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PHONE: EPABX – 0091-0231-2609000 COE Office: 0231-2693176

Engg.Exam.Section: 0231-2609122 FAX: 0091-0231-2690655
Website: E-mail:
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Ref.: - SU/EXAM/Engg. & Tech. Exam/ 06 Date : 10th October,2019.

The Principals/Directors,
All Affiliated Engineering Colleges/Institutes
Sub:- Programme of the B. Tech. (CBCS) pattern Examination to be held
in Nov./Dec., 2019.

Ref. :- This office letter No. Shivaji uni./App./ RVC/358 Dt.01/08/2019.


Please find enclosed herewith the Theory Programme of above examinations to be held in
Nov./Dec., 2019. Kindly display it immediately on the notice board of your College/ Institute for
information of the students and teachers concerned.

You are further requested to fill the certificate attached herewith and send it to this office
on or before 15th Oct., 2019 without fail.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Deputy Registrar
(On Exam)
Encl : as above.

Copy for information and further necessary action.

1. Hon’ble, I/C Director Board of Examination & Evaluation 2. Dy. Registrar, On-Exam
3. Dy. Registrar, Post-Exam 4. Dy. Registrar, Pre-Exam
5. Appointment Section 6. Strong Room
7. Godown Section 8. Lapses Section
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v- dks.krkgh isij Overlap gksr ukgh vFkok dks.krhgh =qVh ukgh-

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fVi %& =qVhae/;s QDr [kkyhy ckchapkp lekos'k djkok-

1- isijps uko vFkok Subject Code pqdyk vlY;kl
2- isijps rkl ¼dkyko/kh½ pqdys vlY;kl
3- tqU;k vH;klØekrhy Equivalence u fnysY;k fo"k;kapk lekos'k >kyk
ulY;kl vls fo"k;
4- Overlap gks.kkÚ;k fo"k;kaph ukos
5- mijksDr ckcha O;frfjDr vU;ckchapk lekos’k dsY;kl R;k fopkjkr ?ksrY;k tk.kkj
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egkfo|ky;kpk f'kDdk o f'kDdk
S H I V A J I U N I V E R S I T Y, K O L H A P U R.
Circular No. - 553 - Exam of Nov./ Dec., 2019.

Final Programme o f t h e B a c h e l o r o f E n g i n e e r i n g & T e c h n o l o g y ( B . T e c h . ) ( C B C S P a t t e r n ) E x a m i n a t i o n s

to be held in Nov./Dec., 2019.

1. The candidates are requested to be present at their respective place of examination FIFTEEN MINUTES
before the time appointed for setting of the First paper and TEN MINUTES before the time of setting of each
subsequent paper. They are forbidden to take any book or paper into the Examination Hall.

2. The Written, Practical and Oral Examinations will be held at the following places.

No Centre Place
1 Bharthi Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Kolhapur.
2 KOLHAPUR D. Y. Patil College of Engg. & Tech. Kasaba Bawada, Kolhapur
3 D.Y. Patil Prathisthans College of Engineering, Salokhe Nagar, Kolhapur.
4 JAYSINGPUR J. J. Magdum College of Eng. Jaysingpur
5 WARANANAGAR Tatyasaheb Kore Inst. of Eng. & Tech. Warananagar
D.Y. Patil Education Society's, D.Y. Patil Technical Campus, Talsande, Tal: Hatkanangale, Dist:
6 Talsande, Tal. Hatkanangale
7 Chinchewadi Sant. Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Chinchewadi, Tal. Gadhinglaj
Guddai A/P- Bhadgaon,
8 Dr. A. D. Shinde College of Engineering, Guddai., A/PBhadgaon, Tal - Gadhinglaj.
Tal -Gadhinglaj.
9 BANAWADI Dr. Daulatrao Aher College of Engg. Banawadi, Karad, Tal.- Karad, Dist.- Kolhapur.
Ex. Subject Paper
Date Day From To Branch Sem. Subject Name
Category Code Code
First Year
22-Nov-2019 Friday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 72500 Engineering Mathematics- I
25-Nov-2019 Monday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71811 Engineering Physics
27-Nov-2019 Wednesday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71817 Engineering Chemistry
29-Nov-2019 Friday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71812 Basic Electrical Engineering
2-Dec-2019 Monday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71818 Fundamentals of Electroinics and Computer
4-Dec-2019 Wednesday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71813 Basic Civil Engineering
6-Dec-2019 Friday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71819 Applied mechanics
7-Dec-2019 Saturday Written 2:30 PM 6:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71814 Engineering Graphics
9-Dec-2019 Monday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 1 &2 71820 Basic Mechanical Engineering
10-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 2:30 PM 5:00 PM All Branches 2 71810 Engineering Mathematics- II
Second Year
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Civil 3 73197 Engineering Mathematics- III
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Mech 3 73203 Engineering Mathematics- III
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electrical 3 73212 Engineering Mathematics- III
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electronics 3 73232 Engineering Mathematics- III
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Comp. Sci. 3 73276 Applied Mathematics
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Chemical 3 73226 Engineering Mathematics- III
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM IT 3 73270 Discrete Mathematical Structures
23-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM ETC 3 73245 Engineering Mathematics- III

26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Civil 3 73198 Surveying-I

26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Mech 3 73204 Electrical Technology
Electrical Engg. Materials and energy
26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electrical 3 73213
26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electronics 3 73233 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation
26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Comp. Sci. 3 73277 Discrete Mathematical Structures
26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Chemical 3 73227 Chemistry-I
26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM IT 3 73271 Digital System & Microprocessor
26-Nov-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM ETC 3 73246 Analog circuits
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Civil 3 73199 Strength of Material
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Mech 3 73205 Applied Thermodynamics
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electrical 3 73214 Analog Electronics Engineering
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electronics 3 73234 Electronic Circuit Design-I
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Comp. Sci. 3 73278 Data Structures
Strength of Material & Material of
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Chemical 73228
3 construction
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM IT 3 73272 Data Communication
28-Nov-2019 Thursday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM ETC 3 73247 Electronic Circuit Design-I

30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Civil 3 73200 Fluid Mech-I

30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Mech 3 73206 Metallurgy
30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electrical 3 73215 Basic Circuit Theory
30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electronics 3 73235 Analog communication
30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Comp. Sci. 3 73279 Computer Networks-I
30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Chemical 3 73229 Fluid Mechanics
30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM IT 3 73273 Fundamentals of Economics & Management
30-Nov-2019 Saturday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM ETC 3 73248 Network Analysis

3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Civil 3 73201 Building Constructions & Materials
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Mech 3 73207 Fluid Mechanics
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electrical 3 73216 Electrical Measurement
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Electronics 3 73236 Linear Circuits
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Comp. Sci. 3 73280 Microprocessors
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Chemical 3 73230 Mechanical Operations
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM IT 3 73274 Statistics & Fuzzy System
3-Dec-2019 Tuesday Written 10:00 AM 12:30 PM ETC 3 73249 Transducers and Measurement


1) The candidates are permitted to use stencils at the Examination.

2) The candidates for examination are expected to provide themselves with Slide Rules.
3) The exchange or loan of slide rules, drawing instruments or other material used in the examination is not permitted while the examination
is in progress. Candidates must bring their own instruments.

4) The candidates are allowed to use the electronic calculators for numerical calculations at their own cost. University will not supply such

5) The Practical and Oral Examinations will take place before/after the theory examination. The examiners will notify the day, date and place on the
notice Board of the concerned Colleges. Students must be present at the time and place appointed for their practical examination. Those who fail to
present themselves at the appointed time and place will not be examined in Practical and oral.

6) The Examination Programme is subject to change. If there is any change in the programme of the examination, it will be communicated in
time, however the University is not responsible for any loss or inconvenience caused to the candidate.

7) The seati ng arrangement is made date-wi se & subj ect -wise; ther efore candi dat es are requested t o see their seati ng arrangement one
day before the date of Examination.

8) All the students should verify the customized time table printed on their hall ticket with the final programme sent to their college (also
available at our web site) at least two days prior to the date of examinations. If there is any mistake in hall ticket, please refer the Time table
of Concern exam or contact to the University (0231-2609122).

9) The cellular Phone, Scientific Calculator, Digital Diary or any means, which can be used for unfair practices, are not allowed in the
examination hall.

10) In case of any Query found in respective Question Paper, student shall communicate the same through Principal, Senior Supervisior
within 7 days from the date of concerned Question paper to, Deputy Registrar, Appointment Section, Room No. 205, Exam Building No.
1, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004.

th Shri. G.R. Palse
Date: 10 October, 2019.
I/C Director,
Vidyanagar, Kolhapur 416 004. Board of Examinations & Evaluation,
Shivaji University, Kolhapur

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