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English for Engineers – Level 5 – FINAL EXAM


STRUCTURE (10 points)

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He was nicknamed "Al" at an early age. At age 11, Edison
moved to Michigan where he spent the remainder of his childhood.
Thomas Edison struggled at school, but learned to love reading and conducting experiments from his mother who taught
him at home. At age 15, Edison became a "tramp telegrapher", sending and receiving messages via morse code, an
electronically-conveyed alphabet using different clicks for each letter. Eventually, he worked for the Union Army as a
telegrapher. Edison often entertained himself by taking things apart to see how they worked. Soon, he decided to become
an inventor.
In 1870, Edison moved to New York City and improved the stock ticker. He soon formed his own company that
manufactured the new stock tickers. He also began working on the telegraph, and invented a version that could send four
messages at once. Meanwhile, Edison married Mary Stillwell, had three children and moved his family to Menlo Park, New
Jersey where he started his famous laboratory.
In 1877, Edison, with help from "muckers", individuals from around the world looking to make fortunes in America,
invented the phonograph. The phonograph was a machine that recorded and played back sounds. He perfected the
phonograph by recording "Mary had a Little Lamb" on a piece of tin foil! In 1878, Edison invented the light bulb as well
as the power grid system, which could generate electricity and deliver it to homes through a network of wires. He
subsequently started the Edison Electric Light Company in October of 1878.
In 1884, after he attained great fame and fortune, Mary Stillwell died. Edison remarried 20 year old Mina Miller in 1886.
He had three more children and moved to West Orange, New Jersey. At West Orange, Edison built one of the largest
laboratories in the world. He worked extremely hard and registered 1,093 patents. Edison continued to invent or improve
products and make significant contributions to x-ray technology, storage batteries and motion pictures (movies). He also
invented the world's first talking doll. His inventions changed the world forever. They still influence the way we live today.
Edison worked until his death on October 18, 1931.
Summarize the reading in 5 passive voice sentences (5 points, 2 points each)
1. He moved to New York and formed his own company.
2. He invented the phonograph in 1877 with the help of other people.
3. He invented the light bulb and the electric grid in 1878.
4. He registered 1093 patents throughout his life.
5. He died on October 18, 1931


Reading 1 (10 points: 2 Points each)

There are big cultural differences between British shoppers and shoppers in continental Europe when it comes to credit
cards. Shopping by credit card in Britain is rising: it increased by £400 million last month. But shoppers in France and other
continental European countries still prefer checks, cash, debit or store cards to credit cards. Two-thirds of all credit card
spending in the European Union takes place on British cards. But this picture is starting to change in continental European
countries. In 2002, Visa increased the number of its credit cards in the EU by 10.6 percent. The number of transactions rose
by 12 percent. In France, many shoppers are learning that store cards charge higher interest rates than credit cards. There
are still many difficulties for credit card companies that want to expand in continental Europe. Many continental European
consumers don’t like to spend on credit cards: they prefer to negotiate a loan with their bank branch. So their local bank
remains the main source of credit. But many US- and UK-owned credit card companies see the possibility of growth in
continental Europe and have ambitious plans to expand.

1) Which is true?
a) The British and other Europeans use credit cards in the same way.
b) The British use credit cards more than other Europeans.
c) The British use credit cards less than other Europeans.

2) In Britain …
a) there has been an increase in shopping by credit card.
b) there has been a decrease in shopping by credit card.
c) there has been no change in the way British people pay for things when shopping.

3) What do French people think about credit cards?

a) they only pay in cash.
b) they like shopping with credit cards best.
c) they like store cards, cheques and cash better than credit cards.

4) In 2002, …
a) there was a rise in the number of Visa cards in the UK.
b) there was a rise in the number of Visa cards in Europe.
c) interest on credit increased.

5) Shopping by store card in France is …

a) more expensive than shopping by credit card.
b) less expensive than shopping by credit card.
c) the same as shopping by credit card.

6) Outside the UK, many continental Europeans …

a) often get credit from their bank.
b) think credit cards are the best way to get credit.
c) don’t like shopping on credit.
7) Credit card companies …
a) think they have good market opportunities in the EU.
b) have no possibility of increasing their market in the EU.
c) want to grow – but it won’t be easy for them.

8) In the article, you read about …

a) four different ways to pay for things.
b) three different ways to pay for things.
c) five different ways to pay for things.

9) Shopping by credit card in Britain

a) Increased more than £300 million last month.
b) Decreased by £400 million last month.
c) Increased by £400 million last month.

10) According to the reading…

a) British shoppers and shoppers in continental Europe are similar.
b) British shoppers and shoppers in continental Europe are quite different
c) British shoppers and shoppers in continental Europe don’t have big differences

Reading 2 (10 points: 2 Points each)

People have sold many strange things on the Internet auction site eBay, but never a whole life - until now. Ian Usher, a 44-
year-old British man is selling his “entire life”. This includes his three-bedroom house in Perth, Australia and all its contents,
his job, hobbies, and even his friends. Mr. Usher said: "Everything that I have - the furniture in the house - all has memories
attached to it. It's time to say out with the old, and in with the new.” He explained he wanted to make a “clean break” and
make a “fresh start” after splitting up with his wife. The bidding opened on June 22nd and within five hours, he had attracted
70 bids. The highest offer was just over $625,000, which is more than the half-a-million dollars he wanted. There is no
telling how much the final offer will be when bidding closes on June 29th.
His friends thought the auction was a great idea. They are all willing to be introduced to the highest bidder as a potential
new friend. Joy Jones, who co-owns a store in Perth where Ian used to work, said: "When Ian came up with this idea,
because we had seen him go through a break-up of marriage and pain and bits and pieces, I thought it was really exciting.
We thought, why not give it a go?" Ian can’t wait for the sale of his life. He said: "I intend to walk out of my front door
with my wallet in one pocket and my passport in the other, nothing else at all.” He has no idea what the future has in store
for him. "My current thoughts are to…head to the airport and ask…where the next flight with an available seat goes to, and
to get on that and see where life takes me from there," he said.
Taken from:

A. Answer according to the reading. Give long and complete answer.

1. What’s Mr. Usher selling? Ian Usher is selling his entire life. This includes his three-bedroom house in Perth, Australia
and all its contents, his job, hobbies and his friends.
2. Where does he live? He lives in Pert, Australia.
3. What did his friend think about that initiative? His friends thought it was a great idea.
4. How much did he expect? He expected about 125000
5. When does the bidding close? The bidding closes on June 29th.

B. Write T for true and F for false in the following statements. CORRECT THE FALSE SENTENCES BELOW.
1. Mr. Usher wants a new air in his life. T F

2. Mr. Usher lives with his wife T F

Mr. Usher doesn’t live with his wife
3. Mr. Usher is selling his wife T F
Mr. Usher is selling his whole life, but not his wife.
4. Ian wants to continue living in Australia T F
Ian wants to go on a trip.
5. The bidding started on June 22nd T F

LISTENING (50 points)

Listening 1: Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions (12,5 points: 2,5 Points each) Give long
SHORT answers.
Download the audio:
1. Where was he born?
2. Where did his family come from?
3. When did he move to America?
4. When did the company start?
5. How many workers did the company have by 1995?
6. When did he join the company?
7. How long did he work in the States?
8. What was his job title in Europe?
9. Why did he leave the company?
10. What is he doing now?

Listening 2: You will hear Roger Tremain asking his manager if he can go on a training course. Listen to the
conversation and complete this chart (1–5) with details of the course Roger wants to attend. You will hear the
conversation twice (25 points: 2,5 Points each)

A. Download the audio:

1. Type of course Sales training course

2. Location (town or city) North London

3. Starting date October 16th

4. Duration of course Two week

5. Cost (course only) 1900

B. Listen again and mark these statements true (T) or false (F).

Roger’s manager says that …

6. the course is a good one. __T___

7. Roger can take time off to do the course before Christmas. __F___

8 there is enough money in the budget to cover costs up to £2,500. __F___

9. Roger is a good employee who will benefit from the training. __T___

10. Roger should put all the details in writing. __T___

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