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A Case Study on the Impact of Short Breaks to Village Montessori
School Grade 11 STEM Students’ Productivity
The research topic is based on the observation that STEM students’
productivity is affected by short breaks (20 mins/ 3x per day). In an article
produced by Chen (2012), she concluded that giving students a short
lunch break is like teaching them that food is an inconvenience, and
eating is an interruption in the day.
The research topic is also based on the observation of the researchers
that students are rushing to eat and are cramming to prepare for their
next class. As time goes on, the student’s participation in their subject
The objective of the research is to:
 Determine the common reasons of stress to students caused by
short breaks and academic works.
 Provide recommendations to the school administration in
innovating the students’ efficiency in their academic performances
and productivity through giving sufficient
 Make students realize the importance of time and time
 Increase the students’ productivity and to provide them with
opportunities to develop creativity and social skills.
 Showcase the transparency of students’ works, efforts, creativity,
and achievements by having an effective schedule based on the
assessments of the researchers.
The research is a case study, that is a type of qualitative research that
seeks to find answers as to what contributes to the struggles of the
students with regards to having short breaks. It is a case study due to the
varieties of data collection that will be used in the future, specifically
interviews and observations.
The results of the study will be deemed important to the following:
TEACHERS with the results of this study, it can help them have a brief
time to identify and assess themselves if they are effective teachers to
those STEM students that have a brimming schedule.
ADMINISTRATORS this study will help the administrators to access and
observe how the schedule’s effectiveness affects the performance of the
student. By then, they can do recommendation and strategies that will
help the teachers and students to lessen the laden times, but can still
perform and be competent at the same time.
STUDENTS this study will provide them knowledge, better learning skills,
and productivity. This will result to better performance of the students
and well-balanced effectivity to their tasks. The outcome of the study can
serve as a basis for possible innovation that can strengthen and enrich
the students’ well-being and a schedule suited for them.

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