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Intention Increase™

Intention Increase™ is an energy system that has been brought forth to

vastly increase the power of your intentions. That which you set forth as
what you intend to happen is to increase with the regular activation of this
energy system. This attunement trains you to “Increase” whatever you want.

Intention Increase™ channeled and manual written by:

Mariah Windsong Couture ~May 28th, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved
Intention Increase™ is a self use energy system, not to be channeled for
other people. Increasing one’s intention is a personal growth process.

Attention Resellers: From May 28th through June 7th, 2011 Mariah
Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell, gift or exchange
Intention Increase™ energy system’s attunements and manual.

Intention Increase™ energy system has a fixed resale price of $25.00 USD
each or the equivalent in your currency. Always provide this manual with
any Intention Increase™ attunement, fully intact, with no changes.

By accepting these attunements, you agree that Intention Increase™ may

NEVER be traded for another system. You agree that if you pass an
attunement of Intention Increase™ it will either be sold by accepting monies
in currency or you’ll gift it if you feel so guided. Uncertified self attunements
of this energy system may be used for personal self healing, but does not
certify you as a Master or teacher of this system. Uncertified self
attunements do not provide you with a certificate, lineage or confirmation.

Charging less than $25.00 for this energy system without permission from
the founder constitutes a breech of term, conditions and copyright of this
system. Charge the fixed fee of $25.00 or the equivalent in your currency if
you wish to sell this energy system or completely gift this attunement and
energy system, including the manual. The manual may not be sold without
also sending the attunement out in a sacred manner to your student.

Intention Increase™ may NEVER be traded for another system. Intention

Increase™ is to be either sold by accepting monies in currency or freely
gifted, as your inner guidance directs, but NEVER traded for another energy
system of any kind.

No text or any portion of this manual may be used on u-tube, in movies, on

social networking sites. No text or portion of this manual may be copied,
used on u-tube, in movies, posted on the internet, linked or plagiarized,
unless quoted briefly (50 words or less) as part of fair use in a review, resale
listing or other commentary.

Please contact the author at for permission to

translate this manual. If you translate you agree to send author a copy and
manual must remain exactly as original form without any changes.

Intention is the act of aligning yourself with a purpose within a certain topic.
Spiritually speaking intention is the mental positioning you hold and extend
forth with the power of your own will, to instruct Eternal Sacred Source
about what you desire to bring into your life. That is the outgoing energy.
The response from Source is the incoming energy that fulfills our intentions.

Increase is simply the verb, the action you are directing to occur.

Intention is the single most powerful tool you have as a believer in Eternal
Sacred Source responding to your requests. Some people speak about how
the universe will respond when you align yourself energetically with what
you want. Positive thinking can be beneficial.

Prayer is certainly beneficial. Where many people lose out in regards to

prayers that have requests within them, is that the person’s own intention
may not be singular. For each topic we desire a response from Eternal
Sacred Source, we must be singularly aligned to what we really want.

We are here, on planet Earth. We are here in physicality. Because we are in

a physical body we have certain rights that the angels and light beings don’t.
Those are the rights to have one’s intention and will draw assistance and
power of response that directly affects the physical realm. We are here.

We have a right to manifest here. One of the gaps between our wants and
what actually gets manifested is lack of specific focus.
The way we hold our mind’s focus, our intent coupled by will power and
faith brings action from Divinity. (Eternal Sacred Source)

For example, if you want more supplies for your household, you do need to
hold the intention that you receive all that you need before you even know
you need it. However, if you think that a raise of pay at work is the only way
to get such supplies you are limiting how Divinity supplies your needs.

A neighbor may bring you food from their garden or a fellow churchgoer
may put gas in your lawnmower. Someone else may bring firewood for your
winter heating needs while another person may choose to gift you shoes.

There are many ways that Source can fulfill those needs using real live
people. Some people you may already know, others may enter your life.

An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that ‘match’
the energy of this Intention Increase energy system in general, and each
function or empowerment specifically.

Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will
recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal
Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system.

Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often

called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal
Light. It is released to you when you ‘call it in’, like a prayer to receive it.

Please spend a few minutes to invite the attunement your teacher sent you of
Intention Increase™, to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in
your mind: “I ask to fully receive my Intention Increase attunement, as
sent out by my teacher, made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!”

Think of a ball of light and energy above your head that opens up and
streams down into the top of your head. This may take a few minutes.

If you are sensitive to subtle energies, you might feel an inpouring of energy
somewhere in your body. It is required that you feel anything. This energy
system is effective whether you feel subtle energies or not.

Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not
limited by space or time. Your Intention Increase™ attunement arrives as a
“meet and greet” to you, granting you the ability to activate all of the energy
functions mentioned in this manual.

Intend within the topic, limit not the specifics of what exactly you receive.

Examples of this is can be found within the Supplies Increase™ energy

function. Supplies are needed to feed and care for yourself, your family, any
pets or others you may be responsible for. To simply intend a particular
brand of an item or food product limits source. Just because you are
accustomed to eating certain foods doesn’t mean that those specific food will
be the ones spirit/source will motivate others to help you receive.

Broaden your mind to encompass a larger range of food and items, yet
sharpen and focus your intent as a laser within which all healthy food and
functions household items arrive for you.

There is a very definite expansive and contractive movement to this

energy function of Intention Increase.

Lift up, in your mind’s eye, the topic that you want to use
your intention to increase in your life.

Think about all you can imagine that is within the range
of the topic you want to send out the intent to increase.

There is an opening, uplifting and broadening feeling,

and movement to its energy as you open to new possibilities.

Activate your Intention Increase™ energy function by saying, audibly or in

your mind: “Intention Increase, Activate!”

As your Intention Increase focuses and increases the power of your own
intent to receive or cause a positive action, then contracts laser like as
it moves outward through universes.

Intention Increase helps intentions to be more powerful and focused

while causing you to be open to Divinity’s
varied responses to your intention.

“Increase” is an infused energy function that will grow in strength

and effectiveness as you practice using it with your intention.

You can add the energy function of “Increase” to any positive topic
and it becomes an instruction to Eternal Sacred Source.

“Increase” is much more than just a word.

It is a spoken word said in your mind or audibly that goes out

with the power of your intent
in such a manner that brings swift and positive response from
Eternal Sacred Source and all Eternal Angels, Light Beings and Ancestors.

The various energy functions that are anchored here in this reality to provide
ease of access to the increased benefit of their intentions are listed here.

You can use the “Increase” energy function with any word that aptly
describes what you are setting your intent to receive. The ones that I’ve
channeled here have extra “umph” or “power” to make it easier for you to
get started using this energy system. It may take awhile for you to get
accustomed to the mental positioning of setting an intention and sending it
forth to Eternal Sacred Source. These energy functions are activateable to
give you that additional strength to your intentions.

I expect and trust that you will practice using your increased intention on a
regular basis. When you have areas of your life that you want to receive in,
please activate the “Increase” energy function after you’ve set your intent.

Think about the topic you want to set your intent to have increased by
Eternal Sacred Source. If English is not your native language, please convert
the word “Increase” to a word in your first language. This is wise to do with
the other energy functions as well.

Intention is something that needs to be coupled with strong feeling as you

send it forth. It is easier to do that when you are comfortable with the words.
When the words have a deep, easily recognizable meaning it will be easier
for you to do effectively send forth your intention to Eternal Sacred Source.

You do need to be specific enough with your words so that you’ve narrowed
the topic of this particular intent to one. For example supplies. That means
items to arrive to you and your household. They can be food, or cleaning
supplies or items you used in your house. That is about a wide of a topic as
you would want to send out in one intention increase!

You can be specific, yet allow for Source to choose what is brought to you.

If you want to narrow the focus further to, oh, let us say, food, you can
qualify to say: “Healthy Enjoyable Food Increase!” That is wide enough to
encompass food for all the physical beings who live in your household, yet
focused enough to specify that the food be healthy and enjoyable! See how
the qualifying words can be used to be more specific, while keeping it open
enough for Source to motivate any agreeable person to fulfill your intention.

Supplies Increase™ is an energy function that is ready for you to activate
anytime, simply by saying: “Supplies Increase!” Say it in your mind or
audibly with strong feeling and intent to receive. You may further qualify
the type of supplies that you need as we did in the food example on the
previous page. For example: “Fresh Food Supplies Increase!”

Or you could say, “Printer Paper Supplies Increase!” or “Soap Supplies

Increase!” or “Cat Litter Supplies Increase!” or “Bird Seed Supplies
Increase!” or “Text Book Supplies Increase!”

There is an energy function I’ve used successfully in the past, and if it is

appropriate for you, please feel free to activate it. This one attunement has
indeed attuned you to all of the energy functions in this manual.

“Income Increase™” has a lot of strong energy and really helps a lot!

Other people I know have received benefit as they co-created their own
“Increase” energy functions to go with this energy system. The list of those
that I know of are: “Sales Increase”, “Gift Increase”, “Volunteer
Increase”, “Application Increase”, “Interview Increase”, “Call Increase”
and “Bonus Increase”.

One that I was privileged to channel and that I find especially useful is
“Trade Increase™”. By trade we mean not only items that can be traded
with other people, but services as well! Say, for example, that your clothes
washing machine was not working, or you don’t own a washing machine.

You have been washing your clothes by hand, and it is becoming too
laborious. You want the time that you’d spend hand washing clothes each
week to be more joy filled! You speak with a neighbor who has children and
trade. You will watch her children in your home every Thursday afternoon
while she tends your wash in her washing machine for you! Now she has
some quiet time to read or bathe while your clothes are washing and instead
of physical labor, you get the company of children!

There are many creative ways for each person to get some of what they need
in exchange for trading tasks and services with one another. “Trade
Increase” is to be used while you hold in mind the service or help you need.
Activate the energy function with strong intention to receive service or help.
“Trade Increase” helps you notice opportunities to get your needs met.

“Health Increase™” is an energy function that utilizes the power of your
intent combined with the energy function of “Increase” to increase your
health. As with any of the energy functions in Intention Increase energy
system, you can add qualifying words to this energy function when you
activate it if you desire to. Some suggestions may be:
“Mental Health Increase!”

“Emotional Health Increase!”

“Physical Health Increase”

It isn’t necessary to add the qualifying words to activate this energy,

you can simply say, out loud or in your mind:
“Health Increase, Activate!”

“Growth Increase™” is an energy function that arrives to you with some

cautions. Growth, as a topic, can range from personal life lessons to your
physical height! I suggest that, unless you wish to have “growth” in areas of
your life you would prefer Source leave alone, you will indeed want to add
qualifying words to this energy function when you speak it with intent!

And truly, even to say “Spiritual Growth Increase!” arrives with risk of
your comfort during the changes that are sure to be required as growth
occurs. I highly suggest that you do your best to speak to your helping
healing ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source to say what areas of your
life you prefer would be immune to change while you grow spiritually.

There is certainly no guarantee that the changes required for you to grow
spiritually will leave any area of your life looking like it did in the past.

Have courage and ask for growth anyway. Your higher self and soul seek to
arrange your physical life in alignment with your highest joyful good.

“Muscle Strength Increase” will help your muscles to gain strength.

If you choose to activate this energy function, be prepared to eat more food,
for your muscles will need to feed. Muscles require a lot more food on a
regular basis than fat does. You certainly do need to exercise in order to
balance the increased muscle mass that you may gain.

It is important to stretch your muscles promote flexibility as they grow.

“Compassion Increase” is an energy function that can be activated to
increase your compassion. Compassion Increase can be beneficial to you
when have you difficulty seeing from the other people’s perspective.

It can be beneficial to notice how other people are feeling so that we can
better understand what is happening with them. You do not have to feel what
they are feeling empathically. You can simply be aware and treat them with
kindness. Kindness does not mean that you need to make it easy for
someone who is feeling sad or emotional discomfort. Stand in your truth and
be yourself no matter what. If your inner guidance says to sit with someone
while they are feeling emotional, do so. If your inner guidance says to let
them reach deep within to Source on their own, then excuse yourself and let
their emotions motivate them to reach to Source on their own.

Sometimes compassion means doing something that is out of your way.

Compassion can encourage us to help others even when it is inconvenient
for us just so that their faith can be bolstered. If their faith is increased, then
they will better be able to reach directly to source for their sustenance and
healing. When someone’s faith is increased, all Heaven rejoices!

Intention Increase™ can be activated as often as you’d like. This image of

a scroll, all sparkly can represent your intention. Ready to record and send!

Tolerance Increase™ is a very important energy function. Tolerance is
increased as our wisdom increases.
Maybe our wisdom isn’t increased as much as we’d like yet, if tolerance is a
struggle. Tolerance gives us the ability not only to control our actions, but
the inner state of accepting another person’s behavior. There are situations
where you are better served by being tolerant. Sometimes someone’s
behavior is annoying or insulting.
There are times when turning the other cheek to it is more appropriate than
trying to change the person’s behavior. There can be annoying family
members that we need to be tolerant of.

Often times tolerance is called for when a neighbor’s child is behaving in a

manner that we’d never tolerate from our own children. There are times
when a parent’s words to their child are not uplifting and kind. If there is no
outright abuse, sometimes we must simply be tolerant. One of the most
important times to be tolerant is in regards to traditions and customs parents
enforce that seem to limit a child’s growth or freedom. There are some
cultures that require females to be treated as less then the males. It is not our
place to try to change how the parents of these children raise them.

Tolerance reaches its limit when abuse of any kind is witnessed.

Tolerance Increase is designed to assist you to ignore behavior that is

trying to get a “rise” out of you. Some people try to get you to react.

In various work and community situations, it is wiser to remain calm and

ignore behavior around you that is offensive. Some people try to ruin your
countenance of peace and centeredness. Do not give them the satisfaction
of luring your into a fight or heated verbal discourse. Remain calm.

Repeat in your mind, “Tolerance Increase!” when someone is trying to

evoke an argumentative or anger response from you because there may
come a time when you do need to speak and be listened to.

A person normally calm will be heard with respect when a situation arises
that he or she chooses to speak about rather than be goaded into.

Rather than to be seen as a person who can not hold their temper, be
tolerant of others so that when you do choose to speak it is well heard.

Intention is that seemingly illusive skill, which when practiced adeptly
brings results that have been referred to as magical. You need to determine
what you shall intend, refine the topic well enough to be specific, and when
you send it forth, let go of the how, and who in order to gain superb results.

If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can confidently send a
Intention Increase™ attunement. Always include the Supplies Increase™,
Trade Increase™, Health Increase™, Compassion Increase™, Tolerance
Increase™, Growth Increase™ and Muscle Strength Increase™energy
functions as well.

Advise your student on the best way to receive the empowerment you have
sent out. Intention Increase™ manual must be included fully intact with no
changes when its empowerment is provided.

Intention Increase™ is an original energy system channeled by Rev. Mariah

Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any previously or any system that
may arrive in the future channeled by anyone.

May 28th, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this Intention Increase™
attunement/empowerments and the Supplies Increase™, Trade Increase™, Health Increase™, Compassion

Increase™, Tolerance Increase™, Muscle Strength Increase™ and Growth Increase™ is/are for
entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of natural energy healing, and is not to be
confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or initiation now, in the past, or to come
in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to replace any professional medical or legal
advice. Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind.
Mariah Windsong Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information and takes no
responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of
information. By receiving the empowerment/attunement in this manual you are agreeing to indemnify
Mariah Couture from and against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and violation of rights of
privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly caused.
Mariah Windsong Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this

empowerment. You further agree to indemnify Mariah Windsong Couture from all liabilities and
expenses including lawyer’s fees arising from such claims based on this manual. This manual may
contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Mariah Windsong Couture does not warrant the accuracy
or completeness of the materials or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information
displayed or linked in this manual. By purchasing this manual or receiving this empowerment or
attunement, you acknowledge that any reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or energy streams
or information shall be at your sole risk. Mariah Windsong Couture reserves the right, by her discretion
to correct any error or omission or change this manual as she sees fit, by revising the manual. It is your
duty to check and see if updates and revisions to the manual have been made.

May 28th, 2011

All photos I own lifetime license to use commercially.

Other Original Divine Energy Systems

Founded by Mariah Windsong
always available first at Cosmic Goddess Empowerments

Please browse and purchase my systems from Rosemary at:
4th Eye Activation
Acupressure Therapy
Ajna Lense
Alabaster Caverns Empowerment
Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector
Angelic Elemental Templates
Angelic Elim
Angelic Erelim
Angelic Ishim
Angelic Ophanim
Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment
Astral Body Radiance
Ascension Vibration
Augustus Empowerment
Azure Shakti
Bandicoot Berry Plant Empowerment w/ Leea Indica Cancer Inhibitor
Barberry Plant Empowerment
Bio Life
Bio Life Sphere and Bio Life Elixir
Leyline Bio Life Symmetry
Bio Life Kundalini
Calla Lily Deva
Clairsentient Awakening
Care Series containing to date:
Body Care ~ for the spaces between your cells!
Bone Care
Chiropractic Care
Craniosacral Care
Drop-in Care (coming soon)
Excess Fat Care
Foot Care
Flow Care (for the Lymphatic System)
Hand Care

Heart Care with Valve and Vessel Care
Joint Care
Lung Care
Liver Care
Mental Care
Nerve Care
Nadi Care
Kidneys and Bladder Care
Pancreas Care (coming soon)
Pregnancy Care
Sephiroth Care
Shaman Care Session
Skin Care
Synapse Care
Soul Care Levels 1-5
Tooth Care
Triple Warmer Meridian Care
Vocal Cord Care
Wing Care
Womb Care
Cedar Smudge (Ethereal)
Clairsentient Awakening
Connective Tissue Service
Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment
Crystal Being Therapy
Diltiazem Essence
Disappointment Flush
Divine Provision Reiki 1-3
Dream Scenario Clearance

Earth Soul Anointing

Efficient Memory Empowerment
Elohim of Emanation Empowerment
Epsilon Aurigae Empowerment (a star)
Epsilon Ident Chamber
Eternal Trikaya
Eternally Exalted Sexuality 2011
Feline Love
Force Factor Five Fear Flush
Four Fold Circle Security
Flicker Empowerment
Flow Care of the Lymphatic Care Systems
Fluorite Cluster Empowerment
Fractal Reiki Levels 1-3
Full Presence 2011
Goddess Fortuna
Ganesha Anointing
Heart Root Chakra Synergy
Histamine Blocker Field
Holograph Brain Root Flush
Hydrostatic Pressure Adjustment
Infection Inhibitor Field
Intelligence Awakening
Image Impact Intensity Reducer
Inner Body Protector
Inner Truth Reiki
Injustice Flush
Inter-Demensional Medical Team
Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations Levels 1-5
Labradorite Sphere (headache relief)
Lattice Bridge 2010 (for long distance energy work safely)
Lavandula Officinalis Attunement

LaVa Reiki
Life Light
Light Concentration Increase Rays
Liquid Love
Llama Empowerment
Love Gratitude Octave
Loyalty Empowerment
Mea Nang Kwak Empowerment (coming soon)
Media Influence Flush
Mountain Laurel Deva Empowerment 2010
Moxibustion Therapy
Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite
Opulent Living Empowerment
Orchid Empowerment
Pearlized Silver Seichim levels 1-3
Pelvic Basket Shakti Set
Prolific Sales Activation
Proper Perspective Empowerment
Purchase Attraction Rays
Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)
Radium Chakra Protector
Rainwater Tea Essence
Resentment Flush
River Sleep
Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay
Root Chakra Re-Alignment
Sandals Empowerment
Sexual Imprint Flush
Snow Spirits Empowerment
Sovereignty Empowerment
Sphagnum Moss Gifts
Spirulina Spectrum Ray
Strategic Skills Empowerment 1-2
Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System
Subconscious Healing Shakti
Synergy Within Empowerment
Telepathy Gene Awakening
Thymus Heart Activation
Toning Vibration
Tornado Tension Tamer
Tourmaline Spectrum Ray
Trager Team
Virus Inhibitor Field
Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3
Worry Flush
Yellow Dock Plant Empowerment
YodHehVodHeh - 15 Permutations of the YHVH Mantra
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment
Ze’Or Continuum Empowerment


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