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Source: Gustavo Gutierrez. "Liberation Theology." In The New Dictionary must be communicated and may not be made upon us in the building of a human
left hidden, because it means life for every and just society. It will make explicit the
of Catholic Social Thought. Edited by Judith Dwyer. human being. How, then, are to find a
we values of faith, hope, and charity con­
Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1994. 548-553. way of speaking about God? tained in this commitment. In the final
Adopting the viewpoint of the theology analysis, theology helps make service of
of liberation, I will say that we must begin the church's evangelizing mission more
by contemplating God and doing God's evangelical, more concrete, more effec­
will and that only in a second step are we to tive. Theology is in the service of the
think about God. By this I mean that wor­ church's work of evangelization and devel­
ship of God and the doing of God's will ops within it as an ecclesial function.
Latin American liberation theology first
are the necessary conditions for thinking In the framework of theology of libera­
appeared around 1960, facing vigorous
about God. Only if we start in the realm of
pastoral opposition. (At almost the same tion the distinction of two phases (first act
practice will we be able to develop a dis­
time, black theology of!iberation appeared and second act} is a key element in theo­
course about God that is authentic and
in the United States, followed by similar logical method, that is, in the procedure
yet different theological perspectives from that must be followed for reflecting in the
Contemplation and commitment within
different parts of oppressed and marginal­ light of faith. It is no, a matter simply of
history are fundamental dimensions of
ized humanity.) Liberation theology in theological methodology but rather im­
Christian practice; thus there is no way of
Latin America arose from the poverty of plies a lifestyle, a way of being and of be­
evading them. The mystery reveals itself
the great majority of the Latin American coming a disciple of Jesus.
through prayer and solidarity with the
population and the understanding that the In the book that tells us of the acts of the
poor. I call Christian life itself the "first
reality of the misery was due to a profound first Christian community, the Christian
act"; only then can this life inspire a pro­
social injustice,. together with the under­ manner of life is given a particular and
cess of reflectioil, which is the "second
standing that this was contrary to the original name: "the way." The word is used
act." Contemplation and commitment
preaching of the life-kingdom, central to without any further qualification. To "fol­
combine to form what may be called the
Jesus' gospel, and of the need to live with low the way" means to conduct oneself in a
phase of silence before God. Theological
joy and hope the grace of God's love. certain manner; the Greek word hodos can
discourse, on the other hand, is a speaking
From the beginning this effort to under­ mean both conduct and way or path. Chris­
about God. Theology is talk that is con­
stand our faith had three important ques­ tians are distinguished by their behavior,
stantly enriched by silence.
tions: What does it mean to do theology? their lifestyle.
The great hermeneutical principle of
What is the meaning of poverty in biblical faith, and therefore of all theological dis­ Reflection on the mystery of God can be
revelation? How can we witness resu!Tec­ course, is Jesus Christ. The incarnation of undertaken only by following in the foot­
tion in a context of poverty and death? the Son of God is the basis of the herme­ steps of Jesus. It can therefore be said that
Those questions are still present. They will neutical circle: from human being to God our methodology is our spirituality, that is,
be our guide in this brief work. and from God to human being, from his­ our way of being Christians. Perhaps it is
tory to faith and from faith to history, from because of this connection between Chris­
Talking About God tian life and theological method that the
human words to the word of the Lord and
Every theology is talk about God; in from the word of the Lord to human basic ecclesial communities of Latin
the final analysis, God is its only subject words, from love of our brothers and sis­ America are playing an increasingly active
matter. On the other hand, the God of ters to love of the Father and from love of role in this development of a theology. For
Jesus Christ is presented to us as a mystery. the Father to love of our brothers and sis­ these communities the commitment to the
A sound theology is therefore conscious of ters, from human justice to the holiness of poor is a capital issue.
attempting something difficult, not to say God and from the holiness of God to All theology starts with the act of faith.
impossible, when it seeks to think this human justice. In this context, however, "faith" is under­
mystery and speak about it. This fact ac­ Theology is a critical reflection, in the stood not simply as an intellectual accept­
counts for the well-known statement of light of the Divine Word received in faith, ance of the message but also as a vital
Thomas Aquinas: "We cannot know what on the presence of Christians in the world. reception of the gift of the Divine Word
God is, but only what God is not." At the As such, it must help us to see how we are heard in the ecclesial community, as an en·
same time, however, God is a mystery that to relate the life of faith to the demands counter with the Lord, and as love for our

brothers and sisters. Here we see the real In this context, then, the question is not, american bishops in Puebla call "the most sponds at any given moment to the cultural
meaning ofSt Anselm's words. How are we to talk of God in a world come devastating and humiliating kind of universe in which believers are living .
The primacy of God and the grace of of age? but, How are we to proclaim God scourge" (Puebla, no. 29) and "anti· Every theology inquires into the meaning
faith give the work its raison d'etre. In th!l.t as a Father (or Mother) in a nonhuman evangelical" (1159). In the well-known of God's word for us at the present histori­
light we realize that if Christians seek to world? What is implied when we tell non· phrase of Medellin (1968 bishops' confer­ cal moment
understand their faith, they do so, in the persons that they are sons and daughters of ence), the situation is one of "institution­ Talk of present-day poverty in Latin
final analysis, in order to be able to "follow God? These questions were the ones being alized violence" (Peace, no. 16). It there­ America leads to an effort to know it both
Christ"-that is, to feel, think, and act as asked in one fashion or another back in the fore becomes necessary to analyze and de· descriptively and by determination of its
he did. An authentic theology is always a 16th century by Bartolome de Las Casas nounce the structural causes of the injus� causes. This determination is effected
spiritual theology as understood by the and many others once they had come into tice and oppression in which the poor of through analyses and interpretations in the
fathers of the church. contact with the native Americans. Latin America are living. area of the social sciences (we connot iden­
The fontal character of the sequela In other words, the question being raised We are becoming increasingly aware tify social sciences and Marxist analysis).
Christi is already a long-standing concern today in Latin American is this: How are today of what is at stake in this situation, The episcopal documents at Medellin and
in Latin American theological thought. we to speak of God in face of the suffering namely, that poverty means death. It is of Puebla, as well as ot,:1er episcopal docu­
But the concern has become more urgent of the innocent? This is more or less the all this that we are speaking when we talk of ments, have been engaged in precisely that
and richer in the rush of events in recent theme of the Book of Job. We can in fact poverty and the destruction of individuals
kind of determination. The appeal to the
years (the persecution and assassination of claim that a language for speaking about and peoples, of cultures and traditions. We
social sciences in the theology of liberation
many Christians for their commitment to God is arising among us today out of the are speaking especially of the poverty of
has for its primary purpose to promote a
the poor). In the context of the stmggle for unjust sufferings but also the hopes of the the most deprived: Indians, blacks, and
better understanding of the social reality of
liberation, which seeks to establish love poor of Latin America. women, these last being doubly marginal­
the Latin American people, the reality in
and justice among all, a new way is perhaps ized and oppressed if they are also Indian
which, as a matter of historical fact, many
opening up for the following of Jesus in or black. We are not, therefore, as has been
are living out their faith and hope.
Latin America. The World of the Poor claimed at times, confronting only the
It is in the light of the life that we must
Ever since the Enlightenment a large sec­ It can be said that in recent decades the challenge of a "social situation," as if it
assess the situation of premature and un­
tor of modern theology has taken as its church's life and thought in its Latin were something-death-that has nothing
just death in which the great majority are
point of departure the challenge launched American setting have been marked by to do with the fundamental demands of the
gospel. No, we are confronted here with living in Latin America. The assessment
by the modern (often unbelieving) mind. what we may call "the irruption of the will make clear to us that the deeper mean­
That mind confronts our world of religion poor." This phrase means that those who something opposed to the reign of life that
the Lord proclaimed: with something, ing of what we call "total liberation" is, in
and calls for a radical purification and re­ until now were "absent" from history are the final analysis, the acceptance of the
newal of it. Bonhoeffer took up the chal­ gradually becoming "present" in it. This therefore, that a Christian must reject
We are convinced that there is no Chris­ kingdom of life. In this context, "life" in­
lenge and formulated in a penetrating way new presence of the poor and oppressed is
tian life without songs to God, without cludes all dimensions of the human, in
the question that is at the origin of a num­ making itself felt in the popular struggles
thanksgiving for God's love, without keeping with the all-embracing will of
ber of theological undertakings in our for liberation and in the historical con­
prayer. In the Latin American setting we God. It is therefore contrary to the situa­
time: "How are we to proclaim God in a sciousness arising from these struggles. It
may ask, How are we to thank God for the tion of unjust death in which the poor and
world come of age?" is also making itself felt on the social level
gift of life in a situation that bears the oppressed are living.
But in Latin America the challenge does in the rise of the basic ecclesial communi­
stamp of premature and unjust death? For this reason, because the gift of life
not come first and foremost from non­ ties and in the theology of liberation.
There are no easy answers to this question. leads us to reject unjust death, the ultimate
believers but from "nonpersons"-that is, The poor who are irrupting into our his­
It is certain, however, that, as the lives of motive at work in what is called "the pref­
those whom the prevailing social order tory are a people both oppressed and
the poor prove, such a situation does not erential option for the poor" is to be found
does not acknowledge as persons: the poor, Christian. Latin America is in fact the only
do away with songs of thanksgiving. It does in the God in whom we believe. There can
the exploited, those systematically and constituent part of the so-called Third
not silence the voice of the poor. It can be other worthwhile motives: the emer­
lawfully stripped of their human status, World that has a majority of Christians.
those who hardly know what a human even be said that Latin America is living in gence of the poor in our time, the social
This makes the situation especially painful
a time of judgment, a propitious moment, analysis of their situation, human com·
being is. Nonpersons represent a chal­ and constitutes a major challenge to the
lenge, not primarily to our religious world Christian faith and to the church. These a kairos, a call to set out on new ways in fi. passion, acknowledgment of the poor as
but to our economic, social, political, and two dimensions must be present in our delity to the Lord. agents of their own history. But, to tell the
cultural world. Their existence is a call to a theological reflection. Theology always makes use of one or an­ truth, for Christians the basis of this com·
revolutionary transformation of the very The Latin American situation is charac­ other kind of rationality, although it is not mitment is theocentric. Solidarity with the
foundations of our dehumanizing society. terized by a poverty that the Latino· identified with it. The rationality corre- poor and the oppressed is based on our

faith in God, the God of life who is re­ another. Neither separation nor confusion, America is to find a language about God tory?" That is the question suggested by a
vealed in Jesus Christ. neither verticalism nor horizontalism. that grows out of the situation created by testimony like that of Archbishop Romero,
Only in this way is it possible to preserve the unjust poverty in which the broad to name but one among many.
To Announce the Gospel both the unity that the free and unmerited masses live (despised races, exploited so­ We celebrate this life in the Eucharist,
The "scandal of the cross" sheds light on initiative of God has bestowed on every cial classes, marginalized cultures, dis­ the action that is the primary work of the
the situation of unjust death in which so area of human history and the relative au­ crimination against women). This lan­ ecclesial community. When we share the
many in Latin America are living. The re­ tonomies without which the coherence of guage must at the same time be fed by the bread we commemorate the love and fidel­
alization that the Lord loves us and the ac­ human action and the gratuitousness of hope that heartens a people in search of its ity that brought Jesus to his death, as well
ceptance of the unmerited gift of the grace cannot be asserted wiih sufficient liberation. It is in this context of sufferings as the resurrection that put the seal of ap­
Lord's love are the deepest source of the clarity. The end result is what liberation and joys, uncertainties and certainties, proval on his mission to the poor. The
joy of those who live by God's word. theology speaks of as a total liberation in generous commitments and ambiguities, breaking of the bread is at once the point of
Evangelization is the communication or Christ. that our understanding of the faith must be departure and the point of arrival of the
sharing of this joy. It is the sharing of the Liberation is at bottom a gift of the continually renewed. Christian community.
good news of God's love that has changed Lord. St. Paul tells us that "for freedom It can be said, I think, that a prophetic The aim of the theology of liberation is
our lives. The point of departure for the Christ has set us free" (Gal 5: I). This language and a mystical language are being to be a language about God, and to be this
work of evangelization is thus always an means liberation from sin, which is a self­ born in this soil of exploitation and hope. in the communion of the church. It is an ef­
experience of the Lord-an experience of centered turning in upon oneself. Sin is in The problem here, as in the Book of Job, is fort to make the Word of life present in a
the Father's love that makes us his sons ·effect a refusal to love others and, conse­ to speak of God in the context of the suffer­ world of oppression, injustice, and death.
and daughters and transforms us by mak­ quently, a refusal to love the Lord. Accord­ ing of the innocent. The language of con­
ing us more fully the brothers and sisters of ing to the Bible, sin, or the breaking off of templation acknowledges that everything See a/so BASE COMMUNITIES; BLACK THEOLOGY;
all human beings. friendship with God and others, is the ulti­ has its origin in the Father's unmerited MEDELL I N; POOR, PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR; POY·
To proclaim the gospel is to call men and mate cause of the want, injustice, and op­ love. The language of prophecy denounces E R T Y; PRAXIS; PUEBLA; WOMEN.

women into an ecclesia; it is to gather them pression in which human beings live (see the situation of injustice in which the peo­ GUSTAVO GUTIE RREZ
into a community. Only in a community Medellin, Justice, no. 3). ples of Latin America are living, and de­
can faith be lived out in love; only there The claim that sin is the ultimate cause nounces as well the structural causes of this
can it be celebrated and deepened; only is in no way a denial that these situations situation. Without prophecy, the language
there can it be experienced as simultane­ have structural causes and are objectively of contemplation runs the risk of detach­
ously fidelity to the Lord and solidarity conditioned. But at the same time, it must ment from the history in which God is act­
with all human beings. The God pro­ also be kept in mind that no social trans­ ing and in which we encounter God.
claimed by Jesus Christ is a God whose call formation, however radical, automatically Without the mystical dimension, the lan­
is universal and addressed to every human brings with it the suppression of all ills. guage of prophecy can narrow its vision
being. At the same time, however, God has From this it follows that the coming of and weaken its perception of that which
a preferential love for the poor and dispos­ the kingdom cannot be identified with the makes all things new.
sessed. Universality is not only not op­ historical embodiments of human libera­ The aim of these two languages is to
posed to this predilection but even re­ tion. The growth of the kingdom is indeed communicate the gift of God's reign as re­
quires it in order to make clear the a process that takes place in history vealed in the life, death, and resurrection
meaning of the universality itself. The through Iibera tion, to the extent that of Jesus. Being a witness to the resurrec­
preference, in turn, has its proper setting liberation means an important fulfillment tion means choosing life and indeed all ex­
in the call that God addresses to every of the human person and is a condition for pressions of!ife, because nothing is outside
human being. a new and fraternal society. Without the the comprehensive embrace of God's
Three dimensions or levels may be dis­ liberating events of history, the kingdom reign. This witness to life (life material and
tinguished in the process of liberation: lib­ does not grow; the process of liberation spiritual, individual and social, present
eration of a social, political, cultural, and only destroys the roots of oppression and and future) is particularly important in a
economic kind; specifically human libera­ of the exploitation of one human being by continent marked by premature and unjust
tion with its various aspects; and libera­ another. This is not the same thing as the death. It is also particularly important in
tion from sin. In the final analysis the coming of the kingdom, which is first and efforts to achieve liberation from oppres­
process is single but not monolithic; vari­ foremost a gift. sion. Witnesses to the resurrection can
ous dimensions, aspects, or levels must be From the viewpoint of theological re­ therefore join Scripture in asking the
distinguished and not confused with one flection, the challenge we face in Latin ironic question: "Death, where is your vic-

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