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A Guide in Catechetical Instruction

by Rev. H. Hoeksema (revised by Prof. H. Hanko)

Lesson 11: The Fall of Man

1. Did man remain God's friend-servant?

No, he violated the covenant relation when he ate of the forbidden tree.
2. Was this sin a great offense?
Yes, for:
a. It was disobedience of God's command.
b. By it Adam chose for Satan against God.
c. Adam sinned as the head and first father of the whole human race.
3. What was the punishment for sin?
Death: "for the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis 2:17; Romans 6:23.
4. Did Adam die immediately as God had said?
Yes, he was separated from God, banished from His presence in the garden, became by nature
dead in sin and the object of God's wrath. Ephesians 2:1.
5. Are we by nature also under the punishment of Adam's sin?
Yes, for we also are born dead in trespasses and sins. Romans 5:112; Jeremiah 17:9; I
Corinthians 15:21, 22.
6. What is original guilt?
Original guilt is the imputation of Adam's guilt to the whole human race. Romans 5:12.
7. What is original pollution?
The corruption of Adam's nature which was passed on to the whole human race. Genesis 2:17;
Job 15:14; Psalm 51:5.
8. Is man capable of doing any good?
No, he is by nature inclined to all evil, and all his works are corrupted and polluted with sin.
Psalm 51:5
9. How did God reveal His grace after the fall?
He gave the promise of Christ, the seed of the woman, Who would crush the head of the serpent.
Genesis 3:15.

1. Read Genesis 3:1-6 and answer the following questions:
a. Who was the real tempter of Eve?
b. What lie did Satan speak to Eve?
c. Why was Eve persuaded to eat of the forbidden tree?
2. How was Adam a figure of Christ? Romans 5:12-19; I Corinthians 15:22.
3. What is the meaning of total depravity? Prove this doctrine from the following: Ephesians 2:1;
Romans 3:10-19; Canons III-IV, Article 4.
4. Read the second and third points of common grace and explain how they deny the truth of total

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