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World War 666: A Continuation of the Expose'

By Andrew Seefeldt
Cover art and design by Andrew Seefeldt
Copyright 2017
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Programmed to Kill
Demonic Daycares
Symptoms of Ritual Abuse
Insights into Mind-Control
Making a Murderer
Complicit Cops
The Cover Up
Final Words
Why No One Talks
Sexual Blackmail
Why Don't Victims Seem Credible
What to Call Them
Update on Tom Buckland
Politics and Pizza
Targeting of the Tromps
Voice Transmission
Further Illegal Surveillance
What I Know
Death of Max Spiers
Fort Lauderdale Shooting
Bourke St Attack
Further Harassment by Gang-Stalkers
Threatened by the Mafia Man
Threatened by Biker Gang
Newly Observed Electronic Weapons
April 2017: Breakdown Caused by Torture
Dan: Conversations with a Perp
Attempt to Frame Me
Attempt to Assassinate Me
This is one of a series of books that should be read and studied in order,
as they build upon each other:
1. Australia's Darkest Secrets
2. World War 666
3. Born from the Light

"Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking
the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologise for being
correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you're right and you
know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are in a minority of
one, the truth is still the truth."
--Mahatma Gandhi

"Truth prevails!"

If people could understand and accept the truth about my life, Western
governments would fall. I'm not exaggerating in the least.

The information I have is very important and has the potential to dramatically
change the course of history, even if I'm the only one who realises it yet. If
people could understand and accept the truth about my life, it would start
World War 3. Again, I'm not exaggerating in the least.

Even after you have read both this book and my previous book Australia's
Darkest Secrets, all this will probably still sound like crazy rambling to you.
You really will need to have a large amount of determination and resolve to
extensively research the topics of ritual abuse, mind-control and gang-
stalking before you start seeing the picture and begin realising that everything
I'm saying is very relevant and truthful. You will need to do a lot of further
research online and then study everything I've written very closely before you
see it. It's a very complex conspiracy.

I am the real deal and eventually I will find a way to prove it beyond any
doubt, so LISTEN UP.

Their hackers caught me in the process of typing this book and as a result I
was tortured non-stop for a month. I also survived assassination attempts
during the writing of this book, so listen up! You are about to read the most
dangerous book ever written!
"Eat this!"

"Tactical nuke deployed!"

Programmed to Kill

Since I was very young the cult has been trying to groom and mind-control
me to become a sadistic killer, I have absolutely no doubt about that.

In the 1980s in the US when ritual abuse reached the mainstream (McMartin
preschool etc.) and was almost exposed, people were hysterical that Satanists
were abusing kids at preschools but it's much worse. The abuse is a form of
trauma-based mind-control designed to make the child grow up to be dark,
sadistic and obsessed with death and weaponry. These kids were being
programmed to kill and this is happenening on a large scale.

All this Satanic pedo cult stuff was almost exposed in the 1980s, but was
covered up and now when historians refer to this period in history they call it
an unfounded "mass hysteria", "Satanic panic" etc... but it was all true! I was
born in 1989, I am one of those kids it happened to, and I am telling you
everything I know.
Demonic Daycares

Look up the history of ritual abuse in preschools in the 1980s and 1990s, it's
well-documented online. Mornington Peninsula preschool was Australia's
version of McMartin and few people know about it.

The kids came home from Mornington Pensinsula acting bizzarely and
urinating on their siblings. These are symptoms of trauma and possibly
compulsive re-enacting of what was done to them. Ritual abuse therapists
commonly document the use of bodily excretions in rituals.

The boy who was ritually abused at Mornington Peninsula preschool came
home saying about how police officers are cruel because "They'll beat you up
and throw you in the pool of sharks". These sadistic organised cult pedophiles
literally do build things like pools of sharks and it's well documented that the
perps dress up as doctors and police officers so they child will develop a
deep-rooted phobia of police and doctors, to ensure their silence (not that
they're even supposed to remember it due to dissociative amnesia, if the ritual
abuse programming goes as intended).

When another boy who attended the preschool said "Santa Claus is bad, he
shoots people" that's what literally happened. Catastrophic levels of trauma
are needed for mind-control, which is what ritual abuse is all about.

The trauma has to be absolutely catastrophic for the mind-control to work,

otherwise the kid will remember it instead of repressing it.

They make the rituals so bizzare that if the kid mentions them, people will
think they're being overimaginative.

In the Mornington Peninsula case video footage of someone dressed as a cop

abusing the kids disappeard from evidence locker, the investigation fell apart
and the Ombudsman investigated and I think he concluded there was a cover
up. This sort of thing happens in every ritual abuse case I have read about
where law enforcement is involved. You have to understand, many cops were
born into the cult (as well as every other occupation). The cult understands
the ins and outs of policing (as well as every other occupation). They
infiltrate all our organisations, I also saw an article about a ritual abuse
therapy group that was infiltrated and complained of Satanists undermining
their efforts from the inside. Infiltration is their MO.

A large percentage of mind-control victims report having animals killed in

front of them, and the kids at McMartin reported the daycare workers killed
turtles and rabbits in front of them. Investigators found turtle shells and
evidence of tunnels under McMartin, despite the official story and the almost
perfectly-executed cover up. This evidence is presented in detail on and and many other online resources.

I've only brushed on a few things here, do your own research into ritual abuse
at daycare centres in the 80s and 90s. There's mountains of information

I think the reason McMartin preschool in the US was almost exposed was
that the rituals weren't traumatic enough to induce dissociative amnesia, so
hundreds of kids remembered the abuse. At McMartin kids were taken
through tunnels under the preschool and sexually abused by preschool staff
during rituals where cute animals were killed in front of them, so you can't
even imagine how bad the ones where the kids DO go amnesic must be!
Symptoms of Ritual Abuse

Ritual abuse is a form of trauma-based mind-control designed to make the

child grow up to become evil, sadistic, murderous and obsessed with death
and weaponry. That's the whole point of it: to make kids kill, to groom
children to become the next generations of cult perpetrators.

Here are some of the symptoms of repressed ritual abuse I personally

exhibited as a kid:
- When I was a teenager I would write things similar to "The shotgun blast
ripped open the baby's abdomen, spraying putrid intenstines which unravelled
as they flew through the air, spewing fermented diarrhea everywhere." I
would take what I had written and obsessively post it all over YouTube
comments on "cute baby" videos. That's what the cult mind-control feels like!
I think all of them have this programming. I spread a lot of negative energy
and I guess I'm making up for it now.

- When I was a teen I had intense fantasises of mass murder and serial

- I would draw and write art and creative writing of people being gruesomely
killed with extremely elaborate details about the blood and gore.

- Throughout my teens I was making and testing sophisticated explosives (all

described in more detail in A.D.S). A high ranking cult member called Dan
admitted to me in 2017 that when I was 17-years-old they tried to hypnotise
me to blow up my school. They tried to hypnotise me to become the next
Adam Lanza, but I'm fighting back!

- I remember as a teenager I wrote on social media about how I wanted to die

a "spectactular" death and wrote a gruesome description of myself being
blown up with lots of bloody and gory details (obviously symptomatic of my
mind-control programming). I honestly had no idea how horrifying that must
have been to those around me.
- Tori was obsessed with hookers and she wanted a stripper pole. Maybe
that's what the cult was hypnotising her to become? The cult programs the
girls to become sex slaves, the boys are programmed to become perps/killers.

- I remember as a kid I was obsessed with "Happy Tree Friends" which were
extremely gruesome cartoons of cute animals being killed and mutilated.

- Tori wanted to do Year 10 work experience as a mortician. The cult mind-

control programming makes you become intensely obsessed with death, gore
and killing so naturally many Satanists will become morticians and coronors.
I'm sure the cult has the ability to forge toxicology reports and write off
murders as suicides/accidents/natural causes. They also run crematories, I've
heard, so they can dispose of bodies without any evidence.

- As a teen I remember I would show the other kids at school gore and scat
websites like Ogrish, and Tubgirl in the middle of class.

- From my perspective I was just innocently playing. I honestly thought that

my only problem was that I was extremely shy. I guess it was more apparent
to those around me than it was to me because this girl at school who was nice
to my face told Tori to stay away from me because "He's fucked up, his
whole family is fucked up." I'll tell you why I was "fucked up", it's called

- I remember another piece of important evidence. Throughout Year 8-9 I

think it was I would obsessively say the word "fiend" at school. I would call
everyone "fiends" and describe everything as "fiendish". It was just like when
I would tell the other kids to "worship death" in Year 4 in that from my
perspective I was just innocently playing. I don't even think I knew what the
word meant. My dictionary defines the word fiend as "An evil spirit or
demon". I'm very sure this is further evidence of cult mind-control.

- More on "fiend": I think I was pretty well known for doing this because I
vaguely recall even the teachers would play along and say things like, "All
right, you little fiend."
- I would keep telling Tori "I'm a robot" and "beep beep". I think I was
unconsciously re-enacting my repressed mind-control rituals.

- Far more than any other theme, in my drawings and creative writing I
depicted people being shot with guns and lots of gore. All my creative works
involved large amounts of blood and gore, skulls, corpses, zombies and

- When I was a kid I would break doors, put holes in walls, scream so hard
my lungs hurt and punch walls until I broke bones and this was completely
disproportionate to the current situation. These dysfunctions are symptoms of
deep-rooted trauma.

My (arranged) friend Josh Borrowdale was also a victim, I'm pretty sure. The
cult was hypnotising him to manufacture and test explosives, just like me.
The last time I had contact with him around 2011 he was developing
chemical weapons.

Borrowdale was the guy I called B. in my first book ADS. He described very
emotionally to me once that he was "scared of people". I also had severe
social phobia most my life and ritual abuse psychotherapist Dr. Ellen Lacter
describes social phobia as a symptom of ritual abuse programming.

Mind-control victims are deeply damaged even if they seem superficially

functional, until of course they learn the truth about their lives and start to
heal. Addictions, overeating and obesity, social/interpersonal problems,
narcissism, sadism, poor emotional regulation are some examples of how the
repressed trauma manifests, even if they may seem superficially functional.

As a teenager I was probably one of their most emotionally disturbed ritual

abuse victims because as well as the ritual abuse programming, I had few ties
or support with friends and family, poverty and a lot other disadvantages,
never shown any love, 16-years-old was the first time I ever hugged another
person (Tori) in my life, to the best of my recollection, no affection from or
towards family, my computer was my best friend and still is.
Teachers need to learn to identify ritually abused children. So far that's the
best way I can think of to identify cult families. Kids aren't as good as adults
at hiding symptoms/evidence.
Here are some of the symptoms I exhibited in school and I observed many in
the other two victims I knew personally (Tori and Borrowdale). These line up
perfectly with the symptoms documented by ritual abuse therapists:
- Depictions of death,gore, extreme violence, weapons in creative works such
as drawing and writing.
- Self-mutilation and suicidality.
- Acting out themes of death and killing during play.
- Extreme emotional/social disturbances.
- Obsession with pentagrams, Nazis, occult themes, weaponry etc.
- Attraction to "powerful figures", such as heavily-armed gunmen and crime
- Obsession with serial killers and mass murderers.

These symptoms are what I personally witnessed, and it lines up perfectly to

what ritual abuse therapists have documented.

The whole point of ritual abuse is to make cult children grow up to be

horrifyingly sadistic and disturbed like this. A cult defector writing under the
pseudonym Svali uses the term "Fourth Reich programming". Ritual abuse is
Insights into Mind-Control

Here's the situation. Organised child abusers have found a way to make
children amnesic, then further developed it into sophisticated mind-control,
and now they're trying to take over the world with it in the name of an occult
ideology. That's what all this is about. If anything happens to me, it was
because I knew about this.

Check out these psychology papers here:

"A Helpful Way to Conceptualize and Understand Reenactments" by Michael

S. Levy, Ph.D.

"The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma - Psychiatric Clinics of North

America, Volume 12, Number 2, Pages 389-411,
June 1989."

The papers describe in lengthy detail how traumatised children compulsively

re-enact the theme of the trauma. The phenomenon of repressing trauma and
then compulsively re-enacting the trauma unconsciously is the cornerstone of
how mind-control works.

Also look up the "Greenbaum" speech on MPD and ritual abuse, on


"Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse. The Greenbaum Speech"

Here is a bit of further reading:

"Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency"
"Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments"

I think a common example of re-enacting trauma you might have seen is how
people abused as children by their parents grow up to seek out relationships
that are abusive in the same manner as the relationships they had with their

When the kids who attended Mornington Peninsula came home acting
bizzarely and urinating on their siblings, this is annother example of the
acting out of trauma, they were urinated on during Satanic rituals and they
were re-enacting the trauma. Scat and urine are commonly used during the
rituals, this is well-documented by ritual abuse therapists.

When I was in primary school, someone known to my parents who my

mother called "Michael the Painter" and my father called "Uncle Michael"
would send me strange parcels in the mail. The parcels contained items
including a box with a picture of a gun on it (the box a toy gun came in), a
few party poppers and later in my early teens I think it was, he sent me a
couple parcels containing cheap folding knives, which I would carry at
school and self-harm with.

This is an example of how the mind-control involves showing the victim

hypnotic references or "reminders" of past trauma. Perhaps these items
referred to my programming rituals which I strongly believe involved being
abused with cap guns and party poppers to develop obsessive compulsive
behaviour towards guns and explosives.

Psychotherapists treating ritual abuse say programmers give the victim

weapons so they can harm themselves if they disobey the mind-control
programming. Maybe that's why Michael sent me the knives?

When I was in primary school I would terrorise my cat and brother with party
poppers, unconsciously re-enacting the repressed trauma of my programming
rituals which must have involved being abused with party poppers, probably
around age 3-4.

When I was in primary school I would pack toilet rolls with pine needles,
write "TNT" on it and set it on fire.

When I made my first successful explosive device around age 12, I was filled
with joy and exclaimed "Mum, it was louder than a party popper!" which was
due to me unconsciously conquering the repressed trauma of being abused
with party poppers by compulsively re-enacting it, exactly like described in
psychology papers on traumatised children.

By the time I was 17-years-old this same psychological phenomenon had

progressed to me manufacturing 600 grams of urea nitrate along with 50
grams of TATP (that amount is equivalent in power as a mortar round),
gathering up some shrapnel and threatening to blow someone at school up.
All this was me unconsciously trying to feel a sense of control that repressed
memories of ritual abuse involving party poppers left me without. This is the
INTENT of the cult pedophiles. Ritual abuse is mind-control!

Furthermore, a high-ranking cult member who called himself Dan, who I

spoke with in April 2017, admitted that my theory I was abused with party
poppers was spot-on, and he said he had no idea how I figured it out.
Pedophiles in the cult abuse toddlers with party poppers in rituals that are so
traumatic the kid represses them (dissociative amnesia) and the kid
compulsivey re-enacts the trauma by developing obsessive compulsive
behaviour towards explosives. They do similar with cap guns to make the kid
obsessed with both guns and explosives.

In school I would zone out in class and compulsively draw guns, heavily-
armed gunmen, people being killed with guns and people being killed in
general to unconsciously gain a sense of mastery over the repressed
memories of being abused with cap guns or even witnessing someone being
murdered with a real gun during occult rituals at very young age. Same with
with bombs, I'd make explosives to unconsciously master deep-rooted trauma
of being abused with party poppers during these rituals.
In primary school I was obsessed with the idea of building an underground
box out of which a mechanical arm holding a cap gun would come out. This
may have been unconscious reenacting of trauma of being abused with cap
guns (arm holding a cap gun). Maybe the underground box represented a
grave? Many ritual abuse victims report being put in coffins in mock burials.

It's commonly known that abused people often grow up to abuse others in the
same way they were abused. That's the goal of cult mind-control (ritual
abuse), they abuse toddlers with cap guns and party poppers so they will
grow up to abuse others with real guns and real explosives.

It's well documented that abuse victims can harbour extreme feelings of anger
and revenge towards their perpetrator but in the case of ritual abuse, these
memories are repressed so the person directs these feelings of anger towards
innocent people, never understanding the actual source of these feelings. I
think this is possibly another aspect of how mind-control assassins are

Traumatised children and youth act out and re-enact the theme of the trauma
in their play and depict the trauma in their creative works. Any sexual abuse
therapist could tell you that. The mind-control is based on this phenomenon.

It might seem bizzare and difficult to understand why I went on the run with
a shotgun in 2013, but the cult mind-control programming makes you so
obsessed with guns that guns feel like the solution to everything. It was like
guns were the most interesting thing in the world. It also feels like your only
option is to go on the run due to the pervasiveness of the gang-stalkers'
surveillance, and that's my theory about why the Tromp family went on the
Two of my teenage attempts at building a gun due to mind-control, around
age 16.

See this page, which surveys victims of state-sponsored mind-control.

"Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control

Experimentation on Children"

I have a good BS detector, at least when it comes to these topics, and this
website looks very credible to me.

According to the survey, a significant percentage of victims of state-

sponsored mind-control who can consciously remember their programming
rituals report that a baby was murdered in front of them at very young age.

In school Tori told me that she "hated" babies. Repressed trauma manifests as
either an attraction or repulsion/phobia towards the theme of the trauma.

I showed Tori the gruesome lyrics to the song "Baby Killer" by Devourment
and she liked it.

Another example, as a teenager I would write things similar to "the shotgun

blast ripped open the baby's abdomen, spraying intenstines which unravelled
as they flew through the air, leaking fecal matter everywhere". My drawings
and the death metal bands I listened to were equally graphic. I would take this
things I wrote and post them on the comments section of "cute baby"
Youtube videos because it felt so good to be sick and gross people out. That's
what the cult mind-control programming feels like.

This mind-control victim survey website seems very credible to me, it's
definitely not "conspiracy nut" nonsense. I have a very good bullshit detector
when it comes to these matters. Severely traumatised people unconsciously
reenact the trauma, and in this instance they reenact someone being killed in
front of them at young age.... by becoming obsessed with killing people
themselves, never understanding that they were simply acting out repressed
trauma. I think this is how they program cult children to kill. They kill
someone, often a baby, in front of cult toddlers and the kid represses the
memory but compulsively re-enacts it by becoming obsessed with killing
people and dead babies.

If you sacrifice a baby on a pentagram altar in front of a toddler, the toddler

will repress the memory but unconsciously re-enact the repressed memory by
growing up to be compulsively obsessed with dead babies and pentagrams.
That's how the mind-control works, they are programming cult children to
become evil using trauma-based techniques. That's the whole purpose of
ritual abuse. A high-ranking cult member called Dan told me that trauma and
hypnosis were pretty much the same thing. I have heard someone use the
term "rape hypnotism" and I think that's a good name for it.

Far more than any other subject matter, I would zone out in class and draw
pictures of people being very gruesomely killed with guns. This is further
evidence I witnessed someone being shot when I was very young. It's all
deeply repressed of course, but through understanding how extreme trauma
manifests in children and by remembering how I was as a kid, I can piece
together the puzzle.

Deeply traumatised children will "act out" repressed trauma. The mind-
control is based on this phenomenon. If you kill someone in front of a toddler
during an extremely traumatic ritual (other forms of abuse are also included
on top of that) they will zone out and detach from their current surroundings
as a last-ditch defense mechanism (dissociation) and they will have
dissociative amnesia of the original trauma. They will "act out" the trauma in
their play and creative works and as they grow up the acting out will often
result in them literally committing murder, completely unware that they were
unconciously acting out repressed trauma. Any sexual abuse therapist could
explain how children act out and depict trauma in their play and creative
works, and the cult mind-control is based on this phenomenon.

A ritual abuse therapy website wrote something to the effect of "The cult uses
the girls for sex but it is unknown what the boys are used for because none of
them ever come forward." That's because the female sex slaves are the only
ones here who outsiders would view as completely innocent victims. I will
tell you what happens to the boys. They are groomed to become perpetrators,
they are programmed to kill and many of them do. The cult man Michael I
met in Bega hospital said to me when I told him I liked building guns as a
hobby, "You know what this is going to lead to... right?" eerily. Victims are
perpetrators and perpetrators are victims in many cases, it's not always clear

All cult members have mind-control programming. They have these

obsessively focused urges to kill, to be sadistic and towards weaponry, and
that's why the cult can kill people in so many sophisticated, seemingly
impossible ways. They're completely obsessed with killing and death.

A psychologist might say that mind-control is impossible. Well, people in the

not too distant past would think much of the technology we have today is
impossible. It seems impossible because we don't know how it works. What
would a psychologist know? Our psychologists aren't exactly allowed to take
a baby who was born without a birth certificate and shoot it in front of a
toddler while dressed as Santa Claus to observe the psychological effect. The
cult mind-control works by causing catastrophic levels of trauma. Organised
child abusers understand the psychology of extreme trauma better than
anybody and they have developed a way to use it as mind-control.

The cult mind-control also involves showing the victim hypnotic references
or "reminders" of past memories and traumas.

The first example of this I already mentioned: "Uncle Michael" sending me

the box a toy gun came in and party poppers in the mail. These were hypnotic
"reminders" of my programming rituals.

Another example is when the cops who tried to chloroform and kidnap me in
2012, took me to a secluded location with my father and tried to make me
drink water out of a bottle labelled "sorbitol". Sorbitol was a substance I
accidentally poisoned myself with as a teenager. The mind-control involves
showing the victim "reminders" of past traumas, like hypnotic rituals.

When the cult cops who tried to cover up my drug lab put me in the
paddywagon for a few minutes, then let me out saying "You've just been
arrested" I think this was a hypnotic "reminder" to my past forgotten
memories, just like all the other mind-control triggers were. Possibly a
"reminder" of a repressed memory of being locked in a cage.

The police performed the same paddywagon ritual on my online friend Josh
Borrowdale when he got found with explosives and he told me he had no idea
what happened. Last I heard from Borrowdale he was developing chemical

I have read all about ritual abuse cases were the toddler is put in a cage
suspended high up or above a pool of sharks (and they threaten to have the
floor drop out) to torture them until they become dissociative and amnesic.
The paddywagon used by the cult cops on me was a metal cage-like
paddywagon, not one of the (more common?) white plastic ones. I think this
was to hypnotically "remind" me of being locked in a cage as a toddler and
make me re-experience the trauma, sort of like a PSTD-flashback except
because the original trauma was so intense that it made me develop
dissociative amesnia, the flashback would manifest as me becoming amnesic
just like the original repressed trauma. Not only are Satanic police officers
kidnapping mind-control slaves and covering up their crimes, I'm now
beginning to suspect that they use trauma-based mind-control techniques to
erase the victim's memory so they can't tell anyone what happened. A week
or two later my father visited me in hospital and showed me my keys and a
tyre-deflation tool (hypnotic "reminder" of how my car was sabotaged as a
teenager) and he told me he "had to see if you still remember them". The cult
had my father test to see if my memory had been erased and he hinted that
something horrific would happen to him if he didn't participate.

Futhermore, the high-ranking cult member Dan who I spoke to in April 2017
told me I was correct, the paddywagon ritual was designed to induce

When Tori started talking to me at school I was almost mute and would
usually only answer in whispered one-word sentences. I would keep telling
Tori "I'm a robot" and "beep beep". I am very certain me saying "I'm a robot"
relates to mind-control.

Many ritual abuse therapists report this "robot" programming, and in the
survey of state-sponsored mind-control victims (the link I previously gave), a
large percentage of victims report "robot" programming.

A psychologist treating ritual abuse, Dr. Ellen Lacter, says a symptom of

ritual abuse is saying bizzare statements that have no context. I would tell say
things like "I'm a robot" to Tori when she first started talking to me at school,
exactly in the way Lacter describes. This "robot" programming is well-
documented by ritual abuse therapists. I didn't say it once or twice, I kinda
had a thing going on with her where I would keep trying to tell her "I'm a
robot". I had extreme social phobia/selective mutism and I would barely talk,
the only things I would say around the time I was in Year 9 were
mumbled/whispered single word answers and bizzare statements which were
an artifact of my ritual abuse programming.
In the same way as the robot thing, I would also keep trying to tell Tori "I'm
omniscient, I know everything". This could be unconscious re-enacting of
ritual abuse where I was taught at young age that "the cult sees and knows
everything you do". Or maybe the "omniscient" thing has nothing to do with
Satanism. Strange.

Look up the online writings of a cult defector using the pseudonym Svali.
Svali was a mind-control programmer for the cult and she describes how they
torture kids until they become dissociative using methods that don't leave

Svali describes the mind-control process that was used on her which involved
being locked in a cage and given electric shocks until she agreed to strangle a
kitten. One the kid is made dissociative they become highly susceptible to
hypnosis. Hypnosis and trauma are sort of the same thing according to a
high-ranking cult member named Dan.

After the cult cops tried to kidnap me and performed hypnotic rituals on me, I
think I became the mental age of a small child.

When I was in hospital after the meth lab was found, the patient named
Marissa pointed out that I put sugar on my toast and I told her "I like it, it
tastes like fairy bread". Fairy bread is a children's food, if you're not

My father was also saying "This is the beginning of your life" immediately
after the cult cops performed the amnesia rituals on me, after which I think I
was the mental age of a small child for some reason.

Another example is, when we were on leave from the hospital at the
supermarket I saw a 50-cent lollipop, and I really wanted that lollipop. I put it
on the conveyer belt as my only item. The nurse saw what I was doing,
squealed like it was the cutest thing ever and bought the lollipop for me. Yes,
I think after the cult cops performed hypnotic rituals on me, I became the
mental age of a child for some reason.
I was in this child-like state when in the mental hospital we were doing art
therapy. We were told to paint anything we wanted, but I couldn't for the life
of me think of anything to paint except a rainbow swirl, so I painted a
rainbow swirl.

Now I remember, Tori used to draw rainbow swirls too! Tori once made me a
greeting card that said "Happy Swirl Day" with a drawing of a rainbow swirl.

When I was researching PizzaGate (which I will explain later) I came across
an illustation of Satanists hypnotising kids wth a picture of a swirl:

I came across this illustration of a kid being hypnotised with a swirl. Tori and
I would draw rainbow swirls.
In ADS I mentioned all about how I would draw rainbow swirls, seemingly
from an unconscious influence and Tori would do the same thing. Artifact
from our programming rituals?

I think drawing rainbow swirls might have been us unconsciously re-enacting

our mind-control rituals, which might have involved being hypnotised with a
rainbow swirl prop.

I remember at school I would be asked basic questions and I would always

answer "I don't know" to everything in a mumbled/whispered voice. I don't
know what that means, if anything.

The inmates in prison joked that I wasn't able to talk about anything that
wasnt related to making drugs. They were just playing around, but it's true!
The mind-control tasks were my whole life. The prosecutor said forensic
chemists described my lab as "sophisticated and would have required
extensive research" and yes, I bet it was one of the most if not most
sophisticated methodologies they would have seen a cook my age pull off.
That's what mind-control feels like, you get so obsessively focused on the
task that you can pull off amazing feats yet you neglect everything else life
has to offer. I couldn't even perceive that there was more to life than
drugs/guns/bombs. Never had friends over, not once, in my life. Never kissed
a girl. Never gone fishing or camping. None of that, nothing like that. And
the thing is, all this felt PERFECTLY NORMAL to me. It never crossed my
mind once that something wasn't right or that I wasn't like other people, I
always thought my only problem was that I was really shy. That's what being
a mind-control slave was like. Even when a gang of people were pounding on
our front door and screaming at my parents "Where is Andrew, we haven't
heard from him in 5 months, where is he?! What are you MAKING HIM
DO!" it still took me a while to realise what was going on.

When I was a teenager I think the teachers could tell I was being exploited. I
was probably the most messed up kid in school and one time my chemistry
teacher Mr Williams took me to an empty classroom and quietly asked me if
somebody was giving me the explosives. That's not how I was being
exploited, I was subjected to mind-control programming which made me
become obsessively preoccupied since young age with explosives, and by age
16-17 I was manufacturing relatively sophisticated explosives like
nitroglycerine, picric acid and organic peroxides in my bedroom. If I didn't
have this obsession caused by mind-control I would have never bothered
learning how to do anything more sophisticated than taping sparklers to a
butane can if I wanted a backyard boom, like all the other boys. And I would
have spent my time actually living life.

At uni I would zone out in lectures and draw Sten guns all over my lecture
notes. I over heard two boys talking about getting a gun licence in a lecture,
and I asked them if they could get me ammunition and they gave a funny
look and laughed at me. I spent thousands of dollars out of my welfare
payments buying random/useless gun parts online and hoarding them
obsessively. That's what the mind-control feels like. I think this was due to
being abused with guns (toy or real?) probably around the age of 3-4, and I
was trying to unconsiously gain mastery over the repressed trauma. The cult
pedophiles understand the dynamics of childhood trauma better than
anybody, and they've developed a way to use it as mind-control. Trust me,
the cult is armed to the teeth.

Based on what I have witnessed first hand mind-control involves

unconsciously reenacting repressed trauma of Satanic rituals and being
shown hypnotic "reminders" of past/childhood memories serves to trigger
mind-control, possibly similar to how people with PSTD get triggered to
have flashbacks when they are shown "reminders" of past trauma. They show
us references or "reminders" of past memories, often traumas, and this is
designed to trigger some sort of memory effect in people who have been
made susceptible to it. A psychologist who specialises in trauma, dissociation
and hypnosis could figure it out better than I can. All three are linked in some

Dr. Ellen Lacter, a psychologist treating ritual abuse, writes on her website "Survivors who have been abused for high level political
or criminal purposes are misdiagnosed as paranoid schizophrenics in rare and
devestating cases." This is exactly what happened to me, and I don't think it's
rare. Ritual abuse victims are regulary covered up as paranoid schizophrenics.

In recent years (since early 2000s) they have developed mind-altering

electronic weapons that can apply hypnotic techniques with electromagnetic
waves (before that they used physical hands-on techniques). Dr. Lacter is one
of the pioneers into research about these cults and she's right about
everything except she's wrong when she doesn't believe her patients/clients
when they tell her the cult has developed mind-altering electronic weapons.
Dr. Lacter says these weapons don't exist and are impossible. She's wrong
about this, I KNOW they are real because I witnessed them first hand. Their
mind-altering weapons have a large range of effects, including modifying
your dreams to have very specific nightmares, making you have very specific
cartoon-like hallucinations and (most remarkably) remotely reading your
thoughts and putting voices in your head.

I think the mind-control victims who they have commit mass shootings are
the ones who developed skill with weapons (like me) but were unware and
never integrated into the cult heirarchy (like me). Other cult members commit
murder but they do it within the heirarchy so the cult protects them/covers it
all up.

It's common knowledge that stage hypnotists can't make someone go against
their own will, but when a person is being hypnotised on stage for
entertainment (e.g. to think they're a chicken) they KNOW they are being
hypnotised. The electronic weapons have the advantage of the victim not
knowing they are being hypnotised, so they think the hypnotic suggestions
are their own thoughts. The cult also combines the hypnotic weapons with
trauma-based techniques.

Pedophiles and mind-controllers can make children become amnesic of

abuse. They are the ones pushing the "False Memory Syndrome" movement
to cover up these crimes, look into the history of that. The cult is also the
ones pushing that movement in psychiatry to discredit dissociative identity
disorder as a legitimate condition to cover up mind-control and the fact that
children can repress and become amnesic of abuse.

I don't consciously remember my programming rituals, you're not supposed

to. Hypnotherapy can do it and there is an organised effort to discredit this
treatment (look up False Memory Syndrome) by the child abusers and mind-

There needs to be put into law provisions such as immunity for mind-control
victims or else no one is ever going to talk. Victims are perpetrators and
perpetrators are victims in many cases, it's not always clear cut.

As a primary school age kid I remember terrorising my cat and brother with
party-poppers, further re-enacting of repressed trauma to feel a sense of
control. Abused people often grow up to abuse people in the same way they
were abused, that's the goal of cult trauma-based mind-control. They torture
toddlers with cap guns and party poppers with the intent that they will grow
up to abuse people with real guns and real adult-sized bombs, never knowing
that they were just compulsively re-enacting deeply repressed trauma. I
always thought I was just bad, but now I know it was because people
conspired to intentionally make me this way.

From my understanding of how trauma manifests in children and symptoms I

exibited as a kid, I can infer that my mind-control rituals involved some
or all of the following:
- Being abused with cap guns and party poppers to make me develop
obsessive compulsive behaviour towards guns and explosives.
- A baby being murdered.
- Large amounts of blood and gore, which I would compulsively depict
in my art and other creative works as a teenager.
- Someone speaking the words "worship death".
- Me being taught to say "I'm a robot".
- Swastikas, pentagrams, skulls, knives (which I would compulsively
depict in my art).
- Possibly hangman's nooses and graves
- Rainbow swirls, possibly a hypnosis prop
- Someone speaking the word "fiend".
Making a Murderer

Mass murderers and serial killers weren't born like that, something MADE
them like that. Something a lot worse than being bullied at school and
listening to Marilyn Manson or whatever lame explanation people give.
Generally it's extreme abuse/trauma in early life. The cult pedophiles
understand these dynamics very well and they intentionally inflict this
extreme trauma very systematically in order to make cult children grow up to

When I look at mass killers James Holmes (Batman cinema shooter) and
Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook shooter), they fit the profile of
mind-control crimes. The cult tried to hypnotise me to become a mass killer
when I was a teenager so I recognise the mental profile in other people.

I'd have to know more intimate details of the Lanza and Holmes case to make
a certain determination. What I said about Holmes and Lanza is just
speculation. I don't know for certain. However, I have 100% confirmed that
mass killers Aaron
Alexis, Myron May, Esteban Santiago and Jimmy Gargasoulas were driven
commit their crimes by ritual abuse, gang-stalking and/or electronic
weapons. I'd say that many if not most mass killers in recent times who had
no apparent motive other than "mental illness" were actually victims of
ritual abuse programming.

James Holmes studied neurobiology at university in an attempt to figure out

what was wrong with him, and was seeing a psychiatrist for the same reason
in the lead up to his attack. Myself and the other mind-control victim I
knew personally, Josh Borrowdale, were the same way. We were always
to figure out what was wrong with us and now I know the truth: ritual abuse
programming. James Holmes also boobytrapped his apartment with
and threw smoke bombs during the attack. Developing knowledge and skill
with homemade explosives is a key symptom of ritual abuse programming,
myself and Josh Borrowdale were just like this. Futhermore, he was the right
age to be one of those kids ritually abused in the 80s and 90s.

The FBI said that Adam Lanza researched mass killers extensively on his
computer. I was the exact same way, when I was a teenager I think I must
have researched every serial killer or mass murderer in modern history. The
other ritual abuse victims I knew personally, Tori Barr and Josh
Borrowdale, were the same way. Obsession with serial killers and mass
murderers is a key symptom of ritual abuse programming. And like I said,
Holmes and Lanza just fit the profile of a mind-control crime. I recognise
the mental profile in other people because I've been through it myself.

People commented about James Holmes: nobody knew him, just like me. I
think social isolation is a symptom of a mind-control slave.

Holmes went to psychologists in the weeks before the shooting and studied
neurobiology in an attempt to figure out what was wrong with him.
Borrowdale and I were very much the same, something was deeply wrong
with us but we couldn't figure out what. When I learned that I had
MKUltra/Monarch style mind-control "assassin" programming my whole life
begun to make sense.

I'm sure the Satanic hypnotists were laughing their asses of at how they made
Holmes dress up as The Joker during the massacre. Holmes and Lanza just fit
the profile of an mind-control assassin in that they remind me a lot of how I

Interestingly, Roger Dean the mass murderer who killed 11 people by

lighting fires at a nursing home in Quaker's Hill said he felt a "feeling of evil"
as he committed the crime. The official story was that he lit the fire to cover
up the theft of drugs as if his motive was purely logical and secular. Sounds
like a load of crap to me, why would anyone think it would be easier to get
away with burning down a building full of immobilised people and think
you'd get less punishment than you'd get for stealing a few Endone tablets?
Roger Dean claimed that "Satan made me do it" and described how he begun
reading the Bible because he felt like he was "under spiritual attack". Mind-
control? I don't know if the cult was involved in this incident, but it's
something to look into.

I have read sources that say the cult has women called breeders who hide
pregnancies due to obesity and the baby is born without a birth certificate and
sacrificed in rituals, used to make snuff film etc. I wouldn't put it past them.
Then supposedly the bodies are cremated by cult morticians. I haven't seen
anything like this for myself but it certainly sounds very plausible to me.

I'm sure there's many more obscure killings linked to ritual abuse
programming that I haven't heard of.

I think the mind-control victims they have commit mass murders are the ones
who developed skill with weapons (like me), but were never integrated into
the cult heirarchy (like me). Cult members commit murders too but they do it
within the heirarchy of the cult, so the cult protects them and covers it up.

Cult members are programmed to kill, they are intensely obsessed with it and
that's why they've developed so many ways to do it. I know what the mind-
control feels like because I went through it. Even if they do a sloppy job of
making a murder look like an accident/suicide, they can probably just have a
cult coronor take control of the case and write off the murder as natural
causes or suicide. Mind-control makes you intensely obsessed with death,
gore and killing so naturally many Satanists become morticians and coroners.
The girl I had a relationship with in high school (Tori) wanted to do Year 10
work experience as a mortician.

I would fantasise about school shootings, being a serial killer, mass murders,
I would compulsively carry out hundreds of virtual mass murders in games
like GTA, Postal 2, Soldier of Fortune, Carmageddon and Manhunt. I was
obsessed with finding "murder simulator" games, movies about mass
murders. The other ritual abuse victims I knew personally (Tori Barr and Josh
Borrowdale) were also interested in killers to a similar degree. I was
completely obsessed with school shootings, I would look for games like those
"Columbine simulator" Half-Life mods. I would even install mods/addon
packs for these games that created extra obscene levels of gore, and it was the
most satisfying thing in the world. I always laughed at those old Christian
activists who spoke out against video game violence, but they were right, it
sort of fuelled my mind-control assassin programming. On the other hand, it
gave a relief/escape feeling so maybe you wouldn't have to kill anyone in
real-life. I'm sure many of these "lone nuts" were actually cult mind-
controlled assassins like they tried to make me become. The most suspicous
ones I have come across are James Holmes and Adam Lanza, they fit the
profile of mind-control and they remind me of how I was, and of course the
confirmed cases of Jimmy Gargasoulas, Esteban Santiago, Myron May and
Aarron Alexis who were gang-stalked, spied on by hackers and driven to
mass murder with electronic weapons.

I'd say many if not most of the "lone nuts" who went on mass murder sprees
without apparent motive other than "mental illness" were victims of gang-
stalking and/or ritual abuse programming. Criminals are made, not born.

First they ritually abuse the victim as a toddler to make them obsessed with
death and weaponry. Then as the mind-control victim matures, they trigger
him to have a mental breakdown with gang-stalking and microwave weapons.
The psychological effect of gang-stalking can be so extreme that it incites the
victim to commit mass murder like in the case of Jimmy Gargasoulas,
Esteban Santiago, Myron May and Aaron Alexis. All explicited stated that
they were being gang-stalked, targeted by sophisticated hackers and
harrassed with electronic weapons etc. before going on mass murder sprees.
Myron May even wrote a calm and articulate letter explaining that his actions
were to get the word out about gang-stalking, and the police, FBI and media
won't even touch it, or if they do they call it "evidence of his mental
Complicit Cops

Here's the situation. Half the police are ignorant and in disbelief about these
crimes... the other half are in on the conspiracy, whether due to being
compromised with sexual blackmail or other reasons.

Two detectives--a man and a woman--who visited me at 9 Wylde Pl,

Macquarie ACT to investigate the importation of chemistry equipment (I
think in 2010), could tell I was victim of exploition and they treated me very
sensitively. They told Tori they thought I might have "ties to Iran" but it's
MUCH worse than that.

In my first book I described the nurse who the cult victim called Marissa told
me was undercover AFP when I was in hospital in 2012. Now I know why
the "nurse" who was an undercover AFP officer asked me if I ever had
"anxiety" and "thoughts like this" (and he made a "racing thoughts" motion
with his hand held to his head). He was trying to determine if I was being
hypnotised by the cult's electromagnetic weapons. When they hypnotise you,
that's exactly what it feels like. You get anxiety and your thoughts start racing
in a distinct, trance-like manner. Yes, it seems there are a small number,
probably a highly specialised and secretive unit, of cops who are aware of
these crimes.

My barrister said in my drug lab case that the police thought I was being kept
in a "dungeon" or "punishment room" which is actually just my parents'
homemade basement for storing things. No, I wasn't ever locked in a dungeon
(though I have no idea what happens when they make me sleepwalk!), but I
was in a mental prison created with mind-control. I couldn't even perceive the
walls of the prison, this whole life felt completely normal! I remember when
we were in high school Tori was talking about a BSDM "sex party" going on
at her house as if that sort of thing was completely normal too.

Former head of the FBI in Los Angeles, Ted Gunderson, tried to expose this
exact conspiracy. View his speeches on YouTube and look up further written
information about what he knew (he's desceased now).
Ted Gunderson spoke out against this conspiracy and claimed that 4000
children were being murdered in NYC alone by a Satanists. I've heard from
other sources that the figure is 50,000 kids in the whole USA. Gunderson also
reported being harassed with microwave weapons, just like me. This is why
the working title of my first book ADS was originally "Oz Holocaust".

Gunderson reported being harassed with microwave weapons towards the end
of his life, just like what happened to me!

Every investigation into ritual abuse that I have seen, the case fell apart due
to "incompetent" police "bungling" the investigation... AKA. cult cops
deliberately sabotaging and subverting the investigation!

People are completely baffled at why police would be involved with the cult.
Well, you don't join the cult. You get born into a cult family or attend a
Satanist-run preschool, then you get subjected to mind-control at very young
age (to make you sadistic and obsessed with death) and it's seemingly
impossible to escape the cult (though I'm proving otherwise). They blackmail
you for all the heinous things you do under the influence of ritual abuse

A few months after the lab was found I walked past the golf course and I saw
who I think might be the group of golfers who I was screaming at for help on
the day the lab was found. (I think 21st Oct 2012). They motioned their hands
at me and called out to me in a concerned tone. Maybe they witnessed the
cult cops trying to kidnap me that day?

I'm pretty sure the three USB drives stolen by cult cops had photos of the
Sten gun and videos of me setting off explosives from when I was 17,
including the one where I almost got blown up. If these 3 USB (white+blue
trim and two black/grey ones) drives never showed up, then that shows that
police covered up evidence. Also, nobody starts their criminal career off by
kidnapping people. They build up to serious crimes with a series of less-
serious crimes throughout their lives. That's how it was for me anyway.
Why do you think sadistic pedophiles Jimmy Savile and Marc Dutroux were
being protected by police and powerful people? After Savile's crimes were
revealed, his house was spray-painted with Illuminati symbols (the eye and
pyramid) by vandals. There's many others out there who have woken up to
the same truth I have. The world is run by Satanic pedophiles!
The Cover Up

In 2015 before I published ADS, the Wikipedia page about the "New World
Order" conspiracy theories had a section about Satanism. The section on the
Wikipedia article described a theory that a Satanic conspiracy was plotting to
bring about an end times scenario. In 2016 when I checked the NWO
Wikipedia article, the Satanism section had vanished even though all the
other sections about all the bullshit theories are still there. Yes, I notice these
things. I described several other instances of disinformation being spread on
Wikipedia in my previous book ADS. For example, the cult is putting strong
language like "no evidence" or "debunked/discredited" or "false memories"
on all the articles about ritual abuse (despite neutrality being a key principle
of Wikipedia), then locking the articles and blacklisting all the websites that
contain information written by therapists/psychologists who have treated
victims of these crimes for decades, such as Dr. Lacter (who points out all
this herself on The cult propagandists know that most
people who casually hear of ritual abuse will look it up on Wikipedia but not
do any further research.

Look up the history of the False Memory Syndrome, the mysterious deaths
surrounding the Franklin scandal and the cover up of the tunnels under
McMartin. These are some examples of the cult's enormous capacity to cover
things up. It boggles the mind.

Look up and watch the documentary Conspiracy of Silence, all but one pre-
production copy were bought up and destroyed before airing by unknown
persons. Fortunately, thanks to the single copy that was spared, the
documentary is now available on YouTube.

Nationwide Amber alerts when a kid goes missing etc. those only apply to
outsiders' children, not cult children let alone the kids the cult probably
breeds without birth certificates. It gives the public the illusion that
authorities have everything under control when in reality the authorities are
complicit in these crimes right to the top.
In my reseach into all this I came across the following three cases:
- A ritual abuse therapist was successfully sued for $10 million by the cult for
"implanting false memories", where "False Memory Syndrome" is a fake
condition pushed by pedophiles to cover up these crimes.
- A occult group (who practiced Thelema) that successfully sued anti-child
abuse activists for religious vilification. The activists accused the cult of
ritual abuse, including holding beach parties with naked kids as
- The woman named Alisha who served 4.5 years prison for perjury in
Franklin scandal, even though everyone knew she was telling the truth.

This is the sort of outcome that is facing anybody who goes up against the
cult. All the people going up against the cult are being taken out because the
good people in this world haven't started organising against them.

All the organisations that get close to the truth, or try to help victims, get
infiltrated by cult members and their efforts are sabotaged from the inside.
Every case I studied this is what happened. This sort of thing makes me
wonder why the royal commission into child abuse only targets
unsophisticated Christian perpetrators (pedophile priests) when by far the
biggest problem is organised Satanists. There's a lot of speculation online that
in the US the Centre for Missing and Exploited Children is controlled by the
cult. It's the perfect cover up, they are the ones who investigate their own
Final Words

Cult members hold all sorts of occupations, they can be anyone. They can be
your neighbours or colleagues.

You would think a perpetrator of these crimes would be a twisted monster

hiding in dark alleys, but they can seem perfectly normal and even nice and
friendly. You would also think a witness to all this would be permanently
stuck in a padded hospital room screaming 24/7 (and that's how they can be
initially), but you'd be surprised how calm, collected and nonchalant victims
and witnesses can be when they recount what happened, myself included.

I've read that ritually abused people are able to cope with it all due to how
their memory works as a result of dissocation. I don't know if my memory
works different because I don't know what it's like to be anyone but me. My
psychiatric case manager who I tried to tell about the cult said, "No, if it was
true you wouldn't be so calm." Well, on the 21st Oct 2012 I called the police,
ambulance and fire brigade on my own meth lab and was running around in
public screaming with a knife and my face all white. How's that for calm!
Eventually you do get accustomed to living with the knowledge that the cult
is real. To me it feels perfectly ordinary to worry about something like getting
kidnapped by Satanic human traffickers when I visit my family in Eden for

Cult members can be anyone. They can be friendly, attractive and female. Be
very careful who you trust and keep in mind that infiltration is their M.O.

People wonder why criminals would put so much time, money, effort and
organisation into something like gang-stalking. My explanation is that like it
was back in the day, you had to be wealthy in order to own slaves. The cult
has a lot of disposable income, they view owning mind-control slaves as a

People would tell me I could do anything because of my intellect. No, I

couldn't! I remember sitting in university lectures ignoring the lesson and
compulsively drawing Sten guns all over my lecture notes. The mind-control
made weapons the most interesting thing in the world to me. The mind-
control is very difficult to overcome.

I'm happy with how my life turned out though, because all those cushy
lifestyles and white-collar jobs won't be relevant anymore if/when full blown
civil war breaks out over all this.

The cult member I met in hospital in 2012 (Michael) who asked if I could
build him a pistol said to me, "Yeah, you're still good. I can tell." That's the
thing, the mind-control worked on me. It successfully made me evil, violent
and sadistic when I was a teenager. Then by my early 20s I was just bad like
a garden variety criminal, and now I hope to be mostly good. If the cult had
gotten to me when I was a teenager, they would have pulled me in,
socialising and indoctrinating me into the cult and having me commit crimes
with them, possibly leading up to murder or worse. I've been a loner my
whole life and that's what saved me from being integrated into the cult. I
avoided everyone, including cult members. My social difficulties I always
saw as the bane of my existence, but it saved my life. However, because of
these difficulties I have no idea how to influence people to get the word out
even though what I know and have to say is EXTREMELY important and I'm
the only one who realises it yet.
Why No One Talks

The Wood royal commission investigated Satanic cults (I think in relation to

police corruption) and the report concluded something to the effect of "If
Satanic cults exist then they are not like other criminal conspiracies in that no
one ever turns informant." I will tell you some reasons nobody ever talks:
-Compromised (often sexual blackmail, or with crimes they
committed under mind-control).
-Mind-controlled and unaware or amnesic.
-Brainwashed with cult ideology/indoctrination, this sort of life seems
normal and ordinary to them, they're probably fed all sorts of lies etc.
-Loyal to cult, often after being made evil with ritual abuse
programming and then they're too far in to turn back.
-Too fearful to speak
-Cult arranges family/partner/close friends so you have to
defy/abandon all those relationships to escape.
-They just have the personality that makes them accept the life of a
slave, learned helplessness etc.

There's probably all sorts of combinations of reasons, these are just some off
the top of my head.

One reason I can talk is because I was never integrated into the cult because
all my life I avoided people including other cult members.

Another reason I'm one of the first insiders to talk is because they failed to
compromise me with blackmail. I'm glad the drug lab was found and time
served because now I can speak the truth without incriminating myself for
anything too bad. There needs to be put into law provisions such as immunity
for mind-control victims, otherwise nobody will talk. Victims are
perpetrators, perpetrators are victims in many cases. Not always clear cut.

I'm very lucky in that I didn't do anything too heinous despite my "Fourth
Reich" mind-control programming. Cooking meth is like a kid stealing candy
compared to what some cult members do. Most of them are blackmailed so
severely (often for murder or raping a kid) that they belong to the cult.

I've heard that the cult tells its members that the general population
(outsiders) will never accept them because they will judge them for what they
did under mind-control. They get blackmailed so they can't escape and the
only way to rise up the ranks is to do more evil. This is another reason why
it's hard to escape the cult, people need to understand mind-control as it
relates to morality. There's different people involved with the cult: the
unaware and relatively innocent mind-control victims (like me and
Borrowdale), the ones being blackmailed, terrorised etc. into compliance and
the real perpetrators--the ones fully aware of what is going on who willing
perpetrate it. Some of them might be mixtures of two or more. When it comes
to mind-control even if you've killed someone it's not necessarily your fault.
People need to wrap their heads around this. Victims are perpetrators and
perpetrators are victims to various extents.

A ritual abuse therapy website wrote "Girls in cult are used for sex but it is
unknown what happens to the boys because none of them ever have come
forward." I will tell you what happens to the boys, they are groomed and
mind-controlled to become the next generation of perpetrators, they are
programmed to kill and many of them do. The female sex slaves are the only
ones who come forward because they are the only ones outsiders would view
as completely innocent victims. In general vulnerable/dysfunctional girls
(most commonly become prostitutes) are seen as victims but
vulnerable/dysfunctional boys (most commonly become drug dealers) are
seen as perpetrators, it's a confusing double standard to me.

Ritual abuse is mind-control designed to make you sadistic, murderous and

extremely criminal. I guess by the time they figure out what's going on they
are in too deep and trapped by blackmail, they can't escape the cult.

They compromise you with the crimes you commit under mind-control. In
2012 they warned me with their dream manipulation weapon "We know you
make bombs/build guns/cook meth" (see my first book ADS). I think the idea
was "We know all the bad things you've done, you're one of us". Even street
gangs do this (albeit, less sophisticated), they have new recruits, often
teenagers or even kids, commit serious crimes then they never talk because
everyone's got dirt on each other. Except with the cult, mind-control
programming done at very young age is what motivates young people who
would otherwise be perfectly normal and good, to become involved in all

On top of blackmail, terror is another reason no one talks. They gang-stalked

me and harassed me with electronic weapons for months as a direct response
to me investigating Satanic ritual abuse on my computer to learn the truth
about my life.

A correction I want to make to my first book ADS: I theorised that a sledge

hammer was used to vandalise my father's car in retaliation for the drug lab
being found, but I want to make a correction. I think they used a golf club.
This came to me in a dream, believe it or not, and now I remember that my
father now has a broken in half golf club in his shed, which I guess the
vandals might have left behind. Yes, it really is easier for me to figure things
out this way than to actually ask him about it. Someone also smashed up our
old couch into a dozen pieces after the lab was found.

You can't go to the police either because half of them won't believe such
crimes could exist and the other half are in on the conspiracy.

People wonder why police would be involved when in fact police is one of
the most common occupations cult members are found in. The cult mind-
control makes you geared towards power, violence and weaponary so
obviously police would be an appealing occupation for them, much more so
than an empathetic occupation, say a therapist. Also, the cult deliberately
infiltrates the police to spread their influence and further consolidate their

Another reason nobody talks is because they think no one will believe them
and will think they are mentally ill.

People have told me that no one would sympathise or believe me due to my

criminal, drug and psychiatric history. Well, my criminal history can be
explained by the fact that I got friggin' MKUltra'd, and psychiatrists, well
they can kiss my ass. The mental health system is completely uninformed
about these crimes. As for my drug history, well hopeflly one day the
discrimination towards people who use drugs other than alcohol will finally

The public has to know about all this. I trust the public more than any
authority or organisation, because all those are infiltrated.
Sexual Blackmail

As I detailed in my first book ADS, in 2010 they tried to frame me as a

pedophile by having a man approach me in public and trick me into calling
a young pedophile victim's phone number from my mobile. Maybe they
figured they'd have a hard time framing a kissless virgin as a sex offender
because the next thing they tried to do is have my brother's girlfriend Joyce
repeatedly try to lure me into sex in a hotel room in an obvious blackmail plot
to get in on my meth lab. When I was running the drug lab (and immediately
after it was found) Joyce (or someone on her Facebook account) sent me a
large number of messages, completely out of the blue and unsolicited, trying
to lure me into sex. She wrote things like "How long since you last had a
woman? Aren't you lonely Andrew, don't you get lonely?" which means
they've been WATCHING ME in order to know how socially isolated I was,
and they tried to exploit it. Usually I wouldn't reply, or the couple times I
replied I just tried to briefly cut her off with terse responses, but she'd keep
sending me the messages... like, perhaps a dozen messages. Completely out
of the blue, I had only ever seen her around a couple times with my brother
and maybe nodded hi to her at the most. Sexual blackmail is one of the cult's
primary control tactics, they use it on many if not most of their
Why Don't Victims Seem Credible

There are psychological and other reasons why witnesses and victims don't
seem credible, especially at first. The cult are experts at discrediting people,
making people look crazy, even making people GO crazy.

Firstly, the conspiracy is so diabolical that you go mad the first time you see
it first hand. The first time you get gang-stalked you'll be very lucky if you
don't end up in a mental instituition or even shot by police. It becomes less
effective as you grow accustomed to it, though.

Gang-stalking puts you in a distinct paranoid mental state. They stalk you in
these creative ways that will make you look mentally illl if you report it, with
the goal of isolating you from all forms of support or even having you
committed/arrested/shot by police when they provoke and agitate you enough
to do something frantic and irrational in public.

Psychiatrists are completely uninformed about these crimes and they aren't
trained to recognise the distinct mental state of a gang-stalking or ritual abuse
victim. Presently, health professionals would mistake victims for paranoid
schizophrenics. Further revictimisation (being drugged and locked up as a
schizophrenic) by disbelieving and ignorant authorities is the situation faced
by gang-stalking and ritual abuse victims today.

I am probably one of the first (first of the good guys anyway) to try and
describe the psychological effects of witnessing a diabolical conspiracy.
Based on first-hand experience no less, as well as observing other victims.

The gang-stalking victim who appeared on Dr. Phil is a prime exhibit of the
mental state gang-stalking victims go into due to the abuse. To see the exibit,
watch that Dr. Phil episode on YouTube.

When you are gang-stalked you become sensitised to everyday events, and
that is the stalkers' intent. The victim on the Dr. Phil show complained that
cars cutting him off in traffic were stalkers. The gang-stalkers probably
created one or two real stalking events with cars, and after that initial
sensitisation, the victim freaks out whenever they see a car cut them off in
traffic and thinks it's the stalkers, due to stalking-induced paranoia. The goal
is to initially sensitise the victim to everyday events, so they go into a
paranoid state where they start mistaking actual everyday events for further
stalking incidents.

The organised stalkers also create stalking events to look like every day
events so that the victim will look mentally ill if they report them. One goal
of gang-stalking is to get the victim committed as a schizophrenic.

This trauma-induced paranoid mental state also happens in ritual abuse

victims. For example, I read the story of a ritual abuse victim who, with her
therapist, sent hamburger patties from the family freezer to a laboratory
because she thought they contained human flesh. Of course the perps mocked
her and used it as "evidence" she was schizophrenic, but the victim was
experiencing the abuse-induced paranoia I am talking about.

You go into this distinct trauma-induced paranoia where you start thinking
"everything" is part of the conspiracy, and it takes years to recover from the
inital shock.

At one point I became so sensitised by the noise harassment that everytime I

heard a dog bark, I thought the perps had specially trained dogs to help stalk
me. That's the distinct paranoid mental state gang-stalking is designed to
place you in. All it takes is a few real gang-stalking incidents and it puts you
on edge where you start thinking "everything" and everyday events are
further stalking incidents. It's a very distinct mental state to me, I can tell it
apart from schizophrenia, I can recognise it because I went through it myself.
The goal of gang-stalking is to put you in this mental state and make you so
intensely stressed, agitated, paranoid and irrational that you do something
illegal, rash and stupid and end up getting committed/arrested/shot by police

That's how I know the Tromp family witnessed this conspiracy. I recognised
their mental state because I went through the same thing. I took off without
warning, disappeared for a month and was found by police a month later
sleeping in my car next to a loaded shotgun... very similar to how the Tromp
family ran away without warning and left everything behind, one of them
stole a car, was found catatonic etc.

Oh, I should mention: the Tromps were a family making first page headlines
in Australia when they mysteriously went insane and went on the run. If
you're not Australian, you might have never heard of them.

Here's another prime exibit of a gang-stalking victim. There is a notorious

series of videos on YouTube of a gang-stalking victim.
In the videos the woman is confronting postal workers and screaming "Stop
stalking me!" Of course the postal workers in the video are saying "You're
crazy, lady!" and of course the comment section is filled with comments
like "What a nutcase!" But this woman was in the distinct paranoid mental
state I am describing. The perps probably stalked her once or twice with
postal trucks and due to the abuse, she went into that distinct paranoid
mental state where she freaked out everytime she saw a postal truck. The
aim of gang-stalking is to sensitise you to every day things (like postal
trucks, in this case) and to make you go crazy and get falsely labelled as
a paranoid schizophrenic. The gang-stalkers sensitise you with one or two
real stalking events, then you go into that distinct paranoid state where
you start mistaking every day events and coincidences as further stalking

Psychiatrists would mistake this stalking-induced paranoia for

delusion/psychosis (i.e. paranoid schizophrenia) because they are
completely uninformed about these crimes and they aren't trained to
recognise it.

It's hard to explain but I see the identical mental state in other victims of
ritual abuse and gang-stalking, and I'm very familiar with it because I went
through it myself. It's pretty consistent. I recognise it when I see it.

The cult only has to create a few of these staged "everyday event" stalking
incidents, and you go into this paranoid state where you think "everything"
and everyday events are further cult incidents. That's the intent of the abuse,
to make you go into this state of insanity that will be mistaken for mental
illness if you try to tell anyone. This form of psychological abuse is called
gaslighting. When you see them do "impossible" things, you start viewing
them as all-powerful and capable of anything, and this phenomenon I think is
sort of related to that described as complex PSTD (C-PSTD, the kind of thing
seen in concentration camp victims) though the effects of gang-stalking are
distinct and different to anything currently described by mainstream
researchers, who are regulary writing off victims as paranoid schizophrenics
(whether as part of the cover up or out of ignorance about these crimes). I've
been through it so I recognise the mental state when I see it in other victims, I
can easily tell it apart from what they call schizophrenia.

The most common reason people don't believe the testimony of gang-stalking
victims is because they ask, "But you're just an ordinary, everyday, non-
remarkable person. Why would anyone spend so much time and effort
stalking you like that?" I will tell you why. The perpetrator group selects
random, innocent victims or victims based on superfical qualities (e.g. target
is a Christian) to hone their techniques and for sadistic entertainment. It's a
sport to them. Gang-stalking is a weapon and they have target practice on
random, innocent people before using it on "real", valuable targets.

I am not just another "ordinary, everyday" victim, I am an escaped/non-

compliant former mind-control slave with sophisticated knowledge and
ability to manufacture firearms/drugs/explosives, skills I developed under
mind-control. That's why they're so interested in me. Not to brag, but I was
probably one of their most, if not most, talented mind-control slaves.

When I published an early version of my first book in 2013, someone

commented "Sounds like bullshit. If it was real you wouldn't be so
sensationalist." Wrong, when you first see it the psychology is you become
very dramatic and sensationalist and jump to extreme conclusions. Like I
said, you become very dramatic and think "everything" is part of the
I've seen the cult do things which are so seemingly impossible at first, it's
absolutely horrifying. Your mind desperately tries to put the pieces together
to form the puzzle because it a complete overturn of the way you saw the
world previously, and you have to build a new model of world that explains
the extraordinary and seemingly impossible things you just witnessed.

You go into this distinct form of temporary insanity when you first witness
the conspiracy first hand, that's why victims and witnesses don't seem
credible especially at first. Simply put, the conspiracy is so diabolical you go
insane when you see it.

That's what happens when you see the conspiracy, you become a suspicious
person for the rest of your life (and understandably so!)

When you first see this conspiracy first hand you will be lucky if you don't
end up in a mental hospital, or even shot by police if you lose the plot badly
enough. But the only way to effectively fight back is to remain calm, rational,
emotionless, analyze the situation critically and share knowledge about it.
That's been my experience, and what helped me is healing with the passage
of time (might take years) as well as developing an understanding of what
was going on. Social support probably would help most people, but I have a
highly independent personality so that's not what I did.

People who have read my writing call me "very creative". No, I wouldn't say
that I'm particularly creative. I couldn't make up something like this in a
million years, all I did is tell the true story of my life. The truth is stranger
than fiction.

The owner of an informational website about gang-stalking once told me that

no one would sympathise or believe me because of my criminal, psychiatric
and drug history. Well, I hope that one day the discrimination towards people
who use drugs other than alcohol will finally end. As for my past, well people
change and my criminal history can also be explained by the fact that I got
friggin' MKUltra'd! Yeah, I got falsely diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic
due to the widespread ignorance surrounding these crimes... so what! It's
testimony to the imcompetence of psychiatrists more than anything.
Yes, I have criminal convictions and that's a GOOD thing. The ones you
should worry about are those with too much money and influence to ever get

After everything I've been through, people think I'm nothing more than a
delusional schizophrenic druggie and I have zero social influence. The cult
has me where they want me. I know everyone thinks I'm nuts, but I have faith
that truth will prevail. I like to think the fact that truth prevails is a natural
law of the universe.

The disbelief surrounding ritual abuse (and gang-stalking) is the

equivalent of the Germans who refused to believe the Holocaust was real
even as all their Jewish neighbours started to go missing. That's how one
psychologist treating ritual abuse put it.

"It is time to come to grips with this reality. Twenty years ago if you talked
paedophiles, you would have been locked up. Fifteen years ago it was the
with incest. Today this is the case with ritual abuse. The children go on
--Ex-Federal Police Sergeant David Poulton (Preston, 1990)

As the AFP officer put it, 20 years ago you would

be locked up for mentioning pedophile priests just like how today you get
up for mentioning ritual abuse. I have spent around twenty (20) weeks
imprisoned in mental institutions and years being forcibily drugged by
psychiatrists for the crime of daring to speak up about my abuse. I ought
to sue for millions! Victims and witnesses of ritual abuse and
gang-stalking are being regularly and systematically covered up,
discredited and silenced as paranoid schizophrenics.

What goes on here is so bizzare, so extraordinarily far removed from the

bubble that "normal" people (outsiders, sheep, muggles) believe to be reality
that none of them will ever believe it even when it is calmly described to
them in articulate detail as I have done. And the cult knows it! It's their first
line of defense against exposure.

Remember, I only have to be right about ONE THING and it proves the
perpetrator group exists to some extent. And I know I'm right about a hell of
a lot more than just one thing!
What to Call Them

I will briefly speak about what name we should call them. I call them "the
cult" (obviously). I try to avoid the term Illuminati because it's so heavily
associated with pop-culture nonsense. On the other hand, when you say
Illuminati people already get the general idea what you mean and Svali
herself uses the term.

I use the word "cult" for lack of a better term. They aren't really a cult nor are
they exclusively a pedophile ring. They're many things, they go beyond a
traditional criminal organisation. I have reason to believe they call
themselves "The Organisation" or "The Org" for short. They're a devil
worshipping organisation.
Update on Tom Buckland

Tom Buckland's death was a spiritual phenomenon called synchronicity. I

will explain it in detail in another book dedicated to my spiritual teachings, as
I want to keep this book secular. The cult did not murder Tom, I was
mistaken. The truth is even more bizzare.
Politics and Pizza

Usually I would stay out of politics but the 2016 US election was such a clear
cut fight between good and evil, I just had to mention it. If you thought
Trump was the bad guy, you've been brainwashed by the corrupt media. A
revolution went down on the Internet (which is why Trump won) and the
media wouldn't even touch it. I was watching the 2016 US election closely.

Hillary's campaign was lies after lies, criminal scandals after criminal
scandals, censorship, propaganda, manipulation, underhanded tactics... media
completely silent, yet when it was revealed that Trump said the word "pussy"
11 years ago the media had a field day!

I feel a bit bad that I might push away some readers by mentioning something
as sensitive as politics, but I felt I had to express myself.

In the lead up to the election, revelations known as #PizzaGate and

#SpiritCooking blew up on social media. These revelations are very relevant
to the conspiracy I am describing in my books.

Basically, PizzaGate refers to alledged pedophile rings in DC, and elites

including Obama and chairman of Hillary's campaign, John Podesta, are
implicated. Parallel to the Pizzagate revelations, secondary revelations came
to be known as Spirit Cooking which involved gruesome occult-themed "art"
by a woman named Marina Abramovic, with links to Hillary's campaign.

Look up PizzaGate and Spirit Cooking yourself. I won't parrot all the
information out there, do your own research.

All the evidence is circumstantial but most people who dig into it become
convinced. This is not just another crackpot "conspiracy theory".

The PizzaGate revelations revolve around both content in leaked DNC emails
released by Wikileaks and two pizza parlours in DC.
Firstly, I will briefly touch on the suspicious emails released by Wikileaks.
- Obama wrote in one email that he spent $65000 on "hotdogs", and
requested "hotdogs" which had the "same waitresses" and were being "flown
in from Chicago". What could "hotdogs" be code for?
- In another email Hillary wrote she was ordering a "hotdog with no bun".
The sleuths on Reddit suspected this was code for circumsised boy.
- In a leaked email Podesta said he was ordering pizza for an hour. How can
you order an hour's worth of pizza? What was that code for?
- Other coded DNC emails include "Napkin with pizza related map on it."
and "Play dominoes on pizza or pasta." Online sleuths guessed this was code
for dominate ("dominoes") a boy ("pizza") or a girl ("pasta").

There's plenty more suspicious email content and coded messages which
were uncovered by online sleuths, these were just a few examples. Do your
own reseach.

People accused Wikileaks of bias for only releasing Clinton emails and
Wikileaks had to come forward to say that's because they HAD no dirt on

Then there's the mysterious case of Seth Rich. DNC staffer Seth Rich is
widely suspected to have leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks. He was murdered
in what was offically ruled a "random robbery" even though his wallet,
phone, cash etc. hadn't been taken! Wikileaks offered a large reward for
information leading to the killers and Assange may have even hinted that
Rich was the leaker, though they will never confirm it due their policy of
never identifying whistleblowers even if they're dead.

Now, I will briefly mention the suspicious DC pizza parlours.

The Besta Pizza shop in DC had a triangle symbol similar to an @ in its logo,
a symbol listed by the FBI as being used by pedophiles. When the sleuths on
Reddit got onto the case, the pizza shop quietly removed the pedophile
reference from their logo.
And then there's the Comet Ping Pong pizza shop, whose owner James
Alefantis posted disturbing pictures on Instagram including: a young girl with
tape around wrists in a mock restraint. And a German baby next to a price
tag, and the pizza shop owner joked he would never pay that much for a

Finally, Alefantis posted a photo of Obama playing ping pong with a kid.
Hmm. Obama plays ping pong with kids.

Reddit sleuths discovered that in 2004 someone on

defined the slang term "ping pong" as meaning: "a cuttiphile who likes to hurt
kids." It's since been removed.

The pizza shop owner also owns a statue that is positioned in the same
posture as one of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer's victims was found in that
notorious crime scene photo. There were many other creepy things about
these pizza parlours, do your own research!

Also, Hillary posted "Guity as charged (pizza emoji)" in response to an

article that wrote her campaign was fuelled by pizza (as in DNC staffers
would often order the food pizza) but perhaps it had a cryptic second

People often ask, if the cult was real why would they leave cryptic clues
everywhere instead of trying to remain hidden? I know why they do it
because sometimes I do the same thing, but I'm not sure how to explain it. It's
like you're "in the know" and you sort of can't help showing off to others who
are also "in the know". It's exactly as Svali described, their biggest weakness
is their arrogance. They're arrogant because they think they're getting away
with the perfect crime, so they can't help but rub it in our faces and think we
(the stupid sheep) will never figure it out. The world is run by Satanic

All this is just a small fraction of all the evidence, all off the top of my head.
Do your own research! Most people who look into it become 100%
The Wikipedia page about PizzaGate is all disinformation aimed at
discrediting it. The propaganda Pizzagate Wikipedia page is locked from
further editing. How convenient. This is just like how all the Wikipedia pages
about ritual abuse and gang-stalking are disinformation written by the perps
with the goal of discrediting and covering up these crimes.

The cult propagandists know that most people who casually hear about
PizzaGate or ritual abuse will look it up on Wikipedia but not bother to do
further research, so Wikipedia is what they infiltrate (they become high level
editors) to spread disinformation. The Wikipedia pages about all this are pure

The PizzaGate Wikipedia article even tries to link investigators to white

supremacist movements. The cult propagandists know that crying "Nazi" is
an effective way to instill strong resentment in large numbers of people. The
Wikipedia pages about ritual abuse and gang-stalking are the same:
propaganda and disinformation aimed at covering up the mass rape, murder
and enslavement of children. The cult views outsiders as stupid sheep to be
manipulated. Don't be a sheep.

Look up Cathy O'Brien. Since 1984 she's been saying Hillary raped her
during a Satanic ritual. From what I've read on her, she was an Illuminati
mind-control slave like me and she explicitly states similar experiences to my
own (of course as a female she was programmed to be a sex slave, the boys
are programmed to become perps/killers). O'Brien has been saying this since
1984! This is unlike the women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct, who
only came out about it a few weeks before the election even though they
could have made these accusations any time over the last few decades. How

Look up the history of the Franklin Scandal, the pedophile ring that went all
the way to the White House. Also research the history of Jeffrey Epstein, all
relevant to this conspiracy. Dig deep and do your own research, there's
mountains of information out there about all this.
The PizzaGate investigation started on Reddit but was eventually banned.
After Reddit censored the investigation, the community moved to a similar
website called Voat.

On the PizzaGate community on Voat, a shill was posting things like "Don't
you think pedophilia is a Jewish conspiracy?" multiple times in an attempt to
smear the investigators as white supremacists. The shill even forgot to
remove the word "bot" from his default username, and people on
r/The_Donald took screenshots as proof. If Pizzagate is just another crackpot
"conspiracy theory", why is there this organised effort using bots to try and
discredit and smear the investigation?

One of the only journalists who dared to touch PizzaGate was Ben Swann. In
early Feb 2017, soon after his report on PizzaGate aired on US television (a
segment called Reality Check), Ben Swann deleted his Facebook with
500,000 followers, deleted his Twitter with 70,000 followers and deleted his
YouTube. Swann left a cryptic message where he spelled "Tuesday" as
"Tzuday", a reference to Sun Tzu who wrote the book The Art of War. He
knows! This is war!

Ben Swann on CBS talking about PizzaGate. If this link doesn't work, search
for "Ben Swann PizzaGate":

When I tried to open up an article on Ben Swann being scrubbed from the
Internet, that's when I saw a creepy "Winternet is coming" WiFi hotspot
appear and disappear near my home.

The secondary revelations that came out around the time the PizzaGate
revelations surfaced is called Spirit Cooking. Spirit Cooking involved a
woman named Marina Abramovic linked to Hillary's campaign who did "art"
involving writing things like "Taste the pain" using mixtures of semen, blood,
breastmilk. When it was revealed she tried to play it down as "art".
Admittedly, I don't know much about the cult's ideology but I know that
notorious occultist Aleister Crowley believed mixtures of bodily fluid had
magic powers.
She spoke of "earthquake nights". My guess is that this refers to the spiritual
concept that large amounts of negative energy causes natural disasters.

Other similar revelations involve a photo of John Podesta, chairman of

Hillary's campaign, displaying "14" and a drawing of a fish on his hands in a
photo. The sleuths on Reddit discovered that the 14 and the fish were occult
symbols that relate to ancient Egyptian mysticism.

There was of course a confirmed sex offender linked to Hillary's campaign:

Anthony Weiner, who was convicted and sentenced for sexting a 15-year-old
girl. The police found DNC emails on Anthony Weiner's computer which
were in a folder called "life insurance".

I find it interesting that the Democrats used a technqiue similar to gang-

stalking called "birddogging". Look at the first Project Vertias video on
Youtube. It contains an on-tape confession from Democrats Scott Foval and
Bob Creamer that they did things like pay people to stir up violence at Trump
rallies. They did things such as pay an old lady with oxygen tank to provoke
Trump supporters at rallies to attack her, then the idea awas the biased media
would report on it and paint Trump supporters as violent and unhinged.

Foval admitted on tape that "we've been doing things like this for 50 years"
and "we play dirty, they don't". Foval's official title was "community
organiser", whatever that means, just like how Obama's job title was also
community organiser before he became president.

I find it interesting that the gang-stalkers who harassed me did similar things,
such as when they hired a guy to move in next door and hit a hammer all day
long, every day, including weekends for months on end after I did something
to upset the cult. I'm sure the idea is to provoke the target until they snap and
do something stupid and illegal such as attack the person making the
hammering noises. Then of course, to everyone else it looks like the target
just went crazy and attacked an innocent workman doing work with a
hammer for no reason, and the target gets carted off to the mental hospital to
be tortured with antipsychotic injections. Gang-stalking is like birddogging
on steroids.

And what's with this completely fabricated lie that "Russians" influenced the
election? It's propaganda, pure and and simple. People say the media has a
leftist bias but they don't. It's not left vs. right, it's not Democrats vs.
Republicans. It's truth vs. lies. Good vs. evil. God vs. Satan.

Guccifer 2.0, a hacker who released thousands of Clinton/DNC documents to

Wikileaks has explicitly stated his motivation as being his opposition to the
Illuminati even though people keep trying to smear him as a "Russian".

Putin spoke out against the NWO and their pedophile agenda. Putin isn't the
enemy, the enemy is within.

Putin's speech:

When I say the media, celebrities etc. are instruments of this conspiracy I'm
not saying they're all Satanists. I'm sure many have good intentions, but the
cult are master manipulators. When I see these "social justice" people rioting
and screaming in the streets about how Trump is "Hitler" they remind me of
brainwashed cult victims. I've heard a lot about this George Soros character
and it's interesting.

I imagine the cult controls both the left and right of politics but Trump is...
Trump. He's an outsider. That's why they couldn't let him win at any cost.
He's a good man and isn't part of the Satanic elite. I have never seen the
media so ridiculously biased towards anybody.

What's with the mainstream media who started pushing this "fake news" term
just as the PizzaGate/SpiritCooking revelations started breaking? It's
propaganda, pure and simple. They accuse alternative media of "fake news"
when they themselves are guilty of it. I've never seen the media so biased
against any presidential candidate, the powers-that-be fear Trump because
he's a good man, has his own money and they can't control him. Same with
this completely fabricated lie that "Russian hackers" influenced the election,
US intelligence is lying through their teeth.
I get the feeling the mainstream media is promoting the term "fake news" as a
pre-emptive move so that when PizzaGate/ritual abuse reaches the
mainstream they can discredit it as an example of "fake news".

Literally the most dirt they could dig up on Trump was that he said the word
"pussy" 11 years ago. If that's the worst they can dig up on you in this crazy
world then you're doing well, I'd say!

When the media fuelled the "Pussygate" incident, they don't care about
women's rights. They know it's a means to promote strong emotion in large
numbers of people, and sway them away from Trump and towards a
candidate the cult controls with sexual blackmail.

That's how men talk with their friends. If that sort of thing shocks you, then
what will really shock you is what goes on behind the scenes (i.e. the pedo
cult). Many people live in this bubble where they think everything is fair and
equal and the worst of the world is what you see on the 6 o'clock news in
some distant foreign country that could "never happen here".

They couldn't let him win because Trump is an outsider, he's not part of the
establishment, and the establishment is systematically controlled by a
demonic conspiracy. Look up what Elijah Wood said about pedophiles in
Hollywood, just one example of many off the top of my head.

Hillary's team deleted and securely overwrote 33,000 emails and smashed 13
Blackberries with a hammer after receiving a supenoa. Just one of many
scandals the media barely touched. If you thought Trump was the bad guy
you've been brainwashed by the corrupt media!

An anonymous FBI agent known as "FBIAnon", who is a bit of a celebrity

now, gave a bit of information on /pol/ and that's what kicked off this

Of course the cult knows there will be widespread civil unrest when the truth
is revealed and they may deliberately use this as an excuse to confiscate the
guns and impose martial law (and of course they would say it's a matter of
public safety due to the current "mass delusional hysteria" etc.) I'm not saying
I know this for certain, I'm just giving an example of what they might do.
They are very cunning and manipulative like that. Police and military has
been infiltrated to the top.

Infiltration is their M.O., they infiltrate all our organisations and

subvert/influence from inside to further cult agenda in ways that allow for
plausible deniability if they are discovered. I've seen how they operate.

In the first half of 2016 I was becoming attracted back into a life of crime,
back into old habits, I was starting to move on from my ordeal. But then the
Tromp (not Trump) family incident occurred, followed by the
PizzaGate/SpiritCooking revelations, and now I'm back into the fight and on
the right path again.

The conspiracy I've been trying to desperately warn everyone about since
2012 is about to be exposed. It's going down. Unlike in the 1980s when ritual
abuse was almost exposed, this time around we have the instant access to
information provided by the Internet and the media can't push narratives on
us anymore (not on those of us who have woken up, anyway). #PizzaGate
and #SpiritCooking is the beginning of the end.

This is an information war and the Internet is our greatest weapon. Of course
they're trying to control it. If it wasn't for the net I would have never learned
the truth about my life and would still probably be a slave. If it wasn't for the
Internet the powers that be could push any narrative they want just like they
had done for years, and we'd never know.

r/The_Donald, v/PizzaGate and /pol/ is where the revolution is going down.

The hacker group Anonymous is also trying to expose Pizzagate.

On the PizzaGate forum on Voat there are people posting things like "don't
you think Satanism and pedophilia is part of a Jewish conspiracy" in a blatant
(and sloppy) attempt to smear investigators as Antisemitic and have the
corrupt media report on Pizzagate as a "far right white nationalist conspiracy
theory". The shill even forgot to remove the word "bot" from his default
username, and there are screenshots for proof. If PizzaGate and Spirit
Cooking are just another loony bullshit conspiracy theory, why is there is
concerted effort (look up CTR, Correct the Record, AKA. ShareBlue) to
discredit, disrupt, smear and censor the investigation? Discredit, disrupt,
smear, censor... very typical techniques used by the cult, I've seen how they

When they cover things up, people notice. It just makes people more
interested and determined to find out truth. (Striesand effect) You'd think
they would have realised this by now. I guess maybe they figure it works
great on the sheep.

The posts on Reddit about Pizzagate immediately receive thousands of

downvotes automated by bots in an attempt to hide their visibility (Reddit has
a system where too many downvotes and the post gets hidden). If Pizzagate
was just another crackpot "conspiracy theory", why is there this organised,
concerted effort to cover it up? Why wouldn't they just ignore it if it was
indeed just a bullshit theory? Eventually Reddit completely censored the
investigation and the community had to move to a similar website called
Voat. If it was "fake news" like the mainstream media calls it, it would run
out of steam due to its own lack of merit but instead it has snowballed into a
prominent resistance movement.

I posted what I knew about PizzaGate on Reddit, and my posts were

immediately deleted without explanation. I still have the URLs as proof.

Here are my posts which Reddit immediately deleted (censored):

If you want to be convinced, do your own research into PizzaGate. There's

mountains of information out there, I just briefly mentioned a few pieces of
the evidence off the top of my head. Dig deep!

I've only mentioned a few pieces of the evidence off the top of my head to get
you started. Do your own research. One place a summary of evidence can be
found is this section on Wikileaks' website (must see!):

It's happening, the conspiracy I've been trying to expose since 2012 is going
to be revealed soon. It's going down, Pizzagate and Spirit Cooking is the
beginning of the end.
Targeting of the Tromps

Here I will speak about the Tromp family, who made headlines (September
2016, I think) when they went on the run in bizzare circumstances.

Look up the archived news articles for the full story. The Tromp family went
on the run because they thought their phones were being tracked and thought
people were entering their home to do things like walk around in their shoes
and spread lint on the floor. I posted the Tromp news articles on a gang-
stalking support community called Peacepink, and the other posters agreed
with my theory that the Tromp family was being gang-stalked.

Gang-stalkers invade your home, car, other places you frequent to create a
constant lack of a place to feel safe. The Tromps went on their roadtrip
because the pervasive surveillance the cult uses makes you feel like you're
unsafe anywhere. They left their phones behind because they thought their
phones were being tracked. My phone was tracked as well.

One of the Tromp children said their parents went crazy due to "a build up of
stress caused by every day occurances". That's exactly what gang-stalking is
like! They were stalked with a few incidents designed to look like "everyday"
occurances then went into that unique paranoid mental state where they
(understandably) start thinking actual everyday occurances are further
stalking incidents. They had a breakdown and frantically went on the run, just
like me. For example, a common gang-stalking tactic is to have a guy walk
past everytime you go to your car in the morning. This sensitises you so you
think "It's them!" whenever you see someone near your car, it sensitises you
to go into a distinct paranoid mental state where you start thinking actual
everyday events are further stalking incidents. Garden variety psychiatrists
would mistake this mental state for delusion or psychosis due to ignorance
and being uninformed about these crimes, but the mental state of a gang-
stalking victim is very distinct to me.

The Tromps believed people were entering their home and rearranging items.
These are very typical gang-stalking tactics. A couple times the stalkers
entered my car with no signs of forced entry and flipped the rear view mirror
all the way down to let me know they had been there, for example.

When police are confronted with reports of gang-stalking, they are baffled as
to why people would break in but not steal anything. The goal of gang-
stalking is to create extreme distress in the target while making the target
look mentally ill, and leaving no evidence of a crime. The goal of gang-
stalking is not primarily material gain.

The gang-stalkers aren't stupid, they don't steal anything because they know
there will be a police investigation. They don't care about stealing your stupid
iPad, they have much better ways to make money such as herding mind-
control slaves and sexually blackmailing policians in the highest offices
(Jeffrey Epstein, The Franklin Scandal are some examples). They also know
that if they do something stupid like put a bullet on your pillow or write
"We're going to kill you" on your bathroom mirrror there will be a huge
police investigation. So what they do is they pick the locks to your house and
tie knots in your power cables, spread lint around, turn cans in your pantry
upside down... all to let you know they were there, but to everyone else if you
report it you look like you're imaginging things. It's called gaslighting.
Instead of the perpetrators being locked up, the victim is the one who
eventually gets carted off to a mental instituion in these cases. They never
broke into my house because my parents are always home, but they broke
into my car a couple times to flip the rear mirror down and they must have
gone to great lengths because my parents' property is very well fenced.

Like I said, of course they're not going to write "We're going to kill you" on
your bathroom mirror because they know police would actually investigate
something like that instead of sending you to a mental hospital. They harass
you in very creative and discreet ways that are designed to make you look
mentally ill and get you falsely labelled as a paranoid schizophrenic by
psychiatrists who are completely uninformed about these crimes.

The Tromp family was offered thousands by the media to tell their story (bids
starting at $100,000) but they won't talk and put their middle fingers up to the
media's cameras. Why do you think that is? They saw the conspiracy I saw! I
can tell, they saw the organised stalkers who harass you in creative ways
designed to make you look mentally ill if you report them.

Yes, when the Tromp family went on the run in 2016 it was just like how I
went on the run in 2013. Only that the media was so interested in the Tromps
because they are a nice, wholesome family whereas I was just a
"schizophrenic druggie" as far as most people were concerned.

At the time when I went on the run, I thought I'd have to live in my van for
the rest of my life, and I was prepared to. My mental state at the time was I
had to publish my manuscript as soon as possible so if I was killed as part of
the cover up, it wouldn't matter because the world would know my story.

Anyway, I posted what I knew about the Tromps on Facebook and Twitter
but I only got one Like because I had no followers. I also filed a report with
Crime Stoppers and the cult immediately found out.
Voice Transmission

When the Tromp family when on the run and news stories about the incident
were breaking, I sent my first book to the media and Crime Stoppers and the
cult immediately found out and hit me with the voice transmission weapon
that many gang-stalking victims are describing ("Y2K/Voice-to-Skull",
"synthetic telepathy"). The weapon does what the name suggests, it puts the
perp's voice in your head and reads your thoughts, and you actually have a
conversation with the perp this way. Also, when you're under the influence of
this weapon your thoughts start racing in the distinct manner of hypnosis, just
like the undercover AFP officer described to me in 2012 (see my first book

A large number of targeted individuals (TIs, gang-stalking victims) are

reporting having witnessed the use of this weapon. I am not alone. Of course
actually speaking out about such a technology to outsiders/muggles would
get you labelled as the stereotypical paranoid schizophrenic!

When it started happening I tried to say/think "No, it's just the drugs!" (I was
smoking pot and took kava tablets from health store because my heart was
beating so hard I thought it might blow up due to anxiety of going to Crime
Stoppers with my first book). The voice was irritated and said "It's not the
drugs, it's us!" Then I said "No, I'm just psychotic!" The voice said, "You're
not psychotic, we're really talking to you!" Finally I said, "No, you're just my
self-doubt!" and the voice was getting pissed off now and said "It's us
Andrew, we're really talking to you!"

That's the thing, a paranoiac would jump to extreme conclusions and believe
everything, but my first reaction is usually denial when something like this
happens. It took me a while to accept that this weapon was real.

I only remember a fraction of the things that were said that night between me
and the perp speaking to me with the voice transmission weapon, but here
they are:
- I told the voice "Prove it (prove you're real), make something appear on my
computer." He replied "We don't know where you are". That's right, I've been
living in hiding and haven't told anyone where I am and I saw them hacking
my computer through a WiFi set up near my home in 2013 so they need to
know my physical location to hack my computer.

I wonder then, if they didn't know where I was living how did they get me
with the voice transmission weapon? Maybe they tuned it to my brain's
frequency or whatever and broadcast it all over Canberra like a radio station.

I've been told that everybody's brainwaves (as measured by EEG) are unique
like a fingerprint, so I guess they tuned their weapon into my unique
brainwave "fingerprint"? I don't know why it's so shocking that technology
exists which can remotely pick up the small electromagnetic waves given off
by the brain. I mean, they can detect gravitational waves these days which are
unimaginably small, and that's just the technology the government WANTS
the public to know about!

- I remember I asked "Can you hear me?" The voice replied "Yes." I told him
"Good! Go fuck yourselves, I'll never be one of you."

- The perp tried to tell me things like "We're just ordinary people" and "We're
not all bad".

- He started breaking me down, I remember the voice said "You're not a

hero", things like that. He got me to a vulnerable state where I told him I
missed Tori (girl from high school). The voice replied, "Tori was a long time
ago." The perp said they could get me a new girl and I was starting to go
along with him. But then I fought back and told the perp, "No! I want to be
free." The voice replied, "You can be, if you join us." They want me to join
the dark side.

- The perp told me who I was in my past life, believe it or not. I will elaborate
in a separate book dedicated to spirituality.
- I said something "I'll never shut up!" followed by "You'll have to kill me!".
The perp replied "We're not going to kill you." I think with a tone like he was
sick of how dramatic I was being or something.

- I asked him, "What happens when my mother says 'I'm sick' out side my
door at night?" (Mind-control, see first book ADS) He said "I don't know,
you'll have to ask her".

- I said something about being dissociative (DID/MPD) and the voice got
irritated and said, "You DON'T have multiple personalities". I asked, "Then
how does the mind-control work?" He replied "I'm not telling you."

- I accused the voice, "You killed Tom Buckland!" and he denied it by saying
without emotion "We didn't kill him". Turns out the perp was telling the
truth, the cult didn't kill Tom. Tom Buckland's death is even more mysterious
than that. I will explain in a separate book dedicated to spirituality, as Tom's
death was a spiritual phenomenon known as synchronicity.

- The most memorable moment was when I called it "voice-to-skull" and the
voice snapped, "Stop calling it that! We call it voice transmission."

A lot more was said that night, I don't remember most of it. It was definitely
the voice of a cult perpetrator, there was no doubt about that.

I know, I know, there is absolutely no way you can say something like the
Illuminati is using classified technology to insert voices into your head and
have people think you're sane let alone believe you, but that's the truth. That's
the reality of what goes on here. Of course it's far easier to believe that I am
nothing more than a delusional schizophrenic. It's the (almost) perfect cover
Further Illegal Surveillance

Firstly, I will describe the illegal tracking of my phone by the cult.

For years and as recent as mid 2016 (I don't use phones anymore) I have been
getting phone calls with no one on other end. I bought my phone to use the
Internet, didn't give the number out to a single person and they somehow got
my number. My parents also get these regular unknown number calls, my
father was telling mum about how strange it is someone would have his
number because the only people he gave his number to were my mum and
brother. This has been going on for years, even if we get new numbers. The
caller always hangs up immediately after I say hi. Once I tried picking up and
saying nothing, then after about 20 seconds a man said "Hello?" and when I
said "Hi?" he immediately hung up. These empty phonecalls are symptoms of
ritual abuse/mind-control according to ritual abuse therapist Dr. Lacter and
other therapists. I very vaguely recall getting people ringing me asking "Is
<name> there?" to make it look like a wrong number call, but the name they
say is actually a mind-control trigger phrase according to ritual abuse

I remember in 2013 I was regularly getting mysterious calls on my 3G USB

internet device, even though that wasn't even a phone and they would still
track it! This has been going on for at least several years and the exact same
was happening to my parents' phones.

I can think of 2 ways they could get our numbers:

-They set up technology near my house that can pick up phone signals
and somehow determine phone numbers from this.
-They have access to database of what name is registered to what
SIM. Last time I checked, SIMs needed to be linked to a drivers licence
number when you register them. Of course they say we need this surveillance
to protect against "terrorists" when the real terrorists are in our own police
force, intelligence agencies and government (all infiltrated by organised
Satanists)! Once I tried to buy a 3G SIM + device with a fake licence (to try
to evade cult hackers) and the Telstra shop worker knew it was fake when she
typed the fake drivers licence number in and it didn't show up as valid. Big
Brother is here!

After I fled interstate to Canberra, for several months the cult didn't know
where I lived. I'm pretty sure they found me by late 2016 by using a phone
tracking technology known as an IMSI catcher.

An IMSI catcher involves setting up a fake cell tower/transmitter near the

target's home and forcing their handset to connect to it. The police version of
this is known as the "StingRay" and some police departments have
acknowledged that they are using the technology, but others keep it
clandestine. This technology is clearly being much more widely used than is
officially acknowledged. See the Wikipedia article on IMSI catchers for more
information. IMSI catchers are so small today that they can be worn on your

The Tromp family's phones were being tracked, just like mine, apparently.

Over the 3 days I was going public with what I knew about the Tromps, the
gang-stalkers had a black Magna drive past as I was about to cross the street
after picking up my mail at the post office. The passenger (thug-like
appearance) made eye-contact with me. Then as I was walking home, the
same black Magna pulled up at the traffic lights at the intersection I was just
about to cross. It must have been driving around in circles to end up at the
intersection it appeared at the second time. I rarely see black 90s Magnas.
No, every time I see a black Magna I don't automatically think it was them. I
consider myself a critical thinker and I ponder very carefully if it was a
coincidence or a gang-stalking psyop event. They've been trying to scare me
with black Magnas ever since they found out a guy I knew from school died
behind the wheel of a black Magna.

This means by early September they had tracked me to my PO Box and I

think by December 2016 they found by address by tracking my phone with an
IMSI catcher.
On 2/12/16 when I got home to my street, a rare black 90s model Magna
drove past when I was 50 meters from home and when I checked my phone
(no SIM) it was displaying a strange network error message I had never seen
before, which could be evidence of phone tracking (I know for a fact that
they were tracking my phone and still would be if I ever turned it on).

Illegal surveillance has also been performed on my computer and Internet

connection since at least 2007.

In 2013 I saw them hacking my computer by setting up WiFi hotspots near

my home (see my first book for full details). I've seen them hack Windows
XP, 7, 8 and 10 and have full control of my computer including access to the
hard drive. Sometimes I did a fresh install of Windows on a virtual machine
without any additional software and they were able to hack it. I'm not a tech
guy but I know a thing or two about computers and my guess is they're using
some sort of CIA/NSA backdoor built into Windows. If they were using
exploits they would run the risk of it getting patched. If they were using
exploits to download a trojan onto my computer, they would run the risk of
computer techs finding the trojan. They wouldn't find shit if Windows IS the

Around the time of the Bourke St attack and the other gang-stalking incidents
in January 2017, my Internet connection mysteriously stopped working and I
noticed 4 new WiFi hotspots that were never there in the 11 months or so I'd
lived here.

"Telstra F50AEB" (possibly disguised to look like a very similar legitimate
hotspot that's always been there)
"Winternet is coming" (creepiest of the mysterious hotspots by far)

The most creepy of the mysterious hotspots was the one called "Winternet is
coming". I think this could be a reference to the cult's plan to censor and
blackout the Internet. Like a "winter" for the Internet.
Actual screenshot of one of the creepy WiFi hotspots.

For about a couple weeks the Internet wouldn't work and these hotspots
would keep appearing and disappearing, and on the couple days my Internet
worked these hotspots never appeared. Then when the Internet started
working again permanently, these mysterious hotspots never appeared again.
I think this is evidence of electronic surveillance, probably even high-level
stuff such as the involvement of intelligence agencies. In 2013 I saw proof
that they had access to my hard drive by setting up WiFi hotspots near my
home in Eden (see ADS for full details). Garden variety hackers couldn't do
this because I did NOT download any sort of trojan and nobody had physical
access to my computer. My advice to other victims is to use a Linux Live
CD. Definitely do not use Windows and probably not Apple either (until I see
otherwise). If Microsoft put a backdoor in Windows then they might have
thought it would only be used by intelligence agencies for issues of national
security, but "they" ARE the intelligence agencies. They ARE the police.
Infiltration is their M.O., I can't stress this enough!

My landlady's phone also stopped working along with the net, which stopped
working whenever the mysterious WiFi hotspots appeared.

In Jan 2017 the Internet stopped working for a few weeks and the technicians
couldn't find any problem with it, or once they did and fixed it immediately
but refused to tell my landlady what the problem was. Also, while the
Internet wouldn't work those mysterious WiFi hotspots kept appearing, as I
mentioned. The exact same thing happened at my parents' house when I was
living there in Eden. The Internet stopped working, never worked again (we
have to use 3G devices now) and the technicians could never find any issue
except once, when they fixed it immediately but refused to tell us what the
matter was. I believe these are signs of electronic surveillance conducted on a
high level, such as the involvement of intelligence agencies.

Sometimes I notice the mysterious hotspots appear when I do something

"naughty" on my computer (get close to the truth) and it must make the
surveillance people nervous. Maybe they use the hotspots when they need
greater bandwidth, such as streaming live video of my desktop?

In late 2016 or so I think it was I was browsing YouTube and a playlist titled
"Illuminati" appeared and the playlist contained all the videos I had recently
watched. I think this might have been the cult's doing. They use surveillance
as a form of psychological abuse.

The gang-stalking victim who appeared on the Dr. Phil show had his
computer examined by experts for the show, who found no evidence of
hacking. This is further evidence they are using some undetectable CIA/NSA
backdoor built into the OS, or some other form of high-level, state-sponsored

Well, the intelligence agencies have some explaining to do, that's for sure.
Yes, I admit I am a big threat to national security... only because the nation is
run by organised Satanists!

I imagine they use these undetectable, high-level, state-sponsored hacking

techniques to frame "problem" people with child porn. They use a CIA/NSA
backdoor built into the operating system and of course when court or police
appointed computer techs can't find any evidence of third party trojans, they
don't believe the victim's claims they were hacked (and if the victim mentions
CIA/Illuminati they get psychiatric "treatment" on top of their jail term!).
When I see those court stories on the news where the defendant is crying
genuine tears about how they don't know how it got there, I BELIEVE them.

The Communists and Nazis had similar civilian surveillance operations but
obviously they didn't have much of the technology which is available today.
The sheep are conditioned to think you're a paranoid conspiracy nut if you
worry about government entities spying on civilians. The people of Germany
aren't like that because they saw what the Nazis did, that's why Germany has
some of the strictest electronic privacy laws in the world (although that won't
help against all this).
Look up the Vault7 leaks released by Wikileaks recently about CIA spying.
Nobody's laughing at conspiracy theorists now!
What I Know
Death of Max Spiers

Look up the death of conspiracy theorist Max Spiers. The Daily Mail
published multiple articles on the mystery.

Ritual abuse at the Presidio military base, Michael Aquino and the Temple of
Set. That's what Max Spiers was investigating when he died of supposed
"natural causes" at age 39 after vomiting black liquid. Soon before his death,
Spiers told his mother "If anything happens to me, investigate." The night he
died, he was spending the night with a woman he barely knew. Spiers told
people he was feeling extremely tired the night he died.

Max Spiers was known in conspiracy circles as a "super solider". He was

investigating a pedophile ring that occurred in 1987 within the US army with
links to Satanic cults and an occultist named Michael Aquino. That name
turned up in my research into ritual abuse that I did in 2012 and 2013. He told
people he was investigating a conspiracy involving elites and celebrities
(Illuminati) that was responsible for a "super soldier" program.

Information about the ritual child abuse at the Presidio military base
preschool is freely available online, but I think Spiers went further and
figured out the abuse was a form of mind-control designed to make the
children grow up to become sadistic killing machines (or "super soldiers" as
he put it), and this was being done to infiltrate the military. That's my guess
as to what Max Spiers knew and why they killed him. They were
programming children from military families at militiary base preschools in
order to infiltarte the military.

I am one of those "super soldiers" the dead conspiracy theorist Max Spiers
was talking about! I have an extensive and sophisticated knowledge and
ability to manufacture guns, explosives and other weapons--skills I developed
under mind-control, as well as drug manufacture.

Find out if the dead conspiracy theorist Max Spiers died of apparent "heart
failure". He was only age 39 and his death was ruled natural causes. I know
for a fact that the cult kills people with a poison that induces heart failure
which appears as "natural causes" to the coroner, and the poison they slip into
your mouth when you sleep. That's how they tried to kill me in April 2017!
Obviously the woman Spiers barely knew but spent the night with when he
died, is suspect!

If I die for any apparent reason, it was probably them. For the record, I would
never commit suicide under any circumstances. They killed Spiers for a lot
less than I'm doing.
Fort Lauderdale Shooting

On 7/1/17 the Ft Lauderdale mass shooting occurred and I am 100% certain

the cult was resposible.

Santiago had a military background, just like Navy Yard shooter Aaron
Alexis (Alexis is widely known to have been a gang-stalking victim).
Santiago claimed the CIA was "brainwashing" him to watch ISIS videos and
he was hearing a voice in his head telling him to join ISIS (voice
transmission, AKA. Voice-to-Skull technology). He entered the FBI office on
multiple occasions and tried to tell them about what was happening, but they
turned him away and the police took him to a mental hospital. Sounds just
like that time in 2013 when I tried to tell all this to the Australian Federal
Police and got locked up in the Canberra mental health unit for 6 weeks.
When Santiago was hearing voices, this was the cult's "voice-to-skull",
"synthetic telepathy", "voice transmission" weapon or whatever you want to
call it that's being reported by hundreds of TIs (targeted individuals) around
the world. Many targeted individuals including myself are independently
reporting having witnessed this weapon.

The shooter Esteban Santiago was investigated for child porn in 2011 and his
computer was seized but the case was dropped due to lack of evidence.
Sounds familiar, sounds like how the cult tried to frame me as a pedophile
around late 2010 by having a man approach me in public and trick me into
calling a young pedophile victim's phone number from my mobile phone
which was registered in my name.

When the news started breaking on Reddit everyone was saying he was a
Muslim with schizophrenia and I felt so frustrated because I knew there was
something more to it, it just seemed so familiar to me. Then people on Reddit
started posting about MKUltra, sometimes jokingly, but still... people are
waking up. The perps tried to hypnotise me to commit mass murder when I
was 17, but I'm fighting back! I recognise the mental profile in other victims
because I've been through it myself.
A high ranking cult member called Dan admitted to me that when an ordinary
person gets gang-stalked and harassed with microwave weapons, they
typically kill themselves. When the same is done to a person who was ritually
abused as a toddler, they generally commit mass murder. Santiago was 26,
the right age to have been one of those kids ritually abused in the 80s and

Of course the official story is that Santiago is just another "lone nut" with
"mental issues". Yeah, there seems to be a lot of those recently. Wonder
where they all came from? Wonder what CREATED them? Criminals are
made not born!
Bourke St Attack

On 20/1/17 Dimitrious "Jimmy" Gargasoulas went on a murderous rampage

and mowed down pedestrians, killing six people in Melbourne. This was big
news in Australia, look up the news reports if you haven't already.
Gargasoulas was driven to mental breakdown, driven to his crime, by ritual
abuse and/or gang-stalking and/or mind-altering microwave weapons. I don't
have a doubt in the world that the killer was driven to it by the same
conspiracy I am describing.

During the massacre Gargasoulas was screaming about Satan, government

conspiracies and the end of the world and was screaming "You're all sheep!"
Initial media reports contained these details, but they were removed from
later reports, I seem to recall.

He was screaming, making a huge scene and doing burnouts in front of

Flinders St station. I know what happened to him, I recognise the mental state
he was in because I've been in the exact same mental state myself. It's the
state of mental breakdown caused by ritual abuse, gang-stalking and the cult
probably got him with their mind-altering electromagnetic weapons too.

When the cult gang-stalked me in 2013 I was having thoughts and impulses
about doing skids/burnouts in front of Parliment House as well as driving up
and down Canberra CBD streets shooting a gun in the air to draw attention to
my plight. I was having thoughts and impulses to do things like launch
fireworks from the roof of my car and plant a fake bomb outside police HQ.

The reason for these impulses is hard to articulate, but it's like gang-stalking
induces a huge sense of powerlessness, hopelessness, lack of control and
injustice so you are driven to terrorist acts as a cry for help. Gang-stalking is
such a powerful psychological abuse tactic that it can drive people to commit
mass murder as a cry for help, particularly when combined with ritual abuse
and electronic weapons.

I recognise the mental state Gargasoulas was in, it's the mental state of
someone who has been targeted by the conspiracy! Also, Gargasoulas was
known as "Jimmy", same name as my brother Jim (who most people also call
Jimmy) and my brother also lives in Melbourne (same city). The Bourke St
attack was the cult threatening to do to my brother Jimmy what they did to
Jimmy Gargasoulas. The Bourke St attack was the cult attempting to
intimidate me into silence about what they did to me as a kid.

This was the cult threatening to do the same thing to my brother Jimmy
(same name as Jimmy Gargasoulas) and last time I heard my brother also
lives in Melbourne. If anything happens to my brother it wasn't "mental
illness", it was THEM! See, this is the sort of reason why everybody here is
too scared to talk... until me.

He was ranting nonsensically about government conspiracies, and I went

through the EXACT same mental state when I first saw the conspiracy in
2012/2013. I recognise the mental state he was in because I went through the
exact same thing! It's not "mental illness", the conspiracy is so diabolical that
when you see it for the first time usually you go horrifically insane in public
just like I did in 2012/2013.

Of course the official story is that Gargasoulas is just yet another "lone nut"
with "drug and mental problems". Sounds familiar! The drugs don't make us
like this, we turn to drugs to try to cope with the truth! If you really think
drugs and mental illness made him do it, why aren't the other hundreds of
thousands of drug using/mentally unwell people in Australia doing what
Gargasoulas did?

Nobody goes and kills a bunch of people due to "mental illness". That
explanation is so shallow, it's ridiculous. Something MADE them like that.
Criminals are made, not born! When I keep saying "criminals are made, not
born" I am quoting Andrew Kehoe, the mass murderer who blew up a school
in 1927 in Bath, Michigan, killing dozens of children. You'd think he would
know better than anyone, right?

The exact same thing happened to US mass killers Esteban Santiago, Aaron
Alexis and Myron May. Most people kill themselves when gang-stalked and
harassed with electronic weapons, but if the victim was subjected to ritual
abuse programming as a toddler, they generally kill other people instead. A
high-ranking cult member called Dan told me this. Gang-stalking creates
mass killers when combined with ritual abuse programming in early life, and
they tried to do it to me when I was a teenager. The cult tried to hypnotise me
to blow up my school when I was 17-years-old.

The Bourke St attacker was 26, the right age to have been one of those kids
ritually abused in the 80s and 90s when all this reached the mainstream and
was almost exposed.

It'll probably take Gargasoulas a long time to describe what he saw (he will
describe the same things I'm describing). It took me a few years to regain my
composure and that's for someone already used to having a rough life.

When I saw the photo of Gargasoulas lying on the ground after being shot by
police with his face scrunched up in despair I felt sorry for him because I
knew the exact mental state he was in because I had been in the same state.
It's the feeling of hopelessness of a ritual abuse/gang-stalking/microwave
weapon victim who knows outsiders will never believe or understand what
they've been through.

When I listened to the interview given by witness Gary Oak where he

graphically described all the blood and the little girl's dead stare I was a bit
shocked and sat in the backyard staring straight ahead for a while (Gavin the
dog sort of hugged me, which was cute). But I've been through mental states
50 times more extreme on multiple occasions, I just calmly knew I had to
expose the conspiracy.

"Within hours of the tragedy sources within the police said there had been
seven occassions where they could have tried to intercept Gargasoulas. But
the allegation is that on each occassion staff were told not to attempt it by
their superiors."

I suspect that cult police allowed the Bourke St attack to occur. Every single
investigation into ritual abuse that I have seen, the case fell apart due to
"incompetent" police "bungling" the investigation.... AKA. cult cops
deliberately sabotaging and subverting the investigation!

I am suspicious of the motives of the higher ranking police who called off the
intercept several times, even when Gargasoulas was stuck in heavy traffic,
and for wanting to smooth over any questions about this incident.

Cult members will always calmly give some plausible cover up excuse
without even breaking a sweat. In October 2012 when the two cult cops tried
to kidnap me in an attempt to cover up my drug lab, the second pair of police
officers arrived and seemed to have no idea which superior's orders the first
(cult) pair of cops were following. The cult cops calmly gave some excuse,
despite the fact that just minutes ago they tried to kidnap someone to cover
up a drug lab. They don't even break a sweat!

Oh, and on the topic of the cops trying to chloroform me in 2012: you don't
start off kidnapping people. You build up to serious crimes through a lifetime
of lesser crimes. That's how it was for me, anyway.

Detective Ron Iddles (one of the good guys) is one of the cops who made
these allegations. Detective Ron Iddles pointed out that there were several
chances to intercept Gargasoulas but their superiors told them not to. As I've
been trying desperately to tell everyone since 2013, two cult police officers
tried to kidnap me in an attempt to cover up my drug lab in 2012 and when
my old friend Josh Borrowdale was found with explosives (I think 2010), the
local police around the Somersby, NSW area (I think) covered it up and I
don't believe he was ever charged. The last time I had contact with
Borrowdale in 2011 or so, he was developing chemical weapons (nerve gas)
as an unwitting pawn for the cult.

I don't trust the cops one bit. Half of them are completely ignorant of these
crimes, the other half of cops are in on it! They might have cult detectives get
close or take control of the investigation to enact a cover up. Hell, they might
even have cult judges and cult psychiatrists make false rulings as part of the
cover up, and no doubt take advantage of their control of the media as well!
That's the sort of thing they do, I've seen how they operate!

People are competely baffled about why cops would be involved with the
cult. Well you don't join the cult, you get born into a cult family or attend a
Satanist-run preschool, you get subjected to mind-control at very young age
(which makes you dark, sadistic and obsessed with death), you get
blackmailed with what you do under mind-control and it's seemingly
impossible to escape (though I'm proving otherwise). Many cops are in on it.
Infiltration is their M.O., I can't stress this enough.

He was doing burnouts in front of the Flinders St station. If he was some

teenage hoon they would have stopped him, but why did they not stop
Gargasoulas? I saw an article in the SMH which gave a plausible explanation,
it said something to the effect of the police didn't act because while he was
breaking the law, he wasn't endangering anybody (hah!). Yeah, too bad the
media is a propaganda wing for this conspiracy. And they have the nerve to
call alternative media "fake news".

I saw on the news a story where the cops smashed the driver's side window
and pulled the driver out simply because he was smoking cannabis and
driving alone an empty backroad at a snail's pace. Why didn't they stop

To the good cops reading this: show Gargasoulas my books and if any of
your colleages or superiors vehemently oppose or obstruct this idea, you'll
know they are in on the cover up. Cops should look into all possible leads,

Show Gargasoulas my books and I bet you the first thing out of his mouth
will be "Andrew saw it too!" I'd bet you a million dollars if I had that much.
Don't be surprised if evidence goes "missing" and witnesses get "suicided",
"natural causes'd" or "car accidented". Happens all the time.

To any good cops reading this: you will likely experience resistance such as
pressure from your superiors to drop the investigation, but KEEP DIGGING
quietly and you will find the truth.
Do note: they might have detectives who are cult members get close or take
control of the investigation, that's the sort of thing they do.

Be very careful about sharing your investigation with collegues and superiors
(if possible, I don't know how being a cop works), because many of them are
in on it. The cult has the whole system locked down like that, the whole
system is going to come down. Infiltration is their M.O. and this is war.

Just like when news broke about the Tromp family, early news reports gave
details about the Bourke St attack then prompty removed the details. Either
the police realised they shouldn't give details about an ongoing
investigation... or something more sinister? Also, when my drug lab got
busted my mother was telling everyone that I was "afraid" of details about the
case being published in the local paper even though I NEVER said anything
like that. Smells fishy, like a cover up.

A conspiracy theorist posed some questions about the Bourke St attack and wrote a hit piece on him. Since when is it bad to ask questions?
Don't worry, the media is here to do the thinking for you!

Once I start gaining followers (I have zero at the moment), the corrupt media
might write hit pieces on me too. They could call me many things. Yeah, well
at least I haven't sacrificed any kids or helped cover it up!

Even if the media simply omits my information instead of being deliberately

misleading (which they also do ALL the time) it's still a cover up. The press
has a responsibility to inform the public about important issues otherwise
they can't be called the press.

I have established 100% that Gargasoulas and Santiago were victims of ritual
abuse, gang-stalking and/or microwave weapons. It's also 100% established
within the online TI (targeted individual) community that mass shooters
Aaron Alexis and Myron May were driven murderously insane by gang-
stalking, microwave weapons and possibly ritual abuse.
Ritual abuse is mind-control that makes the child grow up to become inclined
towards murder, sadism and weaponry. Then they use gang-stalking and
electronic weapons to trigger the ritual abuse victim to have a mental
breakdown where they go murderously insane.

The media later released further details which confirmed what I already

"Dimitrious Gargasoulas blames Illuminati for Bourke St massacre" by Jane


I wrote everything in the section you just read BEFORE the media released
these additional "Illuminati" details. I knew immediately when I saw the first
news reports that he was a victim of this conspiracy. I recognised the mental
state he was in during the attack because I had been in the exact same mental
state! These additional details that have come out confirm that I was right.
The media releasing these additional "Illuminati" details proved to me what I
already knew. I wrote everything about the Bourke St attack you read above
in the months before April 2017, before the media relased these additional
"Illuminati" details.

Gargasoulas was ranting about the "Illuminati" controlling his life (that's
what being gang-stalked feels like!) and thought he was the "saviour". I
recognise the mental state precisely! When you first see the conspiracy you
become EXTREMELY dramatic and nonsensical. I was in the exact same
mental state in 2012/2013. It's the state of breakdown caused by ritual abuse,
gang-stalking and they probably got him with their mind-altering electronic
weapons too. Simply put, the conspiracy is so diabolical that the first time
you see it first hand, you go mad.

In April 2017 when they were torturing me with their mind-altering weapons,
at one point I stayed up all night hitting tree branches with a cricket bat while
screaming "Fucking die!" at the top of my lungs. That's what it feels like
being tortured with these weapons, that's the mental state Gargasoulas was in.
I recognise his mental state because I had been in it myself. Psychiatrists
wouldn't recognise it because they are completely uninformed about these
crimes. They would mistake it for delusion, psychosis and schizophrenia
because they aren't informed about these crimes, or even informed about the
EXISTENCE of these crimes. Don't listen to psychiatrists, they don't know
shit about all this. Psychiatrists have a lot of undeserved authority, they don't
know shit.

Here's the "Illuminati" article by the Sydney Morning Herald:

Alleged Bourke Street killer Dimitrious "Jimmy" Gargasoulas has told a
court the Illuminati were to blame for the fatal attack, claimed he was privy
to the secrets of the Freemasons and insisted that the government was
controlling his life.

Mr Gargasoulas, who allegedly killed six people, including two children, on

January 20 by driving a car at pedestrians, appeared in the Melbourne
Magistrates Court on Friday via video link.

He interrupted his lawyer's discussion about future court hearings, saying:

"Your honour, I was under extreme stress which caused me to have a mental

In a short stream of consciousness, Mr Gargasoulas also said he held the "key

to Freemasons treasure" and declared "It's not fair that my life is being
controlled by the government".

"We must refer back to God's royal laws to prevent lies, corruption and
death," he continued."I'm very sad for everything that's happened but it's due
to [the] Illuminati" he said before the video link was cut off.

Conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati are a secret society that has
control over world affairs.
Mr Gargasoulas is charged with six counts of murder, 28 counts of attempted
murder and conduct endangering life.

The attack's victims included a three-month-old baby boy and a 10-year-old


It is the second time Mr Gargasoulas has appeared in court since the alleged

His first appearance in April was also marked by an outburst, when he said he
was not guilty and declared himself "the saviour."

The hearing on Friday was to discuss unrelated driving and drug charges
which were laid before January 20.

The court heard his lawyers are still waiting for advice on whether he is fit to
stand trial on these charges, which include speeding on the wrong side of the
road and ignoring a police direction to stop during an alleged incident in St
Kilda last year.

Mr Gargasoulas is also charged with car theft, intentionally causing injury

and possessing the drug ice, in relation to alleged incidents between January
20 last year and January 10 this year.

He will next front court on the lesser charges on July 27. He is also due in
court on August 1 on the murder charges.
Further Harassment by Gang-Stalkers
Threatened by the Mafia Man

On 25/1/17 I was in Commonwealth Park (Canberra) writing this book on my

laptop and was approached by a younger man and an older man. The older
man had a voice and persona that reminded me of an Italian Mafia figure so I
will hereby refer to him as the "Mafia man". The Mafia man asked me if I
was an artist (because I had my laptop and notepad) and I told him, "I'm a
writer." As they walked away the Mafia man turned back and said, "I tell you
something, back in the day they used to call me Hitman 38." This was clearly
a veiled death threat and was given to me in response to me telling him I was
writing a new book. I was pretty shocked when it happened and I felt sick.

The Mafia man threatened me after I told him I was writing a book. It makes
you think, why are they so afraid of a book if I'm just some delusional crazy
person? Words hurt when they're true.

Further more, the younger man that accompanied the Mafia man was wearing
a t-shirt with a picture of a triangle on it (Illuminati symbolism).

Then about an hour later I was in the Canberra Centre shopping mall and
immediately after I walked out of the shopping centre, a second man wearing
that exact same "triangle" t-shirt very deliberately walked in front of my path
to discreetly threaten me without leaving any evidence of a crime. The point
of these stalking tactics is to keep you in a "broken down" and paranoid
mental state so you can't find the strength to fight back, or if you do fight
back you do so in a frantic, irrational way (e.g. Tromps, Gargasoulas, myself
in 2012/2013) which makes you look mentally ill. The second man who
stalked me while wearing that same triangle t-shirt even looked sideways at
me and made eye-contact.

Note: I don't know if the cult actually uses the "triangle" symbolism amongst
themselves. I don't know what symbols they use (apart from 666 and
pentagrams), but the triangle is a well-known pop-culture reference to the
Illuminati so the gang-stalkers used it because they knew I would find it
meaningful. That's how psyops work.
Also, soon before the Mafia man and triangle shirt guy appeared I saw a man
walk past talking on a phone. I sensed something was wrong (I'm keenly alert
for danger these days, obviously) but the conversation sounded normal
enough. But maybe he was talking in code to alert the others he had found
my location? I know for a fact that cult members talk in code. The cult
member I met in hospital in 2012 emailed me about "going out for shooters
(alcoholic drinks)" when really he wanted to talk illegal firearms with me
(note: nothing ever came of that).

When the Mafia man sort of tricked me into telling him I was writing a new
book I think they know that my biggest weakness (or strength, depending
how you see it) is that I'm very truthful, and they exploited it.

Also the next day on 26/1/17, immediately after I exited the Canberra Centre
mall a black Mitsubishi Magna, beat-up one with a spoiler, turned around the
corner and drove past me just like yesterday how as soon as I exited the
shopping centre, the second man wearing that same "triangle" shirt
deliberately walked across my path to discreetly treaten me without leaving
any evidence of a crime. This is getting old and I'm not impressed any more.
My guess is they have a cult member watching the shopping centre's security
cameras because they know I go there almost every day.

Furthermore, there was a third gang-stalker who wore the exact same triangle
t-shirt who, again at the Canberra Centre when I came in range of the security
cameras, very deliberately walked in front of my path at a perpendicular
angle to cut me off, and he very deliberately looked sideways at me and made
eye-contact to let me know I was being stalked. This happened a while before
the Mafia Man incident and this initial incident was supposed to "sensitise"
me so in the future I would freak out every time I saw someone wearing that
t-shirt. Of course if you were to report such a crime the cops would have you
locked up in a mental institution--that's the whole damn point and aim!

You'd think they'd have figured out that by continuing to harass me they just
produce more evidence against themselves. No, they don't leave solid
evidence of their crimes (they've got all that figured out) but once people
realise that I speak nothing but the truth, everyone will believe everything I
say. Oh, but they think the people are stupid sheep who will never realise that
I am anything more than a "schizophrenic druggie". I don't think it's a matter
of will the sheep ever realise, I think the question is: will the sheep realise
Threatened by Biker Gang

On 29/1/17 I walked out of the Canberra Centre shopping mall and

immediately a huge group of people on motorcycles rode past (Harley-
Davidsons or whatever). It happened at the exact moment I walked out the
shopping centre, I was literally standing between the automatic doors when it
happened. They revved their engines to make a big show so obviously they
weren't the nice type of bikers, and the sound was absolutely deafening.
Coincidence (I think not) or do the gang-stalkers have biker gangs on their
side for when they REALLY want to intimidate someone?

It's interesting, because generally typical criminals (including bikies) hate

child abusers with a passion (e.g. they are heavily segregated in prison or
they'd get killed). So do they even know that a pedophile cult is behind gang-
stalking, or are they told a web of lies?

There were many witnesses that day and once it was over, everybody started
talking about it excitedly amongst themselves. That day I was wearing a
black boonie hat, camo shorts, white singlet, thongs and a black backpack so
maybe witnesses will say they remember seeing me there when it happened
(unless they're afraid to talk). Oh, and clearly they always know the exact
moment I walk out the shopping centre because they're the ones watching the
security cameras, so of course security footage from that day will probably be
mysteriously "missing" or replaced with a fake tape. But there were many
human witnesses.

Oh, and obviously they felt the need to threaten and stalk me again because
they felt guilty (wrong word, more like fearful of exposure) because they
perpetrated the Bourke St attack a few days ago by driving the attacker
murderously insane with ritual abuse, mind-control, gang-stalking and they
probably got Gargasoulas with their mind-altering microwave weapons too!
Newly Observed Electronic Weapons

The most remarkable weapon I've witnessed (first used on me in September

2016) is the thought reading/voice transmission weapon which the high-
ranking cult member Dan tortured me with non-stop for a month in April
2017. Your thoughts start racing in that distinct hypnotic way (just like the
undercover AFP officer described to me in 2012), there's a bit of a faint
ringing noise (or maybe I just listen to too much heavy metal?) and the
weapon reads your thoughts and puts voices in your head of the perp, and you
actually have a conversation this way.

Yes, their technology can read your thoughts and put voices in your head, and
NO, I am NOT a fucking schizophrenic for fucking FUCK'S SAKE(!!!).

Counter measures I've found against this weapon:

Meditation: This blocks it 100%, they can't hear your thoughts when you
meditate but it takes training to meditate for long periods and you have to
stay perfectly still and can't do anything else while you meditate.
Mindfulness: Similar to meditation, this blocks it but like with meditation
you can't do much while being mindful and it takes training to be mindful for
long periods.
Music/reading: Distractions such as singing along with music or reading can
prevent your thoughts being read, but that's just what they are: a distraction.
They don't block the weapon itself.
Talking out loud: I found that the weapon can't hear you when you talk out
loud to someone, so long as you don't think about what you're about to say.

I tried making a Faraday cage out of aluminium foil but it had no effect on
blocking the voice transmission weapon. I also tried hiding in a steel garden
shed. The weapon is either too high-tech or too sensitive for a Faraday cage
to work, at least the one I made.

Cue the idiots and their "tin foil hat" jokes. I wouldn't be suprised if it turned
out the powers-that-be were the ones who promoted this widespread, deeply-
ingrained ridicule of "conspiarcy theorists" as a psyops operation to help
cover up the truth.

The voice transmission weapon feels like torture when you try to resist it. It's
torture not being able to think without having your thoughts read. And if you
don't resist it, then you have to talk to the perp who is usually being
manipulative, playing mind-games and running a negative commentary on all
your thoughts to wear you down.

My best guess is their mind-altering weapons operate from mobile phone cell
towers and that's how they can get you with the weapon anywhere you are.
The first time they got me with the voice transmission weapon was
September 2016 I think, when the Tromp family went on the run, and they
were able to get me with the weapon even though they didn't know my
address. I figure they knew I was living somewhere in Canberra so they fired
up the voice transmission weapon from all the cell phone base stations that
serve the Canberra area.

Their technology can also remotely monitor many things about your body. It
can remotely monitor cardic function, brainwaves, pulse and other vitals. It
can monitor your mood, it can tell when you're eating and sleeping, and when
you feel pain. They can monitor brainwaves and it is displayed on their
screens your mood or sexual arousal etc. They can tell if you're meditating, if
you've taken a psychoactive drug.

I asked the perp speaking to me with the weapon named Dan, "Is it like a
polygraph?" He told me it was much more complex than a polygraph and
their technology takes years of training to operate, Most remarkably, it can
read your thoughts and put voices in your head and they can have
conversations like this. Dan told me he was hearing my thoughts in the form
of audio and words on a computer screen.

As I first witnessed in 2012 their technology can make you have very specific
"implanted" dreams and cause specific nightmares. Their technology can also
make you jolt awake and exclaim something, as well as see faint cartoon-like
halluncinations of anything they desire (generally horror images). They have
a weapon that can make you feel a horrific restless feeling all over your body
as well and they use this weapon to prevent sleep.

All their weapons can target specific people without affecting the people
around them, with the exception of their microwave weapon which makes
you feel hot all over. That one is non-selective and hits everyone in the
vicinity. Dan told me they've had their mind-altering weapons "since the
early 2000's".

Here's something I heard from another gang-stalking victim who also writes
books about his experiences: the victim said that everybody has distinctly
unique brainwaves (as measured by EEG). Everybody's brainwaves are
unique, like a fingerprint, so maybe they tuned their weapons into my brain's
unique frequency or whatever?

The cult has in their arsenal of high-tech mind-altering weapons, a weapon

that causes a horrific restless feeling all over your body (like Restless Leg
Syndrome but all over your body) and a weapon that can cause hallucinations
of faint cartoon pictures when you close your eyes. They use the restless
feeling weapon to make it difficult for targets to get to sleep.

Dan used the restless feeling weapon on me late one night during my April
ordeal and threatened that they could keep me awake with it for as long as
they want. At the same time Dan used the hallucination weapon to make me
see images of a cartoon cat holding up a sign that read "NO ENTRY" (as in
"no entry" into sleep). The joke was that I like cats. I think it was another
night where Dan did the same thing, this time using the halluncination
weapon to make me see images of a dead woman with a mutilated face and a
cat getting its head squashed. I jokingly asked Dan if he could insert an image
of a black Magna and a roast lamb, and sure enough moments later I saw
those images as well. Something spectacular happened next but it was
spiritual so I will describe it in a separate book because I want to keep this
book secular.

Around 2-3am on 24/2/17 I tested out a Faraday cage experiment by covering

my laptop with aluminium foil to block the WiFi signal (it worked).
Immediately after I took the foil off, one of the mysterious hacker WiFi
hotspots (Telstra F50AEB) appeared. A few minutes later I think I fell into a
hypnotic trance because my thoughts started racing fast in a distinct manner
(exactly like the undercover AFP officer at the Bega hospital described in
2012). I knew the weapon was reading my thoughts so I tried to fight it by
holding my breath, reading the Bible, listening to music through headphones
at full volume but eventually I could fight it no longer and I started saying in
my thoughts "Aluminium foil. Aluminium foil. Aluminium foil." It's obvious
to me that after the surveillance people noticed I blocked the WiFi signal on
my laptop with aluminium foil, they used their hypnotic thought-reading
weapon to tell them how I did it.

Sometime in March 2017 I think it was I had a nightmare where everytime I

screamed the word "pizza" I would get tortured with a humming noise and
vibrating feeling. "Pizza" as in one of the code words cult pedophiles use for
kids. I think this nightmare might have been caused by their dream
manipulation weapon. Around this time, perhaps after that very night, they
put my computer under 24hr surveillance (Internet stopped working and
those mysterious hotspots with creepy names kept appearing and

Not 100% sure, but I think I may have witnessed a weapon that causes your
heart to flutter or skip a beat, and it's a bluff to make you think they have a
"heart attack gun". If they could remotely cause heart attacks they would
have killed me with it, so I don't think they have such a weapon. However, I
know for a fact they have a sublingal (dissolves in mouth) poison which
causes heart failure that probably looks like nautral causes to the coroner.

My best guess is the weapons operate from cell phone towers and that's how
they can get you no matter where you are. Physical countermeasures I can
think of are going deep underground or using a signal jammer. Faraday cages
don't work, at least not the one I made with aluminium foil.
April 2017: Breakdown Caused by Torture

Long story short, but here's why I had a mental breakdown in April 2017.

On April 1st 2017, I think it was, I turned on my laptop at the Jolimont

Centre and tried to overwrite and delete this manuscript file off the hard disk
using software called Eraser. Eraser told me that the file was in use and
couldn't be erased. Later, the perp who spoke to me through their voice
transmission weapon told me that when I turned my laptop on at the Jolimont
Centre, they hacked it through the WiFi and stole this manuscript.

Anyway, here's what happened the next day (2nd April). I suddenly awoke
after only a short amount of sleep and jolted upright in bed and immediately
exclaimed a certain message in my thoughts. Then once I fell asleep again I
had a very vivid nightmare in which the cult symbolically warned me "You're
roast!" I am absolutely sure this was the cult getting me with their hypnotic
dream manipulation weapon. I will elaborate one day. In the nightmare my
bow and arrow also got stolen.

The morning after I woke up the cult blasted incessant honking and siren
noises over loudspeakers surrounding my home near Anzac Parade in
Canberra. It sounded like multiple tracks of car horns and sirens layered over
each other and it was non-stop, literally the honking/sirens was continuous
and did not break for a second. It was very obvious the noise was being
blasted over speakers and was not natural traffic. It was a complete
cacophony. They did this for about 30 minutes and there were other
witnesses. I saw people walking past our house looking around in confusion
like "What the hell is that?" This happened on the 2nd of April 2017. In 2012
they did similar, they burned down a factory building that neighbours my
parents' home and they must have bought up the property because they built a
speaker system amongst the rubble which they used for purposes of noise
harassment and noise terror (blasting sharp, piercing tones and construction
noises late at night).
After hackers caught me typing this manuscript when I turned on my laptop
at the Jolimont Centre the cult hit me with their voice transmission/thought
reading weapon. The perp who spoke to me through this weapon said "You
can call me Dan." Dan told me "We've never done this before" (used the
weapon 24/7 on someone). I coined the term "perma-hypnotised" to describe
my predicament.

I noticed I was being hypnotised (racing thoughts, just like undercover AFP
officer described in 2012) and it was like my thoughts were talking to me,
which is what hypnosis is like according to a ritual abuse counsellor I spoke

The perp introduced himself as Dan and said, "I handle the big jobs. Yes,
you're a big job."

For the first few days I fought the weapon. It feels like torture when you
resist it. I resisted by singing along to music and reading the Bible to prevent
my thoughts being read. I did this for all my waking hours, even while eating
and using the toilet (both were very difficult). Eventually, soon before
bedtime I was too tired to resist and I spoke to the perp. The first thing I said
was, "Are you my Higher Self?" (a spiritual concept). The perp (Dan) replied,
"Yes and no. I am the best thing you could be." Apparently, he was familiar
with the spiritual concept of a Higher Self.

They tortured me non-stop for a month with the thought reading/voice

transmission weapon. At times they also hit me with the restless feeling
weapon and hallucination weapon (see section Newly Observed Electronic

At one point I stayed up all night hitting things with a cricket bat due to the
torture with the weapon. I was moaning, groaning and screaming due to the
torture which prompted the neighbours to call the mental health team on me.

I was talking to the perp Dan (through the thought reading/voice transmisson
weapon) and it got to the point where Dan gave me an ultimatum: I would
join the cult or they would kill me. The cult wanted me alive due to my
knowledge and criminal skills.

It got to the point where Dan concluded "You've made your choice!" meaning
I had chosen to be good instead of join the cult, and now the cult was going
to kill me.

When this happened I went into an extreme state of terror and panic and ran
to my landlady Leanne, rambling nonsensically. Leanne had recently returned
home from a trip to a farm, she was absent for the first few days of my

At my request, Leanne called over one of her friends who'll I'll call F. I
wanted other people present because Dan was threatening to kill Leanne and
me and frame it like a murder/suicide.

We got in F.'s car and headed to the local shops in Campbell, ACT. I told F.
as we got into the car "Watch out for assassins!" I must have seemed like a
lunatic, but you'd be the same if you had seen the things I've seen. I was
afraid of getting in a car because the cult had recently tried to assassinate
Trump advisor Roger Stone in a staged car crash (I will elaborate in another

At the Campbell shops I walked past two cops who were telling someone
"We're looking for Andrew Seefeldt". I went ballistic, I grabbed Leanne's arm
and dragged her and hid behind a car. I thought the cops were from the
conspiracy, come to abduct and kill me because like I said less than 30
minutes ago Dan concluded "You've made your choice!" meaning the cult
would kill me because I wouldn't join them.

I dragged Leanne looking for a place to hide and the police van caught up to
us and pulled up. I was telling Leanne, "Oh, we're fucked! WE'RE
FUCKED!" Turns out the cops were responding to a mental health concern
call and they were nice and friendly. In 2012 two crooked cops tried to drug
and abduct me in an attempt to cover up the drug lab, so maybe you can
forgive and understand me for being sensitive around cops ever since!
Anyway, a mental health crisis team arrived and I spoke to them and the two
cops. I talked my way out of getting committed, and the cops and mental
health team left and I felt happy and relieved with how things transpired.

In April (the date 17th is in my notes, not sure if correct) I reported

everything you're reading now to the city police station in Canberra with my
landlady Leanne. I gave a cop a USB drive with most of what you're reading
now, including everything I knew about the Bourke St attack.

I told the cop at the counter I had information about a murder. He wasn't
impressed and threatened to have a mental health team take me away. I gave
a speech about how I didn't deserve to be locked up (in hospital) for trying to
report a crime, and I got through to the cop who then granted me an
interview. Psychiatrists can kiss my ass!

In the interview I explained that Bourke St attacker was driven murderously

insane with psychological abuse tactics known as ritual abuse and gang-
stalking and I gave the cop a USB drive containing my first book and most of
what you are reading now (I wrote the bulk of this book in the months before
April 2017).

The morning after reporting all this to the city police station Dan was still
talking to me with the voice transmission weapon. He was going on about
how "You're going to start World War 3!" and "Oh, you have a way with
words" which referred to how I can articulate myself in writing. Then Dan
started laughing. He laughed, "Do you know why I'm so happy? We covered
it up! We covered it up!" I confirmed with a secondary source that the cult
indeed covered it up.

I bet the cops at the city police station in Canberra will say there was no
record of me reporting anything, or they will find that the investigation
mysteriously stalled or nobody knows what happened to it. My landlady
Leanne was with me to witness it! Every investigation into ritual abuse I've
heard of the investigation falls apart due to cult police subverting and
sabotaging it.
There you have it, I reported what I knew about the Bourke St attack and
crooked cops covered it up! This lends support to my suspicion that high-
ranking police allowed Bourke St to happen by calling off the intercept on
several occassions when they could have stopped Gargasoulas. Oh, and that's
on top of the fact that two Eden police offers tried to drug and abduct me in
an attempt to cover up my drug lab in 2012 and I'm pretty sure the cops were
covering up the manufacture and testing of explosives by Josh Borrowdale.
Half the cops are in on it!

Eventually, due to my erratic behaviour due to being tortured with their

hypnotic weapons, police and the mental health team arrived and I was
committed to a mental hospital against my will and they falsely imprisoned
me for a month and I'm still being forcibly drugged at the time of writing.

One day I will tell the full story of what happened when I was in hospital. For
now, let's just say they tried to kill me and my life was saved by divine
Dan: Conversations with a Perp

Here I will list some of the things I spoke about with Dan, the high ranking
cult member who spoke to me through the thought reading/voice
transmission weapon in April 2017.

Dan used the voice transmission/thought reading weapon on me non-stop for

a month in April 2017 and for a few of those days I didn't resist the weapon,
and I spoke to Dan. For those few days I didn't resist, for all my waking hours
I spoke to Dan so a lot was said. I only remember a fraction of everything
that was said.

About three days into the torture, Dan told me "Most people only last less
than a day". I take this to mean that after less than a day most people kill
themselves or go murderously insane (e.g. Esteban Santiago, Aaron Alexis,
Myron May, Jimmy Gargasoulas). I spent those three days hiding under my
mattress wrapped in aluminium foil (Faraday cage) and spending all my
waking hours reading or singing along to music to prevent my thoughts being

Here is what was said, in dot-point format:

- I brought up how the cult cops tried to kidnap me in 2012 and Dan replied,
"Oh, get over it."

- I pointed out to Dan that online sleuths were figuring out the conspiracy
without my help (i.e. the PizzaGate investigators on Voat). Dan replied "But
you're the last piece of the puzzle. They'll never figure it all out without you.
You're the last piece of the puzzle."

- Dan told me "We're going to break you." I think they are worried and
disappointed that the Bourke St attack didn't mentally break me like it was
supposed to.
- Dan would provide a negative running commentary on every single thought
I had and this is aimed at breaking you down.

- I thought of the idea of a signal jammer and Dan read my thoughts with
their technology. Dan said, "You don't know what frequency [this weapon]
operates on" and "Jammers are illegal." He's right, unfortunately.

- Dan told me to just go about my regular activities but just know he was
listening to my thoughts with their technology to make sure I couldn't
write my book anymore. He kept jokingly saying, "I'm your best buddy!"

- Dan bragged to me the cult's masterplan was to exterminate billions of

people and enslave the survivors. I believe him because this is what a cult
defector writing under the pseudonym Svali has been saying for years. He
said, "There's going to be billions of roast lambs. BILLIONS!"

- When Dan read my thoughts with their technology and found out I gave my
manuscript to my landlady and a ritual abuse counsellor, he mocked me by
saying "Your old lady army!"

- When talking about mind-control, Dan told me "Hypnosis and trauma are
basically the same."

- Dan admitted that the cult was responsible for driving US mass killer
Esteban Santiago to commit his crime. I brought up Santiago and Dan asked
"How did you know about Santiago?"

- At one point I asked Dan, "Would you hypnotise Trump?" He replied, "We
would if we had to. A schizophrenic can't be president!" Means to shield
from these weapons have to be developed and implemented to protect Trump
and other VIPs as soon as possible.

- Dan told me my family and I were the "lowest of the low" (in social status)
and he doesn't know how I figured out the conspiracy.

- Dan told me if I didn't join the cult it would be a "waste of talent" and they
would kill me. "Talent" meaning my knowledge of making drugs, guns and
explosives. Dan said, "There's no one else like you, there's only one
Andrew." which referred to my "talents".

- Dan said, "You don't know how much trouble you've caused us over the

- I seem to recall Dan said something along the lines of how an ordinary
person would kill themselves if they were in my situation but I can take it
because the ritual abuse in early life made me "strong". I think what
psycologists call trauma-induced dissociation, the cult calls making the child

- Dan convinced me that those two boys who went on a murderous rampage
in Queanbeyan were named Andrew and Jim (same name as me and my
brother). Of course when I reported this to police the cop told me their names
were not Andrew and Jim, and I looked like a crazy person! Often Dan would
tell the truth but sometimes he would pull my leg, the whole purpose of him
speaking to me was to manipulate me. At one point he even convinced me
that the cult lives in giant high-tech cities which were supposedly located
kilometres underground, but again he was pulling my leg. They did the
Bourke St attack, however, and I couldn't be more certain about that!

- Dan bragged that the cult manipulated Trump into launching that strike on
Syria in April 2017 by showing him photos of dying children. There's no
question that Trump decided to launch the strike after being shown footage of
children affected by chemical weapons (the media reported this fact). The
question is, did Trump's advisors show him the photos of dying children to
deliberately manipulate him (like Dan claimed) or was Dan just pulling my

- Dan bragged that the cult was plotting to take the Internet offline and the
resistance would be reduced to "crazies handing out flyers on street corners"
(his words) and information about the conspiracy won't be able to spread
- I turned my phone on and Dan immediately said, "Why did you turn on
your phone?" They were tracking my phone and it had no SIM, so they were
tracking it by the IMEI number and they know the moment the handset
connects to the tower. The intelligence agencies have some explaining to do!

- Dan told me I was correct that they tracked my phone using an IMSI

- Dan said "Do you want to know how many people I've killed? I'll tell you.
I've killed hundreds. Hundrds!" I believe him.

- Dan told me the cult trapped him with sexual blackmail ("I raped a kid")
and he rose up the ranks to a high position, and now he was happy with his

- Dan told me what the cult was blackmailing my family members for.
They'll never talk. Dan said the cult was one day going to trap me with
blackmail also.

- Very important: Dan told me that ordinary people generally kill themselves
when gang-stalked and harassed with electronic weapons whereas a person
who was ritually abused as a toddler generally kills other people when driven
to the point of mental breakdown by gang-stalking and electronic weapons.

- Dan told me "I don't know how you figured it out." and that I was 100%
correct, the mind-control involves abusing toddlers with party poppers and
they unconsciously reenact the repressed trauma by becoming obsessed with
explosives by their teens.

- Dan said, "Do you want to know what we showed Gargasoulas? We showed
him everything we showed you." There you have it, show everything I've
written to Jimmy Gargasoulas and I'd bet you a million dollars the first thing
he'll say is "Andrew saw what I saw!" That's assuming all the detectives who
took over the case are not cult members. That's what they might do, have cult
detectives take control of the case and enact the cover up, that's how they
- Dan bragged that they killed CIA director William Colby ("That was us!
We got him!"). He was killed in a staged canoeing "accident". Look up the
Franklin scandal.

- Dan admitted they hypnotised me to run the drug lab.

- Dan admitted that when I was 17 they tried to hypnotise me to blow up

Eden High School with one of my homemade bombs. Dan admitted that he
was the one who personally did it ("I handle the big jobs"). I don't remember
it in detail because it was a decade ago but I can remember having intense
thoughts and impulses about killing everyone at school, I was making and
testing sophisticated explosive devices and I would zone out in class and
draw violent pictures of people being killed all over my school books.

- They tried to hypnotise me to blow up the school and yeah, that explains a
lot. I commented, "I'm lucky to be alive". Dan started laughing as if "lucky"
was a major understatement.

- Dan said, "No one will believe you. They don't think human trafficking
exists in this country."

- Dan was actually pretty friendly, probably because he was trying to

manipulate me, and he even said "I like you, Andrew." I came to like him too
due to Stockholm syndrome and being "too nice" (both of which Dan pointed

- I sent my first book ADS to Crime Stoppers when news about the Tromp
family was breaking, and Dan told me they covered it up. It seems crooked
cops are watching reports to Crime Stoppers and covering up reports relevant
to to this conspiracy. I sent it to Crime Stoppers and the cult immediately
found out. They didn't catch me sending it on my computer because they
didn't know where I lived so they couldn't have hacked my computer through
the WiFi. They must have crooked cops monitoring Crime Stoppers and
covering up any reports relevant to the cult. They've got the whole system
locked down like that.
- Dan told me he was the one who spoke to me the first time they used the
thought reading/voice transmission weapon on me around the time the Tromp
family went on the run.

- Dan gave me an ultimatum: either I would join the cult or they would kill
me. I was trying to make up my mind and it got to the point where Dan
sternly said, "You've made your choice" (as in made my choice to be good
instead of join them). When he said that I went ballistic because I thought the
cult was coming to kill me. That's what caused the crisis when I was at the
Campbell shops and the mental health people and police were called.

- Dan said I was right about the ritual where cult cops put me in a
paddywagon for 5 minutes then let me out, saying "You've just been
arrested". Dan told me I was correct that this ritual was supposed to erase my
memory. The cops also performed the same ritual on a mind-control victim
named Josh Borrowdale when he got found with explosives, and last I heard
from him in 2011 or so he was interested in developing chemical weapons.

- Dan told me they've had their mind-altering microwave weapons "since the
early 2000s".

- Dan told me they would allow me to tell my landlady Leanne I was abused
but "Don't tell her about the Satanic stuff." Dan said, "Tell her you were
abused by a priest." "A high priest!" I quipped. "No, a Christian priest,"
replied Dan. Dan mocked, "Leanne can hold your hand while you go potty!"

- Dan treatened to kill me and my landlady Leanne and make it look like a
murder/suicide. I replied, "Pretty hard to shoot yourself with a bow!"

- Dan called me "selfish" for telling my landlady Leanne about my abuse. His
reasoning was the cult would have to kill her too, therefore I was "selfish" for
dragging people down with me.

- Dan said they'd kill Gargasoulas and make it look like a suicide, and nobody
would be suspicious because it would seem very plausible he would kill
himself given his situation.

- I told Dan that people were going to draw connections between all these
"lone nut" mass murders. Dan replied, "They won't until it's too late!"

For months (still continuing at time of writing) after they turned off the voice
transmission/thought reading weapon, regularly throughout the day (maybe
50-100 times/day) I would "freeze up" or zone out and re-enact and re-
experience the effects of the weapon like PSTD-style flashbacks. Having
your thoughts read by a Satanic conspiracy isn't good for your sanity!
Attempt to Frame Me

The police are accusing me of a crime that the cult committed, whether by
honest mistake or intentionally to frame me, I don't know.

"NSW police suspect that Andrew was involved in the destruction of this
factory. He is thought to have believed the building to be the headquarters
of a cult"
--From Dr. Erika Orlander's psychiatric report.

Like I mentioned in my first book ADS, I had no idea the cult even existed
until mid-2012 (when I was in the drug lab and the cult revealed themselves
to terrorise me into giving them the drugs), which was long after the
factory burned down. So tell me, how could I have burned down the factory
"in the belief that the factory was headquarters of a cult".... if I didn't
even know the cult existed at the time the factory burned down? If I knew
the cult existed, I wouldn't have made drugs in the first place. Why would
I make drugs if I knew the cult existed and was just going to steal them? I
was a completely unaware mind-control victim, that's why. There is another
mind-control victim just like me named Josh Borrowdale from
Somersby/Newcastle, who they hypnotised to manufacture and test
(just like me).

Like I detailed in my first book ADS, on the day in October 2012 that the
lab was found, I was screaming in terror after recently seeing the cult for
the first time, and two Eden police officers tried to drug me unconscious
with a chloroform rag (yes, just like in the movies) in an attempt to cover
up my drug lab. I was taken to a secluded location where the two cops
performed hypnotic mind-control rituals on me.

I pointed out the giant speaker system the cult built amongst the ruins of
the fish factory to a third Eden police officer, and he threatened to have
me committed to a mental institution if I didn't shut up about what I saw.
At least 3 Eden police officers were in on the whole thing.

As I've been explaining since 2013, the cult must have burned down the fish
factory so they could buy it up and to make room for a giant speaker system
they built, which was used
against me as a sonic weapon in an attempt to intimidate me into giving
them the drugs. My father and brother are severely blackmailed (according
to Dan) so they'll never talk, but there is a neighbour who lives on
Hopkins St who may have witnessed the sonic noise terror/noise harassment
the cult was causing with their speaker system in 2012/2013. They were
blasting speaker announcements disguised as a phony raffle to harass me for

At least 3 Eden police officers were in on all this, and police from
Somersby, NSW were covering up the crimes (and performing mind-control
rituals just like the ones two Eden cops performed on me) of a mind-control
victim (just like me) named Josh Borrowdale.

I also have strong suspicions that high-ranking police allowed the

Bourke St attack to occur by calling off the intercept of Gargasoulas's car
several times when they had every opportunity to intercept. See the
allegations made by Detective Ron Iddles (one of the good guys). The
St attack was the cult threatening to do the same thing to my brother Jimmy
(same name as Dimitrious "Jimmy" Gargasoulas) and my brother lives in the
same city (Melbourne).

And now it seems the crooked police are trying to frame me for burning
the fish factory to shut me up about all this!

If I was making all this up, why would I make up something to bizzare and
difficult to believe? Because clearly I desperately wanted to be believed.
The truth is stranger than fiction.

Also, here's from Dr. Orlander's psychiatric report:

"Prior to presentation to hospital, Mr Seefeldt had presented to the City
Police station to report his [block of text missing]"

The block of text in my mental health report that described how I gave a
cop a USB drive containing most of what you're reading now... is
mysteriously "deleted" from my hospital chart! How mysterious! I suspect
that this was the work of a hacker or crooked doctor trying to cover up the
fact that I reported everything you're reading now to a cop at city police
station. The day after I made the report, the cult member Dan bragged
excitedly that they had covered up my police report, and I confirmed with a
secondary source that they had indeed covered it up.

Find out what came of the police report I made with my landlady
Leanne to the city police station in April 2017. I bet all the cops will
say the investigation stalled, went no where, nobody knows what happened to
it, USB drive vanished from evidence locker, no record of me even making
the police report etc. Something like that. Every single case of ritual
abuse I heard of in my research, the case fell apart to to "incompetent"
police "bungling" the investigation, AKA. cult cops deliberately sabotaging
the investigation from the inside! Half the cops are in on it!

The reason the doctors think I am mentally ill is because the truth is so
outrageous and remarkable that they mistook it for delusion even though
it's all true(!!!), and because they mistook my claims for delusion, that's
why the false diagnosis was made. This is a travesty and miscarriage of

When the psychiatrist mentioned how police were accusing me of burning

down the fish factory, I had a strong emotional outburst. The psychiatrist
twisted my strong emotional reaction and used it as further "evidence" I was
mentally unstable. Psychiatrists are the crazy ones, they see whatever they
want to see! If you found out the police were framing you for arson you'd
have a strong emotional response too!

Furthermore, if I burned down the fish factory I would have admitted to it

in my first book ADS (and I didn't!). I admitted to everything I had ever
done in my first book ADS, my first book was my life story. Truth prevails!
I AM the damn Truth.

I admitted to everything I had ever done in my first book ADS, even the
things the cops had zero idea about (e.g. the Sten). You could argue that
I'm technically innocent of building guns too, because some time before I
was 5-years-old pedophiles abused me with cap guns and party poppers to
make me develop obsesive compulsive behaviour towards guns and
It's called ritual abuse and trauma-based mind-control, and it's been
well-documented since the 1980s.

Of course it's easier for the sheep to believe that I am a "schizophrenic"

who goes around burning down factories because I'm "schizophrenic"
being at university hours away when it happened!) and who concocts
elaborate conspiracies to
explain it because I'm "schizophrenic". That's the problem, the lies are
100 times easier to believe than the truth! Yes, it seems that the cult
read my first book ADS and saw how I confessed to lighting a couple of
small fires when I was 13-14 years old, and they thought they'd frame me
for burning down the Pelagic fish factory. Obviously if they could make me
the patsy, people would stop looking for the real perpetrators. Oh, by the
way, do you know the number one cause of fire-setting behaviour in
children? Abuse and neglect!

As I detailed in my first book ADS, the cult burned down the factory so
they could build a giant speaker system on the grounds of the property
which they used as a sonic noise terror weapon against me in an attempt to
terrorise me into making drugs for them in 2012. At least three Eden police
officers were in on the whole thing: two tried to kidnap me with a
chloroform soaked hankerchief (yes, exactly like in the movies) and a third
Eden police officer threatened to have me put in a mental institution if I
didn't shut up about what I saw when I pointed out the giant speaker system
to him (he was standing only several metres away from it). There is another
mind-control slave just like me whose activities (manufacture and testing
of high explosives) were also being covered up by the NSW police: Josh
Borrowdale from Somersby, NSW (now Newcastle, I think).

It seems to me that either the crooked cops are trying to frame me for arson to
shut me up about all
this, or there is simply just a huge misunderstanding! If it's the former then
perhaps the crooked cops involved are people who the cult has compromised
with blackmail. Either way, I don't trust the cops one bit--half of them are in
on it! I am in a David versus Goliath fight here.
Attempt to Assassinate Me

When I was in hospital in April 2017 after Dan drove me to mental

breakdown with their mind-altering weapons, the cult attempted multiple
times to assassinate me.

- The cult tried to kill me by waiting until I was asleep (they knew when I
was sleeping because they were remotely monitoring my brain waves with
their technology).

- The would-be assassins gained access to the ward by posing as corrections

officers as they escorted a prison inmate named Stefano for psychiatric
treatment. Even the inmate could tell they weren't real corrections officers
("No way you guys are screws, you're not tough enough to be screws").

- The would-be assassin or his co-offender might have been called Aaron.

- The assassins officially had a keycard which could only open the staff areas
and toilets, not the patients rooms and that would be their cover story because
somehow they got ahold of a keycard which could open my room! As a result
I stayed in the common areas and refused to sleep.

- Anyway, long story short, I pretended to be asleep and around 2am the
assassin posing as corrections officer approached me to slip me the poison. I
think the date was around Anzac day. The would-be assassin had short grey
hair, glasses, brown shoes and blue jeans and either he or his co-offender
might have been called Aaron (they might have given a fake name to the
hospital, though).

- The cult has a poison which can induce heart failure and probably looks like
"natural causes" to a coroner. The cult's plan was that no one would be
suspicious if a former amphetamine user died of heart failure, because those
drugs are hard on the heart. The poison is probably in a sublingual tablet or
film form, meaning it dissolves in your mouth. They put the poison in your
mouth while the victim sleeps. I could tell you how I know all this and how I
foiled their plot but you wouldn't believe it at this point, and I want to
withhold some information from the cult about how I did it. I will tell the full
story of what happened when I was in hospital in April 2017, there's a lot of
information I'm withholding for now.

- They used their technology to remotely monitor my brainwaves to know

when I
was asleep and they used the voice transmission weapon to direct the
would-be assassin's actions.

- I was refusing to sleep because I knew of their plot to kill me and Dan or
another cult member were providing a negative commentary with the voice
transmission weapon, saying things like "They (hospital staff) will think
you're manic." After foiling the assassination attempt which got to the point
of the would-be assassin approaching me around 2am at night in the mistaken
belief I was asleep, I tried to tell hospital staff but they got angry and told me
to go to sleep and threatened to drug me. The ignorance of psychiatrists
almost got me assassinated and if I had been, the world wouldn't know any of
what you're reading now!

- After foiling the attempted assassination I desperately tried to tell the nurses
but they got angry and threatened to drug me if I didn't go back to my room
and go to sleep. I went back to my room and self-harmed due to the trauma of
not being believed. There was graffiti on the wall which read "If you don't
have a mental illness when you come here, you will by the time you leave."
So true!

- They had access to my hospital chart. I know for a fact that they were
looking at my EKG scans (heart monitor) to determine my heart condition, to
see if it was plausible if I died due to heart failure. They tried to assassinate
me with a poison that causes heart failure and looks like "natural causes" to
the coroner. The perps were disappointed when my heart was just fine,
despite my previous drug use.

- I previously said I had heart problems due to drug abuse. I want to retract
that because as I think I also previously mentioned, I'm a bit of a
hypochondriac. The drug abuse was in 2012 (now writing in late 2017) and I
have had no heart pains or irregularity whatsoever, or any signs of problems.
I also do plenty of walking. I feel very healthy and my EKG (heart monitor)
scans are just fine and normal. Be suspicious if I have a heart attack, or if I
die for any reason actually.

- I overheard them toying with the idea of abducting me in a police van in a

"arrest" and throwing me from a building in a staged "suicide".

- Another example of something they might do is shoot me with a homemade

in a staged "suicide" and everyone would believe it because I have a
history of making homemade guns and no one would bat an eyelid if some
"schizophrenic" killed themselves "due to mental illness". That's the sort
of thing they do, they are experts at framing people and covering up
deaths. They use surveillance extensively on their targets to learn everything
about them. For the record, I am in good health and would never commit
suicide or harm anyone else under any circumstances.

- If something happens to me I want everything I've written to be used as my

sworn statement, in my absence.

- I could tell you how I know all this and how I foiled their plot, but the truth
is so remarkable that nobody would believe it and I want to withhold some
information so the cult doesn't know how I did it. For now, let's just say my
life was saved by divine intervention.

In conclusion I have one thing to say and this is to the perps who I know are
reading this: I KNOW!

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