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Summer Training Report


An Empirical Study on Portents and Prospects of SEO

Completed in
Yupple Technologies Pvt.

Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

Of Master of Business Administration

Corporate Mentor: Submitted By:

Name: Gohan Vashisth Rakesh Kumar
Assistant Manager – Digital Marketing Enrolment No: 41161203918
Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Batch: 2018 – 2020

Submitted To:
Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi
(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)

This is to certify that the project work done on “A study on empirical study on portents and
prospects of SEO” Submitted to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi by Rakesh
Kumar, Enrollment 41161203918 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
degree of Master Of Business Administration, is a bonafide work carried out by him/her under
my supervision and guidance. The work was carried during 03rd July 2019 to 13th August 2019
at Yupple Technologies (Okhla, New Delhi).

During the training period his/her behavior & performance was satisfactory.

Date: 13th August 2019 Mr. Gohan Vashisth

Digital Marketing Manager


This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project entitled “An Empirical Study on
Portents and Prospects of SEO” is the bonafide research work carried out by Rakesh
Kumar student of MBA, BCIPS, Dwarka, New Delhi during June-July 2019, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Summer Training Project of the Degree of Master of
Business Administration.
He has worked under my guidance.

Dr. Shyama Kumari

Project Guide (Internal)

Date: / /2019

Counter signed by


HOD/ Director
Date: / /2019

I hereby declare that this Summer Training Project Report titled An Empirical Study on
Portents and Prospects of SEO” submitted by me to Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of
Professional Studies, Dwarka is a bonafide work undertaken during the period from 3rd
June,2019) to 13th August, 2019 by me and has not been submitted to any other University or
Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.

(Signature of the Student) Date: / / 2019

Name: Rakesh Kumar
Enroll. No.: 41161203918

I Rakesh Kumar, Student in BCIPS, Sector-11, Dwarka would like to express my profound gratitude
to all those who have been guided me in the completing of my project interim report.

To start with, I would like to thank the organization Yupple Technologies Pvt.Ltd. for providing me
the chance to undertake this internship study and allowing me to explore the area of Digital
Marketing. Which was totally new to me and which would prove out to be very beneficial to me in
my future assignments, my studies and my career ahead.

I wish to place on records, my deep sense of gratitude and sincere appreciation to my company guide
and mentor. Who suggested and prepared the frame work of the project. I would also like to thank
him for his continuous support, advice and encouragement, without which this report could never
have been completed.

I would also like to thank my entire team of Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd, as all of us have together
worked towards the common organizational objective, shared our experiences and aided each other
in times of need.


















Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of the fast growing Information Technology (IT) firms
operating in the country. The advent of Digital Marketing has fundamentally changed the way
organizations approach their prospective customers. In today’s digital world, reachability and
visibility are critical to the growth and success of any business, which is why increasing number of
IT firms are employing various digital channels to appeal to sets of potential clients. One of these
channels is the ‘Search Engines and the technique is the Search Engine Optimization’. Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing different aspects of a website so that it can be found
easily in search engines based on certain search terms called keywords. The main objective of Search
Engine Optimization is to organically improve the website’s ranking in the Search Engine Results
Pages (SERPs). The higher the website ranks in SERP, the more exposure and traffic it gets.I
completed the Internship program in Search Engine Optimization, and this report basically outlines
SEO activities carried out by the me at Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd. It spans the use of Search
Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy implemented to improve the overall online presence of
websites, and tools that were used to monitor, analyze and test the results. But, this report is not
limited to the use of SEO; it also covers some aspects of Social Media Optimization (SMO) that was
performed on different social media profiles of the host company.

About IT Industry

Indian IT Industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The IT Industry has built
very valuable brand equity for itself in the global markets. The Indian IT Industry comprises of
software industry and information technology enabled services (ITES), which even includes business
process outsourcing (BPO) industry. Indian IT Industry is considered as a pioneer in software
development and a favourite destination for IT-enabled services. In the year 1974, the origin of IT
Industry in India can be traced, when the mainframe manufacturer, Burroughs asked its India sales
agent, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to export programmers for installing system software for a
United States client.

The Indian Information Technology Industry originated under very unfavourable conditions. During
olden times local markets were absent and government policy toward private enterprise was hostile.
The Indian IT Industry was begun by Bombay-based conglomerates who entered the business by
supplying programmers to global IT firms located overseas. During 1970’s the Indian economy was
state controlled and remained hostile to the software industry. Even the import tariffs were high like
135% on hardware and 100% on software. Even the exporters were ineligible for bank finance. In
1984 Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister and the Government policy towards IT sector changed.
The new computer policy consisted of a package of reduced import tariffs on hardware and software
which reduced to 60%.

Even during this time the recognition of software exports as a “delicensed industry”, was done so
that banks were eligible for finance and freed from license-permit raj, there was even the permission
for foreign firms to set up wholly-owned subsidiaries. All such policies are reasons for development
of a world-class Indian IT Industry, Today IT companies in India, such as Tata Consultancy Services
(TCS), Wipro, Infosys, HCL are well known in the global market for their IT competency.
Indian IT Industry’s development and contribution to the world’s information technology sector is
of highest reputation. Metro cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi have
become the favourite destinations for all the big banners like Dell, Hewlett Packard (HP), HSBC,
Microsoft, GE and several Indian multi national firms like Wipro, Infosys and Microsoft have set up
their offices in these cities. As the cities offers good infrastructure, with large floor space and great
telecom facilities. This could be the reason for the basis of high growth statistics of India and the
changing outlook of the companies towards India. The Indian IT Industry has grown up to US$ 5.7
billion in 1999-2000, with the annual growth rate not sliding below 50% since 1991.

IT Industry in India has played a major role in placing India on the international map. The Indian IT
Industry mainly comprises of instance system integration, software experiments, Custom
Application Development and Maintenance (CADM), network services and IT solutions. According
to the analysis done and prepared by the Department of Information Technology (DIT), the IT-BPO
industry was expected to achieve a revenue aggregate of US$ 73.1 billion in 2009-10 and the report
even predicted that Indian IT-BPO revenues may reach US$ 225 billion in 2020.

India is the leading sourcing destination across the world, accounting for approximately 55 per cent
market share of the US$ 185-190 billion global services sourcing business in 2017-18. Indian IT
companies have set up over 1,000 global delivery centres in about 80 countries across the world.
India has become the digital capabilities hub of the world with around 75 per cent of global digital
talent present in the country.


“Search Engine Optimization is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of taffic to your
website through organic search engine results.”

“In other words, SEO involves making certain changes to your website design and content that
make your site more attractive to a search engine. ”
“SEO is the process that organizations go through to help make sure that their site ranks high in
the search engines for relevant keywords and phrases”

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to get organic, unpaid, traffic from the search engine
result page .

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a broad topic, which includes search engine marketing (SEM).
SEM is the phenomenon, which includes all marketing techniques for search and visibility in the
Internet. Being visible in the Internet especially in the search engines is extremely important from a
business point of view. SEM affects both the organic and paid search results; they appear on different
parts of the webpage. Paid results for a particular keyword such as “online games” appear in the
topmost part of the webpage whereas the organic or natural search results start appearing after the
paid advertisements .The figure below shows the paid and the organic search results in a search

Fig 5 Paid and Organic search results for keyword “online games”
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to a technique that helps website rank higher in organic or
“natural” search results, thus making website more visible to people who are looking for product or
service via search engines (HUBSPOT,). Most of the people concentrate on the first page during
their search for a result. There are a few people who literally jump to the next page of the search;
therefore being visible in the first page and towards the top adds traffic and potential customers to
the business. A properly Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website is a critical component of any
Internet business. A website optimized for search engines will rank high, which brings it to the first
page of a potential customer’s search results (Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Marketing
Services ,)

The following figure shows the percentage of people actually visiting only the first result and the
first page of a search engine and the rest moving on to the next pages.

Fig 6 Search engine result by page and position (GOODWIN, Danny, 2018)

Internet audience is on a hike and marketers are concentrated on reaching them through Internet
marketing. Search engines had never been used as intensively as it is today. Being rated high in
Google or other search engine ranking reflects the potentiality of being reached to millions of
customers, hence enhancing the business. Google alone has 694,000 searches conducted every
second and the process which help our website rank higher in the organic (natural) search result is
known as search engine optimization.

Emergence of Internet has revolutionized the world of communication and computing. The
development of telegraph was the initiation of this revolution and the way world would communicate
had gone a step further. During the year 1840 (ATLANTICCABLE.COM, 2010), underground
cables for the purpose of development of this sector under the Thames River, London, created
pavement for leaping in this field. In the years 1955 and 1956 transatlantic cable system was installed
which created a solid framework in communicating between the continents (ATLANTIC-
CABLE.COM, 2010). People have reached the moon, on earth they are using communication
mediums to interact among the people in different parts of the world .All the fundamental elements
around us today use some form of ICT.


The use of Internet has been booming since its creation. There are millions and millions of computers
linked throughout the world. The basic aspect of the internet still remains to share and communicate
the information from one person to another and one place to other in the form of email, online chat,
VoIP, ecommerce, online gaming, World Wide Web etc. The access to Internet has wide spread and
has penetrated in almost all the societies in the recent years irrespective of the geographical region
or country.


E-commerce is the exchange transactions, which take place over the Internet primarily using digital
technology. These exchange transactions include buying, selling, or trading of goods, services and
information. The success of e - commerce these days is primarily because of the fact that the internet
penetration in the world is increasing and the operating cost for this form of business is much lower
than traditional form of selling which helps decrease product cost. As per data business to consumer
(B2C) ecommerce sales topped $1 trillion for first time in 2018. There are many websites solely
depending on the ecommerce for the sales of their products such as, where
as there are companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Dell and others who operate their e - commerce
website to maximize their sales.


Finding a relevant material in the web could be a hectic task in the absence of the search engines.
Search engines are the websites, which help users find the appropriate information they are looking
for by narrowing the results from the list of numerous information present in the web. After that the
user decides whether to follow the link presented in the first page or to continue the search in the
upcoming pages. (LEVENE, Mark,)

There are many search engines in the market, but among all Google ( tops the war
with the other two main competitors yahoo ( and Microsoft`s Bing
( market share for the top search engines are provided in the chart below.

Fig 3 Global market share of search engine (Search Engine Market Share, 2012)

As someone tries to search something using the search engine, even before completing the search
phrase, the search engines send out bots or spiders that survey the web pages found in the Internet
and build their database. The bots then retrieve the information in the Web Pages according to the
repeated keywords contained in the search phrase and index them in the search page.

The process of typing something into the search box and retrieving the awaited results takes a fraction
of a second if proper keywords are used. Keywords are very essential for any search to give relevant
results. Key words are the words that are typed in the search engines and that match the words in our
documents/Webpages. Generally those keywords are favoured by search engines that are used as
headlines and that are capitalized . They can be the sum of our own webpage. If these words are
typed in the search box, the results appear for instance in Google as shown in figure 4 below.

Fig 4 Search results for keyword “Apple”

Long tailed keywords are also very essential when it comes to finding a specific search material in
the Internet. Long tailed keywords are the type of keyword phrase that have at least two or as many
as five words in the phrase. The keywords in the long tailed keywords are highly specific and
generate less traffic for the website, but tend to draw more quality traffic, which leads a customer to
make a transaction after finding a correct link in their search. This is why long tailed keywords are
essential. For instance if a person sells shirts, he may want his website to be listed for the keyword
“shirt store”, but there could be many other competitor websites and the chances of getting potential
customers could be reduced. On the other hand if a person could specify what kind of shirt he sells
with a long tailed keyword such as “fashionable full sleeved summer shirt”, the hits he would get for
this keyword could be reduced but the customers who specify these search details can end up buying
the product as we contain their desired product.

According to (Search engine marketing (SEM))Search engine marketing is the process of gaining
traffic and visibility from search engines through both paid and unpaid efforts. It encompasses:

SEO: Earning traffic through unpaid or free listings

SEM: Buying traffic through paid search listings

The advertisements, that appear as a result of search engine marketing, is known as the
“sponsored links” Often they appear in the search pages more prominently and in different colour
than the natural or organic search results. Generally the cost of advertisement is the per click on the
advertisement .The best known search engine advertising is the Google ad words – advertising

Fig 7 Paid or sponsored links appearing for the keywords “online games “

Pay per click (PPC) is the form of advertising that is the most common form of advertising online,
in the process a small advertisements are placed in the search engine results as seen in the above
figure and the advertiser is charged only when someone actually clicks into the advertisement
(LURIE, Ian, 2019)


Search engines have developed several ways to rank the pages; most common form of ranking a page
is the availability of the search phrase or the keywords that are typed in the search box. For better
search results and to make the search engines resistant against automatically generated webpages,
link popularity was also started to use. According to this concept; the number of inbound links for a
document measures its general importance. Therefore a webpage is considered to be more important
if many other webpages link to it (SOBEK, Markus,)


Offsite SEO is executed with building relationships with other websites with the creation of attractive
contents or reaching out to the people who run the websites. This process is also known as link
building (HUBSPOT, 2018).

As we know that Internet is an interlinking network of pages and the websites, interlinking or back
linking from different websites to our pages would definitely help in improving the ranks in the
search engines. Back linking in the major publications or educational websites could be more
powerful than the normal links (HUBSPOT, 2018). There are various forms of back linking.
Some of the general ways of back linking are explained in section 3.6.1-3.6.7


Article submission or article marketing is a useful process when it comes to back linking websites.
There were articles written about plagiarism avenger our upcoming product and posted in one of the
most important article submission directory, back links were added in the body of
the articles. Now taking into account the popularity of this website Google crawlers crawl upon them
more frequently and come across the back links which we have added and hence more hits to our

There are press release websites in the Internet similar to the article submission websites but press
release sites are different which describes the products and provides news about anything new going
on in the market. These sites are rated high and the possibility of Google crawlers crawling upon
them is higher. These are yet another
websites ranked high where news articles are written. These websites act as the newspaper in the
internet .we had made articles on plagiarism avenger, our product, and back linked the news report
with the website and submitted to different press release sites such as





There are forums in the Internet for interaction purposes on different subject matter usually where
the users discuss. It is allowed as a user to include a signature during the closing of any comments.
This can include the name of a person or a signature containing web address .As a member of
plagiarism avenger we created accounts in different forum commenting sites which were related to
our topic hence discussing the subject matter and linked our web address in either the comments
field or the closing section. This process actually helped in providing traffic to our website as well
as SEO.


Social bookmarking is a simple and a very effective process to link traffic back to the website. All
one has to do is to post links of own websites on the popular social bookmarking websites to increase
the traffic. Once the registering processes with these websites are done one can submit contents to
them, which the readers would find it valuable and interesting to read and share with others. This
increases the possibility of being on the Internet for a long time as well as drives traffic to the
websites. This technique of social bookmarking was used for our website to increase the traffic and
gain readers attention. Some of the websites that were used for the process of social bookmarking
are as follows:

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused
on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. Unlike before the development
of the web 2 properties when the web was only able to provide information to the visitors and peers.
Websites with web 2 properties provide working space for the users where they can be logged into
using their user ID and password. From this they can post their contents and back link which would
provide a valuable incoming traffic to the parent website. (Web 2.0)


Document creation also one of the methods of back linking. For undertaking this process some
documents needs to be created either in PDF format or DOCX or PPT format and submitting these
to certain websites. These created files could contain the links which could be directed to parent
website. Google crawlers could crawl upon the links hence providing more chances to be ranked


As we know COM is the domain extension for a commercial website similarly EDU is the domain
extension for Education websites (Universities, Colleges, etc.) GOV is the domain extension for a
State. EDU and GOV sites are usually ranked higher than the normal sites; hence having an inbound
link in those websites to the designated websites adds value to our websites hence increasing the
flow of traffic to our websites. Google algorithms are programmed to look for credible backlinks to
a website, and those from EDU and GOV sites are deemed highly credible. (WALKER, Lorrie, 2012)

Unlike the offsite SEO as described earlier on site SEO is carried out within the website in terms of
contents and Meta tags. On site SEO is more about having the best keywords for each page and
making the page contents relevant to those keywords. This process of optimization is fully under our
control and if done correctly it will change the way that search engines see our websites. It can either
hurt or help our search engine results page SERPs.


Content is the king to any website. Contents in the websites should be such that the audience of the
website will find it valuable and engaging. Apart from the contents in each page, which has to be,
relevant to the keywords the way pages are formatted also matters the most. Every page in the
website should have something for the user to stick on to the page either by including bold headlines
or some phrases which grabs the user’s attention. Including some pictures in the Webpages also helps
draw users attention, fonts size, background color are also important from the user point of view.


One should focus on the number of the keywords that are placed in the web pages. Some people
believe that overdosing of the keywords could result in attaining good SERP, which is not true.
Overdoing of the keywords on the pages could actually get penalized by Google; therefore the
amount of the keywords on a page has to be critically examined. The number or the frequency of
using the keywords in a page is known as the keyword density. Generally the gurus suggest the
keyword density to be around 2 to 3 percentages. (FLEISCHNER, Michael H.,)

According to (FLEISCHNER, Michael H.,) he describes the following use of the key words to attain
maximum profitability for the website.

Placing the keywords in the title tag, description tag, keyword tag and the alt tag.
Placing the keywords in an <h1>, <h2>, and/or <h3> tag.
Placing the keywords in the first 25 words of the page.
Placing the keywords in the last 25 words of the page.
Using bold keywords at least once in the webpage.


Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website’s
traffic and traffic sources and measures conversions and sales. Google analytics can be used to see
where particularly a click for a website has come from, for instance whether it is from the search
engines, or from the social media such as Facebook, tweeter, from referrals, e -mail marketing and
so on.

All these statistics are then saved in the form of a data and then can be analyzed and interpreted later
on. Using these data from the Google analytics one can easily make decisions such as the
increment/decrement in the traffic, support decision making, and to figure out how a particular search
word or a phrase has implications in the traffic generated. (Google Analytics,)


• To study the Awareness towards search engine optimization.

• To learn the user perception towards search engine optimization.

• To study the market function of search engine optimization.

• To study the user knowledge about search engine optimization.

• To study the competitive advantages of search engine optimization.


 This Project is useful to get to know the future prospects of the search engine optimization
towards the digital marketing. It is also useful for the researchers to get to know about the
New digital marketing techniques.
Chapter 2

Yupple Technologies is a part of a group of 18 companies, which diversify into different business
sectors. Its parent company is Aforeserve Limited, which was founded in the year 2000 and is now
unshakably set in the Service Management & Support of OEMs & ODMs over the period of time.
Having so many different companies created the need of having an IT technical development &
Support Company to meet all the technical needs of the Group Companies and hence Yupple
Technologies came into existence.Yupple Technologies thrive to become the biggest technical
problem solver for those with complex ideas and an imperishable flair of success at our creative
Digital Marketing Company in Delhi Yupple Technologies specialise in lucrative mobile and web
software services, delivering superior value to our customers and shareholders. We endow with
commissioned solutions followed by a meticulous swot which exponentially heighten our
efficiencies. We have designed and developed an ample array of software solutions for specialized
business markets. Also, we use novelty and originality to supply world-class services and set up
mechanisms to perk up the competence of business of our customers.
Yupple strive hard to proffer economical and worthwhile technical solutions owing to our
customer’s satisfaction. The nucleus of our organisation lies in providing the crossplatform mobile/
web development services. But it has a wide range of services, from custom mobile app
development to e-commerce portals, Open Source
Development to Digital Marketing and so on. Each day we make every effort to make things
simpler and better and have successfully carved a forte in the industry for the same.

Yupple endeavour to provide out-of-the-box IT solutions and satisfy its clients’ need and
demands. It ensure to deliver high quality business solutions, satisfying the allinclusive industry
standards and requirements. Its business standards wrap the entire clientele satisfaction,
subsequently involving embracing lean programming and optimum costing. Also, it set free the
best practices for technological evolution and determine that its developments are streamlined, in
the most prominent manner. Regardless of what its current structure is, it aim to position Yupple as
a leader in online service.
Yupple have dynamic minds that are confident and action-oriented as dormant resources won't
make your organisation money but action-oriented resources will. Here, intelligent brains
perpetuate its core business values as intelligence is a strong foundation for success.
All the cultural fit employees are lead by ambitious supervisors who prepare visionary strategists
and have expertise in bringing project delivery to the table from their worldwide exposure and
experience in managing hefty projects.
Yupple have a team of self-driven and detail-oriented resources who can completely comprehend
clients' needs and can work accordingly.
Yupple family is full of enthusiasm with the expertise to get the project delivered and contribute in
the growth of the organisation which is supported by innovative ideas and opportunities.


Parent company:-
• Aforeserve Limited

Other Partner Company:-

• Dharma.h Software Technologies

• Bharat Surya Energy Limited
• Togofogo (A unit of UPR eCommerce)
• Lulu & Sky
• Agossip
• Hyson
• Agean
• DoorServe
• A Plus
Key Service offering :-

• Mobile Application

• Web Development

• E-commerce Portal

• Digital Marketing

i. Search Engine Optimization

ii. Online Reputation Management

iii. Pay Per Click Advertisement

iv. Social Media Marketing

v. App Store Optimization

vi. Content Marketing


1 MR. Parikshat Oberai Member of Board of

Member of Board of
2 Mr. Indra Prasun Biswas
3 Mrs. Moushumi Gupta Member of Board of
4 Mr. Paresh Nath Manna Member of Board of
Member of Board of
5 Mr. Soumitra Gupta
Member of Board of
6 Mr. Piyush Pandey
7 Mr. Arjun Oberai Member of Board of
 Introduction of Department

The Search Engine Optimization department is led by Mr. Gohan Vashisht, Digital Marketing
Executive at Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd. The major objective of the department is to improve
the visibility and reachability of client’s Web projects. The SEO department is responsible to
optimize WebPages and its contents based on keywords that are relevant to the client’s business,
primarily aimed at improving the overall presence on the Internet, mainly on the Search Engine
Results Pages (SERP). This department comprises of Search Engine Optimizers and SEO
copywriters. Search Engine Optimizers perform various optimization techniques for gaining better
SERP rankings. These optimization techniques can be categorized into two broad categories:

• On-page Optimization
• Off-page Optimization

On-page Optimization is the fundamental step in the Search Engine Optimization. It includes
optimization techniques that are implemented within the website. On-page SEO is very important
for better SERP rankings as well as for a successful Internet Marketing campaign. Some of the
basic On-page optimization includes optimization of Titles, Meta Descriptions, URL, Image, web
content, page load speed and others. Off-page Optimization technique is implemented once the On-
Page SEO is done for the website. Off-page optimization includes promotional methods that are
implemented to compliment the On-page strategy for improved SERP rankings. Some of the basic
Off-page optimization methods include: Link Building, Social Media, Social bookmarking, Email
outreach and others. 10 SEO Copywriters are basically content writers who create optimized and
well crafted SEO contents as instructed by Search Engine Optimizers. These contents are well
formatted, easy to read & understand, as well as search engine friendly
Major Function of the Department:-

• Perform SEO Audit of Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and client’s websites Develop SEO
strategy according to the nature of the project.
• Ensure that all websites and internet properties under the influence of SEO department at
Yupple Technologies Pvt. Ltd have been technically optimized.
• Help set, and work to, performance indicators for SEO that everyone understands and which
compliment overall marketing business objectives

• Promote both offsite and onsite activities and also the interaction that build ranking, web
presence and value added traffic.

• Develop SEO optimized contents as required by the client.

• Perform Social Media Optimization and develop Social Media strategy as required.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. A SWOT analysis can be used to
assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are involved in an organization.
Identification of SWOT is crucial as it assists in achieving the organizational goals and objectives.
An existing business can perform SWOT analysis anytime to assess the changes taking place while
a new business can perform SWOT analysis as part of the planning process that helps business
move on the right track right from the very beginning.

Benefits of SWOT Analysis:

• Better understanding of business’ strengths and weaknesses.

• SWOT Analysis can be used to timely address the weaknesses.

• Helps capitalize on business opportunities

• Strategic advantage of strengths and make better use of opportunities.

Strengths are characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others.

• ‘Unique’ and ‘Relevant’ contents have been published. Industry Expertise.

• Matching Domain and Brand name.

• Daily visitors.

Weaknesses are characteristics that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others.

• Lack of proper SEO strategy.

• Website not SEO optimized.

• Lack of value based contents.

• SEO department not active.

Opportunities are elements that the business or project could exploit to its advantage.
The opportunities of the department included:

• Perform Off-page SEO

• Low competition keyword targeting for quick SERP rank improvement

• Publish value based unique and relevant contents

• Link building

• Social Media

• Develop in-house SEO

Threats are elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.
The threats in the department included:
Competitors have good web presence

• Competitors have strong ‘Domain Authority’ and ‘Page Authority’

• Competitors are well followed on Social Media

• Competitors have SEO optimized contents

• Competitors provide unique and value based

Chapter 3

Search engines are likely to have a significant impact on organizational performance.

Ross Malaga (2018) studied the significant reviews on search engine optimization (SEO), black
hat indexing techniques, on-page and off-page methods, and ranking of websites, are discussed.
Many companies have started using SEO techniques and manipulating the site's content and meta
tags to get a well place in first search engine result page (SERP). An industry survey has revealed
that some SEO techniques can directly violate the rules and guidelines established by search
engines. The search engine companies can impose a ban on site on failure to comply with search
engine guidelines, which may include worse placement in the SERPs or a ban from the search
engine. SEO can be defined as a method to improve the ranking of a website in search engine
listing. High-ranking black hat sites can push legitimate sites downward in the SERPs for a short
period of time.

Lemuel S. Park (2017) Search engine optimization for all digital content of an entity, including
category specific content such as images, videos, products, news, places, and other content, can
change the entity's visibility on the internet, particularly on search engine result pages. A method
for increasing search engine optimization of digital content can include performing a search and
analyzing the search results to identify category specific search results. The method can further
include determining an equivalent search engine ranking for each category specific search result
that depends on one or more factors and making a recommendation on how to increase the search
engine optimization of the entity's digital content. Search engines are an important promotional
method for e-Commerce websites and they represent an effective way new e-Commerce sites
market themselves. Jansen and Molina (2018) evaluated the effectiveness of search engines in the
retrieval of relevant e-Commerce links. They examined the effectiveness of five different types of
search engines in response to eCommerce queries by comparing the quality of e-Commerce links
using relevancy ratings. They found that links retrieved using a major search engine is significantly
better than those obtained from most other engines.
Rangaswamy et al. (2018) explored strategic implications of search engines and they suggested
that search engines are no longer just convenient information tools but are powerful agents of a
transformation that makes the business environment more transparent and more competitive. The
primary benefit of SEO naturally lies in the fact that the improvement of the website through SEO
contributes directly to new customer acquisition. Hansell (2017) notes that search engines are
responsible for many visitors to a company’s website, specifically new customers who search for
information regarding products and services. Small companies that do not use SEO to increase
their website rankings tend to remain unnoticed and limited in its geographical reach (Rangaswamy
et al., 2018).
Greenspan (2004) also found that users preferred organic listings compared to sponsored links and
that users would eventually select sponsored listings when they were not identified as such on the
SERP. It seems that users felt that sponsored listings were another form on advertisements pushed
to them by the companies; whereas, organic results were based on how relevant the results were to
the query.

Brooks (2014) found that the likelihood of a searcher selecting a sponsored listing is a curvilinear
function of its placement on the page (i.e., based on rank). The higher the link’s placement in the
results listing, the more likely a searcher is to select it. The study found similar results with organic
listings. The difference between the 1st and the 10th positions is a 20 to 30% drop in click through
for the listing. In a related study, Brooks (2004b) reported that the conversion rate (i.e., customers
who interact with the company through purchasing an item or filling out a contact form) drops
nearly 90% between the 1st and 10th positions.

Leveraging search engine optimization to improve organic search ranking is believed be more
effective than other search engine related marketing initiatives, such as search engine advertising
via sponsored links.

Hotchkiss et al. (2004) found that more than 77% of the 425 respondents surveyed favored organic
results rather than sponsored links. Even in an e-commerce-like scenario, survey respondents
would still choose organic over sponsored links. In a follow-up study, Hotchkiss (2004) found that
participants rated the sponsored listings as lower quality. In their study, the results also indicated
that many users ignored or did not notice the sponsored results, mainly due to their location on the
right side of the page.

Greenspan (2004) also found that users preferred organic listings compared to sponsored links and
that users would eventually select sponsored listings when they were not identified as such on the
SERP. It seems that users felt that sponsored listings were another form on advertisements pushed
to them by the companies; whereas, organic results were based on how relevant the results were to
the query.
Brooks (2004) found that the likelihood of a searcher selecting a sponsored listing is a curvilinear
function of its placement on the page (i.e., based on rank). The higher the link’s placement in the
results listing, the more likely a searcher is to select it. The study found similar results with organic
listings. The difference between the 1st and the 10th positions is a 20 to 30% drop in click through
for the listing. In a related study, Brooks (2004b) reported that the conversion rate (i.e., customers
who interact with the company through purchasing an item or filling out a contact form) drops
nearly 90% between the 1st and 10th positions.

There are limited studies on the use of SEO by SMEs, and the benefits of such use are thus unclear.
The need for research in the impact of SEO, particularly among SMEs, therefore, is warranted.
Among the few prior studies that examined the benefits of SEO includes an action research by
Malaga (2007), who found the benefit of an SEO project is more cost- effective than a Pay Per
Click (PPC) campaign. However, this study only used one website and one type of product,
findings of the study on the benefits of SEO may not be generalizable to other websites or
products. In addition, the cost of the SEO project for the organization might be significantly lower
since the author conducted it himself. Whereas, in reality, SMEs would often hire SEO consulting
companies to engage in SEO, which could have skewed the ROI in Malaga’s study. In this study,
rather than focusing on one case study, we will conduct multi-case studies to provide an
understanding of the various performance indicators that SMEs encounter when engaging in SEO
through a consulting firm.


Research methodology is a process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making
business decisions. The methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and
other research techniques, and could include both present and historical information.


A research design is a systematic approach that a researcher uses to conduct a scientific study. The
function of research design is to provide for collection of relevant evidence with minimal expenditure
of time effort and money. The research was overall synchronization of identified components and
data resulting in a plausible outcome. To conclusively come up with an authentic and accurate result,
the research design follows a strategic methodology, in line with the type of research chosen.
This study is a descriptive research that describes characteristics of a population or phenomenon.


The sample was selected from the clients of Yupple Technologies. It was collected through mails
and personal visits to the known persons, by formal and informal talks and through filling up the
questionnaire prepared.


The sample of the study consisted of 80 Yupple Technologies clients. Target population was the city
of Delhi

Sampling Method: The research is based on convenient sampling method. Convenience sampling
(also known as availability sampling) is a specific type of non-probability sampling method that
relies on data collection from population members who are conveniently available to participate in


There are two sources of data collection i.e. Primary and Secondary. For this study both the sources
have been used.

(1) Primary sources:- It is the first hand information collected directly from the respondents. A well
structured questionnaire was used to collect the first hand data. Questionnaire is the combination of
a number of questions, which are of two types such as-
Open-ended: In it the respondent gives answers in descriptive way.

Close ended: In it the respondent gives answers in Yes or No types.

Secondary source: Secondary data are the data which are available in the form of fact and figures. The
sources of secondary data were past studies, internet, books etc.

Instruments Used

Google Forms & MS – Excel


1. Do you know about Digital Marketing?

Sl no. Digital Marketing Respondent

1 Yes 90%
2 No 10%



The above chart shows that 90% respondents know about Digital marketing and 10% don`t know about digital
2. Are you a Business man?

Sl no. Businessman Respondent

1 Yes 86%
2 No 14%




The above chart shows that 86% respondents were business person and 14% were employee.
3. Do you know about Search engine optimization?
Sl no. SEO Respondent
1 Yes 45%
2 No 55%


55% No

The above chart shows that 55% respondents have knowledge about Search engine optimization and 45%
don`t know about search engine optimization.

4. What is Your Level of Understanding When it Comes to

S no. SEO understanding Respondent
1 Less 40%
2 Normal 30%
3 Expert 30%


30% Less

The above chart shows that 30% respondents have a good amount of knowledge search engine optimization
Digital marketing and 10% don`t know about digital marketing.

5. Are you running your business Digitally?

Sl no. Business digitally Respondent

1 Online 40%
2 Off line 21%
3 Both 39%


39% 40%

The above chart shows that 40% respondents running their business digitally, 21% were using offline medium
and 39% were using both medium.

6. Do You Own Any Domains?

Sl no. Own domain Respondent
1 Yes 80%
2 No 20%


The above chart shows that 80% respondents have their own domain. 20% don`t own any Domain.

7. Do you use search engine optimization?

Sl no. Use of SEO Respondent

1 Yes 65%
2 No 35%

35% Yes

65% No

The above chart shows that 65% use search engine optimization and 35% don`t use search engine

8. What kind of SEO you use?


40% 34%

The above chart shows that 34% use On-page SEO, 26% use Off-page SEO and 40% use both medium.
9. What is your monthly budget for Search engine optimization?

Sl no. Monthly budget Respondent

1 0-2000 10%
2 2000-4000 40%
3 4000-8000 30%
4 8000-> 20%


20% 10% 0-2000


40% 4000-8000

The above chart shows that 10% of Businessman spend 0-2000, 40% spend 2000-4000, 30% spend 40008000,
and 20% spemd more than 8000 on search engine optimization.

10. Does SEO helps in Maketing?

Sl no. SEO marketing Respondent
1 Very much 40%
2 Yes 30%
3 Little bit 20%
4 No 10%


10% Very much

20% 40% Yes
Little bit

30% No

The above chart shows that 70% respondent thinks SEO helps in marketing.

11. Do you think SEO is a cost saving strategy for new and
medium sized enterprises?
Sl no. SEO as Cost saving strategy Respondent
1 Yes 80%
2 No 5%
3 Can`t say !5%


15% Yes
80% Can`t Say

The above chart shows that 80% respondent thinks SEO is a cost saving strategy for new and medium sized

12. Do you think Search Engine Optimization can lead to a

proper Internet marketing?
Sl no. SEO as proper Internet Respondents
1 Yes 30%
2 No 60%
3 Can`t say 10%


30% Yes
Can`t say

The above chart shows that 30% respondent think SEO can lead to a proper a proper Internet marketing. Where
as 60% respondent don`t think SEO can lead to a proper Internet marketing.
Chapter 6 – FINDINGS

After a thorough study of the questionnaire and responses received, the researcher
came up with the following findings:-

There has been little or no previous study done to investigate the portents and prospects of
theories or models in the SEO context to examine the effects of SEO. The central concern
of this study has been to gain deep insight into the use of SEO, the factors enable to be
successful in their decision to adopt SEO in business. The study was presented through
the experiences of the user who have adopted SEO in their business. The study's
propositions provided significant support to past findings in literature.

With all the explanations presented above, the research questions were answered. Search
engine optimization has proven to be an effective tool for internet marketing user in a
form that it comes along with the improvement of the search listing in the search results,
hence making it more visible in the search engines, and the higher the visibility the
greater is the marketing.

• Only 30% of people have the knowledge of search engine optimization.

• Out of 100 only 35% of people are using search engine optimization

• About 80% of people think that search engine optimization is a cost saving strategy for
new and medium sized enterprises.

• 40% of people thinks SEO helps in Maketing a lot.

• Only 20% people invest more than 8000 monthly on search engine optimization

SEO is a smart way of increasing your visibility online by saving time and cost of
Marketing. But before going for SEO, one must understand how it works and the affects it
can have on the business. Besides this there are certain things like service/product quality,
customer relationship, pre-sales services etc., which are the bases of any business. One
must keep in mind that business can run successfully without SEO, but they can`t run
without these things.

• Majority of Business uses Search engine optimization.

• SEO is now part of a bigger thing: the Marketing mix

1. According to my experience in Yupple Technologies people and business are not

aware of the benefits SEO.

2. Another thing i will suggest every business must invest a good amount of money in
Digital Marketing.

3. Business must have a strong Off-page SEO.

4. Businesses must try to increase their social media visibility it may include LinkedIn
and also through Email Marketing.

Jerri L. Ledford 2007 SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible 1st Edition Wiley
John I Jerkovic 2009 SEO Warrior 1st Edition O`Reilly Media publisher.

R.L.Adams 2016 Learn Search engine optimization CreateSpace independent publisher.


About Yupple technologies available at: About services available at: Work information available at:

Ahituv, N. & Segev, E. (2010). Popular Searches in Google and Yahoo!: A "Digital
Divide" in Information Uses?. The Information Society, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 17-37.

Barker, J. (2003). What makes a search engine good? [29-1215]

BusinessDictionary (n.d.). Search Engine Optimization [03-1215
Fidel, R. (1987). “What is missing in research about online searching behaviour?”
Canadian Journal of Information Science, vol. 12, no. 3/4.
Google. (2010). Search Engine Optimization – Starter Guide.

How Internet Search Engines Work. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2016, from

Harry, D. (2013). How Search Engines Rank Webpages

Huang, M. (2003). Pausal Behaviour of End-Users in Online Searching, Information

Processing and Management.


Dear Sir/Madam

This is to inform you that all information given by you is purely for academic purpose nothing shall
be disclosed for any other purpose


CONTACT NO-.............................................................................................


1. Do you know about Digital Marketing?

o No

o Overview
o Yes

2. Are you a Business man?

o Yes
o No

3. Do you know about Search engine optimization?

o No
o Very less
o Yes
4. What is Your Level of Understanding When it Comes to SEO?
o Nothing
o Expert

5. How are you running your business Online or Offline

o Online
o Offline
o Both

6. Do You Own Any Domains?

o Yes
o No

7. Do you use search engine optimization?

o Yes
o No

8. What kind of SEO you use?

o On-page o Off-page
o Both

9. What is your monthly budget for Search engine

o 0-2000 o 2000-4000 o 4000-8000
o 8000>

10. Does SEO helps in Maketing?

o Yes
o Little bit o No o
11. Do you think SEO is a cost saving strategy for new and medium
sized enterprises?
o Yes
o No
o Can`t say

12. Do you think Search Engine Optimization can lead to a proper

Internet marketing?
o Yes
o No
o Can`t say

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