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Integrated English for Effective Communication

Reading and Writing Skills Lesson 10

Summary Notes
A position paper is an essay that presents the stand of the writer about an issue. For a position
paper to be effective, it must support its claims with evidence gathered from research investigations,
reliable informative materials, and trusted authorities.
The following are the steps to write a position paper:
1. Analyze an issue and make a stand.
2. Develop an outline.
3. Write the introduction, body, and conclusion.
4. Revise, edit, and proofread.
To write an effective position paper, it is vital that the writer’s personal stand and ideas are com-
municated successfully.

Thinking about My Learning

Keep up progress in your learning by answering the questions about your thinking.

What have I learned?

How did I learn? What

strategies did I use?

Which part of the lesson did

I find easy to understand and
Which part did I find
difficult to understand and

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What problems did I

How did I solve these


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