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Lesson 10.

1 Routine
Read and Translate
○ Todd: Hey, Shantel, what do you do on the weekend?
○ Shantel: On the weekend, I wake up and I make breakfast.
○ Todd: Oh, what do you make?
○ Shantel: I like to make toast.
○ Todd: All right. I often eat toast, too.
○ Todd: What do you do on the weekend?
○ Shantel: Let's see. After I eat breakfast, I clean the kitchen and make my
bed. What about you?
○ Todd: I also clean my house. I wash the dishes and I do my laundry
○ Shantel: What do you do for fun?
○ Todd: I go to the park or play sports. I play soccer at the park. Sometimes, I
ride my bike. Sometimes, I go hiking. I do lots on Saturday. On Sunday, I
○ Shantel: Nice.
○ Todd: What do you do on Sunday?
○ Shantel: I also enjoy my time on Sunday. I really like to go out with friends
and, sometimes, we go to festivals or visit new cities, and we eat a lot of
really good food.
○ Todd: Oh, that sounds fun.
○ Shantel: Actually, we also really enjoy camping. Do you like camping?
○ Todd: I love camping. I love the outdoors. I go hiking often.
○ Shantel: Oh, me, too.
○ Todd: Oh, that's cool. What about Sunday evening?
○ Shantel: Oh, Sunday evening, I relax. I cook a big dinner, and I listen to
music, and, sometimes, I read my book, but, often, I go to sleep very early
on Sunday.
○ Todd: Oh, wow.
○ Shantel: And you?
○ Todd: Well, on Sunday, I don't cook. I usually order food. I order pizza or
maybe I eat at a restaurant, and then I watch TV. My favorite TV show is on
Sunday night.

Lesson 10.2 Feelings

1, Happy – Interactive practice
A: "Hey John. I have some great news."
B: "What happens?"
A: "I get a job offer from Dell."
B: "That's great. I thought you said you didn't get the job."
A: "I thought I did bad on the interview, but I guess I was wrong. I'm so happy right
B: "I bet. That's great news. I'm very happy for you."
A: "Thanks. I feel like celebrating. Let's go have a beer. It's on me."
B: "Sounds good."

A: "Life's so boring."
B: "Well, most of the time it is, I guess."
A: "What do you think will make you happy?"
B: "I think money will make me happy."
A: "People say that money doesn't guarantee happiness."
B: "It guarantees for me. Then I can do all the things I want to do."
A: "You will get bored eventually."
B: "Then I can find something new to do. If I don't have to worry about money, then
I don't have to work."
A: "That's true, I think. If I don’t have to work, I think I will be happy."
B: "You see... money doesn't equal happiness, but it takes away a lot of stress."

2, Stress – Interactive practice

A: "What stress you out the most?"
B: "Maybe my parents."
A: "Why?"
B: "Well, during school, they want good grades. After I get a job, they want me to
get a better job. And finally, they want me to get married."
A: "You have to deal with a lot of pressure from your parents."
B: "Your parents are not like that?"
A: "Because I brought home some bad grades in elementary school, they never
expect much."
B: "You're lucky."
A: "What do you do to deal with the stress?"
B: "Not much. It's always there. I sometimes go out with some friends and drink,
but that's only a temporary solution. The stress always returns in the morning."
A: "That sucks. Do you want to go grab a beer?"
B: "Sure. Sounds great. Let's go."

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