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This is a Bogota´s Mayor project of Centro de Lenguas (Universidad Pedagógica

Nacional) Teacher: Dalia Isis Camelo Olmos Intermediate 1 Saturday (morning) 8:00-

Is made up of: -Oscar Mendoza -Erik Parra

-Valentina Gonzales -Juan Camilo Sánchez-

Bogota´s Mayor
as all us know Bogota has a lot of problems
in different aspects, and those aspects
could be the means of transportation,
insecurity, the economy of the city etc.
So our group chose “means of transportation”
that is one of biggest problems that Bogota
has because with this topic we can take a
look at some aspects like insecurity in the
means of transport and what the economy is
like referring to this aspect
So we want to show the problems that each
means of transport has, and the proposal we
choose to solve those problems
Transmilienio is a means of transport that
all the people use, but it’s not perfect. It
has a lot of problems for example;
-In some of the case there aren’t enough
buses for the quantity of people that use.
-The people have to wait for a long time to
use this means
-In The buses there is too much insecurity
-The buses produce a lot of pollution
- The people don’t use the transmilenio in a
good way, they don’t pay the tickets they
1) one of our proposals it is buy more buses
to solve the problem of offer-demand it
requires now day
2) Do some campaigns in which one show how
it’s the correct way to use the transmilenio
by not littering
3) In each bus it’s going to be a police
officer who is going to bring security to
the people
4) Changing the old buses for new electric
ones that don’t produce pollution

-Most of the taxi drivers are so rude with
the passengers
- In some cases, some taxi drivers don’t go
to a place because they say that it’s far
- There are not enough taxis
1)To offer the taxi drivers a training course
in customer service to value and appreciate
the fact that they have to be more educated
with the passengers because the money that
they win its they money that the passengers
2) To lower the cost of a taxi ride so more
people can take it
3)To get more police officers and stations
at the dangerous zone in Bogotá

This means of transportation has some
problems the most important ones are
- those buses are so old and in some cases,
they don’t work and produce pollution
-There aren’t enough buses for all the
- you have to wait for a long time to take a
1) To buy new buses that don’t produce
2) To coordinate the departure and arrival
of the buses.

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