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Charnise Key

First Amendment Statement

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the

free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”The
First Amendment is one of the Bill of Rights that is utilized the majority of the time in everyday
society because of its extreme protection from the government on the freedom of speech, press,
expression, and etc. The rights an individual has is sacred and it is unconstitutional for an
American citizen to be denied their First Amendment rights, without probable cause.

The First Amendment rights that are afforded by every American citizen always for them
to express themselves without any discriminatory occurrences. For me, an upcoming film
director, it always for the knowledge to speak about any topic I deem important without thinking
I will be punished because I am an African American woman in society- two identifications that
are reticaled in modern-day society especially for generations. In the entertainment industry, the
ideas I create can have certain topics that people would not like to be talked about especially
when it concerns topics like Black Lives Matter, police brutality and more that deal with the
African American experience. So, the First Amendment allows for directors, like Ava DuVernay,
Spike Lee and myself, to speak about the topic without legal repercussions from the government.

In the department, there are a lot of projects where I am allowed to exercise my right of
freedom of speech in my craft. Even if the teacher or other students do not like the topic and/or
film I have discussed there will be no probable cause for punishment of any kind as it will violate
my First Amendment right. I utilize this Constitutional right to provide a way to educate
individuals on what is happening in modern day society, even though some people wish to not
have an open discussion on the topic. As a student, I have spoken about my political stance on
what is happening in America right now and educated individuals on why I believe what I
believe, and why I chose the stance I did while utilizing examples and facts to help my point.

During my tenure at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, I

utilized the First Amendment by participating in social movements that help to advocate for the
improvement of the African American community. I have noticed that there is a lack of equality
concerning justice in society and have been apart of different discussions to help to educate
individuals on what is happening in society. Also, I have taken part in the radio packages to
improve the communication and overall collaboration with the South Koreans and Americans
citizens of the United State military in South Korea. I will continue to educate individuals on the
harsh and mistreatment of African Americans as well as be an advocator for new social changes
in society.

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