Before You Watch.: Validation The Short Movie Has Played at 34 Film Festivals Worldwide and Won 17 Awards

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Garages and parking lots often offer parking validation to customers of nearby shops,
restaurants, and entertainment venues. This system of free parking is to promote business.
You are going to see a short film (about 15 minutes) called Validation. It is a story about a
parking attendant who gives his customers REAL validation -- giving both free parking and
free compliments. It's an amazing and inspiring short film about the importance of
acknowledging and validating people. It shows the magic of looking for the best in people.

Validation the short movie has played at 34 film festivals worldwide and won 17 awards.

Before you watch.

1. When was the last time you smiled? Why did you smile?
2. When was the last time someone gave you a compliment? What did they say?
3. Can you think of free compliments you may give to family/relatives/friends...?
4. What do you think about giving compliments? What about receiving them?

While you watch

1. What famous people appear in the film?

2. What is Hugh’s secret?

3. Who is Victoria?

4. What does Hugh do to make her smile?

5. When did Victoria last smile?

6. What happens to Hugh when he can’t make Victoria smile?

7. What job does Hugh get next?

8. What does the woman in the wheelchair love most in the whole world?

9. How does Hugh find out that Victoria has changed?

10. Where does Victoria do now?

11. Why did Victoria mother forget how to smile?

12. What is the relationship with the woman in the wheelchair and Victoria?

13. What do Hugh and Victoria do next?

14. Which city do they visit?

After you watch

 Check your answers to the questions above.
 Give (or write) a short summary of the film.
 Discuss these questions with your partners
1. What do you think of the film? Did you enjoy it? Why (not)?
2. What is motivation?
3. In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?
4. Can some people destroy your motivation? How?
5. How are you best motivated?
6. What are three things that motivate you?
7. Do you think that motivated people are more successful than unmotivated people?
Answer Key
While you watch
1. What famous people appear in the film?
(George Bush, Saddam Hussein)
2. What is Hugh’s secret?
(he just likes to see people smile)
3. Who is Victoria?
(a photographer at the DMV – Department for Motor Vehicles)
4. What does Hugh do to make her smile?
(buys her flowers, toys, give compliments etc.)
5. When did Victoria last smile?
(when she was a little girl)
6. What happens to Hugh when he can’t make Victoria smile?
(he gets depressed, stops giving compliments and is fired)
7. What job does Hugh get next?
(he becomes a photographer)
8. What does the woman in the wheelchair love most in the whole world?
(her daughter)
9. How does Hugh find out that Victoria has changed?
(while filling in a form at the dentist, he sees a man with a driver’s license photo in
which he’s smiling)
10. Where does Victoria do now?
(she works as a photographer taking passport photos)
11. Why did Victoria mother forget how to smile?
(because she got very sick)
12. What is the relationship with the woman in the wheelchair and Victoria?
(mother and daughter)
13. What do Hugh and Victoria do next?
(they kiss and travel)
14. Which city do they visit?
(Paris - you can see the Eiffel Tower)

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