Rubric For Individual Assignment

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EM550 Project Management: Individual Assignment (Project Proposal)

Rubric for the Individual Assignment

Synopsis of the task and its context

The student, working individually, is asked to propose a project which will later be selected for group work. Specifically they should describe and discuss
the context of their project in term of:
 why the project is needed: problem statement; and its alignment with corporate/organisation business objective
 type of the project using Shenhar & Wideman classification
 the context of the proposed project relative the project lifecycle and who you represent (ie. owner, contractor or other) in the project
 project goal and objectives (including their priority)

The main body of the report should not be more than 6 pages long, excluding appendices.

Match between objectives and criteria for the task

course objectives task specific criteria
On completion of the unit, you should be able to: On completion of the task, you should be able to:
1. Demonstrate the understanding of the framework and process/life cycle of 1. Demonstrate the understanding of the framework and lifecycle of project
project management as a discipline, from initiation to completion, including
planning, monitoring, control and termination 2. Recognize the strategic importance of project

2. Apply all key functional areas, including project organization structure, within
a project context, indicating the interconnection and integration of all the
functions critical to achieve project success.
3. Recognize the strategic importance of projects and particularly the role of the
project manager
4. Develop a project plan
Exceeds Criteria Meets Criteria Progressing to Criteria Below Expectation
Criteria In your report you have: In your report you have: In your report you have: In your report you have:

Demonstrate the understanding of the framework and lifecycle of project management (80%)

 Explain why the project is clearly explained why the project is explained why the project is partially explained why the project not explained why the project is
needed needed; provided description of needed is needed needed
project alignment with organization
goals & objectives

 Express project goal and Clearly defined and differentiated Defined and differentiated project Defined project goals and project Not defined project goals and
objectives project goals; project objectives goals; project objectives objectives, but do not differentiate project objectives
and their priorities them

 Classify project type Classified the type of the project, Classified the type of the project, Classified the type of the project, Not classified the type of the
and provided concise justification and partially justified your but do not provide any justification project
to your classification classification for your classification

 Identify project context Clearly identified the context of the Clearly identified the context of the Partially identified the context of Not identified any context of the
proposed project, and provide proposed project the project project
explanation on each context

Effectively communicate their Excellent use of written Good use of written language, Satisfactory use of written Many problems with choice and
ideas and persuade others of language/communication, structure structure and content acceptable communication, language is application of language, disjointed
the worth of those ideas and content complete and but some omissions, logical adequate, structure and content structure, lack of logical
economical, logical development of development is apparent but attempted but limited, consistency development, no supporting facts
(20%) a complete and convincing argument is not fully developed. in logical development is lacking, or relevant research, argument
argument supported by facts and Facts research mostly support some facts and research but inconsistent with facts, fails to
research. Polished and persuasive argument, but could be stronger. limited. Composition and convince
composition. Composition and argumentation argumentation provide some basis
mostly effective, some limitations. for persuasion but not consistent or


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