UP CHAPTER IAPM - Byelaws Finalised

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1. Name : “UP Chapter of IAPM”.

2. Address : Department of Pathology,

Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences,
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow (U.P) India 226010

3. Area of Operation :- The area of operation shall be the whole of India.

4. Objectives of the Society:

UP Chapter of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists hereby registered as

“UP Chapter of IAPM” is a non- profit, non-government, non-religious, society formed with
the objectives as:-

1. To promote advancements, research, education and training in Pathology, Microbiology

and allied subjects.

2. To collaborate and cooperate with other organizations of similar interest, inside and
outside the country, for advancement of knowledge, research and training.

3. To collaborate and cooperate with other organizations of similar interest, inside and
outside the country, for delivery of improved health care for patients with chronic

4. To promote and assist in quality assurance and ethical practice of Pathology and

5. To promote , run , manage schemes, funded by Central and State Governments, various
Government Departments, Agencies, Non Government Organizations, World Bank and
other agencies working in various social sectors related to the specialty of pathology.

6. To participate run and manage various social & health development programs.

7. To provide free and charitable consultation and educational services related to pathology.

8. To maintain a library and Chapter office.

9. To invest any money of the Chapter not immediately required for any of its purpose or
for any of its objectives in such manner as may from to time be determined by the

10. To assist, subscribe, to cooperate, affiliate, be affiliated to or amalgamate with any

other public body, whether corporate, registered or not and having altogether or in
para objectives similar to those of the Chapter.

Name, Address, Designation & Occupation of the office Bearers and Members of the
society -



1. Dr. Vatsala Misra, President Professor, Pathology

2. Dr. Ranjan Agrawal, Vice President Professor, Pathology
3. Dr Pradyumn Singh Secretary Professor, Pathology
4. Dr Anupam Varshney Jt Secretary Professor, Pathology
5. Dr Ram Nawal Treasurer Professor, Pathology
6. Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Immediate Past President Professor, Pathology


1. NAME of SOCIETY:- UP Chapter of IAPM

2.ADDRESS OF SOCIETY :- Department of Pathology, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia

Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (U.P) India

3. AREA OF OPERATION: Whole of India

There shall be three types of membership.
1. Ordinary membership.
2. Life membership.
3. Honorary membership.

1. Ordinary membership.

a. National
Is open to all (with a basic MBBS degree) postgraduates in Pathology, Microbiology & allied
subjects and postgraduate students in Pathology, Microbiology and allied subjects (subjects to
be decided by the General Body). The person shall be required to pay Rs. 1000/- p.a. by way
of membership fee.
The qualified persons shall apply to the Secretary in the approved form giving details as
required in the form. They become members only after approval by the Council and on payment
of the prescribed fee as decided by the Council and approved by the GB. The annual
membership fee may be paid at the annual conference of the previous year. Membership fee
for three years may be paid in advance, for the convenience of the member, but gives no
special privileges. Membership fee would be subject to periodic revision as felt necessary by

the Council with the approval of the GB. Ordinary members and affiliate members will have
no voting rights.
Membership may be declined by the Council for applicants who do not satisfy the basic
requirements, and for any reasons as decided by the Council which are likely to jeopardize the
interests of the Society. The membership gets automatically cancelled if the membership fee is
not paid for three consecutive years. A defaulter is not eligible for the privileges of membership
especially to stand for election and or vote.

b. Membership for NRIs.

May be offered to medical professionals practicing outside the country (NRIs), (holding
qualifications registered in the Medical Council of India), under the same terms and conditions
of membership for Indian nationals, except that they have to give Annual and Life membership
fees as hall be US $ 100- p.a. and as revised by the Society from time to time.
The membership fee shall be remitted in the corresponding foreign currency as per rules of
the registered society and foreign exchange regulations existing at that time.

2. Life membership.
Is offered to any postgraduate in Pathology, Microbiology in related subjects. The member is
required to submit an application along with the prescribed fee of Rs. 3000/-. Approval for life
membership (subject to payment of fee) rests with the Council. Life membership is not
automatic and may be refused after assigning reasons. All the life members should also be the
members of IAPM.

3. Honorary Membership.
Is offered to members who have distinguished themselves in the profession and will bring credit
to the Society, by acceptance of membership of the Society. This membership is by
invitation. Selection of Honorary members is made by the Council subject to approval by the
General Body.

i. In the event of his Death
ii. If he becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind
iii. If he resigns from Society
iv. If he does anything against the interest of the society or his activities are likely to
impede the implementation of its objectives.
v. Non payment of Membership fee for 3 years.

5. Advisory Board: The society will have an advisory board

Advisors: All HODs of MCI recognized Medical Teaching institution in the state of at
least 5 years standing, Executive Members from the state represented in the
central body of IAPM, invited Nominees from the Central Executive Council
(If any) and all Past Presidents of the State Chapter.
Advisory Board Members will have no voting rights except the Past Presidents of the State



i. General Body ( GB)

ii. Executive Council (EC)


The General Body would comprise of all the members of the Society for that time being.

The Annual General Meeting of the General Body shall be held once in a year. Extraordinary
Meeting of the General Body can be called upon any time.

Notice of Annual General Meeting shall be given to the members 15 days in advance, whereas
extraordinary General Body meetings can be called at a shorter notice of 7 clear days.

The quorum for all meetings shall be 2/3rd of the members. The decisions of the Council shall
be presented to the next GB for approval.


1. There shall be an Annual conference of the Society, held preferably in the month of October
at a place decided by the EC and ratified by GB of the previous year, and could be by
2. In case of any last minute change, the signatory EC will have the right to reassign.
3. The organizers, hosting the annual conference, shall submit the accounts to the Council,
within 3 months of the meeting. Any amount, in excess of all expenditure for conducting
such conferences, shall be credited to the Funds of the Society.
4. Registered members of the UP Chapter society shall have discounted registration fee.
5. All delegates presenting paper/poster etc. should be member of the UP Chapter IAPM.

Rights & duties of the general body:

i. To nominate/elect the Executive Council
ii. To approve the annual budget of the Society
iii. To approve the annual report of the Society
iv. To frame the objective of the Society


The executive council shall consist of the elected members.

The Council shall be composed of the following members, elected from among the members
of the Society, by the members (with no default in payments of membership fees).

Post. No Term of office.

1. The President. 1 (One year).
2. The Vice President. 1 (One year).
3. The Secretary. 1 (Three years).

4. Joint secretary 1 (Two years).

5. Editor of Journal (when need arises) 1 (Five years)
6. Executive members 4 (Two years)
7. Treasurer 1 (Three years)
8. Immediate Past President 1 (One Year)

Executive Council signatories (For year 2019-20):

1. President: Dr. Vatsala Misra,
2. Vice president: Dr. Ranjan Agrawal,
3. Secretary: Dr Pradyumn Singh
4. Jt Secretary: Dr Anupam Varshney
5. Treasurer: Dr Ram Nawal Rao

Any person contesting for the post of Executive Member of the society should satisfy the
following minimum criteria:

a. Should have no dues pending with the Society

b. Should have attended at least 3 previous consecutive annual meetings / CME /
Conferences organized by the Society.

The first Council shall be elected at the first meeting of the Society and there after the elections
shall be held as per the Rules and Bye-laws of the society.
A person can be re-elected for a second term but not for more than two terms, except under
special circumstances.

The Meeting of the Executive Body shall be held at least twice in a year.
Extraordinary Meeting can be called upon any time by giving prior notice.
GB meeting shall be held once in a year.
Decision of Executive Council shall be ratified by the GB.

Notice of General Meeting shall be given at least 7 days in advance, whereas extraordinary
meetings can be called at a shorter notice of 3 days .

The quorum for meetings shall be 2/3rds of the elected members.

Filing of the vacancies

Any casual vacancy in the Executive Council shall be filled by the consent of 2/3 of the

Powers and functions of the Council

1. To make regulations and issue instructions for the proper working, administration and
maintenance of the Society and its publications.
2. To appoint committees, subcommittees including disciplinary committees as and when
necessary. These appointments shall be ratified by the next GB.

3. To represent any matter which the committee considers involvement of the interests of the
Society or its members are affected, before the Government, court or any other public
body or legally constituted authority.
4. To consider applications for membership, or resignation of members, take disciplinary
action on members or staff appointed by the Society, subject to the approval of the GB.
5. To write off whole or part of the unrealizable arrears of membership fees, outstanding dues
to the Society and this shall later be approved by the GB.
6. To appoint and or remove salaried staff or employees of the Society
7. To sanction TA and DA to members or officers appointed by the Society or Council, as
and when needed and as per standard rules.
8. To exercise all other such Rules and regulations authorized by the Society.
9. To prepare the budget, annual accounts of the society.

Term of office of the Council

The Executive council shall be a continuous body.


The President. :
a) Should be an active member of the Society for a minimum period of three years
b) Should have no dues pending with the Society
c) Should have attended at least 50% of the annual meetings / CME / Conferences
organized by the Society.
d) President: Any person who is the Organising Chairperson of Annual state conference
would become President for next year. Organising Chairperson should have atleast
15 years post PG experience in the field of Pathology.

Powers of the President

1. To preside over all the meetings of the Council and Society.
2. Shall be the constitutional head of the organization, guide and control all the activities of
the Society.
3. Shall regulate the proceedings of the meetings of the Council, the Society and conferences
and will be responsible for interpretation of the Rules and Bye-laws of the Society.
4. Shall, in addition to the rightful vote as member, have a casting vote in case of equal
division of votes.

The Vice President: Any person contesting for the post of Vice- president of the society should
satisfy the following minimum criteria:
a) Should be an active member of the Society for a minimum period of three years
b) Should have no dues pending with the Society
c) Should have been a member of the Executive Council of the Society in the past.
d) Should have attended at least 50% of the annual meetings / CME / Conferences
organized by the Society
e) Should have atleast 15 years post PG experience in the field of Pathology.

Powers of the Vice President

1. Shall be elected from among the members of the Society.

2. Shall preside over all the meetings of the Society and or Council or any other meeting of
the Society in the absence of or when deputed by the President or the GB.

The Secretary: Any person contesting for the post of Secretary / Treasurer of the society
should satisfy the following minimum criteria:
1. Should be an active member of the Society for a minimum period of three years
2. Should have no dues pending with the Society
3. Should have been a member of the Executive Council of the Society in the past.
4. Should have attended at least 50% of the annual meetings / CME / Conferences organized
by the Society
5. Should have atleast 10 years post PG experience in the field of Pathology.

Powers of Secretary
Shall be in charge of the Office at Head quarters and function under the guidance of the
1. Shall maintain the Register of all the members (also if needed in an electronic medium).
2. Shall maintain the office and all correspondence under the supervision of the President and
members of the Council.
3. shall organize and arrange all meetings of the Council, Society or any other programs like
CME, or Work-Shop as decided by the Council, in collaboration with the Organizing Secretary
of such programs, if available.
4. Shall attend all the meetings of the Society and Council.
5. Shall be an ex-officio member of all the meetings of the Society and Council and any other
meeting as desired by the President.
6. Shall give notice and inform all members about all meetings of the Society and Council
including the agenda.
7. Shall conduct all elections to the offices of the Society and Council as per the Rules and
By-Laws of the Society, prevailing at that time.
8. Shall take all steps for the smooth running of the office and of the Society

The Treasurer . Any person contesting for the post of Secretary / Treasurer of the society
should satisfy the following minimum criteria:
a. Should be an active member of the Society for a minimum period of three years.
b. Should have no dues pending with the Society
c. Should have been a member of the Executive Council of the Society in the past.
d. Should have attended at least 50% of the annual meetings / CME / Conferences organized
by the Society
e. Should have atleast 10 years post PG experience in the field of Pathology.

Powers of the Treasurer

1. Shall maintain and have general supervision of all accounts, pass all bills for payment as
directed by the President.
2. Shall prepare the annual budget and get the accounts audited by auditors approved by the
Council and present it in the GB after presenting it in the Council.
3. shall be an ex-officio member of all the meetings of the Society and Council and any other
meeting as desired by the President

Joint Secretary: Any person contesting for the post of Joint Secretary& Scientific Co-ordinator
of Journal of the society should satisfy the following minimum criteria:
a) Should be an active member of the Society for a minimum period of three years
b) Should have no dues pending with the Society
c) Should have attended at least 50% of the annual meetings / CME / Conferences organized
by the Society.
d) should have atleast 8 years post PG experience in the field of Pathology.

Powers of Joint Secretary:

1. Will coordinate with the president and secretary and perform functions sub delegated by
the secretary.
2. Will organize the scientific content of the annual conference
3. Will publish annual issue of Society news letter
4. Will coordinate with the parent body (IAPM) for regular updates

Editor: Any person contesting for the post of Editor of Journal of the society should satisfy
the following minimum criteria:
a) Should be an active member of the Society for a minimum period of three years
b) Should have no dues pending with the Society
c) Should have attended at least 50% of the annual meetings / CME / Conferences organized
by the Society.
d) should have atleast 10 years post PG experience in the field of Pathology.
e) Should have atleast 50 publications in the indexed journals including Book chapters.

Powers of Editor:
1. Will coordinate with the president and secretary and perform functions sub delegated by
the secretary.
2. Will organize the scientific content of the annual conference
3. Will publish annual issue of Society News letter
4. Will coordinate with the parent body (IAPM) for regular updates

Except for President, all other posts will be filled by election. In case of no nominations
received for election an eligible member may be nominated by EC further ratified by GBM

Executive Members:
Total four members, two of whom would be changed automatically every year.
The Organizing Secretary of the present year’s annual conference would be one of the
Executive Members.


Amendments to the Constitution, Rules and or Bye-laws, if any, suggested by members, must
reach the Secretary at least four months before the special meeting to be convened for
consideration of the same. These shall be circulated to members at least three months before
convening the meeting. The proposal for the amendment shall be included in the agenda of the
meeting specially convened for that purpose. No such amendments shall be carried out into
effect, unless agreed to by the votes of ¾ of the members present at the next GB meeting
specially convened for that purpose. This may be done on the same day as the Annual
conference. .

The proceedings of the Council or of any committee, legally appointed by the Society or any
body, acting under the Rules and By-laws, shall not be invalidated by any accidental omission
to give any notice thereby required or by any vacancy amongst the members or by any defect
in the election or disqualification of any members.


Where under the Rules and Bye-laws any action or thing is to be done by the Society, the same
may be done by such office bearer, member or members of the Society as the Council may

For furtherance of the interests and objectives of the Society, it shall have the right to affiliate
or get affiliated to other National or International organizations, if the GB so decides.

Government recognized auditors registered with the CA organization shall be appointed / re-
appointed by the Council every year for auditing all the accounts of the Society.
The Treasurer of the body shall responsible for getting the audit done, and shall present the
audited report to the Executive Council and the General Body.


These can be done, only after the approval of the GB, accepting the terms and conditions. The
amount provided to the society shall be such that interest accrued on the principal amount shall
be sufficient to manage the endowment or oration as the case may be. In case the interest
becomes insufficient due to unforeseen circumstances, the Council in consultation with the GB
shall have the power to decide the fate of the donation.

The dissolution and distribution of the assets of the Society shall be governed by Rule 13 & 14
of the Societies Registration Act.


The provisions not specifically specified shall be governed by the Societies Registration Act
XXI of 1860.

President: Dr. Vatsala Misra,

Vice president: Dr. Ranjan Agrawal,

Secretary: Dr Pradyumn Singh

Jt Secretary: Dr Anupam Varshney

Treasurer: Dr Ram Nawal Rao

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