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Jesus chooses twelve disciples to be apostles Matthew 10:2-4

Mark 3:13-19
Luke 6:12-16

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Matthew 10:2-4
Mark 3:13-19
Luke 6:12-16

1 There were many people

who became followers of
Jesus and listened to His
teaching. Men and
women gathered to hear
what He had to say.

2 They included fishermen

He had called to follow
Him, and a tax collector.
Sometimes the crowds
became large.

3 One day Jesus went up

into the mountains alone
to pray.
4 He spent the night
talking with God.Jesus
needed to decide on 12
men who would be with
Him all the time. It was
these 12 men who would
be sent out in pairs to
preach and be witnesses
of His resurrection.

5 The next morning Jesus

called the 12 men He
wanted to be His
disciples and apostles
and they went up to

6 The word ‘disciple’

means a learner or
follower. The word
‘apostle’ means ‘one
who is sent out.’

7 The first four were

fishermen who Jesus had
invited to follow Him.
One was Simon who
Jesus later renamed
Peter meaning ‘rock’.

8 Jesus also chose Peter’s

brother Andrew. Andrew
had left John the Baptist
to become a follower of
9 James, the son of
Zebedee, was called to
be a disciple of Jesus.

10 As was his brother John.

Jesus nicknamed them
the ‘sons of thunder’.

11 Philip had been one of

the first to follow Jesus
and invited others like
(Nathanael) to do the

12 Bartholomew, (also
known as Nathanael)
was once described by
Jesus as, ‘A true
Israelite, in whom there
is nothing false.’

13 Matthew, had left his job

as a tax collector to
follow Jesus.
14 Thomas, who later
doubted that Jesus was
alive until he saw Him,
was chosen.

15 James son of Alphaeus is

sometimes known as
James the less. Little is
written in the Bible
about him.

16 Simon was called zealot.

He may been ‘zealous’
or once belonged to a
group of zealots (dagger
men) who wanted to get
rid of the Romans who
ruled the land.

17 Thaddaeus was also

known as ‘Judas (or
Jude) the son of James’
(Luke 6:6) and as
Lebbaeus (Matthew

18 Jesus also chose Judas

Iscariot who later
betrayed Him.
19 These men were
constantly with Jesus,
learning what He had to
teach them.

20 They travelled
everywhere Jesus went
and were also sent out
in pairs to preach, heal
and cast out demons in
Jesus’ name.

21 There had been 12

tribes that made up the
nation of Israel and Jesus
chose 12 disciples. All
but Judas Iscariot would
be His apostles and
leaders of the early


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