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Summer Training Report

Customer Satisfaction Survey on Memat Digi

Completed In
Memat Digi Pvt. Ltd.

Submitted In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement

Of Masters of Business Administration

Corporate Mentor: Submitted By:

Name: Yash Mittal Naman Mittal

Designation: Director 06261203918

Organisation: Memat Digi Pvt. Ltd. 2018-2020

Submitted To:

Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)
Bonafide Certificate

This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project entitled

“Customer Satisfaction Survey on Memat Digi” is the bonafide research
work carried out by Naman Mittal student of MBA, BCIPS, Dwarka, New
Delhi during June-July 2019, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Summer Training Project of the Degree of Master of Business

He has worked under my guidance.

Name: Dr. Dimpy Sachar (Assistant Professor)

Project Guide (Internal)

Counter signed by

HOD/ Director

I hereby declare that this Summer Training Project Report titled Customer
Satisfaction Survey on Memat Digi submitted by me to Banarsidas
Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka is a bonafide work
undertaken during the period from 1st (June 2019) to 31st (July 2019) by me
and has not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the
award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.

(Signature of the Student) Date: / / 2019

Name: Naman Mittal

Enroll. No.: 06261203918


I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to Memat Digi for
offering a unique platform to earn exposure and gain knowledge in the field of Digital
Marketing. I wish to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my project guide Mr.
Yash Mittal who guided and encouraged me during the entire tenure of the project. Their
suggestions were indispensable throughout & played a great role in making this a useful
project. I owe my sincere thanks to my mentors for their valuable suggestions and
continuous active support without which this project would not have been completed.

I would also like to thank my colleagues at Memat Digi for their co-operation and
valuable advice throughout the course of my project. I am obliged to all the people who
took out time from their busy schedules and gave their valuable inputs which helped me
in different ways. I am able to say with conviction that I have immensely benefited from
my association as a summer intern with Memat Digi.

Naman Mittal














 FINDINGS 43-44





Table Index Page No.

5.1 From where you heard about company 31

5.2 Services taken from company 32

5.3 Quality of the service 33

5.4 Medium for reaching company 34

5.5 Services help in achieving goals 35

5.6 Services in future 36

5.7 Refer services to others 37

5.8 Change in business after taking service 38

5.9 Customer ratings on the services 39

5.10 Growth of business after taking service 40

5.11 Overall Experience with company 41

5.12 Ratings given to company 42


Fig. Index of Figure Page No.

1.1 Market size of IT Industry 5

2.1 Logo of the company 17

3.1 Company Profile – Key Facts 18

5.1 From where you heard about company 31

5.2 Services taken from company 32

5.3 Quality of the service 33

5.4 Medium for reaching company 34

5.5 Services help in achieving goals 35

5.6 Services in future 36

5.7 Refer services to others 37

5.8 Change in business after taking service 38

5.9 Customer ratings on the services 39

5.10 Growth of business after taking service 40

5.11 Overall Experience with company 41

5.12 Ratings given to company 42


This project is about the customer satisfaction survey on the services of Memat Digi. It
covers the study in which the customer satisfaction survey has taken to analyze the
services provided by Memat Digi.

In this project, an introduction to the IT industry is discussed that how IT Industry

evolved in India and now it is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. IT
Industry in India has played a major role in placing India on the international map. And
also market share of the IT Industry is discussed that how India’s IT industry grew to US$
181 billion in 2018-19 and how the IT Industry has grown every year. After discussing
market share, now we discuss the investments made in IT Industry. Indian Information
Technology’s core competencies and strengths have attracted significant investments
from major countries. Leading Indian IT firms like Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Tech
Mahindra, are diversifying their offerings and showcasing leading ideas in blockchain,
artificial intelligence to clients using innovation hubs, research and development centers,
in order to create differentiated offerings. Along with this, the major developments in the
Indian IT Sector is Nasscom developed an online platform which is aimed at up-skilling
over 2 million technology professionals and many more developments are done. An
overview on digital marketing and methods of digital marketing such as search engine
optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, content
automation, etc are discussed.

In the next chapter, the focus is on the company named Memat Digi Private Limited and
doing its SWOT Analysis so as to get an idea as to what are the challenges that it is facing
now and what are the opportunities lies ahead for Memat Digi. The clients and the
services offered by the company are also discussed in the project so as to clarify the work
done by the company.

Many other projects that are similar and dissimilar focusing on customer satisfaction were
taken as a reference so as to get a better understanding and idea of how to progress in this
research. Like the research was done by Vu Minh Ngo on Measuring Customer

The next chapter focuses on research methodology which is a very important part of any
project. It is all about the methodology of research that is being used which consists of the
method of research which in this case is a questionnaire. The Population on which this
questionnaire was administered and whether the data collected was primary or secondary
which in this case were both. Every study has some limitations and this research was no
different. The various limitations were clearly mentioned in this chapter.

Analysis of the study is considered as one of the important part of any project. In this
chapter, analysis is done of the data collected by various means. In this research, the data
analysis tools used are percentages and pie charts. The various attributes were analyzed
independently and the importance to each was calculated on the basis of the percentage.
After that percentage is calculated using MS Excel.

A thorough analysis was performed after a determined study and research. Suggestions
were taken into consideration for the betterment of the company so that they can improve
their services. The conclusion is done on the basis of the analysis done.



About IT Industry

Indian IT Industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The IT Industry
has built very valuable brand equity for itself in the global markets. The Indian IT
Industry comprises of software industry and information technology enabled services
(ITES), which even includes business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. Indian IT
Industry is considered as a pioneer in software development and a favourite destination
for IT-enabled services. In the year 1974, the origin of IT Industry in India can be traced,
when the mainframe manufacturer, Burroughs asked its India sales agent, Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS) to export programmers for installing system software for a
United States client.

The Indian Information Technology Industry originated under very unfavourable

conditions. During olden times local markets were absent and government policy toward
private enterprise was hostile. The Indian IT Industry was begun by Bombay-based
conglomerates who entered the business by supplying programmers to global IT firms
located overseas. During 1970’s the Indian economy was state controlled and remained
hostile to the software industry. Even the import tariffs were high like 135% on hardware
and 100% on software. Even the exporters were ineligible for bank finance. In 1984 Rajiv
Gandhi became Prime Minister and the Government policy towards IT sector changed.
The new computer policy consisted of a package of reduced import tariffs on hardware
and software which reduced to 60%.

Even during this time the recognition of software exports as a “delicensed industry”, was
done so that banks were eligible for finance and freed from license-permit raj, there was
even the permission for foreign firms to set up wholly-owned subsidiaries. All such
policies are reasons for development of a world-class Indian IT Industry, Today IT
companies in India, such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, Infosys, HCL are
well known in the global market for their IT competency.

Indian IT Industry’s development and contribution to the world’s information technology
sector is of highest reputation. Metro cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai
and Delhi have become the favourite destinations for all the big banners like Dell,
Hewlett Packard (HP), HSBC, Microsoft, GE and several Indian multi national firms like
Wipro, Infosys and Microsoft have set up their offices in these cities. As the cities offers
good infrastructure, with large floor space and great telecom facilities. This could be the
reason for the basis of high growth statistics of India and the changing outlook of the
companies towards India. The Indian IT Industry has grown up to US$ 5.7 billion in
1999-2000, with the annual growth rate not sliding below 50% since 1991.

IT Industry in India has played a major role in placing India on the international map. The
Indian IT Industry mainly comprises of instance system integration, software
experiments, Custom Application Development and Maintenance (CADM), network
services and IT solutions. According to the analysis done and prepared by the Department
of Information Technology (DIT), the IT-BPO industry was expected to achieve a
revenue aggregate of US$ 73.1 billion in 2009-10 and the report even predicted that
Indian IT-BPO revenues may reach US$ 225 billion in 2020.

India is the leading sourcing destination across the world, accounting for approximately
55 per cent market share of the US$ 185-190 billion global services sourcing business in
2017-18. Indian IT companies have set up over 1,000 global delivery centres in about 80
countries across the world.
India has become the digital capabilities hub of the world with around 75 per cent of
global digital talent present in the country.

Market Size

India’s IT industry grew to US$ 181 billion in 2018-19. Exports from the industry
increased to US$ 137 billion in FY19 while domestic revenues (including hardware)
advanced to US$ 44 billion.
Spending on Information Technology in India is expected to grow over 9 per cent to
reach US$ 87.1 billion in 2018.
Revenue from digital segment is expected to comprise 38 per cent of the forecasted US$
350 billion industry revenue by 2025.

Figure 1.1


Indian IT's core competencies and strengths have attracted significant investments from
major countries. The computer software and hardware sector in India attracted cumulative
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows worth US$ 37.23 billion between April 2000
and March 2019 and ranks second in inflow of FDI, as per data released by the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
Leading Indian IT firms like Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Tech Mahindra, are diversifying
their offerings and showcasing leading ideas in blockchain, artificial intelligence to
clients using innovation hubs, research and development centers, in order to create
differentiated offerings.
Some of the major developments in the Indian IT sector are as follows:

 Nasscom has launched an online platform which is aimed at up-skilling over 2

million technology professionals and skilling another 2 million potential
employees and students.
 Revenue growth in the BFSI vertical stood at 6.80 per cent y-o-y between July-
September 2018.
 As of March 2018, there were over 1,140 GICs operating out of India.
 PE investments in the sector stood at US$ 2,400 million in Q4 2018.
 Venture Capital (VC) investments in the IT sector stood at US$ 53.0 million
during Q4 2018.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies,

mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any
other digital medium. Digital marketing channels are systems based on the internet that
can create, accelerate, and transmit product value from producer to the terminal consumer
by digital networks.
Digital marketing's development since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands
and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms are increasingly
incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life, and as people use digital devices
instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns are becoming more
prevalent and efficient.
Digital marketing methods such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine
marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,
campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media
marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, Display advertising, e–
books, and optical disks and games are becoming more common in our advancing
technology. In fact, digital marketing now extends to non-Internet channels that provide
digital media, such as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring
tones. In essence, this extension to non-Internet channels helps to differentiate digital
marketing from online marketing, another catch-all term for the marketing methods
mentioned above, which strictly occur online.
Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at
the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending
time on the internet.
Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to
connect with customers where they spend much of their time online. From the website
itself to a business's online branding assets like digital advertising, email marketing,
online brochures, and beyond there's a spectrum of tactics that fall under the umbrella of
"digital marketing."

Digital Marketing Channels

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This is the process of optimizing the website to "rank" higher in search engine results
pages, thereby increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic the website receives. The
channels that benefit from SEO include websites, blogs, and infographics. There are a
number of ways to approach SEO in order to generate qualified traffic to the website.
These include:

 On page SEO: This type of SEO focuses on all of the content that exists "on the
page" when looking at a website. By researching keywords for their search
volume and intent (or meaning), the questions can be answered for readers and
ranked higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs).
 Off page SEO: This type of SEO focuses on all of the activity that takes place
"off the page" when looking to optimize the website. "What activity not on
website could affect the ranking?" This might be a question. The answer is
inbound links, also known as backlinks. The number of publishers that link, and
the relative "authority" of those publishers, affect how highly the rank for the
keywords cared about. By networking with other publishers, writing guest posts
on these websites (and linking back to the website), and generating external
attention, and can earn the backlinks needed to move the website up on all the
right SERPs.

Content Marketing

This term denotes the creation and promotion of content assets for the purpose of
generating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, and customers. The channels
that can play a part in the content marketing strategy include:

 Blog posts: Writing and publishing articles on a company blog helps to

demonstrate the industry expertise and generates organic search traffic for the
business. This ultimately gives more opportunities to convert website visitors into
leads for the sales team.
 Ebooks and whitepapers: Ebooks, whitepapers, and similar long-form content
helps further educate website visitors. It also allowsto exchange content for a

reader's contact information, generating leads for company and moving
people through the buyer's journey.
 Infographics: Sometimes, readers want to show, not tell. Infographics are a form
of visual content that helps website visitors visualize a concept which will help to

Social Media Marketing

This practice promotes brand and content on social media channels to increase brand
awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for the business. The channels which can be
used in social media marketing include:
 Facebook
 Twitter
 LinkedIn
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Pinterest

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is a method of driving traffic to the website by paying a publisher every time the ad
is clicked. One of the most common types of PPC is Google Ads, which allows to pay for
top slots on Google's search engine results pages at a price "per click" of the links placed.
Other channels which can use PPC include:
 Paid ads on Facebook: Here, users can pay to customize a video, image post, or
slideshow, which Facebook will publish to the newsfeeds of people who match
the business's audience.
 Twitter Ads campaigns: Here, users can pay to place a series of posts or profile
badges to the news feeds of a specific audience, all dedicated to accomplish a
specific goal for the business. This goal can be website traffic, more Twitter
followers, tweet engagement, or even app downloads.
 Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn: Here, users can pay to send messages
directly to specific LinkedIn users based on their industry and background.

Affiliate Marketing

This is a type of performance-based advertising where the user receives commission for
promoting someone else's products or services on the website. Affiliate marketing
channels include:

 Hosting video ads through the YouTube Partner Program.

 Posting affiliate links from social media accounts.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation refers to the software that serves to automate the basic marketing
operations. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks they would
otherwise do manually, such as:
 Email newsletters: Email automation doesn't just allow to automatically send
emails to the subscribers. It can also help in shrink and expand the contact list as
needed so the newsletters are only going to the people who want to see them in
their inboxes.
 Social media post scheduling: If the user wants to grow organization's presence
on a social network, the user needs to post frequently. This makes manual posting
a bit of an unruly process. Social media scheduling tools push content to social
media channels, so the user can spend more time focusing on content strategy.
 Lead-nurturing workflows: Generating leads, and converting those leads into
customers, can be a long process. The user can automate that process by sending
leads specific emails and content once they fit certain criteria, such as when they
download and open an ebook.
 Campaign tracking and reporting: Marketing campaigns can include a ton of
different people, emails, content, webpages, phone calls, and more. Marketing
automation can help to sort everything that work on by the campaign it's serving,
and then track the performance of that campaign based on the progress all of these
components make over time.

Email Marketing

Companies use email marketing as a way of communicating with their audiences. Email
is often used to promote content, discounts and events, as well as to direct people toward

the business's website. The types of emails, the user might send in an email marketing
campaign include:

 Blog subscription newsletters.

 Follow-up emails to website visitors who downloaded something.
 Customer welcome emails.
 Holiday promotions to loyalty program members.
 Tips or similar series emails for customer nurturing.

Online PR

Online PR is the practice of securing earned online coverage with digital publications,
blogs, and other content-based websites. It's much like traditional PR, but in the online
space. The channels that can be used to maximize the PR efforts include:

 Reporter outreach via social media: Talking to journalists on Twitter, for

example, is a great way to develop a relationship with the press that produces
earned media opportunities for the company.
 Engaging online reviews of company: When someone reviews the company
online, whether that review is good or bad, the instinct might be not to touch it.
On the contrary, engaging company reviews helps to humanize the brand and
deliver powerful messaging that protects the reputation.
 Engaging comments on personal website or blog: Similar to the way the user
respond to reviews of the company, responding to the people who are reading the
content is the best way to generate productive conversation around the industry.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing refers to a marketing methodology wherein user attracts, engage, and
delight customers at every stage of the buyer's journey. The user can use every digital
marketing tactic listed above, throughout an inbound marketing strategy, to create a
customer experience that works with the customer, not against them.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a metric used to quantify the degree to which a customer
is happy with a product, service, or experience. This metric is usually calculated by
deploying a customer satisfaction survey that asks on a five or seven-point scale how a
customer feels about a support interaction, purchase, or overall customer experience, with
answers between "highly unsatisfied" and "highly satisfied" to choose from.
When it comes down to it, customer satisfaction is a reflection of how a customer feels
about interacting with the brand. And businesses and brands quantify this positive or
negative feeling primarily using customer satisfaction surveys.
These responses can give an idea of your average level of customer satisfaction -- along
with a picture of customer loyalty, which predicts the likelihood of customer referrals.
Business always starts and closes with customers and hence the customers must be treated
as the King of the market. All the business enhancements, profit, status, image, etc. of the
organization depends on customers. Hence it is important for all the organizations to meet
all the customers’ expectations and identify that they are satisfied customer.

Customer satisfaction is the measure of how the needs and responses are collaborated and
delivered to excel customer expectation. It can only be attained if the customer has an
overall good relationship with the supplier. In today’s competitive business marketplace,
customer satisfaction is an important performance exponent and basic differentiator of
business strategies. Hence, the more is customer satisfaction; more is the business and the
bonding with customer.

Customer satisfaction is a part of customer’s experience that exposes a supplier’s

behavior on customer’s expectation. It also depends on how efficiently it is managed and
how promptly services are provided. This satisfaction could be related to various business
aspects like marketing, product manufacturing, engineering, quality of products and
services, responses customer’s problems and queries, completion of project, post delivery
services, complaint management etc.

Customer satisfaction is the overall essence of the impression about the supplier by the
customers. This impression which a customer makes regarding supplier is the sum total of
all the process he goes through, right from communicating supplier before doing any
marketing to post delivery options and services and managing queries or complaints post-

delivery. During this process the customer comes across working environment of various
departments and the type of strategies involved in the organization. This helps the
customer to make strong opinion about the supplier which finally results in satisfaction or

Customer’s perception on supplier helps the customer choose among the supplier on basis
of money value and how well the delivered products suit all the requirements. The
supplier’s services never diminishes after the delivery as customer seeks high values post
marketing services which could help them use and customize the delivered product more
efficiently. If he is satisfied with the post marketing services then there are good chances
for supplier to retain the customers to enhance repeated purchases and make good
business profits.

It is necessarily required for an organization to interact and communicate with customers

on a regular basis to increase customer satisfaction. In these interactions and
communications it is required to learn and determine all individual customer needs and
respond accordingly. Even if the products are identical in competing markets, satisfaction
provides high retention rates. For example, shoppers and retailers are engaged with
frequent shopping and credit cards to gain customer satisfaction, many high end retailers
also provide membership cards and discount benefits on those cards so that the customer
remain loyal to them.

Higher the satisfaction level, higher is the sentimental attachment of customers with the
specific brand of product and also with the supplier. This helps in making a strong and
healthy customer-supplier bonding. This bonding forces the customer to be tied up with
that particular supplier and chances of defection very less. Hence customer satisfaction is
very important panorama that every supplier should focus on to establish a renounced
position in the global market and enhance business and profit.

Essentials of Customer Satisfaction

1. CSAT helps you identify unsatisfied customers

You can't analyze unhappy customers' feedback, or make changes to your product or
service to make them happy, if you don't know customers are unhappy in the first place.
Make sure you're deploying CSAT surveys, analyzing, and acting on negative customer
feedback, no matter how tough it is to hear, as your top priority, so you can prevent them
from churning, leaving negative customer reviews, or warning against your brand to
friends and colleagues.

2. CSAT helps you identify happy customers

If you don't measure customer satisfaction, you can't identify your happy customers who
are finding success with your product or service. And if you aren't prioritizing customer
success, odds are, your company isn't growing -- at least, that's what we found in a survey
of nearly 1,000 business leaders across industries. Growing companies prioritize customer
success, and a key way to identify and activate successful customers is to request
customer feedback to identify your satisfied customers. These customers are the ones who
will shout your praises to their friends and family, and they'll refer new customers --
growing your business faster than sales and marketing, at no cost of customer acquisition.
Not only is it cheaper to retain an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one, but
repeat customers spend more, and so do referred customers.

3. CSAT helps you forecast and work proactively

Without measuring CSAT and similar customer success metrics, it's hard for customer
success teams to plan and inform priorities. Without metrics to inform how healthy (or
unhealthy) your customer base is, customer success teams can't work with Sales to
improve customer expectations, with Product to incorporate product feedback, or
Marketing to improve the end-to-end customer experience. Leaders need data and trends
to forecast team performance over the next month, quarter, and year to adapt strategy, if

4. CSAT drives your inbound methodology

Customer satisfaction does more than just measure customer service. It optimizes the
performance of other departments by providing them with useful customer insights. This
information is used to improve customer experience which leads to a cyclical increase in
customer satisfaction. Businesses with excellent customer satisfaction can easily attract
and engage with customers because they've proven they can provide a delightful brand
experience. If your company wants to adopt the Inbound Methodology, you'll need to
integrate customer satisfaction into every function you perform.

5. CSAT helps marketers attract new leads

Most customers are more likely to trust their peers than they are to trust marketing. In
fact, 71% of customers are more comfortable with a purchase after reading a positive
company review. But without great customer satisfaction, your company won't have these
reviews to share. Your marketers should rely on customer testimonials to attract new
leads to your business. Since customers are more willing to trust other users, these
reviews are effective in attracting prospects. That's because 55% of customers are willing
to spend more money on a guaranteed good experience. The better your customer
satisfaction, the more material your marketers will have to advertise your brand.

6. CSAT is a selling point for sales teams

Sales teams benefit from customer satisfaction because it acts as a selling point for
closing deals. As we mentioned above, customers are more willing to pay for an
experience they know is great. If your customer satisfaction is superb, your team should
highlight that during their pitch to leads. Additionally, CSAT helps sales teams
understand customer expectations. They can analyze happy customer reviews to see
which parts of your product or service they should emphasize. That way, they can
hammer home distinct advantages that differentiate your business from its competitors.

7. CSAT guides product updates

Negative customer reviews act as alerts that let companies know when a product or
service has a problem that needs to be fixed. Product development teams monitor CSAT
to identify these issues and quickly resolve them. This is particularly important for SaaS
businesses that regularly update their software. By keeping a close eye on CSAT,
development teams can correct costly product roadblocks that may lead to churn.

8. CSAT leads to customer advocacy.
If your business has positive customer satisfaction, then you have customers who are
loyal to your brand. These customers will refer new leads to your company and generate
more testimonials for your marketing team. You can create customer advocacy programs
for these users and encourage them to advertise on your business' behalf. Customer
advocacy programs reward customers for referring your business to potential leads.
Customers are given incentives to join the program, then receive gifts or offers in
exchange for reviews and testimonials. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship that
rewards your best customers and keeps them loyal.

9. CSAT improves customer retention

It should be no surprise that the happier your customers are, the better your customer
retention will be. After all, happy customers won't have much reason to turn to
competitors, so long as you keep them satisfied. On the other hand, unhappy customers
will have plenty of reasons to churn and it'll be up to your team to convince them
otherwise. By measuring CSAT, you can look at individual customer needs and create
personalized offers for users who are likely to churn. Since 60% of customers will leave a
company due to a poor customer service experience, you may only get one opportunity to
stop someone from churning. CSAT optimize your chances by providing you with
relevant information about the customer's experience with your brand.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this project is to find out customer satisfaction from those
customers who have taken services from Memat Digi and to find out what all the
company can do to improve its services.

Scope of the Study

The study consists of understanding customer satisfaction from the survey which focuses
on improving customer service and experience. The customer satisfaction survey focuses
on finding and analyzing whether the customers are satisfied after taking digital
marketing services. This study would help us to find out what things the company can do
to improve their services so that they can attract more customers in order to provide
digital marketing services. This study would also help the company in achieving theirs by
knowing in what areas they can correct themselves. This study would help the company
in analyzing and correcting wherever they are going wrong and in this way, company can
improve its services and can give customers a better experience.




Figure 2.1

Memat Digi is an advancing IT services and Solution organization which aims to provide
wide spectrum of services including, Marketing and Analytics Solutions, Media, Digital
marketing, E-commerce solutions, Web design & development which have been the need
of contemporary business entity.

Memat Digi is initiating operations and establishing high tech well organized team which
has the caliber to make the business scale new heights. Memat Digi team does deep
analysis of their clients businesses and craft a strategy which will escalate the business
revenues as well as enhance the potential customers.

Memat Digi is a customized digital media marketing firm equipped with tech savvy and
organized team that will make the business flourish across corporate and social media
platform. The team comprises of well experienced developers, designers, marketing
strategist and creative consultants who would make desired result to the business.

Their aim is to provide favorable business environment ranging from small scale to big
corporate houses. Memat Digi relies on the concept of connecting not only to B2B or
B2C but think out of the box to connect P2p i.e. People to People.

Figure 2.2

 2 Agency Awards awarded

 25% growth in leads
 90% on average growth in traffic and average 80% growth in leads
 33+ top clients has transformational growth in 2018-19
 90% of block links removed
 Providing services all over India
 Providing services in all countries

Mission of the company

We create what you dream and we earn what you appreciate. We help organizations to
accelerate through complexity to achieve their digital freedom. We furnish extraordinary
mobile marketing strategies to stand out of the crowd and gain competitive edge.

Services offered by company

Web Design & Development

Website designing and development is an integral process as it spans across creating,

designing and maintaining web pages. Web designing can be made dynamic and vibrant
based on the choice. However, in today’s scenario with the spike in the demand of the
dynamic website design due to the ease of the changes that can be made on it, irrespective
of the technological knowledge, has provided its development in huge numbers. In order
to promote or create a general awareness of a product or service one need to have a
company’s website where they would showcase their product.

Digital Marketing

The transition in the way that we consume media has changed completely. Digital era is
what the 21st century is known as. Any company that failed to adapt to the dynamic
business environment ultimately had to shut shop. So today, digital marketing is the
buzzword in business town.

What exactly is digital marketing? Digital marketing, in a nutshell, is leveraging the

power of the internet to use digital channels like e-mail, social media, and search engines
to promote a company or brand. The main advantage of this form of marketing is that it
helps prospective customers to connect to a company irrespective of the region they are

Content Writing

People that use search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing is far from reaching the
saturation point. People who look for content on these search engines is rising everyday
and your business could benefit a lot from this if it is able to direct these people to the
website. Our content marketing team will be very pleased to do that for you. Our content
marketing process starts with creating content relevant to your company, followed by
publishing and promoting it. Memat Digi is an expert content writing company in Delhi
NCR, India. We make your brand’s content marketing easy.

2D & 3D Animations

To quote an example if a film script is strong enough it would lead to its success. We
have witnessed in many instances a film with average star cast doing great at at box office
because the film inclined on it storyline and garnered praises from people. Search engines
like Google want high quality, coherent and relevant text. Memat Digi is a par excellence
company that provides content writing services in the world. By availing our services
businesses have been able to get their target audiences via effective marketing and
content writing.

Virtual Reality

One of the most exciting things about virtual reality is just where it is going to get to.
Right now we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of potential and one of the best
technologies that’s coming to intersect with virtual reality is actually something called

The main idea of virtual reality is to replace your reality with something new, virtual
computer-generated environment. It could be some game or some environment you walk
around or some video that’s playing all around when you look around but the idea is to
trick your brain into thinking that that’s your new reality.

Augmented Reality

What’s truly fascinating about augmented reality is that it is connecting all screens to our
physical world. Most of the interactive work in the field of advertising for the last 20
years has always been on the computer or mobile phone screen. The opportunity digital
marketers have with augmented reality is somehow to leave that screen and to start to
look around.

Augmented reality brings to the creative process a much more deep level engagement,
interaction, and exploration between the brand and the customer. It also brings a new
variable into the process that is the environment. The environment can be a part of the
story that the brand is trying to tell. One of the defining features of augmented reality is

its ability to interact with the user’s environment in an intelligent way and this is how we
sell the illusion that there is virtual content in the real world. Once this part is done,
customers can explore this whole new world of more natural user interactions.

Data Analytics

Your digital marketing campaign is up and running but the challenge is to measure the
effectiveness of it. A digital marketing campaign requires huge investment and the
company would really like to know how their return on investment is shaping up. Memat
Digi provides marketing data analytics services so that you can find out the effectiveness
of the digital marketing campaign.

IT Consultation

When you get a partner to work with you on an idea, not only does the work happens
swiftly but also the quality of work improves significantly. Memat Digi’s IT consultation
services will help you convert your idea into reality. However, it is a difficult task to find
a partner perfect for your idea. We provide one of the best business IT consulting services
in Delhi. Our team of IT consultants has goodwill, right knowledge, and a gamut of tools
to bring your idea to life. Aside from IT consultation, our flagship services include
machine learning, cloud computing, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial
intelligence, desktop learning, internet of things, automation, data analytics, and mobility.
We fully understand your business requirements and then customize the service so that it
suits your business requirements.

Mobile App Design and Development

Mobile applications are for everything which is why a good app development company in
the world never goes out of business. In this digital era, you know pretty well that if you
want to grow your business, your online presence is mandatory. Without a website or an
app, reaching out to targeted customers is pretty difficult. While you cannot spend a large
amount of money on ground marketing such as holding newspaper advertisements, TV, or
radio commercial, the best way to penetrate this cut-throat market is through mobile
application and websites.


 Metflux
 Sabi
 Aamku
 Flypped
 VNS Mercantile
 Top10Delhi



1. Easy to target and reach more audience at a competitive price.

2. Promotion of small businesses effectively.
3. Offering services at much lower costs than the competitors.
4. Extensive reach on social media channels.


1. A challenge to reach the population which is still not using the internet.
2. Lack of deep understanding of changing human behavior and requirements.


1. Increase the reach of brand, which can lead to direct profit.

2. Capturing high end market by innovation and Digital India program.
3. Cut-throat competition is making digital products available.


1. Increasing new competitors in the market.

2. Changing trends of different areas and ever changing rules of search engine for
optimizing the content, which is very difficult.



Customer satisfaction is an evaluation of difference between prior expectations about

product and its actual performance. Customer satisfaction is how customer reacts towards
the state of satisfaction, and how customers judge the satisfaction level. Customer
satisfaction is the reaction of customer toward state of the fulfillment and judgment of
customer about that fulfilled state. Customer satisfaction is the expectation before
consuming a product regarding quality or it is a pre-consumption judgment or

(Vu Minh Ngo) in (2015) published research on Measuring Customer Satisfaction. This
paper reviews the research on how to measure the level of Customer Satisfaction, and
classify research articles according to their approaches and methodologies. This paper
also tries to supply some insights about the state of measuring Customer Satisfaction in
Vietnam. The main objective is to provide a conceptual basic to understand existing
methodologies used for measuring Customer Satisfaction. Another important contribution
of this study is to suggest some criteria which should be considered to make Customer
Satisfaction measurement as a leading indicator of the financial performance. This paper
can be used to gain basic conceptual ideas of the methodologies used for measuring
Customer Satisfaction and also the criteria which make Customer Satisfaction
measurements more likely as a driver of economic performance.

A research by (Antreas Athanassopoulos, Spiros Gounaris, Vlassis Stathakopoulos) in

(2001) published research on Behavioural responses to customer satisfaction. This
research investigates the behavioural consequences of customer satisfaction. More
specifically, the authors examine the impact of customer satisfaction on customers’
behavioural responses. The results support the notion of direct effects of customer
satisfaction on three criterion variables (decision to stay with the existing service
provider, engagement in word‐of‐mouth communications, and intentions to switch service

In (February 2001), (Cathy Parker, Brian P. Mathews) published research on Customer
satisfaction: contrasting academic and consumers’ interpretations. In this research, the
term satisfaction is a very important concept in marketing and is central to many
definitions. This paper seeks to examine what this term means to the public at large. It
explores the various definitions of satisfaction within the literature. The empirical results
derive from individuals’ own interpretation and definition of the term satisfaction, as well
as evaluation of their definitions. Finds that most people cited several definitions of
satisfaction, illustrating that it is a multifaceted concept. The most common
interpretations reflect the notion that satisfaction is a feeling which results from a process
of evaluating what was received against that expected, the purchase decision itself and/or
the fulfillment of needs/wants. It also finds that the particular interpretation is affected by
contextual issues, such as whether it is a product or service under consideration.
Implications for consumer satisfaction measurement and interpretation are discussed.

(Ingrid Fečiková) in (2004) published research on measurement of customer satisfaction.

In this paper the focus is on Customer satisfaction has become an important issue for
organisations. Companies win or lose based on what percentage of their customers they
can keep. Success is largely about retention of customers, which again depends on
Customer satisfaction level. It would be a great help to be able to comprehensively
measure the quality of product and service, by relating the measures of quality to real
customer behaviour. Some companies get feedback about Customer satisfaction through
the percentage of complaints, some through non‐systematic surveys, again some do not
measure Customer satisfaction at all, because “the system would not add anything useful
and is very time‐consuming”. Give three managers in the same company the same
objective: to improve Customer satisfaction, however it may be measured, and they will
come up with three distinctly different and incompatible plans. Customer satisfaction
requires a number of ingredients, all of which need to be considered. Aims to develop and
simplify measurement systems by using a general formula that makes quantitative
measurement of Customer satisfaction possible.

(Rebekah Bennett, Sharyn Rundle‐Thiele) in (December 2004) published research on

Customer satisfaction should not be the only goal. In this research, customer satisfaction
is an important issue for marketing managers, particularly those in services industries.
However, it appears that achieving customer satisfaction is often the end goal, as
evidenced by the emphasis on customer satisfaction surveys. This paper proposes that this
focus is due to the assumption that satisfied customers are loyal customers and thus high
levels of satisfaction will lead to increased sales. As a result of this assumption, customer
satisfaction is often used as a proxy for loyalty and other outcomes. The authors
empirically demonstrate that satisfaction is not the same as attitudinal loyalty and that
there are instances where satisfaction does not result in loyalty. The results indicate that
satisfaction and loyalty in a business services setting are different constructs, and that,
while the relationship is positive, high levels of satisfaction do not always yield high
levels of loyalty.

A research by (Vikas Mittal and Carly Frennea) in (2013) on the subject of Customer
Satisfaction: A Strategic Review. Superior customer satisfaction provides a clear strategic
advantage and an inimitable resource for a firm particularly in today’s complex and often
uncertain markets. Two decades of academic research have quantified the impact of
customer satisfaction on a number of beneficial customer behaviors and consequent
financial performance. It is clear that firms that manage their customers as well as costs
realize greater financial returns compared to firms that ignore customer satisfaction. The
research provides a strategic overview of this research to enable managers to use
customer satisfaction in the strategic planning processes of their firms. After defining
customer satisfaction, we discuss how customer satisfaction is measured and analyzed,
provide an overview of research on antecedents and outcomes of customer satisfaction,
and offer recommendations for managers on how to achieve a successful customer-
focused strategy.




The main demographics targeted were the younger age group because they are more tech
savvy and they are aware of the latest developments that are going on in the digital
marketing. Also I focused on people working with digital marketing companies as they
have knowledge about digital marketing.

The research design constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis
of data. It aids the scientists in the allocation of his limited resources by posing actual
“Research Design is the plan and structure of investigation so conceived as to obtain
answer to research questions. “So in brief research design must contain at least following
 Clear statement of research problem.
 Use procedure and techniques for gathering information.
The research design used in this project report is descriptive research design.
Descriptive research studies are those, which has been concerned with describing the
characteristics of a particular individual, or for a group. The studies concerns whether
with the specific predictions with narration of facts and characteristics concerning
individual, group or situation are all examples of descriptive research design in which
searchers cannot manipulate the facts.

Sources of Data Collection:

In a broader sense it has been analyzed that two types of data are available to researcher.
These are:
The data has been collected both from primary as well as secondary sources.

The primary data has been collected through Questionnaires, for which a basic set of
questions are prepared in advance.

The secondary data has been collected in the form of various articles from marketing
journals, magazines and the websites.

Primary Data:
Survey Research
 Data was collected from employees of various digital marketing companies and
students having knowledge of the topic using questionnaire. The questionnaire
was distributed in colleges and employees.
 I distributed the questionnaires outside the offices to gather data from employees
who are working there.
 I made an online questionnaire and circulated on the internet and gathered results
from those.
Measurement Instruments
 What the people think about the contribution of artificial intelligence to digital
marketing, their thinking will also be mapped.
 The data was extracted and put in MS Excel. All the further analysis was done.
 The measurement was designed to get a fair idea about the various attributes and
conducted factorial analysis of the important attributes.

Primary data are those, which are collected for the first time. Data is collected by using
questionnaire as a tool .The questionnaire contained questions, which are closed-ended.
Closed-ended questions are those wherein the respondent has to merely check the
appropriate answer from a list of options available. Any doubts raised by the respondents
were clarified to get the perfect answers from the distributors. Closed-Ended questions
were relatively simple to tabulate and analyze. It implies when somebody gather the
information for the first time subsequent to utilizing these sorts of procedure:-
 Talk with/Questionnaire strategy: The information gathered for making the
review fruitful was meeting and poll strategies.
 Organized Questionnaire: For this report organized survey was readied. All
respondent were asked 16 close ended inquiries, in which they needed to look
over two alternatives. Reason of asking close ended inquiries is to make it simple
to examine and understanding levels of workers.

 Interview: Interview is a procedure of collecting data by interacting face to face
with the respondents. The interviewer is supposed to note down the responses of
respondents by himself. So the data is also collected through interview technique
because of the inability of the worker to fill the questionnaire.

Secondary Data:
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer to the data which have
been collected and analyzed by someone and can save both money and time of their
searcher. Secondary data may be available in the form of company records, trade
publications, libraries etc. Secondary data sources are as follows:


The process of drawing a sample from a large population is called sampling. Population
refers to the total of items about which information is defined. Well-selected samples may
reflect fairly and accurately the characteristics of the population.

Sampling Unit:
Who is to be surveyed? The marketing researcher must define the target population that
will be sampled. Once the sampling unit is determined, a sampling frame must be
developed so that everyone in the target population has an equal or known chance of
being sampled.

Sample Size:
Different people were randomly selected from different areas from Delhi and they were
selected for survey. The sample size was 100.

Sampling Technique Adopted:

It is the technique in which we selected the sample. The non-probability sampling method
the approaches for survey under which I have selected the samples as per my

Random sampling has been used in this study. Random sampling is used for selection of
homogeneous sample for the study. It refers to selecting a sample of study objects on

randomly. Thus research study may include study objects, which are randomly located.
Research findings based on random sampling however, cannot be generalized.


In this research the data analysis tools used are percentages, pie charts and graphs. The
various attributes were analyzed independently and the importance to each was calculated
on the basis of the percentage. The rank having the greatest percentage was taken to be
preferred importance to the particular attribute. .
Spreadsheet program Excel, fixed with some basic statistical techniques such as bar
graphs, has been used to analyze data drawn from surveys.

The tools used for the analysis of factors involved in consumer retention are as
Pie charts:- A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to
illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice, is proportional
to the quantity it represents.
Graphs:- Graphs are nothing more than a graphical representation of the data collected in
tabular form and shall be used to interpret results.
Percentage:- Percentage is used to plot data on graph.


Efforts had been made to collect the relevant information through the sources available;
still some relevant information could not be gathered.
Although the study was carried out with extreme passion and careful planning there are
several limitations:

Time Constraints:
The time predetermined for the project to be completed is less and thus there are chances
that some in sequence might have been left out, however due care is taken to include all
the appropriate information needed.

Sample size:
Due to time constraint the sample size was relatively small and would definitely have
been more spokesperson if I had collected information from more respondents.

It is difficult to know if all the respondents gave accurate information; some respondents
tend to give confusing information.

Information is also based on the secondary sources of collection therefore it is dependent

Other limitations:
 Few respondents have not shown attention towards feedback about products.
 Some of the question not been respondent well.
 The sample size was very small.
 Lack of interest of respondents.



1. Sources from which you got information about Memat Digi.

Table 5.1

S.No. Source of Information Percentage

1 Friends 20%

2 Online 30%

3 Social Media 35%

4 Other 15%

Figure 5.1

Social Media
35% Other


The above chart shows that most of the respondents have heard from social media and
online and less have heard from friends and other sources. Nowadays people are more on
social media platform and they refer those platforms when any need arise. The company
also understands the importance of social media so that they are focusing more on
building relations with customers and reaching more audiences through online channels.
The Company also believes that it is the best platform to generate business leads and
making a reputation among customers.

2. Services taken from Memat Digi.

Table 5.2

S.No. Services Percentage

1 Web Design & Development 46%

2 Digital Marketing 39%

3 Content Writing 8%

4 Mobile App Design & Development 5%

Figure 5.2

Web Design &
Digital Marketing
Content Writing

40% Mobile App Design &



The chart shows that most of the respondents have taken web design and development
services and Digital Marketing services as when it comes to having online availability,
this is the first step for anyone who is entering into the online world because it is the
website from which customer attracts. In Digital Marketing services, marketing of
products and services using affiliate marketing, display advertising, and other digital
media are done. So it can be analyzed that more new customers are attracted to the
3. Quality of the service liked most.

Table 5.3

S.No. Quality of the service Percentage

1 Completed on time 4%

2 Made according to the guidelines 9%

3 Quality and Low Price 12%

4 All of the above 65%

5 Other 10%

Figure 5.3

10% 4% Completed on time


Made according to the

12% guidelines
Quality and low price

All of the above

65% Other


The pie chart shows that most of the respondents liked all the qualities i.e. completed on
time, made according to the guidelines and quality and low price because company is
focusing on each and every quality like time is suggested to each and every employee in
which they have to complete work and it is ensured that all the requirements of customers
have met and it is made according to the guidelines and it is also ensured that the
customers can get superior quality with low prices.

4. Suitable medium for reaching people or customers.

Table 5.4

S.No. Sources Percentage

1 Social Media 48%

2 Email Marketing 35%

3 Calling 12%

4 Other 5%

Figure 5.4


Social Media
48% Email Marketing


The above chart shows that most of the respondents have chosen social media as a
suitable medium for reaching people or customers because nowadays people are more on
social media platforms and when they need anything, they search on social media
platforms. It is the best medium to reach company directly and it is the faster and easier
way of communication as customers can contact a customer service representative
anytime and anywhere. Online presence helps company in reaching more customers.

5. Services have helped in achieving goals.

Table 5.5

S.No. Achieving goals Percentage

1 Yes 84%

2 No 9%

3 Can’t say 7%

Figure 5.5


Can't say



This chart shows that most of the respondents have agreed that the services provided by
the company help in achieving goals because the customer knows his product and its
market also, so the company understands customers whole requirement and how they
want services so that it can help the customer in achieving goals in the most effective
way. The company hires professionals who have expertise in their work so that they can
do the work as per the requirements which can help the customer in achieving goals.

6. Willing to take services in future.

Table 5.6

S.No. Services in Future Percentage

1 Yes 86%

2 No 2%

3 Might be 12%

Figure 5.6

2% 12%

Might be



The above chart shows that most of the respondents are interested and are willing to take
services again in the future. This is because the company stays in touch with the customer
and asks them about their experience and if they need any update or correction in the
service. The company has trained its employees in the way that they interact well with
customers and maintain good communication with employees. A company’s ability to
provide a satisfying customer experience and retain its customers is the biggest strength.

7. Willing to refer services to others.

Table 5.7

S.No. Refer services Percentage

1 Yes 83%

2 No 4%

3 May be 13%

Figure 5.7



May be



This chart shows that most of the respondents refer services to others also because the
customers like the way in which employees interact and treat them. The customers also
liked the services as they have seen immense growth in their business in a cost-effective
way and are able to reach more audiences. Some of the customers liked service so much
that they have subscribed to other services also. The company also believes that word of
mouth publicity is very important for any company.

8. Changes in business after using the services.

Table 5.8

S.No. Change in business Percentage

1 Yes 73%

2 No 15%

3 Can’t say 12%

Figure 5.8


15% Yes
Can't say



The above pie chart shows that most of the respondents can see the change in their
business as they are doing more business now and some of the customers feel that their
product is positioned like a brand among customers. Now they are able to interact with
potential customers and handle queries of customers and help in making the right choice.
The customers feel that they are not limited to only offline mode. They feel that they can
increase their business with this new extended opportunity.

9. Rate services as per your preference.

Table 5.9

S.No. Rate services Percentage

1 Very Satisfied 30%

2 Satisfied 42%

3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 19%

4 Dissatisfied 5%

5 Very Dissatisfied 4%

Figure 5.9

4% Very Satisfied

30% Satisfied
Neither satisfied nor

Very Dissatisfied


From the above chart, it can be seen that most of the respondents are satisfied with the
services provided by the company; this is because of the company’s attitude to satisfy
customers and their focus towards each and every work. The company also takes care of
their employees and their needs so that they work efficiently. The respondents who are
not satisfied with the services the company constantly working to solve their queries.

10. Growth of business after using the service.

Table 5.10

S.No. Growth of business Percentage

1 More than Expected 37%

2 Expected 51%

3 Below Expectations 12%

Figure 5.10


More than Expected
Below Expectations



In this chart, most of the respondents feel that the services are according to their
expectations and as they expected the digital marketing services, web design and
development services and other services have made their business and product as a brand
and before taking this service they are limited to a market but after the digital marketing
and other services they have created many new opportunities. 37% of respondents have
responded that the service is more than they have expected.

11. Rate overall experience with Memat Digi.

Table 5.11

S.No. Overall Experience Percentage

1 Excellent 19%

2 Good 47%

3 Neutral 27%

4 Bad 5%

5 Very Bad 2%

Figure 5.11


Very Bad


In the above pie chart, most of the respondent's overall experience with the company is
good as the company’s attitude of working effectively and efficiently liked by the
customers. This motivates the company to work with the hope to grow their customer's
business and make them satisfied because one satisfied customer is equal to many more
customers. More positive reviews help the company to work by discovering many new
opportunities and negative reviews also motivate them to correct themselves where they
are going wrong.

12. Rate company on the given parameters.

Table 5.12
Satisfied Neither satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Quality of Work 84 12 4
Friendliness 76 17 7
Professionalism 74 20 6
Communication 87 10 3

Figure 5.12

Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied

84 87
76 74

17 20
12 10
4 7 6 3

Quality of Work Friendliness Professionalism Communication


The bar graph shows that most of the respondents are satisfied in terms of quality of
work, friendliness, professionalism, and communication. Respondents feel that the
company is professional enough to deal with customers and their queries. The company
employees communicate in a very well manner. The friendliness nature of the company
makes customers comfortable in telling their queries. The quality of work is liked very
much by the customers as they have expected from the company.




 Most of the respondents have heard from social media and online because
nowadays people are more on social media platform and they refer those
platforms when any need arise.
 35% respondents responded that social media is the best platform to generate
business leads and making a reputation among customers.
 46% of the respondents have taken web design and development services and 39%
of the respondents have taken Digital Marketing services because it is the first
step for anyone who is entering into the online world.
 So it is found that more new customers are attracted to the company.
 Most of the respondents have liked all the quality aspects of the service.
 65% of the respondents liked all the qualities i.e. completed on time, made
according to the guidelines and quality and low price.
 All the requirements of customers have met and the services done according to the
 Most of the respondents have chosen social media as a suitable medium for
reaching people or customers because nowadays people are more on social media
platforms and when they need anything, they search on social media platforms.
 48% of respondents responded that social media is the best medium to reach
company directly and it is the faster and easier way of communication as
customers can contact a customer service representative anytime and anywhere.
 Online presence helps company in reaching more customers.
 Most of the respondents have agreed that the services provided by the company
help in achieving goals because the customer knows his product and its market
 86% of the respondents are interested and are willing to take services again in the
future as the company stays in touch with the customer and asks them about their

 A company’s ability to provide a satisfying customer experience and retain its
customers is the biggest strength.
 Most of the respondents refer services to others also because the customers like
the way in which employees interact and treat them.
 Respondents believed that they have seen immense growth with very low prices.
 Most of the respondents can see the change in their business as they are doing
more business now and some of the customers feel that their product is positioned
like a brand among customers.
 Most of the respondents are satisfied with the services provided by the company;
this is because of the company’s attitude to satisfy customers and their focus
towards each and every work.
 Most of the respondents feel that the services are according to their expectations
and as they expected the digital marketing services, web design and development
services and other services have made their business and product as a brand.
 37% of respondents have responded that the service is more than they have
 47% of respondent's responded that overall experience with the company is good
as the company’s attitude of working effectively and efficiently liked by the
 Most of the respondents are satisfied in terms of quality of work, friendliness,
professionalism, and communication.
 Most of the respondents feel that the company is professional enough to deal with
customers and their queries.
 Most of the respondents responded that the friendliness nature of the company
makes customers comfortable in telling their queries.


 The company is focusing on only social media for customer visibility but I would
suggest that they can focus on other mediums also.
 The company should recruit professionals for other services other than web design
and development services.
 The company should take feedback from their customers because it is very
essential in order to improve the business.
 The company can create discount offers or any other attractive offers to attract
 Referral Scheme can be created so that customers feel excited to gain referral
 The staff was cordial and helpful but should be trained to deal with customer
 The company can focus on different offline channels rather than focusing only on
online sources.
 The company can conduct various training programs on communication so that
employees can communicate more effectively.
 Rather focusing only on new customers, company can focus on other ones also.
 The company can be in touch with those customers who are not satisfied with the
 The focus of the company is only on customers but not on employees.
 Various things can be done to motivate employees.
 The company can start employee of the month.


After an analysis of the questionnaire, it has been concluded that most of the customers of
Memat Digi are satisfied with the services. The most searched platform by customers for
seeking information about the company is social media and online channels. Customers
preferred social media platform more in searching about the company and feels that it is a
suitable medium to reach customers. Web designing and development services and digital
marketing services are the services taken by most of the customers. The customers have
liked various qualities like that the services completed on time, made according to the
guidelines, quality and low price. The purpose for which the customers have taken the
service is fulfilled by the company.

The customers are very much satisfied and willing to take services in the future and they
are also willing to refer services to others also. Most of the customers feel that their
business has changed and has grown after taking services of the company. Most of the
customers are satisfied with the services but there are some customers who are not
satisfied and the company needs to work on those customers. Customers feel that the
growth of the business after taking the service is expected. The Overall experience of
customers is good but the company needs to improve as there are some customers whose
experience is not good. On the parameter of quality of work, friendliness,
professionalism, and communication, most of the customers are satisfied with the



 Athanassopoulos, A., Gounaris, S., & Stathakopoulos, V. (2001). Behavioural

responses to customer satisfaction: an empirical study. European journal of
marketing, 35(5/6), 687-707.
 Bennett, R., & Rundle-Thiele, S. (2004). Customer satisfaction should not be the
only goal. Journal of services marketing, 18(7), 514-523.
 Fečiková, I. (2004). An index method for measurement of customer
satisfaction. The TQM magazine, 16(1), 57-66.
 Mittal, V., & Frennea, C. (2010). Customer satisfaction: a strategic review and
guidelines for managers. MSI Fast Forward Series, Marketing Science Institute,
Cambridge, MA.
 Ngo, M. V. (2015). Measuring Customer Satisfaction: A Literature
Review. Finance and Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice
 Parker, C., & Mathews, B. P. (2001). Customer satisfaction: contrasting academic
and consumers’ interpretations. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 19(1), 38-44.

Knowledge Papers

 ICSI. “Growth of IT Industry”. Retrieved from :
dITeSIndustry.pdf, accessed on 27/9/19
 IBEF. “IT Industry”. Retrieved from :
technology-india.aspx, accessed on 28/9/19
 Indian Mirror. “Indian IT Industry”. Retrieved from:,
accessed on 27/9/19.
 Sophia Bernazzani. “Customer Satisfaction”. Retrieved from :, accessed on


Q1. From where did you first heard about Memat Digi?

a. Friends
b. Online
c. Social Media
d. Other

Q2. Which service you have taken from Memat Digi?

a. Web Design & Development

b. Digital Marketing
c. Content Writing
d. Mobile App Design & Development
e. Other

Q3. Which quality of the service you liked most?

a. Completed on time
b. Made according to the guidelines
c. Quality and low price
d. All of the above
e. Other

Q4. Which medium do you think is suitable for reaching people or customers?

a. Social Media
b. Email Marketing
c. Calling
d. Other

Q5. Does the service help in achieving your goals?

a. Yes
b. No

c. Can’t say

Q6. In the future, would you be willing to take services again?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Might be

Q7. Do you want to refer services of memat digi to anyone else?

a. Yes
b. No
c. May be

Q8. Do you see any change in your business after taking the services?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t say

Q9. How would you rate our services?

a. Very Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very Dissatisfied

Q10. How would you rate the growth of your business after taking the services?

a. More than expected

b. Expected
c. Below Expectations

Q11. How would you rate the overall experience with Memat Digi?

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Neutral

d. Bad
e. Very Bad

Q12. Rate the parameters below-

Satisfied Neither satisfied nor Dissatisfied

Quality of Work

Name: _____________________________

Contact No.: ________________________

Email: _____________________________

Company Name: _____________________


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