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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

1.     Cardamom belongs to family: D
a)  Liliaceae                             b)  Loganaceae
c)  Apocyanaceae    d)  Zingiberaceae
2.     Sakaguchi’s reaction is specific for C
(A) Tyrosine (B) Proline (C) Arginine (D) Cysteine
3.     Oxidation of galactose with conc HNO3 yields A
(A) Mucic acid (B) Glucuronic acid
(C) Saccharic acid (D) Gluconic acid
4.     Allepy variety of cardamom has approx. size: C
a)  4 to 10 mm                         b)  2 to 4 mm
c)  8 to 20 mm                         d)  6 to 12 mm
5.     The chief active constituent of fennel: D
a)  Carvone                              b)  Borneol
c)  Dill-Apiole                         d)  Fenchone
6.     Biological source for Nutmeg: C
a)  foeniculum vulgare                              b)  Coriandrum sativum
c)  Myristica fragrans                              d)  Elettaria cardamom
7.     Drug, which does not, belong to family umbelliferae: D
a)  Caraway                             b)  Coriander
c)  Ajowan                              d)  Cardamom
8.     Nutmeg contains percentage of volatile oil: A
a)  5 to 16%                             b)  10 to 20 %
c)  15 to 25%                           d)  20 to 30 %
9.     Fennel contains percentage of volatile oil: A
a)  3 to 7 %                              b)  7 to 10%
c)  10 to 13 %                          d)  13 to 155
10.  Nutmeg should contain volatile oil not less than: D
a)  1 % w/v                              b)  2% w/v
c)  3 % w/v                              d)  5 % w/v
11.  Volatile oil in Coriander should not less than: A
a)  0.3%                   b)  3.0%
c)  3.3%                   d)  4.4%
12.  Fennel contains type of stomata: D
a)  Diacytic                              b)  Actinocytic
c)  Anisocytic                          d)  Anomocytic
13.  Exhuasted fennel is identified by absence of : A
a)  Fenchone                            b)  Anethol
c)  Carvone                              d)  Cineol
14.  Which variety of fennel contains least percentage of volatile oil content? A
a)  Indian                                 b)  Saxony
c)  French sweet      d)  Japanese
15.  The fat of nutmeg is known as: C
a)  Ghee                   b)  Nutmeg oil
c)  Nutmeg butter    d)  Nutmeg protein
16.  Cinnamom bark does not contain: C
a)  Cinnamaldehyde b)  Tannins
c)  Coumarin                           d)  Benzaldehyde
17.  The biological source of cinnamon: C
a)  Cinnamomum zeylanicum                  b)  Cinnamomum cassia blume
c)  Cinnamomum burmanii                      d)  Cinnamomum loireirii
18.  Biological source of Garlic is: A
a)  Allium sativum                                    b)  Pinus roxburghii
c)  Thymus vulgaris                                d)  Santalum album
19.  ______ is not the use of Allium sativum. D
a)  Carminative                        b)  Aphrodisiac
c)  Atherosclerosis                  d)  Antiulcer
20.  ‘Holy basil’ is the synonym for drug: D
a)  Alpinia officinarum            b)  Allium sativum
c)  Nardostachys jatamonum   d)  Ocium sanctum
21.  Alkaloid present in Black pepper is: D
a)  Caryophyllene                    b)  Cinnamaldehyde
c)  1-phellandrene                    d)  Piperine
22.  Drug which does not belong to family Umbelliferae: C
a)  Cumin                                b)  Anise
c)  Lavender oil       d)  Celery
23.  The percentage of clove oil in clove should not be less than: A
a)  15%                                     b) 10%
c)  5%                                      d)  1%
24.  Does not occur in clove: A
a)  Starch                 b)  Volatile oil
c)  Tannins                              d)  Resins
25.  When transverse section of clove is treated with potassium hydroxide solution, it D
Strong odor of volatile oil
H2 S gas is evolved
NH3 is evolved
Needle shaped crystals of potassium eugeonate
26.    Drug                                Volatile oil not less than A
a)             Coriander                                              i)                2.0%
b)             Ajowan                                 ii)               2.5%
c)             Dill                                        iii)              1.4%
d)             Fennel                                   iv)              0.3%
A)  a) iv  b) i.         c) ii          d) iii      C) a) iv           b) ii. c) iii           d) i      
B)  a) iv   b) i.         c) iii         d) ii       D) a) i        b) iv.       c) ii          d) iii      

27.  Adulterants for clove                            Characteristics A

a)             Mother clove                           i)              Expanded flowers of clove trees.
b)             Blown cloves                          ii)             Contain only 5% of oil.
c)             Clove stalks                             iii)            Oil is removed from clove.
d)             Exhausted clove      iv)            iv)        Dark brown, ovate and ripened
                                                                                                Fruits of clove
A)  a) iv  b) i.         c) ii          d) iii      C) a) iv           b) ii. c) iii           d) i      
B)  a) iv   b) i.         c) iii         d) ii       D) a) i        b) iv.       c) ii          d) iii      
28.  The family of Ocimum sanctum: A
a)  Labiatae                                              b)  Liliaceae
c)  Lauraceae                                           d)  Loganaceae
29.  Milk is deficient of which mineral? C
(A) Phosphorus                                       (B) Sodium
(C) Iron                                                    (D) Potassium

30.  Which one is the heaviest particulate component of the cell? A

(A) Nucleus (B) Mitochondria
(C) Cytoplasm (D) Golgi apparatus

Unknown at 07:51



Unknown 5 February 2018 at 19:13

thanks for your was very helpful for me.

Unknown 18 April 2018 at 11:10

Question no 17 is answered wrong
The ans is that biological source of cinnamon is cinnamomum zelyanicum nees.


Unknown 29 November 2018 at 09:25



Unknown 4 August 2018 at 12:27

Question no.7 is wrong answered

Unknown 29 November 2018 at 09:31

q7 wuld be "drugs belongs to Umbelliferae" and answer is C Ajowan


Unknown 26 August 2018 at 07:54


Unknown 28 September 2019 at 11:14

Very nice

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