happy to know the reality so always be you. She will appreciate

you being sincere at all times, because she will know that whatever

happens you will be just as she knew you the first time, this is proven by

me and is really efficient, just be you, no matter that I have tastes that

seem strange to others because there will always be someone according to

you, it will only be... thing to look for a little, I encourage:

- To make ideas or fantasies with the girl to which you have just spoken is

not very good since it could or could not agree with certain ideas of yours,

the best thing will be to wait a little for her signal, not to make ideas will

avoid you many problems and the most common one because to avoid

misunderstandings. Although it may not be very encouraging the truth is

that, of all the girls to whom you speak only a few really will have a pure

interest, but do not be disappointed or surrender, in the end there will

always be one that conquers our soul and us hers.

- Look and don't get close, if you've been looking at a girl for a while, I

would recommend that you stop looking at her and go directly to her,

otherwise she might think you're some kind of stalker and we don't want

her to call the police. Even if you have read the above and you are still

afraid, just walk towards her and smile, try to bring out your charisma and

you will notice the change soon, even if you are trembling with nerves,


- To make comments out of place could cause that the girl doesn't want to

be near any more, reason why the most advisable thing is to keep a couple

of comments to avoid any misunderstanding, after all we don't want to

cause bad impressions when she just know about you few minutes ago, so

although you want to say many things, better to keep a couple of things.

- Avoid inviting her to go out, because the safest thing will be to say -No-

since she just knows you and it could not be very adequate, I recommend

more that this invitation is made at the end of the talk because at least then

she will know a little about who or how you are, and if you have acted
well, undoubtedly she will want a second date with you so the best time is

the last minute, the last second.

- Don't ask things like, what does the groom say? A girl as cute as you

should have a boyfriend- Well they are a chiche and it's even annoying,

just ask if she is dating someone in a relaxed way and that will suffice, it is

not necessary to ask cryptic questions, you calm yourself and act normal.

Ok, you've already learned the basics and essentials that you should know

before, during and after talking to a girl so now let's go for more complex

things like some possible scenarios during these moments and so on, as it

can always vary the way you meet someone, without further ado.

How to talk to a girl on public transport?

This can be simpler more complicated as you see it but here I'll tell you

how to make it simple. It's very common to go on the transport and look at

some pretty girl, that girl who seems to appear only once in a lifetime, but

how do you get close to talk to her? Well, what you can do is this:

- The first thing to do is to locate some object or emblem that she wore so

you can start a brief conversation from there, as I mentioned earlier the key

is to ask her so that she can barely think about who you are.

- If you don't have something to start a conversation, come discreetly and

when you are next to her, take a deep breath and ask how she is today, she
may have looked at you strangely and right after this moment you tell her

your name, you apologize for not having introduced yourself before, she

will laugh and from there you can ask if she will come down soon or

where she is going. Shortly before she comes down ask for a social

network to talk to her because you found the minutes that you have been

together. Interesting!

Note: If you have followed my previous advice like the one you always go

out you must do it well bathed and with clean clothes in good condition

plus the deodorant, it doesn't matter which girl it is, because as long as you

fulfill those three requirements you will be able to approach any girl with

the possibility of achieving something with her.

No matter if you are attractive at first sight, forget about it and go for what

you want, the opportunities are few and a girl really feels flattered when a

man approaches or dares to meet her.

- If you just got on public transport and you see a place next to a pretty

girl, don't arrive and you'll feel very safe, so it's best to ask if you can sit

next to her and the safest thing is to say yes. Once this is done you can

start by saying –Hello- she will answer you and later you can make use of

previous advice or mention that you have looked at the day, if it has rained
or there has been sun, and if you have liked then she can agree with you in

some of your comments.

This part was very easy, wasn't it? In general terms, it is about not feeling

that you are invading her space or feeling that you are harassing her, just

approach her with the intention of knowing her and if she asks you, tell her

that you are interested in knowing her because you think she is beautiful,

there is no more, but if she doesn't want to be disturbed, you understand

and you can leave her if she wants. I assure you that she will tell you that

there is no problem and that she will laugh.

How to talk to a girl at a party?

Surely this could seem more complicated and probably it is, because there

are more people around and surely you prefer to avoid a bad time, but I'm

almost sure that if you've gone to a party and you've seen a girl you find

attractive, you've probably gone for talking to her because there are many

people and surely there are boys more attractive than you, right? Well, no,

you're wrong and here I'll explain how to get out of this scenario:

- If you see a pretty girl, leave immediately. Talking to some girls more

than once, they say that to be at a party a lot of times is to wait for

someone to approach them, someone to talk to them and most of the time

nobody does, sometimes they have no choice but to leave or some action
like that. So don't think any more and do it, even if your legs shake your

approach and you start a conversation because if you're the first one, she'll

probably pay a lot of attention in those sixty seconds we talked about.

- There is a high probability that this girl at the party who steals so much

of your glances will come accompanied because rarely does a girl go alone

to an event like that so I recommend you ask - Are you coming with

someone today? - this will avoid asking a question like - What about the

boyfriend? - and it will be more direct, because only with that question

will you know if you have a clear path or not, and you can easily start a

conversation based on the answer.

- If she comes with friends, you'll probably think she's your undoing

because you're left wondering what her friends will say about you, if you

dress well, if you smell good or if you're attractive, or not. So how do we

handle this?

Simple, ignore the existence of negative comments because the only one

you really care about is the girl who caught your attention, the way to talk

to her would be something like that:

* Hi, you caught my attention. Would you mind giving me a moment to get

to know you?
- If one of her friends asks you about your intention, just say that you are

interested in meeting her and there is no more. Even if you don't care about

the opinion of her friends, be polite to them because they will probably

care about her opinion, so always behave in the best way to make a good

impression, which will later become an outside help.

- If she is accompanied by her partner, say "okay" and go, because even if

you can steal her from his girlfriend is better not to get involved in

lawsuits has personal recommendation.

- If you see the girl and she seems bored, she suggests you go out and get

some fresh air because the party is not so good, that would be something

like that:

* Hello, as if the party wasn't so funny, right? Would you like to go out for

some fresh air?

Most likely she will accept your proposal and and you can go out and talk

to her like, look at the sky for a while, talk about hows she feeling or how

she got to this party.

- If she's sitting and there's music you can invite her to dance, here you

don't need to think about how to introduce yourself as you just have to

come and make the invitation, something like that:

* Hello, do you want to dance with me?

Well, Most girls does like to dance. Don't make it rigid or without feelings,

make her laugh and one that another movement gets excited because if you

make her face smilng and comfortable to be with you, I assure you she will

want to dance with you again, which in a moment will become a -I want to

know you- but well, what about those who have no idea to dance? Well,

something similar happens:

* Hello, yes... I'm honest I don't know how to dance very well, but I'd like

to try to dance with you. Do you accept?

- How can she say no to that? We had talked about this point a little earlier

and it's that mixture of clumsiness with charisma that women love so

much, courage in the face of fear or nervousness. Although I don't think I

can find someone who says no to you, I can assure you that almost all of

them will say yes and not knowing how to dance very well will make them


How to talk to a girl at school?

- If the girl is from your school or both go to schools, this is also very

painful for some because if you get to reject surely all your friends and

half school would make fun of you, right? But it doesn't have to be like

that and I will tell you how to make this mission a success:
- Talk to her friends, even if it doesn't seem like it, the fact that you can get

along with her friends, will give you an advantage over many things, since

you will be able to know her tastes, hobbies and some other special data,

but if they doesn't seem like enough advantage, they could also help you to

make her notice you, if she hasn't already done it and even more, that she

walks with you and the way to talk to her friends would be this:

* Hello, you're a friend of "Anna's" aren't you? Well, the truth is that I like

your friend and I would like to try something with her, would you help me?

Or you can simply start getting to know her friends and make a friendship

so that later you propose to them to help you with this mission, although

keep in mind that this has its risk and that is that she may know that you

like her, but far from being bad, it is good because it will make it easier for

you to know if she likes you or not. Another question or proposition that

you could make would be something like asking for the favor of being

asked if she has ever noticed you or if she likes you. (just kidding, Don’t

ask her do you like or love me, you will get her answer as NOOOOOO)

- Look at it discreetly during classes or breaks because little by little you

will notice that you look at what opens two doors:

* Let her also begin to look at you in the form of an answer.

*Let her begin to move away.

However being in the school this becomes much easier or tender, although

at the moment with the technology it is easier to know that what she likes

or what she likes to do when proposing her to have a flirt.

How to talk to a girl on internet?

If you met her on the Internet this could be easier too, although from my

own experience I must admit that to express our feelings it is tough but

currently it is much easier thanks to the so-called "Memes or momos" but

how to talk to a girl on the Internet? Well, that's what we're going to do:

- Look at her profile to know what she likes, where she is from, how old

she is and how her tastes relate to yours, I think this part will be extremely

easy because all you have to do is send a -Hello- and wait for her to

answer you, no matter how long it takes, don't send anything else and take

it easy because if you send a lot of messages you could see yourself

strange and desperate so in the end she would never answer you.

- Ask like this and show yourself interested but relaxed, once she answered

you do not send a message right away, wait about two to five minutes and

then answer because that way will let her know, that you are not in a hurry.

- Send a picture with a joke so it will be easier to let go of the conversation

without anyone feeling "tied" or not very comfortable, ask which is her

favorite band and if by chance you know or is the same as yours, great,
you can send a song from that band that you think is good and ask her

opinion, so start a conversation that will last for hours.

- Whatever you do not send intimate photos of you if she does not ask for

them, because it actually looks very bad and although I do not doubt that

someone likes it, better avoid problems and not look like a depraved.

If she comes to ask you try not to see your face or something very

characteristic of you as it is well known that those photos sometimes end

up on the net and I think we do not want to end up displayed on the


Don't ask for intimate photos when you first meet her online, because the

most likely thing is that she will block you and that would break your

image a bit.

- Try to have a good profile picture, because it is through networks is not

necessary to fix you at the same time, but in your picture you certainly

have the possible to show a little who you are, show your best side so that

she is something more interested.

In your profile photo, if you take it in your room or home tries to this well

accommodated everything because there are those who take photos but

everything is watered on all sides and that comes to break the aesthetics.
- To invite her to go out first try to invite her to a crowded place so both

will feel "safe" would serve to take confidence in their first date without

anyone thinking strange things, then after a while may go to a less

crowded place but to quote, preferably a crowded place.

Very well now you are ready for any situation that may present you and

yes, probably beyond possible scenarios, but from this point most works

with what you've already learned so far but now we will go to a couple of

basic tips to be more attractive or cause greater interest:

- Always carry deodorant with you, even if it doesn't seem like it during

the day, it could stop working and cause unwanted situations. There are

some that are pocket-sized, so if you are used to carrying a backpack, I

recommend it to be your new secret weapon.

- Your footwear should not be the newest to attract a girl, just keep them in

good condition and always give a clean before leaving home because even

if they are old, but keep them in good condition and clean, she will see that

you are a responsible person and values what you have, always well

aligned for any situation.

- Use clothes according to your complexion, you don't need to dress to the

last tendency of the fashion to conquer a girl but try to bring clothes that

go according to your body, because if you are a robust person and you
bring clothes very stuck could look strange, or if you are a thin person and

you bring loose clothes you could see you not so well then it is advisable

to buy clothes according to your body.

- Always wear a good haircut, even if it does not look like hair is the first

thing a person fixes when you see another and depending on your style the

best thing will be that you wear the best groomed hair possible or if your

hair is disturbed then you have to look because there are also those who

like it that way.

- Read in the public transport or in free time, this way you will learn many

things which means that you will have a gallery of topics of very big

conversation and will allow you to understand better some things. But no

doubt this is attractive for some women because there are books that

almost nobody reads or at least not many men read and you're lucky that

maybe the girl you've been looking at for a while is the one who comes to

talk to you because maybe I know the book and ask you where you're


Or also if you observe if a girl looks too much at your book you can say:

* Do you know it?

* Have you read it?

* It's good, isn't it?

That way you will create a conversation without breaking your head about

how to talk to her and the best thing is that it will be natural, in the end I

assure you it will be her who asks for your name and maybe the social


The opportunity to make a conversation is in the smallest details and that

almost nobody notices but now you will learn to notice it.

- If the girl is shy, don't pressure her, on the contrary, try to understand

why she feels this way and do your best to adapt to her way of being.

However, if you want me to give you a method that doesn't fail is that, be

the one who trusts her but... How do you do this? Well, it would be

something like that:

- Tell her something personal about yourself, something you don't tell

anyone. Because then you'll let her know that you trust her with what you

trust no one else, then she'll decide to trust you the same way you did.

- Look at her as she is, a girl, a person like you with defects that almost

nobody dares to look at, make her feel peace and emotion with you so that

when you are far away she misses your heat and let her know that she is an

encyclopedia of mysteries and you want to read each one and solve it.

- Be always unique and exploit your imagination to the limit to surprise the

girl you like, tricks to help you get closer and give you a notorious
advantage before others as some mentioned earlier as learning a couple of

magic tricks, always works that's for sure.

- Accept yourself as you are, trust in who you are, recognize the value you

have because although there are moments in which perhaps you have not

gone so well, sooner or later will come who looks you in the eyes and

remains without caring about anything.

- Be unique, be original and don't imitate the "handsome" or the

"interesting" of the place, be yourself and find your own original because

there are already many trying to be someone who are not, then if you

arrive with your own personality being unique... that will make her look at

you more deeply, always see with style.

Extra Information and Tips

Another way to talk to approach a girl is by means of a letter, yes, one of

those that nobody does anymore. Say hello cordially and introduce

yourself briefly to her, tell her what interests you about her and ask for an

opportunity to be closer to her. That would have to blush her and you

propose to go with everything, I see difficult to say no. So yes, the cards

still work that I assure you.

Well, that's how we get to the end of this book where through each page I

have advised and guided you on how to get a girl to talk. Once you are

able to face all those fears that only exist in your mind the rest will be


If you noticed, we never talk about exercising like crazy, being handsome

or having an extravagant personality, we talk about simpler things, more

natural things and that if you apply well you will be able to conquer the

girl you want.

You don't need to see yourself or act like a celebrity to be turned to look at

you, the magic is in those details that sometimes we believe useless and it

is right here where you can take advantage over others.

There is nothing to jealous of others, you are enough no matter how you

look, what you do or what you think. This is not an instruction on how to

conquer girls but a guide for you to become better as a person and thus be

able to conquer that any girl you like, fear will always be present in what

you do and that's why you must learn to face it because fear must drive

you to strive harder to be better and girls will appreciate to see that


There is no secret formula for conquering girls just a few tips like staying

happy and positive, in good health, good physical condition and good


That's it, there's no more whether you're short, tall, robust, thin, studious or

partying, you can always get to have a girl while you always try harder

than others.

Dare to do what others have not dared to do!

That's the key to success.

Good luck my friend and if you liked it, recommend the book.

Paresh Tambe is an Online Entrepreneur located in

Mumbai, India. He is a BMS graduate from Mumbai

University. He believes in Buddhism.

At the age of 27, he quit his job and started providing value to people’s

lives. Paresh spends his spare time playing badminton, reading self-help

books and writing rap cards. He is a dreamer. His lifetime goal is to lift

people up with his words.

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