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Out  4  Math:  

the  Intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity  

A  Dissertation  

Submitted  to  the  Faculty  
Drexel  University  
David  J  Fischer  
In  partial  fulfillment  of  the  
requirements  for  the  degree  
Doctor  of  Philosophy  
In  Educational  Leadership  and  Learning  Technologies  
June  2013  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     ii    

©  Copyright  2013  
David  J  Fischer.  All  Rights  Reserved  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     iii    


  This  work  is  dedicated  to  my  loving  husband,  Heshie  Zinman,  without  whose  

constant  support  I  never  would  have  made  it  through  the  process.  And  to  my  dear  

friend,  Edwin  Bomba,  who  supported  me  through  the  writing  process  and  helped  me  in  

so  many  different  ways.  Both  of  you  made  this  dissertation  possible;  I  could  not  have  

done  this  without  the  two  of  you.  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     iv    

This  is  to  acknowledge  all  of  those  whose  hard  work  and  constant  support  made  

this  work  possible.  To  janie,  Greg,  Mary,  and  Steve  who  believed  in  me  when  earning  a  

doctorate  was  all  just  a  dream.  To  Dr.  Lesa  Covington-­‐Clarkson,  who  believed  I  could  

earn  a  PhD.    To  Dr.  Dominic  Gullo  and  Dr.  Kristine  Lewis  Grant  whose  support  was  

invaluable  along  with  the  push  to  always  do  better.  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     v    
Table  of  Contents  
Exploring  the  Intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity  ....................  i  
Dedication  .......................................................................................................................................  iii  
Acknowledgements  ......................................................................................................................  iv  
Abstract  ...........................................................................................................................................  vii  
Chapter  1:  Introduction  ...............................................................................................................  7  
Statement  of  the  Problem  .....................................................................................................................  7  
Research  Question  ................................................................................................................................  10  
Significance  of  the  Study  .....................................................................................................................  11  
Conceptual  Framework  .......................................................................................................................  12  
Definition  of  Terms  ...............................................................................................................................  13  
Purpose  of  Study  ....................................................................................................................................  15  
Limitations  and  Delimitations  ..........................................................................................................  15  
Chapter  2:  Literature  Review  ..................................................................................................  17  
Identity  Theory  .......................................................................................................................................  19  
Psychosocial  Identity  ..........................................................................................................................................  19  
Sociological  Identity  ............................................................................................................................................  21  
Mathematical  Identity  ..........................................................................................................................  23  
Queer  Identity  .........................................................................................................................................  25  
Supports  and  Queer  Identity  .............................................................................................................  27  
Investigating  Intersections  ................................................................................................................  29  
Identity  and  Educational  Disparities  ..............................................................................................  33  
Chapter  3:  Methodology  ............................................................................................................  38  
Qualitative  Research:  Phenomenology  ..........................................................................................  38  
Rationale  for  Selecting  a  Qualitative  Design  ................................................................................  44  
Exemplar  Studies  of  Phenomenology  and  Identity  ....................................................................  44  
Role  of  the  Researcher  .........................................................................................................................  45  
Site  of  the  Study  ......................................................................................................................................  48  
Participant  Selection  ............................................................................................................................  49  
Interview  Questions  .............................................................................................................................  51  
Data  Analysis  ...........................................................................................................................................  52  
Reliability  and  Validity  ........................................................................................................................  54  
Ethical  Considerations  .........................................................................................................................  55  
Summary  of  Chapter  .............................................................................................................................  56  
Chapter  4:  Findings  .....................................................................................................................  58  
Outline  of  Findings  ................................................................................................................................  59  
Avis  .............................................................................................................................................................  59  
Gerald  ........................................................................................................................................................  67  
Kevin  ..........................................................................................................................................................  74  
Zeb  ..............................................................................................................................................................  81  
Marryl  ........................................................................................................................................................  87  
Tabatha  .....................................................................................................................................................  94  
Statement  of  the  Findings  ................................................................................................................  102  
Participants  who  use  the  term  queer  to  describe  themself  understand  queer  differently.
 ....................................................................................................................................................................................  102  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     vi    
Community  informed  queer  identity.  ........................................................................................................  106  
Support  at  school  for  being  queer  relates  to  support  for  one’s  mathematical  identity.  .....  111  
Conclusion  .............................................................................................................................................  116  
Chapter  5:  Conclusion  .............................................................................................................  117  
Introduction  .........................................................................................................................................  117  
Epoche  .......................................................................................................................................................  55  
Discussion  .............................................................................................................................................  117  
Queer  identity.  .....................................................................................................................................................  117  
Supports  for  a  positive  queer  identity.  .....................................................................................................  119  
Identity  and  educational  disparities.  .........................................................................................................  123  
Conclusion.  .................................................................................................  Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  
Implications  ..........................................................................................................................................  124  
Theory.  ....................................................................................................................................................................  125  
Practice.  ..................................................................................................................................................................  125  
Limitations  ............................................................................................................................................  128  
Suggestions  for  Future  Research  ...................................................................................................  129  
Bibliography  .................................................................................  Error!  Bookmark  not  defined.  
Education  .....................................................................................................................................  138  
University  Teaching  Experience  ..........................................................................................  138  
Publications  ................................................................................................................................  138  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     vii    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity  

David  J  Fischer  

Educational  disparities  have  been  examined  in  relationship  to  many  different  groups,  

but  one  group  had  been  left  out  of  the  discussion  -­‐  queer  identified  students.  In  this  

phenomenological  study  I  asked  the  question:  In  what  manner  is  queer  identity  and  

mathematical  identity  expressed  simultaneously  for  individuals  self-­‐identified  as  LGBTQ?    

This  began  a  discussion  about  the  intersection  of  queer  identity  and  mathematical  

identity.  Six  participants  were  interviewed  and  commonalities  in  their  lived  experiences  

were  considered.  Four  of  the  six  participants  used  the  word  queer  to  define  themselves.  

Of  these  four,  there  were  two  major  ways  that  they  understood  the  word  queer,  as  

stepping  outside  of  a  binary  and  as  community.  It  was  found  that  a  queer  identity  had  

not  been  essentialized  for  the  four  participants.  A  major  supportive  factor  for  all  six  

participants  was  having  a  sense  of  community  that  supported  their  queer  identity.  An  

LGBTQ  youth  center  provided  them  all  with  that  sense  of  community.  Other  sources  of  

community  included  their  family’s  of  origin,  friends,  gay-­‐identified  teachers,  and  

teachers  in  general.  The  impact  of  support  received  at  school  is  examined  with  

relationship  to  both  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity.  Having  support  for  one’s  

queer  identity  at  school  was  found  to  relate  to  possessing  a  stronger  mathematical  

identity.  This  study  has  implications  for  the  classroom  teacher,  GSA  advisor  and  to  

those  running  youth  centers.  


Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     7    

Chapter  1:  Introduction  

  The  purpose  of  this  investigation  was  to  begin  developing  an  understanding  of  

how  adolescent  and  young  adult  queer  students  experience  both  queer  and  

mathematical  identity  as  they  engage  in  mathematical  activities.  As  a  gatekeeper  

subject,  mathematics  has  a  unique  place  in  the  educational  system.  I  argue  that  while  

educational  disparities  have  been  examined  across  various  groups  of  students,  there  

was  one  group  of  students  that  was  missing  among  these  investigations-­‐queer  students.  

Educational  disparities  can  be  defined  as  the  unequal  opportunities  that  are  

experienced  by  many  students  (Nam  &  Huang,  2011).  These  educational  disparities  

have  been  explored  in  general  and  across  mathematical  settings.  

Statement  of  the  Problem  

Education  is  in  a  state  of  flux  in  the  U.S.  with  educational  disparities  being  

framed  and  reframed  in  different  contexts  (Ladson-­‐Billings  G.  ,  2006;  Kumashiro,  2008).  

These  disparities  have  been  framed  as  an  achievement  gap  as  well  as  an  opportunity  

deficit  (Ladson-­‐Billings  G.  ,  2006).  No  matter  how  the  problem  is  perceived,  it  is  agreed  

that  many  different  groups  of  students  are  affected  (Ladson-­‐Billings  G.  ,  2006).  

Disparities  in  mathematics  performance  among  different  groups  of  students  

have  garnered  particular  attention  in  public  and  academic  circles.  Mathematics  

performance  first  came  to  the  attention  of  the  public  with  the  launch  of  the  Sputnik  

satellite  and  the  ensuing  space  race.    In  recent  years,  mathematics  has  received  

considerable  attention  because  of  fluctuating  test  scores  on  international  tests  and  

measures  (U.S.  Dept  of  Education).  Within  the  US,  students  have  not  achieved  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     8    
widespread  proficiency  on  the  high-­‐stakes  mathematics  tests  mandated  by  the  No  Child  

Left  Behind  (NCLB)  law.      

Mathematics  is  a  gatekeeper  subject  (Ayalon,  1995;  Stinson,  2004)  in  elementary  

school,  high  school  and  college.    Gatekeeper  subjects  are  those  classes  that  sort  students  

out  and  have  traditionally  served  to  discourage  students  from  pursuing  their  studies  

(Stinson,  2004).  Mathematics  has  often  played  this  role  (Ayalon,  1995).  Students  who  

study  mathematics  beyond  algebra  are  more  likely  to  go  on  to  college,  have  more  career  

options  and  higher  earnings  potential  than  those  who  do  not  study  mathematics  (U.S.  

Dept.  of  Education).    

Two  major  influences  that  affect  whether  or  not  students  excel  in  mathematics  

are  a  combination  of  positive  beliefs  about  their  ability  to  do  mathematics  and  beliefs  

about  the  usefulness  of  mathematics  (Loustalet,  2009;  Rodriguez  Cazares,  2009).  While  

Rodriguez  Cazares  (2009)  describes  these  features  as  a  positive  academic  identity,  

Martin  (2000)  describes  these  same  traits  as  a  positive  mathematical  identity.  If  having  

a  positive  mathematical  identity  is  a  factor  associated  with  students  excelling  in  

mathematics,  the  question  remains:  which  groups  of  students  possess  a  positive  

mathematical  identity.  

Since  mathematical  identity  is  related  to  performance,  it  is  important  to  look  at  

the  experiences  of  various  groups.  It  has  been  found  that  educational  disparities  in  

mathematics  between  African-­‐American  and  Caucasian  students  is  wider  than  between  

any  other  two  categories  (U.S.  Department  of  Education).  Hispanic  students  see  almost  

as  much  of  a  gap  when  compared  with  Caucasian  students  (U.S.  Department  of  

Education).  Asian-­‐American  students  have  tested  well  and  have  been  considered  a  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     9    
“model  minority”  (Chang,  2011).  Recent  immigrants  do  not  fare  well  in  high-­‐stakes  

testing  (Ladson-­‐Billings  G.  ,  2006).  While  girls  excel  in  basic  mathematics,  they  do  not  

do  as  well  as  boys  in  higher-­‐level  mathematics,  nor  do  they  persist  in  very  high  

numbers  in  higher-­‐level  mathematics  (Catsambis,  1994).    When  considering  the  effect  

that  low  socioeconomic  status  (low  SES)  has  on  students’  mathematics  attainment,  

educational  disparities  are  as  great  between  low  SES  students  and  middle  class  

students,  as  those  between  Caucasian  and  Hispanic  students  (Gamoran,  Porter,  

Smithson,  &  White,  1997).  As  can  be  seen  from  these  findings,  educational  disparities  

are  widespread  and  persistent.    

While  examining  these  different  groups  has  been  useful,  there  are  groups  that  

we  know  little  about  as  it  pertains  to  educational  disparities,  particularly  in  

mathematics.    Lesbian,  gay,  bisexual,  transgender  (LGBT),  or  queer  students  are  an  

example  of  such  a  group.  Queer,  or  non-­‐heteronormative  students,  have  rarely  been  

considered  in  the  study  of  any  of  the  subject  areas.  

LGBT  youth  face  many  challenges  both  in  k-­‐12  education  as  well  as  higher  

education.  According  to  the  Gay  Lesbian  &  Straight  Education  Network  (GLSEN)  (2011),  

eighty-­‐one  percent  of  LGBT  students  have  experienced  harassment  in  the  past  year,  and  

six  in  ten  LGBT  students  feel  unsafe  at  school.  One-­‐third  of  LGBT  students  reported  

skipping  school  at  least  once  per  month  because  they  felt  unsafe  at  school.  Twenty  

seven  percent  of  LGBT  students  report  being  physically  harassed,  and  twelve  percent  

physically  assaulted  because  of  their  sexual  orientation.  Additionally,  sixty-­‐four  percent  

of  LGBT  students  report  being  verbally  harassed,  twenty-­‐seven  percent  physically  

harassed  and  twelve  percent  physically  assaulted  because  of  their  gender  expression.    
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     10    
As  a  result  of  oppression  and  harassment  LGBT  students  experience  increased  stress  

related  mental  illness  (GLSEN,  2011).    While  there  are  no  direct  data  on  the  academic  

performance  in  mathematics  for  LGBT  students,  there  are  data  for  LGBT  students  in  

general.  LGBT  students  who  experience  harassment  in  school  report  that  they  plan  to  

drop  out  of  high  school  at  a  rate  that  is  seven  times  higher  than  non-­‐LGBT  students  

(GLSEN,  2011).  LGBT  students  also  report  missing  more  school  as  a  result  of  feeling  

unsafe.  Missing  school,  along  with  an  unsafe,  hostile  school  environment,  has  a  direct  

impact  on  academic  performance  (GLSEN,  2011)  

Research  examining  disparities  in  achievement  has  assisted  researchers  when  

looking  at  various  groups  of  students.  Some  of  this  research  examines  mathematics  in  

particular,  as  it  holds  such  importance  for  the  public  and  academia.  The  research  

explored  groups  that  do  and  do  not  excel  in  mathematics.  The  challenge  within  

mathematics  education  is  that  we  should  now  consider  queer  students,  as  they  

represent  an  increasingly  visible  minority.  Research  shows  that  mathematical  identity  

is  an  important  element  in  considering  how  students  perform  in  mathematics.  Because  

students  with  a  queer  identity  are  underrepresented  in  research,  there  was  a  need  to  

explore  their  performance  as  it  reflects  the  intersection  of  queer  identity  with  

mathematical  identity.  

Research  Question  

  The  research  question  for  this  study  defines  the  bracketed  area  that  has  been  

explored.  The  bracketed  area  is  a  particular  set  of  experiences  of  the  participants  in  the  

study,  told  from  a  first  person  point  of  view.  The  research  question  was  as  follows:  In  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     11    
what  manner  is  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity  expressed  simultaneously  for  

individuals  self-­‐identified  as  LGBTQ?    

Significance  of  the  Study  

This  study  represents  the  first  of  its  kind  to  look  specifically  at  the  interface  

between  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity.  As  such,  this  study  adds  to  the  

literature  in  a  unique  way.  Previous  studies  have  only  explored  ‘queering’  the  subject  

area,  i.e.  making  the  subject  less  male  centric  (Mendick,  2006).  Mendick  explored  

mathematics  with  an  eye  toward  the  performance  of  mathematics  in  a  manner  that  

favors  male  identified  students.  While  other  authors  define  queering  differently,  for  

Mendick  it  is  a  matter  of  opening  the  field  of  mathematics  and  mathematics  

performance  to  non-­‐male  identified  students.  The  distinction  between  the  proposed  

study  and  Mendick’s  work  is  the  difference  between  the  who  (identity)  and  the  how  

(performance).  This  distinction  is  important  for  understanding  what  is  happening  to  a  

group  of  students  and  broadens  classroom  teachers’  and  academics’  understanding  of  

who  is  worthy  of  learning  mathematics,  rather  than  how  mathematics  is  taught.  

  As  discussed  earlier,  there  is  a  need  to  include  queer  students  because  they  have  

not  been  the  focus  of  study  in  mathematics  education.  Further,  by  exploring  queer  

students  as  they  relate  to  mathematics,  it  opens  the  field  to  explore  queer  students  in  

other  subject  areas.  Ultimately  this  study  adds  to  the  literature  by  furthering  the  

understanding  of  queer  students  who  study  mathematics  and  what  that  means  to  them.  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     12    
Conceptual  Framework  

  The  conceptual  framework  of  this  study  is  situated  within  identity  theory  and  

phenomenology.    Exploring  the  complex  nature  of  the  self  and  how  one  sees  oneself  in  

relation  to  others  is  the  basis  of  identity  theory  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  The  nature  of  self  

has  several  manifestations  within  the  various  views  of  self.  One  of  these  manifestations  

is  psychosocial  identity.  Of  the  understandings  of  self  considered  within  this  proposal,  

psychosocial  identity  was  the  first  to  be  explained  (Erikson,  1964,1980).  Since  

psychosocial  identity  can  be  seen  as  unchanging  at  times,  a  sociological  approach  to  

identity  is  also  used  (Burke  &  Stets  2009;  Gee  1999;  Sfard  &  Prusak,  2005).    

  Within  the  context  of  this  study  I  employ  both  a  psychosocial  and  a  sociological  

explanation  of  identity.  I  emphasize  sociological  definitions  that  allow  for  changes  in  

one’s  understanding  of  oneself  (Gee,  1999;  Sfard  &  Prusak,  2005).  One  reason  to  move  

toward  a  sociological  definition  of  identity  is  the  application  of  queer  theory  to  the  

understanding  of  queer  identity  (Wilchins,  1997).  Queer  theory  says  that  definitions  are  

always  changing,  thus  a  definition  of  queer  identity  that  allows  for  movement  is  needed.  

Sfard  and  Prusak  (2005)  go  so  far  as  to  say  that  identity  is  simply  what  you  say  it  is.  

This  definition  broadens  the  field  even  further.  

  In  this  work  I  have  described  what  it  means  to  experience  a  particular  

phenomenon.  Describing  lived  experiences,  or  phenomena,  is  done  effectively  using  

phenomenology  (Moustakas,  1994;  Van  Manen,  1990).  Phenomenology  is  often  used  to  

explain  emergent  ideas  within  research  (Wilson  &  Washington,  2008).    It  focuses  on  the  

stories  of  the  participants  in  a  way  that  other  qualitative  methods  do  not.  This  is  

because  phenomenology  allows  the  researcher  to  find  the  meaning  in  the  actual  life  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     13    
experiences  of  the  study  participants.  Therefore,  he  can  work  to  distill  the  essence  of  

the  experiences  that  is  greater  than  the  single  experience  of  one  participant  

(Moustakas,  1994).  This  essence  is  not  an  essentialization  of  the  phenomenon,  but  

rather  it  is  a  discovery  of  the  universality  of  the  event  in  question  (Van  Manen,  1990).  

  Another  reason  for  using  phenomenology  lies  in  the  unique  place  of  the  

researcher  within  the  work  (Moustakas,  1994).  This  method  is  most  effective  when  the  

researcher  has  some  first-­‐hand  knowledge  of  the  experience  in  question.  This  forces  the  

researcher  to  examine  his  own  bias,  and  demands  that  he  both  set  aside  his  experience  

and,  at  the  same  time,  use  his  knowledge  of  the  experience  to  understand  the  

experiences  of  the  participants  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  This  is  known  as  

bracketing  of  the  experience.  Through  this  bracketing  of  the  experience,  the  researcher  

becomes  one  with  the  phenomena  in  a  way  that  does  not  happen  with  other  

methodologies  (Wilson  &  Washington,  2008).  

Definition  of  Terms  

  In  order  to  have  a  common  understanding,  three  particular  terms  used  in  this  

study  have  been  defined.  It  is  important  to  define  these  terms  as  they  form  the  basis  of  

this  investigation.  The  terms  that  have  been  defined  are  identity,  mathematical  identity,  

and  queer  identity.  These  terms  are  defined  as  they  are  used  uniquely  in  this  study.  

Identity  is  a  performative  action  that  defines  the  self  (Lawler,  2008).  That  action  

is  both  conscious  and  subconscious.  Within  this  understanding  of  identity  there  is  a  

tension  about  the  authenticity  of  identity.  It  is  often  thought  that  to  be  authentic,  

identity  must  come  from  some  deep  place  within  us.  However,  a  performative  idea  of  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     14    
identity  recognizes  identity  as  being  either  deep  or  shallow.  In  this  way,  identity  can  be  

seen  as  a  changeable  and  changing  aspect  of  the  self.  

The  definition  of  mathematical  identity  includes  two  separate  but  related  

characteristics.  The  first  is  a  performative  characteristic  (Martin,  2000).  The  

performative  characteristic  of  mathematical  identity  includes:  “the  ability  to  do  

mathematics,  having  the  motivations  and  strategies  needed  to  obtain  mathematics  

knowledge,  understanding  the  importance  of  one’s  mathematical  knowledge,  and  

understanding  one’s  opportunities  and  constraints  in  mathematical  contexts”  (p.  19).  

Mathematical  identity  also  includes  a  perceptual  characteristic.  The  perceptual  

characteristic  of  mathematical  identity  pertains  to  the  individual’s  perception  of  their  

ability  to  perform  mathematics  (Sfard  &  Prusak,  2005).  

The  definition  of  queer  Identity  includes  three  dimensions  that  can  at  times  be  

used  interchangeably.  Queer  identity  may  refer  to  someone  who  is  lesbian,  gay,  

bisexual,  or  transgender  (LGBT).  In  this  manner,  queer  identity  is  a  shorthand  way  to  

categorize  all  of  these  various  labels.  Queer  identity  can  also  be  used  as  a  term  referring  

to  an  individual’s  understanding  of  self  across  the  spectrum  of  non-­‐heteronormative  

sexual  identity  (Wilchens,  1997).  Lastly,  the  definition  of  queer  identity  reflects  a  

political  position.  It  is  a  word  choice  that  has  been  reclaimed  from  the  past  when  it  was  

often  used  negatively  when  referring  to  a  particular  group  of  individuals  (Kumashiro,  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     15    
Purpose  of  Study  

The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  describe  how  having  a  queer  identity  affects  an  

individual’s  beliefs  about  one’s  mathematical  abilities  and  performance.    In  addition,  

this  study  described  what  it  meant  to  understand  one’s  self  as  queer.  

Limitations  and  Delimitations  

  This  study  is  limited  in  scope  for  two  reasons.  First,  because  of  the  number  of  

study  participants  and  the  nature  of  the  methodology,  the  findings  are  not  

generalizable.  Second,  this  study  did  not  seek  to  quantify  any  educational  disparities  

that  were  discovered  among  the  study  participants.  Rather,  I  sought  to  explain  the  state  

of  the  mathematical  identities  of  a  group  of  queer  students.  In  so  doing,  I  began  a  

conversation  and  a  research  agenda  that  will  require  further  exploration.    

  This  research  allowed  for  description  of  a  particular  group  of  participants  and  

thus  points  the  way  forward  for  further  research  in  the  area.  The  group  of  participants  

was  homogeneous  in  age,  as  this  allowed  an  understanding  of  a  particular  subset  of  all  

queer  people  to  be  better  understood.  This  study  explored  the  intersection  of  queer  

identity  and  mathematical  identity.  Intersections  of  identity  are  when  two  or  more  

identities  manifest  themselves  simultaneously  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  The  intersection  

of  queer  and  mathematical  identities  was  chosen  because  the  field  was  new  and  

therefore,  yet  to  be  described.    

Rather  than  a  quantitative  analysis  of  queer  students  in  mathematics,  this  

qualitative  problem  was  chosen  for  two  reasons.  First,  the  issues  for  queer  students  in  

mathematics  have  not  yet  been  described.  Second,  the  current  political  climate  makes  it  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     16    
difficult  to  find  a  large  enough  sample  for  what  is  practical  in  dissertation  work  to  be  

able  to  make  generalizations.    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     17    
Chapter  2:  Literature  Review  

The  study  of  identity  is  a  complex  phenomenon.  Theoretically,  identity  manifests  

itself  through  two  constructs:  psychosocial  identity  and  sociological  identity.  

Psychosocial  identity  explains  identity  as  self-­‐knowledge  that  is  defined  in  late  

adolescence  (Erikson,  1964,1980).  While  there  has  been  movement  towards  seeing  

identity  as  somewhat  fluid  as  a  person  matures,  there  is  still  a  more  or  less  fixed  quality  

to  a  psychosocial  definition  of  identity  (Erikson,  1980).  The  sociological  construct  of  

identity  was  also  based  on  the  psychosocial  construct  of  identity,  but  has  evolved  to  

include  more  mutable  identities  (Gee,  2000).  Of  the  two,  the  one  that  most  closely  

reflects  the  purposes  of  this  study  is  the  sociological.  

Within  a  sociological  understanding  there  are  multiple  ways  to  view  identity.  

Burke  and  Stets  (2009)  list  three  overarching  categories  of  sociological  identity.  These  

are  role  identity,  social  identity  and  person  identity.    Role  identity  is  based  on  a  role  

that  a  person  plays  such  as  teacher  or  student.    Social  identity  is  based  on  membership  

in  a  group  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  Social  identity  sets  up  a  situation  in  which  there  is  an  

“in  group”  and  an  “out  group”  such  as  being  a  member  of  the  Glee  club  or  not  being  a  

member  of  the  Glee  club.  Person  identity  refers  to  the  traits  that  make  the  individual  

unique  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009),  such  as  being  kind,  or  having  a  wry  sense  of  humor.    

Gee  (1999)  has  defined  additional  categories  of  sociological  identity.    These  

include  natural,  institutional,  affinity  group,  and  discourse  identities.    Natural  identity  is  

a  characteristic  that  one  cannot  change  such  as  being  a  twin,  or  having  blue  eyes.  

Institutional  identity  is  bestowed  upon  a  person  by  an  institution,  such  as  a  professor  or  

a  doctor  (Gee,  1999).  Affinity  group  identity  is  defined  as  membership  in  a  particular  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     18    
group  such  as  the  Republican  Party  or  the  Elks  Lodge.  Discourse  identity  is  based  on  

how  one  speaks  about  one’s  experience  with  a  particular  subject  and  how  others  speak  

about  you  in  reference  to  that  subject.  For  example,  Pat  often  speaks  about  her  love  of  

mathematics.  Principal  Jones  often  says  that,  “Pat  is  the  smartest  math  student  in  the  


One  way  to  elaborate  upon  the  understanding  of  identity  is  through  intersection.  

This  is  useful;  as  it  helps  us  better  understand  the  essence  of  the  relationship  between  

the  two  identities.    The  relationship  between  the  two  identities  is  one  where  the  

expression  of  one  identity  has  an  effect  on  the  other  identity  being  expressed  (Burke  &  

Stets,  2009).  There  is  scholarship  that  intimates  that  one  identity  has  the  ability  to  

cause  the  other  to  be  foregrounded  as  a  “leading”  identity  (Black,  Wiliams,  Hernandez-­‐

Martinez,  Davis,  Pamaka,  &  Wake,  2010).  

Certain  identity  definitions  were  developed  with  mathematics  in  mind  (Cobb,  

Gresalfi,  &  Hodge,  2009;  Sfard  &  Prusak,  2005).    Martin  (2000)  contributed  to  the  

definition  of  mathematical  identity  that  is  used  in  this  study.  Martin  (2000,  2004,  2009)  

formulated  the  idea  of  intersecting  mathematical  identity  with  other  identities.  His  

work  grew  out  of  the  work  of  Ladson-­‐Billings  (1995).  The  idea  of  intersecting  

mathematical  identity  with  another  identity  is  useful  in  helping  to  see  how  one  identity  

influences  another.  

In  order  to  examine  the  intersection  of  queer  and  mathematical  identities  it  is  

necessary  that  I  explore  the  terminology  associated  with  queer  identity:  gay,  lesbian,  

bisexual,  and  trangender.  I  will  look  to  prior  research  to  define  these  terms  as  well  as  to  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     19    
develop  the  concept  of  queer  identity.    I  will  also  explore  queer  identity  as  a  

sociologically-­‐based  discourse  identity.    

While  there  is  no  literature  that  looks  directly  at  the  intersection  of  queer  

identity  and  mathematical  identity,  there  is  literature  that  examines  queer  identity  and  

academics  (Venzant  Chambers  &  McCready,  2011).  Additionally  there  is  literature  that  

discusses  the  “queering”  of  mathematics  (Mendick,  2006).  Mendick  defines  the  

queering  of  mathematics  as  making  mathematics  less  male-­‐centric.  I  will  also  explore  

expressions  of  queer  theory  or  queer  thought  in  the  subject  areas  of  English,  and  

Science  (Blackburn  &  Buckley,  2004;  Snyder  &  Broadway,  2004).  By  looking  at  all  of  this  

research,  I  will  be  positioned  to  look  at  the  intersection  of  queer  identity  and  

mathematical  identity.  

 Identity  Theory  

Identity  can  be  understood  and  studied  through  two  theoretical  constructs,  

psychosocial  identity  and  sociological  identity.  In  the  following  section  I  will  describe  

psychosocial  identity  and  sociological  identity.  

Psychosocial  Identity  

 Within  his  work  The  Eight  Stages  of  Man,  Erickson  (1964,  1980)  develops  a  

psychosocial  construct  of  identity  that  refers  to  the  internal  processes  of  the  individual.  

He  describes  psychosocial  identity  as  being  subjective  and  objective,  social  and  

individual  (Erikson,  1964).  Within  the  eight  stages  there  are  psychosocial  crises  that  

must  be  resolved.  These  include,  trust  vs.  mistrust;  autonomy  vs.  shame  and  doubt;  

initiative  vs.  guilt;  industry  vs.  inferiority;  identity  vs.  role  confusion;  intimacy  vs.  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     20    
isolation;  generativity  vs.  stagnation;  and  ego  integrity  vs.  despair  (Erikson,  


The  eight  crises  are  sequential  and  each  one  builds  off  of  the  previous  and  affects  

the  next.  That  is,  one  cannot  move  from  one  stage  to  the  next  without  some  resolution  

of  the  conflict  involved  in  the  previous  stage  (Erikson,  1964).    While  each  of  the  crises  

are  influential  stages  in  the  development  of  identity,  I  will  focus  on  the  identity  vs.  role  

confusion  crisis.  In  the  identity  vs.  role  confusion  crisis,  the  primary  conflict  is  whether  

an  individual  can  develop  a  stable  sense  of  self  that  will  continue  on  into  adulthood  

(Erikson,  1964).  In  this  stage  of  development  the  main  question  is  “who  am  I?”  If  the  

previous  crises  have  been  successfully  negotiated  and  the  adolescent  has  developed  a  

sense  of  trust  and  industry,  there  is  a  greater  chance  of  success  in  negotiating  the  crisis  

of  identity  vs.  role  confusion  as  well.  Some  of  the  aspects  of  this  crisis  include  

negotiating  a  vocation  and  sexual  orientation.  The  reason  to  focus  on  this  crisis  is  that  it  

occurs  in  late  adolescence  to  early  adulthood,  the  same  age  as  the  participants  for  this  


An  understanding  of  psychosocial  identity  has  both  affordances  and  constraints  

when  applied  to  this  study.  One  affordance  of  this  understanding  of  identity  is  that  

identity  is  simultaneously  individual  and  social.  This  allows  for  the  identity  to  be  

expressed  by  the  individual  in  a  social  setting  and  therefore  studied  more  easily.    

A  second  aspect  of  psychosocial  identity  is  that  it  is  understood  as  a  stage  of  

development  that  occurs  during  late  adolescence,  and  is  then  more  or  less  fixed  through  

adulthood  (Erikson,  1964,1980).  This  can  be  seen  as  both  a  constraint  and  an  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     21    
affordance.  The  affordance  of  this  aspect  to  the  study  is  that  the  participants  age,  late  

adolescence,  is  developmentally  appropriate.  It  is  a  constraint  in  that  Erickson  sees  

identity  development  as  being  rather  fixed  once  it  is  acquired.  He  later  modified  his  

view  somewhat  (Erikson,  1980)  to  allow  for  some  further  development  of  identity  into  

adulthood.  However,  he  concluded  that  most  identity  development  is  fixed  in  

adolescence.  This  perspective  is  problematic  when  studying  queer  identity,  as  queer  

theory  recognizes  fluidity  and  changes  in  understanding  of  sexual  identity  throughout  

adulthood  (Wilchins,  1997).  

Sociological  Identity  

Stryker  (1980)  developed  sociological  identity  from  psychological  identity.  An  

early  proponent  of  a  sociological  construct  of  identity  Stryker  (1980)  categorizes  

identity  as  role,  person  and  social.  Role  identities  are  based  on  the  role  that  a  person  

plays,  such  as  teacher,  student  or  friend  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  Early  theorists  saw  role  

identities  as  being  the  preeminent  determinant  for  an  individual’s  sense  of  self  (Burke  

&  Stets,  2009;  Stryker,  1980).  Role  identity  is  seen  to  provide  structure,  organization  

and  meaning  to  the  individual  in  any  given  situation.    

Person  identities  are  the  idiosyncrasies  that  make  the  individual  unique  (Burke  

&  Stets,  2009).  Examples  of  person  identity  would  be  being  kind  or  generous.  This  

identity  is  based  on  one’s  own  beliefs  about  oneself.  It  is  often  tied  to  the  idea  of  

authenticity;  whether  the  individual  feels  she  is  being  true  to  herself.    

Social  identity  is  based  on  membership  in  a  social  group  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  A  

situation  is  established  in  which  there  is  an  “in  group”  and  an  “out  group”;  that  is  to  say  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     22    
that  one  is  either  a  member  of  a  club  or  not.  Who  is  part  of  the  group  is  based  on  a  set  of  

criteria  that  is  often  associated  with  gender,  race,  and  age  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  

Another  way  to  understand  sociological  identity  is  provided  by  Gee  (1999).  Gee  

describes  four  types  of  identity:  

1. Nature  identity  is  when  there  is  no  power  over  the  natural  forces  that  cause  

nature  identity,  such  as  being  a  twin  or  having  blue  eyes;  

2. Institution  identity  is  when  the  individual  is  bestowed  an  identity  by  an  

institution,  such  as  the  teacher  who  is  bestowed  the  identity  by  the  state  that  

licenses  and  the  school  that  employs  her;  

3. Discourse  identity  is  based  on  what  one  says  about  one’s  self  and  what  others  

say  about  you,  such  as  being  labeled  as  learning  disabled  or  gifted;  and  

4. Affinity  identity  is  a  characteristic  shared  by  a  group,  such  as  advanced  

placement  (AP)  students  or  children  with  ADHD.  

Gee’s  theory  uses  both  fixed  identities  (such  as  natural  and  institutional)  and  fluid  

identities  (such  as  discourse  and  affinity).  While  Gee  sees  the  act  of  discourse  as  

essential  to  discourse  identity  development,  there  is  also  recognition  of  the  role  that  

discourse  plays  in  selection  of  a  group  within  affinity  identity  (Gee,    1999).    

An  affordance  of  the  sociological  construct  of  identity  is  that  it  provides  us  with  

an  understanding  of  the  intersection  of  identities.  An  intersection  is  when  two  identities  

manifest  themselves  simultaneously  within  the  individual  (Burke  &  Stets,  2009).  This  is  

important  as  it  allows  us  to  study  the  intersection  of  a  queer  identity  and  mathematical  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     23    
Mathematical  Identity  

  Mathematical  identity  has  been  explained  theoretically  in  several  different  ways  

(Cobb,  Gresalfi,  &  Hodge,  2009;  Sfard  &  Prusak,  2005;  Somers,  1994).  Each  of  these  

theoretical  perspectives  examines  different  aspects  of  mathematical  identity.  Cobb  et  al.  

(2007)  fixed  the  student’s  mathematical  identity  for  the  purposes  of  testing.  Once  a  

teacher  understands  a  students  already  fixed  mathematical  identity  they  can  then  use  

that  information  to  increase  test  scores  from  year  to  year.  Cobb  et  al.    considered  the  

formation  of  identity  in  a  psychosocial  sense;  a  universal  process  with    a  student’s  

mathematical  identity  being  fixed  in  adolesence.  Cobb’s  work  considered  mathematical  

identity  soley  for  the  purpose  of  understanding  and  increasing  test  scores.  While  this  

fits  Cobb’s  purposes,  it  is  problematic  in  that  it  essentializes  the  student’s  mathematical  

identity  and  fails  to  consider  that  other  types  of  identity  may  impact  the  mathematical  

identity  of  the  student  over  time.    

Another  way  to  consider  mathematical  identity  is  in  using  a  sociological  construct  

that  is  discourse-­‐based  (Sfard  &  Prusak,  2005).    A  discourse-­‐based  identity  is  defined  by  

the  narratives  that  one  tells  about  oneself,  allowing  identity  to  change  as  one’s  beliefs  

change.  There  can  be,  however,  problems  with  narratives  as  Somers  (1994)  has  pointed  

out.    For    narratives  to  be  useful,  Somers  argued,  they  need  to  move  from  being  simply  

stories,  to  one  of  the  four  types  of  narratives  listed  below:  

1. Ontological  narratives  are  used  to  define  who  we  are.  Ontological  narratives  are  

fluid,  allowing  for  changes  in  identity;    

2. Public  narratives  are  cultural  and  institutional  narratives  that  are  larger  than  the  

“self.”  These  narratives  come  from  our  families,  schools  and  the  government;  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     24    
3. Meta  narratives  are  the  types  of  narratives  that  make  up  most  of  our  sociological  

theories.  They  are  the  stories  about  the  stories;  and  

4. Conceptual  narratives  are  the  explanations  that  are  constructed  by  social  


Among  Somers’  narratives,  ontological  narratives  most  closely  fit  with  Sfard’s  and  

Prusak’s  (2005)  discourse-­‐based  view  of  mathematical  identity.  Using  this  

understanding,  Sfard  and  Prusak  found  that  the  mathematical  identity  of  students  can  

and  do  change  as  students  view  themselves  as  being  more  or  less  successful  under  

various  circumstances.    

Martin  (2000)  defined  mathematical  identity  as  having  the  following  qualities:  

1. The  ability  to  do  mathematics;  

2. Having  the  motivations  and  strategies  needed  to  obtain  mathematics  knowledge;  

3. Understanding  the  importance  of  one’s  mathematical  knowledge;  

4. Understanding  one’s  opportunities  and  constraints  in  mathematical  contexts  (p.  


For  the  purpose  of  the  proposed  study  a  combination  of  Martin’s  (2000)  

definition  and  Sfard  and  Prusak’s  (2005)  definition  of  mathematical  identity  will  be  

used.  This  is  because  Martin’s  definition  refers  to  performance  of  mathematics,  an  

aspect  of  mathematical  identity  that  helps  to  define  how  one  sees  one’s  self  in  

relationship  to  mathematics.  On  the  other  hand  Sfard  and  Prusak  focus  directly  on  a  

discourse-­‐based  definition  of  mathematical  identity.  Discourse-­‐based  refers  to  the  

narratives  that  one  tells  about  one’s  self.  These  discourse-­‐based  identities  are  

perceptual  in  nature.  Thus,  they  refer  to  one’s  perception  of  their  ability  to  do  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     25    
mathematics.  While  each  of  these  definitions  is  useful  in  their  own  right,  the  

combination  adds  a  depth  that  is  more  useful.  

Queer  Identity  

Identifying  as  queer  is  political,  dynamic  and  fluid  (Kumashiro,  2002;  Wilchens,  

1997).  According  to  Kumashiro,  it  is  political  because  queer  is  a  word  that  has  been  

reclaimed  by  activists  from  a  negative  past.  Wilchens  states  it  is  dynamic  and  fluid  

because  what  is  means  to  be  queer  can  change  for  the  individual  as  much  and  as  often  

as  one  desires.  I  use  the  term  queer  identity  throughout  this  paper,  rather  than  LGBT  

identity  for  a  variety  of  reasons.    

Gay  and  lesbian  identity  development  has  been  understood  to  be  an  affinity  

group  identity  (Alderson,  2003;  Guess,  1995).  Further,  as  the  forereferenced  authors  

point  out,  these  identities  have  been  essentialized  and  normatized  to  be  white  and  

middle  class.  While  bisexuality  has  not  been  essentialized,  there  are  numerous  and  fluid  

ways  to  describe  bisexual  identities  (Jeffries,  1999).  It  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this  work  

to  describe  all  the  variations  that  can  encompass  a  bisexual  identity.  The  fluidity  of  the  

descriptions  would  tend  to  argue  for  a  definition  of  queer  identity  rather  than  trying  to  

capture  all  the  variations  of  bisexual  identity  (Jeffries,  1999).  

Transgender  identity  is  another  term  with  multiple  meanings  (Reis,  2004).  

Transgender  identity  is  more  problematic  to  define  than  gay,  lesbian,  or  even  bisexual.  

This  is  because  there  may  or  may  not  be  an  element  of  sexual  identity  in  the  definition.  

Transgender  may  refer  to  intersexed  individuals  (those  with  indeterminate  sexual  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     26    
organs);  those  who  feel  they  were  born  the  wrong  sex;  or  those  who  are  somewhere  in  

between  these  other  definitions.  The  scope  of  this  study  is  not  to  look  specifically  at  

those  with  a  transgender  identity,  but  also,  there  is  no  reason  to  exclude  those  same  


Because  of  the  issues  in  using  the  specific  terms  of  gay,  lesbian,  bisexual  or  

transgender  identity,  queer  identity  will  be  used  instead.  Queer  identity  has  been  

defined  as  discourse-­‐based  (Wilchins,  1997),  meaning  what  people  say  about  you  and  

what  you  say  about  yourself  (Gee,  1999).  The  benefit  of  understanding  queer  identity  as  

a  discourse-­‐based  identity  is  that  discourse-­‐based  identities  resist  essentialization  

(Kumashiro,  2002).  Being  understood  as  a  discourse-­‐based  identity  allows  for  the  

fluidity  of  sexuality  that  is  understood  to  be  the  reality  of  queer  identified  individuals.    

“Queer”  began  as  a  derogatory  word  that  activists  have  worked  to  reclaim  

(Kumashiro,  2002),  understanding  that  discourse-­‐based  means  that  “it”  is  what  

someone  says  “it”  is.  In  this  meaning,  queer  is  citational.  Citational  is  defined  as  gaining  

meaning  from  the  way  a  word  is  used,  or  cited,  by  a  group  of  people.  As  the  group  

grows,  the  citation  begins  to  gain  wider  acceptance  (Free  Online  Dictionary,  2011).  

While  not  exclusive  of  the  first  meaning,  queer  is  distinct  in  that  being  discourse-­‐based  

allows  for  people  who  do  not  fit  within  the  labels  gay,  lesbian,  bisexual,  or  transgender  

to  be  included.      

Queer  becomes  everyone  who  is  not  normatively  heterosexual.  It  is  a  non-­‐

normative  state;  an  attempt  to  define  it  normatively  causes  it  to  morph  and  change  so  

that  it  is  no  longer  what  you  think  it  is.  Queer  is  inclusive  rather  than  exclusive  and  it  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     27    
seeks  to  trouble  the  normative,  the  essential  and  the  definitive  label  (Britzman,  1998;  

Kumashiro,  2002;  Wilchins,  1997).  

Wilchens  (1997)  argues  against  an  LGBT  label-­‐based  natural  or  affinity  identity  

and  outlines  many  of  the  problems  of  affinity  identity  and  affinity  politics.  Affinity  

identity  is  an  identity  that  is  predicated  on  being  a  member  of  a  group.  Natural  identity  

is  based  on  an  immutable  trait  such  as  eye  color.    A  natural  identity  lacks  movement  

and  fluidity  and  is  therefore  problematic.  There  is  no  room  to  explain  the  lesbian  who  

chooses  to  sleep  with  men,  or  to  explain  bisexuality  at  all.  If  one  is  born  attracted  to  a  

certain  sex,  natural  identity  says  that  this  is  fixed.  Natural  identity  also  raises  the  

question  of  gender.  By  normatizing  gender  and  sex,  we  force  gender  and  sex  into  

binaries  and  this  raises  other  issues.  Wilchins  (1997)  goes  on  to  state  the  limits  of  

affinity  identity.  One  only  need  worry  about  the  issues  of  a  single  letter  L,  G,  B  or  T.  

Queer  has  been  set  up  to  work  against  a  single  mentality.  Queer  is  more  encompassing,  

but  not  just  of  letters.  Rather,  it  includes  movement,  fluidity  and  recognizes  social  

construction  of  sex  and  gender  (Britzman,  1998).  

Supports  and  Queer  Identity  

There  appears  to  be  several  factors  that  influence  the  development  of  a  positive  

queer  identity  (Blackburn,  2004;  Blackburn  &  McCready,  2009;  Lee,  2002;  Ma'yan,  

2011;  Munoz-­‐Plaza,  Quinn,  &  Rounds,  2002).  These  include  attending  a  school  with  a  

gay  straight  alliance  (GSA),  having  a  safe  and  supportive  school  environment,  having  an  

out  of  school  support,  such  as  a  LGBT  youth  center,  and  having  supportive  friends.  

Blackburn  (2004)  speaks  to  the  need  to  have  the  support  from  an  organization  

such  as  The  Attic  Youth  Center  in  Philadelphia,  PA.  The  Attic  provides  various  services  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     28    
for  youth  from  age  14-­‐23.  These  services  range  from  counseling,  to  recreational  

services,  to  a  speakers  bureau.  The  speakers  bureau  is  a  group  of  students  within  the  

organization  of  The  Attic  who  are  trained  to  go  to  schools  and  other  organizations  and  

conduct  trainings.  These  trainings  consist  of  the  youth  sharing  their  stories  of  coming  

out  and  what  their  experieinces  have  been  like.  Blackburn  reports  that  through  the  

activities  of  The  Attic,  but  specifically  through  the  speakers  bureau,  young  queer  people  

have  the  opportunity  to  gain  agency  and  support  that  helps  them  to  develop  a  positive  

queer  identity.  

This  ability  to  develop  a  positive  queer  identity  is  not  limited  to  participating  in  a  

speakers  bureau.  Blackburn  and  McCready  (2009)  survey  the  literature  on  the  topic  of  

supports  for  queer  youth  and  arrive  at  several  conclusions.  They  find  that  not  only  are  

out  of  school  supports,  such  as  LGBT  youth  centers  helpful,  but  also  that  Gay  Straight  

Alliances  (GSA’s)  can  be  a  critical  link  for  youth.  GSA’s  as  a  support  to  developing  a  

positive  queer  identity  has  also    been  supported  in  other  work  as  well  (Lee,  2002).  Lee  

goes  further  than  Blackburn  and  McCready  by  showing  that  not  only  does  a  GSA  

promote  a  positive  queer  identity,  but  also  a  positive  academic  identity.  The  

improvement  in  academic  identity  is  postulated  to  be  as  a  result  of  the  support  the  

youth  received  from  the  GSA  and  that  the  youth  feel  better  about  themselves  and  about  

school.  Some  of  this  is  due  to  a  lessoning  of  a  feeling  of  isolation,  a  feeling  born  out  by  

Blackburn  and  McCready.  

Ma’ayan  (2011)  takes  a  different  approach  to  showing  support  for  a  positive  

queer  identity.  She  explores  a  case  study  and  looks  at  the  intersection  of  whiteness  with  

queer  identity  to  examine  resiliancy.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  participant  in  the  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     29    
study  has  a  GSA  in  her  middle  school  as  well  as  the  support  of  teachers  and  her  family.  

Ma’ayan  attributes  most  of  the  participants  resiliancy  to  being  white  and  upper  middle  

class  rather  than  the  supports  reported  on  earlier.  Thus,  the  emphasis  in  this  study  is  on  

using  a  position  of  privelege  to  gain  power  in  this  situation.  The  problem  with  the  

conclusions  in  this  study  are  what  do  you  do  if  you  do  not  start  from  a  position  of  

economic  or  racial  privelege?  Where  do  poor  youth  of  color  find  agency  around  LGBT  

issues  if  they  do  not  have  privelege?  

Investigating  Intersections  

A  way  to  make  mathematical  identity  more  useful  is  to  look  at  intersection:  how  

different  identities  manifest  themselves  at  the  same  time.  Martin  (2000)  examined  the  

intersection  of  mathematical  identity  with  racial  identity,  and  thus  began  developing  an  

understanding  of  each  person’s  unique,  individual  experiences.  

Martin  (2000,  2006)  reported  on  African  American  parents  who  may  have  a  

negative  mathematical  identity  while  still  seeing  the  importance  of  mathematics.  These  

same  parents  were  able  to  discuss  their  racial  identities  and  all  reported  having  faced  

discrimination  and  oppression  in  the  classroom.  This  oppression,  while  it  may  not  be  

the  direct  cause  of  the  poor  mathematical  identities  reported,  certainly  had  a  part  to  

play  in  their  motivation  to  perform  mathematics.  These  same  subjects  also  claimed  that  

their  children  were  the  victims  of  oppression  at  the  hands  of  teachers  and  

administrators.  Further,  all  of  the  parents  interviewed  reported  that  they  felt  they  could  

have  gone  further  in  their  careers  had  they  taken  more  mathematics  courses.  

Additionally,  many  reported  that  they  were  working  on  mathematics  courses  in  order  

to  progress  in  their  careers.  It  was  particularly  surprising  that  Martin  did  not  directly  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     30    
explore  the  racial  identity  or  its  effect  on  the  mathematical  identity  of  the  seventh,  

eighth  and  ninth  grade  students  whom  he  interviewed.    

Spencer  (2009)  interviewed  32  African-­‐American  middle  school  students  and  their  

mathematics  teachers  to  ascertain  the  mathematical  identities  of  the  students  and  the  

effect  of  race  on  their  mathematical  identities.  Like  Martin  (2000),  Spencer  did  not  

directly  question  students  about  race.  He  approached  race  indirectly,  particularly  for  

those  students  who  saw  themselves  as  being  poor  in  mathematics  and  having  a  

negative  mathematical  identity.  Spencer  did  however  question  the  teachers  directly  and  

it  was  obvious  that  there  was  oppression  on  the  part  of  the  teachers  toward  their  

students  because  of  their  African-­‐American  status.  The  teachers  were  careful  to  couch  

their  attitudes  about  African-­‐American  students  in  terms  of  lack  of  parental  

involvement  and  behavior  on  the  part  of  the  students.  The  teachers  went  so  far  as  to  see  

the  students’  racial  identities  as  homogeneous,  whereas  they  praised  the  individuality  

of  white  students.  

Students  only  mentioned  race  when  they  remarked  about  incidence  when  they  were  

doing  well  and  were  mocked  for  “acting  white”  by  other  African-­‐American  students  

(Spencer,  2009).  Thus,  they  faced  oppression  not  only  at  the  hands  of  their  teachers  or  

other  adults,  but  also  from  fellow  students  because  they  were  doing  well.  Within  these  

narratives  we  know  that  the  retelling  captures  only  aspects  of  the  experience.  The  fact  

that  we  can  only  partially  understand  these  experiences  shows  the  dangerous  in  

essentializing  identity  of  any  kind  (Martin,  2009).    

Ladson-­‐Billings’  (1995,  1999)  call  for  culturally  relevant  pedagogy  allowed  for  a  

new  exploration  of  the  intersection  of  racial  and  mathematical  identities.  Her  
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explorations  differed  from  much  of  the  work  at  the  time.    It  did  not  focus  on  an  idea  of  

deficit  in  black  students.  Rather  it  focused  on  historical  causes  of  discrimination  within  

education  and,  in  particular,  mathematics.  She  continued  to  develop  the  idea  of  

educational  disparities  and  referred  to  it  as  an  educational  deficit  rather  than  an  

achievement  gap  (Ladson-­‐Billings,  2006).  This  focus  on  how  the  educational  system  has  

failed  mathematics  students,  instead  of  the  students  being  failures,  boosted  the  study  of  

mathematical  identity.  This  was  because  most  of  the  work  with  mathematical  identity  

looked  at  how  students  were  able  to  be  successful  rather  than  on  concentrating  on  how  

they  failed  (Martin  2000,  2004,  2009;  Stinson,  2004)    

Martin  (2009)  went  further  with  discussions  of  race  and  mathematics  by  

exploring  the  racial  achievement  gap  in  testing.  He  explained  that  the  issue  was  not  an  

achievement  gap  based  on  race.  Martin  argued  that  to  be  based  on  race  there  must  be  

an  implicit  understanding  that  race  is  biologically  based,  not  socially  constructed.  Thus,  

the  idea  of  a  racial  achievement  gap  creates  a  hierarchy  of  racial  categories.  Martin  

argued  against  this  racialization  of  mathematics  and  stressed  the  need  to  understand  

the  stories  of  the  participants  being  discussed  (discourse-­‐based).    By  examining  

individual  voices,  the  essentialization  of  a  single  experience  is  troubled  (Martin,  2000).    

When  considered  in  conversation  with  Kumashiro’s    (2002)  understanding  of  

anti-­‐oppressive  education,  one  can  begin  to  consider  the  implications  of  hearing  the  

stories  of  real  people.  They  are  no  longer  the  ‘other’  to  be  pitied,  feared  or  exalted,  

rather  they  become  a  part  of  the  ‘us.’    The  post-­‐structural  nature  of  these  ideas  reminds  

us  that  all  knowledge  is  partial.  Therefore,  we  need  to  hear  multiple  stories  to  gain  a  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     32    
fuller  understanding  of  what  has  been  experienced.  In  this  case,  the  experience  relates  

to  mathematical  identity  intersected  with  racial  identity.  

In  my  examination  of  the  literature,  I  sought  to  examine  what  other  work  

considered  the  intersection  of  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity.  While  my  

search  was  unsuccessful,  there  is  relevant  research  that  explores  queer  and  gender  

issues  in  a  range  of  subject  areas.  This  section  will  explore  such  work  within  the  

literature  and  explore  how  it  informs  my  work.    

Blackburn  and  Buckley  (2004)  surveyed  schools  to  determine  how  often  queer  

characters  or  issues  are  raised  in  the  English  classroom.  Of  the  212  schools  surveyed,  

only  18  used  any  materials  that  explored  queer  topics.  The  authors  spend  the  bulk  of  

the  article  discussing  the  pros  and  cons  of  using  various  pieces  of  literature  to  inform  

students  about  queer  topics.  This  study  does  not  inform  us  about  an  intersection  with  

queer  identity,  but  it  does  provide  us  an  example  of  how  much  work  still  needs  to  be  

done  in  the  area  of  queer  identity.  The  main  conclusion  from  the  work  of  Blackburn  and  

Buckley  is  how  queer  issues  have  been  ignored  in  the  classroom.  

Snyder  and  Broadway  (2004)  began  their  work  with  a  discussion  of  the  

importance  of  a  positive  science  identity  for  those  with  a  queer  identity.  This  was  the  

extent  of  their  discussion  of  any  intersection  of  the  two  identities.  They  proceeded  to  

consider  how  queer  ideas  and  theories  fit  into,  but  were  left  out  of,  science  textbooks.  

This  study,  while  advocating  for  a  positive  science  identity  for  those  with  a  queer  

identity,  did  not  explain  what  that  intersection  looks  like.  From  this  study,  we  see  that  

queer  students  benefit  from  a  positive  science  identity.  However,  we  do  not  have  

specifics  of  what  the  intersection  of  science  identity  and  queer  identity  looked  like.  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     33    
  Mendick  (2006)  explored  the  relationship  between  mathematics  and  

masculinity  and,  in  the  process,  called  upon  queer  theory.  She  argued  that  mathematics  

education  in  English  speaking  countries  was  constructed  in  a  binary  fashion  that  

favored  masculinity  and  absolutism.  Mendick  spoke  of  several  binaries  in  regard  to  

mathematics,  some  of  which  are  masculine  or  feminine;  hard  or  soft;  absolute  or  

changing;  and  abstract  or  concrete.  Within  these  binaries,  the  former  is  what  she  

argued  was  the  normalized  mathematical  understanding  and  the  latter  was  the  non-­‐

mathematical  other.  To  disrupt  these  binaries  and  allow  students  with  non-­‐masculine  

identities  the  ability  to  approach  mathematics  in  a  way  that  did  not  require  them  to  

reconstruct  their  identities,  she  called  for  applying  queer  theory  to  queer  mathematics.  

Mendick  used  queer  as  a  verb  not  a  noun,  and  this  was  meant  to  disrupt  the  binary  of  

masculine/feminine  that  separated  those  who  did  math  and  those  who  did  not  

(Mendick,  2006).    

Mendick’s  work  applies  to  what  I  will  be  exploring  in  two  ways.  First,  she  saw  

mathematics  and  mathematical  identity  as  being  discourse-­‐based.  She  used  

mathematical  identity  in  a  limited  way.  While  she  sought  to  apply  queer  theory  to  

disrupt  the  binary,  she  did  not  discuss  queer  as  an  identity.  Rather  she  used  it  as  a  verb  

that  allowed  her  to  act  on  the  binary.  

Identity  and  Educational  Disparities  

  The  construct  of  identity  has  been  used  to  study  achievement  and  educational  

disparities.  Mallett,  Mello,  Wagner,  Worrell,  Burrow,  and  Andretta  (2011)  discussed  

two  separate  studies  that  they  had  conducted.  They  examined  racial  identity  and  

‘belonging,’  the  feeling  that  one  belongs  in  an  academic  setting.  They  correlated  these  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     34    
studies  to  planned  achievement  and  graduation  rates.    While  white  students  saw  a  

positive  correlation  between  belonging,  racial  identity  and  future  plans,  students  of  

color  with  a  strong  racial  identity  had  low  belonging  and  low  achievement  rates.    

  Black  et  al.  (2010)  found  a  connection  between  a  “leading  identity”  and  

aspirations  for  further  achievement  in  career  and  higher  education.  Leading  identity  is  

the  idea  that  there  is  one  identity  that  puts  in  focus,  the  rest  of  one’s  social  identities.  

Black  et  al.  explored  the  leading  identities  in  the  context  of  mathematics  in  post-­‐

secondary  education.  The  researchers  discussed  mathematical  identity  intersected  with  

gender  identity  through  the  focus  of  a  leading  identity.    They  discuss  Mary,  who  did  an  

engineering  project  in  secondary  school  that  led  to  a  leading  identity  of  being  an  

engineer.  As  a  result,  Mary  became  interested  in  mathematics  and  changed  her  

trajectory  going  into  college.  In  this  instance  Mary’s  leading  identity,  ‘engineering  

identity,’  drove  her  to  pursue  and  achieve  within  higher-­‐level  mathematics.  From  the  

development  of  the  leading  identities  we  saw  a  way  in  which  one  identity  can  affect  

another  identity.    

  Cohen  and  Garcia  (2008)  discussed  their  findings  that  stigma  and  stereotype  

threat  are  still  issues  that  affected  educational  disparities  for  racial  minorities  and  

female  students.  While  stereotype  threat  was  not  a  new  idea,  Cohen  and  Garcia  found  

that  it  was  the  interaction  of  various  identities  in  particular  situations  that  were  the  

greatest  cause  for  concern.  The  situations  at  play  could  be  as  simple  as  having  a  “bad  

day”  in  school  that  lead  to  a  feeling  of  isolation  and  a  lessening  of  a  feeling  of  belonging.  

This  feeling  of  isolation  and  lack  of  belonging  was  found  to  perpetuate  educational  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     35    
disparities.  This  was  particularly  true  for  African-­‐American  students  and  to  a  lesser  

extent  for  female  students.    

To  alleviate  feelings  of  isolation  and  the  lack  of  achievement,  Cohen  and  Garcia  

designed  a  model  that  lead  to  two  points  of  intervention.  The  aim  of  these  interventions  

was  to  reduce  the  student’s  tendency  to  interpret  experience  in  light  of  social  identity.  

The  first  intervention,  designed  to  lessen  race-­‐based  doubts  about  learning,  focused  on  

students  at  the  end  of  their  freshman  year.  For  the  intervention,  students  received  the  

results  of  a  survey  given  to  upperclassmen.  The  survey  highlighted  how  all  freshmen  

struggled  with  feelings  of  belonging  regardless  of  race,  and  how  those  feelings  dissipate  

over  time  for  everyone.  The  researchers  found  that  there  was  a  lasting,  preventative  

effect  against  stereotype  threat  for  African-­‐American  students  that  prevailed  even  

through  the  junior  year  of  college.  The  second  intervention  increased  students’  

psychological  resources  for  dealing  with  threat  through  the  process  of  self-­‐affirmations.  

In  the  second  intervention,  7th  grade  students  completed  an  in-­‐class,  self-­‐affirmation  

exercise.  These  students  saw  improvement  in  GPA,  a  common  measure  of  achievement,  

which  persisted  over  time.  What  this  study  emphasized  was  that  while  aspects  of  social  

identity  can  have  a  negative  effect  upon  achievement,  there  are  strategies  that  

counteract  these  negative  effects.  

Other  work  focused  on  mathematics  beliefs,  what  Martin  (2000)  referred  to  as  

mathematical  identity,  and  their  effect  on  achievement  in  introductory  mathematics  

courses  in  college.  Loustatel  (2009)  found  that  students  with  a  stronger  mathematical  

identity  were  more  likely  to  have  earned  an  “A”  in  introductory  college  mathematics  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     36    
courses.  While  this  may  not  be  surprising,  this  exploration  of  identity  and  achievement  

showed  that  identity  has  been  explored  in  many  different  ways.  

  Venzant  Chambers  and  McCready  (2011)  also  looked  at  racial  identity  and  

achievement.  They  combined  data  from  two  separate  studies  and  found  commonalities.  

They  found  that  African-­‐American  students  felt  marginalized  and  performed  at  a  lower  

level  when  they  had  multiple  stigmatizing  identities  (Venzant  Chambers  &  McCready,  

2011).  The  multiple  stigmatizing  identities  were  African-­‐American  and  either  gay  or  in  

a  lower  track  in  high  school.  What  is  interesting  is  that  students  who  were  African-­‐

American  and  gay,  or  queer  as  McCready  (2004)  has  referred  to  participants  in  other  

works,  had  a  lower  performance  or  achievement  level  in  school.  While  this  work  did  not  

speak  to  the  student’s  academic  identity,  or  mathematical  identity  more  specifically,  it  

did  examine  queer  identity  and  achievement.  While  the  thrust  of  the  studies  were  that  

students  needed  to  “make  space”  for  themselves,  that  is,  they  needed  to  find  a  way  to  fit  

into  a  group,  the  secondary  finding  of  lower  achievement  was  significant.  This  work  

linked  a  queer  identity  to  lower  achievement,  implying  that  there  may  be  educational  

disparities  here  that  are  unexplored.  

These  works  (Mallett  et  al.,  2011;  McClain,  2008)  all  share  findings  about  

identity  being  related  to  educational  disparities.  Identity  is  examined  in  many  different  

ways,  as  it  relates  to  race,  gender,  and  low  SES.  For  some  of  the  discussions,  we  see  how  

the  effects  of  a  certain  identity  can  be  mitigated.  What  we  do  not  see  in  all  of  this  work  

is  the  inclusion  of  queer  identity.  

  Taken  together,  we  can  see  that  there  is  a  gap  in  the  literature  when  examining  

educational  disparities.  Identity  has  been  used  to  explore  educational  disparities  for  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     37    
students  of  color,  women,  college  students,  lower  tracked  students,  and  low  SES  

students.  There  was  a  study  that  implied  that  there  might  be  a  gap  for  queer  students,  

but  educational  disparities  are  not  the  main  focus  of  that  study.  Since  a  positive  

academic,  or  more  specifically,  a  mathematical  identity  has  been  shown  to  have  a  

positive  impact  on  achievement,  there  is  a  need  to  explore  the  intersection  of  

mathematical  identity  and  queer  identity.  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     38    
Chapter  3:  Methodology  

  In  this  chapter,  I  discussed  qualitative  research  and  how  my  research  question  

fit  within  this  paradigm.  An  argument  was  made  for  why  this  research  was  

phenomenological  in  nature.  Phenomenology  is  explained  in  terms  of  its  history.  While  I  

explore  some  of  the  different  types  of  phenomenology,  I  focused  on  hermeneutic  

phenomenological  methods.  

Qualitative  Research:  Phenomenology    

Qualitative  research  in  education  grew  out  of  dissatisfaction  with  quantitative  

methods  that  many  researchers  felt  were  contrived  (Creswell,  1998).  These  researchers  

found  that  quantitative  methods  placed  the  participant  into  an  unnatural  setting,  

thereby  focusing  attention  upon  the  researcher  and  their  approach,  rather  than  on  the  

experience  of  the  participant  (Creswell,  1998).  Whereas  quantitative  and  qualitative  

research  were  once  seen  as  opposing  views,  the  lines  have  blurred  over  the  decades  

and  they  are  now  considered  on  a  continuum  (Creswell,  1998).  While  there  are  various  

other  types  of  qualitative  research,  such  as  ethnography,  case  study,  narrative,  and  

critical  research,  I  used  phenomenology  as  it  focused  on  the  lived  experience  of  the  

participants  as  well  as  the  researcher’s  experience  with  the  phenomena  being  studied.  

Phenomenology  has  existed  as  a  research  method  for  a  relatively  long  time.  It  

was  a  philosophy  that  was  first  proposed  by  Husserl  in  the  early  twentieth  century  

(Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  Husserl  saw  phenomenology  as  a  philosophy  that  

worked  to  uncover  the  reality  of  one’s  experience  through  a  series  of  reductions.  In  this  

case  the  reductions  were  imaginings  about  what  the  universal  reality  of  a  situation  was  

(Husserl,  1927  in  Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     39    
Heidegger  began  as  a  student  of  Husserl  but  shifted  his  understanding  of  

phenomenology  away  from  reduction  and  into  hermeneutics  (Heidegger,  1949).  This  

change  signalled  a  philosophical  shift  in  how  Heidegger  understood  the  finding  of  

meaning  within  phenomenology  (Heideggar,  1982).  Instead  of    relying  on  imaginary  

reductionism,  Heideggar  made  a  move  toward  interpretism  and  the  understanding  of  a  

universal.  He  postulated  that  the  researcher  can  work  to  interpret  the  experience  of  the  

particiapants.  According  to  Heideggar  this  can  be  accomplished  through  the  finding  of  

horizons,  or  themes,  that  the  researcher  identifies  in  the  stories  told  by  participants  

(Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).    

Phenomenology,  in  its  most  basic  form,  considers  a  phenomenon,  a  thing  or  state  

of  being  as  it  appears  (Heidegger,  The  Basic  Problems  of  Phenomenology,  1982),  and  

seeks  to  describe  the  essence,  or  universality  (Van  Manen,  1990)  of  that  phenomenon  

(Moustakas,  1994).  The  phenomenological  essence  is  not  an  essentialization,  but  rather  

the  character  that  seeks  to  describe  the  structure  of  the  lived  experience  that  is  the  

phenomenon  (Van  Manen,  1990).  Put  another  way,  phenomenology  looks  at  the  lived  

experience  of  a  bracketed  idea  and  takes  the  bracketed  idea  and  explores  the  essence  of  

that  idea  (Moustakas,  1994).      

Bracketing  an  idea  is  a  process  that  decontextualizes  an  experience.  Bracketing  

is  accomplished  by  first  considering  the  researcher’s  personal  experience  with  the  

phenomenon.  This  is  then  followed  by  the  collection  of  stories  that  have  not  been  

reflected  on  by  the  participants  (Van  Manen,  1990).  Within  phenomenology,  a  

bracketed  idea  may  take  the  place  of  the  research  question  (Moustakas,  1994).  The  

bracketed  idea  for  this  study  is  the  intersection  of  queer  identity  and  mathematical  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     40    
identity.  This  study  sought  to  discover  the  essence  of  the  expression  a  queer  identity  

and  how  this  interacts  with  the  participants’  mathematical  identity.  

  Phenomenology  relies  on  a  method  in  which  the  researcher  uses  epoche  to  

explore  the  data  (Moustakas,  1994).    Epoche  is  a  state  of  having  one’s  mind  clear  of  

judgment  and  preconceived  ideas  of  meaning  that  must  be  maintained  in  order  to  

conduct  phenomenological  research.  Epoche  is  achieved  through  the  process  of  

bracketing;  this  is  not  the  same  bracketing  process  described  previously.  This  process,  

however,  is  related  to  the  bracketed  idea  that  may  form  the  question  being  explored.  In  

this  aspect  of  bracketing,  the  researcher  explores,  generally  through  writing,  his  own  

understanding  and  knowledge  about  the  phenomenon.  Epoche  requires  the  researcher  

to  first  bracket  the  researcher’s  own  knowledge  of  the  phenomenon,  setting  aside  any  

preconceived  notions  and  judgment  and  thus  decontextualizing  the  experience.    This  is  

done  through  self-­‐reflection  on  the  phenomenon.  Epoche  then  requires  the  researcher  

to  examine  the  stories  collected  in  order  to  discover  the  essence  of  the  lived  

experiences  of  the  participants  (Creswell,  1998).  

Within  the  realm  of  educational  research,  one  of  Heidegger’s  Hermeneutics  

methodologies  is  usually  applied  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  Hermeneutics  

methodologies  rely  on  interpretation  as  a  way  to  understand  both  the  universality  and  

the  differences  within  the  lived  experience.  Of  the  Hermeneutics  approaches,  the  most  

appropriate  research  design  was  Moustakas’    (1994)  modification  of  the  Stevick-­‐

Colaizzi-­‐Keen  method.  I  chose  this  method,  as  it  was  appropriate  when  the  researcher  

not  only  has  an  interest  in  the  research  question,  but  also  has  first-­‐hand  knowledge  of  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     41    
the  research  question  or  bracketed  idea  (Moustakas,  1994).  The  steps  to  this  type  of  

phenomenology  are:  

1. Using  a  phenomenological  approach,  obtain  a  full  description  of  your  own  

experience  of  the  phenomenon.  
2. From  the  verbatim  transcript  of  your  experience  complete  the  following  steps:  
a. Consider  each  statement  with  respect  to  significance  for  description  of  
the  experience.  
b. Record  all  relevant  statements.  
c. List  each  non-­‐repetitive,  non-­‐overlapping  statement.  These  are  the  
invariant  horizons  or  meaning  units  of  the  experience.  
d. Relate  and  cluster  the  invariant  meaning  units  into  themes.  
e. Synthesize  the  invariant  meaning  units  and  themes  into  a  description  of  
the  textures  of  the  experience.  Include  verbatim  examples.  
f. Reflect  on  your  own  textural  description.  Through  imaginative  variation,  
construct  a  description  of  the  structures  of  your  experience.  
g. Construct  a  textural-­‐structural  description  of  the  meanings  and  
essences  of  your  experience.  
3. From  the  verbatim  transcript  of  the  experiences  of  each  of  the  other  
participants  complete  the  above  steps,  a  through  g.  
4. From  the  individual  textural-­‐structural  description  of  all  participants’  
experiences,  construct  a  composite  textural-­‐structural  description  of  the  
meanings  and  essences  of  the  experience,  integrating  all  individual  textural-­‐
structural  descriptions  into  a  universal  description  of  the  experiences  
representing  the  group  as  a  whole.  (Moustakas,  1994,  p.  122)  
What  this  means  is  that  I  first  described,  in  detail,  my  own  experience  reflected  

in  my  having  a  queer  identity  and  a  mathematical  identity.  I  recorded  all  of  my  thoughts  

and  relevant  experiences  based  on  the  interview  questions  and  prompts  that  are  

described  below.  I  did  this  while  I  described  my  personal  experiences  as  a  way  to  enter  

a  state  of  epoche.  This  allowed  me  to  gain  insight  into  the  essence  of  the  intersection  of  

queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity,  as  well  as  to  understand  my  own  feelings  and  

biases.  At  this  point,  by  examining  my  own  place  in  the  research,  I  had  achieved  a  state  

of  epoche.  Therefore,  I  was  able  to  consider,  yet  set  aside,  my  own  views  of  the  

phenomenon.  I  was  also  able  to  understand  how  my  experiences  fit  into  the  bracketed  

idea  or  the  research  question  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     42    
Once  these  steps  were  considered  for  my  writing,  it  was  time  to  consider  the  

participants.  An  aspect  of  phenomenology  that  could  be  considered  troubling  by  some  

was  that  participants  should  be  as  homogeneous  as  possible  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  

2009).  All  of  the  participants  are  homogenous  in  that  they  are  all  queer  in  one  respect  

or  another.  The  participants  are  homogenous  in  age,  all  being  between  eighteen  and  

twenty-­‐one  years  old.  Also,  the  participants  are  homogenous  in  that  they  were  all  in  

college,  or  had  been  in  college  within  the  six  months  prior  to  the  study.  This  provides  

the  homogeneity  needed  for  the  study.  McCready  (2004)  pointed  out  that  queer  theory  

is  encompassing  of  various  racial/ethnic  groups  and  resists  essentialization;  however,  

this  is  not  in  conflict  with  phenomenology’s  call  for  homogeneous  subjects.  To  alleviate  

any  appearance  of  a  conflict,  participants  are  a  mix  of  individuals  who  identify  as  queer,  

whether  they  consider  themselves  male,  female  or  transgendered;  or  lesbian,  gay  or  

bisexual.  I  did  not  set  out  to  fulfill  all  of  the  various  ways  one  can  identify  as  queer,  but  

rather  was  open  to  all  the  various  expressions  of  queerness  in  the  participants.  In  so  

doing,  I  sought  the  essence  of  queerness  and  mathematical  identity  rather  than  an  

aspect  of  queerness.    

The  process  continued  with  the  participant  interviews.  These  interviews  were  

conducted  using  the  same  questions  that  I  answered.  Verbatim  transcription  followed,  

with  the  text  uploaded  into  the  software  program  “Nvivo”  for  analysis.  

   The  next  step  was  to  conduct  a  line-­‐by-­‐line  analysis  making  detailed  notes,  or  

noticings,  of  the  participant  interview  transcripts.  I  then  gathered  the  detailed  notes  

into  a  single  file  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  These  notes  became  the  invariant  

horizons,  or  meaning  units,  of  experience  of  the  phenomenon  (Moustakas,  1994).  A  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     43    
meaning  unit  of  experience  is  the  basic  unit  of  the  unchanging  essence  of  the  experience  

(Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  These  meaning  units  were  sorted  into  themes  (Van  

Manen,  1990).  The  invariant,  unchanging  meaning  units  and  themes  were  then  

synthesized  into  a  description  of  the  experience  of  the  expression  of  one’s  queer  

identity  and  mathematical  identity.    

Following  this  process,  I  then  used  interpretive  variation,  often  described  as  a  

mental  gymnastics  (Moustakas,  1994),  where  all  possibilities  are  considered  for  the  

“why”  that  the  phenomenon  existed  the  way  it  did.  Interpretive  variation  is  sometimes  

described  as  turning  ideas  forward  and  backward  (Moustakas,  1994).  It  was  the  second  

time  in  the  process  where  detailed  notes  were  written  and  in  so  doing  the  researcher  

became  one  with  the  experiences  of  the  participant.    The  process  was  described  as  

textural  because  it  is  experiential.  ”…Texture  must  be  experienced;  rough  and  smooth,  

rigid  and  flexible,  angry  and  calm”  (Moustakas,  1994,  p.  139).  I  then  searched  for  the  

invariant  structure  or  the  “central  underlying  meaning  of  the  experience  and  

emphasized  the  intentionality  of  consciousness  where  experiences  contain  both  the  

outward  appearance  and  inward  consciousness  based  on  memory,  image,  and  meaning”  

(Creswell,  1998,  p.  52).    

The  final  step  involved  looking  across  the  various  themes  from  the  individual  

transcripts  and  finding  commonality  in  them  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  These  

common  themes  were  collected  together  and  along  with  verbatim  quotes  from  the  

transcripts  the  findings  for  the  study  emerged.      

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     44    
Rationale  for  Selecting  a  Qualitative  Design  

  The  research  question,  or  bracketed  idea,  for  this  study,  how  is  a  queer  identity  

and  one’s  mathematical  identity  expressed  at  the  same  time  for  queer  students,  asks  about  

the  quality  of  an  experience  of  the  participants.  This  type  of  question  is  a  qualitative  

question,  as  it  asked  about  the  “why”  or  “how”  of  something  (Creswell,  1998).  Because  I  

was  exploring  the  “life  worlds”  of  the  participants,  and  seeking  the  meaning  of  that  life  

world  experience  (Creswell,  1998;  Van  Manen,  1990),  a  phenomenological  

methodology  was  chosen.    

Exemplar  Studies  of  Phenomenology  and  Identity  

Phenomenology  has  been  used  to  study  identity  in  multiple  studies  (Breshears,  

2011;  Goodnough,  2011;  Singh,  Hays,  &  Watson,  2011).    All  of  these  studies  looked  at  

either  a  queer  identity  or  were  focused  on  education.  This  highlighted  the  

appropriateness  of  phenomenology  for  a  study  that  looked  at  queer  identity  intersected  

with  mathematical  identity.  

Breshears  (2011)  used  one  of  the  frameworks  from  Moustakas  (1994)  to  study  

the  experience  of  lesbian  parents  coming  out  to  their  children.  She  showed  the  

appropriateness  of  using  phenomenology  to  study  a  topic  that  dealt  with  sexual  

identity.  Her  published  study  was  just  one  part  of  a  larger  study  that  explored  the  lived  

experiences  of  lesbians,  all  of  which  were  phenomenological  in  nature.  

Breshears’  study  reported  on  the  conversations  between  parents  and  their  child  

in  reference  to  the  family  and  family  structure.  While  she  finds  her  results  helpful,  she  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     45    
recognizes  the  limitations  that  she  experienced,  as  there  was  little  diversity  within  the  

participants  in  her  study.  I  rectified  this  situation  within  my  research  by  seeking  more  

racial/ethnic  diversity  among  the  participants.  

Goodnough  (2011)  used  phenomenology  to  study  the  experience  of  teachers’  

identity  that  had  participated  in  action  research.  The  study  was  a  longitudinal,  

phenomenological  study.  In  it,  the  author  interviewed  teachers  before,  after,  and  years  

after  they  conducted  action  research  about  their  identities  as  teachers  and  how  action  

research  affected  that  identity.  This  shows  the  appropriateness  of  using  

phenomenology  while  studying  identity  in  an  educational  setting.    

Singh,  Hays,  and  Watson  (2011)  used  phenomenology  to  explore  transgender  

identity.  This  was  relevant  in  that  the  researchers  explored  identity  and  some  of  the  

participants’  identities  as  queer,  showing  the  appropriateness  of  phenomenology  in  

exploring  a  queer  identity.  Singh  identified  as  queer,  thus  pointing  to  the  importance  

within  phenomenology  of  the  researcher  having  some  connection  to  the  research  area.  

This  supports  the  contention  that  it  is  important  that  I,  as  the  researcher,  identify  

myself  as  queer.  This  holds  with  phenomenology’s  contention  that  the  researcher  

should  have  some  background  knowledge  of  the  phenomenon  being  studied  

(Moustakas,  1994).      

Role  of  the  Researcher    

  The  researcher  plays  an  integral  role  in  phenomenological  research.  As  the  

researcher,  I  needed  to  bracket  my  understanding  of  the  experience  in  order  to  achieve  

epoche,  thereby  increasing  the  validity  of  the  study  (Van  Manen,  1990).  To  bracket  my  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     46    
experience  is  to  write  out  my  experience  with  the  phenomenon,  thereby  realizing  my  

own  biases  and  points  of  view  (Vagle,  2009).  The  purpose  of  this  process,  epoche,  is  to  

be  able  to  examine  the  data  with  a  fresh  eye  and  be  able  to  grasp  the  meanings  and  find  

the  horizons  and  themes  within  the  data  (Creswell,  1998).  

  My  own  experience  with  the  phenomenon  was  integral  to  understanding  the  

experiences  being  explored  (Van  Manen,  1990).  Further,  as  the  researcher  in  qualitative  

research,  some  have  suggested  that  I  was  a  unit  of  analysis  along  with  the  participants  

in  the  study  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  For  phenomenology,  this  is  the  point  of  

bracketing:  to  at  once  become  part  of  the  research  and  yet  to  transcend  one’s  personal  

experience  and  become  one  with  the  data  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  

Within  Moustakas’  modification  of  Stevick-­‐Colaizzi-­‐Keen’s  method,  I  took  on  a  

special  role  as  the  researcher.  This  method  works  particularly  well  for  me,  as  I  am  a  

queer  man  with  a  strong  mathematical  identity.  I  have  intimate  knowledge  of  the  

phenomenon  (the  intersection  of  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity).  Therefore,  

it  was  important  to  consider  my  own  experiences  in  order  to  separate  them  out  and  to  

be  able  to  understand  how  I  interact  with,  and  was  a  part  of,  the  research  study.  

As  stated  above,  I  identify  as  a  queer  man.  While  I  self-­‐identified  as  gay  in  high  

school  and  in  my  early  college  career,  I  did  not  disclose  my  sexual  identity  to  anyone  

close  to  me  (come  out)  until  my  sophomore  year  of  college.  Since  that  time  I  have  lived  

as  an  openly  queer  man.  

In  high  school  I  was  in  an  advanced  mathematics  track  and  completed  

mathematics  courses  through  pre-­‐calculus.  During  both  high  school  and  my  early  

college  career,  I  struggled  with  my  queer  identity  and  this  manifested  in  my  studies,  as  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     47    
it  took  me  six  years  to  complete  my  first  degree.  That  degree  was  a  BA  in  mathematics  

at  the  University  of  Minnesota.  All  during  that  time  my  mathematical  identity  was  

relatively  strong.  After  several  years  of  working,  I  returned  to  school  to  earn  a  BS  in  

mathematics,  allowing  me  to  teach  mathematics  in  Minnesota.    

After  three  and  a  half  years  of  teaching  high  school  and  middle  school  

mathematics,  I  decided  to  take  a  break  from  teaching.  This  break  was  caused  by  the  

constant  harassment  and  oppression  by  administrators  based  on  my  queer  identity.  My  

mathematical  identity  stayed  high  as  I  used  my  strong  background  in  mathematics  to  

work  in  construction.  After  a  few  years  away  from  education,  I  wanted  to  be  back  in  the  

classroom  and  returned  to  teaching.  While  teaching,  I  saw  that  queer  students  were  

being  steered  away  from  higher-­‐level  mathematics  in  high  school  by  counselors  and  

teachers.  This  compelled  me  to  return  to  graduate  school  because  I  wanted  to  explore  

the  relationship  between  having  a  positive  queer  identity  and  ones  mathematical  


I  identify  as  a  queer  man  and  as  an  activist.  My  decision  to  be  fully  out  and  

identify  as  queer  is  political.  Thus,  I  am  able  to  be  empathetic  toward  others  who  are  

activists  in  that  they  came  out  at  an  early  age  and  now  live  out  lives.  As  I  have  faced  

oppression  and  harassment  as  an  openly  queer  man,  I  can  empathize  with  and  

understand  what  it  means  to  be  oppressed  and  harassed.  

In  addition  to  having  a  positive  queer  identity  I  also  possess  a  positive  

mathematical  identity.  I  have  had  a  positive  mathematical  identity  all  of  my  life.  

However,  my  experience  as  a  teacher  in  secondary  mathematical  education  has  

equipped  me  to  understand  and  be  sympathetic  toward  those  with  a  negative  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     48    
mathematical  identity.  Because  I  have  positive  queer  and  mathematical  identities,  I  am  

in  the  position  to  be  able  to  conduct  this  phenomenological  research.  During  the  

process  of  epoche,  I  examined  my  experiences  more  fully  in  order  to  uncover  any  biases  

that  may  have  been  below  the  surface  of  my  conscious  self.  

Finally,  in  the  interest  of  full  disclosure,  I  volunteered  once  a  week  during  the  

school  year  at  the  research  site,  an  LGBTQ  youth  center.  During  my  volunteer  time,  I  

worked  with  an  arts  group  and  tutor  mathematics.  I  participated  as  a  mentor  several  

summers  ago,  working  with  a  youth  on  issues  related  to  completing  high  school  and  

college  admission.  This  mentor  relationship  was  continued  to  the  time  of  the  study.  

These  volunteer  efforts  have  allowed  me  to  gain  trust  at  the  youth  center,  without  

which,  it  would  be  difficult  to  recruit  participants  from  the  site.  I  clarified  my  

relationship  with  all  the  youth  by  fully  disclosing  the  difference  in  my  role  as  researcher  

as  opposed  to  my  role  as  volunteer.    

Site  of  the  Study  

The  site  of  the  study  was  an  LGBTQ  youth  center  in  a  large  east  coast  city  of  the  

United  States.  The  center  has  been  serving  youth  since  1993.  The  mission  of  the  center  

is  to  “create  opportunities  for  Lesbian,  Gay,  Bisexual,  Transgender,  and  Questioning  

(LGBTQ)  youth  to  develop  into  healthy,  independent,  civic-­‐minded  adults  within  a  safe  

and  supportive  community,  and  promotes  the  acceptance  of  LGBTQ  youth  in  society  “  

(Attic  website,  2011).  

In  the  pursuit  of  helping  LGBTQ  youth  to  develop  into  adults,  the  center  offered  

various  programs  Monday  through  Friday  afternoons  and  evenings  during  the  school  

year  and  Monday  through  Thursday  during  the  summer.  The  center  was  open  any  day  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     49    
that  the  local  school  district  was  in  session.    Programming  during  the  school  year  

consisted  of  two  sessions  per  day,  Monday  through  Thursday.  Each  session  was  one  and  

a  half  hours  long  and  topics  range  from  homework  help,  to  art,  to  fashion,  and  to  

exercise.  Topics  for  the  sessions  are  decided  by  the  youth  three  times  a  year.  Friday  

afternoons  were  a  drop-­‐in  session  where  youth  met  to  socialize.    

The  staff  at  the  center  consisted  of  nine,  full-­‐time  professionals:  an  executive  

director,  executive  assistant,  HIV  prevention  coordinator,  director  of  development,  a  

receptionist,  art  specialist,  two  life  skills  coordinators,  and  an  out-­‐of-­‐school-­‐time  

programming  coordinator.  Several  social  work  interns  from  local  universities  and  

volunteers  fill  in  where  needed  and  assisted  with  programming.    Eight  therapists  

volunteered  their  services  to  assist  youth  who  required  confidential  counseling.  

The  center  served  approximately  250  youths  during  the  school  year  on  a  drop-­‐in  

basis.  The  number  of  youths  participating  in  a  particular  program  varied  from  session  

to  session  and  week  to  week.  During  the  summer,  the  center  had  an  intensive,  six-­‐week  

program  that  emphasized  job  skills  and  had  a  mentoring  component.  The  summer  

program  served  35  youths.  

Participant  Selection  

There  were  six  participants.    This  number  was  chosen  as  it  is  considered  to  be  

manageable  and  yet  large  enough  to  be  able  to  find  commonalities  across  themes  

(Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  Participants  were  queer,  non-­‐heteronormative,  

eighteen  to  twenty-­‐one  year  olds  who  were  either  having,  or  had  recently  had,  a  

mathematics  class,  all  participated  at  the  youth  center.  Participants  were  of  various  

racial/ethnic  backgrounds.    What  the  participants  had  in  common  was  that  they  were  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     50    
all  non-­‐heteronormative.  While  phenomenology  suggests  groups  be  as  homogeneous  as  

possible,  queer  theory  suggests  that  there  be  variation  in  terms  of  race/ethnicity.  Queer  

theory  rejects  essentialization  and  normatization;  thus,  having  a  single  ethnic  group  

representing  ‘queer’  would  have  been  problematic.  

The  participants  were  chosen  from  the  LGBTQ  youth  center.  Purposive  sampling  

was  used.  At  the  center,  the  executive  director  assisted  in  identifying  participants  that  

would  fit  the  criteria  and  were  willing  to  share  their  experiences.  Criteria  for  the  

subjects  were  that  they  be  eighteen  to  twenty-­‐one  years  of  age,  queer  identified,  and  

either  in  a  mathematics  class  or  have  recently  completed  a  mathematics  class.  

Data  Collection  

  Interviewing  is  a  well-­‐known  methodology  and  Cockburn  (2004)  described  how  

the  method  is  often  employed  in  a  phenomenological  manner.  Phenomenological  data  

collection  is  primarily  through  long  interviews  (Moustakas,  1994;  Smith,  Flowers,  &  

Larkin,  2009).  Interviews  consist  of  open-­‐ended  questions  and  were  semi-­‐structured.  

This  is  to  allow  the  participants  to  take  the  interviews  in  directions  that  the  researcher  

may  not  anticipate.    The  participants  were  free  to  relate  fully  their  experiences  (Wilson  

&  Washington,  2008)  being  queer  and  about  their  mathematical  experiences.  

Participants  made  the  initial  contact  after  the  director  of  the  youth  center  had  

approached  them.  Interviews  were  conducted  at  a  private  location  chosen  by  the  

participant  where  they  felt  safe  and  secure.    This  was  to  protect  the  participants’  rights,  

particularly  with  regard  to  anonymity  and  confidentiality.  I  explained  the  study  to  the  

participants,  as  well  as  their  rights  as  participants  in  the  study.    Participants  were  given  
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a  copy  of  the  consent  form  and  I  addressed  all  questions  about  the  study.  Consent  was  

sought  to  audio-­‐record  the  interviews.  All  participants  agreed  to  be  audio-­‐recorded.    

Interviews  consisted  of  a  45-­‐minute  to  2  and  a  half  hour  interview.  Interviews  

were  audio-­‐recorded  and  transcribed  with  recordings  preserving  the  anonymity  of  the  

individuals;  pseudonyms  were  used.  Transcriptions  were  also  completed  in  such  a  

manner  so  that  participants  anonymity  was  preserved;  participants’  names  were  

changed  and  the  transcripts  were  kept  in  a  password  protected  computer  file  at  all  


Interview  Questions  

  With  a  phenomenological  approach,  the  questions  for  an  interview  act  as  a  

guide.  Once  participants  begin  to  express  themselves,  the  questions  may  have  been  

altered  to  make  them  more  informative  (Moustakas,  1994).  Two  guiding  questions  are  

listed  below  in  bold.  These  are  the  main  questions.  The  others  acted  as  prompts,  as  

needed,  to  illicit  more  information.  

• What  does  it  mean  to/for  you  to  be  queer?  Can  you  describe  this  for  me?  

• How  did  you  hear  about  the  Center?    Why  did  you  decide  to  come  to  the  Center?    

How  long  have  you  been  coming  to  the  Center?    What  do  you  like  most  about  the  


• When  did  you  come  out?    Please  describe  your  coming  out  experience.  How  were  

you  accepted  in  high  school/  college/  at  home/the  youth  Center?  

• Did  coming  out  affect  your  direction  in  life?  In  what  ways?  

• Did  you  come  out  while  you  were  in  high  school/college?  If  so  were  you  out  at  

school?  If  so  tell  what  that  was  like.  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     52    
• What  does  it  mean  for  you  to  be  a  student/learner?  

• What  is  your  favorite  subject/  what  are  you  majoring  in?    

• Tell  me  about  yourself  and  math.  

• How  did  your  math  classes  in  high  school  affect  you  going  to/getting  into  


• Tell  me  about  your  experiences  with  math.  Do  you  enjoy  it,  use  it,  do  you  find  it  

difficult  or  easy?  

• Were  you  encouraged  to  take  higher-­‐level  mathematics?  

• Tell  me  about  being  queer  in  the  math  classroom,  how  do  your  teachers  treat  

you,  how  do  other  students  treat  you?  

• Do  you  feel  like  you  belong  in  the  math  classroom?  

• Do  you  feel  confident  to  perform/excel  at  math?  

Data  Analysis  

  Analysis  in  the  phenomenological  study  began  with  my  examination  of  my  

position  and  place  within  the  research  and  then  moved  on  to  the  transcripts  of  the  

participants’  interviews  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).    Interviews  were  analyzed  

one  by  one  and  once  all  six  of  the  interviews  had  been  analyzed,  cross  analysis  was  

done  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  I  used  a  qualitative  research  program,  Nvivo,  to  

assist  in  organizing  and  analyzing  the  data.  

 In  interpretive  phenomenology  the  analysis  process  begins  with  the  researcher  

reviewing  the  bracketing  of  his  own  experience  (Van  Manen,  1990).  Bracketing  is  the  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     53    
process  of  considering  one’s  own  ideas  about  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity.    

This  allowed  me  to  consider  my  own  biases  and  place  within  the  research.    

  Once  I  had  achieved  epoche,  reading  and  rereading  of  the  transcripts  allowed  a  

general  picture  of  the  data  to  emerge  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  Notes  were  

written  in  the  text  that  accompanied  this  reading  and  rereading.  These  notes  covered  

any  strong  overall  feelings  about  the  transcripts  as  a  whole.  

  Initial  noticings  then  took  place  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009;  Van  Manen,  

1990).  This  step  was  the  most  time  consuming  and  was  concerned  with  making  logical  

meaning  of  the  work.  This  was  a  close  analysis,  which  helped  avoid  a  superficial  

analysis  of  the  work.  Out  of  this  step,  a  detailed  set  of  notes  was  compiled.  This  was  the  

point  at  which  it  was  important  to  consider  the  transcripts  in  a  phenomenological  

manner.  This  means  that  I  was  working  to  interpret  and  describe  the  events  in  the  

transcripts  in  a  way  that  shows  what  mattered  to  the  participants.  These  notes  

consisted  of  descriptive  comments,  linguistic  comments,  conceptual  comments,  and  

also  contain  decontextualized  comments.  

  The  next  step  was  to  identify  emergent  themes,  or  horizons  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  

Larkin,  2009;  Moustakas,  1994;  Van  Manen,  1990).  These  themes  were  collected  

together  from  the  noticings  in  the  last  step.    

  Following  the  identification  of  emergent  themes,  I  looked  for  connections  across  

the  themes  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  Some  of  the  ways  that  these  connections  

were  made  included:  abstraction  (looking  for  themes  that  were  alike  and  combining  

them);  polarization  (looking  for  oppositional  themes);  and  function  (examining  the  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     54    
function  of  the  themes  within  the  context  of  the  transcript  as  a  whole)  (Smith,  Flowers,  

&  Larkin,  2009).    

  At  this  point  I  moved  on  to  the  next  case  and  repeated  the  process.  This  

continued  until  all  of  the  transcripts  had  been  analyzed.  Then  cross-­‐analysis  

commenced  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin  2009;  Van  Manen,  1990).  Cross-­‐analysis  is  the  

process  of  identifying  themes  that  the  various  transcripts  had  in  common.  This  process  

occurred  by  comparing  the  notes  and  themes  from  the  various  participants’  transcripts  

and  finding  what  was  common  among  participants.    

Reliability  and  Validity  

  Reliability  within  a  phenomenological  study  is  dependent  on  selecting  

participants  who  can  speak  to  the  phenomenon  being  studied  (Wilson  &  Washington,  

2008).  Choosing  participants  who  clearly  related  their  experiences  with  a  minimum  of  

analysis  of  what  the  experience  meant  was  crucial  (Van  Manen,  1990).  Finding  

participants  who  fit  the  research  criteria  and  who  had  experienced  the  phenomenon  

being  explored  resulted  in  rich  stories  that  allowed  me  to  extract  a  thick  description  of  

the  events  relayed,  thus  increasing  the  reliability  of  the  study.  

  Validity  is  a  function  of  bracketing  (Vagle,  2009).  Bracketing  is  the  process  of  

self-­‐reflection  on  the  part  of  the  researcher  during  which  the  researcher  either  engages  

in  a  self-­‐interview  process,  or  engages  in  reflective  writing.  This  is  done  in  order  to  

understand  personal  bias  as  well  as  the  researcher’s  place  within  the  research  (Smith,  

Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).    

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Ethical  Considerations  

  Participants  read  carefully  and  signed  a  consent  form  that  clearly  described  any  

risks  and  benefits  to  them.  Risks  for  this  research  were  low,  as  participants  were  

recalling  experiences  from  their  lives.    They  may  have  experienced  some  discomfort  if  

the  stories  were  difficult,  and  there  was  the  possibility  of  recalling  a  repressed  memory  

of  abuse.  If  the  participant  had  appeared  to  have  any  difficultly  with  their  recalled  

experience,  they  would  have  been  referred  for  counseling  at  the  youth  center  to  assist  

them  in  dealing  with  these  difficult  memories.  Research  participants  were  allowed  to  

withdraw  from  the  research  project  at  any  time  if  they  were  uncomfortable.  

  To  protect  the  anonymity  of  the  participants,  pseudonyms  have  been  used  and  

unneeded  identifying  information  was  not  collected.  Further,  all  transcripts  were  kept  

in  a  password  protected  file  and  recordings  were  destroyed  after  transcription  and  



  Within  phenomenological  research  the  researcher  has  a  unique  role  to  play.  He  

must  find  a  way  to  clear  his  mind  and  regulate  his  biases  and  preconceived  ideas  about  

the  phenomenon  being  explored.  At  the  same  time  he  should  have  first  hand  knowledge  

of  the  phenomenon  being  studied  (Smith,  Flowers,  &  Larkin,  2009).  

  The  researcher  “interviewed”  himself  using  the  same  questions  that  were  asked  

of  the  participants  and  a  transcript  of  this  interview  was  made.  The  researcher  then  

read  across  the  transcript  and  identified  themes  from  his  own  experiences.  He  used  

these  themes  to  identify  his  own  biases  and  to  understand  his  own  experiences  and  

how  they  influenced  his  interpretations  of  the  participant  narratives.  He  performed  this  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     56    
self-­‐examination  before  the  rest  of  the  interviews  were  initiated  and  again  before  any  

analysis  was  started.  This  process  was  performed  multiple  times  to  continue  to  clear  

the  researchers  mind  of  preconceived  ideas  and  regulate  his  biases  (Moustakas,  1994).  

Summary  of  Chapter  

  The  research  question  In  what  manner  are  queer  identity  and  mathematical  

identity  expressed  simultaneously  for  individuals  self-­‐identified  as  LGBT,  was  a  qualitative  

question.  This  was  because  the  question  was  asking  ‘how’  or  ‘why’  something  was  

happening.  Further,  this  study  was  phenomenological,  as  it  has  examined  a  

phenomenon,  the  intersection  of  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity.    

  Phenomenology  is  a  method  that  requires  the  researcher  to  be  an  active  

participant  in  the  research.  The  researcher  is  one  of  the  units  of  analysis  in  

phenomenology;  that  is,  the  researcher  needs  to  consider  his  place  in  the  phenomenon  

through  bracketing.  Through  bracketing,  the  researcher  increases  validity  by  

considering  his  bias  and  position  in  relationship  to  the  phenomenon  under  


  Participants  were  recruited  from  an  LGBTQ  youth  center  located  in  a  large  east  

coast  city.  Participants  were  between  the  ages  of  eighteen  and  twenty-­‐one  and  

therefore  they  could  speak  to  the  experience  of  recently  or  presently  being  in  the  

mathematics  classroom.    

  Data  collection  was  through  semi-­‐structured  interviews.  Interviewing  is  a  

common  practice  within  qualitative  research.  In  phenomenology  it  is  the  primary  data  

collection  method.  An  outline  of  interview  questions  is  provided  in  the  body  of  the  

work.  The  initial  analysis  consisted  of  note  taking  in  the  manuscript  in  order  to  locate  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     57    
horizons.  These  horizons  were  then  sorted  into  themes.  Using  the  themes  as  a  structure,  

and  making  generous  use  of  the  verbatim  words  of  the  participants,  the  findings  were  

written.    Cross  analysis  of  the  data  followed.  

  Validity  and  reliability  within  a  phenomenological  study  is  largely  a  function  of  

the  quality  of  the  bracketing  or  writings  by  the  researcher  about  his  experience  with  the  

phenomenon  under  consideration.  Analysis  and  representation  of  participants’  

experiences  and  reliability  depended  on  my  own  ability  to  write  and  reflect  on  any  bias  

I  may  have  carried  into  the  study.      

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Chapter  4:  Findings  

For  this  study,  six  participants  were  interviewed.  The  researcher  also  considered  the  

questions  and  responded  to  them  to  understand  his  own  place  in  the  research  and  his  

biases.  All  of  the  interviewees  identified  as  queer,  using  at  least  one  of  the  dimensions  

of  the  definition  of  queer  outlined  in  chapter  one.    With  the  exception  of  the  researcher,  

all  had  a  math  class  either  concurrent  with  the  study  or  within  the  six  months  prior  to  

the  research.  This  last  criterion  was  selected  so  that  the  participants  could  speak  to  

their  experience  with  mathematics  in  the  recent  past  or  present.  This  study  explored  

the  question;  “In  what  manner  are  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity  expressed  

simultaneously  for  individuals  self-­‐identified  as  LGBT?”    

In  the  initial  discussion,  each  of  the  participants  will  be  discussed  individually.    A  

cross  analysis  of  all  six  participants  will  follow.  This  process  seeks  to  produce  a  

universal  understanding  of  the  experience  of  possessing  a  queer  identity  and  a  

mathematical  identity  simultaneously.  Pseudonyms  have  been  used  to  identify  the  


This  study  took  place  at  a  lesbian,  gay,  bisexual,  transgender,  and  questioning  

(LGBTQ)  youth  center  in  a  large  city  on  the  east  coast  of  the  United  States.  The  center  

offered  support  groups,  counseling  services,  resumé  writing  assistance,  interview  skills  

building,  and  recreational  opportunities  for  LGBTQ  youth  from  fourteen  to  twenty-­‐

three  years  of  age.  Many  of  the  youth  who  participated  in  the  activities  at  the  center  

continued  to  use  the  services  of  the  center  until  they  reached  the  age  of  twenty-­‐four,  at  

which  point  they  were  no  longer  eligible  to  participate.  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     59    
Outline  of  Findings  

The  discussion  of  findings  begins  with  a  description  of  each  participant’s  

background  and  demographic  information.  Next,  in  order,  coming  out,  

family/community,  queer  identity,  the  role  of  the  LGBT  youth  center,  academic  identity,  

and  mathematical  identity  of  each  participant  is  presented.  These  individual  results  are  

followed  by  a  cross  analysis  of  all  the  participants.  


  Avis  was  an  18-­‐year-­‐old,  African-­‐American  male,  who  identified  as  bisexual.  He  

attended  a  mid-­‐sized,  east  coast  university  and  majored  in  pre-­‐med  and  mathematics.  

He  was  tall  and  amiable.  He  hoped  to  one  day  be  an  infectious  disease  doctor  and  serve  

the  “gay  community.”  His  parents  and  guardians  raised  him.  The  terms  “parents  and  

guardians”  were  used  here  because  Avis’  aunt  and  grandmother  had  been  his  primary  

guardians.  At  the  same  time,  however,  he  had  frequent  contact  with  his  mother.  His  

father  was  in  prison  and  had  been  incarcerated  for  large  periods  of  time  during  Avis’  


  Avis  began  to  “come  out”  early  in  his  life.  Coming  out  is  the  process  by  which  

LGBT  people  tell  others  about  their  sexual  orientation  or  their  gender  identity.  It  can  be  

a  quick  process,  or  it  may  take  years  to  complete.  For  Avis,  the  process  began  when  he  

was  twelve  years  old.  The  first  person  he  came  out  to  was  his  older  sister.  As  he  

described  it:  

She  was  actually,  she  was  overjoyed.  She  was  like  “Yes!  Yes!”  I  still  remember  

that  to  this  day.  Oh  my  god,  but,  um,  it  was  nice.  It  was  like  I  had  a  weight  

released  from  me,  as  my  family  is  very  anti-­‐gay,  bisexual,  pretty  much  everything  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     60    
except  straight  for  a  number  of  reasons.  So  it  was  nice  to  know  that  at  least  some  

of  my  family  would  support  me,  even  if  I  knew  that  most  of  them  wouldn’t.    

For  Avis,  there  was  support  early  in  his  coming  out  process  from  his  older  sister.  This  

support  was  important  to  him,  as  he  feared  that  the  rest  of  his  family  would  not  be  

supportive  of  his  emerging  queer  identity.  He  had  yet  to  come  out  to  his  parents  and  

guardians,  about  whom  he  stated:  

My  parents  have  made  it  quite  clear  that  that  is  not  a  lifestyle  that  they  would  

endorse,  so  to  speak.  It’s  not  something  they  would  approve  of  and  so  I’ve  

thought  it  best  at  this  time  to  not  tell  them.  

Avis  described  a  difficult  situation  in  which  to  find  oneself:  his  parents  had  expressed  

disfavor  with  the  idea  of  possessing  a  queer  identity.  Based  on  this  information  he  

decided  that  it  was  best  not  to  come  out  to  them  by  the  time  of  the  interview.  Avis  had  a  

fear  that  his  parents  and  guardians  would  not  accept  him  even  though  he  played  an  

integral  part  in  their  lives,  particularly  his  mother’s  life:  

And  I  think  she’d  have  a  lot  of  difficult  (sic)  with  dealing  with  this  [being  

bisexual]  and  I  still,  but  she  still  relies  on  me  heavily.  And  it  would  be  harder  for  

me  to  communicate  with  her,  for  me  to  help  her  with  the  bills,  to  help  her  with  

the  paperwork,  if  she  wasn’t  comfortable  around  me.  

  Avis  was  concerned  about  the  discomfort  of  his  mother.  He  feared  rejection  if  he  

was  honest  about  his  queer  identity.  Part  of  his  fear  stemmed  from  the  help  that  he  

perceived  his  mother  needed.  He  also  felt  that  it  would  be  more  difficult  for  him  to  

interact  with  his  mother.    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     61    
  When  asked  if  he  was  out  in  high  school,  Avis  replied:  

…those  close  to  me,  they  all  knew.  Everyone  close  to  me  knew.  Um,  who  all?  

Actually,  no,  just  about  the  whole  high  school  knew.  It’s  not  that  I  so  much  told  

everyone,  as  much  as  it  is  I  told  one  person  and  it  managed  to  have  spread  like  


Although  Avis  had  only  told  a  few  people  about  his  queer  identity  in  high  school,  the  

knowledge  of  his  sexual  orientation  was  disseminated  throughout  the  school  via  the  

grapevine.  Despite  the  fact  that,  for  the  most  part,  Avis  kept  the  information  to  himself,  

those  close  to  him  did  not  keep  the  information  to  themselves.    

  When  asked  about  how  he  was  accepted  in  high  school  once  people  knew  of  his  

queer  identity,  Avis  replied:  

By  and  large  I  felt  very  accepted  at  my  high  school.  Um,  it  was  very  comfortable  

atmosphere.  At  times  I  miss  it  really.  But,  um,  I  felt  very  accepted  at  my  high  

school  with  a  few  small  exceptions.  That  would  be  primarily,  um,  there  were  a  

group  of  boys  that  didn’t  like  me  for  that  [being  bisexual]  and,  in  all  honesty,  

they  didn’t  like  [me]  before  and  this  didn’t  make  relations  with  them  any  more  

cordial.  I  tended  to  avoid  them  and,  yeah,  they  had  a  lot  of  animosity  towards  me.  

I  didn’t  have  any  towards  them…  

Avis  felt  accepted  at  high  school.  He  felt  so  accepted  that,  at  times,  he  wished  he  could  

return  to  the  community  of  his  high  school.  He  spoke  of  being  part  of  a  community  and  

how  good  this  made  him  feel.  He  also  had  teachers  who  helped  him.  Avis  said:  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     62    
His  name  was  Mr.  F,  he  himself  is  gay.  He  was  a  comfort  to  me  and  sometimes  

when  I  was  just  feeling  bad.  There  was  also  Ms.  C  who  I  was  very  close  to.  She  

actually  called  me  the  closest…  she  said  I  was  her  favorite  student  that  she  never  


 These  teachers  both  acted  as  a  support  for  Avis’  queer  identity.  However,  this  

acceptance  was  not  universal.  The  lack  of  acceptance  by  one  group  of  boys  was  not  

described  as  mere  dislike  or  discomfort,  but  as  animosity.  These  boys  made  him  feel  

that  he  had  to  avoid  situations  so  as  not  to  encounter  them  due  to  the  nature  of  the  

feelings  against  him.    

  Being  out  at  the  university  was  somewhat  different  than  being  out  at  high  school  

for  Avis.  When  asked  if  he  was  out  at  the  university,  Avis  replied:  

Um,  some  of  them,  like  my  English  professor  knows,  my  biology  professor,  I’m  

very  close  with  my  English  and  biology  professors.  Um,  who  else,  who  else?  Yes.  

It’s  not  as  though  I  go  out  of  my  way  to  say  it,  but  if  it  comes  out  I  won’t  deny  it  

or  anything.  And,  um,  let’s  see,  my  roommate  knows,  pretty  much  the  whole  

dorm  knows.  They’re  cool  with  it,  it’s  kind  of  like,  I  suppose  you  could  say  it’s  an  

open  secret,  where  about  everyone  knows  it.  

Avis  was  willing  to  share  his  sexual  identity  with  others.  When  he  said,  “…I  suppose  you  

could  say  it’s  an  open  secret…”  He  had  stated  that  he  is  willing  to  share  the  information  

on  his  sexual  orientation  on  a  “need  to  know”  basis.  At  the  same  time,  he  did  not  try  to  

hide  who  he  was  from  anyone  and  would  answer  the  question  if  asked.  
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  When  asked  to  describe  what  it  meant  to  have  a  bisexual  identity,  Avis  replied,  

“Um,  I  have  a  physical  attraction  to  both  males  and  females.  Um,  I  wouldn’t  mind  being  

in  a  relationship  with  either  gender.  I’ve  never  actually  thought  about  saying  this  out  

loud  before.”  In  spite  of  his  being  out  in  high  school  and  at  the  university,  he  had  never  

thought  about  what  it  felt  like  to  verbalize  his  queer  identity.  Further,  Avis  defined  his  

identity  not  just  in  terms  of  attractions,  but  also  in  terms  of  relationships.    

  When  asked  if  coming  out  had  changed  his  direction  in  life,  Avis  replied:  

It  most  definitely  affected  my  directions  in  life.  In  particular,  I  really  wanted  to  

make  sure  I  stayed  in  the  city  now…  I’ve  visited  some  rural  areas.  They’re  

generally  not  as  accepting  of  people  of  alternative  sexuality,  pretty  much  

everything  except  for  straight.  

It  was  Avis’  perception  that  possessing  a  queer  identity  would  be  more  accepted  in  an  

urban  environment.  He  based  this  conclusion  on  his  personal  experience.    

  Avis  described  his  introduction  to  the  youth  center  in  the  following  comment,  “I  

knew  some  friends  who  went  there  once  and  they  told  me  about  it  [the  youth  center]  

and  I  worked  there  over  the  summer.”  In  contrast  to  his  experience  in  high  school  and  

college,  at  the  LGBTQ  youth  center  Avis  found  a  place  where  he  could  express  himself  

more  freely.  He  also  found  various  kinds  of  support.  He  described  the  center  as,  “I  went  

there,  I  saw  it  was  a  very  comfortable,  very  open  atmosphere,  and  I  really  enjoyed  being  

there.”  Of  his  activities  at  the  center,  he  said:  

I  was  able  to  provide  some  small  income  for  myself.  Additionally,  the  counseling  

services  there  have  been  great  and  they’ve  also  helped  me  with  other  things  such  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     64    
as  finding  a  career,  applying  for  scholarships,  and  I’m  even  working  on  my  

resumé.  It’s  been  very  nice.  

  In  addition  to  scholarships  and  a  work-­‐study  position  at  college,  Avis  used  the  

youth  center  to  help  support  himself  financially  through  the  center’s  jobs  program.    The  

counseling  and  job  skills  training  aided  him  with  regard  to  his  future  career  goals.  The  

aspects  of  the  youth  center  that  he  did  not  take  advantage  of  were  the  recreational  and  

creative  activities  that  were  available,  though  he  never  told  us  why  he  did  not  

participate  in  those  activities.    

  In  both  his  formal  education  and  personal  life,  Avis  exhibited  a  strong  

mathematical  identity.  He  said  about  mathematics:  

I  find  math  very  interesting.  I  like  the  way  it  can  describe  the  natural  world,  so  I  

find  like  things  like  just  different  equations  or  parts  of  different  equations  very  

interesting…  But,  um,  yes,  I  enjoy  math.  I  enjoy  doing  math.  I  like  the  way  you  

can  present  relationships  about  things  in  a  clear  way  that  can  be  understood  by  

anyone  with  enough  background.  

For  Avis,  mathematics  was  a  way  to  describe  and  understand  the  world.  Also,  it  was  

enjoyable  for  him  to  do  mathematics.  He  found  the  process  of  being  able  to  

communicate  with  others  through  mathematics  to  be  useful.    

  He  found  that  at  times  he  could  not  learn  from  his  instructors.  Avis  stated:  

I  really  learned  you  sometimes  have  to  teach  yourself  math.  And  when  I  did  that,  

that’s  when  I  really  started  appreciating  math  because,  I  mean,  if  I  saw  

something  I  learned,  I  didn’t  have  to  be  taught,  I  could  learn  on  my  own.  And  I  
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could  learn  about  so  many  different  subjects,  it  was  wonderful.  

Avis  taught  himself  mathematics  when  the  need  arose.  He  found  that  when  he  taught  

himself  mathematics  that  he  had  a  greater  appreciation  for  the  mathematics.  This  was  

an  indication  of  the  strength  of  Avis’  academic  and  mathematical  identities.  This  is  

because  the  ability  to  teach  himself  mathematics  increased  his  ability  to  obtain  

mathematical  knowledge.    

  Avis  accomplished  all  that  he  had  without  the  full  support  of  his  parents.  He  

explained,  “They  contend  to  this  day  that  by  taking  higher  level  courses,  by  challenging  

myself,  I’m  going  to  get  burnt  out.  I  still  haven’t  yet.  I’m  still  enjoying  it.”  While  his  

parents  and  guardians  feared  that  he  would  tire  of  learning,  Avis  demonstrated  a  great  

capacity  for  obtaining  new  knowledge.  His  enjoyment  of  the  learning  process  is  also  

made  clear  in  his  statements.    

  When  asked  if  his  queer  identity  had  any  effect  in  the  mathematics  classroom  or  

if  the  mathematics  classroom  had  any  effect  on  his  queer  identity,  Avis  replied,  “It  was  

kind  of  awkward  at  times  when  you’re  having  a  conversation  with  someone  and  then  

you’re  thinking,  ‘you’re  really  hot.’”  In  Avis’  opinion,  his  bisexual  orientation  had  

drawbacks  in  the  classroom.  He  had  some  discomfort  when  he  spoke  to  individuals  to  

whom  he  was  attracted.  He  found  it  to  be  problematic  because  he  had  sexualized  his  

classmates  in  the  mathematics  classroom.  His  sexual  desire  appeared  to  get  in  his  way.  

He  went  on  to  explain:  

They  had  certain  expectations  of  me  [of  a  male  who’s  attracted  to  males]  and  

when  I  didn’t  meet  these  expectations  of  theirs,  pretty  much  stereotypes,  they  

would  seem  almost  confused  and  upset  as  though,  somehow,  being  bisexual  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     66    
completely  defined  who  I  was  as  a  human  being.  Um,  another  expectation  was  

that  I’d  be  very  loud,  like,  even  whorish.  At  times,  they  had  this  preconceived  

notion  that  as  I  was  bisexual,  [I  was]  just  some  whore,  this,  that  and  a  third.    

 He  spoke  of  himself  in  terms  of  someone  who  was  upset  at  being  sexualized  in  the  

mathematics  classroom.  He  felt  that  people  stereotyped  him  as  promiscuous  because  he  

was  bisexual.  Avis  was  disturbed  by  the  implications  of  that  stereotype.  We  saw  this  in  

his  use  of  the  words  “whore”  and  “whorish.”  He  is  distressed  by  the  idea  of  being  

negatively  stereotyped  because  of  his  queer  identity.  Avis  has  complicated  the  issue  by  

complaining  about  being  sexualized,  while  he  himself  is  sexualizing  his  classmates.    

  In  addition  to  feeling  sexualized  and  stereotyped,  Avis  perceived  that  there  were  

unrealistic  expectations  that  had  been  put  upon  him  by  classmates.  He  stated:  

But,  uh,  there  was  a  part  of  me,  honestly  a  rather  large  part  me  that  wanted  to  

react  very  negatively  to  that,  just  yell  and  scream  and  tell  them  “you’re  wrong.  

You’re  wrong.  You’re  an  idiot,  you’re  wrong.”  But,  I  restrained  myself;  I  knew  

that  wasn’t  going  to  [do]  anything  for  me.  

The  negative  stereotypes  and  expectations  caused  Avis  to  want  to  express  his  anger  and  

frustration  about  his  classmates’  behaviors  and  prejudices.  However,  he  held  back  and  

did  not  express  his  anger  to  them.  He  restrained  himself  out  of  a  sense  that  he  had  

nothing  to  gain.    

  Avis  identified  as  bisexual  and  did  not  use  the  word  queer  to  identify  himself.  He  

began  the  coming  out  process  when  he  was  twelve  years  old.  His  older  sister  was  the  

first  person  he  came  out  too,  and  she  was  overjoyed  by  the  idea  of  having  a  bisexual  

brother.  The  rest  of  his  family  did  not  approve  of  non-­‐heteronormative  sexual  identities  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     67    
and  so  he  had  not  come  out  to  them.  The  LGBTQ  youth  center  was  a  support  for  Avis  as  

he  was  able  to  find  a  welcoming  community  there,  even  though  he  did  not  take  

advantage  of  many  of  the  recreational  opportunities.    

  Avis’  mathematical  identity  was  strong.  He  was  a  mathematics  major  at  the  

university  he  attended.    His  teachers  and  his  personal  ability  to  teach  himself  

mathematics  supported  his  mathematical  identity.  Avis  was  bothered  by  what  he  saw  as  

the  connection  between  his  queer  identity  and  the  mathematics  classroom.  This  was  

that  he  sexualized  his  classmates  and  in  return  they  appeared  to  have  sexualized  him.  

While  his  sexualizing  of  his  classmates  was  not  overly  problematic  for  him,  when  his  

classmates’  sexualized  him,  he  was  very  bothered  by  the  behavior.  


  Gerald  was  a  21-­‐year-­‐old,  African-­‐American  male  who  identified  as  gay  or  queer.  

He  was  slight  in  stature  and  soft-­‐spoken.  He  was  in  his  senior  year  at  a  small  arts  college  

in  a  large,  east  coast  city.  He  planned  to  graduate  with  a  degree  in  graphic  design.  

  During  Gerald’s  interview  he  sometimes  used  the  terms  gay  and  queer  

interchangeably,  but  most  of  the  time  the  two  words  had  distinct  meanings.  When  he  

described  his  sexuality,  he  used  the  term,  “gay  man.”  When  he  spoke  of  his  community,  

he  used  the  term,  “queer,”  signaling  that  he  saw  the  community  as  something  more  

inclusive  than  just  gay  men.    

  Gerald  began  the  process  of  coming  out  when  he  was  sixteen  years  old.  One  of  

the  first  people  he  came  out  to  was  his  mother,  but  only  after  being  outed  by  his  aunt.  

The  situation  arose  as  a  result  of  being  on  Facebook  and  being  “friends”  with  his  aunt.  

Gerald  had  checked  in  his  profile  that  he  was  interested  in  men.  He  explained:  
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And  I  forgot  that  I  was  friends  with  my  aunt  on  Facebook  and  my  aunt  saw  my  

status  on  Facebook  -­‐-­‐  that  I  was  interested  in  men.  And,  I  don’t  know,  I  feel  like  

she  saw  that  and  then  she  called  my  mom  and  she  said,  “Oh,  your  son’s  gay.  I  

can’t  believe  this”  and  all  of  this  bible  religious  stuff  and  then  spurting  it  at  my  

mom.  And  then  my  mom  came  to  me  and  asked  me,  but  I  told  her  a  lie  first.  I  told  

her  no,  but  then  later  on  that  day  I  went  back  to  her  and  we  talked  about  it.  She  

was  like,  “Oh,  it’s  a  phase,  you’re  going  to  get  over  it  soon,”  and  stuff  like  that.  

You  know,  the  usual  disbelief.  But,  I  don’t  know,  I  feel  like  today  she’s  more…  

supportive  than  she  was  when  I  first  came  out.  That  time  was  weird.    

 Gerald  was  in  a  situation  where  he  was  casually  being  open  about  his  sexual  identity.  

He  was  clearly  out  in  some  regard  as  he  listed  on  his  Facebook  page  that  he  was  

interested  in  men.  He  had  not,  however,  come  out  yet  to  any  members  of  his  family.  

After  being  outed  by  his  aunt  and  initially  denying  it,  Gerald  felt  it  was  safe  to  come  out  

to  his  mother.  Her  first  reaction,  however,  was  denial  and  disbelief.  She  later  changed  

her  feelings  and  became  supportive  of  his  queer  identity.    

Gerald  began  visiting  the  LGBTQ  youth  center  when  he  was  in  high  school.  At  

first  he  was  reluctant  to  attend  the  center:  

I  was  kind  of  skeptical  about  coming  at  first  because  I  heard  kind  of  some  weird  

things  about  it,  like  kind  of  these  people  told  me  about  being  sexually  harassed  

at  the  [center].  I  was  like,  “I  don’t  want  to  go  there.  I  don’t  want  to  be  sexually  

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Gerald  was  nervous  about  entering  an  unfamiliar  place.    He  had  received  erroneous  

information  about  what  was  happening  there  and  about  what  he  could  expect.  As  it  

turned  out,  the  youth  center  was  the  community  he  was  seeking.    

  The  youth  center  itself  became  an  integral  aspect  of  Gerald’s  queer  identity.  The  

center  was  where  he  found  employment,  received  help  with  job  skills,  and  found  

recreational  and  creative  outlets.  The  youth  center,  for  him,  was  an  expression  of  

community.  Gerald  explained:  

I  find  it  that  the  most  important  part  of  my  identity  is  being  part  of  a  

community…  it’s  a  very  loving  community  and  it’s  very  accepting.  I  don’t  know…  

I  feel  like  the  community  is  a  big  part  of  my  identity.    

The  community  that  he  found  became  a  major  factor  in  his  queer  identity.  Gerald  found  

love  and  support  for  who  he  was  within  the  LGBTQ  community,  particularly  the  

community  that  was  the  youth  center.  

  Gerald  attended  a  high  school  with  a  gay  straight  alliance  (GSA)  and  was  an  

active  member  of  the  club.  A  GSA  is  an  affinity  group  comprised  of  LGBTQ  people  and  

supportive,  straight  people  (allies).  The  GSA  was  another  community  with  which  he  

interacted,  and  one  that  helped  him  to  further  the  development  of  his  queer  identity.  

While  the  community  he  experienced  at  the  GSA  was  important  to  him,  he  did  not  

express  the  same,  strong  feelings  for  the  GSA  that  he  had  expressed  for  the  youth  


  Gerald  attended  an  arts  high  school  where  possessing  a  queer  identity  was  not  

problematic.  He  said  of  his  experience  in  high  school:  

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I  mean,  it  was  pretty  normal.  I  didn’t  have  to  deal  with  any  kind  of  discrimination  

or  bullying.  It  was…  I  mean,  honestly,  it  was  better  than  most  people,  sad  to  say.  

But  I  had  a  good  experience  in  high  school  with  my  identity.  

Gerald’s  experience  in  high  school  allowed  him  to  develop  his  queer  identity  in  a  

meaningful,  positive  way.  He  did  not  have  to  deal  with  harassment  of  any  kind  and  this  

made  the  experience  enjoyable.  Gerald  was  out  in  high  school  and  described  the  

situation  as,  “I’m  pretty  sure  my  teachers  knew.  They  didn’t  care,  like  most  of  my  


  Gerald  saw  a  strong  need  for  educational  attainment.  He  stated,  “I  feel  like  going  

to  school  and  passing  tests  and  stuff  and  graduating,  that’s  evidence  of  you  being  

committed  and  it  shows  people  who  are  trying  to  hire  you  that  you’re  a  good  person.”  

When  using  the  phrase  “you’re  a  good  person,”  he  was  referring  to  being  the  right  

person  for  the  job,  a  good  potential  employee.  Gerald  felt  that  the  process  of  education  

gave  him  the  tools  that  he  needed  in  order  to  gain  employment.  He  linked  doing  well  in  

school  with  career  advancement.    

  During  his  interview,  Gerald  seemed  to  tie  most  of  his  academic  identity  to  

formal  schooling.  He  spoke  about  how  his  friends  were  impressed  by  his  persistence  in  

maintaining  a  college  career:  

I  feel  like,  especially  with  a  lot  of  people  I  hang  out  with,  they  make  a  big  deal  out  

of  me  going  to  school  and  stuff  -­‐-­‐  especially  my  friend,  Liza.  She  was  in  school,  

but  I  guess,  she  took  a  year  off  and  she  never  went  back.  So  she’s  like,  “Oh  I  can’t  

believe  you’re  still  in  school.  You’re  doing  such  a  good  job.”  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     71    
 This  type  of  support  and  positive  reinforcement  from  his  friends  strengthened  Gerald’s  

academic  identity.      

  Gerald  viewed  schooling  as  necessary  to  moving  ahead  in  life.  He  explained:  

I  think  it’s  something  that  everyone  has  to  do,  so  I  don’t  feel  like  I  should  get…  

well,  it’s  a  good  thing  to  get  praise  for  it,  but  I  don’t  think  it’s  necessary.  But  I  feel  

like,  for  me  to  be  a  student,  it’s  very  important  for  what  I  want  to  do  later.  

During  the  interview  he  indicated  that  he  believed  in  the  universality  of  education.  

Gerald  also  recognized  the  importance  of  his  own  education.  While  he  did  not  see  

getting  praised  for  his  accomplishments  as  essential,  he  appreciated  it  nonetheless.  He  

also  understood  that  there  was  a  use  for  his  education  -­‐-­‐  pursuing  his  career.      

  Gerald’s  mathematical  identity  also  played  a  part  in  his  career  choice.  He  studied  

graphic  design  and  saw  mathematics  as  a  necessary  aspect  of  everything  he  did  career-­‐

wise.  As  he  said:  

Well,  not  just  with  geometry,  but  there’s  a  whole  lot  of  measuring  and  

mathematics  going  on.  With  graphic  design,  especially  if  you’re  using  

Photoshop...  I  don’t  know,  measuring  and  geometry,  it  really  works  well  with  the  

art  that  I’m  doing.  

From  this  we  saw  how  Gerald’s  mathematical  identity  played  an  important  part  in  his  

career  choice,  as  well  as  how  his  career  choice  supported  his  mathematical  identity  

because  Gerald  saw  or  understood  the  usefulness  of  mathematics.      

  In  keeping  with  his  mathematical  identity,  Gerald  found  most  types  of  

mathematics  approachable.  He  stated:  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     72    
I  enjoy  certain  subjects.  I’m  not  a  big  fan  of  Pre-­‐Calculus,  but,  I  mean,  Algebra  

and  Pythagorean  theorem,  why  is  x2+b2  =52,  stuff  like  that,  I  guess,  it  was  pretty  

enjoyable.  My  favorite  was  Geometry.  Pre-­‐Calculus…  I  think  my  ending  grade  

was  a  C-­‐,  because  Pre-­‐Calculus  is  very  difficult.  And  also  it  was  first  period,  so  I  

was  kind  of  late  a  lot  of  the  time.  

We  saw  that  he  enjoyed  algebra  and  geometry,  but  struggled  with  Pre-­‐Calculus.  Gerald  

was  able  to  obtain  mathematical  knowledge;  he  found  it  enjoyable  and  useful.    He  

explained,  “Yeah.  Well,  not  just  with  geometry,  but  there’s  a  whole  lot  of  measuring  and  

mathematics  going  on.  With  graphic  design,  especially  if  you’re  using  Photoshop,  which  

I  use  a  lot  of  Photoshop…”  Gerald  saw  the  utility  of  mathematics  in  his  chosen  field  of  

graphic  design  and  found  practical  applications  when  using  computer  programs  such  as  


  More  importantly,  however,  was  the  fact  that  he  attributed  most  of  his  positive  

feelings  about  mathematics  to  a  favorite  teacher  in  high  school.  As  Gerald  said:  

I’ve  had  a  pretty  good  math  career  throughout  my  life,  but  in  high  school  I  really  

had  a  good  math  teacher.  His  name  was  Mr.  K  and  he  really  helped  me  a  lot.  

Especially  if  I  was  having  problems  with  some…  say  if  I  got  a  C  on  my  test  I  

would  go  to  him  and  he’d  go,  “Well,  you  got  this  wrong  because  blah  blah  blah.”  

But  he  would  help  and  he  would  guide  me  through,  and  he  even  gave  me  at  home  

assignments  that  was  outside…  because  he  was  a  different,  he  wasn’t  my  

primary  math  teacher…  Mr.  K  was  an  open,  gay  male  [teacher]  in  high  school…  

he  was  also  the  GSA  facilitator.    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     73    
Gerald  expressed  an  understanding  of  his  own  abilities  in  mathematics.    

  Gerald  also  explained  how  important  a  role  his  tutor  and  mentor,  Mr.  K,  an  

openly  gay  man,  played  in  his  mathematical  development.  Not  only  was  Mr.  K  

instrumental  in  Gerald’s  mathematics  education,  he  was  a  very  visible  role  model  as  

GSA  advisor.  Mr.  K  had  an  impact  on  the  intersection  of  Gerald’s  queer  and  

mathematical  identities.  This  was  because  Mr.  K,  as  an  openly  gay  man  and  a  

mathematics  teacher,  was  able  to  support  Gerald  both  in  the  areas  of  his  queer  identity  

and  his  mathematical  identity.  The  fact  that  Mr.  K  went  out  of  his  way  to  support  

Gerald’s  mathematical  identity  was  described  when  Gerald  spoke  of  Mr.  K  going  over  

tests  from  other  classes.  Mr.  K  also  provided  extra  homework  for  subjects  he  may  not  

have  been  teaching  at  the  time.    

  Mr.  K  helped  Gerald  develop  his  mathematical  identity  both  in  terms  of  the  

performative  and  perceptual  aspects.  Performatively,  Gerald  was  able,  with  the  help  of  

Mr.  K,  to  see  the  usefulness  of  mathematics  as  well  as  increase  his  ability  to  obtain  

mathematical  knowledge.  Perceptually,  the  assistance  that  Mr.  K  provided  increased  

Gerald’s  belief  in  his  mathematical  abilities.  

  In  addition,  Gerald  shared  a  sense  of  community  with  Mr.  K.  In  this  case,  

community  was  defined  as  having  shared  interests.  Their  community  was  centered  

around  their  joint  participation  in  the  GSA,  their  interaction  in  the  process  of  Gerald  

gaining  mathematical  knowledge  from  Mr.  K,  and  their  shared  queer  identities  as  gay  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     74    
  Gerald  identified  both  as  gay  and  as  queer.  When  he  identified  as  queer  he  spoke  

about  the  community  he  had  found.  Gerald  found  community  in  several  different  places,  

the  youth  center,  the  GSA,  and  with  Mr.  K.  In  these  places  of  community  he  found  

support  for  his  queer  and  his  mathematical  identities.  Mr.  K  played  more  of  a  role  than  

just  as  someone  with  whom  Gerald  found  a  sense  of  community  however.  In  Mr.  K  

Gerald  found  a  mentor,  someone  who  was  gay  identified  that  was  also  an  adult,  and  

giving.  Mr.  K  was  able  to  support  Gerald  in  multiple  ways,  with  his  queer  identity  as  

well  as  with  his  mathematical  identity.  


  Kevin  was  a  21-­‐year-­‐old,  Caribbean-­‐born,  black  male  who  identified  as  queer.  He  

was  tall  and  athletic.  He  attended  a  mid-­‐sized  college  in  a  large  east  coast  city.    He  was  a  

theater  major  with  an  emphasis  in  dance.    

With  regard  to  his  queer  identity  he  stated,  “So,  being  queer,  um,  in  regards  of  

who  I  am  means  I’m  not  really  trying  to  be  a  man  or  trying  to  be  a  woman,  just  trying  to  

be  comfortable.”  Being  queer  for  Kevin  was  not  a  shorthand  way  to  say  he  was  LGBT,  

but  rather  was  something  outside  of  the  binary;  he  saw  being  queer  as  another  identity.  

Kevin  saw  the  binary  as  being  either  a  man  or  a  woman.  By  stepping  outside  of  the  

binary  Kevin  was  recognizing  for  himself  how  his  own,  queer  identity  transcended  


Kevin  separated  his  queer  identity  from  his  sexuality,  which  he  described  as  he,  

“…dates  gay  men  and  trans-­‐women.”  He  explained  that,  “Some  would  describe  this  as  

bisexual  except  that  not  everyone  identifies  as  a  man  or  a  woman.”  In  this  assessment,  

he  was  recognizing  the  continuum  that  is  sex  and  gender.  This  was  an  indication  of  a  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     75    
sophisticated  understanding  of  not  just  sex  and  gender,  but  also  of  the  term,  “queer”  

(Wilchins,  1997).  

  Kevin  had  a  nuanced  understanding  of  what  it  meant  to  be  queer.  He  said,  “So,  a  

lot  of  queer  people  that  I  know,  they’re  in  like  polyamorous  relationships  or  they’re,  

like,  adopting  kids,  or  foster  parenting  kids,  or  they’re  like  in  older-­‐younger  

relationships.”  In  Kevin’s  view,  being  queer  was  about  more  than  just  with  whom  one  

has  sex  or  to  whom  one  is  attracted;  he  saw  it  as  being  about  relationship.    

  Early  in  his  teen  years,  Kevin  thought  he  might  be  asexual,  as  he  had  no  real  

interest  in  either  males  or  females.  One  day,  when  he  was  15,  a  young  man  asked  him  

out  and,  as  he  stated:  

But  then  this  guy  asked  me  out,  so,  you  know,  I  was  like  “sure,  what  the  heck?”  

So  I  went  out,  and  then,  you  know,  we  had  a  really  good  time.  We  were  walking  

around  downtown,  we  saw  a  movie,  got  some  food,  we  were  holding  hands.  And,  

you  know,  it  was  just  a  really  nice  experience  and  I  think  that  was  really  like  the  

first  time  when  I  felt  as  though  like  “wow,  I  actually  really  like  somebody.”    

Another  young  man  saw  them  and  told  Kevin’s  mother.  By  the  time  Kevin  arrived  home,  

“my  mother  asked  me,  ‘was  I  gay?’  and  I  kind  of  choked  up  because  I  was  not  expecting  

anything  like  that  at  all.  And  she  was  crying  and  then  I  got  put  out  after  that.”  Kevin  

began  his  discovery  of  his  queer  identity  as  a  result  of  a  single  incident,  a  date  that  he  

was  not  expecting.  He  found  he  could  have  a  good  time  and  be  attracted  to  someone  of  

the  same  sex.  What  he  also  did  not  expect  was  to  be  confronted  by  his  mother  when  he  

arrived  home.  At  age  fifteen  he  found  himself  homeless  and  alone.    
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     76    
  After  being  kicked  out  by  his  mother,  Kevin  survived  by  sleeping  in  parks  

downtown,  staying  with  people  he  met  while  downtown,  or  by  “couch  hopping.”  Couch  

hopping  is  defined  as  sleeping  on  the  couch  of  a  friend  or  acquaintance  for  a  period  of  

time  before  moving  on  to  the  next  person’s  couch.  He  remained  homeless  for  three  


  Being  homeless  affected  Kevin  in  several  ways.  As  he  described  it:  

Throughout  my  high  school  years,  yes.  I  feel  like  my  grades  dropped  and  I  kind  

of  didn’t  get  to  do  things  that  high  schoolers  and  teenagers  were  doing  so  I  never  

got  to  really  hang  out  with  friends  and  I  never  got  to  play  sports  after  school,  

and,  you  know,  like  be  in  clubs  or  be  in  theater  or  just  things  like  that,  because  it  

was  always  something  going  wrong  where  I  had  to  leave  school  or  not  be  in  

school  for  you  know  like  a  certain  period  of  time.  So  I  feel  like  I  missed  out  on  a  

lot  of  extracurricular  activities.  

Kevin  did  not  get  to  participate  in  activities  that  many  high  school  students  did.  He  was  

forced  to  survive  and  this  affected  his  grades  as  well.  He  missed  periods  of  school.    

  Kevin’s  queer  identity  began  forming  with  his  first  date  and,  despite  this  

inauspicious  start,  continued  to  develop  throughout  high  school.  About  this  experience  

he  said:  

Well,  this  all  happened  in  eighth  grade,  so  in  ninth  grade  I  came  out  in  school.  

Thank  goodness  I  went  to  a  more  suburban  high  school,  so  it  wasn’t  really  as,  

“Oh  my  god,  shocking.”  Like,  people  cared,  but  it  wasn’t  like  a  huge  deal.  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     77    
Because  Kevin  went  to  a  suburban  high  school,  he  felt  he  was  able  to  come  out  and  still  

be  safe.  This  allowed  him  to  continue  to  develop  his  queer  identity  in  the  relative  safety  

of  his  school  environment.  

  Kevin  first  visited  the  LGBTQ  youth  center  when  he  was  sixteen-­‐years-­‐old.  Since  

age  nineteen,  it  has  also  been  his  place  of  employment.  When  asked  what  he  liked  about  

the  center,  he  replied:  

The  thing  that  I  like  most  about  the  [youth  center]  is  just  the  fact  that  it’s  a  space  

where  everyone  can  feel  safe,  but  also  I  like  the  fact  that  there  are  fun  things  to  

do  like  dancing  and  theater  and  cooking,  but  there  are  also  more  like  life  skills  

related  things,  such  as  like  job  help  and  resumé  and  FAFSA  [Free  Application  for  

Federal  Student  Aid]  help  and  things  like  that.  

  Kevin  found  a  myriad  of  activities  at  the  center.  These  ranged  from  recreation  to  

job  and  school  supports.  Another  important  aspect,  that  he  did  not  name  directly,  was  

community;  this  was  apparent  when  he  talked  about  a  space  where  everyone  could  feel  

safe.  This  sense  of  community  can  also  be  seen  in  the  breadth  of  things  that  the  center  

did  for  him.  Kevin  found  the  recreational  and  creative  outlets  to  be  as  important  to  him  

as  he  did  the  job  skills  building  and  help  with  school.  In  this  way,  he  used  the  center  to  

help  him  build  a  sense  of  community  and  to  further  develop  his  queer  identity.  

  In  spite  of  the  fact  that  he  did  not  have  stable  housing  during  his  high  school  

years,  Kevin  was  able  to  develop  his  academic  identity.  About  his  housing  situation  and  

schooling  he  said:  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     78    
So  sometimes  I  would  get  up  at  four  am,  leave  about  four-­‐thirty,  catch  two  trains,  

three  buses  to  get  all  the  way  over  to  school,  get  there  by  seven,  be  at  school  

from  seven  to  two,  and  then  go  to  work  from  three  to  nine.  And  when  I  get  back  

to  [where  I  was  staying]  it’s  about  midnight.  By  the  time  I  shower,  eat,  do  my  

homework,  have  my  clothes  ready  for  the  next  day,  it’s  already  like  1:30,  2  

o’clock  and  I  have  to  be  up  two  hours  later.  

Kevin  valued  his  education  and  worked  hard  at  it.  He  was  dedicated  to  his  education.  He  

put  himself  under  tremendous  stress  by  only  sleeping  two  to  three  hours  a  night  and  

not  knowing  where  he  would  be  sleeping  from  day-­‐to-­‐day.  And  yet,  he  continued  to  

attend  school.  He  explained:    

So  that  was  really  stressful  and  I  always  thought  about  dropping  out  or  flunking  

out  of  school  because  it  was  just  very,  very  tough.  But  thanks  to  my  

grandmother,  and  she  passed  away  when  I  was  fourteen,  so  I  always  kept  her  

words  with  me  about  “education,  education,  education,”  and  it  really  pushed  me  

to  be  a  better  person.  

Although  Kevin  was  discouraged  at  times,  his  academic  identity,  something  that  was  

supported  earlier  in  his  life  by  his  grandmother,  helped  him  to  maintain  his  schooling  as  

a  priority.  He  was  able  to  overcome  the  stress  and  thoughts  of  dropping  out  by  

remembering  the  words  of  his  grandmother  and  her  admonition  to  complete  his  


  In  contrast  to  his  academic  identity,  Kevin’s  mathematical  identity  was  more  

problematic.  He  stated:  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     79    
So,  I  don’t  like  how  my  high  school  kind  of  placed  us.  So,  how  my  high  school  

placed  us  in  mathematics  is  basically  they  would  test  you  beforehand  and  

depending  how  well  you  did  on  your  test,  that  kind  of  depended  on  where  you  

were  the  following  year  in  school.  So  I  usually  tested  pretty  high,  so  all  

throughout…  well,  especially  through  my  eleventh  and  twelfth  grade  in  high  

school,  I  was  in  Pre-­‐Calc  and  AP  Calc  and  all  these  crazy  maths  just  because  I  

scored  high  on  my  tests  in  the  previous  years.  But  I  really  feel  as  though  that  

kind  of  hurt  me  because,  although  I’m  good  at  certain  math,  I’m  not  good  at  math  

in  general.    

His  positive  performative  identity,  as  indicated  by  his  high  test  scores,  placed  him  in  

courses  that  he  felt  were  too  advanced  for  his  abilities.  However,  his  perceptual  

mathematical  identity  was  low  and  caused  a  conflict  within  Kevin.  This  conflict  caused  

his  mathematical  identity  to  suffer.  While  he  was  doing  well  in  mathematics,  the  stress  

of  being  placed  in  higher-­‐level  mathematics  courses  seemed  to  have  been  more  than  

Kevin  could  manage.  His  mathematical  identity  suffered  due  to  his  lack  of  a  belief  that  

he  could  perform  in  all  courses,  despite  his  high  test  scores.  

  Even  with  the  weaker  aspects  of  his  perceptual  mathematical  identity,  Kevin  

eventually  developed  an  appreciation  for  his  placement  in  higher-­‐level  mathematics  

classes  in  high  school.  He  gained  this  perspective  when  he  was  placed  in  a  less-­‐

challenging  math  class  in  college.      He  said:  

I’m  sitting  there  like,  “I  know  this  stuff  already,”  but  everyone  else  around  me  is  

freaking  out  and  panicking  and  they  don’t  know  what  they’re  doing  or  what  

they’re  looking  at.  And  I’m  sitting  there,  looking  like,  “I  learned  all  this  in  tenth  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     80    
grade.”  So,  although  I  didn’t  really  care  that  my  [high]  school  pumped  me  up  so  

far,  I  do  appreciate  it  because  it  puts  me  further  ahead  in  life  and  the  future.  

Notwithstanding  Kevin’s  frustration  at  being  placed  in  higher-­‐level  mathematics  in  high  

school,  his  experience  in  college  seemed  to  have  helped  him  to  develop  an  appreciation  

for  the  mathematical  work  he  did  earlier.  Based  on  his  statement,  this  boost  in  his  

confidence  seemed  to  also  have  enhanced  his  mathematical  identity.  

  Kevin  felt  there  was  some  sort  of  connection  between  being  queer  identified  and  

the  way  that  he  learned  subjects  such  as  mathematics.  He  stated:  

I  was  kind  of  like  intimidated  to  really  ask  questions  about  certain  things,  or  

really,  you  know,  try  and  like  bring  up,  like,  topics  or,  like,  debate  something  that  

someone  in  the  class  said  or  that  the  teacher  said,  because  I  didn’t  want  the  class  

to  feel  like,  “Oh,  that  gay  kid  is  talking  again,  that  gay  kid  is  asking  questions  

again.”  So,  I  do  remember  a  time…  um,  and  I  recall  times  in  math,  too,  where  I  

would  be  sitting  there  and  I  don’t  quite  understand  something  or  I  don’t  agree  

with  something,  but  instead  of  like  raising  my  hand  or  saying  something  I  just  

kept  my  mouth  shut  because  I  just  felt  like  I  didn’t  want  to  stand  out  more  than  I  

already  did,  you  know?  

We  saw  in  this  statement  someone  who  felt  a  conflict  between  his  mathematical  

identity  and  his  queer  identity.    Kevin  did  not  want  to  stand  out  as  a  noisy,  gay  student.  

He  felt  a  need  to  ask  questions  but  was  inhibited  because  of  his  queer  identity  

intimidated  by  his  classmates.    

  Kevin  was  queer  identified.  His  queer  identity  was  about  stepping  outside  of  the  

male/female  binary  and  trying  to  find  a  place  where  he  could  be  “comfortable.”  Kevin  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     81    
was  the  only  one  of  the  participants  to  face  outward  hostility  and  rejection  by  his  

mother  based  on  his  sexual  identity.  As  a  result  of  his  mother’s  rejection  he  was  

homeless  for  several  years.  

  Kevin  found  a  sense  of  community  at  the  youth  center.  This  sense  of  community  

nurtured  his  queer  identity  and  supported  him.  His  academic  identity  was  quite  strong  

and  even  while  homeless,  he  found  the  strength  to  finish  his  high  school  education.    

  His  mathematical  identity,  in  contrast,  was  mixed.  While  he  understood  the  value  

of  mathematics,  he  felt  forced  to  take  classes  that  he  felt  were  too  advanced  for  his  

abilities.  Taking  more  advanced  classes  became  useful,  however,  when  he  was  taking  

his  college  mathematics  courses.  Kevin  was  the  one  student  who  was  not  overwhelmed  

by  the  courses.    

  In  spite  of  the  positive  experience  Kevin  relayed  about  his  college  mathematics  

courses,  there  was  one  aspect  of  his  mathematical  identity  that  was  troubling.  This  

aspect  was  that  Kevin  did  not  always  ask  question  when  he  had  them  for  fear  of  being  

thought  of  as  a  pushy  gay  person.  It  is  possible  that  his  mathematics  education  was  

negatively  impacted  because  his  queer  identity  was  not  strong  enough  for  him  to  have  

the  self-­‐confidence  to  fully  participate  in  the  mathematics  classroom.  


  Zeb  was  a  20-­‐year-­‐old,  Caucasian  male  who  identified  as  gay.  He  attended  

community  college  in  a  large,  east  coast  city.  His  major  was  hospitality  management.  He  

hoped  to  work  in  a  hotel  and  eventually  manage,  or  own,  a  hotel.    
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     82    
Zeb  was  an  only  child  and  was  raised  by  his  mother  in  a  single  parent  household.  

Zeb  described  the  impact  of  growing  up  without  a  father  on  his  queer  identity  when  he  


I  see  myself  ever-­‐growing,  you  know,  because  I  never  really  had  a  father  figure  in  

my  life,  so  there’s  just  like  a  lot  of  male  role  models  in  the  gay  world  and,  I  don’t  

know,  I  just  look  up  to  some  of  them.  

Zeb,  who  grew  up  without  a  father,  was  looking  for  male  role  models.  While  the  

functions  of  a  father  figure  often  differ  from  those  of  a  role  model,  at  times  they  

intersect.  In  gay  culture  this  is  often  true.  Zeb  explained:    

Yeah,  because  there’s  just,  you  know,  gay  me  and  myself,  I  want  to  know,  you  

know,  other  stuff  like  about  sex  and  health.  And,  you  know,  I  want  to  know  what  

other  gay  men  go  through.  Like,  am  I  going  to  go  through  the  same  process  

they’re  going  through?  

Zeb  felt  somewhat  isolated.  As  he  said,  “there’s  just,  you  know,  gay  me  and  myself.”  This  

is  in  contrast  to  Gerald  who  found  community  to  be  a  large  part  of  his  identity;  Zeb  

seems  to  have  more  of  an  “I’m  in  it  alone”  mentality.  There  is  a  contrast  here  however,  

in  that  while  he  seemed  somewhat  isolated,  at  the  same  time  he  was  curious  about  

whether  he  had  the  same  experience  that  other  men  had.  

  Zeb  first  came  out  to  his  friends  during  the  middle  of  his  sophomore  year  in  high  

school.  He  said:  

Most  of  them  weren’t  really  too  shocked,  like  they  kind  of  knew.  And  some  of  

them  were  like,  “okay,  what  do  you  want  me  to  do  about  it?”  That  was  it.  They  

were  really  supportive  and  they’re  still  supportive  of  me.  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     83    
Zeb  found  support  for  his  queer  identity  from  his  friends  at  school.  None  of  them  were  

very  surprised  by  his  coming  out.      

  A  year  after  coming  out  at  school,  he  came  out  to  his  mother.  This  time  he  did  not  

get  the  initial  support  that  his  friends  offered.  As  Zeb  told  it:  

Well,  the  conversation  started  because,  you  know,  this  boy  kept  calling  my  

house,  because  we  were  kind  of  dating  at  the  time,  and  she  was  wondering  why  

he  was  calling  the  house.  So  I  told  her,  you  know,  “Hey  mom,  I  have  to  tell  you  

something.  I’m  gay.”  And  she’s  like,  “No  you’re  not.  You’re  just  bisexual.  You’re  

just  curious.”  And,  because  I  kind  of  had  a  girlfriend  in  the  past  so  I  say  so,  but,  

and  she  blames  it  on  her  [the  ex-­‐girlfriend]  and  I  was  like,  “You  shouldn’t  be  

blaming  this  on  anyone.  You  know,  I  am  who  I  am.”    

 Zeb  came  out  to  his  mother  as  a  result  of  a  situation  in  which  a  young  man  Zeb  was  

dating  kept  calling  him.  She  struggled  at  first  to  accept  her  son’s  sexual  orientation.    

Although  Zeb  does  not  indicate  why,  his  mother  eventually  did  accept  him  as  gay  and,  as  

Zeb  described  it,  “Now  it’s  all  good.”    

  Zeb  attended  a  high  school  that  was  in  the  process  of  developing  a  GSA.  It  was  at  

the  inaugural  meeting  of  the  GSA  that  he  learned  about  the  LGBTQ  youth  center.  While  

the  GSA  did  not  get  off  the  ground  when  Zeb  was  in  high  school,  he  was  still  able  to  gain  

important  information  as  a  result  of  the  planning  process  for  the  GSA.  He  said  of  the  

process,  “It  was  just  starting  to  slowly  form  for,  I  don’t  know  why,  a  lot  of  school  

programs…  a  lot  of  clubs  have  trouble  getting  off  the  ground.”  While  he  was  able  to  gain  

some  benefit  from  the  emerging  group,  Zeb  was  not  able  to  avail  himself  of  the  support  

of  an  established  GSA.    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     84    
  The  youth  center  provided  Zeb  with  various  types  of  services.  As  he  related:  

Well,  I  decided  to  go  to  the  [center]  because  I  was  struggling  in  college  with  my  

writing  course  and  with  other  courses  as  well  as  math.  So  I  knew  they  had  

educational  resources  and  I  started  taking  advantage  of  them.  They  also  had  job  

resources,  so  I  started  taking  advantage  of  them  as  well.  They  helped  me  create  a  

resumé.  You  know,  they  got  me  a  few  internships  in  the  past,  so  I  took  advantage  

of  them  [the  internships].  

Zeb  was  initially  enticed  to  the  center  by  the  educational  services  it  offered.  Zeb  

demonstrated  how  much  he  valued  education  despite  obstacles  that  he  faced.  He  

described  his  challenges  as,  “Well,  because  I  was  ADHD  and,  you  know,  I  was  still  in  the  

Special  Ed  program  at  that  time  and  I  wasn’t  the  very  best  at  math.”  Zeb  told  us  that  he  

had  ADHD,  a  condition  that  made  it  difficult  to  concentrate  and  stay  focused.  He  was  

also,  “not  the  best  at  math.”  In  spite  of  these  challenges  he  still  valued  his  education,  

which  helped  him  to  develop  his  academic  identity.    

  Zeb  was  also  interested  in  the  job-­‐related  services  and  resumé  help.  When  asked  

what  he  liked  most  about  the  center,  he  replied:  

It  is  just  a  fun,  friendly  environment  where  everyone  can  get  along.  We  can  have  

really  serious  discussions,  and  I  just  love  the  job-­‐readiness  skills  as  well.  They  

offer  a  lot  of  job-­‐readiness  skills  that  are  really  valuable  to  me  when  I’m  looking  

for  a  job.  And  as  I  get  older  I’m  slowly  maturing  with  their  help.  

Zeb  enjoyed  the  community  that  he  found  at  the  center.  He  described  it  as  “fun”  and  

“friendly.”  Through  these  community-­‐based  activities  Zeb  is  maturing  in  his  queer  

identity.  Along  with  the  community  aspects  of  the  center,  he  reiterated  that  he  was  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     85    
excited  by  the  availability  of  job  preparation  activities.  The  job  preparation  activities  

are  helping  him  mature  in  other  aspects  of  his  personality  as  well.  

  Of  the  internships  he  secured,  he  said,  “They’ve  helped  me  grow  as  a  mature  

male.  You  know,  I  made  a  few  mistakes  with  internships  and  they  just  helped  me  point  

out  those  mistakes  and  turn  those  weaknesses  into  strengths.”  Here  we  saw  another  

theme  with  Zeb,  that  of  growth  and  maturation.  Not  only  did  the  youth  center  assist  in  

the  development  of  a  queer  identity,  the  center  supported  the  development  of  the  total  

individual.  His  academic  identity  was  developing  because  he  saw  learning  as  a  

continuous  process.  Learning  transcended  the  academic  arena  and  was  continued  in  his  

internships.  Zeb  said,  “I  see  myself  ever  growing…  I  can  get  a  better  chance  of  having  a  

learning  experience  and  can  learn  new  skills,”  an  indicator  that  he  was  developing  his  

academic  identity.  

  In  contrast  to  his  academic  identity,  Zeb’s  mathematical  identity  was  varied.  Zeb  

saw  the  usefulness  of  mathematics  and,  for  the  most  part,  saw  that  he  had  the  ability  to  

obtain  mathematical  knowledge.  He  said,  “Well,  I  use  it  mostly  every  single  day.  I  have  a  

calculator  and  I  just  get  bored,  so,  you  know,  if  I  want  to  know  the  answer  to  something,  

I’ll  just  type  it  on  my  calculator.”  Zeb  saw  calculating  numbers  as  a  way  to  entertain  

himself.  He  used  mathematics  on  a  daily  basis  and  saw  it  as  useful  in  many  ways.  He  


But  geometry  was  definitely  my  favorite  class  and  after  geometry  I  never  looked  

at  a  circle  the  same  way  again.  I  was  like  splitting  it  in  half,  splitting  it  in  eighths.  

All  of  these  equations  are  popping  through  my  head  and  it  was  just  so  crazy.  
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Geometry  was  Zeb’s  favorite  subject  in  high  school  and  he  found  equations  to  be  

“popping  through  my  head,”  which  indicated  strong  aspects  to  his  perceptual  

mathematical  identity.  At  times,  however,  with  certain  mathematical  topics,  his  

mathematical  identity  suffered.  Zeb  stated:  

Math  is  not  my  best  subject.  I’d  rather  stay  out  of  the  math  classroom,  unless  it’s  

maybe  geometry  or  a  little  bit  of  trigonometry,  then,  you  know,  I’ll  take  that  

class.  But  when  it  comes  to  graphs,  I  shy  away  from  the  graphs.  I  do  not  like  

graphs  in  math.  

Zeb  expressed  a  conflict  within  his  mathematical  identity.  He  both  liked  and  

appreciated  mathematics,  yet  with  certain  topics,  he  became  uncomfortable.  He  

expressed  his  desire  to  not  be  in  the  mathematics  classroom  and  yet,  in  the  same  

breathe;  he  gave  a  condition,  “Unless  it’s  maybe  geometry  or  a  little  bit  of  

trigonometry…”  For  Zeb  we  saw  both  the  desire  to  perform  mathematically,  and  the  

desire  to  avoid  performance  in  mathematics.  He  did  not  do  well  when  the  topic  was  

graphing,  yet  relished  the  topics  of  geometry  and  trigonometry;  hence,  the  conflict  in  

his  mathematical  identity.    

  Zeb  identified  as  a  gay  man,  and  like  Avis  did  not  use  the  term  queer  to  identify  

himself.  He  spoke  of  receiving  support  from  friends  at  school  for  his  queer  identity,  and  

that  support  continued  through  his  college  years.  When  Zeb  came  out  to  his  mother,  she  

initially  denied  that  he  could  be  gay.  Gerald’s  mother  had  a  similar  reaction  when  he  

came  out  to  her.  Eventually  both  mothers’  changed  their  minds  and  were  able  to  accept  

their  sons’.  The  youth  center  provided  Zeb  with  support  for  who  he  was  as  a  student,  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     87    
and  as  a  gay  man.  As  a  student  he  sought  support  for  both  his  English  and  mathematics  


   Zeb  was  conflicted  about  his  mathematical  identity.  He  enjoyed  some  types  of  

mathematics,  and  saw  them  as  useful,  while  he  avoided  other  mathematical  topics.  


  Marryl  was  Caucasian,  21-­‐years-­‐old,  and  attended  a  mid-­‐sized  arts  college  in  a  

large,  east  coast  city.  When  asked,  “how  do  you  define  yourself?”  Marryl  used  the  

definition  of  gender  queer.  When  asked  what  pronouns  Marryl  preferred,  they  replied,  

“they  and  them,”  rather  than  the  single  gender  pronouns  he  or  she,  him  or  her.  Because  

Marryl  preferred  the  pronouns  they  and  them,  when  referring  to  Marryl  they  and  them  

are  used  throughout  this  work.  Marryl  saw  themselves  as  a  third  gender,  neither  male  

nor  female,  and  sometimes  played  with  the  idea  of  poly-­‐genderism.  That  is  to  say  that  

Marryl  considered  the  idea  of  being  multi-­‐gendered  -­‐-­‐  simultaneously  male,  female  and  

other  genders,  all  at  the  same  time.  As  they  described  it,  “  …  [it]  is  like  a  gender  that  

encompasses  a  broader  part  of  the  gender  spectrum  in  terms  of  also  going  into  areas  of  

male  gender-­‐ness  and  female  gender-­‐ness...”  At  times,  Marryl  described  their  gender  as  

a  third  gender  and  at  times  as  a  mix  of  genders.  Here,  queer  took  on  a  meaning,  as  

Wilchens  (1997)  explained  it,  as  having  stepped  outside  of  a  binary.  Marryl  found  the  

binary  of  male-­‐female  to  be  limited  and  not  applicable.  Marryl  had  conducted  a  deep  

self-­‐exploration  about  their  gender  identity.  As  they  explained  it:  

So,  unlike  working  out  my  sexual  orientation,  which  was  a  pretty  private  

exploration  because  I  didn’t  know  who  to  talk  to…  Trying  to  figure  out  my  
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gender  identity  was  something  that  I  was  much  more  open  to  external  support  

with…  So  there  was  several  people  at  the  [youth  center]  who…  and  my  therapist  

for  instance…  who  were  there  for  the  process  of  me  figuring  out  my  gender-­‐  

queer  identity.  

As  a  result  of  this  self-­‐exploration,  they  had  a  complex  understanding  of  what  it  meant  

to  possess  a  queer  identity.  

  They  described  their  sexual  orientation  as  follows:  

And  then,  in  terms  of  sexual  orientation,  probably  the  only  succinct  way  to  

describe  it  is  queer,  because  it’s  not  really  just  any  one  single  gender  that  I’m  

attracted  to.  I  mean,  I’m  attracted  to  female-­‐identified  people,  trans-­‐identified  

people,  male-­‐identified  people  who  are  not  born  male.    

For  Marryl,  queer  was  their  primary  sexual  identity.  They  found  that  they  could  be  

attracted  to  a  variety  of  different  people,  as  long  as  they  were  not  born  male.    

  Queer,  however,  was  more  to  them  than  a  sexual  identity:  it  was  also  a  political  

construct.  They  described  this  construct  in  the  following  way:  

In  terms  of  how  I  see  it  being  political,  …like  um  making  life  decisions  that  are  

like  “for  a  queer  political  identity,”  figuring  out  whether  or  not  like  um  being  in  

favor  of  gay  marriage  or  recognizing  gay  marriage,  is  you  know,  is  assimilating  

into  a  heteronormative  system  of  like  trying  to  figure  that  out  like  [through  a]  

“queer”  lens  …  

For  Marryl,  queer  was  political  in  trying  to  step  outside  of  heteronormativity.  It  was  a  
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matter  of  finding  that  unique  “queer  lens”  through  which  to  see  things.  Being  political  

was  more  than  just  whom  they  would  support  in  an  election;  it  was  their  worldview.  It  

was  about  the  way  Marryl  made  decisions.  

  Coming  out  was  a  lengthy  and  somewhat  complicated  process  for  Marryl.  After  

having  attended  several  GSA  meetings  in  high  school,  they  came  out  as  lesbian.    They  

were  15-­‐years-­‐old.  Their  parents  were  supportive,  as  were  friends  and  teachers.  

Processing  gender  identity  issues  came  four  years  later  when  they  went  to  the  LGBTQ  

youth  center.  Marryl  described  this  experience  as:  

…trying  to  figure  out  my  gender  identity  was  something  that  I  was  much  more  

open  to  external  support  with,  because  at  the  time  I  was  dealing  a  lot  with  

depression  and  anxiety  so  it  was  something  I  needed  badly,  to  have  other  people  

be  there  to  support  me  as  I  was  figuring  this  out  for  myself.  So  there  was  several  

people  at  the  [center]  who,  and  my  therapist  for  instance,  who  were  there  for  the  

process  of  me  figuring  out  my  gender-­‐queer  identity…  I  was  a  female-­‐gender  one  

moment  and  then  my  community  was  there  to  help  me  figure  out  what  this  

identity  process  was  and  getting  to  the  other  side  of  it.  So  there  wasn’t  really  a  

coming  out  process  there,  it’s  just  more  of  a  coming  into  this  new  identity  

process,  I  guess  you  could  say.    

Marryl  did  not  consider  the  process  of  coming  into  their  gender  identity  a  coming  out,  

but  rather  a  self-­‐discovery.  The  process  was  relatively  straightforward  though  it  began  

with  Marryl  having  suffered  with  depression  and  anxiety.  Through  the  support  they  

received  at  the  youth  center,  whether  from  a  therapist,  staff  members  or  other  

supportive  individuals,  Marryl  made  the  transition  from  lesbian  to  gender-­‐queer.    
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  They  initially  visited  the  youth  center  because  a  therapist  recommended  it  to  

them.  Another  part  of  their  original  reason  for  visiting  the  youth  center  was  a  lack  of  a  

GSA  at  the  college  they  were  attending  at  that  time.  Marryl  recognized  their  need  for  

community  and  decided  to  see  what  was  available.  When  asked  what  they  liked  about  

the  center,  they  replied:  

…  I  think  the  first  thing  I  fell  in  love  with  about  the  [center]  was  within  the  first  

five  minutes  that  I  walked  into  the  [center]  I  was  greeted  with  warmth  and  

acceptance  even  though  I  had  never  met  any  of  these  people  before.  But  

everyone  that  I  met  was  very  friendly  in  a  way  that  they’re  warm  and  accepting  

but  also  respecting  my  boundaries.  

From  their  first  visit,  they  felt  comfortable  and  at  home.  Marryl  had  found  a  community  

that  accepted  who  they  were.  Marryl  felt  that  the  other  people  at  the  center  were  

respectful  and  accommodating.  They  said:  

I  think  that’s  what  really  kept  me  here,  you  know,  in  terms  of  I  really  wanted  to  

come  back  because  this  was  one  of  the  few  spaces  that,  ever  since  the  first  day,  I  

felt  it  was  a  community,  I  could  participate,  I  felt  valued  in.  

Marryl  had  found  a  community  where  they  belonged  and  this  gave  them  a  sense  of  

being  valued.    

    Marryl  continued  returning  for  the  sense  of  community.  There  were  other  

aspects  of  the  center  that  attracted  Marryl  as  well.  According  to  Marryl:  

There  was  mythology  and  spirituality  groups  that  I  could  talk  about  my  

experiences  and  my  thoughts  and,  as  well  as  art  and  design  groups,  working  with  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     91    
[center]  graphics.  Also  working  with  two  of  the  support  groups,  the  women’s  

support  group  as  well  as  the  trans’  support  group,  in  terms  of  finding  community  

there.  And  also,  through  the  creative  action  groups,  finding  how  I  can  use  the  

skills  I’ve  been  training  in  and  using  those  skills  to  support  the  [center],  and  also  

working  through  the  [center]  to  support  the  extended  community.  

The  support  groups  and  recreational  and  creative  activities  worked  together  to  provide  

Marryl  with  a  sense  of  community.    

  With  regard  to  their  academic  identity,  Marryl  considered  learning  a  lifelong  

process.  This  was  evidence  of  a  strong  academic  identity.  Marryl  explained:  

I  think  all  of  us,  if  we  have  our  eyes  and  ears  and  hearts  open,  then  we’re  

students  or  we’re  learners  until  the  day  we  die.  Until  the  very  second  we  die,  

we’re  always  learning  something  about  what’s  going  on  in  terms  of  our  

environments  and  ourselves.  And  I  very  much  appreciate  that,  because  the  idea  

of  being  in  a  place  where  I’m  not  learning  and  I’m  not  in  a  place  of  taking  on  new  

information,  new  wisdom,  to  me  that  just  strikes  me  as  one  of  the  most  terrifying  

places  to  me,  because  I  just  find  that  continually  learning  and  continually  

changing  my  view  of  the  world  and  trying  to  find  a  better  idea  by  learning  more  

about  what  other  people  experience  or  what  other  people  have  experienced  over  

human  history.  Learning  about  all  that,  I  feel,  enhances  my  life  in  terms  of  how  I  

experience  the  world.  

This  demonstrated  just  how  important  the  idea  of  learning  was  to  Marryl  and  that  their  

academic  identity  was  well  developed.  They  described  how  they  had  a  need  to  be  
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constantly  learning.  They  saw  learning  as  a  continuous  process;  something  one  does  

throughout  life.    

  Along  with  a  developed  academic  identity,  Marryl  possessed  a  similarly  well  

developed  mathematical  identity.  They  attributed  part  of  their  mathematical  identity  to  

the  fact  that  their  father,  mother  and  brother  all  had  degrees  in  mathematics  and  all  

worked  in  fields  that  concentrated  in  mathematics.  Marryl  stated:      

I  definitely  attribute  my  understanding  of  mathematics,  sort  of  like  in  the  duality  

of  nature  and  nurture  that  I  think  there’s  definitely  something  going  on  in  terms  

of  how  my  brain  is  set  up.  It’s  like;  both  of  my  parents  are  very  mathematical.  My  

brother  is  very  mathematical.  I’m  definitely  going  to  have  something  in  me  that  

sort  of  processes  in  a  mathematical  way,  even  if  I  don’t  have  a  particular  career  

interest  in  working  with  theoretical  mathematics  or  engineering  or  accounting.  

In  addition  to  Marryl’s  belief  in  their  ability  to  do  mathematics,  they  also  believed  in  the  

usefulness  of  mathematics.  The  strength  of  their  mathematical  identity  was  

demonstrated  both  on  a  day-­‐to-­‐day  basis,  as  well  as  with  their  chosen  career  field,  

graphic  design.  As  they  explained:    

That  there’s  definitely  still  something  go[ing]  on  in  terms  of  problem  solving,  

which  is  definitely  one  of  the  root  skills  of  graphic  design,  it’s  that  even  though  

it’s  not  numerical,  it’s  visual  communication,  but  there’s  still  the  issue  of  

problem  solving  which  makes  graphic  design  different  from  the  visual  arts.  

This  demonstrated  how  Marryl  saw  relationships  in  mathematics,  with  problem  solving  

being  a  key  component.  Visual  communication,  we  were  told,  is  a  type  of  mathematics,  

as  it  was  problem  solving.  This  practical  view  on  the  usefulness  of  problem  solving  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     93    
showed  us  that  Marryl  had  an  appreciation  for  mathematics  and  indicated  a  well-­‐

developed  mathematical  identity.  

  When  asked  about  how  coming  out  had  effected  their  decisions  in  life  Marryl  

described  her  two  passions,  graphic  design,  and  being  queer.  Graphic  design  being  

directly  related  to  their  mathematical  identity  in  that  it  they  saw  it  as  very  precise  and  

mathematical.  They  replied:  

 Early  in  my  graphic  design  career  there  was  sort  of  a  split  in  that  I  sort  of  

compartmentalized  my  queer  gender  thing  going  on  in  one  corner  and  then  my  

art  career  in  another  and  they  didn’t  seem  to  intersect.  But  now  that  I’m  getting  

closer  to  graduation  and  dealing  with  my  senior  [project],  they’re  coming  back  

together  again  because  now  I  have  to  consider  how  these  two  passions  work  

together  because  when  I  graduate  I  actually  have  to  deal  with  life.  …  But  then  not  

being  in  school  I  need  to  figure  out  a  way  that  I  can  nurture  and  continue  these  

passions  and  then,  if  I’m  going  to  have  time  for  both  of  them,  I  need  to  find  a  way  

for  them  to  work  together.  

Marryl  has  described  how  their  queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity  intersect.  

They  recognize  the  intersection  as  the  place  where  their  graphic  design  interests  

(mathematical  identity  being  employed  in  their  graphic  design  work),  and  their  queer  

identity  intersect.  The  two  passions,  as  Marryl  referred  to  them,  hopefully  come  

together  in  a  synergistic  manner.  

  Marryl  identified  as  gender-­‐queer.  Marryl  had  a  nuanced  understanding  of  their  

queer  identity  and  saw  it  both  as  a  social  identity  as  well  as  a  political  identity.  They  had  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     94    
gone  through  a  multi-­‐phased  coming  out  process,  first  identifying  as  lesbian  and  four  

years  later  coming  to  the  understanding  that  they  were  gender-­‐queer.  Coming  out  was  

not  a  traumatic  process  for  Marryl  and  they  found  support  both  at  school  and  at  home.  

The  youth  center  with  its  counselors,  supportive  staff,  and  other  youth,  was  a  large  part  

of  what  made  the  second  phase  of  coming  out,  as  gender-­‐queer,  relatively  easy  for  

Marryl.  The  sense  of  community  they  found  at  the  center  was  instrumental  in  several  

different  ways.  Not  only  did  it  help  in  the  process  of  discovering  that  they  were  gender-­‐

queer,  but  it  also  gave  them  guidance  in  their  career  choice,  graphic  design.    

  Marryl  had  strong  academic  and  mathematical  identities.  They  attributed  much  

of  their  mathematical  acumen  to  the  fact  that  their  mother,  father,  and  brother  all  had  

degrees  in  mathematics  as  well  as  working  in  mathematical  fields.  For  them,  they  saw  

that  the  choice  to  work  in  graphic  design  was  a  choice  in  a  mathematically  based,  

artistic  endeavor.    For  Marryl  the  intersection  of  mathematical  identity  and  queer  

identity  lay  in  being  able  to  simultaneously  explore  their  self  described  passion  for  

queer  identity  and  graphic  design.    


  Tabatha  was  a  21-­‐year-­‐old,  Caucasian  female,  who  identified  as  lesbian.  She  was  

taking  time  off  from  college,  but  planned  to  return.  She  was  unsure  about  the  direction  

she  planned  to  take  when  she  returned  to  school.  She  suffered  from  severe  anxiety  and  

depression  and  was  working  on  trying  to  resolve  these  issues  in  a  manner  that  would  

allow  her  to  return  to  school.  

  Although  she  identified  as  lesbian,  Tabatha  was  open  to  describing  herself  as  

queer  because  she  was  willing  to  step  outside  of  the  gender-­‐binary  in  romantic  
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situations.  Her  understanding  of  what  it  meant  to  step  outside  the  gender-­‐binary  was  

described  as,  “…  Considering  yourself  outside  the  gender-­‐binary  or…having  a  

relationship  with  someone,  I  would  say,  anyone  except  a  gendered  male.”  She  

considered  queer  in  terms  of  physical  attraction  and  relationship  building.  Her  view  of  

queer  is  somewhat  limited  though  she  described  it  non-­‐heteronormatively,  outside  of  

the  gender  binary.    

  Tabatha  began  the  coming  out  process  in  high  school:  

I  came  out  to  my  friends  and  my  whole  school,  teachers,  when  I  was  a  freshman  

in  high  school,  so  I  think  I  was  fourteen.  So  I  had  my  first  girlfriend,  start  going  

out  the  Saturday  before  high  school  began.    

She  started  the  coming  out  process  by  seeking  the  support  of  friends  and  teachers.  

Tabatha  was  comfortable  enough  to  have  had  a  girlfriend  at  14  and  this  showed  that  

she  was  developing  a  queer  identity.    

  Her  mother  was  the  next  person  to  whom  she  came  out.  However,  this  process  

took  some  time.  As  Tabatha  related:  

My  mom  actually  confronted  me  when  I  was  a  freshman  in  high  school.  She  

asked  me  if  I  was  gay  and  it  came  out  of  nowhere,  her  asking  me,  and  I  was  so  

isolated  from  my  family  that  I  didn’t  like  them  in  any  of  my  business.  Also,  I’m  

fourteen,  wasn’t  sure  how  she  was  going  to  handle  it…  So,  it’s  understandable,  I  

was  fourteen,  I  was  scared.  I  denied  to  my  mom.  I  was  like  “No,  no,  what  are  you  

talking  about?”  

From  this  statement  we  saw  that  Tabatha  was  not  ready  to  come  out  to  her  mother.  At  

the  same  time,  she  had  come  out  at  school  and  was  dating  which  indicated  some  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity     96    
openness  on  her  part  to  begin  the  coming  out  process.  This  pointed  out  a  conflict  for  

Tabatha;  she  had  come  out  at  school  and  yet  was  not  ready  to  come  out  to  her  mother.  

This  denial  to  her  parents  continued  for  another  four  years.  Tabatha  said:  

And  one  day,  as  I  was  leaving  the  condo,  my  mother  stopped  me  and  she  wanted  

to  have  a  conversation  on  the  couch  with  my  step-­‐dad.  And  the  conversation  

went  like,  “Okay,  are  you  in  a  polyamorous  relationship  with  Snap  and  Hailey?”  

My  mother  actually  asked  me  that,  and  I  burst  out  laughing  and  I  was  like,  “No  

that  would  never  happen.  I  could  not  be  in  a  relationship  with  both  of  them  for  

the  fact  that  Snap  is  half  of  that  relationship.”  (Tabatha  did  not  like  Snap.)  And  

then  they  were  questioning  that  more  and  then  more  back  and  forth  went  going  

on,  I  remember  the  end  point  of  that  was,  I  was  like,  “Okay,  who’s  going  to  say  it?  

Am  I  going  to  say  it?  Is  he  going  to  say  it?  Or  are  you  going  to  say  it?”  And  my  

step-­‐dad,  Jack,  was  like,  “Can  I  say  it?”  And  my  mom  was  like,  “No,  no”  to  him  and  

was  like,  “Tabatha,  Tabatha  just  say  it.”  And  so,  with  my  hand,  I  did  a  little  halo  

thing  and  was  like,  “Gay.”  And  my  mom  was  like,  “Hallelujah.”  

Thus,  Tabatha  came  out  to  her  mother  and  stepfather.    

  Based  on  the  interaction  described  above,  we  saw  that  Tabatha  was  in  the  

process  of  developing  a  queer  identity.  She  had  the  support  of  her  mother  and  step-­‐

father,  even  if  she  was  in  a  polyamorous  relationship.  Further,  we  saw  that  Tabatha  had  

a  sense  of  humor  about  her  queer  identity.  She  laughed  at  the  prospect  of  being  in  a  

polyamorous  relationship,  rather  than  denying  it.  This  humor  showed  a  level  of  comfort  

with  her  queer  identity  that  she  had  not  demonstrated  previously.  Tabatha  explained:  
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And,  at  the  point,  after  four  years  had  passed,  I  didn’t  think  my  mom,  it  didn’t  

come  across  my  mind  that  I  was  scared  or  that  she’s  going  to  throw  me  out.  It’s  

just  I  don’t  like  her  knowing  any  of  my  business.  I  was  very  private  back  then  

and  so  after  that,  also  then,  you  know,  my  mom’s,  every  female  friend  that  I  have  

she’ll  want  to  question…  

This  statement  further  confirmed  that  she  had  become  more  comfortable  with  her  

queer  identity.    It  also  told  us  something  about  her  state  of  mind  when  she  had  initially  

denied  her  queer  identity  to  her  mother.  At  the  point  of  denial,  she  was  scared  of  being  

thrown  out  of  the  house.  

  Tabatha  came  to  the  LGBTQ  youth  center  because,  “One  of  my  housemates,  he  

used  to  come  here  and  I  was  looking  for  therapy.  And  then  when  I  was  at  [therapy  

center]  they  also  told  me  about  the  [youth  center]  and  to  try  to  get  therapy  here…”  

Tabatha  was  looking  for  therapy  to  help  her  deal  with  anxiety  and  depression  issues.  

She  explained,  “…dealing  with  a  lot  of  my  anxiety  that  I  have  and  depression  and  how  

I’m  doing  a  lot  better  than  what  I  was  last  winter.  I  had  to  withdraw  from  school…”  

Anxiety  disorders  and  depression  are  not  unusual  for  queer  identified,  young  people  

(Almeida,  Johnson,  Corliss,  Molnar,  &  Azrael,  2009).    

  While  she  may  have  initially  visited  the  youth  center  to  see  a  therapist,  Tabatha  

stayed  for  other  reasons.  As  she  stated,  “I  would  say  I  like  the  staff  the  most.”  She  began  

forming  relationships  with  the  staff  immediately.  Part  of  the  reason  for  this  was,  she  

explained,  “I’ve  always  gotten  along  better  and  enjoyed  the  company  of  people  older  

than  myself,  but  I  never  really  had  that  many  opportunities  when  I  was  living  [in  my  

hometown]  for  [getting  to  know]  older  LGBTQ  identified  people.”  Tabatha  saw  a  value  
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in  getting  to  know  LGBTQ  people  older  than  herself.  Her  reason  for  getting  to  know  

older  LGBT  people  may  have  been  about  her  desire  for  role  models.  

  Along  with  liking  the  staff,  there  were  other  aspects  of  the  center  that  she  

enjoyed.  As  she  stated,  “I  really  like  the  groups  here  too.  Even  if  some  of  them  give  me  

anxiety  attacks  while  here  and  make  everyone  else  in  the  room  feel  uncomfortable…”  

Even  though  Tabatha  had  anxiety,  she  had  discovered  the  social  and  support  

opportunities  that  were  available  to  her  at  the  center.    This  support  was  an  important  

aspect  of  developing  a  queer  identity  (Blackburn,  2004).  

  Beyond  the  social  and  support  opportunities  at  the  center,  she  had  also  come  to  

the  center  to  have  a  creative  outlet.  As  Tabatha  explained:  

But  they  have  amazing  groups  like  Career  City  Prints  that’s  so  great,  just  making  

wallpaper.  Yesterday,  and  Bobbi  even  commented  on  it,  and  Emerson,  he  

commented  on  it  too,  how  great  it  turned  out.  I  had  a  great  teamwork  going  with  

Marryl  and  between  the  two  of  us  it  turned  out  really  nice  and  Bobbie  was  like,  

“It’s  because  you’re…  I  knew  you’d  be  good  for  this  because  you’re  meticulous.”    

Tabatha  told  of  creative  work  that  she  did  in  collaboration  with  others.  Having  a  

creative  outlet  was  a  way  for  her  to  work  with  others  in  a  way  she  had  not  done  before  

she  came  to  the  center.  This  creative  work  seemed  to  strengthen  the  sense  of  

community  that  she  experienced.  She  went  on  to  explain  other  situations  in  which  she  

felt  the  community  supporting  her:  

And  so  when  I  would  talk  to  Bobbi  about  [art  work],  she  was  always  very  

encouraging,  and  I  didn’t  really  have  people  that  were  encouraging.  Like,  “Oh  
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you  could  really  do  this.”  Maybe  they’d  say,  kind  of,  not  really  meaning  it,  but  you  

can  tell  they  mean  it.  And  they  want  you  to  try  things  and  you  can  learn  different  

skills  and  so  much  knowledge  you  can  take  in  from  all  these  groups  and  even  

when  you’re  not  in  groups,  just  interacting  with  the  other  youth  or  hearing  

stories,  personal  stories  from  the  staff  here,  which  I  really  appreciate  when  they  

do  open  up,  I  want  to  try  opening  up  to  them  because  I  feel  like  my  experiences  

can  maybe  help  them,  as  hearing  other  people’s  has  helped  me...    

Here  Tabatha  described  how  much  she  was  making  use  of  the  support  she  received.  

This  support  strengthened  her  sense  of  community  and  helped  to  give  her  the  courage  

to  possibly  speak  about  her  own  experiences.  Tabatha  wanted  to  share  her  own  

experiences  in  order  to  be  a  supportive  community  member  in  the  same  way  that  

others  had  shared  their  stories  in  order  to  support  her.  

  While  Tabatha  did  not  use  the  word  “community”  when  she  described  her  

experience  at  the  youth  center,  she  described  a  community  nonetheless.  Another  

example  of  her  desire  for  LGBTQ  community  was  that  she  attended  a  group  called  Girl  

Talk.  As  Tabatha  described  it:  

There’s  nothing  like  this,  so  to  have  an  all  female-­‐identified  room  full  of  people,  

just  talking  about  LBGTQ  things,  it’s  a  dream.  It’s  a  dream  come  true.  It’s  magical,  

happy,  Girl  Talk  time.  Yeah.  I  share  in  that  one…  

Girl  Talk  was  an  example  of  Tabatha  partaking  in  community,  with  community  defined  

as  a  shared  interest.  She  was  connecting  to  the  community  in  ways  that  helped  her  

participate  as  a  full  member  of  the  community.  It  helped  her  to  be  more  open  and  to  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   100  
share.  It  was  a  positive  experience  for  her.  We  see  this  in  her  stating,  “It’s  magical,  

happy  Girl  Talk  time.”  

  Tabatha  had  a  varied  history  concerning  her  academic  identity.  When  asked,  

“What  does  it  mean  for  you  to  be  a  student?”  she  replied,  “It  means  I’m  going  to  be  going  

through  a  lot  of  anxiety.  That  I’ll  be  having  panic  attacks,  chest  pains,  pressure.”  Her  

academic  identity  was  traumatic  with  one  exception:  

I  always  did  well  in  math.  That  was  the  one  area  that  I  strived  in,  and  even  

freshman  year  in  high  school  it  was  the  class  I  got  straight  A’s  in.  And  I  loved  it  

and  I  loved  my  teacher.  

This  class  was  not  an  exception,  as  she  continued:  

And  then  sophomore  year  I  had  this  teacher,  Mr.  B,  …  I  got  Cs,  Ds,  and  Fs  in  his  

math  class.  I’m  pretty  sure  it  was  the  first  time  that  ever  happened.  I  mean,  I  

ended  up  passing  the  class  in  the  end,  but,  I  mean,  it  took  a  toll  that  the  subject  I  

always  excelled  in,  I  barely  got  by.  And  then  the  following  year  I  had  the  teacher  I  

had  for  freshman  year,  got  all  A’s  again.  

Tabatha’s  ability  to  do  mathematics  was  inconsistent.  As  she  stated,  “And  then  I  really  

started  noticing  a  pattern  that  I  do  very  well  when  I  have  a  female-­‐identified  teacher  

and,  when  they’re  male-­‐identified  I  didn’t  pay  attention.”  Tabatha’s  mathematical  

identity  was  relatively  well  developed,  but  it  was  conditional.  She  believed  that  she  

needed  to  have  female  identified  teachers  in  order  to  learn.  This  was  supported  by  her  

experience  in  college:  

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Then,  when  I  was  in  college,  I  got  to  take  math  [with  a  female  professor];  I  had  to  

add  a  class,  that’s  two  classes  in  one  semester  with  the  same  teacher.  It  was  an  

eight-­‐credit  class.  And,  oh,  I  loved  that  class.  I  just  got  to  have  math  for  two  and  

half,  three  hours  straight.  

We  saw  that  Tabatha  was  able  to  do  well  in  a  double  mathematics  class  in  college.    In  

fact  mathematics  was  the  one  area  academically  where  Tabatha  was  able  to  excel.  She  

enjoyed  mathematics  and  saw  it  as  useful.  She  also  knew  how  to  obtain  mathematical  

knowledge,  provided  her  instructor  was  female  identified.  These  indications  together  

spoke  of  a  well-­‐developed  mathematical  identity.  Though  this  identity  was  dependent  

on  the  sex  of  her  instructor.  

  Tabatha  identified  as  lesbian,  though  she  was  open  to  the  idea  of  a  queer  

relationship.  By  the  term  queer  she  was  referring  to  being  open  to  being  in  a  

relationship  with  a  transgendered  individual.  She  came  out  at  school  at  the  beginning  of  

her  freshman  year  and  felt  supported  in  doing  so.  At  home,  with  her  parents,  however,  

it  would  be  another  four  years  before  she  came  out.  One  of  the  reasons  for  waiting  four  

years  was  that  Tabatha  was  uncertain  about  how  her  parents  would  react  and  it  took  

that  long  for  her  to  be  comfortable  enough  with  her  parents  that  she  was  not  afraid  of  

their  reaction.  When  she  finally  did  come  out  to  her  parents,  her  comfort  level  was  

obvious  as  she  injected  humor  into  the  situation.    

  Tabatha  suffered  from  severe  anxiety  and  depression  and  it  was  to  seek  

treatment  for  these  conditions  that  she  originally  attended  the  youth  center.  Once  there,  

she  found  a  welcoming  community  and  participated  in  several  groups.  She  participated  

in  the  groups  even  though  several  of  them  brought  up  her  anxiety  disorders.  Because  of  
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the  patience  of  the  other  participants  in  the  Girl  Talk  group  Tabatha  was  able  to  

participate  in  the  group,  making  it  the  highlight  of  her  week.  

  School  was  another  place  where  Tabatha  experienced  extreme  anxiety,  to  the  

point  where  she  had  to  drop  out  of  college.  In  both  high  school  and  college  the  one  

subject  she  excelled  in  was  mathematics.  There  was  a  caveat  to  this  success;  however,  

she  needed  to  have  a  female  teacher  in  order  to  be  successful.    

Statement  of  the  Findings  

  In  this  section  the  findings  are  presented  and  supporting  evidence  is  provided.  

The  data  are  cross-­‐analyzed  and  intersections  are  explored.  Three  findings  emerged  

from  the  cross-­‐analysis  of  the  narratives.    First,  participants  who  used  the  term  queer  to  

describe  themselves  did  so  in  one  of  two  ways,  as  stepping  outside  of  the  binary  or  as  

community.    Second,  each  of  the  participants  felt  like  part  of  a  community  and  

described  how  that  sense  of  community  impacted  their  understanding  of  their  queer  

identities.    Third,  the  support  participants  received  at  school  had  an  impact  on  their  

queer  identity  and,  in  turn,  their  mathematical  identity.      

Participants  who  use  the  term  queer  to  describe  themselves  understand  
queer  in  one  of  two  ways.  
  Queer  was  a  word  used  by  four  of  the  six  participants  to  describe  themselves.  

The  term  was  understood  in  multiple  ways.  Three  of  the  four  participants  defined  queer  

as  being  outside  of  the  binary,  meaning  that  it  is  not  an  either  or  decision,  but  rather  is  

on  a  continuum.  The  fourth  participant  to  use  the  term  queer  was  unique  in  their  

understanding  of  the  word’s  definition  as  “community”.  The  section  concludes  with  a  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   103  
discussion  of  the  two  participants  who  do  not  use  the  word  queer  to  describe  


  Tabatha  identified  primarily  as  a  lesbian.  She  was  open  to  the  idea  of  being  

queer,  defining  queer  as,  “…  considering  yourself  outside  the  gender  binary…  having  a  

relationship  with  someone,  I  would  say,  anyone  except  a  gendered  male.”  Tabatha  

believed  that  to  be  queer  was  to  step  outside  of  the  gender  binary,  or,  put  another  way,  

to  be  non-­‐heteronormative  in  terms  of  the  people  to  whom  she  was  attracted.  The  

groups  she  attended  at  the  youth  center  appeared  to  have  influenced  Tabatha’s  

definition  of  queer.  She  spoke  of  regularly  attending,  and  participating  in,  the  Girl  Talk  

group.  This  group  was  a  forum  in  which  to  discuss  all  things  female.  Through  these  

discussions  Tabatha  was  able  to  explore  and  develop  her  definitions  of  her  own  

identities  in  a  safe  and  open  environment.    

  Kevin  used  the  term  queer  in  the  same  way  that  Tabatha  used  it.  He  said,  “And  in  

regards  to  my  sexuality  I  date  men  and  I  date  trans-­‐women...”  Tabatha  defined  queer  

based  on  the  sex  of  the  people  to  whom  she  was  attracted;  Kevin  also  defined  queer  

based  on  his  attraction  non-­‐heteronormative  people.  

  Kevin  defined  himself  as  queer  for  an  additional  reason.  He  identified  himself  as  

queer  because  he  stepped  out  of  the  male/female  binary.  He  explained:  

Um,  well  for  me  it  means  two  things.  It  means  who  I  am  and  also  who  I  choose  to  

date.  So,  being  queer,  um,  in  regards  of  who  I  am  means  I’m  not  really  trying  to  

be  a  man  or  trying  to  be  a  woman,  just  trying  to  be  comfortable.    
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Kevin  stepped  outside  of  the  gender  binary  by  rejecting  the  notion  of  having  to  be  

strictly  male  or  female.  In  so  doing,  he  was  defining  queer  for  himself  differently  than  

did  Tabatha.    

  As  with  Tabatha,  Kevin’s  definition  of  queer  may  have  been  influenced  by  the  

groups  he  attended  at  the  youth  center.  In  these  groups  he  heard  a  wide  variety  of  

opinions,  gaining  a  broader  perspective  based  on  the  views,  experiences  and  opinions  

of  other  queer  people.    

  Marryl,  like  Kevin,  used  the  term  queer  to  define  themselves.  Marryl  was  

stepping  out  of  the  male/female  binary.  They  defined  themselves  as  gender-­‐queer,  


…But  in  terms  of  functioning,  it’s  third  gender,  so  it’s  neither  male  nor  female.  

But  then  there’s  some  experiences  that  I  have  where  that  evolves  into  pan  

gender/poly  gender  neutral,  which  is  like  a  gender  that  encompasses  a  broader  

part  of  the  gender  spectrum  in  terms  of  also  going  into  areas  of  male  gender-­‐

ness  and  female  gender-­‐ness…  

Marryl’s  definition  of  queer  was  far  more  complex  than  any  of  the  other  participants.  

Marryl  includes  in  their  definition  the  dimension  of  gender-­‐queer,  a  dimension  not  

expressed  by  any  of  the  other  participants.  In  practice  this  makes  Kevin’s  definition  the  

same  as  Marryl’s,  although  Marryl  used  more  complex  language  to  explain  it.  Marryl’s  

definition  of  what  it  means  to  be  queer  developed  during  the  process  through  which  

their  gender-­‐queerness  was  discovered.  They  identified  the  support  that  they  received  

from  the  youth  center  as  key  to  creating  the  emotional  space  they  needed  for  self-­‐

discovery.  At  the  youth  center  Marryl  had  the  support  of  a  therapist  and  other  center  
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staff,  all  helping  to  create  the  environment  of  support.  Like  Tabatha  and  Kevin,  Marryl  

gained  insight  and  knowledge  to  inform  their  definition  of  queer  through  participation  

in  the  groups.  

  Gerald’s  understanding  of  the  word  queer  was  different  from  that  of  any  of  the  

other  participants.  When  asked,  “What  does  it  mean  for  you  to  be  queer?”  Gerald  


I  find  it  that  the  most  important  part  of  my  identity  is  being  part  of  a  community,  

it’s  a  very  loving  community  and  it’s  very  accepting.  I  don’t  know,  I  feel  like  the  

community  is  a  big  part  of  my  identity.  

Unlike  Tabatha,  Kevin  or  Marryl,  Gerald  did  not  define  queer  in  terms  of  sex  or  gender.  

His  definition  of  queer  is  not  of  an  individual’s  traits,  it  is  much  broader.  He  defines  

queer  to  be  a  group  of  like-­‐minded  people  with  shared  interests.  His  broader  definition  

of  queer  as  community  can  be  understood  partly  by  his  involvement  in  almost  every  

aspect  of  the  youth  center.  Although  the  others  have  had  similar  experiences,  they  have  

not  included  the  dimension  of  community  in  their  definitions.  Conversely,  Gerald  has  

not  included  the  gender  binary  in  his  definition  of  queer.  His  single-­‐minded  definition  of  

queer  as  community  may  have  resulted  because  Gerald  had  consistently  enjoyed  

community  support  for  his  identity  over  time.  He  had  support  from  the  GSA  community,  

the  community  he  had  created  with  his  teacher/mentor,  Mr.  K,  the  community  that  was  

his  home  life,  and  the  community  that  he  found  at  the  youth  center.    

  Unlike  Marryl,  Kevin,  Gerald,  or  Tabatha,  queer  was  not  the  terminology  Avis  or  

Zeb  used  for  the  purpose  of  self-­‐identification.  Avis  identified  as  bisexual  and  Zeb  as  

gay.  For  Avis,  this  was  likely  a  result  of  his  focus  on  academics.  He  wanted  to  be  a  doctor  
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above  all  else  and  did  not  make  use  of  the  discussion  groups  at  the  youth  center  in  the  

same  way  that  others  had  done.  Participation  in  these  groups  appeared  to  have  

contributed  to  the  understanding  that  some  of  the  participants  had  of  the  word  queer.  

  Zeb,  in  a  similar  way  to  Avis,  was  focused  on  something  other  than  the  groups  at  

the  youth  center.  His  focus  was  on  sex  and  health,  along  with  job  readiness  skills.    

  Two  of  the  members  of  this  cohort  did  not  use  the  term  queer  to  self-­‐identify.    

Each  of  those  who  did  use  the  term  queer  understood  the  term  differently.  While  there  

were  similarities  in  three  of  the  participants’  understandings  of  the  term  queer  -­‐  

stepping  outside  of  a  binary  -­‐  there  were  also  differences  in  what  those  binaries  were.  

One  participant  defined  queer  to  mean  community.    

Community  informed  queer  identity.  

  Community  support  can  manifest  in  many  different  ways.  For  the  participants  of  

this  study,  community  was  as  diverse  as  their  families  of  origin,  groups  of  friends,  

special  teachers,  school  GSAs,  the  school  in  general,  and  the  LGBTQ  youth  center.    The  

support  that  the  participants  received  from  these  sources  was  different  for  the  various  

participants.  However,  community  alone  played  a  central  role  in  the  lives  of  all  the  


  Some  participants  found  community  in  their  family  of  origin.  While  this  was  not  

the  first  place  that  was  sought  out  for  support  of  queer  identity,  it  was  important  to  

several  of  the  participants.  Zeb  was  one  of  those  for  whom  it  was  important.  His  family  

consisted  of  just  he  and  his  mother.    He  said,  “We  were  always  a  little,  close  family  and  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   107  
we  kind  of  are  still  close.”  While  his  mother  struggled  at  first  to  accept  her  son’s  sexual  

orientation,  she  eventually  was  supportive  of  his  gay  identity.    

  Gerald’s  family  situation  was  similar  in  that  it  was  just  he  and  his  mother.  She  

too  was  initially  resistant  to  him  identifying  as  queer.  In  both  of  these  cases,  the  mother  

played  a  central  role  in  the  family.    Both  mothers  were,  at  first,  not  accepting  of  their  

son’s  identities,  but  subsequently  had  a  change  of  heart.  Of  his  situation,  Gerald  said,  “I  

feel  like  she’s  a  lot  more  supportive  than  she  was  when  I  first  came  out.  That  time  was  

weird.  And  she’s  a  lot  more  open  to  it.”      

  In  contrast,  Marryl  had  the  support  of  their  family  from  the  time  they  came  out  

as  lesbian.  While  Marryl  spoke  of  family,  this  support  was  spoken  of  more  indirectly  

and  was  not  featured  in  their  coming  out  story  as  it  was  for  Zeb,  Gerald,  or  Tabatha.  

  Tabatha  described  another  dimension  of  family.  While  she  spoke  extensively  

about  her  family,  she  was  still  reluctant  to  come  out  to  them  for  four  years  after  she  

came  out  in  school.  She  said  about  her  mother:  

She  asked  me  if  I  was  gay  and  it  came  out  of  nowhere,  her  asking  me,  and  I  was  

so  isolated  from  my  family  that  I  didn’t  like  them  in  any  of  my  business.  Also,  I’m  

fourteen,  wasn’t  sure  how  she  was  going  to  handle  it…  

Tabatha  thought  her  family  was  not  yet  ready  for  the  news  that  she  was  lesbian.  

However,  four  years  later  she  did  think  that  they  were  ready.  She  related,  “And  so,  with  

my  hand,  I  did  a  little  halo  thing  and  was  like  ‘gay.’  And  my  mom  was  like,  ‘hallelujah.’”  

Thus,  Tabatha  gained  support  for  her  queer  identity  from  her  family    

  For  some  of  the  participants,  the  support  of  the  community  of  friends  played  a  

key  role.  This  community  was  different  from  a  family  community  in  that  it  was  made  up  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   108  
of  people  who  come  together  by  choice.    Zeb  and  Marryl  shared  that  they  had  support  

from  friends  for  their  queer  identities.  Zeb  described  his  relationship  with  his  friends  

as,  “They  were  really  supportive  and  they’re  still  supportive  of  me.”  Marryl  said,  “I  came  

out  to  a  bunch  of  my  friends,  all  of  who  were  very  supportive.”  While  the  support  of  

friends  was  important  for  some  of  the  participants,  it  did  not  appear  to  be  universally  

experience  for  the  development  of  a  positive  queer  identity.    

  The  LGBTQ  youth  center  was  another  place  of  community.  All  of  the  participants  

experienced  a  sense  of  community  at  the  youth  center.  For  some  of  the  participants,  the  

sense  of  community  they  experienced  was  deeper  than  it  was  for  others.  For  Marryl  it  

was  partially  this  sense  of  community  that  helped  them  understand  their  gender-­‐queer  

identity.  They  said  of  the  youth  center:  

I  didn’t  really  have  the  resources  to  figure  out  where  that  community  was,  so  

when  I  started  seeing  my  therapist,  she  mentioned  the  [youth  center]  was  

located  nearby  to  where  her  office  was.  So  I  just  decided  to  come  by  and  I’ve  

been  coming  semi-­‐regularly  ever  since.  

The  strength  Marryl  derived  from  this  sense  of  community  enabled  them  to  fully  

explore  and  inform  their  queer  identity.  They  said,  “So  there  was  several  people  at  the  

youth  center  who,  and  my  therapist  for  instance,  who  were  there  for  the  process  of  me  

figuring  out  my  gender-­‐queer  identity.”    

  Like  Marryl,  Tabatha  felt  that,  with  the  support  of  those  around  her  at  the  center,  

she  was  able  to  express  her  queer  identity  openly.  She  said,  “I’m  so  lucky  and  the  people  

here  are  at  the  youth  center,  like  Bobbi,  are  always  so  encouraging.”  The  youth  center  

gave  her  a  voice  and  support  for  her  queer  identity.  

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  Kevin,  like  Marryl,  through  the  use  of  the  many  resources  at  the  center,  was  able  

to  develop  a  more  complex  understanding  of  himself  as  queer.  He  said:  

It’s  a  space  where  everyone  can  feel  safe,  but  also  I  like  the  fact  that  there  are  fun  

things  to  do  like  dancing  and  theater  and  cooking,  but  there  are  also  more  like  

life  skills  related  things,  such  as  like  job  help  and  resume  and  FASFA  help  and  

things  like  that.  

Kevin  was  able  to  explore  his  queer  identity  by  taking  advantage  of  all  of  the  different  

types  of  groups  the  youth  center  had  to  offer.  

These  four  participants  had  taken  advantage  of  the  supports  of  the  youth  center  

as  a  community.  On  the  other  hand,  Avis  and  Zeb  were  more  limited  in  their  reliance  on  

the  youth  center  as  community.  Avis  limited  his  exposure  primarily  to  career  

exploration  and  help  with  scholarships.  Although  Zeb  appreciated  the  discussions  that  

occurred  at  the  youth  center,  he  was  focused  on  sex,  health  and  job  readiness  skills.  Zeb  

and  Avis  both  experienced  a  sense  of  community  at  the  center,  but  neither  of  them  took  

advantage  of  the  groups  and  activities  that  seemed  to  help  the  other  participants  

develop  a  deeper  sense  of  community.  

  School  and  teachers  are  another  aspect  through  which  the  participants  

experienced  a  sense  of  community.  Avis  had  experienced  community  at  school  in  two  

different  ways.  He  had  a  teacher  who  supported  him,  “His  name  was  Mr.  F,  he  himself  is  

gay.  He  was  a  comfort  to  me  and  sometimes  when  I  was  just  feeling  bad.”  Avis  also  

experienced  community  at  school  in  general.  He  said,  “Um,  it  was  very  comfortable  

atmosphere.  At  times  I  miss  it  really.”  While  it  is  difficult  to  say  whether  his  general  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   110  
sense  of  community  helped  him  develop  his  queer  identity,  his  teachers  appear  to  have  

helped  him  with  his  queer  identity.  

Gerald  also  experienced  a  sense  of  community  at  school.  Like  Avis  this  sense  of  

community  was  most  clearly  experienced  by  Gerald  through  his  association  with  an  

openly  gay  teacher.  He  said,  “Mr.  K  was  an  open  gay  male  in  high  school…  I  don’t  know,  

he  was  also  the  GSA  facilitator.”  Mr.  K  played  several  roles  in  Gerald’s  life.  He  was  a  

conduit  to  the  school  community  and,  at  the  same  time,  helped  Gerald  to  develop  his  

queer  identity.  

  Tabatha  too  speaks  of  a  sense  of  community  at  school.  She  said:  

I  had  a  lot  of  friends  in  my  clothing  class  that  I  was  in.  And  by  the  time  I  was  a  

senior,  I  was  in  clothing  three  times  a  day,  listening  to  the  radio,  talking,  sewing,  

and  having  a  blast  with  my  friends.

 Tabatha  had  the  support  of  her  school  community  for  her  queer  identity.  As  apposed  to  

the  support  that  Avis  and  Zeb  received  from  teachers  at  school,  Tabatha’s  support  was  

primarily  from  friends.  

 The  levels  and  types  of  supports  provided  by  different  communities  influence  

one’s  queer  identity  development.  The  community  that  is  a  nuclear  family  plays  an  

important  role  in  several  of  the  participants’  lives.  Where  family  is  supportive,  a  

stronger  queer  identity  develops.  The  community  that  is  a  friend  or  group  of  friends  is  

another  place  of  support  identified  by  several  of  the  participants.  Again,  this  community  

of  friends  positively  impacts  the  development  of  queer  identity.  The  community  that  

was  found  at  the  youth  center  supported  an  environment  in  which  all  of  the  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   111  
participants  were  able  to  explore  and  develop  their  queer  identities,  although  each  to  a  

varying  degree.    

Support  at  school  for  being  queer  relates  to  strengthening  of  one’s  
mathematical  identity.  
  Receiving  positive  support  for  being  queer  at  school  was  a  factor  in  a  strong  

mathematical  or  academic  identity  for  the  participants  in  this  study.  This  support  can  

come  from  any  of  a  number  of  places  or  individuals.  It  may  be  support  from  friends  at  

school,  such  as  Zeb,  Marryl  and  Gerald  experienced.  It  may  be  the  support  of  a  GSA,  as  

was  the  experience  of  Gerald  and  Marryl.  It  may  also  be  the  support  of  an  openly  gay  

teacher,  such  as  Avis  and  Gerald  experienced.  Or,  it  may  be  the  support  of  teachers  in  

general,  as  Tabatha  reported.  

  Zeb  and  Gerald  both  told  of  having  supportive  friends,  support  that  started  in  

high  school  and  continued  into  college.  Zeb  stated,  “Like  they  kind  of  knew.  And  some  of  

them  were  like  ‘okay,  what  do  you  want  me  to  do  about  it?’  That  was  it.  They  were  

really  supportive  and  they’re  still  supportive  of  me.”  These  school  friends  were  

supportive  of  Zeb’s  gay  identity.  Based  on  the  support  of  his  friends,  Zeb  felt  

comfortable  enough  to  go  to  the  GSA  meeting  where  he  learned  of  the  youth  center  and  

the  academic  assistance  they  offered.  He  then  accessed  assistance  for  his  mathematics,  

which  in  turn  helped  him  develop  a  more  robust  mathematical  identity.  As  he  said,  “I  

went  to  the  youth  center  for  their  education  resources…”  In  the  end  he  was  empowered  

by  his  friends’  support  of  his  gay  identity  to  get  the  help  that  he  needed  to  strengthen  

his  mathematical  identity.  

  Gerald  also  had  support  from  friends.  Gerald  said:  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   112  
She  [Liza]  was  the  first  person  I  came  out  to  and,  I  don’t  know,  it  was  no  big  deal  

to  her.  I  think,  also,  she  identifies  as  lesbian,  so…  She  was  a  part  of  the  GSA,  we  

had  a  lot  of  classes  together…I  feel  like,  especially  with  a  lot  of  people  I  hang  out  

with,  they  make  a  big  deal  out  of  me  going  to  school  and  stuff  -­‐-­‐  especially  my  

friend,  Liza.  …  So  she’s  like,  “Oh  I  can’t  believe  you’re  still  in  school.  You’re  doing  

such  a  good  job.”  

Gerald  got  support  at  school  for  his  queer  identity  as  well  as  his  academic  identity  from  

his  friend  Liza.      

  The  GSA  was  also  a  support  for  Gerald,  as  was  Mr.  K,  the  GSA  advisor  who  was  an  

openly  gay,  mathematics  teacher.  Gerald  had  multiple  supports  from  school  for  his  

queer  identity:  his  friends,  the  GSA  and  Mr.  K.  Mr.  K  also  tutored  Gerald,  even  when  

Gerald  was  not  his  student.  This  support  directly  affected  Gerald’s  mathematical  

identity.  Gerald  said,  “I’ve  had  a  pretty  good  math  career  throughout  my  life,  but  in  high  

school  I  really  had  a  good  math  teacher.  His  name  was  Mr.  K  and  he  really  helped  me  a  

lot.”  Gerald’s  friend  Liza  supported  his  academic  identity  as  well  as  his  queer  identity.  

Mr.  K,  who  supported  Gerald’s  queer  identity  through  his  role  as  GSA  advisor,  also  

supported  Gerald’s  positive  mathematical  identity.  With  multiple  supports  for  a  strong  

queer  identity,  Gerald  was  able  to  take  advantage  of  support  for  both  his  academic  and  

mathematical  identities.  

    Like  Gerald,  Marryl  also  attended  a  GSA,  which  gave  them  support  for  their  

queer  identity.  They  stated:  

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   113  
I  was  fifteen  and  it  was  in  my  freshman  year  when  one  of  my  friends  dragged  me  

to  a  GSA  meeting  and  I  didn’t  think  anything  of  it.  And  it  was  after  walking  out  of  

the  GSA  meeting  that  I  was  like  “oh  god  damn  it,  I  might  be  gay.”  And  then  it  was  

over  the  course  of  several  months,  and  the  [start  of]  my  sophomore  [year]  I  

actually  worked  out…  At  the  time  I  identified  as  a  lesbian  because  I  didn’t  know  

anything  about  gender  identity  at  the  time.  

The  GSA  was  a  support  for  Marryl’s  queer  identity.  Participation  in  the  GSA  helped  them  

come  out  to  friends  and  parents,  all  of  whom  where  supportive  of  their  queer  identity.  

By  coming  out  to  their  parents,  Marryl  was  able  to  stay  connected  to  a  strong  source  of  

Marryl’s  mathematical  identity  -­‐  family.  They  said,  “I  came  out  to  my  parents  and  they  

were  pretty  cool  about  it,  too,  just  that  I  was  still  their  kid  so  they  were  still  pretty  good  

about  it.”  Marryl  went  on  to  state:  

I  definitely  attribute  my  understanding  of  mathematics,  sort  of  like  in  the  duality  

of  nature  and  nurture  that  I  think  there’s  definitely  something  going  on  in  terms  

of  how  my  brain  is  set  up.  It’s  like  both  of  my  parents  are  very  mathematical.  My  

brother  is  very  mathematical.  I’m  definitely  going  to  have  something  in  me  that’s  

sort  of  processes  in  a  mathematical  way,  even  if  I  don’t  have  a  particular  career  

interest  in  working  with  theoretical  mathematics  or  engineering  or  accounting.  

 A  strong  queer  identity  creates  a  personal  environment  that  is  conducive  to  

understanding  and  absorbing  other  information  and  knowledge.  With  a  strong  queer  

identity  as  a  base  the  participants  were  able  to  strengthen  their  mathematical  identities  

because  they  were  able  to  process  additional  information.    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   114  
  Like  Gerald,  Avis  had  the  support  of  an  openly  gay  teacher,  Mr.  F.  Mr.  F  was  a  

biology  teacher  about  whom  Avis  said,  “He  was  a  comfort  to  me  and  sometimes  when  I  

was  just  feeling  bad.”  Mr.  F  was  a  support  for  Avis,  providing  him  with  the  emotional  

support  he  needed  for  his  queer  identity.  This  support  for  his  queer  identity  provided  

Avis  with  the  emotional  space  he  needed  in  which  to  excel  in  his  academics.  Because  he  

did  not  receive  support  at  home  for  either  his  academic  identity  or  for  his  queer  

identity,  the  supports  that  he  received  from  his  teacher  provided  the  assistance  he  

needed  for  his  bisexual,  academic  and  mathematical  identities.    

      With  regard  to  her  teachers,  the  support  that  Tabatha  received  was  less  direct  

than  that  which  was  received  by  either  Avis  or  Gerald.  While  she  received  the  support  

of  teachers,  it  was  not  directly  for  her  queer  identity.  The  fact  that  the  only  teachers  she  

accepted  support  in  mathematics  from  were  female  does  seem  related  to  Tabatha’s  

queer  identity.  She  said,  “I  really  started  noticing  a  pattern  that  I  do  very  well  when  I  

have  a  female-­‐identified  teacher  and,  when  they’re  male-­‐identified  I  didn’t  pay  

attention.”  It  is  unclear  as  to  why  Tabatha  performed  better  and  accepted  support  from  

female-­‐identified  teachers,  but  not  male-­‐identified  teachers.  In  any  case,  the  support  

that  Tabatha  received  from  these  female  teachers  contributed  to  her  development  of  a  

strong  mathematical  identity.  

  Unlike  the  others,  Kevin  did  not  appear  to  receive  any  support  at  school  for  his  

queer  identity.  Although  he  was  out  to  his  fellow  students,  to  them  it  was  not  an  issue.  

His  teachers  did  not  seem  to  know  that  he  was  queer.  Both  situations  resulted  in  a  

circumstance  in  which  he  did  not  report  any  support  for  his  queer  identity.    He  said  of  

the  experience:  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   115  
Throughout  my  high  school  years,  yes.  I  feel  like  my  grades  dropped  and  I  kind  

of  didn’t  get  to  do  things  that  high  schoolers  and  teenagers  were  doing  so  I  never  

got  to  really  hang  out  with  friends  and  I  never  got  to  play  sports  after  school,  

and,  you  know,  like  be  in  clubs  or  be  in  theater  or  just  things  like  that,  because  it  

was  always  something  going  wrong  where  I  had  to  leave  school  or  not  be  in  

school  for  you  know  like  a  certain  period  of  time.  So  I  feel  like  I  missed  out  on  a  

lot  of  extracurricular  activities.  

Kevin  did  not  discuss  any  support  for  his  queer  identity,  however  he  did  report  that  his  

mathematical  identity  suffered.  His  mathematical  identity  suffered  in  that  he  did  not  

always  ask  questions  for  fear  of  being  seen  as  the  pushy  gay  kid  in  the  mathematics  

classroom.  He  said:  

I  was  kind  of  like  intimidated  to  really  ask  questions  about  certain  things,  …  

because  I  didn’t  want  the  class  to  feel  like  “Oh,  that  gay  kid  is  talking  again,”  “that  

gay  kid  is  asking  questions  again”.  So,  I  didn’t  want  it  to  feel  like  that.

 This  appears  related  to  a  lack  of  support  for  his  queer  identity,  as  his  queer  identity  

was  not  strong  enough  to  withstand  any  possible  negative  repercussions  in  the  

mathematics  classroom.  

  The  support  that  the  participants  received  at  school  for  their  queer  identities  

was  related  to  their  academic  and  mathematical  identities.  Multiple  supports  were  

available  through  school,  whether  it  was  friends,  gay  identified  teachers,  or  a  GSA.  

However,  it  does  not  appear  necessary  to  have  multiple  sources  of  support  for  a  queer  

identity  to  have  support  for  a  strong  academic  or  mathematical  identity.  Some  of  the  

participants  reported  having  multiple  sources  of  support  through  school.    

Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   116  
  Zeb  and  Marryl  had  the  support  of  friends  for  their  queer  identities  and  this  

translated  into  support  for  their  academic  identities.  Avis  and  Gerald  had  the  support  of  

an  openly  gay  teacher,  who  supported  their  queer  identities;  these  teachers  were  also  

able  to  support  their  mathematical  identities.  Marryl  and  Gerald  had  the  support  of  a  

GSA  for  their  queer  identities,  and  this  support  related  to  support  for  their  

mathematical  identities.    Unlike  the  others,  Tabatha  accepted  support  from  teachers  

that  was  a  result  of  her  queer  identity  and  this  support  was  for  a  stronger  mathematical  

identity.  Kevin  reported  having  no  school  support  for  his  queer  identity,  also  reported  

being  afraid  of  being  seen  as  a  pushy  gay  kid  in  school.  Support  from  school  for  one’s  

queer  identity  was  varied  in  how  it  was  delivered,  but  seems  to  be  related  to  academic  

and  mathematical  identities.  


  Three  findings  emerged  from  the  data.  The  first  was  that  all  of  the  participants  

who  identified  as  queer  understood  what  it  meant  for  them  to  possess  a  queer  identity  

in  one  of  two  ways,  as  stepping  outside  of  the  binary  or  as  community.  This  

demonstrated  the  wide  scope  of  potential  understandings  of  the  term  queer.  The  

second  finding  was  that  the  community  support  that  the  participants  found  reinforced  

their  queer  identities.  In  this  finding,  the  way  that  the  participants  understood  

community  was  explored  along  with  the  impact  that  having  a  sense  of  community  had  

on  their  queer  identities.  In  the  final  finding,  support  through  school  and  its  impact  on  

the  participants’  queer  identities  and  mathematical  identities  were  examined.    Support  

at  school  for  a  participant’s  queer  identity  was  related  to  their  mathematical  or  

academic  identity.    
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   117  
Chapter  5:  Conclusion  


   This  study  sought  to  answer  the  question:  In  what  manner  is  queer  identity  and  

mathematical  identity  expressed  simultaneously  for  individuals  self-­‐identified  as  LGBTQ?  

This  question  was  explored  using  a  phenomenological  methodology.    Three  findings  

emerged  from  the  data:  1)  participants  who  identified  as  queer  understood  what  it  

meant  for  them  to  possess  a  queer  identity  in  one  of  two  ways,  as  stepping  outside  of  

the  binary  or  as  community;  2)  the  community  support  that  the  participants  found  

reinforced  their  queer  identities;  and,  3)  support  at  school  for  a  participant’s  queer  

identity  was  related  to  their  mathematical  or  academic  identity.    

  In  this  chapter,  I  address  the  research  question  and  examine  the  intersection  of  

queer  identity  and  mathematical  identity.    The  findings  are  discussed  in  relation  to  the  

literature  and  theoretical  framework.    Conclusions  drawn  from  the  study’s  findings  will  

serve  as  a  guide  to  recommendations  for  future  research.    


  In  this  section,  the  literature  will  be  discussed  as  it  relates  to  the  findings.  The  

literature  as  it  pertains  to  queer  identity,  supports  for  queer  identities  and  intersections  

and  educational  disparities  will  be  considered.    

Queer  identity.    
  For  the  purposes  of  this  study,  “queer”  has  been  defined  to  include  three  

dimensions  that  can,  at  times,  be  used  interchangeably.  Queer  identity  may  refer  to  
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someone  who  is  lesbian,  gay,  bisexual,  or  transgender  (LGBT).  When  used  in  this  

manner,  queer  is  a  shorthand  way  to  categorize  all  four  labels.  Queer  identity  can  also  

be  used  as  a  term  referring  to  an  individual’s  understanding  of  self  across  the  spectrum  

of  non-­‐heteronormative  sexual  identity  (Wilchens,  1997).  The  final  dimension  of  queer  

identity  can  reflect  a  political  position.  It  is  a  word  choice  that  has  been  reclaimed  from  

the  past  when  it  was  often  used  negatively  when  referring  to  a  particular  group  of  

individuals  (Kumashiro,  2002).  Among  the  six  participants,  all  three  dimensions  of  the  

definition  are  applicable.  

  Four  of  the  six  participants  used  the  word  queer  to  define  themselves.  Of  these  

four,  three  used  a  dimension  of  the  definition  as  it  was  explained  above.  Marryl,  Kevin  

and  Tabatha  all  speak  of  queer  as  being  outside  of  the  binary  (Wilchins,  1997).    It  is  

interesting  to  note  that  while  they  all  speak  of  gender-­‐binary,  they  do  not  all  refer  to  the  

same  binary.  In  Wilchens’  understanding  of  queer  as  anything  non-­‐heteronormative,  

this  is  not  problematic.  In  fact,  it  strengthens  Wilchens’  theory  of  queer  because  it  

shows  the  range  that  queer  can  encompass.  

  In  describing  another  dimension  of  queer,  Kumashiro  (2002)  speaks  of  it  as  a  

reclaimed  word  that  has  political  implications.  Marryl  directly  stated  that  queer  for  

them  was  a  political  statement.  They  said,  “Queer,  for  me,  is  part  social  identity,  part  

political  identity.”  Other  participants  used  this  understanding  of  queer  indirectly.  While  

they  did  not  make  the  statement  in  the  same  way  that  Marryl  did,  it  could  be  argued  

that  Tabatha  and  Kevin,  by  claiming  the  label  “queer”  for  themselves,  understand  queer  

as  political.  This  understanding  of  queer  also  affirms  the  idea  that  queer  is  a  discourse  
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based  identity  (Gee,  1999).  A  discourse  based  identity  is  what  one  says  it  is.  It  is  based  

upon  the  way  that  one  describes  the  identity.    

  Gerald  looked  at  queer  with  a  completely  different  perspective.  He  considered  

queer  to  be  about  the  community.  This  was  what  Gerald  was  referring  to  when  he  

equated  queer  with  community.  This  understanding  of  queer  could  be  argued  to  expand  

the  dimensions  of  the  understanding  of  the  word.  It  may  be  however,  that  Gerald  sees  

queer  as  an  affinity  identity  (Gee,  1999).  Affinity  identities  are  based  on  belonging  to  a  

group,  and  it  appears  that  this  is  how  Gerald  understands  queer,  to  be  part  of  a  group.  

This  would  be  similar  to  Avis  and  Gerald  who  define  themselves  as  bisexual  and  gay.  It  

has  been  argued  that  bisexual  and  gay  are  affinity  identities  rather  than  discourse  


Supports  for  a  positive  queer  identity.  

There  appeared  to  be  several  factors  that  influenced  the  development  of  a  

positive  queer  identity  (Blackburn,  2004;  Blackburn  &  McCready,  2009;  GLSEN,  2011;  

Lee,  2002).  These  included  attending  a  school  with  a  GSA,  having  a  safe  and  supportive  

school  environment,  having  out  of  school  support  such  as  an  LGBTQ  youth  center,  

having  supportive  friends,  and  having  family  support.  

All  of  the  participants  had  some  type  of  community  support  which,  in  turn,  

afforded  them  the  opportunity  to  develop  a  more  positive  queer  identity.  Blackburn  

(2004)  spoke  to  the  need  to  have  the  support  from  an  organization  such  as  an  LGBTQ  

youth  center.  She  reported  that  having  this  type  of  support  for  a  positive  queer  identity  

provided  agency  for  the  youth  in  her  study.  All  of  the  participants  in  my  study  reported  

finding  a  sense  of  community  at  the  youth  center.  Each  seemed  to  gain  support  for  their  
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queer  identities  as  well.  This  would  support  the  contention  by  Blackburn  that  these  

types  of  youth  centers  have  a  positive  impact  on  the  youth  that  they  serve.  The  fact  that  

all  of    the  participants  found  support  at  the  center  speaks  to  the  nature  of  the  center  as  

serving  a  wide  variety  of  needs  of  a  diverse  population.    

Schools  are  often  hostile  places  for  queer  identified  students  (GLSEN,  2011).  

Students  report  hearing  homophobic  remarks  at  alarming  rates,  with  many  teachers  

ignoring  the  harrassment  of  queer  students.  Most  schools  do  not  have  a  GSA  or  any  

other  group  that  is  supportive  of  queer  students.  Five  percent  of  the  queer  students  

surveyed  by  GLSEN  could  not  name  one  supportive  teacher  in  their  school.  This  lack  of  

support  for  queer  students  is  problematic,  at  best,  and  dangerous,  at  worst,  with  38.3%  

reporting  being  physically  harassed  and  18.3%  reporting  being  physically  assaulted  at  

school  in  the  past  year  because  of  their  sexual  orientation  (GLSEN,  2011,  p.25).  

Some  schools  offer  emotional  support  to  students  through  GSAs,  and  friends,  as  

well  as  various  types  of  teacher  support.  Teacher  support  differs  from  the  other  

supports  in  that  it  may  be  emotional  and/or  academic  in  nature.  This  study  supports  

GLSEN’s  (2011)  finding  that  having  an  openly  LGBTQ  teacher,  or  a  GSA  at  one’s  school  

(GLSEN,  2011;  Lee,  2002),  increases  academic  success.  This  study  supports  GLSEN’s  

and  Lee’s  findings,  and  takes  them  further  by  adding  to  the  literature  by  finding  that  

mathematical  identity  may  be  strengthened  when  queer  identity  is  supported.    

 Blackburn  and  McCready  (2009)  surveyed  the  literature  on  the  topic  of  

supports  for  queer  youth  and  arrived  at  several  conclusions.  They  found  that  not  only  

were  out  of  school  supports,  such  as  LGBTQ  youth  centers  helpful,  but  also  that  GSAs  

can  be  a  critical  link  for  youth.  The  conclusion  that  GSAs  support  the  development  of  a  
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positive  queer  identity  has  been  found  in  other  work  as  well  (Lee,  2002).  Lee  goes  

further  than  Blackburn  and  McCready  by  showing  that  not  only  does  a  GSA  promote  a  

positive  queer  identity,  but  also  a  positive  academic  identity.  Lee  also  found  that  as  a  

result  of  the  GSA,  the  youth  felt  better  about  themselves  and  about  school.  GLSEN  

(2011)  concurred  with  Lee  about  these  findings.    

Gerald  and  Marryl  both  had  the  advantage  of  a  GSA,  and  both  had  a  positive  

queer  identity.  This  supports  the  work  of  Blackburn  and  McCready  (2009),  GLSEN  

(2011)  and  Lee  (2002).  To  further  support  the  work  of  GLSEN  and  Lee,  both  Gerald  and  

Marryl  had  strong  academic  identities.  My  study  supports  the  findings  of  GLSEN  and  

Lee  that  having  a  GSA  supports  both  a  positive  queer  identity  and  a  positive  academic  

identity.  My  study  also  extends  this  by  finding  that  a  positive  queer  identity  leads  to  a  

stronger  mathematical  identity.  

Another  area  that  the  literature  speaks  to  is  the  importance  of  gay-­‐identified  

teachers  for  youth  who  are  queer  (GLSEN,  2011).  Avis  and  Gerald  both  told  of  having  

gay-­‐identified  teachers  and  how  this  supported  their  queer  identities.  GLSEN  claimed  

that  having  gay-­‐identified  teachers  not  only  supports  queer  identity  but  also  is  linked  to  

greater  achievement.  In  spite  of  the  positive  effects  of  having  an  out  teacher  only  41%  

of  students  could  identify  an  out  teacher  in  their  school  (GLSEN,  2011  p.  49)  This  is  

borne  out  by  both  Avis’  and  Gerald’s  mathematical  identities  and  performance  in  


  Zeb  and  Gerald  both  told  of  having  supportive  friends,  support  that  started  in  

high  school  and  continued  into  college.  This  support  of  friends  was  in  the  form  of  

encouragement  to  do  well  in  school.  Blackburn  and  McCready  (2009)  spoke  of  this  type  
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of  support  and  showed  that  it  leads  to  a  stronger  queer  identity.  While  Blackburn  and  

McCready  did  not  find  that  the  support  went  any  further,  I  contend  that  this  support  

assists  students  in  developing  their  academic  and  mathematical  identities.  We  saw  this  

most  clearly  with  Gerald.  He  stated:    

She  [Liza]  was  the  first  person  I  came  out  to  and,  I  don’t  know,  it  was  no  big  deal  

to  her.  I  think,  also,  she  identifies  as  lesbian,  so…  She  was  a  part  of  the  GSA,  we  

had  a  lot  of  classes  together…I  feel  like,  especially  with  a  lot  of  people  I  hang  out  

with,  they  make  a  big  deal  out  of  me  going  to  school  and  stuff  -­‐-­‐  especially  my  

friend,  Liza.  …  So  she’s  like,  “Oh  I  can’t  believe  you’re  still  in  school.  You’re  doing  

such  a  good  job.  

This  support  helped  with  his  academic  identity  development.  This  is  an  example  of  the  

extension  of  academic  identity  based  on  support  for  queer  identity.  

  The  literature  concerning  family  support  of  a  queer  identity  is  fairly  well  

developed  (D'Augelli,  Grossman,  &  Starks,  2005;  Elze,  2003;  Pearson  &  Wilkinson,  

2013;  Ryan,  2010;  Sadowski,  2010).  Most  of  the  discussion  of  family  support  centered  

around  acceptance  or  rejection  of  the  youth  and  high-­‐risk  behavior  on  the  part  of  the  

youth.  There  was  a  small  amount  of  work  that  mentioned  education  and  achievement.  

(Ryan,  2010;  Sadowski,  2010;  Elze,  2003).  None  of  the  studies  to  date  concentrated  on  

this  critical  support  for  education.  Ryan’s  work  tangentially  make  connections  between  

at-­‐risk  behaviors,  such  as  drug  use,  running  away  and  high-­‐risk  sex  and  education.  The  

work  of  Ryan  also  showed  an  increasing  amount  of  support  on  the  part  of  parents  for  

queer  identified  students.  Lastly,  Ryan’s  work  shows  that  for  a  large  portion  of  the  
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parents  who  reject  their  children,  the  parents  want  to  learn  new  ways  to  interact  with  

their  children  once  they  find  out  that  rejection  increases  at-­‐risk  behaviors.    This  study  

seems  to  have  confirmed  the  work  of  Ryan  and  Sadowski  that  support  for  a  youth’s  

queer  identity  by  their  parents  has  a  positive  impact  on  their  academics.  In  my  study,  

four  of  the  six  participants  spoke  to  this  issue.  Those  four  all  described  support  for  their  

queer  identities  from  their  families.  Of  the  two  who  did  not,  one  was  rejected  by  his  

mother  and  the  other  had  not  come  out  to  his  parents.    

Identity  and  educational  disparities.  

  Black  and  colleagues  (2010)  wrote  of  a  concept  they  referred  to  as  a  leading  

identity.  It  is  the  idea  that  there  is  one  identity  that  subordinates  other  social  identities.  

Queer  identity  is  one  such  leading  identity.  Possessing  a  queer  identity  causes  other  

social  identities,  such  as  a  mathematical  identity,  to  take  on  lesser  importance.  

However,  if  there  is  not  sufficient  support  for  the  leading  identity  the  other  identities  

are  weakened.  In  fact,  if  a  leading  identity  has  enough  support,  there  is  greater  

achievement  in  the  area  of  other  social  identities.    

This  study  found  that  support  for  a  queer  identity  might  lead  to  greater  

academic  and  mathematical  achievement.  A  leading  identity  seems  to  be  operating  in  

this  study  because  for  Kevin,  who  did  not  have  support  for  his  queer  identity  before  he  

discovered  the  youth  center.  His  academic  and  mathematical  identities  suffered  when  

he  was  not  receiving  support  for  his  queer  identity  in  high  school.  When  he  received  

support  for  his  queer  identity  through  the  youth  center,  his  academic  and  mathematical  

identity  became  strong  enough  that  he  was  able  to  continue  his  education  and  pursue  

higher  education.  This  study  seems  to  support  the  idea  of  a  leading  identity.    
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Kevin  may  illustrate  a  finding  that  Venzant,  Chambers  and  McCready  (2011)  

discovered  when  they  studied  racial  identity  and  achievement.  They  found  that  black  

students  felt  marginalized  and  performed  at  lower  levels  when  they  had  multiple  

stigmatizing  identities.  The  stigmatizing  identities  were  black  and  queer,  as  was  the  

case  with  Kevin,  Avis  and  Gerald.  Avis  and  Gerald  did  not  experience  lower  academic  

achievement;  to  the  contrary,  they  excelled.  Kevin’s  performance,  on  the  other  hand,  

was  poor.  He  spoke  of  dropping  grades  and  missing  large  amounts  of  time  at  school.  His  

homelessness  most  likely  played  a  part  in  his  poor  performance.    As  a  result  of  Kevin’s  

homelessness  he  was  also  unable  to  get  support  for  his  queer  identity.  Conversely,  Avis  

and  Gerald  had  support  for  their  queer  identities  at  school  and  they  excelled.  The  

difference  in  the  performance  outcomes  may  be  a  result  of  the  level  of  support  that  each  

received  for  their  queer  identities.  

 Based  on  this  finding  it  may  be  true  that  support  for  a  queer  identity  may  be  a  

mitigating  factor  for  students  with  multiple  stigmatizing  identities.  It  may  be  that  

support  for  one’s  queer  identity  counteracts  upon  this  identity  to  cause  it  to  no  longer  

be  a  stigmatizing  identity.  This  has  implications  for  this  study  because  it  would  imply  

that  one  way  to  have  a  stronger  mathematical  identity,  and  thus  higher  mathematical  

achievement  would  be  to  support  one’s  queer  identity.  This  would  extend  the  work  by  

Venzant  Chambers  and  McCready  and  deserves  further  research.  


  This  study  has  implications  in  the  areas  of  theory  and  practice.  Educational  

theory  is  expanded  to  begin  to  include  a  discussion  of  queer  identified  students.  The  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   125  
area  of  practice  is  impacted  as  teachers,  GSAs  and  LGBTQ  youth  centers  can  reflect  

upon  their  work  based  on  the  findings.  

The  findings  of  this  study  may  have  implications  in  the  area  of  identity  theory,  

namely  in  the  area  of  a  leading  identity  (Black,  Wiliams,  Hernandez-­‐Martinez,  Davis,  

Pamaka,  &  Wake,  2010).  This  study  indicates  the  primacy  of  queer  identity  in  the  

identities  explored.  Because  queer  identity  is  a  leading  identity,  support  for  academic  

and  mathematical  identity  are  generally  subordinate  to  a  queer  identity.  There  appears  

to  be  a  relationship  between  support  for  one’s  queer  identity  in  school-­‐related  

communities  (e.g.  friends,  teachers,  GSAs)  and  the  strength  of  one’s  mathematical  

identity.  This  relationship  manifests  when  someone  who  identifies  as  queer  receives  

support  for  their  queer  identity.  If  this  support  is  from  a  school-­‐based  community,  such  

as  teachers  or  a  GSA,  there  seems  to  be  a  related  improvement  in  the  students’  

mathematical  identities.  

Research  into  this  theory  is  important  because  possession  of  a  positive  

mathematical  identity  has  been  shown  to  correlate  to  higher  performance  

mathematically  (Loustalet,  2009).  As  mathematics  is  a  gatekeeper  subject  (Stinson,  

2004),  higher  performance  leads  to  greater  college  opportunities,  greater  career  

opportunities,  and  greater  earnings  potential  over  a  lifetime.  

Teachers,  particularly  mathematics  teachers,  can  take  away  several  important  

ideas  from  this  research.  Most  importantly  this  study  verified  earlier  research  that  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   126  
showed  support  for  LGBTQ  identities  advises  academics  (GLSEN,  2011).  In  this  case  it  

showed  that  there  is  a  relationship  between  support  from  schools  for  LGBTQ  identities  

and  strong  mathematical  identities.  While  some  of  this  support  for  mathematical  

identities  was  indirect,  nonetheless,  the  two  were  related.  

Teachers  need  to  realize  that  they  must  create  safe  spaces  in  school  for  queer  

identified  students.  Safe  spaces  do  not  happen  without  someone  purposefully  creating  

them.  Not  only  must  the  classroom  be  free  of  name-­‐calling  and  bullying  based  on  queer  

issues,  but  the  teacher  must  also  offer  support  to  students  for  who  they  are.  This  can  be  

difficult  if  students  are  defensive  or  aloof  as  a  result  of  being  harassed  in  the  classroom.  

This  is  particularly  true  in  the  mathematics  classroom  for  two  reasons.  First,  

mathematics  is  often  thought  of  as  being  neutral  on  social  issues,  but  applied  

mathematics  is  social  in  nature.  Thus,  mathematics  teachers  must  take  an  unequivocal  

stand  for  acceptance  of  queer  students.  Second,  the  mathematics  classroom  is  often  

thought  of  as  a  place  where  males  dominate.  By  using  the  research  of  Mendick  (2006),  

mathematics  teachers  can  “queer”  the  mathematics  curriculum  and  soften  the  image  of  

mathematics  of  that  as  absolutist  and  hard.    

GLSEN  (2011)  reports  that  next  to  physical  education  class,  mathematics  has  the  lowest  

percentage  of  students  reporting  positive  portrayals  of  queer  people.  This  is  significant  

as  GLSEN  also  reports  that  positive  portrayals  of  queer  people  lead  to  greater  school  

involvement  and  performance  in  the  classroom.  All  of  these  aspects  together  show  that  

teachers  need  to  be  deliberate  and  purposeful  in  their  support  of  queer  identified  

students.  Such  as  when  Avis  spoke  of  his  teacher,  “His name was Mr. F, he himself is gay.
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   127  
He was a comfort to me”,  or  Gerald  and  Mr.  K,  ”Mr.  K  helped  me  out,  helped  me  become  a  

good  math  student…  Mr.  K  was  an  open  gay  male  …he  was  also  the  GSA  facilitator.”  

GSAs  are  another  area  in  which  this  research  has  implications.  This  research  also  

verified  earlier  research  by  GLSEN  (2011)  and  Lee  (2002)  that  belonging  to  a  GSA  had  

an  impact  not  only  on  one’s  queer  identity,  but  also  on  one’s  academic  and  

mathematical  identities.  This  research  points  to  the  importance  of  groups,  such  as  a  

GSA,  to  support  queer  identified  students.  In  other  words,  GSAs  work  to  provide  safe  

spaces  for  students  to  gain  support  and  develop  positive  ideas  about  schooling.  

The  following  are  all  ingredients  for  a  successful  GSA.  A  GSA  does  not  work  just  

because  it  exists:  it  must  be  purposefully  planned.  The  advisor  to  a  GSA  must  be  open  to  

having  sometimes  difficult  conversations  around  topics  of  safety  and  sexuality  that  they  

may  not  be  trained  to  have.  It  is  important  for  the  students  to  have  a  space  where  they  

feel  they  have  some  control  and  all  topics  are  available  for  discussion,  even  ones  

considered  too  controversial  by  other  teachers.    

GLSEN  (2011)  reports  that  queer  students  who  attend  schools  with  a  GSA  miss  

less  school,  hear  fewer  homophobic  remarks,  and  earn  higher  grades.  These  positive  

results  point  to  the  need  to  include  GSAs  as  part  of  an  open  and  accepting  environment  

in  the  school.  Schools  must  include  queer  students  as  an  integral  part  of  the  student  

body.  We,  as  a  society,  cannot  afford  to  waste  the  talent  of  our  queer  students,  and  

schools  having  a  GSA  are  one  way  to  harness  that  talent  and  allow  it  to  flourish.  

Lastly,  this  work  has  implications  for  places  such  as  the  LGBTQ  youth  center.  It  

was  important  that  the  youth  center  be  a  place  of  support  for  not  only  participants’  

queer  identities,  but  also  for  their  other  identities,  such  as  work  identities  and  academic  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   128  
identities.  This  was  evident  in  the  inclusion  of  the    “Q”  (questioning)  in  the  LGBTQ.  A  

strength  of  the  center  is  that  it  was  open  to  anyone  willing  to  be  open  and  accepting  of  

diversity  and  inclusion.  

As  with  GSAs,  the  youth  center  did  not  just  occur,  it  was  purposeful  and  planned.  

It  was  the  diverse  array  of  services  offered  by  the  youth  center  that  initially  attracted  

the  participants.  The  safe  and  welcoming  environment  that  the  staff  created  enabled  

young  people  to  explore  their  identities,  without  criticism  or  judgment.  This  was  a  

critical  element  of  the  center.  

Too  often  marginalized  groups  in  our  society  are  silenced.  The  center  offered  

marginalized  youth  a  voice.  The  center  gave  the  youth  a  voice  in  terms  of  what  type  of  

programming  was  offered,  thereby  empowering  them.  The  most  important  thing  to  

know  about  this  type  of  organization  is  that  it  works  (Blackburn,  2004)  to  empower  

youth  to  do  better  in  life  and  in  school.  


This  study  is  limited  in  scope  for  two  reasons.  First,  because  of  the  number  of  

study  participants  and  the  nature  of  the  methodology,  the  findings  are  not  

generalizable.  A  qualitative  study,  with  its  small  non-­‐random  sample  is  by  the  very  

nature  of  the  work  designed  to  explain  and  describe  rather  than  produce  generalizable  


Secondly,  this  work  is  limited  because  it  did  not  seek  to  quantify  educational  

disparities.  This  work  sought  to  describe  the  experiences  of  the  participants  rather  than  

seeking  to  count  how  often  various  phenomenon  occurred.  In  order  to  quantify  

educational  disparities,  should  they  exist,  a  different  methodology  would  be  needed.  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   129  
This  research  allowed  for  description  of  a  particular  group  of  participants  and  thus  

points  the  way  forward  for  further  research  in  the  area.  The  group  of  participants  was  

homogeneous  in  age,  as  this  allowed  a  particular  subset  of  all  queer  people  to  be  better  


Suggestions  for  Future  Research  

  While  this  work  has  extended  the  literature  in  important  ways,  it  by  no  means  

explored  the  whole  of  the  question  of  what  is  happening  with  regard  to  LGBTQ  students  

and  mathematics.  This  study  points  to  the  need  to  further  explore  the  state  of  education  

with  regard  to  LGBTQ  students  and  mathematics.    

  An  aspect  of  this  study  was  the  homogeneity  of  the  participants  in  that  all  of  

them  experienced  support  for  their  queer  identities  and,  as  a  consequence,  most  of  

them  had  a  strengthened  mathematical  identity.  It  is  necessary  to  explore  the  status  of  

students  who  do  not  have  support  for  their  identities.  We  must  explore  whether  

students  who  do  not  have  supports  for  their  queer  identity  are  able  to  succeed  in  

mathematics  as  well  as  the  students  who  do  have  supports.    

  Along  with  the  need  to  explore  students  who  do  not  have  support  for  their  queer  

identity,  there  is  a  need  to  consider  students  who  are  being  harassed  for  possessing  a  

queer  identity.  The  participants  in  this  study,  with  the  exception  of  Avis,  were  fortunate  

enough  to  not  have  the  trauma  of  constant  harassment.  There  is  a  need  to  look  at  these  

students  as  well  as  they  are  likely  not  receiving  support  for  their  queer  identity,  and  

this  may  be  effecting  their  mathematics  education.  

  Other  topics  for  future  research  include  how  widespread  is  support  for  queer  

identified  students  and  how  widespread  are  strong  mathematical  identities  for  queer  
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   130  
identified  students.  Other  questions  that  arise  from  this  research  include  examination  

of  other  subject  areas  and  the  intersection  of  those  identities  with  students’  queer  

identities.  The  question  remains  to  be  answered,  do  queer  identified  students  perform  

at  the  same  level  as  their  peers  in  Mathematics,  English,  Science,  or  Social  Studies?    

  This  study  has  identified  a  gap  in  the  literature,  and  research  needs  to  be  

continued  to  fill  that  gap.  The  educational  disparities  faced  by  LGBTQ  students  and  the  

impact  of  queer  identity  on  mathematical  and  other  academic  identities  must  be  

studied  so  that  any  disparities  can  be  addressed  and  resolved.  This  agenda  moves  

forward  the  field  of  study,  but  is  not  exhaustive.  Much  opportunity  for  future  research  



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Ph.D.   Educational  Leadership  and  Learning  Technologies  (Specialty  Mathematics  Education).  

Degree  conferred  June  2013.  Drexel  University.  

M.A.   Mathematics  Education.  Degree  conferred  September  2008.  University  of  Minnesota.  

B.S.   Mathematics,  Education  Emphasis.  Degree  conferred  August  1994.  Saint  Cloud  State                                                                                
University.  Magna  Cum  Lauda.  

B.A.   Mathematics.  Degree  conferred  December  1987.  University  of  Minnesota.  

University  Teaching  Experience  

• Instructor,  Advanced  Math  Methods,  TFA  program  University  of     Spring  2012  
• Instructor,  Independent  Study  –  Advanced  Math  Methods,  TFA   Spring  2012  
program  University  of  Pennsylvania.    
• Instructor,  Elementary  Math  Methods  and  Content,  Online  Course,   Winter  2012  
Drexel  University.  
• Instructor,  Secondary  Math  Methods  and  Content,  Online  Course,  
Winter  2012  
Drexel  University.  
Fall  2011  
• Instructor,  Advanced  Math  Methods,  TFA  program,  University  of  
Fall  2011  
• Instructor,  Independent  Study  –  Advanced  Math  Methods,  TFA  
program  University  of  Pennsylvania.    
• Instructor,  Professional  Studies  in  Instruction,  Online  course,  Drexel   Fall  2011  
• Instructor,  Teaching  Secondary  Mathematics,  Online  course,  Drexel   Fall  2011  
• Instructor,  Teaching  Secondary  Mathematics,  Online  course,  Drexel   Spring  2011                                                                  
• Teaching  Assistant.  Algebra  MTED  program,  Online  course  Drexel   Winter  2011                                          
• Teaching  Assistant.  Geometry  MTED  program,  Online  course  Drexel   Fall  2010  
• Instructor.  Elementary  Math  Methods.  Drexel  University.     Spring  2010  


• Publication-­‐  “Unpacking  Online  Asynchronous  Collaboration  in                                                                              2012    

Mathematics  Teacher  Education”  in  ZDM:  The  International  Journal    
on  Mathematics  Education.  Third  Author.                                                                                      
Exploring  the  intersection  of  Queer  Identity  and  Mathematical  Identity   139  

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