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Board Stock Exchange

Game Concept
A tabletop card game where players play with luck and strategy to acquire the most stock.

Target audience
The target audience is the 12+ age group.

Game Elements
1. Currency Cards : 20k cards , 10k cards, 5k cards.
2. Company Share Card (card shape) : 10 per company costing 50k each.
3. Company Cards : 9 Companies
4. How To Play Cards : 6 cards.
5. Dice roll : One Dice representing the market.
6. Share Insurance Card : 9 only , costing

Core Gameplay
Purchase Company Shares, Collect Income, Raise the stakes by betting shares, Purchase
Insurance and other players Shares, Acquire the most shares before other players.

1. All Players start with the 50k cash and a How To Play! Card. Players are numbered one
to six.
2. Buy some available company shares and acquire a little equity to start your business in a
bidding round.
3. Shares bid by players are persistent and can only be withdrawn on the players next turn.
4. The first player begins the Dice Phase with the first roll. Each roll affects every player.
5. Based on the roll outcome, players collect income and pay fines.
6. From the second turn on, players can bid or withdraw cards and purchase insurance
7. The player with the most shares when all shares have been purchased wins. Players are
allowed to discuss and scheme.

Game Ideation
In class we played several board games to understand their principles and mechanics. The
games we played were RISK, MONOPOLY, LIFE , Scotland Yard and many more.

Based on these games I thought of a system where cards owned by players are called into
account every turn, and each players turn has an effect on every other player.
Game Elements
1. Companies cards - These cards represent the businesses or corporations in this game
where player tests his/her luck and decision making skills. Each card has 10 sub cards
called share cards.

2. Share cards - Each card represents 10% equity in a business and players needs to buy
these cards to get more equity leading to the win state. Each card will cost 20k $.
3. Insurance card -There are 9 insurance cards costing 50k each which can he held by
players to use and return to purchase after use. Use the card to avoid losses from bet
shares. The first 4 insurance cards in the game will be 50% off.

4. Dice - Each roll of the dice denotes profits for the players divided between specific
numbers, and odd even.
5. How to play card - Shows the player the required activities to do in this game.

6. Currency cards : Currency comes in 10k, 20k, 5k..

Win State / Lose State :

Winning condition : ​After the completion of particular number of round all the players will
check the equity and player with the maximum holding equity will be the winner and others will
be runner up.
Losing condition : ​There is no losing in the game and anyways player with the least equity had
earned some equity. So lo
gically all the players will be categorised by their performance.

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