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Summer Training Report


“Consumer Behavior on Online Shopping through Digital Platforms”

Completed in Senpiper Pvt. Ltd.

Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of

Masters of Business Administration.

Corporate Mentor: Submitted By:

GauravSengar Anurag Sharma

Marketing Head Enroll. No: 40361203918

Senpiper Pvt. Ltd. Batch: 2018-2020

Submitted To:

Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies,

Dwarka, New Delhi

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)

Certificate from company

Date: Aug 13,2019


This is to certify that Mr. Anurag Sharma, student of Banarsidas Chandiwala

Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi has successfully completed his
internship in Sales and Marketing Department at Senpiper Technologies India
Private Limited, under the guidance of Mr. Gaurav Sengar at our Gurgaon office.
The duration of this Internship was from June 3,2019 to Aug 10,2019.

His performance was good during the Internship.

We wish him all the best in his future endeavor.

Your sincerely

Gaurav Sengar


Senpiper Technologies India Private Limited

Bonafide certificate

This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project entitled “Customer
Behavior in Online Shopping through Digital Platforms” is the bonafide
research work carried out by Anurag Sharma student of MBA, BCIPS, Dwarka,
New Delhi during May-June/July 2019, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Summer Training Project of the Degree of Master of Business

He has worked under my guidance.

Dr. Shamsher Singh


Counter signed by

HOD/ Director


I hereby declare that this Summer Training Project Report titled “Consumer
Behavior in Online Shopping through Digital Platforms” submitted by me to
Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka is a bonafide
work undertaken during the period from 20 May 2019 to July 2019 by me and has
not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any
degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.

(Signature of the Student) Date: / / 2019

Name: Anurag Sharma
Enroll. No.: 40361203918


I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute

of Professional Studies, GGSIP University, New Delhi for imparting me valuable
professional training in MBA.

I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to Dr.Shamsher Singh, my project Guide for
giving me the cream of his knowledge. I am thankful to him as he has been a
constant source of advice, motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to him for
giving his suggestions and encouragement throughout the project work.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our computer Lab
staff and library staff for providing me opportunity to utilize their resources for
the completion of the project.

I am also thankful to my project mentor for constantly motivating me to complete

the project and providing me an environment which enhanced my knowledge.


Sno. Table of content Page no.

1 Executive summary 7-8

2 Chapter-1 Introduction about topic 9-19

3 Chapter-2 Company profile 20-23

4 Chapter-3 Literature review 24-28

5 Chapter-4 Research Methodology 29-31

6 Chapter-5 Data Analysis 32-38

7 Chapter-6 Finding 39

8 Suggestions 40

9 Conclusion 41

10 Reference 42

11 Questionnaire 43-44

Executive summary

This Project was undertaken at the Start-up Company Senpipers Pvt. Ltd. This
Project explains about Consumer Behavior on Online shopping through various
digital platforms.

The research has been carried out for the achievement of the given aim to
understand consumer behavior in context of online shopping through “Digital
Platforms”. For this a research has been carried out in Gurgaon. A Sample Size of
75 people was selected through “Random Sampling” at Gurgaon, Delhi NCR. The
Primary data was collected to Analyze & understand the consumer behavior while
they make a purchase through “Digital Platforms”.

The Sample of 75 people had been taken to fill out the questionnaire. This Survey
has measured the analysis of “Consumer Behavior” toward online shopping
through Digital Platforms.

Based on the research findings, it was concluded that consumer preference towards
purchasing through “Online Platforms” is increasing at a quick pace. More & More
Consumers are shifting towards Online purchasing rather than traditional
purchasing methods especially in case of “Electronic” items such as “Mobiles,
Televisions, Laptops” etc.

Consumer Behavior focuses on the behavior that a consumer depicts while buying
or purchasing a product. It focuses on both “Pre-Purchase Behavior” & “Post-
Purchase Behavior”.

This must be ensured that the only relevant information must be forwarded to the
people on digital platforms while making purchase otherwise the consumers can

take some legal action against the seller which will be result in disloyalty of the

The Online Selling is a tool with which seller can reach a wide range of customer
in limited time and the activity can be monitor with some specific tools.

Chapter 1


Consumer behavior: Consumer behavior is the study of how individual

customers, groups or organizations select, buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and
services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the consumers in
the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions.

Marketers expect that by understanding what causes the consumers to buy

particular goods and services, they will be able to determine—which products are
needed in the marketplace, which are obsolete, and how best to present the goods
to the consumers.

The study of consumer behavior assumes that the consumers are actors in the
marketplace. The perspective of role theory assumes that consumers play various
roles in the marketplace. Starting from the information provider, from the user to
the payer and to the disposer, consumers play these roles in the decision process.

The roles also vary in different consumption situations; for example, a mother
plays the role of an influencer in a child’s purchase process, whereas she plays the
role of a disposer for the products consumed by the family.

Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the
activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services,
including the consumer's emotional, mental and behavioral responses that precede
or follow these activities.

Some definitions of consumer behavior:-

 According to Schiffman, Hansen, and Kanuk, Consumer Behavior is the

actions and decision processes of people who purchase goods and services
for personal consumption.

 According to Louden and Bitta, Consumer Behavior is the decision process

and physical activity, which individuals engage in when evaluating,
acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services.

 According to Kotler& Keller, Consumer Behavior is the study of the ways of

buying and disposing of goods, services, ideas or experiences by the
individuals, groups and organizations in order to satisfy their needs and

Online shopping: Online Shopping is a form of electronic commerce which
allows consumers to buy goods or services over the Internet. Consumers find a
product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching
among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine, which displays the
same product's availability and pricing at different e-retailers.

Online Shopping is the activity or action of buying products or services over the
Internet. It means going online, landing on a seller’s website, selecting something,
and arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good or service online
with a credit or debit card or upon delivery.

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to

directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.
Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-
store, online store, online storefront and virtual store. Mobile commerce describes
purchasing from an online retailer's mobile optimized online site or app. An online
shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-
mortar retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer
online shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business, the
process is called business-to-business online shopping. The largest of these online
retailing corporations are Alibaba,, and eBay.

The purchase of products and services on the Internet. Online shopping has
become increasingly popular, due to convenience (and often lower prices).
Especially in the holiday season, online shopping saves an individual the hassle of
searching several stores and then waiting in long queues to buy a particular item.

TLD Example: The shift in consumer preference from traditional brick-and-mortar
stores to online shopping has revolutionized the retail industry.

Types of online shopping

1.Business to Business (B2B)

2.Business to Consumer (B2C)

3.Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

4.Consumer to Business ( C2B)

Digital platforms: A computing platform or digital platform is the environment in
which a piece of software is executed. It may be the hardware or the operating
system (OS), even a web browser and associated application programming
interfaces, or other underlying software, as long as the program code is executed
with it. Computing platforms have different abstraction levels, including computer
architecture, an OS, or runtime libraries.

Multiple components comprise a digital platform (typically a data-ingestion

engine, a machine-learning transactional engine to perform tasks or rules-based
activities, an analytical engine and increasingly, an AI engine, APIs, or tools that
allow digital platforms to talk to other software, and tools monitoring regulatory
compliance). These components must be aligned and integrated to create better
experiences for users.Digital platforms enable a data-driven world rather than a
process-driven world. The digital platform handles an end-to-end business process
necessary to achieve the improved experience for customers, employees, and

E-commerce: Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet

commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet,
and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. Ecommerce is
often used to refer to the sale of physical products online, but it can also describe
any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the internet.

Whereas e-business refers to all aspects of operating an online business,

ecommerce refers specifically to the transaction of goods and services.

The history of ecommerce begins with the first ever online sale: on the August 11,
1994 a man sold a CD by the band Sting to his friend through his website

NetMarket, an American retail platform. This is the first example of a consumer
purchasing a product from a business through the World Wide Web—or
“ecommerce” as we commonly know it today.

Since then, ecommerce has evolved to make products easier to discover and
purchase through online retailers and marketplaces. Independent freelancers, small
businesses, and large corporations have all benefited from ecommerce, which
enables them to sell their goods and services at a scale that was not possible with
traditional offline retail.

Global retail ecommerce sales are projected to reach $27 trillion by 2020.

E-commerce platform: Ecommerce platform is a software application which

allows the business owner to manage their online sale operations. There are many
vendors in the market who offer different ecommerce platform which suites their
business. Every platform has its own advantage and disadvantages, people chose
one according to their requirement.

Features of e-commerce platforms:

 Payment gateway option: The main goal of an online store is to enable the
customer to buy online so the payment gateway is an important feature of an
ecommerce site. When you are choosing a payment gateway just keep in mind that
it should give couple of options for the user to do the payment.

 Available themes: Design is the face of your online store, the design should look
appealing and user friendly so that you can reduce the bounce rate of the user.
Check if the platform provides enough themes. Most of the platform provides some
free themes and also they have some paid premium themes.

 Security: One of the most important features of an ecommerce platform is

security. Since the platform enable the use to pay online it is very much important
that your platform provide necessary security features

 Order management invoicing: A sophisticated platform should equip with proper

handing the orders management and provide clear details of the order processing.

 Documentation of the platform: A proper documentation of the platform help the

developers to understand use the platform as per the business requirement. It is a
key first hand documentation which needs to be provided by the platform.

 Scalability: When the business grows, the requirement for an ecommerce store
will increase with more features. The ecommerce platform should be a scalable
option which allows the owner to upgrade the store to next level.

Types of ecommerce models
There are four main types of ecommerce models that can describe almost every
transaction that takes place between consumers and businesses.

1. Business to Consumer (B2C):

When a business sells a good or service to an individual consumer (e.g. You buy a
pair of shoes from an online retailer).

2. Business to Business (B2B):

When a business sells a good or service to another business (e.g. A business sells
software-as-a-service for other businesses to use)

3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C):

When a consumer sells a good or service to another consumer (e.g. You sell your
old furniture on eBay to another consumer).

4. Consumer to Business (C2B):

When a consumer sells their own products or services to a business or organization
(e.g. An influencer offers exposure to their online audience in exchange for a fee,
or a photographer licenses their photo for a business to use).

Examples of e-commerce
Ecommerce can take on a variety of forms involving different transactional
relationships between businesses and consumers, as well as different objects being
exchanged as part of these transactions.

The sale of a product by a business directly to a customer without any

The sale of products in bulk, often to a retailer that then sells them directly to

The sale of a product, which is manufactured and shipped to the consumer by a
third party.

The collection of money from consumers in advance of a product being available
in order to raise the startup capital necessary to bring it to market.

The automatic recurring purchase of a product or service on a regular basis until
the subscriber chooses to cancel.

Any tangible good that requires inventory to be replenished and orders to be
physically shipped to customers as sales are made.

Downloadable digital goods, templates, and courses, or media that must be
purchased for consumption or licensed for use.

A skill or set of skills provided in exchange for compensation. The service
provider’s time can be purchased for a fee.

Objectives of the study

 To determine the source from where consumers get information about the

new products launched on online platforms.

 To find out whether consumers collect information about the products before

purchasing it or not.

 To find out percentage of population that purchase products online.

 To find out what products are purchased more through online platforms than


 To determine whether consumers pay attention to the online ads or not.

Chapter 2

Company profile

Senpiper is “Low Code Mobile First" platform to quickly launch and manage
Approvals workflows, Processes, Documents, Dashboards and Alerts.

Senpiper Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Was founded by “GauravSengar – Founder” &

“Anupam Singh - Co-Founder” in November 2015.

Senpiper Technologies India Private Limited is an unlisted private company. It was

incorporated on 17 November, 2015 and is located in Gurgaon, Haryana. It is
classified as a private limited company. The company has two directors – Gaurav
Sengar and Anupam Singh.

The company provides BPM, Enterprise Software, SaaS services, On-Premises,

Collaboration, and Low code app builder.

BPM : Business process management (BPM) is a discipline in operations

management in which people use various methods to discover, model, analyze,
measure, improve, optimize, and automate business processes.[1][2] Any
combination of methods used to manage a company's business processes is
BPM.[3] Processes can be structured and repeatable or unstructured and variable.
Though not required, enabling technologies are often used with BPM.

Business process management (BPM) is the discipline of improving a business

process from end to end by analyzing it, modeling how it works in different
scenarios, executing improvements, monitoring the improved process and
continually optimizing it.

Enterprise software: Enterprise software, also known as enterprise application
software (EAS), is computer software used to satisfy the needs of
an organization rather than individual users. Such organizations include businesses,
schools, interest-based user groups, clubs, charities, and governments. Enterprise
software is an integral part of a (computer-based) information system; a collection
of such software is called an Enterprise system.

Services provided by enterprise software are typically business-oriented tools, such

as online shopping, and online payment processing, interactive product catalogue,
automated billing systems, security, Business Process Management, enterprise
content management, IT Service Management, customer relationship
management, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, project
management, collaboration, human resource management,
manufacturing, occupational health and safety, enterprise application integration,
and enterprise forms automation.

As enterprises have similar departments and systems in common, enterprise

software is often available as a suite of customizable programs. Generally, the
complexity of these tools requires specialist capabilities and specific knowledge.
Enterprise computing is the information technology (IT) tools that businesses use
for efficient production operations and back office support. These IT tools cover
database management, customer relationship management, supply chain
management, business process management and so on.

Enterprise Software is a collection of computer programs that have common

business applications, tools for modeling how the entire organization works, and
development tools for building applications unique to the organization.[1] The
software is intended to solve an enterprise-wide problem, rather than a

departmental problem. Enterprise level software aims to improve the enterprise's
productivity and efficiency by providing business logic support functionality.

According to Martin Fowler, "Enterprise applications are about the display,

manipulation, and storage of large amounts of often complex data and the support
or automation of business processes with that data.

SaaS: Software as a service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which a

third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over
the Internet. SaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing,
alongside infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).

SaaS is closely related to the application service provider (ASP) and on demand
computing software delivery models. The hosted application management model
of SaaS is similar to ASP, where the provider hosts the customer’s software and
delivers it to approved end users over the internet. In the software on
demand SaaS model, the provider gives customers network-based access to a
single copy of an application that the provider created specifically for SaaS
distribution. The application’s source code is the same for all customers and when
new features or functionalities are rolled out, they are rolled out to all customers.
Depending upon the service level agreement (SLA), the customer’s data for each
model may be stored locally, in the cloud or both locally and in the cloud.
Organizations can integrate SaaS applications with other software
using application programming interfaces (APIs). For example, a business can
write its own software tools and use the SaaS provider's APIs to integrate those
tools with the SaaS offering.

Low code app builder:A low-code development platform (LCDP) is software that
provides an environment programmers use to create application software through
graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional computer
programming. The platform may focus on design and development of a particular
kind of application: such as databases, business processes, or user interfaces such
as web applications. Such platforms may produce entirely operational applications,
or require additional coding for specific situations. Low-code development
platforms reduce the amount of traditional hand coding, enabling accelerated
delivery of business applications. A common benefit is that a wider range of
people can contribute to the application's development—not only those with formal
programming skills. LCDPs can also lower the initial cost of setup, training, and

Chapter 3

Literature review

Activities people involved in when selecting, purchasing, and using products so as

to satisfy needs and desires. Consumer behavior involves the psychological process
that consumers go through in recognizing needs, finding ways to solve these
needs, making purchase decision (e.g., whether or not to purchase a product and, if
so, which brand and where), interpret information, make plans, and implement
these plans (e.g., by engaging in comparison shopping or actually purchasing a

Sources of Influence of the Consumer:

The consumer faces numerous of influence. Often, we take cultural influences for
granted, but they are significant. An American will usually not bargain with a
storeowner. This, however, is common practice in much of the world. Physical
factors also influence our behavior. We are more likely to buy a soft drink when
we are thirsty. For example, and food manufacturers have found that it is more
effective to advertise their products on radio in the late afternoon when people are
getting hungry. A person’s self image will also tend to influence. what he/she will
buy. An upwardly mobile manager may buy a flashy car to project an image of
success. Social factors also influence what the consumers buy-often, consumers
seek to imitate others whom they Admire, and may buy the same brands, the social
environment can include both the mainstream culture (e.g., Americans are more
likely to have corn flakes/ham and eggs for brake past than to have rice, which is
preferred in many Asian countries) and a sub culture (e.g., rap music often

Appealsto a segment within the population that seeks to distinguish itself from the
main stream population). Thus sneaker manufacturers are eager to have their
products worn by admired athletes. Finally, consumer behavior is influences by
learning – you try a hamburger and learn that it satisfies your hunger and tastes
good, and the next time you are hungry, you may consider another hamburger.

Decision-making involve several steps

1.Need recognition

5.Purchase evaluation
2. Information search

4.Purchase decision 3. Evaluation of


Problem recognition – you realize that something is not as it should be. Perhaps,
for example, your car is getting more difficult to start and is not accelerating well.
Information search- what are some alternative ways of solving the problem? You
might buy a new car, buy a used car, take your car in for repair, ride the bus, ride a
taxi, or ride a skateboard to work.

Information search – After the recognition of the need or the problem the
consumer searches for the information i.e. the products which can satisfy his needs.
The Information could be sought from various sources search such as internet,
advertisements, neighbors, relatives etc.

Evaluation alternatives – This is the 3rd stage of the purchase process where
consumer evaluates the various alternatives that are available to him which could
satisfy his need. The Alternatives are evaluated on their pros & cons. & the product
with maximum pros & minimum cons is selected.

Purchase decision –This is the 4thstage in the purchase process where consumer
finally purchases the product & consumes it to satisfy his/her need.

Purchase evaluation – The Last step in the purchase process is the purchase
evaluation where consumer evaluates the level of satisfaction that he has gotten by
consuming the product.

Buyer behavior –cultural factors

Cultural factors have a significant impact on customer behavior. Cultural is the

most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Growing up, children learn
basic values, perception and wants from the family and other important group.
Marketing are always trying to spot “cultural shift’” which might point to new
products that might be wanted by customer or to increased demand. For example,
the cultural shift towards greater concern about health and fitness has created
opportunities (and now industries) servicing customers who wish to buy:

Low calorie foods

Health club memberships

Exercise equipment

Activity or health- related holidays etc.

Similarly the increased desire for “leisure time” has resulted in increased demand
for convenience product and service such as microwave ovens, ready meals and
direct marketing service businesses such as telephone banking and insurance.

Each culture contains “sub-cultures” – groups of people with shared values. Sub-
cultures can include nationalities, religions, racial groups, or group of people
sharing the same geographical location. Sometimes a sub-culture will create a
substantial and distinctive market segment of its own.

Buyer behavior – social factors:

Introduction: A customer’s buying behavior is also influenced by social factor,

such as the group to which the customer belongs and social status. In a group,
several individuals may interact to influence the purchase decision. The typical
roles in such a group decision can be summarized as follows:

Initiator: the people who first suggest or think the idea of buying a particular
product or service.

Influence: a person whose view or advice influences the buying decision.

Decider: the individual with the power and/or financial authority to make the
ultimate choice regarding which product to buy.

Buyer: The person who concludes the transaction.

User: The person (persons) who actually uses the product or service.

The various purchase influence factors are as follows:

Social Psychologic
Age and life
Cultural cycle stage
Culture Motivation

Sub culture Family Occupation Perception

Social culture Roles and Learning

Economic Beliefs and
situation attitudes

Life style


Chapter 4

Research methodology

Meaning of research

It refers to the method adopted to collect the relevant data & other information,

which forms the basis of the thesis writing. So for the effective writing of the thesis

report, the data must be quality oriented. My research is divided into two stages:

Data collection sources

There are mainly two broad classifications of the data collection sources that are as


Secondary source: the data in the secondary source is already published & is in

the form of government publication, census, personnel record, and client history &

service records.

Primary source: the data which is not been published at all & is used by the

researcher the very first time is known as the primary data. This is called the

“First-hand” data. “Census” is an example of the primate data.

Method of data collection:

Data has been collected through Random Sampling.

Random sampling is a part of the sampling technique in which each sample has an

equal probability of being chosen. A sample chosen randomly is meant to be an

unbiased representation of the total population. If for some reasons, the sample

does not represent the population, the variation is called a sampling error.

Random sampling is one of the simplest forms of collecting data from the total

population. Under random sampling, each member of the subset carries an equal

opportunity of being chosen as a part of the sampling process. For example, the

total workforce in an organization is 300 and to conduct a survey, a sample group

of 30 employees is selected to do the survey. In this case, the population is the total

number of employees in the company and the sample group of 30 employees is the

sample. Each member of the workforce has an equal opportunity of being chosen

because all the employees which were chosen to be part of the survey were

selected randomly. But, there is always a possibility that the group or the sample

does not represent the population as a whole, in that case, any random variation is

termed as a sampling error.

Tool of data collection:


Questionnaire is one of the tools available to collect the primary data. It is very
easy to prepare and the respondents do not get bore to fill it because it is easy to
fill. It is very quick and correct method to collect the data and the data can be
exported easily to further operations.

It allows to have a organize information collection direct from the respondents and
in this study the total of 75 sample were collected.

The data was collected along with age and demographics information to know the
objectives of the study.

Sample Size:

To identify the consumer preference & behavior towards online shopping through
digital platforms we have conducted a research.

For this research project I have selected a sample size of 75 from the population.

Chapter 5

Data analysis

Fig 5.1) Source of Information.

Other Sources 7%
News 13%
Advertisements 40%
Family 10%
Friends 30%

Advertisement is one of the major source to get the information about the

new products. People also get information from word of mouth shared by

friends and family.

Fig 5.2) Collection of information before.


95% No

More than 90% people collect information about the product before

purchasing it.

Fig 5.3) Purchase from an online site.

19% 0% 0%

81% No

Almost 81% people purchased from online site. which shows the shift from

offline to online shopping.

Fig 5.4) Type of product purchased online.

Electronic 22%
Travel products 17%
Kichen an home items 2%
Sport equipments 11%
Automotives 3%

Above data shows that most people still prefer to buy kitchen, sports and

automotive part offline. Whereas in electronic and travel product people

tends to buy it online.

Fig 5.5) Availability of mobile phone or smartphones.



Almost all the respondents were using the smart phones.

Fig 5.6) Availability of laptop or PC



People started using laptops over pc as it is more easy and convenient to use.

Fig 5.7) On-time delivery as a major purchase decision affecting factor.



From the data collected 96% people said that on-time delivery of the product

play a crucial role in purchase decision.

Fig 5.8) Usage of Smartphone or PC.

Chatting 21%

Watch Videos 14%

E- books 6%

Blogging 6%

News reading 11%

Shopping 12%

Surfing 16%

Games 14%

Above data shows that respondents use their devices for various activities.

Fig 5.9) Awareness about online advertisement.




More than 95% people saw advertisement on their devices in some form.

Fig 5.10)Sources of Advertisement.

Radio 6%

OOH 6%

Magazines 14%

Newspaper 17%

Online Ads (Banner &

TV 22%

Online ads were the major source of advertisement on the respondent


Fig 5.11) Most Important Platform.

Radio 4%

OOH 3%

Newspapers 11%

Online 48%

TV 34%

Above data shows that people are transferring to internet for their media


Fig 5.12) Purchase of Product.

Visit and purchase from retail shop itself 19%

Visit the retail shop and purchase from… 7%

Visit the retail shop and purchase from… 4%

Research and purchase from laptop 11%

Research and purchase from mobile 6%

Research in mobile and purchase from… 10%

Research in laptop and purchase from… 22%

Research in mobile and purchase from… 21%

Above data shows that people are shifting towards online research than

visiting the store to get the information about the product.

Chapter 6

Findings & Suggestion


 Consumer Preference towards online mode of shopping is increasing at a very

quick pace as 81% of the people said that they purchase products from online


 Electronics Products are the most purchased items through digital platforms than

any other items.

 Consumer does the research about the product before purchasing it online i.e.

consumer does collect the information about the product before purchasing it.

 Advertisement is the major source from where consumers get the information

about the new products that are being launched on these online -platforms.

 Online advertisement is the most effective way to advertise as 95% of the people

said that they pay attention to these ads.


 Advertisement is the method from where most of the consumers get information

about the new products. Therefore Companies should focus more on these


 Authentic information about the products should be given on these online

platforms as consumers search for the information about the product before

purchasing it.

 Traditional sellers should take their business online as consumers are purchasing

more & more from online platforms.

 Online ads are the most effective form of advertisement as consumers pay

attention to this form of advertisement than any other media.


Consumer Preference towards online shopping through digital platforms is

increasing day by day as it is more convenient & comfortable for the

consumers.Consumers are getting more aware & seek information about the

products before making purchase through digital platforms, therefore authentic

information about the products should be given by the seller. Consumers are very

reluctant in purchasing clothing items through digital platforms as they are

doubting that whether the size will be accurate or it will get shorter or longer, so

companies has to think about better ways of selling these clothing items on digital

platforms.Electronic items are the most purchased items in online shopping which

shows that consumer prefers purchase of electronic items though online shopping

than any other items& among these electronic items “smartphones” are the most

purchased electronic item.On-time Delivery of the product plays a very crucial role

in the purchase decision of the consumer. 96% of the people said that they

purchase from those sites which has faster delivery channel, the faster the delivery

of the product the more satisfied will be the consumer. Therefore, company should

build an effective distribution channel.


 Chand.S (2019),Consumer Behavior: Meaning/Definition and Nature of Consumer

Behavior, Retrieved from:



 Kumar,P (2019), Definition of Online Shopping, Retrieved from:

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1. How do you get information about new Products?

a. Other sources c. family

b. Friends d. Advertisements

2. Do you collect information about new products?

a. Yes b. No

3. Did you ever purchase products online?

a. Yes b. No

4. If Yes, Then what type of products you buy?

a. Electronics c. Clothing

b. Groceries d. Sports

5. Do you have Smartphone?

a. Yes b. No

6. Do you have a Laptop or PC?

a. Yes b. No

7. Do You have Internet Connection in these gadgets?

a. Yes b. No

8. What do you do with these Gadgets?

a. Gaming c. Blogging

b. News reading d. Shopping

9. Do you notice advertisements of these E-Commerce Companies?

a. Yes b. No

10. If Yes, then from where?

a. Magazines c. Newspapers

b. Online Ads d. Television

11. Which Media you give importance to?

a. Online Ads c. Magazines

b. Television d. Newspapers


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